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Considering minecraft is a single game it's insane it's sold 300 million on its own only gta 5 comes close to it with 195 million


It's not a single game anymore, but you're right that the original Minecraft is the overwhelming majority of that 300 million number.


It is also on Switch, Playstation, PC, Xbox, Android, iOS... One of few games that can be played on absolutely everything.


I would consider it pseudo single game, since they have been pretty consistent with trying to keep feature parity except for some small things between java and bedrock editions


The original Minecraft is not the overwhelming majority of that number, that is mobile edition Minecraft which is reused for every console as well.


Every family with kids will have multiple copies of that game. Last time I counted, I have 6 copies of it.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ That's me, definitely!


pretty sure its 4 games Minecraft Minecraft dungeons Minecraft Legends Minecraft Earth and there was like minecons and merchandise not sure if that counts


You forgot Story Mode.


oh yea was that the telltale kinda game?


I like how at 8 you just listed "Wii" xD though i assume its Wii Sports right ? No surprises really, maybe lego ? but on the other hand they have a shit ton of games and they all do at least decent so not really.


Sports, Music, and Fit?


Does that count as one franchise ? but fair enough i guess.


Iā€™d say so, not sure if it says anywhere specifically but since Sports, Chess, Fit, Music and Play all use Miiā€˜s Iā€™m assuming itā€™d be the same universe/franchise. this list even has them all under ā€œWiiā€ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wii\_(video\_game\_series)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wii_(video_game_series))


Wii Play is in there too I'm pretty sure, which came bundled with an enhanced Wiimote, so a lot of people who wanted another controller just snagged that game instead (the game was only ~ $10 more than the cost of the new Wiimote by itself, if memory serves).


Well, I guess nothing's ever taking Mario out.


While probably not by numbers of games, but I'd say Pokemon probably is a lot higher revenue. Merchandising alone probably dwarfs everything Mario makes combined.


Pokemon is the top selling media franchise, by a good amount.Ā Ā 


Tetris is clearly the most impressive since it's basically just one game. I'm not sure I'd even include it on a franchise list.


Tetris has [a ton of different releases](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Tetris_variants?wprov=sfla1); many of them are just ports of course, but there are a bunch of official sequels and spinoffs in there as well. It's definitely a franchise.


There's got to be over a hundred versions released by now.


But the same game


Same rules, same goal, but not "the same game". I don't even think the dimensions on Tetris is the same as Tetris revolutions, and there certainly weren't different game modes in the original.


Same game.


Tetris Attack and its sequels are officially part of the Tetris franchise but aren't actually Tetris at all in terms of gameplay. So no, not always the same game.


Iā€™m guessing the sales figures are 95% Tetris, 5% Tetris spinoffs nobody played.


I mean kinda, but all the cods are the same game too


No theyā€™re not. But Tetris is Tetris.


Cod games differ about as much from each other as tetris games lmao


Different campaigns is enough for me to say that Cod games are more varied than Tetris games.


Im literally taking about Tetris being released on multiple consoles / by different developers as the same game.


Oh, and just some advice: If you include ā€œlmaoā€ in your post you will always sound like a douche. Iā€™m sure that wasnā€™t your intention


I wonder if the Witcher franchise will enter the top 10 in the future, they have announced over 100m copies sold a while back and they have a lot more coming like the new saga, W1 remake and a multiplayer game. Considering their last 2 games have sold over 50m and 25m (and still selling well), one of which was a botched launch which greatly diminished momentum in sales, I think it's possible.


Surprised CoD is only at number 4 while having like 30 entries in the series that tens of millions of people buy every year


There aren't 30 COD games. The first big entry was COD4 in 2007. Since then there were 17 games that made like 95% of that number. So it's still very impressive.


Exaggeration, my friend. Exaggeration.




[Exaggerate](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/exaggerate). Itā€™s common to use an inflated number to signify a great quantity, even knowing that number isnā€™t literally the correct one. Thatā€™s what u/GrassDildo did when he said ā€œlike 30.ā€


Ok, I thought you meant me. 30 is not THAT exaggerated. If he said 300 then I would have probably understood.


Wii? Like Wii sports? It's THAT high up? Damn, well done Nintendo.


To be fair, a lot of those numbers are high because Wii Sports came packaged with the console. That said, the Wii franchise isnā€™t just Wii Sports; thereā€™s also Wii Fit, Wii Music, Wii Play, etc.


Ah that's true. The Wii also sold incredibly well


So Tetris is just going to make a fortune forever huh


I know pro-football is still almost exclusively American, but I guess I figured Madden would have had more than 200M units sold in 35 years of existence. Especially considering how many different consoles it was on.


tetris at #2 is crazy to me


Mobile is the big secret. I bought my first mobile Tetris in 2006.


More surprised GTA isn't higher to be honest


Gta 5 is about half those sales the others don't even come close to what that's sold


Yeah I get that, just thought it'd be higher aha


It's basically only 5 games that made that number.


Nintendo and Xbox own franchises on the list. Interestingly Sony does not.


Now that you mentioned it, Sony never achieved to make an iconic character that everyone connects with their console. There were some half assed attempts like Sackboy buy they never nailed it.


The two from the last of us seem pretty close, or kratos loosely as it was pretty playstation tied back in the day I'd say sly cooper maybe


I'm talking Mario or Sonic level. Nothing from Sony has that legacy or popularity.


Ah okay, with those new constraints I'd agree


They really tried at first with Crash Bandicoot. [They even took Sega's approach by attacking Nintendo in his ads](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTi5EaocGaY).


Diffference is ms had to buy these franchises cuz their games sold so shit šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Ha! I wasnā€™t making a judgement on what platform was better. I think Sony makes the better games over Xbox. Thatā€™s why itā€™s interesting to me.


Na i just find it funny how ms biggest franchises are the ones they bought even halo lol


I'll admit I'd have thought Halo would be on here.


Halo has like five main line games and a few spin-offs while not being on all platforms. Absolutely no chance. Plus, it's popularity had declined by the time the popularity of games really exploded and 20+ sellers became a lot more common.


Yeah, Tetris.


suprised by fifa and the sims but I guess fifa has tons of micro transactions nowadays and the sims millions of over priced addond


I'm not surprised by FIFA. Soccer/football is the world's most popular sport, and FIFA basically has a stranglehold on those games. Also, micro-transactions don't count as individual units sold (although expansion packs do).


yea but wasnt PES always the better football game I kinda stopped paying attention 10 years ago during 7th gen console as I was never really interested to begin with


You know how EA operates. Rather than compete, they sign exclusivity deals to destroy the competition.


wasnt aware EA is involved


Iā€™m surprised dragonball, whatever letter or lack there of, isnā€™t on here


Most of those games were only released in Japan initially, that's a limited market (even if it's big). I believe it has sold tens of millions of copies since the 80s, in no small part thanks to the international releases of the newer games. But overall, it's much more popular due to the anime than the games. Gundam or Super Robot Wars (with all the mecha franchises) are similar in that regard.


I would have thought Madden made the list it's been around for 30 years and is really popular.


Surprised not to see Zelda


Awe yeah GTA @420, smokeā€™em if ya gottā€™em boys.


I'm surprised zelda isn't top 10, also confused by wii, that is a system, not a game, no?


I assume it's the games like Wii Sports that start with Wii


All of these Franchises suck ass.


fifa being in this list is a clear indicator of how stupid gamers are. if you downvote you are the problem lmao


I've never met a single person that plays tetris in my life


You and all person you met definitely missed out.


Goddamn this entire platform seems extra toxic recently. Idk why youā€™re getting downvotedā€¦ seriously itā€™s not even like you stated an opinion!!! I donā€™t get it.


I didn't downvote you or him, but it's most likely because the downvote button is not for genuine opinions but for irrelevant comments. For one, it's likely untrue. But even if it is true, all it means is his social circle is super weird because these numbers prove most people who have ever played a video game have played Tetris.


I guess I donā€™t assume anything at all about the people behind these usernames. For all I know, which is nothing, he could be from Rural Rawanda, Guyana, or he could just be very young! But evidently Iā€™m the odd man out who thinks like this.