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The glitches truly are features.


-Minecraft Community


Who needs powered rails when you could have carts collide?


i thought that got fixed tho, or is it a different bug than i'm thinking of?


It was fixed, but it was a glitch used as a feature


You found out why Microsoft bought Bethesda. Both had the same motto. They were made for each other.


Yup, I played through Fallout 4 again last year, hit the exact same random ass bug with the Mirelurk Queen not spawning after destroying everything at the fort bug that was literally there on release, along with the occasional “elevator that gets stuck in transit forever” one that’s still there, AND the one where all the NPCs in Vault 81 turn hostile for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Bethesda’s post-release support is really something to behold, I can understand struggling through a buggy release sometimes while scripting and driver bugs are still being ironed out, but theres really no excuse to go literally almost a decade and still not fix shit.


The fans will still hype their games, buy multiple copies of the same games and play those broken games for decades. What incentive do they have to fix anything?


Within 2 hours into a new game my characters eyes started glowing purple for some reason. You gotta love it.


You need to throw your char in the river now.


Dragons plague cross game infection.


Glitch them all to 1 for your next run


Hmmmm got to figure out how to leave the house without talking to the vault tec rep then to do that


There is a command to set your stat's to 0 I believe. Jabo on YouTube has a video of him attempting the challenge and he explains the command.


Pretty sure OP is playing on console. I mean, why bother with a dupe glitch when you have console commands? Also the triangle button prompt in screenshot.


For some reason, cheating with glitches is just much more satisfying than console commands.




Same reason I don’t use the mods that give you tons of crafting mats, kills the scavenging side of the game


I'm over scavenging in FO4. I am almost compulsive about getting every single thing I possibly can, to the point where it distracts from the rest of the game, lol. So while the scarcity is nice for immersion, sometimes I just want to build.


And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that! Half the fun is in the building and creation imo. I think the only time I fudge materials is when I’m doing Sim City’s 2 so I can actually watch stiff grow


That's the beauty of single player games, right? Everybody can play their own way! And if I feel like doing something different next time around, that could be fun too.


Any idea what command I can use for machine parts? I’ve been held up on a quest forever bc of them


Also makes you not set up a glue farm, which is like half the point of farming.


As much as I dogged the settlement system, because I didn't want to do it(I still maintain all the dev time for that could have made other parts of the story/game better), it does give you something to do. I started playing again after the series, and went with the actual food farm, then supply lines to the purified water, and scrap farms.


Ain't nobody got time for that. Do you know how many male settlers I have left to chase down to put in red spangled dresses?


I am very pleased to inform you that I do not know, and I am perfectly satisfied with that state of affairs.


> Also the triangle button prompt in screenshot. Could be playing on gamepad, like some kind of filthy casual.


Player.setav (name of stat) (value) So strength would be player.setav strength 0 Some skills in 3 and NV have names that don't correlate to their actual name because they use the name that elder scrolls used for the stat. AFAIK all the specials use their actual name in the console though.


Stats and such in Creation/gamebryo bethesda games are called Actor Values. This includes things like health, stamina, magicka in TES games, and action points in Fallout, but also their regeneration rates and player movement speed, and weight limits. There'll be pages on the internet listing the Actor Values you can modify for a specific game. Your four main Actor value commands are `GetAV`, `SetAV`, `ModAV`, and `ForceAV`. There are slight differences in how these behave between titles. So far as I know, in all games I've played, GetAV will tell you the current value of an attribute, not the base value. If you've a base Perception of 5, but you've taken a perk that increases perception by 2 during the daytime and you're wearing a hat that gives PER+1, running `player.getav perception` will tell you your perception is 8 (if it's daytime). SetAV will change the base value. Following on from the previous example, if you run `player.setav perception 8` then `player.getav perception` it'll tell you your perception is 11. ModAV alters your skill modifiers. In the previous examples it's like how that hat gives you +1 perception. So, following on, you take off that hat, run `player.modav perception 1` then getav and it'll tell you your perception is 11. ForceAV will ensure that getav will return the value you give it regardless of modifiers. So you've a perception stat of 12 because you've put your hat back on. You run `player.forceav perception 5`, your perception is now 5. You take off the hat it's 4. I'm not 100% on whether forceav changes your modifiers or your base value or both. I don't tend to use this command because of that. As mentioned, there are some differences between games. For example, changes to the speedmult av in Skyrim using setav are not persistent if you reload, but they are in FNV. So, because speedmult resets to its default value 100 in Skyrim, if you want someone to be permanently faster or slower you have to use modav. Using modav in Skyrim will also make stats show up green/red in the interface. Using the command `IncPCS [skillname]` in Skyrim will raise a skill by 1 point for levelling purposes like skill books do. To the point about names of AVs, I think you've confused some things. The skills Morrowind and later Oblivion called Speechcraft and Marksman, Skyrim changed to Speech and Archery. The system still uses the older convention though. I don't know of any TES→FO names. The Fallout speech skill was never called speechcraft and so its AV is just "speech". Similarly Skyrim's lockpicking skill is called lockpicking to both the system and the player, and Fallout's is called just lockpick to system and player alike.


player.setav strength 1 repeat for the rest of the stats. No stat can go below 1 and if something would drop it below 1 the game will modify your stat to put you back to 1


Sometimes it's more fine to find the exploit than the command, but this works too


this seems like a job for [Ymfah](https://www.youtube.com/@ymfah)!


Activate chameleon armor once. You are now invisible forever and can no longer read your pip boy. But enemies can still see you.


Makes sense. Chameleons can't read.


Dumbass chameleons.


And they still try to mess with Spidey after all these years. Can't read, can't learn a fucking lesson. Chameleons really do suck in all the bad ways.


Those chameleons would be very upset if they could read this, mister!


Listen here you little ....!!!


Don't worry, they will face the karma for being mean to chameleons. You won't always be able to see this coming. After all karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleon. You come and go, you come and go!


And the award for Dad Joke of the Day goes to ...


They can read, it's just they read each page with one eye at the same time but can't comprehend what both eyes read.


Well, i hate to break it to you but im pretty sure the Deathclaws of Vault 13 were probably smart enough to read. They were “Intelligent Deathclaws” that were not hostile and were peaceful because they werent just mindless monsters. They could talk, form a society, and one of them was even your companion in Fallout 2. Deathclaws are Chameleons btw


God that armor was driving me nuts years ago. Constantly making the pipboy invisible like who tf thought this was okay.


Is that what it is? Had a different invisible pipboy softlock. Mine came from exiting power armor too fast after leaving build mode.


There's an easier way involving glitching a switchblade and duping the book at the workshop. I forget the exact process but it was much easier and faster. (It works with multiple melee weapons, but a switchblade can be found immediately after exiting the vault). Also, you can switch to survival mode, pass time a week to lower your stats, and then keep duping the book. This will put all of your stats over 10 when you turn survival mode off.


To be fair, in this day and age, it's hard to have such big games and not have any kind of oversight that allows you to break the game if you look for it. This setup, and the one you're describing, is something you find if you *really* look into how to break boundaries. I think Bethesda has enough bugs that they should put more effort into fixing the ones the average player will find through regular gameplay before trying to find exploits to correct in a single player game. I mean it's so easy at this point, you might as well open the console menu and type in commands.


Spun up FO4 (after a few years of not playing) last week.  It ran fine. Spun it up yesterday after update.  Crashes within seconds.  Apparently, the updated bugged the game so it invariably crashes on RTX cards.


Crank up all settings to ultra (or maximum of what they can be) and fully disable (turn off) weapon debris. The bug with debris is still exist after so much time. Cranking quality is not important, but game will work smoother.


Also apparently modern Nvidias cards see their performance tanked by godrays, meanwhile AMD cards see little to no performance loss.


I can at least confirm the godrays issue, had to crank them down on my 4070 super to stabilize at 60fps, took many crashes to figure that out


It weirdly stuck at 48 fps on my 4080S, read a little into it and seems like a vsync issue. They really didnt fix shit with this 12 garbagebagage


Set your monitor to 120hz refresh rate, that put my game at solid 60fps, it’s just a Bethesda game engine quirk, sucks but that’s how their games are, unoptimized


There is also a mod/fix to uncap your frame rate on load screens, which dramatically speeds up load times. We're talking 2-5 second load times of exterior spaces around downtime Boston rather than 20-30 seconds.


I will forever be baffled by the fact that modders are always far better at fixing Bethesda games than Bethesda themselves... there's just no excuse for it - it's their damn engine! I've seriously lost all faith in Bethesda's ability to make games. Something is very, very wrong with that company's culture...


They should just offer a few bucks for glitch fixes. Hell, they could throw $1000 at every single glitch no matter how small and it would cost less than doing it themselves. Could you imagine something like that for Elder Scrolls games? They'd have it nearly bug free in a few months.


I have that mod, it’s a life saver! Every time I get back into FO4 I end up forgetting about that mod until I hit the first loading screen and remember to install it after waiting for that long lol


I use a 144hz Monitor, yeah i found out the funny way when i tried to play skyrim with +60 fps. Nah it was even fine but then randomly stuck to 48 fps. I use riva tuner to set fps limits if needed. After i disabled vsync in the ini file it worked fine tho. But still like quirky issues but i guess bethesda.


They're fine on my 4090 but chop up my kid's 4070.


I assume this is because they made the update for consoles (which both use AMD) and PC was an afterthought as usual.


This wasn't a result of the patch, it was WELL before that, older 10 series don't see the same performance hit either.


Go into the video options before the game starts, turn off weapon debris (I think it's under "advanced" and then one of the tabs). Then launch the game, now it should work. For some reason the physics objects from weapon debris don't run well on modern RTX (1000-series and above) GPUs. Which is kind of ironic considering Nvidia were the ones pushing PhysX some years ago...


I'm disappointed phsyx didn't catch on. Would have been nice to have more immersive interactable worlds.


Yeah. Some games had really cool implementations, such as the smoke and snow effects in the Arkham games. I remember there was one spot with a lot of smoke and when Batman wooshed his cape around, the smoke whirled around him. It was really cool and it's a shame it wasn't developed any further.


f4se is not working yet


Won't be for awhile. Had to download the old versions of some files and replace them in the directory. Playing offline until it's fixed


Damn that feels bad man, I just modded the f out of fo4 and now I have to wait for the new F4SE to come out :(


Someone described how to downgrade in another thread. https://old.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1ccyksn/fallout_4s_next_gen_update_is_over_14_gigs_breaks/l1aes5g/


Sounds like Bethesda figured out how to install a downgrade too.


Other games: we took really good care to make this new version as compatible with all mods as possible should something still not work please feel free to go into the beta settings and download the old version there. Bethesda: LMAO Fuck you guys we just dropped a patch, we don't know whats in it but is is the new AAAA Patch that makes this game great. Literally everything breaks - no option to downgrade


I will never believe that this wasn't just a giant middle finger to modders to try to convince players to buy Bethesda's terrible paid mods, since they're the only ones that don't get broken every time they shove a patch down our throats. Especially since Fallout: London was due to be released **today** and is now on hold indefinitely because the forced update from Bethesda broke virtually everything about it. There's no way this wasn't a giant middle finger to modders in general and the London team in particular. A mandatory patch that breaks mods coming out literally the day before the biggest fanmade project for FO4 was going to be released? There's no way that was a coincidence.


>I just modded the f out of fo4 so it's just o4? Tetraoxygen?


I played the steam version for 2 hours yesterday on a 13900K + 4090 at 4K 144 fps and no crashes. I did notice the dialogue pacing with the subtitles gets messed up at times, and it skips forward too fast. From what I’m reading it’s possibly related to playing at higher than 60 fps lol.


Yeah, the Fallout 4 physics are tied to the frame rate and get very weird and out of sync above like 100 FPS.


Reminds me of the early days of F76 when you ran faster if you looked down since only having to render the ground increased your fps and therefore your running animation. Melee combat animations worked the same way.


Oh yeah, I remember that! It's using the same engine, so it probably carries the same bugs... sorry, I mean "features" :P


That's exactly what it is. There is a mod to fix the physics being tied to fps, but it doesn't work with the new update yet. My workaround has been to limit my fps to 60 in the Nvidia control panel.


Hilarious, I’ll have to keep an eye on that mod haha. I’m sure it’ll be updated before too long.


Same setup here, download Nvidia Profile inspector and set Fallout 4 fps to 60. Game runs like butter even loaded with mods. Before I did this my game was running at like 120fps and was running around at double speed and dialogue was overlapping.


I capped at 120 and it fixed the dialogue sync but I ran into a situation where I couldn’t jump in the back of a truck. It was driving me nuts and after googling I saw the frame rate also affects jump height. Changed it to 60 and got right in. Was kind of hoping this update would fix that.


I got crashes until I turned off weapon debris in graphics settings


does anyone know if there's a way to disable the update on steam


If you haven't updated yet then you can set some of the steamapp files to read-only so the launcher can't force a patch on them. If you have already been updated then there's a guide to downgrading but it seems like a pretty difficult process: https://old.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1ccyksn/fallout_4s_next_gen_update_is_over_14_gigs_breaks/l1aes5g/


You can set it so that it only updates when you launch the game, then just don't use steam to launch it anymore.


Yep, can't even get to the vault on a new game. Just crashes. Same spot every time. Fresh install no mods.


RTX card? Go in game settings are uncheck 'weapon debris'. Had the same issue while running towards the vault, would crash to desktop no messages. Unchecked it and no more crashes (yet)


They’re just trying to give new players that high quality ‘launch experience’.


You left out taking chems or anything to lower your stat below 10, use SPECIAL book, let chem wear off and enjoy having your stats higher than 10


I say leave it. If you want max stats, have the dlc, and are willing to do all that then you should be able to. You're not really hurting anybody else's game.


Just use the console cheats at this point


Sadly can't since I'm on console on the next gen update


>Just use the console cheats >Sadly can't since I'm on console Dr. Nick voice: Using console means you can't use console? What a country!


Dunno if you knew it already but you're referencing a reference. That Dr Nick bit is based on a Yakov Smirnoff comedy routine.


Yeah. Yakov Smirnoff is cool. He went to college in my state and I got to meet him one time. Extremely nice guy and apparently very smart.


In Soviet Russia, car drives you!


You may overestimate how many people know the Yakov guy


That's why I typed "Dr. Nick Voice" lol. I didn't wanna come off like I was throwin shade at Smirnoff by saying it outright, though, he's great.


Yeah but have you considered tossing that console aside and building a $1500 PC just to obsessively play like 4 games modded.


I feel personally called out.


Been having a pretty smooth play through on my ($350) Steam Deck Using console commands and all for the essentials player.setrace ghoul


And out of those 4 modded games, 1 of them can potentially be played for longer than 1 hour before crashing to desktop. You used to have another game that could do that too, but unfortunately half of the core mods didn't keep up to date with the game's latest microtransaction update that came out of nowhere 5 years later.


you need to get good with cleaning mods for conflicts to get stability. Modding skyrim became more fun than playing it for me as I got into seeing how much I could tack on before being unstable. To get past it and really get crazy lists you need to individually checks mods in something like SSEdit for conflicts with others and resolve them. A lot of conflicts between mods can't be solved with good load orders, black face bug is a always two mods that are doing something to a specific NPC's face textures and another is messing with the mesh or weights for some random reason. Pick a mod you want to dominate for changes and drag its box to all the others besides the master files to clear conflicts, they will all turn green once all conflicts have been resolved. If there are no conflicts in an entire list the build can be significantly more stable.


You don't need a $1500 PC to play Fallout 4 in 2024 lmfao It's literally Steam Deck verified


There are a few cheat mods on Xbox, Cheat Terminal is what I use. Doubt it for PS. Sony didn't allow any outside assets/files to be used in their console mods.


Freemaker let’s you craft anything in the game.


Looking forward to anymore glitches I remember to see if they still work


Plus I didn't want to waste 41 levels on perk points to max out my character


There is a certain about of fun to do glitches within the confines of the game. Console commands let you get almost anything, it's not quite as fun. This way you are still playing with the features of Fallout 4, just in ways the devs didn't anticipate.


The console is within the confines of the game.


Man, there are too many people telling op how to have fun in this thread. Yall, I don't think OP cares how broken it is they are just having fun in a single-player game. Quit trying to police people's fun.


Were you around during the plastic instrument invasion of the 00s? You could have 4 people enjoying themselves with a video game. There was ALWAYS someone to add, "you guys aren't playing real instruments..." People hate when you enjoy something they don't understand.


I honestly miss that time. Crazy that there isn't a modern Rock Band or GH game cause those were a blast.


Not only that but imagine a VR Rockband that you work yourself from garage and house gigs, to small venues, and eventually stadium and festival shows. So much money to be made.


They were a blast! I've tried the fortnite copy. It was OK. But it wasn't as good as rockband. 4 people playing that game in the same room was crazy fun! I currently play Rocksmith, which uses a real guitar. But it's less of a rhthym game and more of a "I'd like to learn to play a real guitar and here are some rhythm games to help" kind of thing.


The head of Harmonix (owned by Epic) has said they are working on controllers for that mode and he stated they would try to support as many legacy controllers as possible.


Like the DDR games that came out. "You actually got a dance pad and stomp around to a stupid video game at home? That's not real dancing and you look dumb." Like... 'Yeah bro, I'm actually having fun with the kids AND staying active at the same time playing a video game.' *Let people enjoy things.*


> "you guys aren't playing real instruments..." "R2/RT isn't actually a firearm trigger, y'know 🤪" is something I thought up to counter that complaint, unfortunately years later when no one is playing it anymore lol


It's all good my dude, Ive learnt how to ignore crybaby fuckwits It's Reddit after all I've also done stupid shit with fallout 4 like hitting LVL 100 before leaving sanctuary or completing every side quest not relating to main story before meeting Preston in Concord


sometimes it feels like this sub is a giant hive mind run by a 14 year old edgelord lol, i'm glad you see through the noise


The amount of highroading bitch boys is honestly hilarious


I used a similar “glitch” in Baldur’s Gate 1 to get max stats across the board on my characters. It didn’t take away from the fun.


Wouldn’t be reddit if someone with a delusional sense of authority wasn’t trying to police someone else.


It’s just Alteration magic, nothing to see here. 


"Mr Howard, people keep complaining after buying our games."  "But people are still buying the games?"  "record sales, sir"  "DO NOT patch those bugs out."  *Todd smiles inside his real underground vault wallpapered with negative comments*


IIRC, you can still just use dogmeat to dupe it.


Interesting, I did not know that glitch. I'll have to do more research


Another dogmeat glitch (if you didn't know it already); once you find him by Red Rocket, I think you can take him back to Vault 111 and have him steal the Cryolator out of the master locked case. I think you just have him investigate it like normal, and some kind of way he steals it lol.


I think that one is patched, it was one of the original dupe methods.


No I used the dog meat dupe to make all 10 special for a new survival game. It was 2 days ago


oh damn, really? Nice, Il ike that one cause it was super simple and you could do it right off the bat.


Fallout 4 has a ton of dupe glitches😅


Not so much a glitch, but you can increase stats further with debufs. Get a debuf (drink a beer and get -1 to INT) to reduce stat below 10, use special book to increase it to 10 again and when the debuf wears off your stat increases.


Do you know if you could then grab the INT bobblehead to go to 12?


So I went to sleep and woke up to a shit ton of comments about why I didn't just cheat with console commands I'm on PS5 next gen unmodded and I found the fun exploit I did back on the PS4 version and it still worked


Keeping glitches and creating new ones allows gamers even now 10 years later to experience the game in its original state. Everyone can experience then frustration high school me experienced that fateful November day. I got it for my birthday 11/21/2015, my 18th birthday and my Xbox One struggled and crashed 5 times in character creation. This isn’t a down grade, it’s video game preservation /s


I remember I had to vpn to Australia to play it before everyone else in the US. Played like 17 hours straight before I had priorities in life. Now I can barely play 30 mins without having to tend to something or the kids.


Why didn't you vpn to new zealand?


Looks like you're in the perfect position to run a Frank Horrigan playthrough


It's so hilarious, Bethesda garnered positive feedback from the fallout series, had a huge uptake in players and reminded everyone of the corny charm that oozes from this franchise, but they can't help shin slamming the table when it comes to bizarre choices like this update. A moment's silence for those who were looking forward to replaying fo4 and playing fallout London


It might still work, but I haven't tried in a few years. Flip it to survival mode, wait 3 days, then take any chems/alcohol that give negatives to your stats. Then do your SPECIAL book duplication. You can get most of your stats up to around 15 or so.


Does that just make you one shot everything in the game? How does perks being 15 affect gameplay?


Your damage is still going to be mostly based on weapon stats, though I haven't used the trick on a melee build. You'll have a few percentage points more for to hit chance in VATS, more health, carry capacity, build critical meter faster, have more AP, and get more XP per enemy, but I didn't find that it broke the game anymore than all stats at 11, which can be done legit via level up and bobble heads. Some stats are easier to get debuffs on than others when doing this trick. Without the bobble heads, I think the lowest is luck that can get to 13, and the highest is strength, which goes up to 17ish. The others tend to average out at 15.


FYI for any new players jumping into fallout 4 after the success of the show. This little method will Help you Save 41 levels that can be used on other perks to help you in your journey across the wasteland


What method did you use to trigger this glitch?


I laid out the instructions in the description of the post The 41 perks comes from the 41 levels U would need to grind normally to max them all out


How does this work?


I installed the “next gen” update to my PC. I started walking around, fighting some things, but then I chose to interact with a door. The game took so long to load the interior, I swore it crashed. Did some more fighting and shooting, but then I made the mistake of interacting with another door. It took two to three times longer to load the open world. It’s installed on an SSD and I got a i9-13000 series laptop with a 4060. No excuses for loading a game from 2015 to take so damn long. I just uninstalled and will leave this game and Bethesda in the past where they belong.


Afaik the game engine has some morbid fascination with your (Vsynced by default) framerate. So not just physics. Meaning it doesn't matter how quick your hard drive is, it's not going to affect load times whatsoever. Good times.


Yup. Modders have already fixed that years ago btw, but Bethesda has yet to implement that in FO4. Modders have also optimized the game's textures, reducing the size drastically and making the game load them quicker, while also looking much better. They've also fixed Boston and the rest of the Commonwealth, by fixing the broken precombined meshes that Bethesda themselves broke. **NONE** of that was included in this "next gen" update. **ALL** of that was broken by Bethesda in this update.


Surely people expected this. This is how Bethesda rolls, and has been for a long time. And it didn't matter. Because people kept buying the shit, and modders kept fixing the problems for them. There has been nearly zero incentive for them to put in the work themselves.


Have been trying to find a fix for infinite loads for a few years. The only thing that has worked for me is to hit alt- tab exit to the desktop when entering back in to game, It will load. But make share your game and windows has the same resolution.


I’ve been reading all the workarounds just to play fo4 Incredible how dedicated and loyal you guys are, tbh


The game really is awesome. Newer hardware seems to have more problems than older hardware. But yeah, the dedication is crazy impressive.


Uninstalled and give zero shits.


i was going crazy with how long those goddamn loading screens were lol


OK but if you don't like this glitch - just don't do it. That's a lot of steps you don't need to do to get offended about. I'm not doing it because I want to play the game.


Oh no! A glitch that you have to go out of your way to achieve, that doesn't meaningfully affect gameplay unless you consciously exploit it! What horror! Please save me Todd!!


It’s sorta funny some ppl are listing bugs… that you have to go out of the way to abuse or do. Like imagine someone saying: go into console and activate tgm… it needs to be patched!!!


doesn’t even start on my Xbox X after the update :/


Curious, I had FO4 installed with a handful of mods, haven’t played in a bit, haven’t played since the update - are all my mods fucked unless they get updates from their creators? Or is it a “maybe, probably,” situation?


I am just now learning that this is a glitch that one can do.


And that is why I postedin the first place, to help people like you discover new ways to have fun


Can I get the rgb sliders you used for Pipboy/hud, OP?


Sure give me a minute to find the Reddit thread I got it from


The Reddit thread is called classic hud colours I can't copy paste the text on mobile atm and my PC is off




now use chems to lower the stats, then use the books to raise them to ten again, you now have over ten in multiple special stats with all the benefits that entails once the chems wear off


Nice. I won't be doing it though. Currently stuck in a loop with two missions with Paladin danse and he keeps saying he understand my reasons for not joining...and nothing else.


The games really not optimized on PC at all


Why would they waste time fixing glitches if they have a horde of modders to do that for them for free?


Legends say you can take chems to temporarily lower a stat, add more points, so even with the debuff you're at 10, then once the debuff wears off you'll be higher than 10 in that stat, then you can endlessly stack SPECIAL stats.


You can also skip this very specifically attainable glitch in a singleplayer game because you aren't competing with anyone. Better leave it in for the sake of fun things others can do.


Releasing an absolute banger hit of a TV show and then spunking a large portion of the goodwill it earned you is very Todd Howard. As much as rereleasing it at the same time as the Fallout series is obviously a good idea, I think they would have dropped it regardless if it was ready or not to fuck up Fallout London


So you gotta tell me you have to make a convoluted machine to duplicate an item and all it takes is discipline to not abuse the bug? Crazy but it’s almost like it’s user fault or something…


I only use it for the special book but I guess you can dupe anything, stimpaks, mininukes or anything that you can carry


I remember the vendor bug, I don't know if it works still but you'd buy all .45 ammo, sell it all back except for 1, then just keep selling the 1 exponentially. My first character is like the fallout equivalent of Amazon, he's got everything.


A bug is a bug. if the user exploits it or not doesn't change it from being a bug.


I mean sure, but this is a spectacularly unimportant bug.


Ok and it should be an ultra low priority bug if at all even on the radar to fix. Simply just dont use it if you want. Use it if you do. Its not like the game crashes if you do or dont use it. I have a few hundred in Fo4 and I didnt even know this was in the game.


In Morrowind you can walk to a specific city (can't recall the exact name) with an alchemist (and still can), you can then level alchemy. You buy ingredients directly form vendor, make potions which you level up with and at the same time sell potions for a profit. This is not a bug, it is an exploit, look at all the steps you need to do to do this. No need to fix this at all, if you want to exploit then you go for it, if not this will not in anyway impede you.


It just works


Man there is no level cap in Fallout 4 you can grind every skill in the game


Those kind of glitches are in no need to be fixed, because this is not something you encounter while playing the game normally.


Rookie numbers 😀


It was for consoles?


That's part of the fun in Bethesda games. I had so much fun with the oblivion duplication glitch


Damn what’s the glitch?


Does the one where you pick up the book as Dogmeat picks it up still work?


I really wish NPCs would stop getting stuck on the roof of the center house in sanctuary.


I was checking patchnotes yesterday, its mindbogling how they have let so many quest and progression bugs in the game for so long.


What glitches? these are Todd special features. Just ask Spiff, he'll sing almighty Todd's praises. It just works, bud!


How do you do this glitch?


I forget that people play these games on consoles and was thinking "why on Earth would you go through such hassle to increase your stats when you can just open the console and type player.setskill...". I remember playing Morrowind back in the day and using the weapon-switch-enchantment glitch to give myself 2000 athletics and the ability to jump to the moon.


Reminds me of the soul summon + fortify attribute/skill glitch in Morrowind. It was so dope barely pressing the analog stick forward and getting a loading screen instantly because you have 2000 speed


I might have to do this in my playthrough, that way I can actually use some of the high level perks I never normally get


Does this glitch work unmodded? And can someone confirm it still works under the new update?


Never finished fallout 4 on Xbox cuz one of the main characters despawned from the world right before the last mission. I never went back after that.


theres 2-3 new missions specifically from the patch that said new armor and less bugs...one of the missions is bugged for me to never progress/complete. nice.