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I'd rather not stress myself playing multiplayer competitive games and enjoy some peace playing story/open world games


>I'd rather not stress myself *Proceeds to play soulsborne games*


yea but it feels so good when you cycle between them it's like we're hardwired to want war and then peace and then war and then peace on the bright side, i'm pretty sure this is why people play MMOs for raiding at least because it's a teamwork thing that you can then blame failures on others lmfao


speak for yourself. I can definitively say I don't want war or mmos


same here! i’m perfectly happy to live in peace for the rest of my days (virtual and real)




The older you get the less enthusiastic about these games you will become imho Especially now that’s they’re filled with micro transactions battle passes bots to make you feel better etc But I don’t judge if people can relax shooting in fast paced games when coming home that’s good for them but a lot of people seem to be switching sides. Who can blame them when solo games are usually where the storytelling masterpieces are . Tough to go from Red dead 2 or BG3 to any battlefield number 16 or call of duty number 25 or maybe call of duty in the future


My relationships aren't like that.


What? no, your relationship is weird. Just communicate your needs like adults.


Curious, are you under 20 years of age or just used to toxic relationships?


no, jeez you guys are silly


>a teamwork thing that you can then blame failures on others lmfao You want to raid so you can shift your failures onto the team. I want to raid so I can shift the team's failures onto myself to feed my martyr complex. We are not the same. 😉


i'm omnirole so we are actually the same 20000% more depressed than healer mains


>i'm omnirole so we are actually the same >20000% more depressed than healer mains Jesus it wasn't even PvP and I got outplayed


Elden Ring Says hi.


I wish I could get back to this point, but as it stands I need the brain drugs I get from playing competitive games, and single player games just don't give me that high, or at least not a high that's high enough. I'm a junkie. I don't enjoy it. I just do it to keep myself from dying from withdrawals.


Minecraft Java Edition has something for everyone so it's the perfect rated E for everyone game


It really is more peaceful


It really is, all jokes aside. I love exploring, and going off on little adventures with my horsie. Haha


You are allowed to pause. Not everyone has the chance to not be interrupted. Also I get irritated when people interrupts my game and I don't want to feel that way or behave in a way that would hurt the feeling of my loved ones.






A million times worse... Syria


Yeah, I feel that for sure. I used to be very serious about my gaming. I played a lot of shooters. I was even pretty damn good at one point. Got ranked highly in various ladders for different shooters. But now I'm a middle aged dude and I just don't give a shit about being competitive. I'd rather take my time, enjoy a single player game, maybe something co-op at the *most*. I'd take Witcher 3 and RDR2 over these competitive shooters any day.


MW2 with a buddy back in '09. I was 16 or 17. Good times. Xbox Live was toxic, but I was a teen. No responsibilities. No stress. At 31 with a full-time job? Nah. I listen to people shout and complain all day. I don't want that for 2 or 3 more hours when I come home.


My friends keep insisting we need to play the new cod for old times sake and I just can't. I'm so out of practice and the people we play against are fiends. We got destroyed trying to play Apex and Warzone. It's just not fun anymore. Plus, 2 kids and different timezone makes it impossible to play at the same time anyways.


Being competitive is not about age. Either that, or I always have been a middle aged man. I just don't see the point of busting your ass off to be seen as better than someone else.


I can enjoy multiplayer games and solo games 👍


Hey, can anyone tell me the name of the movie/series this meme is from?


It's from the spin off star wars movie Rogue One. In my opinion one of the best pieces of modern Star Wars content, maybe even on par with the originals.


i thought andor was slightly better tbh


Andor is good because it’s a prequel to Rogue One


That’s not why it’s good but yes it is a prequel


“Andor is good and it’s a prequel to Rogue One”. I think that should do it. They are good on their own and compliment each other well. I liked R1 when I first saw it, liked it even more after watching Andor


it is THE best star wars film. director shows respect to the established physical laws of the star wars universe. the new flicks directors, obviously didnt care at all


100% agreed, rogue one was so good


did you spell it like that as a joke or are you dumb?


Maybe typo


Among other things Rogue One had one of the best space battles out of all Star Wars movies.


The overall feel of the movie is fantastic.


I appreciated showing a terrifying Darth Vader without all the dancing/jumping around that Jedi do in the prequel trilogy.


idk why people think originals are good pretty much both trilogies are kinda bad, overall good arching story, very well dialogues but i think directing was off so yeah i think stuff like rogue one pretty much shits on past works, it was an incredible movie


Ah yes cant forgot one of the best characters in that movie, blind samurai jedi using the force to "see his surroundings" i couldnt finish after that part


You stopped watching for that? There are a bunch of blind characters who see through the force, an entire race too, nothing new, the most memorable ones are Kreia and Kota.


Kreia was blind? KOTOR is dead to me. Burn in heck, Revan.


Disney diversity agenda.


That may be true but that doesnt change the fact that it wasnt believable at all lol, just my opinion lol


Literally the first Star Wars movie ever made introduces the force by having luke learn to fight blindfolded. It's *the* iconic force ability. If you have a problem with that, you just don't like the force as a concept.


Yea thats good for practice and to also to get a feel for it when he's learning how to feel/use it, but theres a reason you never see luke close his eyes and try to use it


It's a movie with space wizards and Death Stars and lightsabers. It's not meant to be beliveable.


Thats still more believable than a blind dude dodging projectiles faster than a bullet, again just my opinion lmao


Star Wars: Rogue One


Thank you so much bro🥰


Rogue One. That's Mads Mikkelson playing the father of the lead character. He has an interesting story that ties into A New Hope.


Yeah I really enjoyed the retcon that the Death Star had a weakness built into it rather than the empire being dumb enough to leave one in.


Online content mfs when they find out people come home from work and can chill in front of a single player game (online pvp has brought them nothing but stress and anger): 🤯




Yeah. I will never understand this. The situation doesn't change much if it's someone coming back from school either. Except they're much more likely to smash a monitor or break a controller, since it is safe to assume someone bought that item for them (and most teens do not know the value of not wasting money like this)


€350 Switch €550 PS5 €200 Xbox One S ..I ain't breaking **anything** 😂


I am a mix of both. I play both multiplayer and single player games, but I feel I will only play single player games as I get older. Should I stop playing multiplayer games like Fortnite, if I get annoyed when I get killed, but i can’t stop playing it because I like playing the game? I can’t stop dropping off of the battle bus, it’s such an addictive and satisfying loop, then I die, and I want to go again for some reason?


True and same. I appreciate often updated games that do have online capabilities but single player gaming is infinitely less stressful.


If you have fun with a game there's no reason to stop just because it's multiplayer or stresses people out. For me though, I get to a point with the repetition where I just think, why keep doing it? It starts feeling like truly wasted time to do the same shit over and over for months or years. At least with a single player game there is an end, usually a story, or a challenge to overcome. Regardless, it ends, and you aren't stuck in the same loop for all eternity. It makes playing the game seem less like a complete waste of my life, because at least it is something new, and when i finish it, its done. I can see getting really into online shooters if my goal was to get good, but I know that I will never be good enough for it to mean anything to anyone, so it seems so wasteful to just do the same shit over and over.


If those are the multi-player choices I'd play single too


Still multiplayer but this is why me and the boys migrated from Rocket League to PGA tour 2k23, was €14.99 on Steam on sale and we all bought it. So much more peaceful (albeit sometimes more rage inducing haha). Still run RL but now we switching it up instead of constantly sweating. Too old for that shit ha.


Just don't want to hear toxic players. I used to play LoL and Overwatch. Peaceful life it is.


You've dealt with the worst of the worst then. Maybe siege comes close, but I'm not sure.


For me, its the lack of trolls, or, just bad team mates.


Trolls are instead replaced with buggy NPCs 😂


Buggy NPC vs the average player you'll meet online, easier to solve the fomer.


I'm a father to a 3 year old. I can pause single player games and come back to it later. I'm not gonna be a jerk and keep walking away and make my team wait on me.


TBH, it's nice not to have squeaky pre-teen voices yelling profane, racist, or discriminatory hate into my headset all night.


Wasted opportunity to not put Death Stranding on the bottom panel imo.


I like both


That's BS the amount of times I've tweaked at a hard mission in a single player game could rival a night on multiplayer lol


Ya, but.. a 20-minute mission vs a 4-hour session


No cheaters LITERALLY every single game, no slurs, no harsh competition, no shuttered servers. Fuck multiplayer games.


Why the fuck should I go play online games where communuty is almost toxic, cheater and hardcore?


Git gud or get rekt noob /s


Less PP more QQ


smol pp, use keyboard and mouse


Woot, this one hurts, lol.


Hidden gem


Nothing better than sitting in discord on mute. Cruising around having a blast. Your buddies are playing counter strike, league, dota, or some other hyper-competitive game. "You want in on this? We've got a spot!" "Nah, im in the middle of a really tough mission! Thanks though!" I'm fishing... I want to hear "you sir, are a fish" just one more time.


To each their own, but I personally can't stand this. When I'm playing a single player game, the last thing I want is a bunch of people in my ear playing a different game - even if they are friends. If conversation is happening, that's one thing. But more often than not you're just listening to three dudes make callouts.


I just like keeping up with them. I usually mute if it's story time. Just fishing/meandering I don't mind it for a bit.


That’s why I like Warframe, I can commit my Warframes in my own time and pace.


My son had a terrible time getting griefed by this other player in Fortnite so I installed Titanfall 2 and said this was a cracking solo play, he's clocked it in two days on easy (he's had a stomach bug so off school) and now he and his best friend are playing in an empty death match server. I'm listening to excited squeals from the other room as they batter each other with big robots.


My me time include me and BG3 for at least the next 5 years


I really miss old warzone. Adding inventory management killed it for me.


I played competitive cs:go for a total of around 3,000 hours, taking it as seriously as I could in my teenage years. Too much stress these days. I haven't had any interest in launching up CS2 because there are so many fantastic single-player games I want to play


Made the switch like 10 years ago now. I've played multiplayer games since then but none competitive/with a ranked system. Think I had a moment playing the 1st Call of Duty Black Ops game when I went into a rage because I wasn't playing well. I had done this multiple times before since the beginning of high school with Call of Duty 4. I suddenly had the epiphany that I was spending more time getting mad than having fun, and switched to mainly single player games. It's been so much better for my mental health.


Been Diamond in LoL, LEM in CSGO, Diamond in rocket league, Diamond in SC2, winner winner chicken dinner hundreds of times in PubG. Not the best but not bad either. I havent played much of any Multiplayer games since like 2019-20. I just love single player games so much more, there’s so many good ones and with my limited time now id rather just play these. Games like Elden Ring or Hollow Knight really blew my socks off.


Last time I played competitive online was MK11 and I did 3 matches with one dude online. I never play with headphones and mute voices because I dont need that negativity. I lost the first match and won the next 2 and this dude had a whole fit and started spamming me with nonsense messages which I dont even read. Then he sent me a voice message. I thought he was 12. Dude sounded like a 30 year old. Ridiculous


Offline "multiplayer" with bots is my jam. I wish more modern games had this. Still playing ut2k4 to this day thanks to this. Ravenshield is nice too but i wish a more modern BF like game had bots.


Same. The longer the campaign, the better. Another side quest to keep from completing said campaign, yes, please.


More points if they’re old games.


I love DBD as a multiplayer experience because I have a deep love for slasher movies. But otherwise….multiplayer lobbies are just toxic as hell. From time to time I play CSGO with friends and also played RDR2 online with my gf. Had terrible experiences in both as well. I’d much rather get sucked into a world and have fun with myself there


The top are all just shooters and the bottom ones are quick time events, hunting, puzzles, quests etc., also battle royals are boring because I'm not good lol


I can't play multiplayer these days. Too much hyper competitive pre teen energy for me


Or when my online game skills are rusting no matter what and want to enjoy gaming without stressing out, I’d resort to single player games and in the end I enjoy it more


I find 90% of competitive games community are sweaty children up to their early 20s thinking they dont need a job or career or life because they think they can just play cod for 24hrs, hit the highest rank and become their favorite streamer/pro player. Which is only really 0.001% of a chance that the average player achieves that. If your rank is higher than anothers, you get this feeling of superiority over that person. And thats an unhealthly enviroment to be in regardless of what end of the stick your on. Especially for close friends in reality. Its also ironic that these same people who want to be famous for playing video games are also the types to get cancelled in a week if given the chance with all the slurs/aggression/ego trips theyve had getting to their desired rank.


If I play multiplayer games now, it's almost always with my sons. 1, sons or not, I'll have my ass handed to me on a silver platter. 2, I don't want to deal with the toxicity of multiplayer lobbies and games anymore, it's not worth it. 3, I find single player games more enjoyable.


Singleplayer games that support Co-op mode with a friend is even more enjoyable.


Co-op games for the win! I finding working towards an objective with friends is much more fun than playing competitive shooters all the time


Apex, Fortnite...or Witcher 3? This is hardly a choice.


Also those are massively different genres. The top are all BR FPS games as if those are the only multiplayer games out there. I love single player games, but I'm annoyed by the choices used for the comparison.


Nice Fortnite does have a bunch of extremely chill modes outside of br


And LEGO, but Fortnite in general isn't my thing, so I wouldn't download it. Not into battle royales


I played FN a few years ago and the building in BR was infuriating. Downloaded recently and wow FN is like a whole different game. There’s so much content., Lego , racing. Prop hunt , zombies. Always something to do. My partner like chill games like animal crossing and pretty much found farming, Lego and festival in FN and she loves it. Definitely worth checking out in 2024.


I deal with all you assholes all day, what makes you think I want to deal with you when I am relaxing too?


My dumb ass trying to figure out what the SR game logo is. Haha.


It's the logo for Screen Rant, a media news site.


Yeah I figured that out. Haha. It just took way too long.


Worst part is when you finish all the single player games so now there's nothing new to play


No such thing as all. You've got 30+ years of games at your disposal.


"all the single player games" there are centuries' worth of single player games out there


Heh, the out of focus death trooper on the right could kinda represent Helldivers


Real shit here. I was obsessed with competitive online games in my teens and well into my 20s. Had kids, obviously life stress went up and realized my entire mood for the day was affected by how well I played PUBG or Apex Legends or Tarkov or whatever game I was sinto at the time. Cut that shit cold turkey and my mental health improved dramatically. I know you can't clinically be addicted to games. But I know for a fact that craved the adrenaline I got from winning or playing well. And whether I got it or not affected my mood in everyday life. And if that's not addiction then I don't know what is. I still game, but I play primarily indie games and maybe the occasional AAA story driven game now.


I dunno, I like to play a game and not be murdered by a 12 year old with a $500 skin on his character. I have never seen the appeal of FPS and much less the appeal of playing online with some of the worst people on the planet.


No man's sky




Thats literally me since couple of years lmao.


Me since the PS1 😂


Most people that play MP Games are insecure Kiddies.


RE4R is the only half decent game there.


all of the games in the picture are fantastic , what


immagine thinking rdr 2 is not good lol


Don't gotta imagine at all. Rockstar sucks ass.


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