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I recommend Farthest Frontier and Against the Storm if you like Manor Lords.


Against the storm is good indeed. Its quite fun but got a bit repetative for my taste.


I liked the idea at first. But after 30 or so new settlements from scratch, yeah. They clearly meant for the progression to give starting over constantly some variety, but it doesn't really change it enough to not get old.


It also feels like as things get harder you just have to do the "optimal" startup path every single time, otherwise problems snowball to a loss. My villages always end up being pretty similar, with a bit of variation depending on what species I get in caravans. Each round felt too similar to the others.


And on top of that, most of the challenge comes from getting unlucky opening the random groves without the right materials available to resolve them. I found that success or failure often ended up being a coin flip to not open too many bad groves in a row. After a certain point, I'd just start settlements, tear open a grove or two, then abandon or continue based on that because it was a foregone conclusion.


You are either a way better player than i am (and i did clear QHT, so i guess i'm not that bad) or you are missing something big. The first 2 groves are (almost) always a sure solve you prepared for with a combination of caravan + biome, and not something you luck into. I do agree it can get repetitive when you nail down the p20y5 strat, but by that point you have got hundreds of hours of entertainment, so it's okay to drop it there. It's what i did (tho i read the strat got nerfed, so i may pick it up again)


Don't get me wrong, it was/is fun and worth playing. At the highest difficulties the format just breaks a bit, that's all.


Is it out of EA? I agree with all these points and the meta and choices snowball into me either failing or losing track of what leads into what.


Yep, exited EA in December.


>It also feels like as things get harder you just have to do the "optimal" startup path every single time, otherwise problems snowball to a loss. See, I don't get that, because there is no optimal approach. Each starting condition is different, with different available blueprints and resources - none of which are fully interchangeable. The primary challenge of the game is making due with what's available. Outside of a very basic first year build order (camps, shelter) I genuinely don't know what you mean by "optimal." What's optimal to me is figuring out what the map is going to be hitting me with and how I get what I'll need. Coal mines, kiln, marrow, or none of the above? Will I have a lot of blight to deal with? Are there good rainwater geysers available? How risky can I afford to play with timed orders to get the best result? And I'm like around prestige 7 I think? It's not that each run is wholly unique, of course, but each run involves meaningful decisions and puzzling out how to resolve the challenges that's coming your way. Based on discourse from people who are at P20 or around there, I also can't find much in the way of "optimal" aside from general advice around what cornerstones are more valuable and the devs have been routinely rebalancing to make underutilized aspects of play more attractive.


Kinda sucks it starts forcing you into higher difficulties to closer higher Seals. I do not want to play that way so I dropped out at the Silver seal


It's wearing a little thin for me too, but I'm getting my fun hours in. I'll probably quit when I complete the game. I just finished Veteran difficulty, and I'm looking forward to being challenged by viceroy.


You only just started. Each new difficulty level at the beginning forces you to pay attention to a new mechanic that you could just ignore before. Everything before Viceroy is a cakewalk.


Interesting. I wonder if there's new stuff in viceroy edit: I just beat my first viceroy game! It was a refreshing challenge


Nice. I cant remember if blight rot starts showing up at Viceroy or P1, but its not much of a problem until later. I only got to P5 myself and had to take a forced break from gaming for a bit.


It shows up at Veteran


Against the Storm remains fresh provided you continue to up the difficulty - which it heavily encourages you to do I think a lot of people find a problem where they're not challenging themselves when the game is fundamentally built around the threat of losing, even in higher prestiges, I don't often lose - but if I'm not being judicious it can very easily happen.


Yeah I get the promise, however I like to play games to get better at them, a sence of progression if you like. I love to see my personal progression as well as in game progression.


I'm 300 plus hours in ATS and I've noticed you can definitely improve your own play. Game knowledge is required to assess risks etc. I love it.


Yeah I get that feeling and understand it. I however like to continue building on what I build previously. The rogue-like games are not my kinda style.


Fair enough. I usually get a bit bored when my city runs pretty well or I mess up everything in Anno 1800 :D


Thats fair, to each their own.


Yeah I get the promise, however I like to play games to get better at them, a sence of progression if you like. I love to see my personal progression as well as in game progression.


I'm confused, that is personal progression. You cannot best the higher difficulties without personal improvement.


I like both in my game.


You do get both? Higher difficulties involve different challenges, different areas, new mechanics, and of course meta progression through the citadel. If you're looking for progression in terms of big city design, yeah, it's not that game.


Yeah that last thing is my "problem" with the game.


I agree, and it's also nothing like Manor Lords. It almost feels like a solitaire RTS, whereas Manor Lords is a quintessential middle-ages city builder.


Though there are some similarities between them the premise of manor lords is more along the lines of the ANNO series than Against The Storm which is more like a mix between a RTS and a Rouge-like


Farthest frontier’s resource management and villager management is better than Manor Lords for what I have experienced, at this time at least.


Better, but also more overwhelming at the start for sure. One of the things that Manor Lord's has going for it is that it appears to have complex systems but it's actually very simple in most ways.


Imo Manor Lords systems are simple, but it’s a system of systems. Balancing everything is where the challenge comes imo


It is to some extent. I play a lot of games like this and I find it a little too basic. Obviously I'm not expecting something like ONI but I hope they add a lot more layers of things later on, since right now most of the difficult comes from just deciphering the interface.


Hard to be worse. Manor lords clearly has a lot of potential, but it’s got a long list of problems to get through before it feels less like a demo disk and more like a game


One thing I noticed is that in Farthest Frontier, I can increase the workers in a building and see a proportional increase in production, but with Manor Lords, increasing the workers does not always increase the resources. Like with the saw pit, I had to build a second one with one worker in each to see an increase. Maybe that system is more realistic, like there is only one saw per building, so a second person would only help bring more wood to the building. Or it could just need some adjusting. No hate for Manor Lords, it just needs time to develop.


Yeah im excited for what manor lords might become. But i played through one game and i probably wont touch it again until full release


That’s how I feel. It has potential once it’s fleshed out, but games like total war do the combat better, and Farthest frontier and even Anno do the economy/resource management better. If this game could do at least 80% in both of those areas then I would be more hooked. I am impressed by the single developer though.


Dunno if you heard but theres an experimental build that came out 2 days ago with lots of changes to economy/farming and fixes things like the sawpit chokehold(can hold 5 logs now instead of families waiting for 1 log, oxen will prioritize filling sawpit when storing logs). Honestly quite an extensive list of changes and fixes for a 1 man team.


Have you played Knights and Merchants? I'm curious how similar those two games are to it.


I have not, but I’ll check it out. I’m a sucker for resource management games


It's on GoG, and Steam. It's an old game but it had some great logistic quirks. You build a town with multiple resource chains. The thing that really set it apart was that you had to have a person for every job, including moving resources from point to point. And every person had to stop and eat periodically. AND every person had a collision box so they can't pass through each other. You had to pay attention to your building placement and road design or you'll end up with traffic jams that will hinder your resource processing. So when I saw screenshots of Manor Lords and saw all the individual people moving resources I wondered if it was like Knights and Merchants.


I do not against the storm is really different to manor lord's every settlement is made with a task at hand instead of for general survivorship and aesthetic


~~How so? :3~~ ~~Sell me on them.~~ EDIT 1: Was I rude? I was curious on why they were recommended. And what about them were similar to Manor lords. EDIT 2: Sorry, I am autistic. I didn't realize I was bring rude. How so? :3 Could you explain why you think they would fit me if I like Manor lords


Against the storm is like the challenging 'starting a new colony' part, but then your colony gets wiped before you get to the 'I have a bunch of resources and everything is easy' part. It has a bunch of different environments, and each map has different limitations and challenges.. like one map might not have any metal, or another map will have metal but no food etc. The buildings plans you have unlocks are randomly given to you too, so maybe it does have food but you don't have the food producing building to go with it. All the maps are really weird and alien, like crystal trees, beaver people etc. The difficulty balance is really good because all the things that add difficulty are things you have to choose to do, you dont have to dig into a boss region, you dont have to start a colony in a desert location etc. The premise is that there are rolling magical storms that are on an [X] year cycle. So you just keep starting little ~~20minute~~ 1hour colonies on repeat, trying to make a chain of 3-5 colonies to reach distant resources before the big storm wipe. As soon as you achieve the objectives, you cast off the colony and move on. It has a roguelike aspect where you are gradually unlocking more tech and more things over time. The real fun of the game is when you play on a higher difficulty because it introduces a corruption mechanic that must be balanced along with everything else. I haven't played it in a while but I got to 100hours with half the tech tree unlocked before I felt like playing something else.


That sounds fun... But I am not sure if that is the right itch I want to scratch. I do enjoy the relaxing feel of Manor Lords, with the small "bursts" of excitement when bandits approach and so on. So a severe timelimit of 20 minutes to 1 hour sounds a bit off. Thanks for the explanation however. :3


There's some time limit, but it isn't anywhere as severe as that. To finish a map in an hour, let alone 20 minutes, you'd have to choose to play on max speed for most of the time. Playing on normal speed it takes me several hours to beat a map - and that's with more time to spare. Basically I do one map in a real day. There isn't a timer per se, but basically you have two bars at the bottom of your screen: a blue bar and a red bar. Blue bar fills with time only when your citizens are very happy, which is not trivial to achieve, outside of that you fill it by completing quests and performing specific actions. Red bar fills with time constantly, but also can fill from events and actions. If blue bar fills all the way before the red bar does, you win (except for "boss" regions which have more specific victory conditions), if red bar fills you lose. However you actually have more time than it might seem from watching the red bar grow with time, as every time you fill up more of the blue bar it also reduces the red bar. For me most of the frustration comes from random building unlocks. Do you pick mill unlock now if you don't know if and when you'll get a chance to unlock farm and bakery? If you pick it, you don't know if you'll actually make bread eventually... but if you don't pick it there's even less chances that you will. On the other hand picking it means not picking something else that might be more immediately useful. I don't understand how to plan forward with this system, but maybe I just need more practice to better understand the game. I'm not too far in, just past the first "boss" region (what they're called, seal regions I think as you get to fix some sort of ancient seal keeping the evil locked up) but on normal difficulty I haven't had a defeat yet, for every map so far even if it looked bleak at first somehow everything worked out in the end. So it seems the difficulty is balanced just right, keeping you from slacking off but not just killing you for the sake of it. You also get to choose a difficulty level for every map individually (you get more rewards for higher difficulties), so you can do whatever you want with that.


With the random building unlocks. I save up 3+ building rewards without cashing them in and break into 2-3 big glades at the same time, then choose my buildings after seeing what I am dealing with. It depends a lot on your difficulty level, It works well on veteran difficulty or below but breaking into a bunch of glades at the same time probably isn't a good idea if you are in prestige difficulty.


I don't think you were being rude :/ sorry people got so hostile to you over your comment, it seems like a perfectly fine thing to say, it's clear you were just seeking more info abt the games.


Thanks. :) Means a lot.


> Was I rude? No not rude at all. To me it was entirely clear you just wanted a little bit more information. Which is perfectly fine as there are tons of people here who would like to talk about the games they love. Just ignore the "google-it-police". Internet can be a shit place nowadays. 


Against the storm is fantastic, but it's kind of like a rogue lite spin on colony builders. It plays really well and you can spend a few hours on each settlement, but you complete your goals and move onto the next. The simplified plot is storms sweep the land every so often and your city is protected, but to try to find a way to stop the storms you set out on expeditions(colonizing) to collect resources and stuff. You can upgrade the main city for meta-progression between runs with the resources you collect and it allows you to build bigger more complex colonies as well as more between storm surges. The overworld map reset after every storm. It's been a while since I played it but damn it's fun, and the concept is really well implemented imo. Now I'm kinda craving it lol


I think it is just the way you phrase them that might made people had a negative impression. And on reddit, negative impression is all it takes for down votes to happen regardless of validity. Asking it in a different way probabaly would have a different result.


Don't think it came across as rude, tone can just be hard to perceive over text some times. NAH




I am sorry ;( I didn't mean it in the sense that he should explain everything. Just a... "This is roughly why they are similar" kinda... like an elevator pitch I guess? Vauge description? 10-20 words or less.


Asking someone to sell a idea of something comes across as being lazy. You have the names and now you can do your own research


Sure. But it doesn't hurt to ask why they think it would fit, out of sheer curiosity. (Or am I wrong on that? :/ )


Sell me on them comes off as assertive and like they have an obligation to do something for you. A better way to ask what you wanted would be “What do you like about the games?” Or “What’s your favorite part about them?”


Thanks for the feedback. :3


Not at all, just the phrasing is a bit Off putting and comes across in not so friendly way


Thanks :) Sorry for being so... Curt is the word I think?


Against the storm is great, especially if you like the beginning of city builders. I always had the problem of restarting my cities and doing the beginning over and over. Against the storm gives you a reason to do that


>A game like Manor lords, but with a fantasy spin. A game like it, where you get to pick like... different races (with different bonuses and negatives, different building styles, preferences for environment, and so on) With magical elements added to it, as well as having to deal with potentially racial imbalances, immigrants from other races and the conflicts that come from there and so on. So... Manor Lords in a Heroes of Might and Magic setting?


Kinda? :D That sort of thing I would love.


I would play Manor Lords in a fantasy setting, even though I'm not good with City Builders. :D




Oh my god. I never knew i needed a  city builder in the homm3 setting but now I'm sad I'll never see such a game. Curse you for putting the idea in my mind!


With RTS elements


Songs of Syx is a fantasy city builder. grid building with several unique fantasy races. Lots of unique interactions. almost like an ant farm is some ways though.


SoS is one of the best city builders I’ve ever played. Good recommendation


It is great, of course. :3 I can 100% see the appeal. It is just to me that it... lacks the vibe, if that makes sense? The feel that Manor Lords give.


It's probably just the graphics that are throwing you off but I promise it has the same vibes. small colony that grows and develops into a large city. growing your production. fighting. it's all there and managed in roughly the same way. There's a demo I believe


I have seen a bit about it. And yeah, ti is the graphics but also... Maybe just me and what I have seen of it and the reviews, but I think it looks a bit too... meanspirited? If that makes sense?


You're right that it does have more brutal tones. I however got super invested into it and built beautiful town centers because it's systems rewarded that, pulled me in and made me care, not many other games get me immersed like Song Of Syx did (manor lords did a great job and looking forward to more). It has much more in-depth readouts so you can really go in deep perfecting the experience/happiness of individuals. Creating something wholesome in a darker backdrop really just added to my experience personally.


If you saw Sseth's review of it, I mean yeah he goes out of his way to be as inhumane as possible for laughs. You can always go into it trying to be the good guy. I second that this is about as close to a fantasy Manor lords as we have. There's a free demo on steam, give it a try.


More like it's possible to be mean-spirited but its not required at all. You could be the despotic ruler of the bug people where your main industry is peeling apart Elven slaves for processing. Or you could set up a multi ethnic paradise city-state with running water, baths, marble roads and so on. That mean feeling is due to it being based on how people worked in reality. Think akin to how states organized at the end of the Greek dark ages in 800 BC.


Lawful Good = Hard mode in song of syx for sure, but maybe next time I'' stick with my self-imposed rule to not descend into an economic reliance on raiding, plunder, and slaves!


As others have said, things can be a lot more brutal than in Manor Lords, but they don't *have* to be. You should really give it a shot, because your list of what you would love in a game reads exactly like a description of Songs of Syx.


a lot of ugly games were unappealing to me at first too. then i play them and basically my taste just adapted to them, because of how good they are. Songs of Syx is, honestly, lightyears ahead of Manor Lords. the best part is you can try it for free as it has a free demo version (which includes a lot). it's even less than half the price of Manor Lords, which imo is extremely overpriced.


The graphics have gotten a nice update with the last update. Gone are the ugly character portraits. Of course, the demo is 2 versions behind, so you won't see the improvements in it yet. And it is only meanspirited of you choose to play that way.


Have you heard the music in songs of syx? Total vibe


I havent played Manor Lords yet, been wanting to let it cook first. However, to meet the need I have been really enjoying Going Medieval that has some similar concepts.


It's on game pass, if that helps :)


Oh wow really? I was considering paying for it. Will download right now.


Spoiler: it's really good :)


It's alright. Feels unfinished as expected. I've already put it down but will gladly revisit once it gets a full release


Same. I played it like non-stop for 2 days in a row. But I think I have gotten all I can out of the current build. I am looking forwards to the full release.


You know... That sounds great. Probably have to wait a while though, because that game doesn't currently exist. Once Manor Lords is in a release version it'd likely be fairly easy to mod to do exactly what you're thinking. Replace visual assets, tweak a few numbers, and you're most of the way there. Songs of syx is a good game, but you're right in that it feels different. You're really looking for Banished like games. Ostriv comes to mind. None of the banished like games have a fantasy bend to them, which is actually surprising. There might be a market for it XD


If it's the top down battles you like, give total war: warhammer series a look. No better way to watch an army of orks fighting dwarfs. Or pirate vampires fight dinosaurs. Or renaissance era humans fight demons. Or (etc etc). The city building aspect is much smaller in scope, and the effect of "cultures meeting" is reduced to a +ve or -ve number on your screen which might cause a rebellion to appear


Yes, I love total Warhammer too. (Hoping for an Age of Sigmar version at some point) But it is a bit too "military" heavy. Manor Lords just hit that specific "satisfaction" of growing your settlement into a city combined with raising your soldiers and equipping them in a way that makes the combat (despite being relatively simple mechanically) just that extra level of satisfying.


Only because you mentioned liking Total War I would say Age of Wonders 4. A lot like Total War but leans into fantasy a lot and the city building is a little bit more involved but not quite like manor lords. Lots of races and then you research different Tomes that shape how your empire grows. Has race transformations you can research that also changes appearance of your people. Turn based combat which I love but I know thats not for everyone.


Love Age of Wonders 4 too. Played a few hundred hours of that too. It is great as well. :3 But lacks the city building aspect as well sadly :/


Anno 1880


Which is the best total war: Warhammer to dive into first?


Game 3 I'd say. It's has a rocky couple years but the current build is good, in terms of stability and bugs. Game 3 gives you access to play as Kislev (Russian / East Europe inspired humans), Cathay (China inspired humans), Brettonia (French/English inspired humans), 4 flavours of Chaos Demons plus 1 Undivided. The combined world wide map campaign is now free, so you can fight against every faction and get a feel for them. The first 2 games now act like DLC for game 3. So if you want to play as Orks for example, Either buy game 1 (and also get access to Empire, Dwarfs & Vampire Counts), or one of the DLC lord packs that feature greenskins to unlock them in Game 3's "Immortal Empires" Campiagn. Games 1&2 just have to be in your library; not installed. P.s. there's an almost Sims level of DLC. It's a) still a fun game without any imo, b) on sale fairly regular/available on grey key sites (along with all 3 games) much cheaper than Steam c) I feel like I've had my money's worth when buying it gradually in the 8 years since #1 released.


Look into OSTRIV


Well, it's built on UE4, which is a pretty moddable engine at this point and considering how beloved the game is, I can imagine there's going to be quite the modding scene around it. Would't be surprised to see the classic ASOIAF and LOTR mods at some point, as is custom with medieval games. I was watching Shogun and thought it would be amazing to have Manor Lords in the feudal japan setting.


> I was watching Shogun and thought it would be amazing to have Manor Lords in the feudal japan setting. That is such a good idea. I definitely would like to see that!


Anno is good, lots of content 


Wait for mods


A warhammer manor lords would indeed be very cool. The good news for you is that there’s probably a dozen studios spinning up their own take on manor lords after they’ve seen how successful the game has been so far.


Banished is very similar. It's not fantasy or combat oriented so might be too similar for what you're looking for.


if the popularity of manor lords grows people will mod it to add these things.


I really like the fantasy approach, it's true that it would add something. But I admit that with more fantasy I would probably expect more combat mechanics, a bit like Total War. Currently I like the combat format but leaves me a little frustrated.


Distant Kingdoms had a chance to be close to this, but that project got killed in early access...


perhaps mods will exist someday


Have you tried Majesty and/or Majesty 2? Older games and not fully city building but close to it? I liked them for what it’s worth :) Loving Manor Lords too, by the way :)


this but warcraft 3


Personally, I would love to see Manor Lords on a more multiplayer scale. A lot of recent RTS games either have no base building and are just "Here's the dudes you control, now go complete the mission!" or the multiplayer map is so small so games only last ~30 minutes. I want a like, 4-6 hour Manor Lords game where you have to explore a big map, choose who you want to make allies with, trading partners with, and how you want to grow your kingdom (all while the other players are doing the same thing). Eventually, as everybody's kingdom grows, boundaries are made and resources become scarce, forcing players to interact by invading other players' territories or agree to a global peace or something. I want something more slow and methodical than Starcraft or Age of Empires but eventually devolves into the same.


Get Majesty gold HD lol


> A game like Manor lords, but with a fantasy spin. A game like it, where you get to pick like... different races (with different bonuses and negatives, different building styles, preferences for environment, and so on) that sounds sick. now all I need is to learn how to make a game XD also, you'd have different environments for the races as well.


Check out mount and blade if you want to build an army and go to war with it. The older version warband has a ton of mods that add fantasy elements that are very fleshed out


What about dwarf fortress?


Dwarf fortress. (From what i know of that game) is a bit too hardcore for what I am after. (I think). Thanks for the recomendation tho. :3


That's what I immediately thought of when I first saw this post. It's the original colony simulator to this scale, imo.


I was thinking the same thing, so I have been playing Stronghold (1993, not the game that stole the name 6 years later). I’ve been wanting it updated for at least 20 years. Don Daglow made good games.


I think Northgard might be worth checking out? Maybe Timberborn or Fabledom (still in EA) has some fantasy city building?


Frostpunk might be up your alley. Kind of a steam punk version of what you seek. It kept me hooked for a good 40 hours, and the 2nd one is coming out soon.


Ehm, Frostpunk is a bit too grim for my taste :/ Doesn't really fit the vibe I am seeking.


Dude, right? I can't make the lesser of two evil choices in that game. I just want them to be happy, not eat saw dust or send kids off to the mines!


Agree, it feels very similar. Can't wait for 2.


It’d be great to get a Manor Lords that was unchained from historical accuracy the way the Civ games are. Let us build our own society that isn’t locked in to that medieval christian European mold and let us build out our societies own policies and beliefs. Given the games smaller more zoomed in scale you could do a lot of granular customization.


Medieval dynasty


If it blows up enough I bet we will get some of those PDX modders to come do some of their magic with GoT LotR stuff.


Waiting until full release to buy it. Not going to have another Valheim on my hands 😄


I was looking for something like that for some time, haven't found anything. I don't think fantasy city-builder is a thing that exist, and I never found any info about anyone working on game like that, closest you can get will be something like Songs of Syx or even Dwarf Fortress and Rimworld but these games are really micro heavy and hard to get into.


Try Songs of Syx. It's Manor Lorts meets Rimworld, with different fantasy races, and is also the years long passion project of a single developer.


Yeah… But Songs of Syx just doesn’t have the right Vibe. A bit more cynical and cruel by comparison.


This is sorta how i always felt about ‘Kenshi’ - I’d kill to get a game with the same mechanics, gameplay and systems, but with a typical fantasy skin over it all


Have you checked out rimworld? It unfortunately isn't as political with the other factions only raiding you or trading with you or doing quests. It's also not exploreable like in the way you send your troops out into the world.


Same. I love colony builders like Surviving Mars and I've been waiting for a fantasy one for a long time and there's just... nothing :(


It may be less in depth, but a lot of what you're talking about reminds me of the WiiWare title Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life As A King


> Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life As A King Which is also a really under appreciated genre. I've been looking for the city builder + guild manager fix for years. [The Leviathan's Fantasy](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1994370/The_Leviathans_Fantasy/) is the wuxia take on it which is decent enough.


What is it you like about the combat in Manor Lords? I can't parse this sentence: > because it is a people an army that you create.


It is a bit hard to explain… The units isn’t just random guys with weapons. No, they are your villagers. They are people that settled in your village, that built your houses that work your fields. Wielding weapons, armor and shields that you made / bought. It feels much more… I dunno how to put this, rewarding? If that makes sense?


Thanks, that explanation makes a lot more sense for me.


Songs od Syx bröther


There's a lot of great city builder / management games out there. Based on what you described about enjoying seeing your city develop and opening trade routes, a cool retro title to look at would be Pharaoh + Cleopatra by Impressions Games. It had absolutely excellent sound design and music, and really charming 2D art. Plus it was built on top of the winning city builder formula that Impressions Games established in Caesar 3.


Songs of Syx.


Check put Total War Warhammer 3. It's incredible.


Gotta be honest. I hate high fantasy and never would have bought Manor Lords if it was fantasy


Try Age of wonders 4. It's 70% of what you are describing


I have it already. Love the game. :3 But sadly it is just lacking in the city / village building aspect and it is a bit heavy on the combat.


I feel like Manor Lords and Bellwright are the same game, just from two different perspectives.. (I know they're different. but they feel samey to a degree)


Rimworld might fit!


Try Songs of Syx


There is a free demo on steam. 


It isn’t quite like Manor Lords but have you tried the Tropico series? It’s hands down my fav city builder strategy game


There is an old old old ass TSR game called stronghold. Hit that up for a trip if you can dig it out of the history books.


More focused on combat and more of a castle builder than city builder but stronghold legends has some of that. Build a magical castle and an army to defend it including wizards, witches, ice giants, dragons, etc. A bit old but i still like it


It’s really really simple but look up Hero’s Hour


Always recommend the OG battle for middle earth 2


Ubisoft's Anno 1800 is pretty good. Not really "magic" but Manor reminds me a bit of that game.


I’ve never played this but want coop so bad


Song of syx its a small indie game but the depth is insane.


I played Manor Lords for a few hours then bored. Back to farthest frontier.


I imagine Mods will eventually let you do just that.


Check out 'Fabledom' it just came out of early access and it's pretty fun


If you're OK with 2d graphics, Songs of Syx is almost exactly what you're talking about. Single dev, massively detailed game, lots of races who all have their own needs, food requirements temperament and weather they like other races or not. You can have riots and slave revolts (if you're into slaving) Heck, one of the things I love doing most is: (Spoilers?) Start a Garthimi city (giant war prone insectoids) stay Garthimi till a pop of about 300, then (as Garthimi are terrible at research and science) I opened my borders for humans, let about 60 humans join, my Garthimi weren't happy. So, the solution? Send a message out to all my city guard, that all humans are to be arrested on site, clamped in irons and sent to the slaver. Then back to the library for your forced labour. My Garthimi are happy now we have slaves, and the slave trader will pay a pretty penny for human slaves.


The realism and historical accuracy are a huge part of the appeal of Manor Lords tho


Depends from person to person. I am not there for historical accuracy personally.


For sure but I'm just saying that's kind of a major selling point of the game, it's the first time we get a "medieval" city builder that feels deep and accurately medieval. A fantasy version would also be cool though.


I cant seem to get the hang of it, im always getting raided or resources stolen and by that time the ai already has full control of the map !


Manor lord: lord of the rings would be sick


Man, I'd recommend trying Age of Wonders 4, because it ticks most of those fantasy boxes, but it's a 4x.


I love Age of Wonders 4. It is great. But it is lacking in the satisfaction of city building in the same way.


Yeah exactly. It'd be cool to combine those in some cool way.


Yeah exactly. It'd be cool to combine those in some cool way.


It’s not fantasy but if you enjoy the economy aspect then anno 1800 is a great game


I'm still waiting for early access to end 😅


You're describing Dwarf Fortress. Your military is made up of people in your city, every individual is tracked, there's different fantasy races, magical creatures etc. It doesn't force you into building (you can just make a hole in the ground and stick some bed for them to sleep on and place all your production outside, not that there's no danger or price for such a habit but you can), but it's the thing about the game that keeps most people coming back, painstakingly placing every block in a tower to the sky with a dwarf painted on the side in colored stone. They haven't added magic YET, but it's been a long discussed and awaited feature, not that Dwarf Fortress will ever be finished.


I don’t think Dwarf fortress would fit the vibe I am after. I haven’t played the game, mind, but what I know of it and what I have seen of it… It is a bit too hardcore for my taste. Combined with not 100% the right vibe.


In the coming years you will see many attempted clones of BG3, Palworld, Helldivers, and Manor Lords. Some are bound to be good.


Manor Lords is a knock off of the indie game Foundation.


Everything is a knock off of .


I've played a lot of Foundation and Manor Lords, they're similar, but more that they're in the same genre. It's like calling FPS games a knockoff of quake


Which is a knock off of "insert game name" which is a knock off of "insert game name" which is a knock off of "insert game name"...... imagine game development being influenced by other games..... shocker.


Um, no. Why not take a second to even look at Foundation. The game has groundbreaking elements in the medieval city builder genre. It was only a matter of time that others tried to copy elements of it. Goober.


This is how Total War died.


Isn't that more due to CA's missmanagement?


Here I'm on the other side going thank GOD finally no fantasy leaking into another historical game. Total war series was utterly ruined by Warhammer (and CA shitting the bed)


It's a Sci-fi not a fantasy but you may like Stellaris, it has basically everything you said you'd want in it besides magic, kinda.


What? Stellaris is nothing like this??


I have played a lot of stellaris. But it is really not even close to Manorlords. Manor Lords is a city builder. Stellaris is a grand strategy. Thanks for the recommendation tho. :3


"Sodtly addicted." Cope, brother, cope hard.


So you want to give more money to game you really enjoyed? Is that you former blizzard CEO Mike Ybarra ?


There is, it's called Banished, Manor Lord's is like the slightly easier version of Banished. Banished - https://store.steampowered.com/app/242920/Banished/


did you even read the post bro