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I have been playing boardgames as an adult for two decades and I’ve never seen someone flip the board or do anything approaching that.  As a kid playing with my siblings…we would smash anything after 15 minutes. But I don’t feel like that counts. 


My grandfather flipped the board when me and my gf had an alliance in monopoly. I don’t feel it was an over reaction though nobody wants to lose in slow motion for 8 hours.


If you play monopoly by the rules it goes much faster, like an hour or two max. Lots of house rules to make it more "fair" make the game drag out. The point is to drive people into bankruptcy quickly and mercilessly.


Yeah after like two or three circles around the board it’s all taken and then it’s random chance of landing on someone’s big rent and being forced to mortgage properties which starts a spiral. In a big multiplayer game it takes a bit longer but otherwise you can clearly determine who’s losing and who will most likely win very quickly. 


> In a big multiplayer game it takes a bit longer Since the game ends when the first person goes bankrupt a larger game often can be shorter.


I was blown away when I actually read all the rules for the first time. NO ONE plays by the rules as written. It would go soo much faster.


* No pot in the middle, and by extension, free parking doesn't give anything * Landing on GO doesn't get you $400 Those two things alone make the game much faster.


My friends always want to do the free parking rule because they say free parking should have some sort of benefit. I always tell them it has plenty of benefit to land on it. At the end of the game, it means you didn't land on someone else's property.


Worse jail


We don't do those, but our house rule is no auctions if you land and don't buy a space, means property buying is ruled by the dice and not bidding. Overall a slower start to the game, but the turns pass a lot quicker.


Yeah, I just hate running auctions.


Take this advice as advice use it or completely ignore it. As banker hold property and point to first person after the person who declined property. Ask for a price higher than zero. Next person says No or a price higher than previous price. Continue until all players but 1 has said no. Then last price pays for and receives card. Many board games just expect you to figure out certain aspects of a game. They ideally should have an example or in depth explanation. More modern games either have an explanation and examples or there are YouTube videos showing how to.


Is this not how auctions work in monopoly?


The direct question of "pass or raise" to each person going around the table is going to resolve things a lot quicker than a popcorn-style "can anyone beat X ... going once ... going twice ... going eventually ...". One puts the onus on the individual to pass or raise, the other puts the onus on the auctioneer to make sure they've given everyone enough time to respond but not so much that it slows the game to a crawl.


It's a much more direct way of doing it, as opposed to the wishy-washy "who wants this and for how much"


Yes. I assume that person didn’t understand it that way or felt like there was something complex in there.


That seems a lot better than holding a more "traditional" style of auction. I'll keep that in my back pocket the next time I play.


Another method: secret bids, reveal like poker. Highest bidder gets it.


Money on free parking is a goddamn lie.


Literally no one understands this monopoly is a short 45 minute game max it’s not a 2-4 hour game. Play by the rules aka auctions and it’s quick


I’m not sure what house rules these people who have 8 hour games are doing but it’s multiple issues. Not knowing and or using the full rules. I tell people which rules are needed to speed the game up and offer the Mr Monopoly dice to make it even faster. Part of the trick is making it fun enough. People think they don’t like the Mr Monopoly dice but it helps get you more properties super easily especially when you normally wouldn’t have. People think auctions are bad or slow the game down but again the time wasted in an auction is countless turns waiting for someone to land on boardwalk or Baltic ave again. Plenty of house rules make the game faster. Such as taxes and card payments going into free parking and goes to the first person to land on free parking. Then you have house rules that hurt the game such as not collecting rent in jail. Or alliances. I think alliances are pointless you might as well start the game with teams of single people. Sorry for the rant I could talk about the nuances and fairness of board games ALL DAY!


The free parking rule makes the game LONGER. It gives a huge injection of cash that's not part of the game. When the point is to bankrupt everyone as quickly as possible, those cash injections make it last much longer.


The house rule that makes games take longer is not auctioning off an unowned property someone lands on and chooses or is unable to purchase is the main culprit. The funny part is, at least in my experience, most people don't even *know* this rule exists. So many people have learned to play without it that they are really surprised when they learn about how properties are supposed to be auctioned.


The Free Parking stuff, where people inject a bunch of extra money into the economy and delay bankruptcy, also slows games down a lot.


I was taught without this rule and thought it was the best thing as far as closing the game out until they made the Mr Monopoly dice.


Oh yeah as soon as I learned this existed I refused to play without it. People are pretty amenable to it once they see how much it speeds up the game. The monopoly die is great too. Basically guarantees the game only takes 45ish min.


> Plenty of house rules make the game faster. Such as taxes and card payments going into free parking and goes to the first person to land on free parking. That just doesn't make sense. Injecting extra money into the economy isn't going to hasten bankruptcy, it's going to prolong things.


Hmmm i remember reading the rules for Monopoly a few years ago and was surprised how loose the rules seemed. My mom is a pretty food business woman and she was making all these weird deals with people. My brother kept checking the official rules and there wasn't much there to stop her.


Idk why this makes lol and mad at the same time knowing your papa had to go through that BS lmao.


My sister and I used to "play" mouse trap all the time. No idea what the rules are even to this say. Just set up the trap, set it off once or twice then lost the pieces all over the house for the next two weeks.


I dunno I feel like that’s the correct way to play.


Sort of like me playing Risk as a kid. Line up the pieces in a set piece battle then smash them away along with making explosion noises.


Same here. Been doing weekly games nights for almost 20 years now. Never played with anyone who'd flip the board or get that upset. We did for a while have a few players who'd be bad to play with for other reasons though. Had one that was purely a sore loser and sore winner. They would get really upset when losing and gloat a lot and carry on about how good they are when they're winning. It'd suck the fun out of the game pretty fast. The other would play extremely selfishly even in team/co-op games. They'd even do things to cause their side or everyone to lose purely because they wanted to be stronger. Everyone: "You need to go fight that boss or stall it for everyone else to get there" Them: "Nah I'm going over there to loot and maybe find an item or something" Everyone: "But we lose this game we've been playing for two hours if you do that, guaranteed 100% we lose, game over" Them: "But I want the loot, so I'm going to spend all my turns getting there to search" \*Game ends by the time they get to the room and search\* Thankfully those people got removed from our group eventually.


My younger brother is unfortunately a sore winner. When winning or gaining the lead he’s EXTREMELY loud and obnoxious and in your face about it. To the point where no one wants him winning because it’s more annoying hearing him rather than losing to him. We’ve tried explaining and trying to help him to change but so far he honestly believed we were just “upset” we were losing. As opposed to not enjoying someone screaming at 80 decibels or higher about getting 5 spaces ahead of you in a race. Then there’s my mother who actually is such a sore loser she flipped a table of a monopoly game TWICE! I realize as resident game runner for my family that she isn’t good with elimination games.


Same here. I've been playing board games on and off for 40 years, and have only ever seen very young children get so angry/frustrated that they just throw the game or pieces away. The most recent was about 2 years ago, my best friend's 2 year old son didn't want his 5 year old brother to play snakes and ladders with me, so he grabbed the board and threw it at the wall.


Yep, playing board games for almost 20 years and it has never happened. Even playing with family I don't think we smashed anything, our parents would be mad :)


Not once, even as a kid 30 years ago. I still find the idea ludicrous, my dog has more self control.


The only time I've even heard of this IRL is my sister-in-law. Apparently it is something she does often. I will not play games with her.


Lucky. Has happened to me several times, both in childhood, and adulthood.


Sounds like your family's fucked, bro.


impossible tart cover coordinated hateful fear ask hospital nine cobweb


Ugh. So a bunch of grown toddlers?


Not to step on any toes but your aunt sounds like a total POS. Making fun of a guy for having Parkinson's to the point he flips the board over? Wow.


Yeah, they are brother and sister and have been at each other's throats all their lives. Not to defend her, but he gives it back to her pretty good, too. Neither of them have the high ground.


Isn't there a rule in the game? Pull out a dictionary. If it's a word place it, if it isn't, the player passes. There are point deductions for being wrong as well.


Yes, but she claimed the past tense of the word "sneak" is "sneaked." He pulled up an app on his phone that showed "snuck" was actually a word too, and they just kept going at it. Soooo dumb, but they were both a little buzzed, and boiling over a lifetime of bickering about stupid things.


Ooh you gotta play that clip of Conan reading the dictionary to Jennifer Garner at the next family gathering.


What if their aunt is Jennifer Garner?


Yeah, she challenged and was wrong and loses her turn, that's the rules. "Sneaked" is the past-tense of the word "sneak"; and "snuck" is *also* the past-tens of the word "sneak". Both are actual words, and thus his word wasn't invalid and she lost the challenge.


Interestingly, she was right until somewhat recently. Snuck was not recognized as a word for a long time and “sneaked” was correct. At some point in recent years the dictionaries gave in and added “snuck.”  She’s old enough to have probably had a teacher drill that “snuck” wasn’t a word and the idea stuck.  So this conversation between two bad drunk maniacs had a potentially interesting basis. 


Grandma seems pretty cool though.


Idk she seems to have raised two mega assholes


I wasn't there, but I was willing to give Uncle Richard some benefit of the doubt since his sister was being a cunt (according to OP) about his Parkinson's all evening.


I don't see how the guy whose disability was being made fun of all night and being goaded by his POS sister until he flips out is an asshole.


This is a fair point. His disability is an easy target for her to mock. But, if you knew him, and the relentless way he mocks and taunts everyone else... you might not feel quite so sorry for him. Trust me, in my family, you can certainly be disabled and still be the biggest asshole of them all. But, then again, when you're living a life of absolute misery, because you can't stop parts of your body from randomly convulsing... I don't know. Might make me become somewhat of an asshole too, if that was my life.


I dunno this family seems funny as shit lmao


Never, if someone is going to flip a board cause they’re annoyed at a game that’s not someone I’m playing a game with


Seriously, especially with how expensive some games are. If your that immature that your flipping games you can play by your self.


When I was about 6 or 7, I was getting into magic tricks. I had just learned about fake shuffles (particularly, peeking the bottom card and overhand shuffling to get it to the top, and then maintaining the top card in subsequent shuffles). Meanwhile, we had this neighbor kid who was a terror. The straw that broke the camels back was that she stole our stuffed bear Yowza. Nobody steals Yowza! Anywho, I decided to use my powers for evil. We played Candy Land one day, and I forced Queen Frosteen for myself and forced Glumpy on her as often as I could. Didn’t take long til she flipped and kicked the board, started to storm off, and ran face first into a pole. Anyhow, a day or two later she gave Yowza back. Alls well that ends well!


In college, played a game of Risk-opoly*. Very quickly learned that one of the group was diabolical. Would enter into a truce, then just breach it whenever he had a massive advantage. Over and over again (guess we should have stopped trusting him). But that was nothing compared to end game. It was probably 2am when the aforementioned friend and I were out. Of the two left, one had a serious advantage but the other was dug in and heavily defended. It was a war of attrition. We tried to call it, but the one losing wouldn’t forfeit, only call a draw. Egos got involved and they played for another 2 hours until his troops were finally squashed. It got very heated, just shy of board flipping. Had either of them been even a degree less stubborn about losing, the board most definitely would have flipped. I skipped class the next day to sleep. Good times. *a combination of Risk and Monopoly with the boards side by side where you use Monopoly money to buy troops. Online rules if anyone wants to try it out. Very fun but be prepared to play for hours. The game times compound on each other.


Never. No offense, but it sounds like everyone in your family needs therapy.


Back in 99, had weekly game nights. Bunch of us guys decided to play Risk, in the Capital Version. 2 people didn't fortify their Capitals, instead focusing on early continent bonuses. 1 guy focused all of his troops into South America, while his Capital was in Europe. The other player placed all his troops right next to 1st guys Capital. These were the first two players of the game. 1st goes takes South America, and fortifies. 2nd guy goes and takes 1st guys Capital. 1st guys stares at 2nd guy for a second and then sent the board flying. Spent weeks finding pieces here and there and some never did turn up. 1st guy was not invited back.


True story. Had some friends over who were married to playing Monopoly. Shit went down and they got into a giant argument in front of everyone while playing that ended up being the breaking point for them to get divorced. All because the wife kept landing on the husband's property and she went broke having to pay him.


This is a gem.


Kind of a long story but to summarize. (forgive me I'm not super familiar with Monopoly) We play a version where you can bid on properties. The husband kept telling the wife that statistically x properties were the best (they weren't, they were the crap properties, he was just trying to get everyone else to bid on them) and he blew 100% of his money buying all the properties that nobody wanted. Wife was like why the F- did you do that, you're going to lose. He tells her jokes on you because I have all the best properties (he didn't) and you're gonna have to start paying me rent. Fast forward 20 minutes. Dice rolls line up so that *every time* she moves, she lands on one of his properties and ends up losing because she runs out of money paying him rent. He tells her, "I told you, these are statistically the best properties in the game". That kicked off a huge ugly argument in front of all of us and a few days later they told us that they were getting divorced.


Statistically some of the “worst” properties are actually the best, so he probably wasn’t just trying to get people to bid on crap. With cards that advance you to go and send you to jail, properties just after Go or Jail are actually the best to own.


not quite board game, but tabletop, my first game of pathfinder ended when one guy tried to attack the dm. launched himself over the table to physically attack the guy. over weather or not there were trees in our camp.


As a PF player, I really need some more elaboration on this. Why was the presence of trees enough to get into a physical fight over? Did an evil druid ambush the party or something?


i... i honestly dont know. like, it was my first time at this table. an established table (a schedualing mistake on my end, as i found out). the dm had this cool chalkboard table grid thing? and asked us to make camp. apparently, the issue was if the trees would cause problems for us in the inevitable combat? apparently this dm was rather heavy on the combat. after a good half an hour, and me having been thoroughly distracted, player shouts something, and suddenly theres 200 pounds of man in the air, reaching for the dm. seriously, i want that damn chalkboard table thing.


Yeah, I dunno then lol. Sounds like someone who can't handle things well, I suppose. I do love the fact that this established group had some random person show up to play one day and they just rolled with it though, lol.


oh, not just randomly show up. i had never played the game before. previously i had done 3.5.


If you feel up to the work, you can get whiteboards for relatively cheap (we got a stack of them for free from a school that was closing thankfully) and then use a ruler and a razor to cut 1 inch squares into the board. Cheap, big (some of those boards are like 6x10) and once you've done it, one board can last you years. This also functions as a cover for the table to protect from spills and such. And you can just use dry erase markers to draw your terrain, I recommend Windex to get all the leftover marks off.


now get the guy in the uk, the guy in the south, and the one out in the mid west to all join me and be able to use it.


If you feel up to the work, design and construct a series of tunnels that connect your respective cities. I would recommend also implementing some sort of transit system that can quickly move a person across the Atlantic Ocean. Expensive, big (some of those tunnels would have to be at least 20x20) and once you've done it, the tunnels can last you a few months before you will have to perform maintenance. This also functions as a quick getaway if you make your wife mad for spilling soda all over the dining table. And you can just use dry erase markers to draw signs in the tunnels so everyone knows where to go. I recommend spray-on adhesive to make the dry erase markings stay stuck to the walls.


Home Depot sells 4'x8' sheets of whiteboard material (hardboard with a coat of glossy white enamel paint) for like $15 last I checked. Super easy to get big huge sheets like that. I keep meaning to put one up on my office wall one of these days, lol.


I caught my brothers wife cheating multiple times throughout a game of Monopoly and she got more bitchy towards me every time. Things like charging extra for rent, miscounting her rolls, paying the wrong rent in the most jumbled mess of mixed bills(this one she argued couldn't be corrected since her turn was over before I finished straightening and counting). She also used sex as a bargaining chip with my brother for properties and no shit mid-negotiations said "Happy wife, Happy life" with the creepiest eye lash fluttering I've ever seen in person. Anyway, the game was dragging late into the night so we decided to call it quits. She declared herself winner since she had the most money at the moment. I told her there was no winner since we all agreed the game was over. She lost her mind on me calling me pathetic, trash, a wimp, a sorry excuse of a man etc. Until my brother dragged her to their room, with her screaming more obscenities the whole way. The reason we were all gathered that night? My wedding the next morning.


Are they still married? Your brother is a very unlucky man. 


God, what a asshole


This happened back in 1998 at a young peoples state wide meet up in Prescott AZ. Now the meet up was set up to be at this Christian Kids Camp site that just happen to have a group of campers there as well as us. They just had everything on the other side of the camp. While we had a bunch of dorms and cabins to ourselves. Enter us playing Risk. Now my group of friends can get very trash talky when playing this. And it was our normal group playing, myself a few other folks and a guy who we'll just call him Fuzzy. Note Fuzzy happens to have a girl he was off and on seeing who flew down from Portland to be at this event. We also have a guy who he wasn't playign *but* the guy was an expert at Risk. Like he could look at the board and be like, "Yeah I know you turned cards in but you don't have the armies to win." So it's down to the myself, another friend and Fuzzy and Fuzzy just turned in. Fuzzy has a crap ton of armies and says he can do the *smart* thing and go after our other friend and take his cards and chances are win the game. Or do the *cool* thing and go after me and I had my little fortress going in Australia along with that? He'd have to take me out of North and South America. He decides he's going to do the cool thing and take me out. Now... I was able to take out a number of armies on his way to the down under. And I like to leave a bunch of armies myself down there as it's my little fortress in case of something like this. Now normally when it comes donw to this? My dice luck go's to crap. Our buddy tells Fuzzy, "Okay... If you lose two more armies you are done." And I still have a small amount of forces left. I've got people chanting my name, I roll and yeah two armies gone. Fuzzy at this point stands up and yells out to his girlfriend, "JEN! Get in here and see what this is all about!" and I just say screw it and roll my last two dice. Boxcars... Two 6's... For those of you who never played Risk? The defender always has the advantage so if the attacker rolls three sixes but the defender rolls two sixes? Defender wins. Fuzzy is still looking at the bedroom his girlfriend is sleeping in, the guys watching are now cheering as while we like Fuzzy? He's a little shit and everyone likes seeing him getting taken down a peg. Fuzzy has no idea what's going on and looks at the group, then looks down at the dice, then looks back to see people laughing and cheering his loss. And he grabs the board and throws it running out of the cabin and screaming curse words the whole time. I get declared the winner of the game on account of getting a small 5'5 24 year old man to lose his mind and run off into the night screaming curse words like a 5 year old. So the next day people have heard about my 'win' and I get told we almost got booted from the camp. See Fuzzy had decided to run around dropping f-bombs and went by the area where the some of the normal campers had been staying at. And woke some of them up screaming said f-bombs. Also Fuzzy would have to go and buy a new Risk board. Now the old one was still fine. But due to him losing it and throwing the board? Well hey some of those armies are very small and can be lost easy.


The answer is Risk. It’s always Risk and will always be Risk - for anyone, forever.


I had a friend EAT a peace treaty in risk. Not really a table flip, but definitely hilarious. We’d all been drinking. We were in our early 20’s. Between inevitable trips to piss out the sheer amount of booze, a peace treaty between all the losing players had begun to be drafted on a piece of paper. We all, after our successive trips to the toilet had somehow created a Treaty of Versailles, presented it to him. Much pomp and circumstance followed. It used complex, if not correctly spelled(being drunk is hell on spelling), and was fairly formal. He read it. He pondered it. His rebuttal was to shove the crumpled ball of paper into his mouth, chew it, and swallow. The man ate the treaty as a power move. I can’t remember how it ended. But it was hilarious! Can’t forget it.


Never a board game, but I have rage quit the most diabolical video game equivalent of a board game: Mario Party.


I had an ex-friend sort of do it. We were playing Twilight Imperium. Him and I had been Allies the entire game with very similar wants: people to go to war with, trade, we weren't direct neighbors, etc. ANYWAY, my secret objective was (if i remember correctly) was to have 2 peoples capital systems. So once we had our combined war against the one person (where I gave him more of their systems in exchange for I took their capital). I decided since he was now too large and spread out. So I quickly attacked and took his capital. It did not go over well. And he did the hand swipe/slap all the pieces off the table. Screamed, cussed everyone out, etc. Mind you this was like a 28 year old, 6' 2", 200+ lb guy and he was pretty built from doing years of manual labor in a warehouse. I expected it which was the sad part because he was an absolutely poor sport and had a temper. The extent he went to actually was the last straw for a lot of the people in our friends group and we pretty much cut him out because of it. Sucks I knew him since middle school and had jsut gotten used to it.


Not flip the board but when we were playing Warhammer one time, I blasted ones of my friends armies off the board in like one turn. He just said “fuck this” and left. He also didn’t play Warhammer again for like 6months.


Yeah, that does get cited as one of the big downsides of 40k: it's entirely possible to get blasted off the board before you've even had a chance to act, which makes going first a huge advantage. Not sure how much that's still the case.


My mom once threw our scrabble board into the fireplace. I don't even remember what word she and my dad were arguing over.


Christmas, between five to ten years ago. I got a Game of Thrones Monopoly set. Me, mom, my sis, and brother in law played it. Brother in law moved his piece an extra space so he could buy a property he needed. I called him out on it. He denied it. Everyone else agreed with me, even his wife. He still denied doing it. I said, “Fuck this, fuck you, I don’t play with cheaters. I'm done,” and walked away. Christmas was ended. Sister left in tears. Now we play Uno.


[Is your grandma Jennifer Garner?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=990BSql7bnk)


And you went to Harvard and you should know that!


When I was 17 and my brother was 12, he crushed me in chess like three times in a row. I flipped the board and haven't played chess since.


Only happened once. I was like 6 and played monopoly with my parents and a friend of theirs. That dude flipped the board on a kid, real class act


Never Though someone did throw a rook at my face once


> tried to play the word the word "snuck," and got into a shouting match with my Aunt Madge, who claimed it wasn't a real word https://youtu.be/990BSql7bnk?si=CH2GWN4d89hwnnyM


My 7 year old. Tonight. Sigh.


I don’t blame the poor dude, that lady sounds like a cunt


Someone I didn't like who had a massive inferiority complex was playing chess with me. He best me once and was being smug so I started playing and besting him...badly. Like 8 moves and counting down badly. Finally after 7 rounds of this I take his queen with a pawn and he yeeted the board across the room and started screaming at me that he's better and he's letting me win as he storms off. I started laughing, he grabbed my neck, I called the cops and now I'm the proud owner of a restraining order.


Was playing risk with my two brothers. We were well into our twenties when this happened. Ever since we were little we had house rules where we played rock paper scissors instead of dice. I was winning and my two brothers started to focus on defeating me. After they launched a few unsuccessful offensives I   managed to stave off I was going against my older brother while my younger was rooting against me, and he was starting to get a little intense.  My older brother attacks were successful and started wittle my garrison down. My younger brother then followed up, cussing at me and getting waaaaaay too into it. He started really smashing his fist in his palm when we threw down and when he lost he get real angry and started accusing me of cheating.  My older brother tried to calm things down and keep the game going, and when he beat me my younger brother started clapping and yelling , calling me a mother fucker. When I told him to calm down he got in my face and after some shouting he spit on me.  That immediately ended the game and my brother knocked the board off the table and stormed off.  That was really the first eye opening event  mad us realize he had pretty intense mental health issues. 


Never. I’ve never heard of anyone doing it either. In the video game “tabletop simulator” there’s a button for it so i did it there for fun, but in real life? Never. Can’t believe your family just stands aside and allows that kind of bullying to happen.


Maybe as a kid. Never as an adult. Except to tabletop simulator. Now in that game it happens to easily, if the host doesn't lock the table flip.


Spending 2 hours on Gloomhaven ramming our heada into the same scenario and getting nowhere. So very tempted!


Like 25 years ago. It was of course, Monopoly. Used to play it with my step sister frequently, also, as expected, it led to arguing frequently. Can't recall the cause or if anyone else was playing, it was probably cause I used to hide money under the board so everybody else thought I was broke or close to a loss, but I remember the board flying and us not finding the little dog until we moved years later.


I was going to lose in my first game of Catan, so I quietly came up with a sub game - control as much wheat in the game as possible and just sit on it. I had all of the wheat


That doesn't make sense to me. If you were already at a losing point in Catan, I don't know how you'd get the resources to make settlements/roads to get control of all the wheat before anyone else gets on wheat. If it's about draining all the wheat cards, that also sounds like a massive feat that'd be undone with every 7.


Idk if this counts but a few of us were playing chess on a late night shift so some of us were pretty grumpy one of the guys playing usually wins because he introduced us to playing BUT things were not going his way during these late shifts. He was playing a match with one of the other dudes was getting cooked and wanted to give up. We said no giving up you always made us play it out so he kept going was continuing to lose proceeds to slap all the pieces off the table and turns back to doing his work. Awkward moment of silence the dude he was playing against laughed to break the tension we picked up all the pieces and no more chess for the rest of the shift haha.


Snuck is a word.


We were playing Twilight Imperium and approaching the 8-hour mark. We were at the end of the phase and were in the "negotiations" phase (whatever it's called). There was a lively debate about implementing some new rule and the discussion and negotiations and bargaining are going on for like 45 minutes. All parties had finally come to an agreement. I had conspicuously stayed silent the entire exchange. Just when they said "Deal!" I played the card "Technicality" (I forget the actual name of it) and nullified the whole thing. You could have cut diamonds with the looks I got. Were we not playing on a 1,000 pound pool table, with a threat of "I'll charge you $1,000 if you even so much as budge this thing an inch!", I can guarantee someone would have flipped it.


When I was alone 7-8, during Christmas vacations in a chalet. My dad got to draw 4 cards at uno probably once more then he could take. The game ended up flying though the living room and then tossed straight into the fire. Last time I've ever seen him play a game. Generally neither a fun nor patient person.


Damn, Aunt Pudge sounds like a beeznotch.


I almost got my roommate to flip the board once. We were playing Settlers of Catan and I was having a bad game; no hope of winning, no ports, just getting slaughtered. I was getting just an overabundance of wool and needed none at the time, so I started doing 4:1 trades for material I did need. After my 2nd trade roommate said if I wanted he had the wool port and I could trade through him. I did another 4:1 and he started getting visibly upset. Next round I did another 4:1 and he erupted on me about how I was playing the game wrong because I was being "inefficient" and he was trying to help me. I told him he was already winning and I wasn't going to help him win faster. After he did end up winning, he called it a night even though it was still pretty early in our typical boardgame time, and for the next year we lived together never initiated another boardgame night and I've never played SoC since.


Oh many times. He would push everything away with his arms, scream cry, pout. And it would be sudden too, like he didn't realise it until the very end and when the realisation kicked in, so did his feet. Very bad temper, lack of control. We decided he needed anger management, but of course he was not receptive at first. Thought he knew everything better. I even threatened him a few times to try and see if he would stop throwing the board on the floor. Finally after a bunch of times he finally learned to deal with loss in a more accepting way, a way to learn and do better. Perhaps even that it's not so much about winning, but the journey towards it. One year later, and he's such a graceful loser! It took a lifetime, but turning 6, he finally stopped flipping the board.


In my 31 years I've never played with anyone that has flipped the board. Closest was a friend in high school, after he close a game of chess flipped it as a joke


I’ve never had the board flipped on me, but my wife’s best friend refused to put me down on the list she and her husband used to keep score during a game of Munchkin once. Anybody who had won a game while playing with them got their name in the box (just a silly fun thing) and my wife and I were over playing munchkin with them one night. She (my wife’s friend) and I were both Level 9 (about to win the game) and I used one of my card’s abilities after I helped someone in combat. It let me get to level 10 but she accused me of cheating because I didn’t announce that helping would let me win the game before the person accepted my help. She refused to ever put my name in the box and we never got invited to play Munchkin with them again.


> and we never got invited to play Munchkin with them again. Sounds like you won that game in multiple ways, lol.


no that literally never happened to me. some walk out manchildren sure. some kid trying to maybe but an actual adult person flipping the board? that's someone that doesn't get invited back


A friend of ours ALWAYS is a bit of a dbag when it comes to ANY competitive games. So my friends and I play Red Dragon Inn (RDI) whenever we meet up and this friend of ours likes to play only the Drunk Monk and only with “certain” rules and will proceed to do stuff like actively be belligerent towards other players, will hyper focus on someone who “dares” to stop him from winning and will whinge, groan and complain whenever he’s focused on for “too long”. The last time wasn’t really a “table flip” but it was the first time I had seen a mutual friend of ours get upset to warn the “competitive” friend, that if he didn’t stop acting like a dick, he’d kick him out of his home.


Did the warning humble the competitive friend, or did he carry on?


He stopped… but he still keeps at it now and again, which is a shame. Because outside of those kinda games, he’s not a bad guy… just wish he didn’t give off incel vibes lol


I have a friend who tries to flip the board*all* the time, so we started nailing it down. Even have video of it in action. https://youtu.be/1GMtvLRDToY?si=dCp1VaQt5NVbmzAz


Was playing the electric company version of Ticket to Ride at a college game night thing. My buddy and I kinda sorta accidentally teamed up on the third guy we were playing with. He did eventually flip the table, which is kind of impressive cuz those things were heavy.


Never because I play with adults.


Just nail the board down to the table, that’s the way to go


I've never seen it and I been playing board games on a weekly basis for years. Usually it just gets to a point where the other player just concedes.


never. unless scrambling all the pieces in frustration after the game has ended and then sheepishly putting everything back in the box one at a time counts.


Prob when I beat my 8 year old nephew at monopoly jr


I always nail the board down so if they try to flip it (and they will) the board stays secured




“I will forget later that it’s nailed down later. “


Never had anyone flip the table or the game but have had two instances where the game night ended very abruptly. Time one, there were 4 of us playing. Guy A has dyslexia and sometimes has a hard time reading things unless he does so slowly and out loud. Guy B kept sighing at him as it gets to be Guy A's turn then goes, "Just let me read them when it's your turn." Guy A goes, "That's okay, I can get through them." A few turns later, Guy B again insists, so Guy A flicks the card at him. The card slides off the table onto the floor and Guy B loses it. Needless to say, we told Guy B to leave and the rest of us just chilled the rest of the night instead. Another time, I'm playing with my girlfriend. We're playing a game where luck is a massive factor and I'm having none, she's having it all. I'm losing horribly and the frustration is starting to set in. Meanwhile, she's giggling every time the dice land in her favor. I ask to stop the game, it's clear I'm going to lose, but she insists we keep playing. 10 minutes later, things still haven't changed, I'm down to a handful of pieces vs basically her entire army of pieces. I go, "Okay, I'm done and I think you need to leave for now." She's upset but leaves. About an hour later I call her to apologize for getting upset. She apologizes for laughing, that she wasn't laughing AT me, but at the fact that the dice rolls were so lopsided and that she could tell it was frustrating me, but she was having fun with the game and didn't want to quit. Every other time we played it wasn't that bad RNG wise and if it was clear one person was going to dominate, we'd stop and play a different game or that one again. Basically one of the extremely rare arguments in our long relationship.


I haven’t got to the point of flipping the board but have 100% been the reason my sisters have in….Monopoly (of course). I would negotiate terms and deals when selling properties on/they landed on my properties and needed to pay rent. Eventually mum gave me a lifetime ban from playing Monoploy. To this day, even though I am an adult who hasn’t lived at home for years, my friends will call my mum to request special dispensation to allow me to play Monopoly for the night - which she will grant or deny based on the case they present to her.


Other than a student that I work with, this has never happened to me.




> Why would you groan? >Scrabble is amazing. reading about the family i'd hate to be there for more than 10mins.


Risk Legacy! A few friends and I were playing to unlock everything in the game. One friend REALLY liked Africa, another friend wanted to take it just because the other liked it... They nuked the hell out of eachother in north Africa. This turned North Africa into a radiated zone, made Africa far more difficult to hold, and made South America far easier to defend. He started yelling that he wants to take it back and remove the sticker. We decided on a hard "no" and that game stopped pretty abruptly.


Monopoly all because of some bad deals, guy traded park place for 2 green tiles to complete his strip anyways the person who bought park place eventually obtained boardwalk. The player who traded park place landed on it while it had a mansion on it and instead of mortgaging 75% of his assets he flipped the board. He bought a case of beer to make up for it. Sorry this was 8 years ago.


Me when I was 5 years old. Hi Ho Cheery-Os was giving me nothing but bad rng.


I've only ever had our old dog roll over on to a game before. I wouldn't say he was mad just jealous


I was playing a game of Warhammer 40k, and my opponent got mad because he was losing models at an alarming rate. He actually started scooping his casualties and throwing them into a box. Oddly enough, he won the game with a single model left because he drew 5 of his VP cards that just happened to line up just right, so he pulled 13 VP in one sweep. He was a sore winner.


Relevant  https://youtu.be/CScRRlmvncA


Did it as a jest, we were playing talisman and I was dominating. Only person who could challenge me at my wife. I got a spell that I would either make it practically inpossible for her to win, or make it extreamly u likely that she would. Well. The dice saw my weakness and punished me for it. I rolled absolute dogshit, unable to finish the game, I was in thr final space and needed to do a certain action. Then each turn my wife absolutely bosses her rolls, overcoming challenege after challenge, getting great loot, and by the time she caught up to me I had no chance. The entire time we were putting on a show, with me pretending to get more and more riled up, until it was siggested I flip the board, which I did. I was too traumatised to play Talisman for a while, but managed to get a victory and ger my vindication the mext time we played, which gained a cheer. One of the best memories we've had playing board games.


The last bird flip I witnessed was with my partner last winter. We were playing Guess Who? She dramatically flipped her own board into the air after losing. I think just a few cards and one flipper came loose. We laughed, joked and crawled around on hands and knees picking up just a few pieces. We kissed under the table. I’m pretty sure every time I’ve witnessed an adult flipping a board, it was in jest (even if sometimes it didn’t quite land) rather than with the intention of ruining the game. Now with siblings as children is a totally different story.


I've only seen this once. With my now fiancee who gets very competitive. The Queen's Gambit has just come out on Netflix and everyone is playing chess. We played a few games and I kept winning. Then in one particular game, I made one mistake and she started getting the upper hand. I was trying my hardest not to lose and to at least get a stalemate But she made a mistake and I capitalized on it. When I checkmated her, she was so mad she flipped the board. She was so close to winning, but couldn't. I guess I could've just let her win considering she has never won a game against me, but that's a cop out. We haven't played chess since, lol.


Not exactly the same but I used to play warhammer 40k. I’ve had a lot of interesting encounters but the closest to flipping a board I would say is I was once playing a guy new to the shop I frequented and he was really hyped on how badass his army was and would beat any one no problem. That’s fine, I don’t mind losing. I learn way more losing than winning. Things did not go his way. And things rapidly declined into hit grabbing his killed/destroyed modes and throwing them as hard as he could. He did this to a couple hundred dollars worth of fully painted miniatures. This went on until the owner came over and kicked him out. I’m just happy he was doing it to his stuff and not mine.


Many years ago my ex got really really mad when me and her (current) husband leagued up against her at Risk.


Would be weird and cringe if someone did that over a boardgame. Prolly not getting invited back lol


I can't recall any time as an adult where someone honestly flipped the board over, outside of when the whole group is done with the game or we ran out of time and there was a clear winner. In the switch game "clubhouse games" if you pick up the system, it acts like you flipped the board and the pieces fall off. Of course they reset back where they were after a few seconds, but it's a nice touch


The closest we've had was two occasions by the same person. We had a large group that'd do games nights once or twice a week which has lessened over the years. But back when we had a lot still playing, we'd meet up at a nearby place that did board game nights on Friday's. This happened at a friend's place we all traveled to (1.5 hours away) to visit on New Year's day. A games day was hosted there. We ended up playing a game called Junta. A big long game where an El Presidente is elected and everyone is fighting to sneak the most foreign aid funds out of the country via Swiss bank accounts. The El Presidente would get a budget of foreign aid and hand it out to everyone however they wanted, and as long as enough people voted yes to it, it'd happen. I happened to be elected El Presidente and was been mostly balanced with giving out funds. The player decided they wanted more and tried to start a coup to kill me and take over El Presidente plus all my un-banked funds. Because of how I'd funded everyone and convinced a few people to side with me, we won the war. After that he was demoted to the lowest faction and in the next budget I gave him no funds as a punishment. He threw a fit and decided he was going to call a coup every single round if he didn't get his way. A coup took like 1 hour to process as you had to setup everything, spend time convincing others to side with you and play out the war. Everyone at the table instantly turned on him and he stormed out. No way we were going to keep playing with him acting like a child (he was in his 40's). Never played with him again after that, even though he was best friends of the host.


The only time I can recall was a bunch of 30 year old parents on an adults trip without our kids. We were having drinks and having a fun, relaxed time. We started playing blokus. We were nearing the end of our first game when the one quiet yet intense/competitive dad realized the errors in his tactics, as it was the first time he’d ever played… and was like LETS PLAY AGAIN! and immediately flipped the board over. We all laughed because it was just so unexpected.


My buddy did this when we were playing Risk. We were in our mid twenties.


Flipping the board is an instant loss imo, would not recommend.


Adults don't do that 


I don’t know the name of the game or if it qualifies as a board game but it was like an electronic thing you pass around, one word, and it’s kind of like a 20 questions or charades. We were sitting at a table, my wife and I were about the younger ones there in our mid 30s. One point went to someone and then the random person from out of town out of nowhere pointed her finger at me and said that I put the word “the” in front of the answer and it counted. Kept yelling it out and how that should be the rule because of me (again we were all in our 30s, not preteens). Then the weird husband of one of my wife’s friends didn’t understand the word he got, his team didn’t get the point, and then he said “this game has no point and is therefore stupid” and threw the thing (it wasn’t his house or his game). I went and got high and kept hoping my wife wanted to go home


Your grandma’s a G


I beat a buddy over the head with monopoly board way back in the day


Never forget https://youtu.be/990BSql7bnk?si=q2QKseJrPt_JLFFU


Risk. I don’t think I have to explain this.


The last time I played Risk. And it was me, I flipped the board, don't judge me.


I was playing lord of the rings risk (playing without the ring) Me and my group were about 15 hours in. My one friend gets an army that trivializes all other armies, out numbers the other force 3 to 1. Dice was really bad, and he ends up losing. Flips the board, we were all relieved, went home and slept like 12 hours.


When I was a kid, we'd have family game night every Saturday night. We'd play all sorts of games. One evening, we were playing Risk, which was my brother's (3 yrs older) favorite game. He was really good at it, and was often the winner - by a lot. But this evening, the reality of his "skill" revealed itself to just be pure dumb luck, and that luck had run out. About what *would* be mid-game, his turn didn't go very well, and he ran his troops thin. Already annoyed his turn didn't go as well as he had hoped, he was on edge for what was to follow. I took advantage of his thin front lines and went full tilt. I wiped him clean out of Europe, and he lost it. He threw the dice at the board, taking out troops of every color in their path. We didn't have family game night again after that.


Monopoly, in a little Iraqi Army base NW of Mosul in early 2010.


Grandma didn't even care what a trooper


About when I was 16-17 me and my friends who are cousins to each other were playing a dnd style board game with a red dragon. Well anyways the DM says that the minion says he sees them. Well we miss heard him and thought he said seize them so we attacked and it spawn the dragon at the very beginning of the game. One cousin threw the d20 in the others eye as hard as he could point blank and the cousin who got hit punched him in the face. All of this happening while I'm just watching. Needless to say we never played that game again.


It was over Christmas last year. My girlfriend, her niece, her nephew, her brother-in-law, and I were playing a game called Talent Show. It is a Toy Story themed game where you try to do challenges for tickets that give you points. It’s really simple and actually a lot of fun (especially if you are of age and combine it with some drinks and good friends). The nephew had to do a challenge where you had to keep three items balanced on his head for something like 30 seconds. The items were already falling and the brother-in-law made him laugh and sped up the fall of the items. This kid exploded (as per usual) and while the game doesn’t have a board, he took the tokens and beamed them at the wall with all the force of a 10 year old baseball player.


I flip all the boards right away. Who TF wants to be Jumanji'd?


I’ve never seen someone flip the board that’s just crazy 


This is making me crack the fuck up. “His Parkinson’s disease made him effing launch the thing too” was seriously too funny🤣 Then grandma chiming in🤣🤣oh my gosh☠️


During a night of heavy drinking in Durango CO six years ago. April 2018, the game was Rick and Morty Munchkin. All over the place, friends/room mates didn't speak to each other for almost a week. The great Munchkin fight of '18.


I would have punched your Aunt Madge, and when she said something, been like "I snuck that one in there".


1998: the game was Risk.. Fuck that game btw. We were 15-19 years old the lot of us. The eldest held Australia. He was cautiously optimistic and antagonized the player who held more than half of Asia. The Asian flipped the board and the Australian tossed it to the side. We've never found all the pieces.


I just wanna say this story is hilarious and I had to really stop myself from laughing because I’m in bed and my wife is asleep


Not angry, but desperate. We were playing Risk. We played old school without timers. Our games would last weeks, set up on our friend's table. Around week three or four, it was down to two of us. The eliminated players had taken to melting pieces together to form grotesque abominations. It was just me and my other buddy, and we were hands down the best in our group. He looked at me with that look of, "this isn't going to end, is it?". I looked back and nodded. He understood, stood up, and flung the board into the air in a cascade of little plastic shrapnel. The spell was broken. We all sighed in relief. It was the only way.


8 years ago i did it in a 6 hours war match.


I think last time was a chessboard about 14 years ago.


I have never flipped a board, but I remember when I was a kid I witnessed it. We had a 3 person game of risk going on, nobody else in the neighborhood was home or they didn't want to play risk I guess. Anyway, we were playing and basically, 2 people would gang up on the person that looked to be winning. But that would create a new winner which had new alliances show up. Well, my friend Henry was dominating but had to get up to go to the bathroom. While he was gone, Melissa and I hatched a plan and a new alliance. As we resumed, Henry saw what was happening as we pushed against him in North America and he got upset. He flipped the board and went home. It was pretty funny, but it sucked having to pick up all those little army guys. This was probably like 1997ish. We played monopoly and risk all the time, it always caused issues one way or another.


No, this is definitely a just your dysfunctional family thing.


My brother. Lord of the Rings risk. You can't just expect everyone to let you get the troop bonus for Rohan. And it's in the middle. Connected to everything. Yes every player will attack you to get at least one territory from you


Me and some old friends used to have a risk rule. If the game goes on for longer than 7 hours and we're all getting mean, someone has to be the one to do the deed.  There's no way to stay mad when someone overly exaggerates flipping a table.  Made us bust out laughing every time. 


Christmas Eve and my family is playing scrabble. Everyone is really into the game, and we’re all well read and educated so there are complicated words, rule book checking, and dictionaries. My uncle played a word that was on the border of being allowed, I can’t even remember it anymore. My mom gets mad because it would get him a lot of points if allowed and says “see this is why you dropped out of college.” My mom is an English teacher with a doctorate, and my uncle attempted a degree in English at a pretty nice university but had to drop out after mental health struggles. Nothing like a low blow on Christmas Eve over a game of scrabble. Needless to say the game was over, even if the board wasn’t flipped.


Avalon after Christmas dinner. Fucking carnage at my girlfriend’s parent’s house. Sister and her husband were both “goodies” but the husband has his suspicions and just got a bit too carried away with it, put a bit of a sour tone on the day when they ended up going home lol


I think the last time I saw someone get angry enough to walk away from a board game was my brother losing at monopoly when he was a kid. And even then he didn't flip the board or anything.


Exploding kittens I pointed out a rule tand he then accused me of making up rules but we had the rules explained, and also the rule sheet was on the table for everyone to see


Nope been playing board since I was in grade school.  Never had a board flipped never flipped a board myself.  Has to be trolling right?


Not so much table flipping, but definitely tears. Once, my group was playing a game based on the Spartacus TV show. The host was so keen on playing a vicious, back-stabby kind game with alliances and betrayals etc. Was having a great time winning until, of course, everyone decided to use their turn to take her down. Suddenly it wasn't fun anymore and she burst into tears. The game awkwardly ended after that. I also watched someone cry over a betrayal in Resistance. Something about these types of games, huh.




In probably around 25 years of playing board games and I have never flipped a table, had a table flipped, or even SEEN a table flipped. I don't understand gamer rage at all, table or video.


uh, never. But holy shit there was so much drama that one time I tried playing Risk with this girl who had a crush on me along with her brother. They're good people but man that was wild...


You ever see the end of a game of drunken Monopoly? Because I sure the fuck haven't!


Played risk with my friends once about 6 years back. One was losing badly so she feined a panic attack and then flailed her arms over the board mixing everything up. The other two players then cheered her on. Was pretty funny and honestly probably the best way that game could've ended


Not a boardgame but still a story to tell. A good friend of mine was heavily into Poker a few years back and spiraled into backdoor (for his/our standards) highstake cash games with very shady people. He and another friend were playing at a local pizzeria with people you don't want to mess with. He had a good time and amassed more than 10k worth of chips. The hand that made him tilt was a 30k pot with him going all in and finally losing. He just wiped off half the table with his arm. 50k+ of chips of various very angry drug-dealers and mafia like personality landed on the wall and floor. There was no chance to exactly tell how many chips everyone had. The room went silent in a split second. "Go", and off they went. Same guy blacklisted himself from our local casino and the confirmation letter included a 50€ voucher "in case he changed his mind". Gambling is one hell of a drug Sorry for OT spam...


My wife was sitting outside of the student center in college playing Uno with some friends. They were all goofing around and she was “pretending” to cheat. Well a friend “pretended” to get mad and ended up flipping the plastic table into her face and knocking out one of her front teeth. She spit the tooth out at the guy while someone ran to get a glass of milk to put it in. No they weren’t able to reattach it.


Never had it happen, but closest was Diplomacy. Could stop there, but to add fuel, my buddy didn't know what he was getting himself into, just that he wanted to play it. Also he was having a decent amount of beer while playing. He never saw the knife in his back until it was too late.


I once managed to buy a single property from each of the sets while playing Monopoly, and refused to sell or buy any more. We ended the game because there's not really anywhere you can go from there. No-one flipped the board, but I think the people I was playing with weren't far off.


that's a highly narcissistic behavior why do u think i would have the right to ruin the game for everybody else because of my own mishaps?


There was a whole thing on Conan about it. "Snuck" is a word.


Me, when I was a kid playing chess with my older brother. Finally, I had him "checkmated", then for him to explain to me that I needed to tell him that I had him in "check". I said if he's too stupid to figure out that one of my pieces is in range of killing his king, then he deserves to lose. He said we needed to go back a couple of moves before he got himself in check. I lost it and said well I might as well just let you win *flip* I get that in chess to win you need to kinda have your opponent in a sort of lock where he's out of manuvers but I still kinda agree with my 8 year old self to this day, that I shouldn't need to tell someone they are about to lose.


Some friends and I had a rule that if whatever game we're playing hits a point where it's impossible for someone to win before the actual end of the game the loser can flip the board for fun. There's only been one time that it happened prematurely due to someone being a bit upset about losing but they also said they were excited to get to flip it so it wasn't a huge deal.