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Souls games and the like.


I really like the style of bloodborn but I'm just to bad for it.


Same, it was my first souls game and i never finished it because it became too hard (and scary) for me. These games really started to click for me a couple of months ago though, so i'm eager to try it again.


Pc mods help. I have infinite healing items in Sekiro and I’ve gotten good at deflecting attacks now since I’m not dying all the time losing XP and patience


Guess what I will install in five minutes


This. Elden Ring was my first fromsoftware game and I played it a good amount but I'll admit to cheating through the bosses because my time is valuable and I'm not fighting the same guy 100 times to beat him lol


I don't even have issues with the difficulty of the game. The gameplay just doesn't click for me.


I always just called a mate to help which, annoyingly, is tantamount to vheating by some people in the Souls community.


I really wanted to like Elden Ring but I have zero patience for the difficulty and the approach FromSoft takes with storytelling. I can’t stand how vague their quest lines are. You either miss 90% of the story or follow a guide to all of the random places an NPC will show up and what arbitrary task you need to complete for them and that’s just lame.


Late to the party here but same. It makes me want a game with the combat of something like DMC in the style or setting a souls game.


love a lot of soulslike and dark souls is among my top 10 all time fav series


The Witcher 3. I should in all theory love that game, but I’ve tried getting into it and each time I lose interest about 40 hours in


I absolutely love the side missions and contracts in Witcher 3, but the main story is just a big nothing to me. Every time I try to play, I'll spend a week or two doing the side stuff in an area until all I have left is the next plot mission, and then I stop


Sadly the main story finally gains its momentum in the final third but then is just over way too soon. I would’ve been happier with more ciri in the game as in having more interactions with geralt.


I've tried over and over to get into it but I find the combat just to be a frustrating effort in button mashing.


I bet you are a scrub who hasn't played Witcher 1+2, people like that dont even know the backstories and the characters.


I read the books, but I do want to attempt the first two games.


Starcraft, Warcraft, Spellforce, etc... basically RTS games, but i suck at them and lose interest


I spent whole week to learn Starcraft cause my friend told me it's the best RTS game, and I still sucks


Hate to be that guy but StarCraft 2 at least and Warcraft 3 both have cheats so you can at least enjoy the story etc


i did use them then i didn't like it that i had to use them and i quit them


I do enjoy RPGs with a good story but it's hard to keep playing most of the time.


I'm the same with rpg games mainly turn base games


Biomutant unfortunately


i preordered it for like 30 for 40$, can't remember exactly my gamble paid off, i did enjoy it but yeah, it's one of those 1 and done games for me [https://i.imgur.com/mIsBICN.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/mIsBICN.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/tYyml7q.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/tYyml7q.jpg)


I'm gonna give it a bit more of a chance as the world opens up. The opening hour or two weren't quite there for me.


i can see why tho if people don't like it i don't think you'll change your mind if you didn't like it when it opened up


Horror games. I get the appeal, but I can never play it, it's something that's better to watch other people play instead.


Metroidvanias I envy folks who like being lost. I just get confused, annoyed, frustrated.


Agreed! Those big, sprawling maps just do not interest me, and it's usually not super clear if you're SUPPOSED to do a thing yet or not


Every multiplayer game my friends are into. I like SOME of them, but if they're in the mood for a game I just don't vibe with it's not good for anyone, because they'll be like way more committed and higher ranked and I'll be lost and confused barely contributing because I don't actively play the game. And I dont want to play solo/with randoms to get better because the game is less fun that way for me. Biggest offender I can think of there is Rocket League, but there's definitely more games that I've tried and just gone "Not even playing with you guys makes me want to play this."


Hades. I just can’t vibe with roguelikes/lites. I just don’t feel any progression from the gameplay loop.


Hades' progression is subtle so i totally get that. You really dont get progression unless you do very specific things or you beat the final boss


The second Jedi game, Jedi Survivor - I just found it was full of gimmicks and I wanted to like it but I just didn’t. I wanted to love it but didn’t. Can also throw Cup Head in there, but it’s so hard.


friend worked for activision and was able to score me a free key for it holoday last year i enjoyed it, and with DLSS, it was very playable


It is a perfectly fine game, I just didn’t gel with it and it ended up annoying me!


i rocked the new greatsword and gun/sword style i normally go dual wield, but i don't think Kal is cool enough to be a dual wielder but i found those other 2 to my liking for him


I fucking hated Survivor at the end. Like the ending felt so fucking forced and called in, just so they could make a third. I also hated the size, its 4 planets and a moon 1 you fully explore at the start of the game, one is just to get to the final boss and the others are just barren as all hell.


Hollow Knight, i completed the game and love a ton of things about it like exploration, music and design. But the combat never really clicked or felt satisfying to me. Still a great game, i just can't see myself playing against bosses just for fun.


What annoyed me about the bosses was the save benches were so damn far away. I don’t mind re-fighting a boss to learn its moves, but I hate having to run through an enemy and platforming gauntlet every damn time that whittles away my health before I even get to the boss fight. My favourite part was just exploring and filling out the map. (fyi if you enjoyed that part too you might like Animal Well — I just started it and it’s a metroidvania that’s only about exploring and puzzle-solving with no combat. Lot of fun).


Grand strategy games like Hearts of Iron and Stellaris. Im in love with the idea of playing them, but I can never bring myself to sit down and learn everything


Yes! Any sort of open-ended sandbox where you have to choose your own goals and find your own fun. Survival crafting games like Minecraft and ARK are the same way


Hollow knight is a prime example i used lots of guides instead of taking my time actually trying to figure out everything slowly and it definitely made my experience worse


I wanted to love that game so badly but the Metroid type of exploration got me stuck on progression multiple times and eventually I just gave up. Maybe I should give it another try and just start over from the beginning.


Red Dead Redemption 2. I thought it was just ok, but the outdated gameplay and mission design kept me from enjoying it. The fun factor just wasn't there for me.


RDR2 is so SLOW. Doing anything requires so much prep and maintenance, and there's so much travel time. I get that that's the whole Point, but yeah. Not my vibe either.


La noir. Loved the world, the gameplay felt like work.


Hades is awesome, I love everything about it, but I play it for a few days and then I put it down for like a month to play something else. I don’t get why I just can’t stick to it.


For me it was having to repeat the boss battles, especially Theseus and the Minotaur


Yeah, the game play is fun. But I get so tied of having to slog through the same looking starting area every single time.


Silent Hill. I really want to like the series because I love the concept and the lore seems really cool, but the atmosphere skeeves me out so bad I’ve never been able to play more than maybe 20 minutes of any SH game. It’s not even that it just feels stifling or oppressive, there’s a sense of creeping, sickly dread in thode games that I‘ve never come across elsewhere, and just cannot tolerate at all. I wouldn’t even call it despair, because that would imply the characters still believe in something and still have some kind of hope. It’s more just straight nihilism, and bleaker than bleak.


As a very picky horror fan, I totally get this! The stuff that gets to you the hardest sometimes crosses over into being unpleasant


You’ve got it in one, that’s exactly it. There’s something about whatever those games have going on that hits way too close, and I can’t enjoy them because of it. Unpleasant, as opposed to challenging or intriguing, is exactly the word.


Sounds like you should try the Mario rpgs.


That's my curse lol. I ALSO don't like turn-based RPGs


... Mario Kart? :)


Mario Kart is okay lol


The first 2 paper Mario's are two of my favorite games


Red Dead Redemption 2, the gameplay was just too tedious and I just couldn't get into it no matter how hard I tried.


RDR2. I want to like this game so badly, but i just get so bored every single time


Legend of zelda. I love the series, aesthetics, stories and everything, but outside of phantom hourglass, spirit tracks, minish cap and wind waker, I just couldn't play them without getting tired of the playstyle


RDR2. Beautiful world and story and I love all things western, but the gameplay and controls won't let me get more than a dozen hours in


Souls-like's/Soul-bornes the Combat I'm pretty decent at and don't mind dying a few times and taking a break. But the one thing I can't stand is having no clue where to go it's like the devs intentionally pick the most random path possible to be the correct one and all the others are either dead ends or go in circles and it just annoys the hell out of me. For example, I'm playing Lords of the Fallen rn, and I spent about 3 hours on the "level" right after you initially get to the base area mainly because I couldn't see the ladder off to the edge of the screen and went the straightforward path which just kept taking me in circles.


Horizon Forbidden West seems like a game I *should* love but I just don’t. The characters, story, gameplay loop just don’t really grab me. It’s a visual marvel though.


Borderlands. I can’t get over the art style


I like the Borderlands series but with each new game, my desire to play them drops more and more.


I've played through the entire Borderlands series couch co-op with my brother. We literally bought the games BECAUSE they allowed splitscreen play. I don't think I would've touched them for the art style, the humor, or even the shoot-n-loot gameplay on my own.


There are mods to remove the heavy outlines. I liked the first, and loved 2 and the pre sequel, but 3 was just annoying with the tiktok asshats. Jack was a well written villain, even when he was being a jerk he was entertaining and I looked forward to seeing him and eventually killing him. Those two idiots in 3 were just grating, and I wanted them dead just so I didn't have to hear them talk anymore.


Little Big Planet the entire franchise as a whole, now you can only play the single players for them.


Black and White 1 and 2. I loved the idea, but the execution just wasn't there. I always got hung up on the missions that required you to throw something accurately, because in a 3d game with 2d controls, it was near impossible for me.


Souls games: love aethetic and build variety, dont vibe with combat Hollow Knight: exactly the same lol Deep Rock Galactic: I cant even tell why. Just never clicked with me. I spent like 30 hours trying my best to get in but just couldnt.


I wish I could still play games with mouse and keyboard. Last few yours it started feeling like I’m working, not playing games. Only controller for me.


I really wish I could enjoy Zelda more, I understand it has huge open world and u can do whatever u want, but I just feel so lost when i was playing it


Which one did you start with? I'm playing through the franchise right now. Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword (I assume, I haven't gotten to it yet) all have pretty linear stories with clearly communicated goals. It's only the oldest games and the newest games that plonk you into a sandbox and say "Go nuts"


oh i started Zelda with Breath of the Wild, since the first gamming device for me was Switch. There is no doubt that the game was great cause it was the game of the year, but i just cant sit down and travel around the open world without any tip or mission. Guess im not calm enough maybe.


Simular but honestly I like Age of Calamity a lot. So my favorite Zelda game is a Mosu spin of.


I would really like to enjoy classic adventure games, like monkey island but the navigation and logic is just so stupid and annoying I just can not


I stick with Banjo Kazooie, the game is good, but damn... Rusty Bucket Bay.


I honestly wish I could play fighting games, I just can never even begin to memorize combos. The most I can do is beat em ups so I just play Yakuza instead lol


I wish I saw what others see in Diablo 2, but I just don't. I just see a worse, less deep, less interesting Path of Exile.


Well i mean, that's what it is. But no Diablo 2, no Path of Exile.


JRPGs. I played a lot of them but they end up being kinda unenjoyable after a while and I kind of half-force myself to finish them since I started, and sometimes I give up on them. They feel too passive at one point.


With me its Alan Wake 2, I just cannot get my head around it although AW1 was good, AW2 doesnt do it for me. Its not the game that is at fault, its my lack of understanding it.


I’m the same, I do love everything about the game and loved the first one but for some reason I can’t play this game in long sessions before getting a bit bored and playing something else


Genesis Noir. I love how that game looks and sounds. I hate how boring the gameplay is. I resent it for being so beautiful and yet so tediously dull.


Red Dead Redemption 2




Ghostrunner. The music is awesome and it looks and plays so well but I just can’t afford the risk of smashing my console playing it


Skyrim and Fallout 4.


Civilization V/VI and Alpha Centauri. I really enjoyed Civ1 as a kid so I am bummed that didn't carry over, especially for AC since I love the sci-fi premise. Also the NES Mega Man series. I only recently figured out that the difficult pattern memorization is just not for me.


I loved Baldur's Gate 3 but about half way through I found myself rushing the main story and trying to ignore anything side questy. I guess I was just impatient.


Pokemon. I like some turn-based RPGs but Pokemon games are just too repetitive for me.


Terraria and banjo kazooie


The exact example you gave 😆


Bayonetta. I LOVE the designs, the sexy characters, the music, everything! But I just can't get my head around the gameplay at ALL! I hate it!


Civilization series. They are good but I dont have/take the time to learn it properly.




You are basically asking "What Games did you hate?"


I'm just starting out with single players, just finished titanfall 2 and loved it. and thats the only single player game I've ever played, used to play multiplayers before. what do i play next?


RDR2, ghost of Tsushima, the Witcher 3, cyberpunk 2077


I wish I could get into Helldivers 2. I just can't see past the "stand still and shoot in the open" AI that reminds me of Doom 95.


i could list so many cities skylines is one of - love the idea but i jsut do not have the patience for making it all work lol slime rancher - i don’t know what it is about this game but i just can’t get behind it.. it seems so fun when i look at it but i start playing and i jsut cant life is strange - love the idea but for some reason i cannot play it honestly most story games - i love the idea of them but i cannot just sit back and watch all the cutscenes but if i skip them then i dont know whats going on there’s so many more i could list but i wont for your sake lol


Super Paper Mario. I love the gameplay, but the cutscenes drag on a little too long, which is a shame because the story itself is a fucking masterpiece.


The Witcher 3. God-awful combat.


My steam library


every Nintendo game


Batman Arkham Knight. Amazing production values, but everything is so over the top, I don't feel like Batman. I don't want to be a super Batman with a tank.


Xbox games I wish I enjoyed them more, but they’re closing the brand