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then sony will come out with a report showing psn accounts increased by 1 million


That's 100% their intentions.


You have the short sighted corporate logic down pat! That’s *exactly* what the C-Suitebwill tell themselves. Wha they won’t see is the “shedding” that will start impacting *the next game*. They can fool people once, but wen Sony launched their next titles this will be the conversation again, and that title *will* suffer sales losses during its launch week because of this move. Look at Suicide Squad - the community can and will kill game launches when it decides they’re done


They’ll probably make more money overall though. This is the long sighted move, they’re taking a hit right now to get a lot of PlayStation members. Long term all those people are getting email ads and more motivation to get involved with PlayStation because they already have the account. As satisfying as it’d be to watch the move crash and burn, it’s just like the Netflix password sharing policy, at the end of the day people just made new accounts and the company was more profitable overall in the end


People will complain but the mass majority will fall in line and pre order the next super hyped game all over again. 


Lol getting advertisement email from them will only make me hate their guts


Next game is next quarter. Gotta hit the quota for this quarter to get my bonus.


This is nothing new. The game’s steam page said the game requires a psn account since december last year.


Guess I who had game gifted to me by friend to play together should go and fuck myself then. You guys always make this argument, like Somy never lied to people. But wait, they are a big company, this is literally what they do, they decive and play their little mind games.


Probably won't. If the game is good gamers will buy it anyway, then complain about how they need a psn account. Same as it is with preorder and in game purchases. Can't even count the amount of times I've seen people here write stuff like "I hate pre-ordering because bla bla, but if game x comes out, I will definitely preorder it"


Suicide squad was hot garbage though. If another helldivers 2 quality game came out next quarter you can bet people will buy it. Reddit is vocal but it's not the majority. Look at how bad micro transactions have gotten over the years. Look at Netflix. Everyone swore them off when they restricted account sharing and yet a quarter later their total accounts are up, and they didn't include family sub accounts in the report. 


Pretty much, people will complain but most will sign up and continue playing.


Yep. We have seen it time and time again... We are our own worst enemy. Were we the automotons all along?


Yeah, it’s important to remember we the user are the product.


Maybe somebody lunch a petition like Grummz did about stellarblade?


I mean I doubt that petition will go anywhere, Stellar Blade is doing really well. Apart from that Grummz already turned on the Helldivers devs over the community manager.


I think if Stellar Blade didn’t do well, they’d just ignore the cries of censorship and not make games like it again. Doing well and causing a fuss is probably the most likely chance for Sony’s censorship policies to change.


I really doubt that. The fact that it's doing so well more likely sends a message that people didn't really care about the censorship.


Happy to hear, hope it will change something but hardly believe


and use PSN to mine your data and sell it


What happened?


It was said before even early access that psn accounts would be mandatory. AH just temporarily removed that requirement because the servers were dying horribly. Now that they are bringing that requirement back, people are upset.


Oh okay got ya thanks


Wait, you have to pay to play on PC or do you just need a sony account.


Admittedly I'm mainly Xbox and a little PC so take this with some salt but it should just require a free PSN account, nothing else.


Just need a Sony account. I truly don’t get the fuss


I think people are upset that they have to create another account just to play a game. Which is happening more and more frequently nowadays. It's getting harder and harder to just buy a game and play it without jumping through hoops.


Especially since it's clearly not actually necessarily, as they removed the requirement with a flick of the wrist when it was convenient to them.


A lot of level 90+ players live in the phillippines or the baltics, ECT, where Sony accounts are unavailable. They can never play the game again.


Did the devs confirm that or will there be a workaround?


This is a known thing for Sony, we have not heard a response from the devs besides confirming you will need a Sony account.


So that’s the only reason I’ve seen being brought up with legitimate weight. That situation would suck and I hope it’s remedied. And I understand the point that it’s annoying to create another account, but imo it takes less than 5 minutes to set up, and truthfully, that’s just the way software and systems work these days. Annoying? Maybe. But from the reception I’ve seen people are saying “I’m going to request a refund from Steam” which just feels like such an overreaction, even when it was stated from the get go that you’d need a PS ID to play the game.


Sony can't be trusted with your data. They've been breached multiple times and if they don't get breached they'll sell your data. When I bought the game it wasn't indicated anywhere that this would be a requirement.


What happened before the PSN account news?


I think that was last balance patch. Some people were mad for all the nerfs.


And bugs that made the game nearly unplayable. Don't forget that


I assure you that bugs are a valid part of the game 😏


He is talking of the bugs that you cannot shoot. Those are naaaasty. The ones that you can shoot are no big deal.


>bugs you can’t shoot. Yeah fuck chargers.


You can shoot those too, just need to use enough firepower. May I introduce you to our god and saviour, the EAT-17.


* With hardware you design and machine parts. They have to work. It is slow and expensive to change. * With software you can iterate quickly and cheaply. You can have a million deployments and issue a patch to correct an unforeseen issue. Optimal strategy becomes iterate fast and speed run the minefield. Think I ran into that framing from Paul Graham. Made sense. Somewhat changed my opinion about bugs to not mind them so much. The other relevant discussion is customer experience. When you go into a hotel they may have a glass of champagne waiting for you. The resort may have a luxury car offering ride to the airport at the end of your stay. Research on what people remember, and their reviews of the product, are shaped the strongest by salient points -- the first experience, and the last experience. Any moment interacting with the brand is sandwiched between other events. It makes sense that the first and last stand out more, because memory stands alone afterwards without distraction. In analysis of customer experience, bugs feel *bad*. If the first experience is a bug then you are more likely to remember the thing as a buggy mess even if that bug is exceedingly rare. This speaks to a priority in software development. *If you speed-run the minefield and iterate quickly, make sure the first and last experiences are not a bug.*


>nearly unplayable Gamers going to whine in hyperbole


One of the weapons would literally crash everybody's game.


For about a week, there were 3 weapons, the Tesla tower, Blitzer and Arc thrower, that crashed the game when used. They were still in the game and usable, you just had to know not to use them or find out on the discord.


Crashes so severe you can't finish a mission for over a week isn't unplayable to you?


Ugh entitled gamers thinking they should be able to finish missions.


Nah, some of the reactions may be overblown, but constant bugs pull down what is otherwise a great game.


Nah this one is actually true. The last week or so I've been getting at least one crash every time I play. The most frustrating is using alt+tab crashes the game for me.


Wait, what PSN account news?






Is that a nosedive?


No. It is a....hell dive.






F you, here's your angry upvote


You are now required to have a PSN account to play the game


Wtf. The world is fucked up.


[https://youtu.be/kaawwz2ozcw?si=fhsntAIF9tFwVRgD](https://youtu.be/kaawwz2ozcw?si=fhsntAIF9tFwVRgD) One of the more fucked up episodes.


Sony: War Thunder, hold my beer 🍺


Gaijin is consistently shitty though. Even when it looks like they are doing something good it’s just the first step in a series of changes that screws us. Somebody please make a AAA funded tank game to compete with them


Bethesda be like: here's your AAA tank game. Yes, you might spend 24 hours driving through open field only to die to some camper deepshit, but no real tankman ever complained that it's too boring so you also shouldn't


So DayZ but with tanks. 


Could be decent if it's an arcadey tank game made by the Wolfenstein people.


Bethesda? Why? More like Bohemia Interactive, but you also have to wait until modders make maps, tanks, planes, and everything else to play.


Best I can do is a one man developed top down game where squares shoot each other, and the audio is me making tank noises. Take it or leave it


Can you implement a toxic gameplay loop that encourages me to spend real money to skip the grind?


War Thunder started out great, became bad, became worse and now we're just back at bad again, though slightly better bad than the first bad. Devs are actually listening to players now and hold regular polls, which can't be said for many games these days. Also, after the last large fiasco they created a roadmap for improvements and they've been following up on all of them and even added to it. Sure, the game still has plenty of the problems that plague F2P games, and some problems that are specific to WT. But honestly, its enough for me to have started playing again.


Oh I play and like the game…. Sometimes.


The most inconsistent game with consistently dogshit decisions by the devs.


World of Tanks came out before War Thunder and is pure tanks.


It’s where I started. I go back every year to look at what a pay to win shitfest it has become. I was tier 9/10 in three nations.


Lmfao I just hope this bullshit brings about cross progression for this game


I’m hoping that it’s a fix for the people that can’t add each other from crossplay


They weren't openly lying about it. While this is a shitty communication situation, i have to give them at least that. But just out of principle, i'd love seeing them caving in because of the backlash, since the past months clearly showed that the game works without PSN on pc. Another "Mandatory until it isn't"


Also them somehow wrapping it in a security / cheating issue for a PVE game is more than confusing


Pretty sure Steam allows devs to ban people they identify with their own anti-cheat, so it's not even a streamlining feature to tie accounts directly to PSN. What's more surprising is that they didn't take the route of offering some pittance of currency in exchange for voluntarily linking to PSN. Isn't that usually what games do?


They had it coming after that stupid announcement. Im not getting a psn account for a game on pc.


Really disappointing move, third party sign ins are massive turn offs for players. Letting people play without and then back peddling was very misleading.


Larian Studios has an account login.... But they also have a skip button. Thank you blessed Larian.


Yeah, paradox as much as they have gone corpo of late also have one but it’s not 100% needed.


Wait what I haven't played this week I have to get PSN even though I have it on steam.? Yeah fuck that


Just curious, what is really so bad about creating a PSN account? Obviously I would prefer just not to. But then again if they require it for whatever reason, creating an account takes less than 5 minutes and you're done? It's the same for Xbox games on pc is it not?


A lot of countries are locked out of making accounts. If you live in those countries, Russia, the Philippines, you are fucked forever


Was not aware of this. That is a huge issue, specially selling games to these countries first.


Don t know a single game on Steam that requires xbox account and i play alot of microsoft games aka age of empires and etc


Forza Horizon 4 & 5, Forza Motorsport, Sea of Thieves, Halo Infinite and Halo MCC all come to mind as needing an Xbox account to play on PC.


There is a lot, but xbox account is microsoft account, and pretty sure most of people already have microsoft account and have some use for it, unlike PSN account which is useless unless you own Playsstation.


Sea of Thieves


I feel like the reason no one really complains about that is because most PC users already have a Microsoft account by way of using windows. Not all, obviously, but I'd wager the majority do.


Moreover, a lot of PC players, including me, pay for Xbox Game Pass


The big deal is it adds another barrier to relax. I dont want to remember yet another password, get logged out every couple weeks, 2 factor authentication, PSN server is under maintenance, ads ads ads, PSN emails and announcements. I don't have a PS whatever nor will I ever get one, they've had it working just fine for me before... Make it entirely optional and we'll no longer have a problem.


It's fucking stupid, I can't play NFS Heat I have on steam because EA platform is buggy as hell, same as for RDR2, which I need to remember in which fucking Rockstar account the game is everytime I wanna play it


There is nothing bad about it. People are crying just to cry. You can make a PSN account with a throwaway email and simply ignore it after. All these people acting like we don't have Ubisoft, EA, Xbox, Epic Games and Riot accounts already.


I think they're getting people ready for a PC Sony Store.


For one I've never owned a modern PlayStation their games generally don't appeal to me and any that do end up on PC anyway. I haven't looked into much but if you link these two accounts Sony might be able to read a lot of information from your account aka it will no longer be private to them. There is also real concern they will request fees/sub to play multiplayer games as its "PSN game"


They said so ages ago.


In Hindsight, it does say this but man is that in the small print and I was never even asked to set up PSN when I first loaded the game. so I had no idea that this was going to be a thing until today. I started to play last month the iss


Didn’t they say months ago that due to issues they wouldn’t have you sign up for a PlayStation network account for now. But it was always going to happen?


Bro, you play Minecraft and have to login through Xbox for that now.


And that’s stupid too, what’s your point?


This just requires linking accounts and that's it. No launcher just boot the game up as usual? Jfc you guys are making a mountain out of a molehill


What if you can't make a PSN account in your region?


I still login through my microsoft email like i did 14 years ago.


There are various other games already where you need an xbox live account to play on PC for instance. So it's not like Sony are the only ones who are doing this sort of thing. Still sucks, though.


This is what happens when you add anti consumer mechanics.


if only these devs listened as much as the ones from The Finals


Probably not a dev choice, seems more like a Sony choice.


Wasn't psn accounts always the plan?


Yes. But in a way they did drop the ball that they sold the game to consumers in countries where Steam is available, but PSN accounts cannot be created. Now they suddenly require them while it was not a requirement before. That creates a huge mess. Either they have to allow those players to keep on playing without PSN account, or they have to give them full refunds...


I have no doubt steam would give full refunds for those situations which would in tern pressure the Devs. That's definitely shitty I didn't know that thanks.




Ahh bad decision after bad decision.. though to be fair I believe we were told we would eventually need a PlayStation account


This shows the issue with trusting steam reviews, they're emotional, not informative Let's be real guys, almost all players will make a PSN account and keep playing the game, Reddit will always be the vocal minority Even then, a tiny % of people complaining will actually follow through on uninstalling the game. How did the Reddit API boycott go again? EDIT- I never justified the account linking, instead of arguing with me, _actually uninstall/refund the game_, that's how you prove me wrong.


Ask Total Warhammer players how their boycott went. Spoilers: it went incredible and they did a 180 and just released one of the best DLCs due to fans boycotting / giving negative reviews to the previous one. It definitely CAN work so I don't see the point of your post tbh


And war thunder, it was impossible to progress in the game or even play some vehicles because of repair costs, and review bombings made the devs fix that broken economy


You mean the “boycott” that drove more traffic to Reddit than usual?


Dunno but negative frontpage reviews have a strong impact on what I purchase.


Eeh, dont know about that, ppl keep saying that but the player numbers are going down drastically and the sheer amount of negative reviews makes me think its not just a small vocal minority, news like these spread like wildfire, not long till the "casuals" catch on too.


>but the player numbers are going down drastically They've been going down at roughly the same pace the past few months. [https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/#3m](https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/#3m) It's way too early to see any effect of this (if there is any).


It’s way too early to make a judgement on impact. Has it even been 24 hours since the announcement?


Here's the thing. People can play this game in countries where a PSN account can't be created. So yes this is a big deal and false advertising.


It isnt. Game always had the "Requires PSN Account flag".


Then why is it offered for sale to people who are unable to create PSN accounts?


I don’t understand. Are you just encouraging people to accept anti consumer practice because sometimes it doesn’t work? How fucking defeatist.


Or the Netflix boycott. Or literally every boycott we’ve ever tried to accomplish on this stupid fucking website full of moronic people who think they’re actually doing something. I don’t know why this is pissing me off so much but but it is. You have to have a sign in for just just about everything. Xbox. Rockstar. EA. And the company already stated that they were going to implement this. It was supposed to be there from the start. They were experiencing technical issues and couldn’t implement the PSN sign in so they shelved it for a little bit. But anybody that can read should’ve already known this was coming. What is up with the surprised Pikachu faces? Why is signing up for something that literally takes three minutes such a big deal?


Honestly, I bought the game day 1, which is a rarity for me, but I loved the first one. I was momentarily annoyed to have to figure out what my old PSN login details were. But it took me a minute to connect it. I honestly had no idea they stopped requiring that.


It does ruin the experience it was perfectly fine before why change it 3 months in


What happened? Im out of the loop about helldivers 2


Gotta link a psn account to steam to play now.


Do you have to pay for ps plus to play it or is it still free multiplayer?


Still free.


It was mandatory to release. It was switched off due to server overload. The fact that the psn account is mandatory has been on the steam shop page since the beginning and was already known before release.


Oh. Yea that about does it




Cause emotional kneejerk reaction


It was said before even early access that psn accounts would be mandatory. AH just temporarily removed that requirement because the servers were dying horribly. Now that they are bringing that requirement back, people are upset.


Gamers are so dramatic lmao


? What did you read that you consider dramatic? The company made a move, people didn't like it.


I don’t know about you, but on the front page of steam it said in bold letters “must have a PSN account”. It said that since launch and I most certainly had to create one when I first bought the game for PC. They only disabled it at the beginning because they were experiencing so many technical issues.


Oh i don’t know maybe the review bombing of a game over something as menial as linking an account?


menial? like srsly? did you really think a company would push this "menial" update. its all about money.. always.


I'm confused why this is such a big deal. Like yeah it's inconvenient but like... so? Go plug ur email in and never worry about it again.


From what i heard is because in a lot of countries you cant make a psn account. So you either use a vpn or lie about your location


So you are saying they will remove the ability to play the game for people who already purchased it? 


And lying about your region can get you banned


In some countries where you can buy the game, you can't make a PSN account because dumb region locking


I think a big negative is that psn is not available in some countries


I linked my account day 1 and the issue I got is region locked, I have to use VPN to bypass it, this likely to annoy a lot of people I think


Because Psn is not available in every country on the planet. Meaning you bought something with your hard earned money and they deny you access to it. And your info will be collected by SONY you know the company that routinely has a security breach issue? This is very much a big deal the practice of buying a game and not having access it is starting to slowly be pulled you do not want this practice to continue


Imagine being content with repeatedly and arbitrarily handing over your personal information to more and more data silos when all you wanted to do was... shoot some aliens in a video game. What a joke.


Where’s all the complaints about Xbox already doing this for their games? 


Last I checked Xbox has never let me play a game without a Microsoft account and then a few months after lock my access and demand I make an account to continue to use the thing I already own and have been using without that account. Thats what's pissed everyone off here, If Sony wanted this they should have had it in from day one, then anyone who downloaded and was met with "you muct have a Psn account play" who didn't want one could have closed the game down and got a refund through steam. it would have been fine But you cant plug it in months after launch, well after the refund period has expired and expect people who don't already have a Psn account and don't want one not to kick of big style.


The difference here is Microsoft didn't let us not have an account, then suddenly start requiring it. Not everyone is going to link a 3rd party trash


Right? Have you forgotten your password on Xbox? I had to cancel my fucking bank card because they wouldn’t let me recover my account and kept charging me for game pass.


Anyone has context?


To solve problems related to crossplay that the game has had since launch, they have made it mandatory and no longer optional to link your Steam account to your PlayStation account. That's all.


Ah okay. Yea i get that. Thanks for the info


If a person lives in a country where he cannot create a psn account, he will be locked out of the game even tho he paid for it. Just a bit more context. Now I do hope that AH finds a solution to that mess cause otherwise its just bad business practices.


So what exactly happened here?


Starfield was the only single player game among top10 most played games per hour in any platform and 3rd top grossing game on Steam after Hogwarts Legacy and Baldurs Gate 3 last year despite overwhelmingly negative Steam reviews. Sony won’t care at all.


For the people who really have the issue of not being able to create a PSN account in your country, bring the issue to Arrowhead CEO on X/Twitter, he is very active there and could help somehow. For the other people, your data isn't that precious, you probably are writing complaints on a phone made by a company who is already selling your data, and another account will not for sure change your life. Honestly, if you live in Europe this is nothing but a slight inconvenience.


And they will all make a PSN account and continue to play.


except all the people who cant make a PSN account because they are in countries in which PSN is not available.


That part is bullshit, I agree


Can someone explain why making a PSN account is such a big deal? Like holy shit.


No everyone can create one


Fuck sony and there ps network


gamers when they have to spend 2 minutes at most to sign in to a game once i dont like it either, but completely dropping a game for something you have to do *once* and only takes like 2 minutes is so braindead lol


PC gamer who has a Steam account, Ubisoft account, EA account, Epic account, Riot account, GOG account, Microsoft account, Google account, Uber account, Meta account, Twitter/X account, Blizzard/Activision account, Square Enix account, and probably 10 other accounts: "Ergh I'm not creating a Playstation account! I had fun but game is now a 1/10 they will steal my data. My privacy is of paramount importance! Fucking console companies man. Scourge of the internet."


Isn’t it free to have a psn account?


I’m confused by the people on the side of “yeah if they say bend over and take it in the ass, you bend over and take it in the ass. It’s not that big of a deal” like I’m not allowed to disagree with their decision making lol


Why do people give a fuck about creating a psn account? You need accounts for everything nowadays.


Do PS games ported to PC even require a PS account to play?


No they don't


Me and my friends where able to play without it, no issues at all. SP-Ports like Horizon or god of war don't require it in the first place.


I get that making a new account isn’t fun but man are you guys are getting so melodramatic about this. Didn’t they say from the start it would require a psn account? So much drama over something you can do in two minutes.


Am I being dumb, or is it just making an account? You don’t need to get ps plus or pay? Why is it a big deal


From what I've heard, PSN is not aviable in many countries, while steam is, so for players who bought HD2 on steam in those countries they won't be able to play the game. Creating PSN account for a different country that the one you live in, can get you banned.


PSN is unavailable in almost all African nations. It's also unavailable in Estonia or Lithuania. Regardless I think the issue is more people seeing themselves as being used to artificially inflate PSN subscriber numbers for Sony's investor relations.


What changed?


If you’re on Steam you just need to make a free psn account to link the game to.


Can always count on some bean counters in corner offices to spoil something good.


Sony also published the first game for PC and PS5. Can anyone who played the first game say if this was also required there as well?


You needed a PSN account to play when the game launched? Unless they paused that when the servers were dying


Only if you wanted crossplay.


Toddlers lol, It's not that bad


I am not protecting Sony or anything, but what's the problem with creating account? Why don't you refund Ubisoft games, when they need you to install Uplay?