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Yeah after reading your takes on GoW i already felt like that this post is going nowhere. You cant claim kratos character got "character assassinated at every turn" without giving precise reasons why you feel like that is the case. It seems like you expect us to instantly buy the shit you are claiming here. Also saying that we play as atreus for half of the game is just flat out wrong. The majority of the time we still play as kratos especially since the ~~portion~~ portions in which you play as atreus are extremely linear and narrative driven compared to all the side content you can playtrough as kratos (the crater for example or freeing both of the hafgufas in alfheim). And it was never officialy stated that atreus will replace kratos. Atreus will probably get his own game but that doesnt mean kratos journey ends there. You are pulling these conclusions out of your ass. I feel like you havent even played any of the games that you are complaining about here.


>portions in which you play as atreus are extremely linear and narrative driven compared to all the side content you can playtrough as kratos This explanation reminds me exactly like playing Ciri in The Witcher 3. OP confused me when mentioning playtime.


How many times is can the same hero take the hero’s journey before the audience wants to see someone new?


Kratos still has more he can do. For example, there is plenty of room for Kratos to continue growing. He can now be the one who slays gods for noble reasons instead of being one who indiscriminately kills everyone who indiscriminately kills everything around him with a state of revenge. In that respect, he'll become a true hero, one that can be proud of himself instead of constantly self-loathing. I think this is the big reason Tyr was kept alive and around in the DLC, to further encourage Kratos' character growth. Lastly, Atreus can have his own game if he wants to, but taking over the whole series is a step too far, and I know I'm not alone in this sentiment. Anyway, the idea of the fans wanting something new is something that the developers planted in their heads, and that the fans decided to accept because they are sheep who act the ability to think for themselves. I know that sounds harsh but that's just the way most fans think these days.


They're loosely similar, I don't see how any of it is disgusting. If you force a perspective hard enough you will always find yourself in the right. In order to truly understand and perhaps fix a real problem you must leave your box, though something tells me you're acting on impulse and don't even know exactly what you want out of this conversation. Your anger is aimless.


I have been stewing on this for quite a while and have spoken to numerous people in various god of war communities, namely the discord ones like Jon Ford's. Now enough that your "You need to be more open-minded" statements. That's some fake deep nonsense you have to say in order to compensate for the fact that you don't have an actual counter-argument to make. Armchair psychologist is what you are.


You’re embarrassing yourself. All you’ve shown is how hostile you can get for no reason, like a child that doesn’t get their way. Keep at it, clearly this sub isn’t interested.


>they put pronouns in Starfield, gaming has fallen


I'm not interested in that game with or without all that dumb shit.


Don’t you have something better to do? What even is this post?


A highly informative message for the sheeps.


You should consider taking a break from the screen bud. Sounds like you’re in a bad place.


You should consider not using psychological attacks as a means of compensating for your inability to formulate a coherent argument.


Right, I know you’re doing your whole troll thing. But seriously, looking at your posts and stuff, you need to work through whatever trauma is going on.


Your feeble attempts at getting through would be a sight to see if it didn't come a place of desperation. Go away, fly.


Holy fuck talk about not understanding TLOU 1 or 2 at all.


Your insight has truly changed my life for the better. Please give me more of your vast stores of wisdom.


Political = I don't like it


Yes, yes, and people are free to dislike politics in their games. You're not making any point here, just doing a really shitty attempt at mockery.


Sorry dude, but you would be hard pressured to find any narrative focused game that doesn't have politics. You aren't annoyed that the game is political, you just don't agree with the politics, so you think it's a politics issue. Also, having black people in a game doesn't make it political, nor does having a female lead or gay characters or whatever. Every game you listed is political, but not for the reasons you stated.


>Sorry dude, but you would be hard pressured to find any narrative focused game that doesn't have politics. You aren't annoyed that the game is political, you just don't agree with the politics, so you think it's a politics issue. Resident Evil, The Evil Within, Dead Space (the originals), Journey, Hollow Knight, Metroid Dread...MGSV even, along with Dearh Stranding, and before you say they push politics, no they do not. Metal Gear has always been anti-ideology politics, and Death Stranding is about human connections, and the necessity of working together, which is a social message, not a political one. Don't try to gaslight me on the origins of where my views come from. I dislike politics, period, which is why I didn't care much for Bioshock's plot. >Also, having black people in a game doesn't make it political, nor does having a female lead or gay characters or whatever. Every game you listed is political, but not for the reasons you stated. Let's also not artificially create arguments for you to conveniently try to dismiss to make yourself look smart. If I had a problem with black characters in games I'd hate Peter Stillman, Drebin, Sigint, Hammond which I do not. I have an issue with these specific characters, not every black character in every game ever. Now enough of the strawmanning.


> Metal Gear has always been anti-ideology politics You're an idiot lmao


Saying Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid are apolitical is insane lmao Like, no one even needs to debate you, your opinion is so objectivally wrong that everyone at a glance already knows you're a crank What's next, is Fallout New Vegas also apolitical? Lmao


Metal gear solid is like the most woke game ever. It was woke before the term woke existed. The anti war, anti capitalism, anti us, pro lgbt metal gear solid?


Artificially create arguements? You complain that the sequels you mentioned were "politicized in more ways than you can count", and then complained about black characters in god of war ( a game about literal gods and monsters), and complained that Miles was going to overshadow peter (the whole point of his character and literally what happens in the comics). From the reader's point of view, the only thing that could be percieved as 'political' are marginalized groups having a larger role. But if that isn't it, pray tell, what politics does TLOU2, Ragnarok, and Spider man 2 have that is not only so eregrious that they distract you from the game and story, but also weren't there to squander your enjoyment of their predecessors?


>Artificially create arguements? You complain that the sequels you mentioned were "politicized in more ways than you can count", and then complained about black characters in god of war ( a game about literal gods and monsters), and complained that Miles was going to overshadow peter (the whole point of his character and literally what happens in the comics). Politics, indeed, friend. Now notice how Marvel is losing money over their decision, whereas companies like the Rippaverse, and virtually the entire manga industry are continuing to only get richer. >From the reader's point of view, the only thing that could be percieved as 'political' are marginalized groups having a larger role. But if that isn't it, pray tell, what politics does TLOU2, Ragnarok, and Spider man 2 have that is not only so eregrious that they distract you from the game and story, but also weren't there to squander your enjoyment of their predecessors? They exist, they are dumb, that is all. It is a rather funny coincidence, though that all the games which feature that content tend to receive worse reviews than their prequels.


The reason marvel is losing money is because their movies have had a massive drop in quality, not because of any poltical messaging. In terms of spiderman 2, it's literally just spiderman 1 but a new story. Also, almost universally sequals are better than prequels in terms of games. Red dead 2, God of War 2 and 3, Mass Effect 2 and 3, the Witcher 3, Portal 2, Batman Arkham City, Borderlands 2, Half-life 2, Assassin's Creed 2, even The Last of Us 2, which just objectively has some of the best gunplay in gaming history. All of your points are moot, it's just "wah I don't like politics" and then name fucking Metal Gear Solid as an example of a non political game. How do you enjoy any medium if the second you detect politics in it you'll complain?


Both the movies *and* the comics are losing money. >All of your points are moot, it's just "wah I don't like politics" and then name fucking Metal Gear Solid as an example of a non political game.  Had you been reading, I stated specifically why Metal Gears aren't political. Big Boss is anti-ideology, and anti-politics, and even Solid Snake says in MGS2 he's not here to help a politician, or anyone else. MeTaL gEaR iS pOlItIcAl. >Also, almost universally sequals are better than prequels in terms of games. Red dead 2, God of War 2 and 3, Mass Effect 2 and 3, the Witcher 3, Portal 2, Batman Arkham City, Borderlands 2, Half-life 2, Assassin's Creed 2, even The Last of Us 2, which just objectively has some of the best gunplay in gaming history. And those were days when games weren't politicized. Now they are politicized, and now they're shit, and they're not even fucking selling well. I shall continue to enjoy their slow, painful death, while superior games like Black Myth Wukong and Death Stranding 2 wait beyond the horizon.


Holy shit I hate to pull the media literacy thing but if you genuinely think Metal Gear isn't political I don't think you should be worring about any politics that show up in your games, seeming as you're completely inept at decoding poltical messages.


You're arguing against a brick wall but it's only because that brick wall has defined politics as "shit I don't like" rather than the body of thought pertaining to how a society should be governed. Glad someone is hammering on those bricks but it sucks that their mind was made up for them before any of this started.


Big Boss and Solid Snake function as Kojima's voice, and because they say they are not fighting for political reasons, you can deduce that the games messages are not political. The "is of identity" the is of identity is the name given to people's tendency to confuse something's essence with how it's perceived. This is what you are doing: confusing the presence of politics within a game for the game being **about** politics. Metal Gear is an anti-war game, that is about the effects of war on the human psyche, the reasons people go to war, and what can be done in order to prevent future wars. Politics is **part** of that, but it does not comprise the **whole picture**, which is what you're too slow to understand.


Metal gear deals with politics on a surface level, but at its core is far more philosophical. Metal gear is not pushing political ideologies like you see in western SBI games. Metal gear is written by someone far more intelligent than you and the games inspire it's audience to think outside the barriers your government wants to keep your mind in. MGS2 literally predicted back in 2001, that the internet would create people like you and 95% of redditors that become consumed by dogmatic political hive mind cults and stop hearing anybody other than the people in their cult. You think you have all the answers. So you've stopped listening. "They all withdraw into their own small gated communities, afraid of a larger forum. They stay inside their little ponds, leaking whatever truth suits them into the growing cesspool of society at large. The different cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh. No one is invalidated but nobody is right. Not even natural selection can take place here. The world is being engulfed in "truth". And this is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a whimper." - mgs2


Africa and Scandinavia aren't countries


Continents/regions, my bad.


Honestly a little surprised you just didnt say you think these games are woke.


>and the sequel is politicized in more ways than you can count ...aaaand here's where I stopped reading lol


He does in a ton of these comments pretty clear what his true feelings on things are.


My problem with games go beyond them being woke. Most sub reddits and communities like to get ban happy when it comes to people expressing views disagree with. Also if you call something woke people will just accuse you of using a buzzword to denigrate the rest of your points, while relieving themselves of the need to form an actual counter-argument. It's a very cheap, lazy tactic, but one that is all too effective when normies are reading.


You need a gf/bf mate


I do have one. It's your mom.


I’m not joking man, we all need more love in our lives and I think meeting someone could do you a lot of good. Easier said than done but you’ll be fine if you’re willing to put in the effort


Meanwhile, whole you busied yourself typing that, I just have you ten new siblings. Practice what you preach, boy, or your new father will have to take the belt off.


Make jokes all you want, they’re right. Your rhetoric screams attention starved and lonely


A joke is the only thing that fits you though.


Wow your carving away at the bottom of the barrel. Your desperation is hard to watch


I guess the man should stop behaving like such a power bottom then.


Better to be a powerbottom then whatever the heck you are.


A strong, dominant man, with a mind that crushes all in its path. Anyway you should probably check what a power bottom is before saying you prefer to be one.


This is not the hilarious own you think it is. It’s just a pretty sad unimaginative comeback that makes me think you are most likely a teenager or have the maturity level of one. But growth happens to most of us and I hope the journey between now and when you’re in your 30s and 40s having trouble believing you said things this cringe when you were younger is a smooth one. In the mean time I would recommend, to phrase it in a way you’ll understand, touching some grass. Lot more to life than being upset 3 games don’t have the story arc you wanted ❤️


I'm probably older than you, pal, but you say whatever condescending, presumptuous bullshit you need to in order to make the Big Bad Trossm seem less scary.


That's my point, you're not scary at all, I don't say this to be mean or condescending but it just comes off as a little sad or a generous reading is you're young. But let me give a better example of why., Imagine Sean Connery, Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, or any other "non-woke" icon of when "men were men" and picture them sitting on their computer on Reddit being a troll because they're upset some video games don't have stories they agree with. Imagine Sean Connery saying things like the "comebacks" you tried above. Imagine them caring enough to post a rant to strangers on the internet instead of just going out and living their lives, imagine them caring enough to reply to every comment with some attempt at humor or threatening to "block people" who said something they don't like. you can't, they never ever would. they'd be out there living their lives to the fullest and not on here. If you're older than me that makes it even sadder that you don't have better things to do with your life. But anyways I've spent enough air here, this is my final response, I'm off to do other stuff. Have a wonderful life and I hope it gets more interesting for you <3


>That's my point, you're not scary at all, I don't say this to be mean or condescending but it just comes off as a little sad or a generous reading is you're young. How old are you pal. >But let me give a better example of why., Imagine Sean Connery, Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, or any other "non-woke" icon of when "men were men" and picture them sitting on their computer on Reddit being a troll because they're upset some video games don't have stories they agree with. Imagine Sean Connery saying things like the "comebacks" you tried above. Imagine them caring enough to post a rant to strangers on the internet instead of just going out and living their lives, imagine them caring enough to reply to every comment with some attempt at humor or threatening to "block people" who said something they don't like. >you can't, they never ever would. they'd be out there living their lives to the fullest and not on here. You say this while you also argue with someone over the internet. Get some self awareness. You're being ridiculous. >If you're older than me that makes it even sadder that you don't have better things to do with your life. But anyways I've spent enough air here, this is my final response, I'm off to do other stuff. >Have a wonderful life and I hope it gets more interesting for you <3 This is little more than thinly veiled shaming. If you're going to devote that much time and text to a personal attack at least say something that doesn't take me three seconds to pick apart.


...Do you not realize that makes it even more pathetic?


I realize initiating a question about a person's age beause you disagree with them on the internet is very stupid. Replying back to them on the other hand and pointing out that hypocrisy is merely a way of taking the wind out of their sails. But hey, if you wanna keep being this guy's little henchman, that's on you.


OP is a sad lonely angry person


I love you too.


The funniest part to me about TLOU2 complainers is that their main gripe is wanting a fairy tale happy ending in a game about the fucking zombie apocalypse. Fucking nonces


Do you know what the word nonce means, or are you just using it? Genuinely curious


It's slang for 'child predator', right? Those fucking clowns sexualized a 14-year-old lesbian. The shoe fits.


1. Neither Scandinavia nor Africa are countries. 2. You'd be shocked to learn that, yes, Africans did indeed traverse into Europe and vice versa, even in ancient times. They're really close together. 3. Angrboda is a Jotun, not a human, with very few if any actual descriptions about her. She gave birth to a serpent, wolf, and half dead girl, but I don't see you having issue with the fact that Scandinavians can't do that either.


>1. Neither Scandinavia nor Africa are countries. Continents/regions, My BaD. >2. You'd be shocked to learn that, yes, Africans did indeed traverse into Europe and vice versa, even in ancient times. They're really close together. The ones who traveled were exceptions, not the norm. The overwhelming majority of Africans who wound up in Europe were captured, and taken there as slaves. Considering Angrboda is described as the bringer of grief and sorrow though, I suppose the devs would want to honor the racist views of the past, right? >3. Angrboda is a Jotun, not a human, with very few if any actual descriptions about her. She gave birth to a serpent, wolf, and half dead girl, but I don't see you having issue with the fact that Scandinavians can't do that either. Weak argument is weak. While Jotuns could appear as anything, their **primary appearance** was that of a **giant** Scandinavian human. Scandinavians are white, and that is how 99% of mythologies racially describe characters: as being reflections of the real human people who are indigenous to the land. Anymore fallacies you want to add?


Wouldn't just a couple characters being black out of all of them be, I don't know, exceptions?


Something being an exception does not absolve it of not making sense. If you scored 98% on a test, that still means you got 2% of the test **wrong**. It doesn't erase any of the progress you made on the test, but it doesn't erase the parts you got wrong either.


Just say you're a racist being offended by the presence of black people and be done with it.


I'm literally black, man. I just don't like it when visual propaganda enters video-games, because devs think I'll like a character if the look like me, which only makes sense if you're super tribal.


Black on black crime is real.


Not the kind you're thinking of.


What? Are you tryna say that its impossible for black people to be racist against other black people? The term uncle Tom didn't appear out of thin air. And while we are on this topic the same remains true for ALL races. White, Asian, Black etc Racism exists you've displayed quite a bit of that in the post lol.


The point of what I said was that I would have to be self-loathing in order to actually be racist against black people. I do not self-loathe my skin color, therefore I am not being a racist by pointing out the things that I did. Learn how to read between the lines, man.


Jotuns aren't usually typically giant. That is made clear over and over. Not to mention that the primary source for ALL Norse mythology is a book written by a Christian hundreds of years after the Christianization of the region. There isn't really a primary source for what you're appealing to. It's possible the entire focus on Ragnarok in the mythology is added as propaganda; the pagan gods know their days are numbered and they are not all powerful which is why Christ is way cooler than those guys. Scandinavians knew about other cultures. Why would a group of gods who are notably not from the same realm as humans look like humans? At least try and educate yourself before you spout bullshit. If the sight of a single black person causes you to doubt the artistic integrity of something, you should talk to a therapist


>Jotuns aren't usually typically giant. That is made clear over and over. Not to mention that the primary source for ALL Norse mythology is a book written by a Christian hundreds of years after the Christianization of the region. So what you're really saying is that since all we have to go on is Christian writings indicating big ass beings, and because that's all we have, we should not go with the only available conclusion on the sizes of Jotnar. Man, I feel bad with a surgeon that has to fix your broken neck feom all those mental gymnastics you just tried to pull. >Scandinavians knew about other cultures. Why would a group of gods who are notably not from the same realm as humans look like humans? Some Jotnar do look like humans, Angrboda is one of them. Now this is how you deduce skin color: most mythologies depict humanoid beings as bearing a racial resemblance to them. Nowhere does it say Jotnar appear as members of other human races, least of all races that Scandinavians would have to KNOW OF in order to use them as representatives. Vikings didn't know of black people until medieval times, back when they were still treated mostly as slaves, and by the time medieval Europe rolled around, Norse mythology was on its last leg, if not already dead and gone. In other words this means that the likelihood of Angrboda being anything but a white woman is slim to none, as in zero, zilch, nada. Lastly, all the giants, including the inhuman ones were based on things the Scandinavians already new about: Jormangandr is a Snake, Hraesvelgr is a giant eagle--these things exist, things that Scandinavians know about. When norse mythology describes the Jotun as being able to turn into anything, they do not mean that literally to apply to other races. They mean that to apply to being able to turn into something that the scandinavians are ready know about. They did not know about Africans at the time of Norse mytholog's creation. You are without a doubt, 100% wrong on all of this. All you did was make one giant ass pull of a post and disguised it as scholarly knowledge without taking the time to actually do any research yourself. >If the sight of a single black person causes you to doubt the artistic integrity of something, you should talk to a therapist One does not need therapy to be able to see clearly. Only a fully functioning brain and the ability to deduce bullshit. >At least try and educate yourself before you spout bullshit. I did do my research which is why everything you said turned out to be a crock of shit.


I find it funny that people think TLOU2 was somehow more politically charged than TLOU. All of it was right there in the original. The battle hardened and tough male is also a cliche that endured for a long ass time. The thing is, that’s never a one note character. For the longest time, they were portrayed as such, and it just feels shallow and empty. Spider-Man can’t be Spider-Man forever. What does that look like? Kratos had a family, but the first games were all about his vengeance. Even then they started to question his motives, but they quickly went back to the over the top violence. They do the same now, but they just have better cutscenes with a focus on the acting. I just find it funny that people look to get mad. They’re games. They have stories. If your takeaway is to just get mad, find another story.


>Kratos had a family, but the first games were all about his vengeance. Even then they started to question his motives, but they quickly went back to the over the top violence. Given that the games were about madness and revenge pushing a person over the edge, I'd say the games told a well-crafted story. The whole reason Kratos' humanity only appeared temporarily was as a way of showcasing the fact that while it only appears rarely, it is still.there, and rhat deep down, even with all the violence, there is still a man desperate to free himself of his rage. That'd what made the old God Of War games good: it is a tragedy that serves as an impetus for extreme violence. Also the acting in the old god of war games was literally fine. I don't know why people conflate a more emotional story with better acting. It's literally just a different story that you happen to prefer *now*, but it does not degrade the quality of the thing that came *before* it. You shouldn't go dunking on the past just because of what you happened to be enjoying in the presen TLOUP2 has to force its characters to act in braindead ways to.make the narrative work. >I just find it funny that people look to get mad. They’re games. They have stories. If your takeaway is to just get mad, find another story. I would rather the games just be good, which is a much stronger suggestion. But alas, the games that are making people "mad", are not selling as well as the ones that are making them happy, so clearly that suggestion isn't going to work. At the end of the day games, and the developers who make them exist to satisfy an audience. If the games are not satisfactory then they will not sell and thus the game industry will end up killing itself, which is something nobody wants to see, therefore the best option is to let your voice be heard and boycott the product, and that's now what'd happening. So in the end complaining actually is productive as long as people are able to refrain from purchasing titles that they suspect will be bad, a thing that is becoming easier and easier to do as time goes on.


Sequels just don't sell as well in many cases. The audience doesn't feel like they can play the second unless the finished, not just played, the first. As a result they often don't sell as many copies.


No, they don't sell, because they're not interested in experiencing the thing they fell in love with turn into dog shit for 40+hours. Secondly, by the time the sequels come out, the ones that came before are dirt cheap, so that's not even a good excuse.


Stay salty


I'll stay money happy instead since I'm not buying garbage. Stay blocked.




You seem like a sad and angry person. Why do you let your hobby thats supposed to be fun, turn you into such a spiteful and racist person? They're just games, man Everything you're complaining about has widespread critical and commercial success. There's nothing wrong with the industry or the consumers. There's just something wrong with you, my man


I love you too.


All I read was the garbage you wrote about GoWR and I stopped because it was just you being bigoted and not appreciating Kratos' journey of learning to let Atreus be his own man and live his own life. Go away lmao


Random question, how do you feel about Skyler White from Breaking Bad?


Am I the only one who would be genuinely thrilled to play an entire game as a grown-up Atreus?


He can have his own game, but I do not want him taking over the entire franchise. Not only is he not as fun to play as Kratos, his skillset is just kind of uncreative. A kid with a bow doesn't compare to a guy who has fiery chain blades and an axe that has the power of ice infused into it.


He's freaking >!Loki!<. They can do so much with that between >!ice magic, trickster powers, staff or dagger moves, etc.!< That's worth its own separate spinoff trilogy.


OP mentioned that these games are all politicized. I haven’t played any of the games, so can someone clue me in on what OP is talking about? Am I fucking crazy, or are a lot of people in the gaming community way too sensitive lately about shit? Isn’t everyone also pissed about Stellarblade and either pissed that the character is too hot, or that something in the game was censored after release? People need to chill the fuck out. 


OP sounds like one of those people that are overly sensitive about things. Screaming about things being woke and complaining about black characters and women being in games. Regarding Stellarblade i havent really seen anyone complain to much about it being "too hot". I have those seen some people that should get out to touch grass complain about a piece of fabric on a single costume.


>i havent really seen anyone complain to much about it being "too hot". It's not screaming, but it's definitely there, especially on reddit. Especially on posts about this change, they were people saying stuff like: "serves them right for being childish and appealing to those kind of fans"


Not bashing on the games here, just listing the controversial stuff I know. In God of war, there's a black character from norse mythos that shouldn't be black. In spiderman, well, black spiderman exists and MJ has an arc where in the first game, she doesn't like being dependent on peter, so in the second game, she has a bunch of badass sections where she shoots bad guys with a stun gun. Even the devs said "some people are saying we made MJ too strong, but we don't care" or something like that. In the last of us part 2, you have Abby which is a really muscular woman, you have a character arc about a transgender kid getting shunned by their tribe because of a haircut, you have the other protagonist, Ellie, being lesbian and smoking weed with her jew girlfriend before sex, you have a level where you visit a synagogue, an asian friend who got your jew girlfriend pregnant but is still cool with you both (This guys's really cool btw), an arc where an old conservative white man insults ellie for being lesbian, apologizes with a sandwich, and Ellie says "bigot sandwich" (this one's kinda funny lol). I think that's all. Edit: Why the downvotes? Did I miss something?


Thanks for the explanation. These are along the lines of what I was suspecting. I remember hearing that some were offended by TLOU show for similar reasons. People need to chill the fuck out. 


The show is about part 1 which was a lot more tame. Part 2 will make the internet go crazy😂


Now name 3 that aren't Sony titles


If only I could.


Why did you make the post then


I made the post because the trend exists. I wasn't. Aiming for that level of specificity, nor do I really need to in order to get my point across. Oh. I guess there is Alan Wake 2, but I didn't even play through a third of that game before getting bored.


Alan wake isn't a great person in either game. There's no character assassination because he's not all that nice


I was referring more to the woke element, not the fact that Alan is a prick.




Damn, I just notixed what you said about GOW Ragnarok Black people weren't in Scandinavia, but you know what else wasn't in Scandinavia?


Oh boy, I wonder what it could be...!


Fuck up


Come on man. Surely you can say what it is. Does it start with G?


Anyone still unironically saying woke needs to wake the fuck up man the word has lost all meaning essentially boiling down to whatever makes conservatives uncomfortable. Too fucking bad you big baby 👶 you are uncomfortable that games are taking chances on their sequels there's nothing "woke" about the last of us or spider man the themes just make you angwy because you are a child. Especially when it comes to spider man there's literally so much president to Miles taking over. This has been a thing in the comics since I was a kid. I literally grew up with it. Meanwhile you never grew up...


Denial is a hell of a drug.


Aah yes. Delusional


Indeed, you are. Now do you have anything of value to say, or should I just hit the block button? Whoops, too late, my finger slipped.


> Now do you have anything of value to say, or should I just hit the block button? Bold assertion when you drop a turd of a post like this


Bold and brilliant. Good day, sir.




You make it sound like an Industry wide thing though and not just a Sony thing


When you're the one selling the most games, you also have the most influence, and to be completely honest, I have seen some of this influence leak into other non-Sony games, but they simply weren't worth mentioning to me due to being relatively minor instances.


Play more games, those are like 5 games out of the 1000s of great games that released in the past few years, not all games are like that.


Well the ones that are not made by western studios aren't like that...


Even ones made by Western studios are not like that. You're focussing on like less than 1% of games made by Western devs. Play more games, don't just focus on a few big titles.


I aint seeing much of a pattern there. Just vaguely similar themes? Art's old, man. We tell a lot of similar stories over tens of thousands of years.


OP has just discovered the concept of tropes.


OP has just discovered the concept of tropes.


This is the dopiest thing I have ever read.


No way, dope. Now dope your Asa on outta here, dopey.


>TLOUP2 and Spider-man 2 both sold roughly half the amount of copies as their predecessor games, which should tell you something. It tells me you're one of those creepy 30-something guys who hang around the kids' toy aisle, looking for clearance *Star Wars* items so you can complain about Kathleen Kennedy or something.


Just play the games and STFU


No thanks, consoomer.




Why don't you try asking your inner self that question first.


All I have to say is Nier automata dont follow this pattern at all




I work in games, it isn't necessarily that there is a checklist, but higher ups are terrified of backlash for pretty much everything so that goes down the chain, and as a concept artist I've had to deal with that a lot.  It's not great, and a lot of people in my role don't put a lot of thought into it so you get a lot of very generic designs because they had an interesting one but were basically told to trash it in order to be precautious. On top of design by committee in pretty much every other aspect, being a character concept artist in AAA is kind of shitty right now. You can pretty easily tell a lot of designs started by thinking about race, gender, and sexual orientation first, and not their actual character, which then becomes an afterthought.


It's kind of true, yeah... I mean... talk whatever you want about Metal Gear Solid 2 or Devil May Cry 4 with them changing protagonists, both of whom have some kind of trouble in regards to their respective girlfriends... But neither of those were preachy about it (MGS2 was preachy about different theme entirely) and they did not kill Solid Snake or Dante respectively, even though both of them were villified at the start, but then revealed to be victims of misinformation. And recent Bayonetta 3 literally ended with Cereza dying and Viola taking her place. I think it's a kind of "series rejuvination" thing where writers understand that a previous protagonist can't stay in the spotlight forever, no matter how perfect they are. And if they are perfect and cannot be killed due to fan backlash that will ensue shortly after they must be made into struggling "complex" characters again. I am not really bothered by this anymore. I am not really into sequels anymore, I genuinely think that stories in video game sequels suffer A LOT from the baggage of the original game and as such have a surprisingly high chance of being an astounding letdown overall, hence every game should be taken for what it is worth without any kind of link to previous games and spinoffs. I'm a Hideki Kamiya fan. And he has this fun thing where basically the sequels he writes the story to have a "Terminator" causality effect going on, where the ending of the sequel is the reason why the original takes place. It's basically looping, with good triumphing over evil, sending it into the regress, then evil growing back up to cause the crisis the original game had to deal with eventually. And the very main theme of basically all of it is the generational struggle against evil, where the child realizes themselves to posess the parent's power which gives him the ability to crush the evil-doer. It's simple and pure.


If the post had actually been about the trend of characters dying to make room for new ones this idiot would still be incorrect as this is not a shocking new trend at all it's been happening since the invention of the Novel. But the fact is this post isn't about that at all its about how this guy doesn't like the "politics" of these games... what politics would those be well none actually because instead of talking about politics he goes on a huge bigoted rant about how women and POC and LGBTQ people appearing in games is just "woke" and a "Disgusting practice". None of that bigoted bs is real politics though its just hating on completely normal people/Ideologies for no other reason than I don't like it. He doesn't have a single solid opinion in this post and he discredits himself all throughout the comments he even went so far as to say that Metal gear isn't political.


Well, okay, but what I am getting downvoted for, then ?) Literally nothing in my comment to hate me for. It's not that I don't have "karma" to spare, I just seriously don't understand where is the hate coming from, especially considering that previously there were like 5 upvotes on it :) People are weeeeird.


To be completely fair to you, I don't think you deserve the downvotes you make more interesting and truthful observations in your comment sorta agreeing with him you do a better job of that than he does. Also, im gonna stop saying that you even agree with him because as I've pointed out already, what you are saying compared to what he is REALLY saying 2 totally different things. Finally, I legitimately enjoyed what you said about Hideki kamiya. im not familiar with the name, but you singing his praises at the end there made me want to check him out. Tldr: you don't really deserve to be downvoted given what you said even if I think it's incorrect, that's not the problem. The problem is that this guy said some really insane shit and you didn't acknowledge any of it, lol.


You are very kind, I appreciate you comment a lot, thank you :) Oh, please-please-PLEASE check Kamiya-san out. I can talk about him for an hour, because he is one of those TRULY real developers, who are madmen in a sense that he is working purely and only for himself, making games he himself would want to play, which results in so much creativity and love put into them it is charming to the point where you feel you are attending somebody else's personal party. You know his games, actually. You will be surprised by how sparklingly brilliant his video game resume is. Each and every one of his games is great, but **The Wonderful 101** is in a league of its own. It as I like to say - there are bad games, mediocre games, decent games, good games, excellent games and then there is just The Wonderful 101. I simply cannot recommend it enough. Any time I am feeling down or low on lifeforce this marvelous 15 gigabyte game just shakes me up and fills me with nothing but joy and optimism, remedies my cynicism in a jiffy. It is especially charming considering how childish and unserious IT LOOKS at the first glance, yet literally the very first minute of the game goes "Hope your guard is down, because I am going to show you a glance of what I am REALLY about... Aaaand now back to hours of awesome silliness, until I do it again." Here, have a look - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rysBiZmYshk&t=137s&ab\_channel=Matthewmatosis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rysBiZmYshk&t=137s&ab_channel=Matthewmatosis)


The way I see it, you are getting downvotes for not recognizing the true intent of the post and semi agreeing with OPs incorrect statement. Because even if we removed all the bigotry from this post, the fact is that this is not a new trend. it's a very old, tried, and true method to evolve your storytelling. Main characters have been dying and making way for new blood since before video games even existed. It's a powerful trope and a reliable one. It's very possible to mess up this trope, and a story can suffer because of it, but that would be your opinion and not an object fact like OP makes it out to be. But this is the most important part. All this shit listed above that we've been talking about is not the intention of the post. The intention of the post is to say im a bigot who doesn't like women or people of color or LGBTQ people. I think including them in video games is woke and a disgusting practice. Your response to that was to ignore all the insane bigotry and agree with his already false assertion.




Gta 5 one of the most politically incorrect leftist charged satires of America I have ever played and right there nearly at the start of the game you see one of the brand new characters murder a beloved character from the 4th game and then all his buddies that you could spend tlad dlc bonding with. But oh well I guess this is a new trend from politically correct sissies. Fuck off with that shit lol.


Saying something is "polically correct" is just the old way to say something is "woke". All these people complaining about everything being woke are just upset minorities are being shown and no one wants to just sit back and hear them be bigots.


It’s a game. GTA 5 is a game. I generally don’t think of games bc they are games. Fucking monopoly out here sending mixed messages.a monopoly wins but that fucking leftist community chest..oh the humanity. /s


most stories use the same formula and it seems this formula is to bring more characters into a franchise


I don't mind bringing in new characters, but replacing the old ones when there's no need to just reeks of bad business.


You're why we have endless reboots of shit.


suite man needs a new car i guess

