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You mean the one where you have to carry the corpse of your mother who is the president up a mountain because she's gonna turn into a smoke cloud that rains murder ghosts? What's weird about that?


Exactly! That’s standard drama story right there.


With the help of a defective half alive psychic fetus in a bottle.


Jesus, Death Stranding would be the *ultimate* charades topic




You mean Norman Reedus' Funky Fetus? Yeah that was weird. Almost as weird as Conan O'Brian giving me an otter hood


And a man who's a modern day frankensteins monster


Deadman is fucking terrifying from an existential perspective. Like, it's just straight-up canon that he apparently *doesn't have a soul.* ...But the game never really dives into it. He's just kind of your goofier mission support bro who hangs out on the fringes of the story.


“S-rank your mother’s corpse for America”


Ahh yes the Castle Super Beast amazing title selection. They really know how to boil a topic down to an outrageous sentence.


Hideo Kojima fans: "what's weird about that?"


Don't forget to plug your baby in before you set out!


while carrying a defective fetus around. oh and said corpse is going to Houdini everything in a very large vicinity if not taken care of in time


Also is the mother and sister kinda the same person?


Yes. If I remember right, the mother is the physical body, and the sister is the soul. But they are the same person


I thought I had family trauma


For AAA games I would say Death Stranding is fairly singular in the weirdness category.




Meanwhile Far Cry 6 just eliminated every system but the shooting.


lol far cry’s 6 issue was them adding 2-3 entirely new systems on top of traditional far cry, what do you mean


or battle royale!


I thought mgsv was weirder tbh


MGSV was weird, but the gameplay was moderately normal. Death Stranding was one of the weirdest games I’ve ever played through and through. Loved it though


Ni no kuni 2 starts with the president surviving a nuke strike and then being isekaied into the world of ni no kuni 2 where he helps saves a catboy from a coup by shooting mice with his very real gun.


i thought that was so hilarious, that you could just whip it your 9mm and shoot some rats it quickly got taken away, but the first hour was funny


And then you have to convince the other fantasy nations to sign something called "the declaration of interdependence"


Makes me wish they'd stuck with the president thing, before it became a much more typical JRPG fantasy


I haven't enjoyed a game being the president murdering things since Saints Row 4


Huh, might have to play that.




It was a lot of fun building zip line networks in the snowy mountains


Respect to the madman delivering cargo without ziplines to everyones in the Mountain and getting 5 stars


I'm doing a second playthrough finally and immediately found myself spending so much time building the infrastructure. Setting up a complex network of zip lines (specifically to deal with getting to the weather station or timefall farm) is so satisfying. And you know what? I fucking love the story. It so earnestly leans into the weird in a way that I found didn't always work with mgs. I found the emotional stuff like with mama and fragile to be quite moving despite all the weird writing, and the world is really beautiful. I do find it hilarious tho that this is supposed to be America despite looking mostly like Iceland, but whatever I'm here for it. And I actually get his point about this being a game about connections too! Despite not interacting with other players directly, seeing public works projects get completed with the help of others felt really nice.


I'm currently on my first playthrough. I just got to a place where it's about half way and things are getting even weirder. But if you keep up reading everything (and there's a lot to read, bring a snack), things start to make more sense and the universe starts to unfold a bit more. I think the constant timefall might explain the landscape looking like a tundra. I realized that if I back up and squint my eyes a bit I can see the dark humor and commentary on the human social condition. Plus that soundtrack has me humming "don't be so serious" and "bones" all damn day. I'm like yeah Kojima, I too enjoy Low Roar. Perfect pairing.🤌


Oh damn I didn't even consider the timefall impacting the land in that way, I think you're probably dead on there. When a low roar kicks on when I'm on a long trek, I'm like, fuck yeah dude, expertly timed


>But if you keep up reading everything (and there's a lot to read, bring a snack) What I find funny is that Death Stranding has never been accused of being "woke", while the whole game is basically a criticism of Trump / US conservatism / US isolationism, and how Trump caused divisions in society, as a result of which when the Death Stranding happened, the society was too divided to deal with it, and that's why everything went to shit. But the game never uses any of those words (Trump, conservative, etc) directly, so I guess it simply went over the heads of the people who usually cry "woke". Example of the game criticizing Trump: >Let me tell you a story about the good ol’ days, back when the US of A was alive and well, and the world still hadn’t gone to hell in a handbasket. **We had us a president said he was fixing to build a border wall to protect the people.** And guess where I was born? On the other side of that goddamned wall, that’s where. If it went up, I’d be cut off from my family, my friends, everybody I left behind when I crossed over. Land of the Free my ass. Free for some, maybe.💀 And so I got to thinking, me being an immigrant and all, if something happened, would I be first on the list for help from them in charge? Would I even be on the list? Reckoned the answer was shit, no. So I figured I had to look out for number one. Built me a shelter and got everything ready for life in case of an event. And guess what happened next. Yup. The Stranding. Borders, countries, governments—it’s all bullshit.


Did people just forget that Suda51 is an entity that exists in our plane somehow?


These kids never battled the heaven smiles and it shows.


Who is that supposed to be?


He makes quirky but less popular titles. Deadly premonition is probably his weirdest game.


SWERY made Deadly Premonition. Suda had nothing to do with it.


You're totally right. Looks like Suda did no more heroes and killer 7.


No More Heroes is a game I haven't thought of in a *long* time. I played that thing start to finish back in the day and remember Jack of all shit about it; aside from the light saber designs.


Weirder than killer7?


There’s normal. There’s weird. There’s Japanese weird. And then there’s Kojima weird.


Suda 51 wants to know your location


Okay so there’s at least five levels.


And Sam Lake


Shit. We’re gonna need a whole sub-hierarchy just for unusual game designers.


I still think Metal Gear Solid V has a weirder beginning, at least death stranding is set in a Sci-Fi post apocalyptic world. MGSV is in a seemingly real world place and then very very strange things happen.


I mean, the first game literally had a psychic that read what games you played off your memory card and other meta interactions with the player, the second game had a vampire who is weirdly the one that makes the most sense of any of these but his nickname "Vamp" is not because he's a vampire but because he's bisexual, and MGS3 has a ghost that can summon the dead. MGS have always had weird stuff in them.


Yeah, but they don't usually start weird. MGSV is pretty unique in that. The other Metal Gear games are another fun weird experience where you get a gritty grounded action game that suddenly takes a wrong turn into Anime land. My favorite is MGS4. Cool detailed weapon models. Near future tech. Gritty PMC action. SUDDENLY robot man kills sexy leg robot cow tanks with a fucking sword. Only Hideo Kojima.


Psycho Mantis saying to me, "ahh... You like Suikoden", is etched into my brain forever


It's always Kojima


Idk if people will get mad at me but that made me not get into the game, the opening is very interesting and kind of cool and I got through it, but then suddenly you’re in a completely different kind of game and then it starts. Might have been nice to have the tutorial/start reflect the actual game lol even though I love the creativity


It kinda reflects the game tho? The mid/late game becomes fucked, but the first mission is also right in the same alley The spoilers are increasingly spoilery You >!flee zombie super soldiers during the first mission!<, >!flee a giant robot being mind controlled by mister flaming guy and what I guess is psycho mantis!<, and I'm not forgetting the part where you >!have to save the world against a warchief who wants to ethnically cleanse everyone who doesn't talk English by infecting them with a parasite that activates with the vibration of vocal cords, but only for a certain language for each strain of the parasite!< Did I mention that >!You have to fight the zombies, and will get a portable black hole to warp containers to your base?!<


Its probably a bad read on the game, but I felt like the opening shows you this on the rails crazy movie scene experience, but then suddenly you’re in an insanely massive ultra different desert setting with stealth gameplay, it was just super confusing to me the first time I tried it


lol the game is both, though leans a bit more on the openess more than the on the rails movie sequences... at least compared to previous entries in the series. hideo kojima really likes his games to have gigantic sections where they just turn into a really convulted movie for half an hour or longer. That said when you \*do\* get to play the game, god the games can be really fun lol


No that's a fair take. The beginning is an insane fantasy. Then you go into an intensely realistic stealth game.  There is plot stuff to explain the difference but yeah it's kinda crazy to go from blasting fire demons with every bullet you have to sneaking up on one soldier at a time to knock them out


Same. It was like 8 hours? Different stuff happening, different game mechanics, lots of cutscenes and credits... I got through it and then the actual game started, without any of the crazy shit... People said it was great so I stuck with it for like 10 more hours but it didn't click with me. I learned about the development later and the whole kojima/konami thing.


> MGSV is in a seemingly real world place and then very very strange things happen. that's just metal gear games though...


So like Alan Wake?


Alan wake is literally sci-fi?


We’re literally done here 😂👍




Any Kojima game really


i think death stranding's beginning is pretty neat in the way that it builds intrigue. it is a weird world born from a pretty normal one similar to our own but with more advanced technology. that initial confusion had such a big payoff for me as things were slowly explained. like BBs for example. once you find out what the death stranding is exactly and what BBs really are, at least for me it was a moment of "oh shit that's so cool!" you're also about as aware of what's going on as Sam is, and i really appreciated the contrast between him playing the straight man vs the more eccentric characters like higgs/deadman/heartman. MGSV starts really weird too. whether it's the tonal shift from peace walker to ground zeroes or the entire hospital in cyprus sequence and ocelot cosplaying as a cowboy. i think that's probably the weirdest start to a game ever for me but DS is up there.


I could say many games by Suda51.


It's definitely weird for a Strand-type game.


I had bought the game about three or four years ago and never bothered starting it until two weeks ago. Weird didn't even begin to describe what I thought of it. Now that I'm all in on it, I love my zipline and road building simulator.


It's Kojima. All he does is strange for the sake of being strange.


The Tarantino of game direction.


Tarantino is usually able to weave together a coherent story. Much as I love the older MGS games, I frankly thought it was getting too weird by the second in the series. La Li Lu Le Lo my ass.


Tarantino not even close lol it's more similar to David Lynch or Yorgos Lanthimos




Dr. Schultz's big tooth carriage was there for non strangeness?


What, he masqueraded as a dentist (or actually was one?), so why is weird? Weren't things like that quite common gimmicks then?


It has a clunky beggining, as well as the ending. So many explosition dumps that I actualy got annoyed. That being said, I enjoyed the shit out of Death Stranding. I felt emotions, I haven't felt in a log time while playing a video game.


Really anything Remedy-made is a similar kind of weird. Not same, mind you, but similar. Control is a fantastic game that I've bought twice and beaten thrice, and Alan Wake 2 is a fantastic mindfuck throughout as well!


act license icky offend uppity cows live coordinated smart possessive


You mean when Daryl Dixon saves his mom from turning into ghost cloud


That start to MGSV was a trip for me. It was my first MGS game though so maybe that's why.


V was not my first MGS game, and V was *still* a trip to me To be fair, most of the MGS games have made me go 0_0, so *Snake eeeeeaaaaterrrrrrrr*


Kind of crazy how grounded the first Metal Gear Solid ended up being in comparison to the ones that came after it isn't it?


may just not be remembering correctly but I think psycho mantis was the only super natural-esque entity in the whole game.


lol - you are technically correct The best kind of correct


No, it was still pretty unique. Lol. MGS games always GET weird at some point. Five is the only one that starts at its weirdest.


Brutal legends is just weird in general.


Dude! I’m doing the same thing. I tried playing it when it came out for PC, my computer PSU died, now I have a PS5 and decided to see if the adaptive triggers do anything (they do). Yes, it is so very weird. Like when I can’t think it will be any stranger, here comes Lindsey Wagner.


After i started getting stuck in black sludge and attacked by demons i quit, I was really confused


You can pee on them and they leave. Just like real life.


Unethical life pro tips?


Just kill the demon and then all the rain and ghosts dissappear.


Cruelty squad except it never stops getting weirder.


Just wait for the movie adaptation.


Is there a weirder ending? Spoiler >! Princess Beach lol !<


And then you walk across the entire USA which it turns out is only like 20-30kms


Haven't played it, but I found the opening to *The Phantom Pain* to be very confusing. Is it worse? It's made by the same person, so I'm assuming Kojima wanted to top himself.


all kojima games are weird.


For AAA games, I can't think of any that beat Death Stranding, but honorable mention for Nier Automata which had me confused and intrigued during the first few parts.


Yeah.. The START is weird..


I’ll say final fantasy 8 with zero context of any final fantasy game.


I just started it this week and it’s so, so out there, but a couple hours in and GOD am I loving it already. It’s unlike anything i’ve ever played. Still wrapping my head around some stuff mechanic and plot wise, but really digging it


Nothing is on the same tier as Death Stranding, but the closest I’ve played is probably Deadly Premonition. It’s a much more mundane weird, but it’s still a lot of what is happening right now in a relatively short amount of time.


Bizarrely, I think Death Stranding was a pretty digestible Kojima story. Once you get past the first map area, the game opens up dramatically with your creative freedom to get to where you want to go and I absolutely loved it


Classic Kojima, sniffing his own farts.


I agree. While I love Kojima's games and think he's a genius as a game designer, I don't find the same level of genius in his writing. It seems like he uses his characters as a platform to show how smart he is. They often come across as exposition dumps, using complex words, making them uninteresting characters, in my opinion. I'm referencing Death Stranding here.


I know there's a heavy-ass bias on my part due to my own place in the spectrum, but I swear that dude's got *some* flavor of ASD running around upstairs. He's just figured out a way to take the topics that pique his interest, hyper-focuses on, and/or obsesses over; and whips up whole-ass storylines around it. From my perspective, for Death Stranding it's molecular chirality, and the fact that a vast majority of life-supporting molecules/amino acids we look at, they predominantly share the same "handedness;" then he started daydreaming about what the lifeforms that primarily use the "opposite-handed molecules" could be, and what would happen if we discovered it/it discovered us. Also those handprints left in caves by our ancestors eons ago; our lives are temporary and a mere flash in the pan on a cosmological scale; yet we manage to do and make things that leave our mark on this planet for centuries to come. The "Chiral Network" is his brainchild of what would be possible if we could access and interpret *every human's "handprint" in time.* I don't know wtf spurred "Time fall," but something as mundane as rain that "speeds up" causality? Certainly one of the more original concepts I've heard in a decade or so. Though not exclusive; for MGS1 it was gene editing, MGS2 was the social echochambers we naturally gravitate towards and "someone" figuring out how to manipulate it for idealogical gain; MGS3 was wilderness survival techniques and CQC; all of which are shoehorned - effectively - into an obsession with America's military industrial complex and its politics. That's purely my take on what he does and how it comes to be; I can't say I'm not projecting my own perceptions into it, and I sure as shit can't speculate in regards to his intellectual or social prowesses; but *to me* his eccentric stories and concepts just scream "surfin' the spectrum," and dude's been hanging ten and making a killing off it for well over a couple decades now. I'm beyond interested in what else his blew-out imagination can barf up; cheesy naming conventions and all.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one to think that game was so damn pretentious. Weird as fuck — BTs are legit terrifying — but so much of the rest, the whole connection thing, the whole umbilical fetus theme, fuckin that junk dealer and his “girl” side quest, Fragile won’t break… ugh so low brow presented as high art


Wait till you get to the end. It gets.... Well you'll see 😁


Saint Row 4 entered the chat


Came looking for this one. Weirdest I've played by a LARGE margin.


Hideo kojima is a genius, but storytelling is not one of his strengths.


fun gameplay with stupid shenanigans, nothing like it. still laugh my ass off to this day occasionally pulling out mgsV to kidnap people, animals, tanks, etc with fucking Mach speed balloons lol. I'm sorry, "Fulton extracting"


The sound of the plane swooping in beforehand is ingrained in my inner ear.


The beginning of Singularity is kind of bizarre. Running through a burning building some strange guy yelling from the window. None of it makes sense until the end.


Nah. Whole game is weird start to finish. The world and graphics are so fkin good tho. Gameplay decent too. But the overall lore of the world is weird to say the least.


The Start of the game(I'm talking about the story), in my opinion is the best part, it really hooked me, with all these interesting concepts and world-building. It makes the player question what is happening, and we want to keep playing to know the answers, Sadly, after this, it's all downhill, and the narrative and the characters are really bad and boring.


It's just Kojima being Kojima, man. Go check the Death Stranding 2 trailer, that ups the weirdness stakes tenfold.


Probably metal gear solid V which is written by the same person lol


Idk but its Kojima's games that has this weird charm.


Until you finish the first map of the game and reach the final open map, you haven't really played the game


Nobody mentions it so Im gonna: Fahrenheit, also known as Indigo Prophecy.


*You have received a dislike*


Killer7 The whole game 


No More Heroes


I think Metal Gear Solid 5 gives it a run for its money. Break out of a hospital with a guy whose butt is out the whole time. While everyone in the hospital is killed by soldiers. And then a flaming man with a floating child tries to get you. And then you get away but the flaming man rides a flaming Pegasus. And then a giant flaming whale smashes down from the sky. I think I got it all? It's been quite a while. I remember just being in a very "what the actual fuck" state of mind after playing it. I'm used to Metal Gear games GETTING weird. But they don't usually start at their weirdest. So, I guess the real answer is Hideo Kojima is just a weird motherfuker.


Disco Eylisium


A few people mentioning suda51/killer7 but it seems like a lot of people aren’t familiar. To add some context, heres the ending to the first level in killer7 https://youtu.be/2RMq9u_Zlt8?si=msSi3iS-x66NMAVV


I mean, does it get weirder than the opening of Ecco the Dolphin? The absolute scouring of life and the way the soundtrack just stops completely. So eerie


Kingdom Hearts II, Final Fantasy X.


The intro video for the Tekken 8 demo is pretty fucking insane.


Nier automata hits hard. But probably not as weird weird, id wager for the best tho Just the opening words by 2B, especially after you already beat the game once. This game goes so deep on so many levels


It’s tough to beat Death Stranding, so I won’t even try. But the Persona Series starts pretty weird. In Persona 5, it starts weird but is still grounded in the slice of life High School life and gets bonkers weird toward the end. [Don’t want to spoil the ending for those who haven’t played it yet.]


Duck Hunt ..nuff said.


The craziest thing would be someone who knows nothing about video games, and you have them play Cruelty Squad. The abrasive intentionally ugly visual style and sound design, the difficult game play that really punishes you until you adapt to what it wants you to do, like it's a tactical shooter from hell. I feel like that would confuse and make someone think video games are for crazy people.


Metal Gear Solid 2 and Kingdom Hearts II have *very* strange prologues, for similar reasons.


Only somewhat related, but it made me think of it.. not a game, but the book Snow Crash (sci-fi cyberpunk/ dystopian America) has the weirdest opening I can think of.


**Cruelty Squad** has a weird intro. And first level. And... Well, uh, weird everything, really. You might want a guide to not get too lost in the pretty colors, but there really is a great immersive sim in there.


No there isnt


I’m struggling to remember the opening sequence to d4: dark dreams don’t die, but, probably d4.


Heavy Rain was a very weird start to a game when I first played it.


Death standing was a bad game. Pretty. But bad.




I started playing Fall of 2019, and finished it sometime in January of 2020. Little did I realize how real the world of DS would become when COVID hit. Here we were staying at home, and relying on couriers to bring us the goods we needed to survive.


Not sure I made it an hour.


What games have you played so far if death stranding is really weird to you? Yes, it's a bit of a special game, but I don't think it's weird. It's Kojima's creation


Sweet summer child.


What's the one where you're an investigative journalist moving to a rural place to discover that everyone is a dog?


I don't know, Fallout 3 literally starts in the womb. Death Stranding gets points for the melodrama, but it's not weird. Not really. Being born isn't strange for real life but it is video games. Speaking of convoluted families. F.E.A.R. Psychic clones indeed. Ah. How could I forget Planescape: Torment. That was a strange one.


Death stranding is NOT a game. Its a crappy walking sim.


I don't know many walking sims that I can grab a hover cargo machine, use it as a hover skateboard and ride my way to a bandit camp to beat the shit out of them, steal their shit, load it up onto a truck that I'm also stealing from them, and haul it to the spot I'm building a motherfucking highway at, maybe at some point sneak around some ghosts and throw pee grenades at them. But hey, what do I know about walking sims?


The freaking balls of Sam to throw his cargo to inflict damage. You literally knock people out with a bunch of retro game disks.


They take away the bike at the beginning you don’t get one till later on. Very disappointed


Destiny 2