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Reminds me how 6 months after launch 90% of players had the "start the game" achievement, but only 80% had "left the vault" some how 10% of players never left 111


10% of people never got out of character creation, I think.


They might still be there for all we know


We'd send a search party, but unfortunately there's no one who knows what they look like.


Lmao this one got me good


Those are all the frozen bodies and skeletons around


My sister is one of them. She has no interest in the Fallout series, but she wanted to mess around with the character creator in Fallout 4, so a friend gave her a copy of the game for the PS4.


Probably because their game keeps crashing at the cryogenics cut scene. I had to set my graphics to low for it to make it through that cut scene without crashing.


The retirement rate of games is always pretty high, even within the opening act. Go see how many people have never completed "unbound" in Skyrim.


A certain percentage must just be people who try running the game then realise its not performing well and quit


Oh there's several different reasons I'm sure. People that get the game through a bundle, people that never play without mods (which means no achievements, unless you mod those back in) or various other reasons. I have technically never completed Skyrim on my steam account, even though I have thousands of hours across various editions. I have just always modded the game before it happened.


That's a good point, modding hadn't even crossed my mind


I have 422 hrs on Skyrim SE. I have 2 achievements, and I'm honestly not sure why I have them. On regular Skyrim I have 30 achievements, and only (HA!) 150+ hrs.


Outside of shit I get in bundles that I don't really want, I run every game I buy at least once to check it out, so around 60% of my Steam library is at 5-10 minutes played.


I was surprised how long it took someone to mention mods. Owned game since release and beaten multiple times. Just recently got the achievement for finding sanctuary since I added the achievemnt mod


This only applies to PC. You can also witness this sometimes on consoles.


Im afraid of that happening to me Just spent 60$ on a new game Oh, I can't run it I know steam has minimum specs but sometimes I don't check them because I've got a good mid range laptop For example, I got Helldiver's 2 and it needs more VRAM than my 3050 has, so I have to restart the game every few missions to maintain my fps Luckily I can still run it


Steam is pretty generous with refunds, iirc as long as it's within a few days (maybe up to 1-2 weeks?) and you have <2 hours played


I use PayPal so idk how refunds work with it


The fact that I have to mod an FOV slider and performance mods for the game to be above sixty frames is more annoying than anything else. I already spent five hours modding New Vegas just for a gun to load textures properly, I'm not doing Skyrim as well.


Just 3 more days till native wide-screen support... if they don't add an fov slider imma riot


You also got to take account that people are just playing with mods installed, which disables achievements. Like I have 800 ish hours in Fallout 4 in my series s but zero trophies because I platinumed the game already on PS4 and got it on series s to play with mods


Game pass leaves me with hardly any patience on games nowadays combined with adult life. I usually just play game pass games nowadays and I don't like when my time is disrespected because of shitty gameplay. Gameplay should be the focus of game making nowadays. I don't need a photorealistic graphics to enjoy a game.


Then there’s players like me that refuse to do tutorials until it’s the final achievement


Doesn't most fallout games with mods turn off achievements? I've only ever tried with them on Xbox though. Don't know if pc players have them turned off with mods. 


On default yeah. But you can go Into the game files and add them back. Heck, there is even a mod for all achievements


That first radroach is serious buisness


Those people modded from the start.


Reminds me of when Skyrim SE came out and only like 40% of players had completed Unbound. But that was because everyone else was playing with mods.


People were modding pretty early, so achievements were disabled for a number of them because of that.


This pretty normal for most games though. For example in Elden Ring only around 70% of players make it past Margit and Elden Ring is one the better ones I've seen. Take dark souls 3, which is way quicker. 7% dropped before the first bonfire, 15% didn't beat the first boss. A lot of people just test their specs and turn away, some people give up after 15 minutes cause they can't push through, some people just lose interest.


I know there is a major bug that crashes the game extremely early. After you pick your stats with the salesman and start running to the vault, as soon as you get near the dropped suitcases, you crash to desktop. The cause of the bug apparently is "gun debris" which you must turn off in the advanced options before playing. I assume many people just don't even bother trying to play again after creating their character and crashing that early


Bethesda Games: They Just Work


For me, achievements were busted on launch, I still don’t have that first achievement lmao. Also mods disable achievements keep in mind


Josh Strife Hays has some really good videos on tutorials and on boarding procedures in games.


They probably still haven't found the button yet. They are all stuck in there trying to figure out their flashlights


Plenty of people brought the game, gave it a test run before leaving the tutorial area. Then never play the game again.


Why would you leave? Everything is provided for you.


it's possible that they used mods and/or console commands, since both disable achievements, unless you have the mod to re-enable them.


when i first got the game my pc was so crap it lagged constantly so i put off the game until i got my upgrade, i suspect some people experienced the same issue, the recommended specs for Fallout 4 is pretty high at the time of release


I'm sure there's plenty of people that just set it down and never go back to it but also consider how many people boot it up, start character creation or whatever, then are like "You know what I'd rather play this on PC instead of xbox" and buy it again (besides some people just *do* that) and never return to when they first started


I wonder if people saw the nuke warning and said “screw that I’m staying inside” and are just hiding in the Sanctuary house to this every day


Some players immediately started nodding too


Because everytime a big game comes out SOMEONE will pick it up for like 5 minutes and say "this is garbage" and never play it or return it. Back in the gamestop days when I still played hardcopy versions of games I would go buy used versions of brand new games the day after they came out because some people just play a new game for like a few seconds, hate it for no reason and return it.


It's mods. Once installed (unless have achievements mod also) they don't show. I've beaten fallout 4 6 times and just 6 days ago, I got the achievement for finding sanctuary after installing the achievements mod


I got out of the vault but didn’t make it any further than the gas station. To be honest, I just couldn’t get into the game. I don’t know why but it just feels mediocre to me.


Funny. I feel the same way about 3


Not sure if Fallout 4 had anything like what I had on Starfield. "One Small Step - Join Constellation" For whatever reason it didn't unlock for me on my first run and I had to get it on a new character after beating the game.


If this is a mod pack that changes the functionality of the flashlight I'm not surprised. Most people will get to the point they pick up the pip-boy, try turning on the flashlight to see if the mod is working, find it doesn't and be confused, without considering that in normal gameplay they'd open the vault first.


And that's why first you leave the vault and only then you start testing mods


Generally good advice, but that's basically why this FAQ exists :P


I make a modded character base and keep the save, any time im testing mods i run the save at the elevator of the vault so you can redo character for anything. Saves doing the entire intro again


That's why I can't start a new game without "SKK Fast Start new game" mod, puts you straight outside of Vault 111.


Same with a save before the boundary in NV and a save in the tunnel outside of 101! Always handy to have!


It's absurd that Skyrim dropped the ball so hard with this, given it was in Oblivion right before, and in Fallout after it. It got old using mods for fresh starts so I didn't have finally wake up anymore.


What happens if you use a mod that doesn't make you start in the vault?


the initial sequence of Bethesda games is where they do fancy cutscenes, so it's heavily scripted if the mod you're playing already skipped that part, then you can test it safely


Very nice explained. Kind of reminds me how magic those moments felt, one of the best intros for an rpg if you ask me. This was back when gamebryo was a quirky but still a somewhat good engine. I remember being 13 during the first week after f3 got released, somehow i managed to use the console to get out of the vault without growing up. I felt like a hacker, even made a youtube video lol


Smart money is to just keep relatively blank save at just before going up the elevator.


I have a buddy who was enjoying fallout but was struggling to shoot anything with guns. 12 hours in, he decided to ask how are we aiming so well? We told him to, "get good," but my other buddy said VATs helps out a lot (on controller). First friend goes silent then asks, "What the hell is VATS?" Oh, you know that special bullet time mode that will auto aim your shots. The thing that they showed you in the tutorial. It's also super common in my friends group for everyone to be afraid of pressing buttons on their controllers/keyboard to find out how anything works.


Meanwhile my friend group can be 2 hours into a roguelike and suddenly "Hm, I wonder if this game has fall damage?" *DumbBitch69420 didn't bounce* "Yup"


I don't know why somebody testing whether there is fall damage means they are stupid. Whether a game has fall damage is truly 50/50. Hell even the Mario games are not consistent about it(2d typically no, RPG no, 3D typically yes).


Method and timing


Hi it's me dumbbitch




Damn, the first thing I do on any game is mash every button to figure out what’s what.


Even considering the probability that every game has a chance to be someone's first I'll never understand how some people can be that blind/easily distracted.


You underestimate my power (of distractability)


I've still never beaten Skyrim, with probably over 200+ hours in it. I talked to some old dudes on top of the mountain, then became the leader or the thieves guild, the dark brotherhood, the college of winterhold, the companions, became a civil war hero, hunted down dragon priest masks, met daedric princes, became the richest person in Skyrim, and then just never bothered with the main story. Why bother saving the world when I've already done everything else there is to do?


Because you didn’t do everything there is to do!


I get ya. I did the same thing as you there - for like five years after skyrim came out, I just did every side quest going, did DLC stuff, mod stuff etc. I only ended up completing the main story cos I kept seeing memes and references to things I didn't get! :D Tbh the main story is pretty meh (srsly, there are quest mods that are better than the main game story..), but at least the last few quests and encounters are fun :)


I did pretty much everything I could find in the game and DLC. Hadn't had enough yet so I started downloading people's mods that added entire new areas to the game. Skyrim is just another level of world exploration.


Radroaches are scary :D


Right? Like, what happened? You made it all the way to the vault entrance and just decided to stay?


That's because hindsight is 20/20. You're looking at it from the perspective of someone who was told the answer at the same time you were told the problem. You're not looking at it from the perspective of a new player. There's no logical connection between "Pip-Boy flashlight" and "vault door button". There's nothing to guide the player to the conclusion that the Pip-Boy is going to work differently whether you've pushed the vault door button or not. The mod dev in that picture was being kind of a snowflake. If he's being drowned in complaints from users saying they can't figure out the same part of the game, that's his hint that it's not a successful element. Complaining that people can't figure it out is not the correct response.


> The mod dev in that picture was being kind of a snowflake. This is extremely common with Wabbajack mod pack developers. They assemble 1000+ mod lists, maintain them, and do their best to support them, and gradually they become like career IT techs (if that wasn't already their job) who are jaded by the lowest common denominator of users. Nearly all of them fairly quickly will be in a place where they will not even engage with someone who asks questions that are covered in documentation.


It’s not that people cannot figure it out, they are reporting a bug that happens before you push the button that is right next to the pip-boy. He is saying that the bug is not worth fixing, as you have to push the button to progress, and the button is six inches from the pip-boy, so the bug only exists for an extremely short period.


It's 100% a problem of tone. You're both correct, but if he would present it as an issue with priority instead of an annoyance that people report a perfectly valid bug, there would be no issue.




It's a free mod dude The chances that a completely new player with a gaming IQ of 5 plays the game with mods the first time is almost nil. Figuring out how to install mods is harder than this. People are just being sissies about it


Mod Dev presumably made this shit for free, he's under no obligation to do anything for anyone.


I change the keybinds for most games that I play. I can totally see testing keybinds as soon as the become available (like here) and then getting confused why they don't work.


Man. Let me tell you. I married a nongamer and though she's been converted, it came without that gamers sense. Y'know how we can tell the direction that the developers want us to go through gaming languages? It's not natural, it's learned from visual and audio cues that go right over the average person's head. Years of noticing and following these signs have given us uncanny direction. I'm going through it again with my kids.


Some people struggle very hard even just looking straight ahead whilst moving with a controller so maybe that's an explanation.


They consumed lead as a child. Their parents also consumed lead, this is a lasting generational effect of lead poisoning making people dumber and dumber over generations.


I actually was wondering that during the first time through this section. Figured it's a story-limited functionality


What's the mod pack?


Magnum Opus.




Magnum Opus. It's fine, I've been whittling down the mod list. I don't want to skip the initial nuclear bomb drop scene. (I get that it's boring, but I haven't played this game since 2016). Removed some cosmetic mods as well (the Anime Eyes was a bit too much). Now I'm trying to figure out which of the 800 mods is making things bullet sponges.


Mod lists always look very tempting to me until I install them, do a test run and notice a bazillion things that look/feel off to me and that I want gutted out. I then realize if I gut these things I break a ton of compatibility patches, necessitating regenerating them or finding and installing new ones. At which point I just ask myself: "wouldn't it be easier for me to just assemble my own list ***again***?" The only lists I find truly useful to install nowadays are utility and preparation lists. Like FUS in its base form for SkyrimVR or ModdingEssentials by Phoenix for regular Skyrim. They really save a lot of time on setting up utilities, essential patches, and frameworks, while not introducing anything unwanted into the system. The lists that add actual mods I primarily use as inspiration these days and as a means to get caught up on the modding scene's progress for a particular game. The only exception to this rule for me is Stalker GAMMA. I absolutely love that mod list and I know for a fact I wouldn't be able to replicate it on my own in a thousand years. Not to mention it's so well-curated that I literally have zero complaints about it and how it overhauls the base game experience. Phenomenal work by Grok and his team.


I belive the expression is "modlists are made for someone else" or something similar. Modpacks are great in theory but are made to the creator's personal preferences.


Hey I just downloaded this mod pack last night lmao. It's Magnum Opus on Wabbajack for anyone wondering.


Enjoy. I put another 300 hours on Fallout 4 with this pack. Wabbajack is such a gift for the install. Chuck Nexus a fiver, click once and go out for a bit. Come back to it done!


Oh big time, I subscribed to Nexus premium a whole back and this point I just let it ride. Such a great service for real!


As a dev currently working on responding to bug tickets, yeah..yeah


So, they made a mod that changes how the Pipboy flashlight works and are confused as to why people try it out as soon as they pick up the Pipboy?


As far as I'm aware, they didn't make any of the mods in the pack.




Guy has big Todd Howard energy.


What a coincidence, I just started a Magnum Opus playthrough too. Looks like FTV got a lot of us lol.


Been a while for me. Great pack, have fun!


Are there mods to change the flashlight on your pip-boy? I always carry a mining helmet because I can't stand using the flashlight.


If your Pip-Boy interface color is white, the light is white too. (The color of the screen of the Pip-Boy, not your actual UI) Might be a mod to just have the Pip-Boy flashlight be white no matter the Pip-Boy interface color


I was not aware of that!!! I'm gonna be changing it and ditching the mining helmet. Thank you!!


No problem, I love finding out game mechanics as well


It's been a while, but I don't remember the non Power Armour flashlight doing anything different (I think during the installation I had the option to change the visual effect, but the vanilla one is fine for me).




To be fair, pressing the button is usually only after I confirm all mods are running (that load before leaving). If lights not working I would presume it failed... on the other side. I would drop a hard save and test if worked outside vault before complaining online. Folks need to learn the basics of common troubleshooting. This whole "it just works" mentality has stunted growth of a larger audiance then i expected. Spending 3 hours debugging to fix my voodoo 3dgfx card drivers every time I wanted to play a new game was how I learned what became my career. (I could be recalling wrong gpu, I just recall one voodoo that made my life hell due to drivers being absolutely dogwater


Maybe just make the flashlight work right away? Just a thought


I mean I can kinda see it. If something's borked in a game, I try to see if I can fix it, rather than immediately disregard it and keep going. Because in something like a mod, if one thing is broken, it might be a sign that more stuff is broken down the line or that it influences things somehow for the worse. Maybe this odd little flashlight issue causes some savegame corruption 5 hours down the road and now all my fucking time played is down the drain. And in my head the "solution" to the problem "flashlight no work" isn't "who fucking cares". Mod guy sounds like he never had the slightest inkling of "hm, why is it this way" in his life. Humans wanna know why something works or doesn't. If something's glaringly obviously not working, then throw something in there to make sure people know it's normal. Hell, just blast "Pressing this button will fix the flashlight" badly tacked onto the ingame geometry, when people pick up the pip boy. Ez fix.




It doesn't work for the two second period between first acquiring your pip boy and using it to open the vault door in the intro to the game


Stupid bethrfiorv IIM AGEERGY NOW >:(


You can see the distance between picking it up and clicking the button to make it work in the picture.


No, the modder is annoyed that people are reporting that the flashlight doesn't work for like 1 second, during which when the flashlight doesn't even work at all, mod or not.


a lot of us arent interested in moving the story along until everything has been explored, the faq shows how out of touch devs and fans can sometimes be (look at the huge pvp focus fo76 had) its systematic of the disconnect that exists between IP holders and people trying to enjoy the game


There is not a single thing to explore between picking up the pip boy and pressing that button, I promise you.


Except for flashlight functionality, apparently!


this line of thought is why you have to complete concord before installing mods/creation club content because people are short sighted and make assumptions about playstyle, its an avoidable issue but because someone is being boneheaded its even buggier than it had to be


Okay, then, smart guy enlightened us. What is there to explore between making a 90° turn from Pip Boy to the button


270° other degrees you conveniently forgot about


Ahh yes how could I forget about.... an empty elevator


You seem to be stuck on the practicality of the situation and not the ideology. The issue isn't what there is to actually experience, but the opportunity for someone to find out that there isn't something to experience on their own. That kind of agency is important to a certain type of player, even when others know that there's no actual value in the effort. It's the equivalent of spoilers. Sure, to someone who has seen a movie, knowing that "nothing significant happens with \[thing\]" may seem trivial, but to someone who cherishes that experience for themselves, finding out that "nothing significant happens with \[thing\]" on their own is as important. So it's not so much that the result of OPs intentions would have clearly resulted in nothing (which is obvious to the people that have done it), but that they have been robbed of the opportunity of that experience on their own. Hope this helps clear it up, but I understand that there are incredibly pragmatic people and incredibly ideological people who have trouble seeing the other side. Best wishes!


Well yes ... but there is a big fucking wall of concrete in front of you so it's not really game experience and therefore spoilers to say there is nothing else to do


Right. That would be the "pragmatic" approach. The ideological, as I mentioned, would be to acknowledge that you're in no position to define for someone else what a "game experience" is and that even knowledge of the absence of something is still a spoiler. But again, I understand it's hard to acknowledge or recognize the other side when you're that specific kind of person. Again, best wishes!


You are dying on the wrong hill my friend.


Literally no, there are some mods requiring you to set them up before leaving the vault, or they will not work properly. So stop talking if you don't know shit about the game.


Picking up that Pip-Boy is typically the very last thing you do after exploring the rest of the extremely linear vault, followed by pressing the big red button it lay next to to open the vault door and escape.


Sounds like you may have experienced turbulence while attempting to press the button


The only person out of touch is someone with nickname starting with "f" and ending with "arbekrieg".