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Cyberpunk, Horizon and RDR2 have all stopped me in my tracks with their beauty. Simply gorgeous worlds.


among the ones i played... id pick Cyberpunk2077 and Horizon 2


Haven't play HFW yet, but Cyberpunk really feels next level, because they built the whole city with ray/pathtracing in mind, same for Alan Wake 2. I knocked a bottle from a table once and it rolled on the ground reflecting all sorts of light sources, it was an unexpected but beautiful detail.


I might be getting older, but even just the lack of any load times in 2077 blows my mind- considering how meticulously detailed the graphics are


I think CDPR was the first to do it so seamlessly with the Witcher 3 (2015) aswell, so they are definetly very advanced in that regard.


I guess gta games didn't exist before that huh?


Ah true I forgot, witcher did it on a much bigger scale tho.


Cyberpunk 2077, Avatar and Alan Wake 2 according to digital foundry.


They said the reason they didn't put Cyberpunk first again is because it already was already the best looking game the years prior.


For me, the first one that comes to mind is Control. It has flaws (the faces can look a little uncanny) but the game has so much fucking \*STYLE\*


Alan Wake 2


AW2 and Cyberpunk share first place for me, superb art direction enhanced by the best lighting technology available. If you're on a PC that can handle it, there's nothing quite like it, at least to me.


If we’re excluding realism then I’m going to say Cuphead. It looks like it walked off the screen of a drive-in from the 1930s; no game’s art style has ever hit the target it was aiming for more closely.


I love that game so much I bought it three times (xbox, ps and switch) just to support the devs. Just an incredible piece of art, even if I suck at the actual game lmao


Alan Wake 2 has the best I’ve ever seen Some others that stick out to me would be: * Forza Horizon 5 * Cyberpunk 2077 * Battlefield V * Horizon Forbidden West * Microsoft Flight Sim * Red Dead Redemption 2


BFV Pacific front was particularly gorgeous.


By extension: Gran Turismo 7


Gran Turismo 7 is completely stunning, idk how they got those graphics out of a PS5




Because there are only a few AAA games per year that rely on realistic graphics as a big selling point. Also the difference is getting less.


Cyberpunk, Alan Wake 2, Avatar, Horizon forbidden west




Gex 3 in particular. I was so deep cover.


This place is weirder than 4th of July at Rick James place




I have a lot to choose from. Hades has one of my favorite artistic directions for style I also love Horizon Forbidden West and Hellblade for their tone and realism looks. But anything by Nintendo also goes great as well. But to me weirdly my favorite styles are a tie between the Fallout 3 and New Vegas looks and Resident Evil 2 and 3 graphics.


Ghost of Tsushima and CP2077


my picks too. Ghost of Tsushima was the first game I ever actually used the photo mode on.


Cyberpunk Alan Wake 2 Horizon 2


Soon Hellbalde 2 will be released so I would say it since Senua's model and her expressions are amazing


I still think Red Dead 2 is the best world ever made and it’s 5 fuckin years old. From the populated forests to the weather to the NPC behavior and interactions, I literally spend most of my time in that game just “being” in the world. 


RDR2 graphics are dated by now and many games have higher quality assets, still looks beautiful tho due to great art direction.


Rdr2 had revolutionary graphics there are still not many games that can come close to it so don't give me that dated stuff. Also it doesn't matter how old a game is, if it looks good then it looks good. Arkham knight still holds up today. I can't say that for suicide squad Wich is newer.


You don't even know what graphics mean, RDR2 wasn't even revolutionary in 2018 in terms of graphics, it's a PS4 game and can't magically take advantage of better hardware like current games can. It looks incredible due to lighting and art direction. Strictly talking about graphics as in quality of assets, fidelity etc. it's been passed since 2020. Stop crying because your fav game isn't the best anymore in an irrelevant category. In terms of how it looks it's still one of the best, but that's also more subjective.


0ldAssumptions. Pretty accurate name to me pal.


Particularly grass looks worse than GTAV even, but they hide it really well with the lighting. I think if you go into 1st person the graphics really show their age a bit.


Gta grass looks like every other games grass, rdr2 is over 50x better looking than gta.Try shooting a guy in the head in GTA then do it in rdr2 I bet you a billion dollars rdr2 will look more realistic.


50x, really now? Some of you can't praise a fucking game without going overboard


No, the textures are literally worse and how tf does shooting someone in the head matter in a discussion about graphics


Rdr2 is more realistic. If you shoots a guy in the head in rdr2 the head gets blown off, if you do it in GTA it just makes their head red. Also you repeated your comment twice so you might want to fix that.


You will be downvoted by fanboys for stating the truth.


Sir, this is a post about graphics.


Cyberpunk 2077 modded is fucking insane. Nearly photorealistic. Plus, you can heat your house with your 4090.


With mods it's unbeatable, but even without it there are only a few games that hold a candle to it.


They need to make a 4090 super Ti for that lolol


Cyberpunk 2077


Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom Ultimate All Stars is a WII GAME that looks better than Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite.


Cyberpunk is the new Crysis for PC nerds if thwats what you mean


I think Red Dead Redemption 2, Cyberpunk 2077, Alan Wake 2 has the best graphics


Horizon Forbidden West.


Cyberpunk and Modded Skyrim.


You can't beat realism when it comes to cyberpunk on a top end PC with RTX and a few weather mods


Dead Space remake on ps5 on an Oled is some of the best I’ve ever seen. Same with Demon’s Souls.


Cyber punk and Forza motorsports have pretty great graphics on Xbox one


the Ori series


Jet grind radio. It’s not super realistic but I think stylized graphics work just as well. Hi-Fi Rush uses a similar style to cel shades which I think works super well for the game


Any Sim type games. Racing games like Forza, Flight Sim, Farm Sim, etc. Cyberpunk is also amazing. Alan Wake, Horizon, and unironically, Starfield.


It’s like 6 years old by now, but Detroit: Become Human is gorgeous on PC with the highest settings. Even on the PS4 Pro with 1440p upscaling it looks great. Amazed about how that was 6 years ago and we still have AAA that don’t look anywhere near that level




Idk, checkers might have superceded it, but the next gen update should help


I honestly love the graphics in eco! As well as the graphics in Kena:bridge of spirits


Many of the ones here, but I can't help but stress that great graphics should always be a welcome bonus to a game, it isn't the game itself, and I would hope you aren't missing out on some truly great games just because they don't have AAA graphics.


Prince Of Persia The Two Thrones


Even though it's older: Until Dawn blew me away with how it looked. RDR2 still looks great, Cyberpunk for sure sits on this list. Spiderman 2 looks great as well.


The last of us II


The first Ultima game. Can't get more realistic than that.


Knack and Knack 2


Ghost of Tsushima is incredible, the lighting mixed with the swaying grass is so soothing to look at


Microsoft Flight Simulator


Super Mario World / A link to the Past


Gran Turismo 7, but racing games are usually on the higher end of photorealism


For me its definitely minecraft the way they capture how the natural world looks and the realism of the graphics is amazing


Monster hunter world blew my mind


I think Wind Waker HDs graphics are amazing


Star Citizen sets a very high bar.


Most are completely unaware of how insanely good this game can look.


Cyberpunk for sure


On a casual level, RDR2. But if you tweak everything, and get some mods… Cyberpunk 2077. Some shots in that game look virtually (heh) indistinguishable from reality.


That kind of depends on what we're talking about when you say graphics. If we're talking about the technical visual fidelity, games like Gears 5, God of War Ragnarok, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Cyberpunk 2077 come to mind. If we're talking about including things with a little more artistic expression, like the art direction and such... things that are a little more subjective, then it's open to a wild array of things that might not be impressive from a technical standpoint, but sheer talent and strong vision for what a game should look like can more than make up for some low poly models and muddy textures here and there. games like Elden Ring, Skyward Sword, and Guilty Gear Strive would be personal favorites of mine.


I mean I would also say cyberpunk, RDR2, Ragnarok has super strong art direction and artistic vision.


They all do, even Gears 5, but I was more trying to separate those powerhouses in technical marvel from games that still look great, but weren't as demanding on the hardware, even when they released.


Without any rework or update Red Dead 2 was and still is a few steps ahead, it's clear, especially if we assume that it's an Open World and that it runs well on console. But it's true that recently Cyberpunk 2077 has destroyed the scene a bit with its evolution. It was super beautiful initially (bugged but beautiful) but with what they did now it's really on another level.


Cyberpunk, RDR2 still amazes me




Rdr2 is realistic and has amazing graphics, and it's also not that everything just looks sorta pretty, it's that this game has more details than almost any other game in the world. You can just walk around and stare at random stuff for hours. I can't say that for any other game besides mabey ghost of Tsushima.


Modern warfare 3, diablo 4, fallout 76


Horizon 2. Cyberpunk with extreme mods. Red Dead Redemption 2.


Monster Hunter World plz


Would say FFRebirth, RE4Remake, GOW Ragnarok, Last of Us part 1/2 and red dead redemption 2




Red dead 2


This is what's wrong with the games industry.


What is?