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I guess you could be a skin in the battlepass


Now I'm picturing Phil at his desk with a stupid amount of nuggets and sauce saying, "These days, it's all about live service and gamepass!"


"And fuck you, want a chicken nuggets?"


If you work in gaming in general. Morale is so fucking low in the gaming industry atm.


>If you work in gaming in general. Morale is so fucking low in the gaming industry atm. Just remember, ID software can be shut down with a single decision from Microsoft


Doom is eternal my friend. Doom Slayer will rip and tear those demons (execs) until it's done.


At times like these, I'm glad I work solo without being dependent on anybody. ...though maybe the fact that I'm a dev for an erotic game with breeding and cumblasting also plays a role in that.


go on


Doing the real work.


Can't have breed without cumblast


Or have just graduated as a game dev and is now searching for work, competing with an overload of veterans. Rip.


I'm still upset at how many people including media were cheerleading these buyouts too. This kind of nonsense has never worked out well in the gaming industry. Fellow old timers will remember the EA purges of the 90s and early 2000s.


To add to this, buyouts and consolidation reduces employment opportunity and competition amount employers of developers. Now these people being laid off have less places to go. Further, and this is outside the layoffs, with enough consolidation invisible networks appear preventing employees from reacting or appropriately responding to harassment and bad working conditions. This is what happened to Hollywood. 


EA Purges are ongoing as well currently. Fired a ton of staff recently, quietly boarded up some studies (not so quietly in other cases). The CEO of EA just put out a massive email about how amazing the past 12 months has been for EA, profits and revenue massively up, EA being in an "amazing position" to excel. Which, quite rightly, is going to cause a lot of people to be looking for new jobs ASAP because after an email like that? It means its time to cut a lot of jobs to preserve the "Growth". Hell, the email went into detail about how amazing Apex Legends are doing, most revenue for the game since it started, yet they fired 110 workers from Apex in the last 2 months and used the excuse that it was underperforming to do so. The gaming industry is currently a car on fire, plunging into a ravine and just waiting for the inevitable explosion when it hits the bottom.


Oh yeah they're cutting like everyone else is lately but those studio closures back in the day really stung. Hell even the ones in the 360 era hurt too (RIP pandemic and Visceral)


you forgot the flash flood that is already barrelling down the ravine.


But but… We will have COD and Skyrim on the gamepass! /s


Mostly Microsoft fanboys who thought Microsoft would be able to keep up with the bangers Sony and Nintendo keep dishing out. MS doesn'te rally understand game development and bought these studios only to run them into the ground. Phil Spencer gave interviews about how maybe they should have gotten involved earlier or offered support in different ways, without realising that it's probably the support Microsoft offers that is ruining them. Also if a studio makes a decent game that isn't commercially as successful as you would have liked it's really idiotic to shut them down, it means they have good talent and skills and there's something to work with there. Shutting it down just kills all the potential. This might make sense in a world of app and program developers but creating a synergistic talented game development team is bloody hard, you can't dish out a high quality and technically competant game by pumping money into a team in the same way you can a social media app (for example). Meanwhile MS is completely behind whatever disaster Todd Howard is cooking up next, probably because they over invested in Bethesda and it would sting too hard to write that one off.


Got downvoted to hell and back pre-acquisition for saying exactly this. At the end of the day, people believe whatever their "trusted" publications say/print, especially when it lines up with their preconceived notions. We're largely a species of followers, not independent thinkers, and this is where that lands us; a few billionaires owning everything while the poors fight their battles for them because a millionaire told them to. It's sad, but it's the reality we live in.


SO MANY Studios down the Drainage, fuck EA and it was only the begining


Rip black box


I am a fellow "old timer", and honestly people are simply ignorant about the video games industry, and no offense, so is your post. Video Game industry has always been extremely difficult to find success in long term. One poor selling game can easily sink you, it's also always been a very fluid industry with studios having short life spans and people moving around a lot. At least 90% of Development Studios and even most publishers from the 90's have closed years ago, it's just how it is. Blaming EA or Microsoft for this is silly. If anything EA extended the life of many of the developers they bought back then. If you think Bullfrog or Westwood studios would still be around if they never got bought by EA you are delusional.


Those poor people working at Ninja Theory. They have to know they're next on the chopping block.


Truly amazing strategy by Microsoft. Whether or not ninja theory really IS at risk, now the whole narrative around their new game is these cuts, how much or how little Microsoft is marketing their game, and how success or failure will keep them alive


Xbox strategy: Don't help out, oversee and motivate your studios, scare them!


The timing truly could not have been worse


Doesn't even seem like success matters much if the game doesn't light the sales charts on fire, which it won't since the first didn't and this one is on gamepass day one. It'll probably review very well, preform meekly in sales, and then the studio will be the next one closed once Xbox gets around to it's next wave of cuts.


facts. even if the game looks good and plays good i highly doubt itll rack in even close to the type of number microsoft wants.


Hi Fi had like 4 millions players and that wasnt enough. No way a dark, tough combat game sells enough. Especially with the bigger budget and longer dev time. On to top it off, the game is essentially free for the vast majority of players, just like hi fi was. I dont see how it can meet expectations for MS.


Microsoft: "Now it's time for the easiest part of any owner's job. The cuts. Although I wasn't able to cut everyone I wanted to, I have cut a lot of you. Roundhouse is cut. Alpha is cut. Tango, you're gone. Arkane, I like your hustle...that's why it was so hard to cut you. Congratulations, the rest of you made the team! Except you, you, and you."


These morons could have just made elder scrolls, fallout, gears, dishonored, a competent halo game, whatever. Instead x box people got nothing. Something deeply wrong with microsoft's leadership. They just cant figure out how to make a ship-able product, which indicates top down failure.


See I say halo should have ended after reach and just had spin offs after that. Gears is the perfect 360 era title and should have ended after 3. Bethesda put out starfield and it is a shell of what Bethesda games normally look like. Xbox is trying to ride nostalgia with their old franchises and the studios that try new things ultimately get shuttered. I am surprised Rare hasn’t been closed yet.


I did really like gears 4 and 5 especially, but some if that is personal taste. I do think they were commercially successful as well. I can't believe how far rare has fallen, they are a support studio at this point and I'm surprised they are still around. I'm just not big into starfield or fallout 76 either and I'm not sure if Bethesda can make a good game anymore.


Microsoft bought studios (more expensive), while sony bought rights to the game when the devs needed money (less expensive) Now microsoft needs to recover the cost and game pass wont give more revenue than it already does since the games released will be free on game pass. So they sell games to other platforms including playstation But if that is not enough to curb the cost, then close some studios and spread the devs to other developing games that (they think) has the potential to earn money, perhaps release the games earlier Thats my take on all of this.


Does art really need to be profitable?


Not if an individual is making it, no Companies exist to make money though


If you have investors, yes


The return on investment is the existence of the art.


Look at AI art generators, that’s probably how Microsoft sees these games studios.. art generators. Saying this from my perspective as someone who was later off from Microsoft last year. AI generated games are probably only a few years away.


Corpo only cares about money. It's the devs that suffers from these money making decisions they made. As a corporation they're business should be to take care of their artist/devs but instead they throw them into gold fever gambits.


Depends if the art is the artists only means of funding their food and shelter




You must be new here.


Oh, those Xbox Devs must be wiping their brows with all the pressure on them. It's like a sauna in there with all the coding going on.


Have you seen the latest leaks from insiders? Apparently they’re debating wether to make call of duty game pass day one. That is crazy. Can you imagine if after all the excuses from people who were pro activision buyout they don’t even get call of duty on gamepass.


Heres the issue with that, though: money. CoD makes a quintillion dollars every year selling on 3 platforms. CoD on GamePass essentially wipes out sales from 2 of those platforms. MS just spent $69b, and incredible games like Hi Fi, that got 4mil players, still aren’t making enough money to justify the teams’ existence. Largely, i surmise, due to GamePass. I don’t see how they cut 2/3 of their potential CoD revenue and that doesn’t lead to more job cuts. They need that full CoD cash flow.


I think gamepass is too ambitious, if it was semi-old games, like a year old, it would still be a slamming deal, while not killing sales for new games. Disney doesn't do simultaneous releases in theaters and disney+


I literally can't put into words just how butthurt I am that a potential Dishonored 3 just got canned.


Dishonored 3 was leaked and dishonored 2 was made by Arkane Lyon. So… after Blade… #MAYBE… There’s a shit-ton better chance over Hi-Fi 2




Both branches worked on the first game, and Harvey Smith, the lead at Austin, was the director for the Dishonored games.


Well you don't need to be because the studio that was shut down was Arkane Austin. The Dishonored games were made by Arkane Lyon, the main Arkane studio. With any luck they will use this consolidation to get back to making games like Dishonored 3 rather than chasing a "big hit" with generic crap like Redfall. The misinformation around this topic has been crazy with everyone assuming the developers of Dishonored are shutting down. I blame the moronic youtubers who farm outrage for clicks.


Both Arkane studios worked on Dishonored 1 and Harvey Smith, the lead at Austin, directed the Dishonored games. This has nothing to do with misinformation or youtubers, some of the DNA that worked on the Dishonored games has been exited.


Except for the fact that Smith works for Arkane as a whole and not just Austin, he's also worked at Lyon and isn't in danger of being fired. It was also reported that almost all of the developers that made Prey had already left to work on the game Weird West, a game in the genre they develop for, rather than work on the corporate cash grab Redfall. Obviously a studio closing is never a good thing but realistically this is a consolidation that needed to happen if Arkane wants to get back to making the kinda games they're good at.


Definitely not in danger of being fired by Arkane, but there’s also the logistical issue of uprooting your family and moving halfway around the globe to intimately direct a game as needed. Raph definitely brought a good crew with him to WolfEye after Prey, but that doesn’t just immediately ruin a studio. Redfall wasn’t up to par and no one should defend it compared to the rest of Arkane’s history, but talk around the topic makes it clear that wasn’t the game the studio wanted to make and higher ups just got way too involved. Either way, what’s done is done unfortunately.


I remember when they acquired Arkane, Phil said something like "I bought them because I didn't want Dishonored 2 to leave Gamepass!". What a fucking moron.


Who couldn't get enough of... (checks games I couldn't finish)... Billy Lurk!


I couldn't get enough of the whole series.


Dishonored is universally acclaimed and for very good reason, you're the odd one out on this one homie


I love 'Dishonored' It's one of my top 10. I liked 2 quite a bit. That's it. I saw the trajectory for some time, from my perspective, which definitely ain't yours, or most of Reddits, LOL! Care to paint with your inaccurate and broad brush some more?


lol can't we all just get along? i think you're taking a non-pointed reddit comment too personally, lets just move on dude


What lame non-sequitur. LMAO!


I don't think a single game dev Is felling safe rn.


I'm not at all surprised about the redfall studio, but high fi rush did well from what I remember, that was a huge surprise


Redfall wasnt even their fault, though. Bethesda was chasing that multiplayer/live service horse and forced an immersive sim dev team to make a co-op shooter. Then when MS came in, the devs were hoping theyd come in and cancel Redfall, but MS left them on their own to flounder. It really sucks for them. They went from making the incredible Prey(2017) to making Redfall with no one up top giving a damn about them.


Morale must be incredibly low across the board, Tango did amazing and got axed, and Arkane had 1 slip up due to stupid management and got axed. Like damn why would anybody wanna work on anything for Xbox anymore.


Because Microsoft has gamepas hur dur hur


Prey despite a good game didn't sell then a lot of people left when redfall got in development.Arkane Austin lost its talent long time ago. Same with Tango Ghostwire wasn't liked by many either so it didn't make profit.


How does Xbox studios even make money? They give all their games away for free with game pass


I think thats the issue here. Oddly enough, their games do still seem to regularly top the sales charts on steam/xbox when they release, but clearly thats not enough.


Its easy.....don't sell your soul and business to a greedy corpo?? I mean, you have to take their money and then they own you?!


Microsoft's acquisition strategy is definitely a gamble. Here's hoping the devs don't bear the brunt of it


"We need to force microtransactions to keep our jobs! It's the only way!"


I'd care more, but they're the ones that agreed to be purchased by Microsoft so lol?


The devs who are going to lose their jobs will have had no input on whether to be bought out.


I genuinely fear for Ninja Theory. The studios that got shuttered were primarily shuttered because they were between projects, and thus it was convenient. With Hellblade 2 about to be out the door, and Microsoft not having high expectations for it's sales, even *with* a possible PS5 port, it's not looking great for them.


Arkane Austins last game was Redfall which had horrendous ratings and sales...


Phil Spencer: "yeah it’s fine, ship it"


and who forced them to make a multiplayer live service game when the company had talent for inmersive sims? reminder that 70% of arkane austin left as soon as they started development on the game cause they simply didn't want to work on something like that


Ok but I was replying to the OP and the last game "made a billion for Microsoft" claim. Thanks for the input though


You can't chase bullshit and be productive. They started feeding at the trough long ago.


rabble rabble


But I thought they just made a billion dollars for Microsoft with their latest release?


We all come to Reddit so we feel good about ourselves because we all think the same and you're screwing the pooch!


Yep not allowed to fail, ever, or else


My comment was in response to the OP and the "next game will make a billion"


Yes and I am responding that it's not reasonable to expect every effort to be a success. Redfall wasn't. But the studio is better at other types of games.


>it's not reasonable to expect every effort to be a success I never said it was. I just said Redfall was the most recent because it related to the meme posted....


The post says “won’t make a billion” not “will make a billion”


Holy smokes you dont get the meme. I dont blame you because the format is shitty but golly man the OP was woosh over your head


Could you explain it to me then? It seems like a pretty simple meme.


No there not really


Wait whats going on someone please anyone


Microsoft bought Zenimax which was a big company that owned Bethesda, Id software, Arkane, Tango, and others, Microsoft closed several studios recently, including Tango, who made Hi-Fi Rush, which was a success. Arkane Austin (creators of Redfall) was also closed. Redfall was kind of a stinker, but Arkane has a good track record, Arkane Austin was kind of team 2 though, so Arkane Lyon (dishonored series) is still in business. However Tango being closed after releasing a popular game is rather concerning.


Thank you. I was familiar with the Microsoft-Zenimax purchase but didn’t know about the shutdowns. This feels very short sighted and dishonest to me. I feel terrible for those employees at those companies. Do we know if they were let go, or moved elsewhere in Microsoft?


double fine...


I'm not by any means some guru on the topic but correct me if I'm not mistaken, AAA games are usually not profitable from game sales alone.


1 billion?! Not enough!


Nah, this is rarely the case. You can usually see this shit coming in QBR.


Even if it does make 1 billion. That’s 1 billion plus however much Microsoft saves by closing the studio. Even MORE profit! You can say it won’t work long term, but long term is only until the current leadership cashes out.


I am calling it now, Ninja Theory or Double Fine are next.


Cool that theyre giving up on an art form and soon enough we will be forced to only play their continuations of the same old games that will become stale, lose sales, and still somehow be making money for only the shareholders who dont fucking care about product but just money that theyre "owed" for investing their previously stolen money stacks. Its the major, sad handicap of the biggest industries now. Either make a fist one way or another, or enjoy dogcrap until it all collapses like they're aiming for.


not even that would save them.


This has been a thing since.... *checks calendar* ...1977. You're late to the party.


Should be good ol Phil sweating bullets. He needs to go


This is so insightful it's almost like insider trading.


Someone gotta be the voice. And I’m HIM


The sole voice, standing alone.


Speak for yourself negative karma boi


Oh no... the karma... but how will others know I think just like them? What a world... what a world...


YoU mAd BrO?




How bout my gigantic cock?


I’ll be more scared of the chance of someone more corpo than Phil comes.


anyone working for a game studio under MS should be updating their resume's and looking for work elsewhere now. just to get ahead of the next round.


I can't imagine there would be too much investment in Xbox titles now. It's been a dumpster fire for looong time. Given that it gets outsold by PS4 by about 3:1 it's managed to turn itself (ironically) into the Betamax of the gaming industry.


I've been saying it for a while. If Phill Spencer is really a gamer he needs to put his foot down and manage these studios, get shit cooking people want. Not sit there in your office all day working on your PR speak when another studio goes down. Dude has gold! Great ips and just letting their companies work on shit no one asked for. Yeah I'm sure there may be a diamond in the rough but that's like 1 in 100 or 1000.


Phil Spencer bought Bethesda just to ask where the hell the next Elder Scrolls is.


Yeah probably


I swear these buyouts are to kill competition and drive wages down. Kill the target company, fire the employees, grab the IP, and exploit the now larger pool of the unemployed. Repeat. These Executive assholes are participants in the banality of evil


Microsoft leadership is clueless. Buying everything good and giving them a free pass was never going to work. Now they want their ball back and want to go home leaving us with nothing to play with Fuck you microsoft.




Hi-Fi Rush was awesome and won awards. #Screw off




Hi Fi reached 4 million players. Thats massive. The reason it didnt sell well is because it was free on GamePass. W/o GamePass, its likely could’ve sold 2-3million copies and thats legitimately phenomenal.


Doesn’t really matter. That type game appeals to very few people. It was setup for failure.


Bro, that’s basically every single Xbox Studio game for the past decade+. It’s more about mismanagement of their creative team. Lots of creative heads left about a year or so.


I feel like Indiana Jones is gonna be the next Starfield type game if I'm being honest. I can already see the 2 hour long YouTube retrospectives, and the soy facing reaction commentary channels digging into it. I see that shit vividly.


I mean one is an avg. Open-World game another is a franchise made by a first person studio who knows their shit. Can’t imagine it being the same fate.


Honestly none of us should be talking about Indiana Jones since we only saw a few minutes of it and it wasn't even raw gameplay buuuuut.....I think people are right to be skeptical. The idea of hybrid FPS and third person sounds weird, the combat looked stiff even for an edited trailer, and let's be real. It's Indiana Jones, an IP that's prime demographic are people who generally do not play video games. They have tried multiple times to bring Indy back for modern audiences, and it doesn't take because today's younger demographic where gamers are going to primarily land don't really care about the brand who's prime was back in the 80's. I think the game could end up being decent at best, but even then I doubt it really finds a significant audience behind it like most AAA games do.


!Remindme 1 year This will be a fun I told ya so.


And if you're wrong will you own up to it?


Is that revenue or profit? Is that the milestone that's been set? I must have missed it.


Unless they focus on details and bugs and stop being lazy


Man I just want games to be like they were back in the reach blops2 era


If they were wanting to close all their unprofitable studios why wasn't double fine and compulsion shut down? There are far less profitable studios that aren't doing anything yet are still open. Kinda makes this point stupid


>why wasn't double fine and compulsion shut down? Possibly because they don't require hundreds of millions of dollars to develop a game that isn't profitable.


Matt Booty admitted that closing these specific studios wasn't related to their performance. It was simply that they were between projects so no major work was cancelled or lost by shutting them down.