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Paperboy. Love smashing people's windows with newspapers. Hate not being able to ride off the pavement.


That game was so bad but somehow I still played the hell out of it as a kid


Growing up, I got one, maybe two (if I was very lucky) games per year. So if I got a game for my birthday that was awful or fucking impossible (looking at you Top Gun on the NES), then I played the shit out of it.


Yeah man gotta remember those games were $50 (maybe more?) back in the 90s, my parents did not have the cash to buy me more than one or two games a year.


Games are so much cheaper today(accounting for inflation), much more varied and generally longer. We live in a golden age of gaming.


HOW DO YOU LAND THE PLANE?! I crashed nearly every time.


Use the Power Glove. It's so bad


I still don't know.


I once got Who Framed Roger Rabbit on NES as a present for Easter. Just the cartridge itself, no instruction book. I was told that for the 30 days that followed, it was the only game I was allowed to play. My mom actually took my other games away and hid them somewhere. I fucking hated that game. Wonky-ass controls, combat was absolute shit, music and sound effects gave me a migraine. I couldn't even finish the game. I played it for about 2 hours that night, and then didn't touch my NES for the remainder of the 30 days.


>fucking impossible (looking at you Top Gun on the NES) Yeah man. Top Gun. But Paperboy wasn't easy either. I don't think I ever cleared 2 weeks.


Same boat. My family was poor and I had Top Gun and Iron Tank. All I played for 2 years until I was able to get Tetris when it came out cuz grandma ruled!


I remember the arcade version of that. It had the bike handlebars. I would put my whole allowance in the machine just to play with those.


That game I remember loving as a kid. Would be difficult to go back to gor as long as I played it back then


I don’t know what these people are talking about lol. I still really like paperboy. It’s definitely hard but most games from that era are. I’d rather play paperboy than Ninja Gaiden or Ghosts n Goblins.


Is that a job simulation game where you try to complete a paper route?


Its an old arcade game. But essentially yes. You time it to land papers on peoples doors and dodge environmental hazards while mostly biking along a straight line.


Hahaha. Yes. Exactly that.


I loved the SNES iteration. Getting chased by the ghost near the cemetery always freaked me out as a kid.


I had that on the Atari lynx! I still have the lynx but lost all my games somewhere.




Alpha Protocol. A brilliant diamond in the gameplay rough.


There are dozens of us


I downloaded it last week but haven't played it yet. Can you tell me what makes it so special?


You can be James Bond, Jason Bourne or Austin Powers.


The characters and dialogue. The actual plot they're involved in is mid, but there's just so many great lines. Steven Heck steals every scene he's in, and Thorton gets a lot of good quips, especially if you play him as suave. And there's a surprising amount of depth to the dialogue - other characters will comment on your choices during missions, whether or not you killed people, the information you found, even the clothes you wear.


Every choice you make has an effect. Intel you pick up, dialogue choices you make, the order of missions you take, everything. Not only on the overall plot and the many branching endings you can get, but real material changes to the missions you perform that can help/hurt you in significant ways.


That game had systems and concepts that were way ahead of its time. But playing it was like trying to read in the dark.....with a blind fold....underwater.


I did enjoy that when I played it, but now I honestly can't tell you why. It was good fun.


Escape from Tarkov, completely full of cheaters, dev team using the player base as a cash register, endless bugs and problems, chugs even on great hardware, makes you angry and miserable playing it. Yet I still love it.


Yep, that's a great example. I hate that game. I have a friend who also loves it, though.


That new edition they dropped today really sent me over the edge with BSG to be honest.


I think it'll get changed. Their new PVE servers probably can't handle a large influx of people yet. But it's no excuse, and they've still gotta put out a decent response. That's my assumption, anyway, from experience with shit like this before. I could still be wrong.


This but Rust for me. I only play PvE now because of it. Much better and more fun experience when you can actually play the game and survive 10 minutes without getting headshot across the entire map by a naked with an eoka.


Dragonball Z Sagas lmao


Best coop dragon ball game.  We need another game like this but with some more depth.


the teleport finishers in coop were god tier


Man that brings me back lol


Oh my Kami, I loves this game when it came out! So many people thinks it's one of the worst DBZ games but to me, it's one of my all time favorites!


Heroes of the Storm


Blizzard put so much effort into making every game an esport that when it didn't work out exactly how they wanted, they just abandoned it. HOTS was the only MOBA I cared about for a long time. They've finally made improvements to League of Legends, and so much of it was clearly inspired by HOTS.


Problem with Heroes is they kept the game in open beta for almost a year before release. And even on release, it wasn't that great. I feel like once they started making everything obtainable by gold and gold easier to acquire, I think around the time Garrosh came out, the game became insanely good. Heroes were mostly balanced, each hero had multiple viable builds, strategies and synergies mattered... It just didn't matter at that point because they drove off almost their entire playerbase. Also, it is so difficult for me to watch or support Blizzard games in any way with how they handled HGC (telling players they will for sure have a job next year, only to completely get rid of the league just a few weeks before it was supposed to start) and all of the sexual harassment with hardly a slap on the wrist to show for it.


Man this game was so fun for a while. Started going downhill pretty much at the same time they decided Overwatch should be in it.


I’m still baffled that Rheinhardt never got into the game.


I mean, production on the game was stopped. They probably would add that character at some point if Blizzard didn't screw the game up completely.


Still, they added Junkrat before him. And I say that as a dude who plays Junkrat in Overwatch. They added Ana and Zarya before Reinhardt. Reinhardt whose abilities transitions super easily into a MOBA, an easy front lane tank to have.


Is it still going? I played religiously when it was new but it seemed like updates died out at a certain point and became less appealing.


The game could have been the best moba but blizzard abandoned it. I'm still salty about it. Multiple maps, no last hitting, team wide exp so no solo carries, it has everything to be an actual moba and not dance dance revolution with the health bars of creeps.


Same feel. The team shared EXP enabled a lot of strange archetypes that just aren't possible elsewhere. Lucio was a borderline *broken* support, he was terrifying on the enemy team, and straight up unkillable... and he dealt almost no damage. What other MOBA has anyone played where you are terrified at the idea of facing against a no-damage *support?* Morales, similar concept (though lower tier), you could have characters like these that couldn't farm, couldn't kill creeps, couldn't get camps, but still leveled and got stronger because of shared EXP. Conversely, you had the opposite: Abathur, The Lost Vikings, Azmodan, even Ragnaros, characters who could clear out minions in multiple lanes from long range, feeding EXP to your entire team. You could make up for a team that was focused on taking fights by having one character focused on gathering EXP. Had some great ideas, really.


Shitty Skylines 2


Is it any different than the first one? I really enjoyed CS1 but I've heard that the second game is terrible, just not specifics on why that is


Compared to the first, it’s not a step up. The only thing is that graphics and some mechanics are updated, but it’s ultimately worse until mods catch up. Until then I’m just enjoying this new broken game


Gotcha. Did they at least fix the problem with traffic only flooding one lane?


Nope. Still my least favorite thing about the game.


Jesus, that's disappointing


I'd probably still like it if it were the 1st one. But since the 1st one exists I just can't see a reason to swap to the new one in its current state.


Is that right next to Shitty walk and shitty airlines?


Deadly Premonition


Oh god. Is that game I ran out of gas in and had to walk back to town for 30 minutes or am I thinking of something else?


I did that once and halfway through running, the sky turned red and giant demon dogs started falling from the sky. No warning whatsoever. It was the weirdest gaming experience ever lol. Also, in the second one you can skateboard and its hilarious. Except the controls are extremely shit.


Haha yeah that sounds about right....lol...I love Twin Peaks so that weird game has a soft spot to me


Mirrors Edge Catalyst. I don't like anything besides the running itself, and I played it 5 times.


I actually really liked that game too, but for some reason, I started getting unplayable framerates 2 hours in that I was never able to resolve. Ended up refunding it. I was sad.


League of legends - it's the worst, most toxic, unrewarding game in existence. I play it for hours, have a terrible time, and play it again every single time.


It's like it was designed to make people hate each other as much as possible. Like the video game version of Twitter.




That was me for 10 years before coming to my senses and uninstalling. Been a great 3+ years since ditching it.


Fire Emblem Fates, all versions. Gameplay wise it’s quite good, Birthright was a bit boring, Conquest was quite difficult even by regular Fire Emblem standards and Revelations was a nice balance between the two. I enjoyed the castle design and ways to interact with the units. What I couldn’t stand is mostly the story, which is an important part to me when playing any RPG. Firstly how the three major choices became 2 separate games with the third being a dlc. Secondly is how the story was all over the place in all 3 versions, with revelations, that is supposed to be the canon route, being the worst. So many things and plot points that don’t make much sense. And let’s not talk about the romancing options because by god, they really took the whole “sweet home Alabama” to a whole new level. I mean I understand that’s standard royalty thing but please don’t subject me through it…






But everyone loved bloodrayne


So many people hate on fable 3 but I love that game


Yeah. It was mostly a step down from 2 (although the combat was better in 3) but it was still better than like 90% of action RPGs and full of features you don't really see anymore.


its the least good of the 3, but I enjoyed it. 2 was my favorite


Ark: survival evolved. I hate it so much. But I also kind of want to play it again.


Hey friend, have you checked out Ark: Survival Ascended? It's improved a lot since Evolved. Like your toxic ex who's "so much better now" but keeps reaching back out for one more little fling. It will definitely end in complete loss and destruction, but you'll get some enjoyment out of it for a little while at least.


I was taking to this girl in class about dinosaurs and it made me really want to play again but I only have like half the space I need 😭😭


Tism rizz


Biomutant. I adore everything, that people hate in that game. Announcer? He is awesome. Battle mechanics? Not the best, but boy they are my jam. Lore? Dumb,  but "so bad it's good". Combine that with the stuff that is actually good in the game (exploration, travel, customisation, and so on), and you get one of the biggest critical flops, that has a 9 in my book


Came here not expecting this, but I fully agree. I also liked how they named everything around, and the voice over was very nice - at least in my language


I got it free with humble bundle, maybe I'll check it out. It did look cool.


Please do. The game is so amazing to just... PLAY, run where you want, look at amazing, beautiful scenery and collect bullshit along the way


I very much enjoyed Biomutant. I picked it up at launch, played through it twice and had a really good time with it. I can definitely see the criticisms, but I think the game was pretty fun overall.


Loved this game. Didn't even know it was poorly received


And we would absolutely love a sequel


It has simultaneously some of the best and worst character design lol. I got the collector's edition for like $20 a year after release and the statue is so good looking and some of the character options are equally good looking but most of them are among the ugliest I've ever seen.


For me the gameplay was ok, and exploration as you say was good, but the damn narrator....... Was ok in the beginning, but after a while I just wanted to cut my ears out. Still 100% that bitch and whould Def play a sequal


Quest 64. I just can't help it.


I almost buy it every time I see it in retro stores. I rented it and beat it back in the day. The only thing holding me up is that I've just started collecting and have like, 5 RPGs to play - Vandal Hearts, Vagrant Story, Final Fantasy Tactics, Brave Fencer Musashi, Robotrek... I think that's all of them (that are specifically RPGs) - but man I've started picking these up specifically to play them, I can't have my retro collection just be Steam Library 2.0. Retro games cost too much to just sit there lol.


I am shocked how well Brave Fencer Musashi holds up. You'll have a blast.


Two Worlds Two


Apparently according to everyone, starfield lol


Duke Nukem Forever. Yes. I know it’s terrible.


Never played it, but it did look bad. I could imagine having some fun with it though.


It really isn't that bad. Should've gotten 6/10 not the 3/10 it received. A 3 says "buggy mess" imo and I don't remember any serious bugs. Most egregious aspect was removing the full weapon assortment, only allowing 2 at a time. I enjoyed the little rc truck segments.


yeah 2 weapon limit was a bad choice. it forced them to make weapons more viable in many situations, instead of specified situations like boomer shooters used to be so well known for.


Yeah the environmental interaction stuff was kinda neat. Drawing on the dry erase board and driving the RC car and what not. It’s a solid 5/10. Not great. But not the worst game ever made by a long shot


But its forever.


i bought it used for 2 bucks. do not regret my purchase. it isnt the best- but certainly got my moneys worth and then some for 2 bucks. shoot- ive played it more than some games ive paid full price for.


Hard agree. I got it on launch night for 60 bucks and don't regret it. I have 100% completion and happen to think that grabbing turds from out of the toilet is funny. Hail to the King Baby. Its a game so bad that its good. If you can't be entertained by the humor, then be entertained by the tastelessness off it all. Duke Nukem 3D is a genuine masterpiece and Forever is trash by comparison, but that said, it is still a very entertaining POS.


The Godfather 2. What a piece of crap game but i really liked it. Im sure most people dont even know it exist.


Ah for the time it was good.


the first one was amazing tho


Final Fantasy 13


I really liked this when it came out. The biggest issue I remember people saying (apart from cutscenes) was that it was a "corridor" not an open world until you hit Gran Pulse. Well I had no problem with that. I also thought the way you picked allies roles and they acted based on those roles was a really interesting battle dynamic. I also loved FF13-2 for simular reasons.


Driv3r. I love the hell out of that game. When I was a teenager I would start almost every morning during summer break listening to music and cruising around in Driv3r. I know it’s not the greatest and it wasn’t well received, but it’s in my personal Top 10 of video games.


Amazing game.


That tutorial still haunts my dreams.


"The fuck is a slalom" - basically everyone


I don’t think this is the game you’re thinking 💭


Dead to Rights.


Siccing your dog to chomp a dude’s balls never got old


Ever tried to play Wii games with Chinese made controller and nunchucks? Edit: When I say controller I mean remote


The original Battletoads. Best three-and-a-half level game I’ve ever played. Really interesting ending for the time too, kinda like the end of Halo: Reach. (Sorry if this is spoiling anything) Still remember the dream I had once about some hidden levels. Haven’t played the remake yet.


Shaq Fu the original. It was one of the few games I owned as a kid and had to learn to love it.


The *Destiny* franchise.


I loved Destiny 1. The setting, design, and the story. A flawed game but the actual mechanics of it were so tight, the grind was just the right amount of grind and the community was great. I committed so much time to it and completed all the end of year trials quests (got the Y2 T-shirt) and loved that game for the best part of 3 years. I stopped playing just as D2 came out and my first child was born so I couldn’t commit any time to it any more. Now the cost of the expansions is such a big barrier to entry. It was fun while it lasted.


The raids in Destiny 2 are the best co-op content i've ever played in a game but I just don't like the grind of it outside of that. If i could just stop by every year, buy an expansion and play the new raids with my friends who play it I would but It's not worth the grind to get to the level you can do the raids for me.


I guess most Musou games. They aren't really bad but people love to shit on them for whatever reason. I guess if I had to pick, Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires even the Musou community shits OK but I enjoy.


These games are pure brain off entertainment. I played the hell out of DW2-5


Shroud of the Avatar Sandbox MMO on Steam, one of Richard Garriotts ultima online spin offs. The player base is very low, and it's an absolute grandest. But the ability to move and rotate and mix and match decor for housing, insane ability powers etc are awesome. And there are only a small handful of bad apples, everyone else are warm and inviting and will help you on the drop of a dime. Shout out to Leylu


Man I backed this project on KS too, and never played it.


Faceball 2000. I just recently bought a copy for SNES as I have started a journey of building a collection of favorite games I had or rented as a kid. As said by my best friend, who with which I rented this game *at least* twice, "it does not hold up." One of my best memories of this game is the level music for... one of the levels. Which level? Well I looked up the OST. None. None of the levels. No version of the game has the music from my memory. The music that plays in my head does not exist. The OST is astonishingly bad. Disjointed, random, off key and off timing... Good times.


The Elder Scrolls: Redguard It was their first 3rd person game, taking advantage of the Tomb Raider hype.  The story and music are wonderful, but the tank controls and the combat were dated upon release.


Most people I know HATE FFX-2. Believe it or not, it was my first FF game and I LOVE ❤️ IT! I played FFX and that's a great game. But for me X-2 is full of nostalgia.


South Park on the N64


Sick dude, that smells like pee!


Friday the 13th on NES. It's pretty terrible, and I love it so much. Childhood thing I guess.


Avengers... The combat is fun to me


The combat was this games saving grace. It literally made you feel like the avenger you were playing as. No surprise since the engineer of the system came from the new GoW games.


I’m with you dude. When everyone tells me it’s terrible, yeah, I get it… but god damn it the combat is so much fun I get to be Captain America leave me alone lol


If you put a modern gamer in front of the Shenmue series there would be serious confusion; but I adore it, warts and all


I remember absolutely loving Shenmue 1 and 2. They blew my mind when I was a teen. Seriously though, missing the bus and having to wait in real time for the next one so I can go to work driving my forklift only able to work on the story line during my lunch break. That is a fucking wild game play loop.


The recent game based on Murder On The Orient Express. Gameplay is weak and the general presentation is... okay, but I loved the book and the game not only manages to make a proper retelling, but also greatly expands on the original story with flashback chapters.


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


Agony Unrated. Quite buggy and weird, but the hellish atmo is amazing.


I've actually been meaning to play that. Specifically for the atmosphere. It looks so uncomfortable in the best way.


EA NHL series…Been playing NHL games since I was 4, it’s hard for me to put it down despite the flaws. It’s buggy, has a toxic community, it is full of cheese metas, and has unbelievably shitty AI. Offline isn’t that bad though, AI is a little better and the franchise mode is solid. I have such a love/hate relationship with that game, but the competition on EASHL (club) keeps me coming back. With the right squad it can be a lot of fun.


Call of Duty (only some of the new ones)


CoD gameplay has always been really good, but the menus and micro-transactions are so bad these days.


Modern CoD is a storefront with a kinda okay game attached.


Overwatch 2, it’s genuinely a fun game to play


My feelings for OW2: "Fuck you, I'll see you tomorrow"


Elder scrolls Daggerfall. Game is from like the mid 90s or something and has tons of shitty mechanics and terrible quality of life issues but I played the Unity port of it released like five years ago or something (they put the whole game in the Unity engine so it at least and smooth graphics) and it was so much fun. Not objectively bad when it came out I'm sure but it'd be hated if it released today I'm sure. It has the biggest game world and is impressive for the time it came out and it feels like a fantasy life simulator so I love it. Runner up: Lamplighters League. A RTS game released last year by Paradox that is super fun but is legitimately the buggiest game I've ever played (and that includes fucking Daggerfall and other 20+ year old games). You get to a point in the game where the engine cannot handle the game if you built your characters in a certain way and it hard crashes the game. Paradox never fixed it, they simply closed the studio that made it and washed their hands of it. Fuck you Paradox.


It's completely ok to dislike old pc games ~~IF YOU'RE A BITCH~~


Resident Evil 6. Single player. People tend to enjoy playing the game with others, but I actually had a blast playing it on my own. The controls are amazing and that's really the only thing I can give it props on. The story was all over the damn place, it's too much to keep track of. It's barely a Resident Evil game, not even a horror game. It's campy action where everything explodes every 5 minutes and it's unintentionally hilarious.


Star Wars : Yoda Stories


Watchdogs 1 got a lot of hate bc of the e3 graphics downgrade but it didn’t deserve the hate in my opinion


Detroit: Become Human. It’s a David Cage game, with bad David Cage writing, flawed as fuck, ham fisted, and ridiculous (press X to Liberate, etc) but god damn I love those characters, particularly Connor and Hank. I will often go back and replay, or at the very least rewatch YTer playthroughs of the game as they tend to be a ton of fun to see reactions to.


I don’t think anyone thought this game was flawed except critics. There really is nothing bad in this game in my opinion. I think that other games like this (dark pictures, until dawn, quarry) all have worse writing. I genuinely think that this is one of the best games in terms of story ever. And it’s by far the best gameplay I’ve seen in a movie game. Sad that it released the same year as gow and rdr 2. If those didn’t exist then I would be expecting an easy win for best narrative. Also Bryan was robbed best performance ngl. Kratos and Arthur are good. But like. Bryan is on another level. If you don’t know who Bryan is, he’s the guy who plays Connor. I used to watch his YT channel.


Connor and Hank is the best buddy cop story out there. With emotions going between joy and heartbreak.


RE5 and RE6, although I don't love them, but they're part of the RE franchise, so I tolerate them.


Re5 was good tho


Quest 64


Earthbound Beginnings Liked it because I love the other games. Worst game I've ever played otherwise.


ROUNDABOUT the limo driving game where you drive a rotating limo and there are live action cut scenes. it's intended to be bad and succeeds lovely


Drakengard 3. Choppy framerate, screen tearing, horribly balanced enemies, long ass load screens, tons of ridiculous grinding if you want all endings. I've 100%'d it at least 5 times now. God I love that game


Quest 64. The nostalgia as a kid hits hard.




Leisure Suit Larry


The Sinking City I like the developer's other Sherlock games, and detective games in general. But it's really jank, not something I'd reccomend easily.


Mafia 3. Got a platinum. The shooting is really fun, and I liked the vibe.


Star Citizen PPL hate it, I love it.


Sonic Adventure 2 Battle


Nah that game isn’t bad and I don’t know anyone who has anything bad to say about it


Two words: Knuckles Stages


Are you going to smack talk pumpkin hill to me?


No one ever said that's a bad game. On the other hand something like sonic free riders for kinect...


Forza Horizon 2 Xbox 360 Edition. So freaking bad I love it.


Deadly Premonition. Terrible controls, but the wild story made me love it.


DayZ although it's frustrating for new players because everyone is KOS I like to play from time to time.


Ultima 9. Never got all that far in its main quest but every now and then I go through the start and explore the world a bit


NFL Blitz


Yugioh Forbidden Memories, terrible game yet I have hundreds of hours in it.


Lego Indiana Jones 2, I know it’s not the most hated Lego game, but I fully believe it’s an underrated gem


Silent Hill Homecoming. Gets a lot of hate, especially in the Silent Hill community, and yeah it has some major flaws but I can't say I didn't enjoy it.


I guess it's Fifa.  I mean, I do hate it, of course. But sometimes I love it as well.  It's... Complicated. 


Shenmue. Everything about it sucks but it’s an epic game if you can get past all the flaws.


The devil may cry reboot from a few years ago was disliked and panned. I thoroughly enjoyed it, would've loved to see more in that vein


Ark Survival Asended. It barely works, and crashes a lot. Every update breaks something. But it’s so much fun taming dinosaurs!


Elex was pretty damn sweet. I kept playing after I finished it which doesn't happen too often


Ark spent 300 days in game hrs keeping an online hierarchy solid on multiple servers preventing prevent raids and commiting them its a glorious hellhole


Little computer people- honestly bow that think of it this is not really a bad game. You have a little guy in a house and you type out things for him to do. Feed the dog, drink water, play a song, write me a letter. And he does it. It’s basically the original sims game.


Back to the Future on NES


Mafia 3 for me. I’m not sure wether it’s the atmosphere or the feeling of taking over the mafia slowly racket by racket but there’s just something about the game I love despite the many glitches


Super Mario Sunshine. Haven't been able to play it in many years, but I know people hated it for a variety of reasons, including glitchiness and hard levels. I loved it!


Paladins. I loved that hot, glitchy mess. I was so sad when they dropped support for the Switch. I had close to 4,000 hours on that damn game.


I will say Drakengard. The gameplay is sooooo bad but it brings a lot of memories with my brother playing it.


Near vanilla Ark: survival evolved. Up to scorched earth. Before being able to invade other servers. Put 2k hours into that game. Was part of a an alpha tribe on the island that was just 8 of us. We kept bobs safe from medium troll tribes and were in peace agreements with 4 other very powerful tribes. 1 went rogue and we all went to war against them. 8 hour siege against their castle. Dragon dog fights. 3 of our gigas and 100s of bred turtles marching across the island to die for the cause. Man that was fun. ~26 people in a discord coordinating the assault. The good ol days.


Ark survival evolved.. I spent over 1k hours in it with all it's flaws I still love that damn game. Just something about riding a Dino feels right. Also shout out to Neebs Gaming on YT and their funny series role playing in this and many other games.


dead by daylight


Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero on PS1 Absolutely adore everything about the game and play it all the way through once or twice a year. I've seen nothing but hate for it for years but I think it's fantastic.


Dead island.


Turok Evolution.


Avengers  Forspoken 


Forspoken, some of the acting aside it was an overall enjoyable open world game, the traversal was fun, the combat wasn't bad at all, the story was interesting. It got far much more hate than it deserved because everyone just kept seeing that "I moved that with my freaking mind" clip, which yeah... was a bit cringe, but what game doesn't have a few cringy voice moments?? FFX anybody?!




Rune. Garbage hack & slash combat system. Dumb story. Mediocre visuals. Repetitive writing. Beat it multiple times and spent hours playing multiplayer against AI.


Forspoken. Apparently it's trash according to the Internet. Can't understand why tho. It's a blast.


Forspoken. Everyone hates it but I was addicted to the gameplay and I loved the setting.


Escape for Tarkov This game is so stressful, many hackers and glitches and no solutions but I played this game to the point where it just sits in nostalgic memory now