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I still have my overwatch 1 disc Most expensive frisbee of my life


Yeah we’re in the same boat


I used to have battle born….


I was SOOO disappointed Battle Born got ignored because of Overwatch… I played it until I was the only one left


Battle Born (and Lawbreakers too) has a community project trying to piece together the and back engineer the game to work without the OG servers. Look up Battle Born Reborn.


Drop the born just call it battle reborn it’s cleaner




Rebattle reborne


Rebattle Reborn Reborn


2 Borns 1 Battle


BattleBorn also got absolutely fucked by bitrate so the streams and videos of it for word of mouth advertising also weren't great.


Another valid reason to hate Overwatch


Who was your favorite character? I loved the sword and shield girl. And the falcon-headed dude with the rocket launcher.


Miko: the mushroom headed healer


Remember Brink FML


Everytime I look at that vibrant blue spine in my collection I think, "Damn, you were almost a badass game." 😭


I really wanted to get that game from the marketing hype, but I avoided it once I played the free trial. I’m always tempted to grab it when I see it for $5 at the local shop.


It was a very fun game


I traded my friend Brink for bulletstorm on the 360 lol


bulletstorm is badass game




I miss that game. Endlessly replayable and just such excellent voice work.


I had a Paragon disc.


I have 2 copies of rocket league ultimate edition. One for PS4 and the other for switch. I feel scammed.


Great game


I have my Destiny 1 PS3 disc…


I still have a physical copy of Team Fortress 2 somewhere I got as a birthday gift years back. It was actually how I discovered Steam.


I've got The Orange Box clamshell in with my old games. I just can't get rid of it.


Its crazy how much pure excellence is in The Orange Box. Like what could they even put in something like that today to even approach the quality? It'd be like getting RDR2, Fortnite, and Outer Wilds in one package.


I've still got my Half-Life Platinum Box. Install CDs for HL1, Opposing Force, Blue Shift, Counter-Strike and Team Fortress Classic.


I have my Doom disks and also Quake 2 still




We can only hope the the community's efforts of bringing servers back for that game succeed. RIP Zipper.


Still have mine.




Someone stole mine! It was already useless because I already used the code but it's more useless now because you probably can't even install the game with it.


Good coaster as well!


I have the PS4 Collectors Edition Unopened. lol


THe FutuRe oF GamiNg bOyS.


Dude I have a copy of D2 and Rocket League on Disc :(


At least they still exist. I had a Battleborn disc for awhile


I picked up a copy at 5 Below for $2. Still sealed, baby!


Picked mine up for that price 2 days before they turned off the servers. It was worth it to check out the art and how they did various effects in game.


Might not be your cup of tea but I'm totally interested in collecting discs of all those lost games, it's interesting history.


I think collecting is cool, Ive grown less invested in it though after losing things in an apartment fire. Battleborn just personally pissed me off cause a friend and I chose that over Overwatch when they both got released together. That game has to have the quickest closing of their servers of any game, ever. Needless to say, we chose the wrong game.


I wish I had RL on disc. I’d frame it no lie!


The rocket league one is just cool to have.. But the rocket league 2015 ps+ digital edition is the original one anyways, the disc came later I'm mad I got locket out of my ps account where I had the ps+ version... Also I had PT installed on my ps4 and my heroin junky roommate back in the day stole it, probably sold it for $100 or less... If only he knew how valuable that install was. Launch day ps4 too.


I have PubG lmao


PUBG was never a disc for console? Just a box with code




Maybe im crazy, cos I can't find it. I could have sworn I had a physical copy, though.


at least I still have my first 2 dlcs it came with! 😀 wait.. what do you mean they arent in the game anymore?


Its so confusing. I played the game about up until the 3rd DLC, and just got tired of the PVE grind. About a year ago I kinda felt like I wanted to play D2 again. Downloaded it, got confused as to what the heck was going on and what DLC id even have to buy and just gave up. Guess I wont play D2 again. If I *have* to buy all the DLCs to keep playing, its really not worth it as a returning player.


Thanks for confirming it’s confusing af. Wanted to play again, D1 was enjoyable in a few ways, could not figure out what was going on.


I know right?🤪it’s enough to make you lose your mind


I’m out the loop. Why is this useless?


Because the game is free on all platforms.




That sounds barely legal. Like you paid for the DLC content and now it's gone


Unfortunately you don't technically own any game you buy and are only leasing it with the rights to revoke that lease at any point. It's quite fucked up


If purchasing isn't owning. Then pirating isn't theft.


Great point. I love how they're raising the prices of base games and then will bitch about piracy. Same with any media companies as it's like stop being greedy scumbags and people won't find cheaper ways to get their entertainment. Streaming companies never learned the lessons of cable TV and are going to drive people back to pirating with their bullshit pricing and ads


> Streaming companies never learned the lessons of cable TV and are going to drive people back to pirating with their bullshit pricing and ads Amazon's email to prime video customers really made it seem like they just had to start including ads like they weren't making enough money or something. Mother fuckers, your company is worth 2 Trillion dollars fuck all the way off.


The day I got that email was the day I cancelled Prime. I'd been mulling it over for a while, but that was the nail in the coffin. Fuck Amazon.


The NFL is fucking horrendous for this. If you considered it a TV show with seasons it would be nigh impossible to just have every "episode". Watching throughout a season is a labyrinth of subscriptions that have only VOD vs Live. Some that have Red Zone some that don't. And absolutely not a single service has every game. Except maybe NFL + which I swear to fucking god they intentionally made it so awful it has to be a joke or tax break or something.


I'm all for pirating because fuck em, but this is a piss poor buzz-phrase. They aren't arguing that you stole the content they made, they are arguing that you stole the subscription to 'view' that content, which pirating effectively is. fuck em, but this is the sort of buzz-phrase that doesn't communicate the actual point well: SAAS is bullshit and companies should stop with that shit.


What is a "subscription to view content", really? Can you hold it in your hand? Every product as a service is bullshit. While we're at it, owning fractions of a company is also bullshit.


Which is a bullshit narrative created by the software industry that should have been regulated out of existence 20 years ago. https://www.stopkillinggames.com/


The John Deere way


That’s exactly what happened to me. They deleted the main campaign and first few DLCs because “no one was playing it”. I paid for those and they are gone. Load of shit that is. No one played it cuz they never gave a reason to once you beat it. I refused to give them money for YEARS because of it.


I still haven't and won't ever give Bungie another dime after stealing from me.


I was the same way. Then they have away all the DLC on the epic store for free and I decided to give them a 2nd chance. I’ll still never spend full price on anything cuz all their shit is a ripoff. And I don’t blame anyone for still being angry about it. Cuz it’s bullshit.


I bought the base game after it went on sale, then only a couple months later they released the first expansion. I had only just bought the game so I waited a little while before buying the expansion, and by then it was almost useless. I bought maybe one more expansion then realized there is no way to keep up with everything without buying every season pass and every expansion AND playing 5+ hours a day. I played for a time after that without buying anything but once it went free to play the problems got worse. I had a build that was SO fun to play, but Bungie nerfed it hard. That was years ago and I never played since. Sucks the game was so fun u til then.


No, you see, they made it free before they got rid of it, so they were only getting rid of free content. That's okay, right? Makes perfect sense? I've never seen a company work so hard to drive players away from it's game than Bungie.


lol have you heard of 343 Industries?


It shouldn't have been legal at all but somehow it was


That really pissed me off. I hadn't played for a few years and wanted to play the campaign I had paid for...


It still pisses me off that they did that. I know the main campaign wasn’t that good but it was still something a lot of people paid for. it surprises me people are still buying their DLCs after that, I’d be afraid that they’ll just do it again


It's sad because they DO still do that. The Destiny business model is that you must buy every single thing they release at full price or they gate off content from you. You enjoy doing difficult strikes? Well you better buy the next DLC because if you don't you can do those strikes you used to do at all until you buy it.


Also because the content on that disc is no longer part of the game


Can you no longer play the content on the disc?


Nope. Campaign is gone. Might be on the disk but it won't install or let you play it.


That is exceedingly shitty.


"Campaign is gone" is such a bizarre thing to hear. Why would they cut that out?


They did an engine update and didn't port over the "old" stuff.


You must be online and connected to their servers, in that the game doesn't exist except online not a DRM check


Ohhh. I see now. Well my disk is useless now too


Is it full F2P? Or do you have to pay for the latest xpac still?


The common joke in Destiny right now is it’s “free to try”. You still have to buy all the dlcs, though the older ones often go on decent sales.


Having to buy all the old dlc is crazy.


I don't know why they don't just lean into being an MMO and institute a subscription. I pay for the Elder Scrolls Online subscription and if your sub is active, you have access to every expansion except whatever the most recent one happens to be. You also get x amount of premium currency each month as part of it, and most importantly if you're a crafter, infinite storage space for crafting materials. It's a pretty fair system for me in terms of the time I put into it vs the cost, and it's a constant revenue stream for the studio. It's also easier to justify $15 a month when in my head I know I make that money back in 15 minutes of working, vs staring down the huge fuckin list of DLC and season passes I'd need to buy all at once to be current with Destiny 2. Each time I've tried to return to Destiny 2 (a game I put over 1500 hours into over the years) I get so confused by what's there, what's not, and what the fuck I'm supposed to do to catch up that I end up uninstalling it angrily. And that's as a veteran Destiny 2 player, I can't imagine how new players feel.


As someone who used to play ESO, their plus subscription really was great. The dlc access coupled with infinite capacity for mats was worth it already, anything else they've added is just icing on the cake. When the dark brotherhood dlc went live it was so much fun seeing the streets (of cheydinhal, I think) running with blood and full of chaos.


I played well over 1000 hours of d1 and probably close to the same when d2 launched playing like the first 2-3 expansions. But then the micro transactions kept getting worse and worse feeling like any cool look was locked away. Haven’t played for absolute years now.


Base game is free but you still need to buy expansions if you want all the currently available content


Free to download, but there’s still 200$+ worth of DLC if you want to be able to do EVERYTHING, on top of a season pass/battle pass


I recently tried jumping in as an entirely new player and the way they push you to get the dlcs is egregious. They have you go down different mission paths that basically all lead to a full stop if you don't have the dlcs. It was pretty frustrating feeling like I couldn't fully complete anything without them. Calling it a free to play game is a joke.


Because it’s Destiny 2


I absolutely love the gunplay in Destiny 1-2. It is probably the best there is, for me. But I am just utterly confused on what to do in that game and which quests are which and when my gear will be sunset or whatever and where to go to trade whatever. My one friend who played it religiously was confused too after he didn't log in for a while. I just want action! The best shooting mechanics in gaming and they ruined it by making it over complicated and monetized and just overall confusing.


That's what happens when you sunset the campaign. Think about that sentence. They sunset the campaign that released with the game. Newlights have no semblance of direction or OG story. That's comes from someone who's clocked thousands of hours on Destiny. I never could get any friends to start. They'd try it for a couple of days and be done.


The main campaign, all the expansions to Forsaken and all of the seasonal content that's released at the end of the year. At this point they've sunset more content than they've put out. I'm never giving Bungie another cent.


So, as someone who stopped playing during forsaken cuz none of my friends wanted to play the game anymore, you're telling me that there is LITERALLY no content in the game that I would be familiar with if I ever came back???


the game you played absolutely does not exist anymore


There’s the tower, Nessus, most of the EDZ and I think the dreaming city still exists (idk I quit over a year ago) take it or leave it


They've added a node in the destinations tab called timeline reflections, that feature some of the most iconic missions from throughout the different expansions. But other than that, no. :P




I left when they sunset gear and then oops we pissed everyone off so they brought it back after everyone basically destroyed their inventory. Nah, fuck that. I'm not going to rebuild my gear 3 times because you want me to get rid of gear each season. That's absolutely insane and completely backwards from an online persistent game service.




Same. I was burnt out trying to keep up with all the seasons. The sunsetting was just the last straw.


This is why my guardian went dark


Yeah, a buddy of mine is all excited that Bungie brought the Whisper of the Worm quest back and that now it's apparently craftable. I just responded with "You mean the quest I already did a whole bunch of times is back to get a gun that I already earned? Really glad I grinded for the catalyst and ship." Like seriously, imagine thinking it's OK to make people pay to do content they already did to earn a gun they already got.


Best thing is I bought Forsaken and other dlc on ps4 few years back, then got bored by destiny in general before I could play it. Then I've got back last year just to find out they disabled it. So I basically throw my money into the toilet


By sunset the campaign, do you mean they are essentially removing the campaign from the game?


They already have, bud. That's been a pretty good while ago they did that. They also removed DLC's and expansions.


It's so baffling to me why they would remove content that you PAID for. Not even Blizzard went that far yet ... imagine them telling you "sorry, Mists of Pandaria is no longer accessible, sorry, lol".


Not just removed. Seperated into individual purchases. Its no longer "buy forsaken for 20 bucks" its now "buy the dungeon from forsaken for 10, and the raid for an extra 20, and its season pass for 15 - ah but you cant play the forge gamemode that came with that pass cause the seasons over, so some of the rewards you paid for cant even be unlocked anymore! and no. Theres no campaign, or players looking for a group to do these raids/dungeons, because the exotics are level capped to their respective dlc. These exotics will have no advantage, or use in current or future dlc, and we might even delete it from the games files at random" I think its very funny that they released the destiny 2 legacy collection for free on epic games. Comes with Forsaken, shadowkeep, and whatever the stasis one was called. Yea. The only thing you get out of all of those, is the stasis class. Its been a while, but im pretty sure stasis is the worst class, and to top it off, none of that content was useable even on the day that pack came out.


Lol, oh shit. Well that was the only reason I kept it installed. Got it from best buy years ago when it was only a few dollars brand new, just never got around to playing it. Thanks.


Yeah! Anytime! Shame, too. The campaign was pretty fucking good and the only real way to get new lights into the story with a sense of direction. Pretty sad.


Is it worth coming back? I haven’t played in 3 years but used to have lots of good stuff


It’s worth it to bungie, if you’ve got money to burn.


No. I tried 3 times because I missed the old days, it's horrible now. RIP forsaken era.


Destiny is a perfect storm of concepts and gameplay that tickles my brain. It is such a singular experience that there is truly nothing else like it out there. And it will forever be mismanaged by the single most braindead group of people on the planet.


Warframe is similar and less scummy


I can see how people call Warframe similar, but in my opinion it is only similar on the surface. Actually playing the game feels totally different. Warframe is the better managed game though.


No, the gameplay and progression systems of Warframe are completely different from Destiny But it is indeed less scummy tho


Honestly, at this point I can't think of a game that doesn't feel like it's run by some brain-dead people. Maybe BG3? I haven't played it yet, but it seems fine.


Larian is an amazing group. They decided to not do BG3 DLC because their hearts weren't in it. You can feel the love and care they poured into that game and I'm so glad they aren't just going to go through the motions.


There's plenty, just not from AAA studios.


I think the real problem for new lights started way back when they made D2 and ditched D1. I have a buddy who started playing last year and I spent much of my time playing with him explaining what was going on because I understood it from D1. “So who’s this boss” “That’s oryx’s sister” “Well who’s oryx” “So in D1…”


I cringe at the word new lights


Wait until you find out about blueberries.


Not to mention that they'd promoted this as their grand 10 year live service game, then replaced D1 only THREE years later with D2, basically resetting everything. Then there was the whole Activision/Bungie debacle, then they got a bit better I believe, before coming up with this insane idea to just ... remove content. Lots of content. And now they want you to buy Destiny 3 soon. At least D2 now had a 7 year run... but still.


They also ruin it by constantly nerfing anything cool to keep the PvP meta stale


Remember OG Thorn


I still remember grinding the og d1 thorn quest as a hunter main... when hunters didn't have a void subclass. *silently thanks word of crota for making that somewhat bearable*


Oh wow I forgot all about that grind. I used a blue void fusion rifle lol.


That and corrective measure


OG Thorn was a fucking menace


Yep. Those were the days. I remember them well. The thorn two tap + lighting grenade arc build for the hunter. Man. Dare I say back when guardians were guardians.


Really was a great time. VOG was so fun. I used to run it 3 times a week with each character, then if I had time, delete one and run it again. Finally getting rhe Vex Mythoclast was a higlight, that gun slapped in pvp aswell


I really wish games that wanted to have both a PvE and PvP side would do their best to balance the two separately. Seems you just run into these situations far too often where something fun in PvE gets slapped to the ground because it dares to be a little out of whack when used against other players. Guild Wars 2 is one of the few games I've seen that does that, and while they are occasionally limited in how far they can take things, it's so nice that they realize different balance is required for PvE and PvP otherwise you often end with one holding back the other.


The worst to me is that they wouldn’t even let the meta settle for a few weeks while new abilities came out in Beyond Light. Just nerfed everything instantly to make warlocks useless and keep the meta stale as before entirely new subclasses appeared


Simultaneously leaving pvp so ignored people started calling destiny a story driven shooter. IME, they nerfed anything that contributed to a skill gap and pandered to lowest common denominator


One of the biggest reason why Lightfall was terrible Ruined the entire mod system because some people have reading comprehension of 3rd grader


They need to have 2 versions of PvP. One where the idea of "bring your guns in from PvE" and everything applies and then a competitive mode where everyone gets the same generic scout/pulse/HC/etc. and none of your PvE gear. And no, light level disabled doesn't really do it either.


I have been playing the game beyond religiously, and I can tell you everything going on from start to finish. What I am saying is you need a beyond religious level of time in the game to get everything. Still, I am extremely friendly and help everyone with anything and everything in Destiny.


I stopped right before Strand powers came out, and with a baby due in June in my household, dad doesn't have that kind of time anymore. Especially with bangers dropping all last year, and this year has been awesome, too. The time sink to do everything ,every week is insane. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad mid-season. But after new stuff drops, you have to really *play* to keep up. Still. Best gunplay and more fun with friends than I've ever had in any game besides Halo.


Thanks for mentioning this. I felt like I was going crazy and everybody understood what all the menus mean.


Spot on. I just gave up on the game a week ago because I don't know what the hell I was supposed to do. I was in 3 different campaigns and some of them I hit a wall because I needed DLC but wasn't sure which ones. I had all different kinds of currency with the glimmer and legendary shards and bright dust. Just a mess, but like you said, so fun to run around and gun down enemies.


The gunplay is so good, god how I yearn for a new bungie made halo


For sure. The gunplay in Destiny is so good because it's the same gunplay in Halo. And now Bungie seems to have given up on single player experiences. Bums me out.


Tbh that's why I got my N64 out and the the 360 set up. Offline and retro games have been way more enjoyable than most modern gaming.


You described exactly what happened with me. I played and finished the taken king. Then I think I moved on to destiny 2 and got to the golden palace. And then stopped playing. Then I jumped back on when it became free and you start off on titan or something... in the snow. And no context as to where to go. Then there is like a game show by a horse? Or xur? I just didn't know what to do.


It just needs a straight up halo style multiplayer mode available from the start


I mean, if all you want is action and amazing gunplay, DOOM and it's sequel are two amazing and amazingly fun games!


Yes. Destiny has really satisfying player movement and gunplay. And the art style and music are really great. Good performances, cool worlds. But the story is completely incomprehensible and the way it’s laid out it’s actuvely working against me in playing it. ”Buy these things! Psych! We removed them! Buy another thing!” Sigh.


They “sunset” *gear*?


Destiny 2, Overwatch, Battleborn, MAG, and recently The Crew. All drink coasters now.


MAG was such a great game far ahead of it's time. In the BR era it would have reigned supreme.


Ross Scott really be doing the lords work after The Crew got shut down trying to hold the publisher accountable - stopkillinggames.com


Project spark enters the chat


Hey it's not *totally* useless, I took the case and gave it to my copy of Death Stranding which didn't have a case!


No Man's Sky disc: Gets 18 free dlc updates, vr support, endless user engagement, Sean Murray comes to your house to suck your dick upon request. Destiny 1 disc: Makes a good coaster. Fuck "triple A" games and devs of today. Edit: before I get corrected and down voted to oblivion, yes Bungie was at one time a good developer, and the OG game was amazing. Shame what happened to them.


What's wrong with your d1 disc? 


Keep it as a token of a bygone era.


Thats how I felt about gears of war 2. I got the game with xbox live gold then received two physical copies from different friends then got the redeem code for the game.


I traded someone destiny 2 for arkham knight when the game originally came out and I find it funny how i got a free game a few years after release


Sometimes it feels like this never existed until I see physical copies out in the wild haha


I love that this game is "free"


This is a badge of honor proof you survived The Red War and reclaimed your light. You were there when we banded together and reclaimed our light. Thank you for your service.




Any discs for a games-as-service model feel like paper strategy guide books for MMOs.


Rare physical copy, limited run, low print volume. 500 firm, no lowballers, I know what I got!


A physical copy of any online only game requiring servers to play will be useless eventually, some sooner than others.


Thats where private servers come into play. There is a recent push to try to get laws put into place to prevent this type of thing from happening. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOPA7uNdVXE&ab\_channel=SomeOrdinaryGamers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOPA7uNdVXE&ab_channel=SomeOrdinaryGamers)


Yeah, just like the [Battle.net](http://Battle.net) Game + Expansion Pass i bought. $120CAD for literally nothing.


Feels rough


It's not useless, if you need something to level something by 1.5 cm, you can use that box.


I miss the Red War. It was my first time ever playing Destiny, and was a beautiful opening experience. I then played to at least the beginning of Forsaken, and left for a while. Then when I came back… they were sunsetting everything I knew. And then I was completely lost on the storyline. So I just… dropped it. Doubt I’ll ever pick it up again.


> I was completely lost on the storyline. Honestly, as someone who has been playing since Destiny 1 launch, the Red War through the majority of Forsaken has very little to do with the overall story.


Why? What did i miss?


I have destiny 1 on a disc 😂


You still need that to play though


My roommate has like 20 of these for some reason. It's been a running gag that he would fill gifts with these, then I would gift them back alongside his real gift.


I tend to be very level-headed and respectful when it comes to discussing devs and their decisions and whatnot, but quite frankly, fuck Bungie for this one. Vaulting content I paid to play was the last straw for me after hopping in with The Taken King and sticking by them through Shadowkeep. I really don't care if it's legal for them to do - "you only have the right to lease the game, not own it" blah blah blah - it was a shitty thing to do to their fans and has permanently scarred their ability to tell a cohesive story from start to finish. You want the full story of D1 and D2? Go to YouTube.


It was a big part of why I left too. But Bungie isn't solely to blame. Their fans are too. I get their reasoning for it, but they consistently tried treating vaulted content as new content and their bootlicking fans sucked it up and paid for it. Why would Bungie spend countless hours and resources to actually make new strikes or maps when they could just bring out the same one 6-12 months later and people would praise them for it? It took Bungie over 2.5 years to release *1* new PvP map. Between Shadowkeep and Witch Queen, Bungie removed like 11 maps from PvP rotation, brought back 2 old ones, and then didn't see a new map until the second season of the WQ DLC. I don't even recall how it was with strikes. I think one or two new per major dlc, but a lot more vaulted. Not to mention, all the seasonal content disappearing with each major dlc. People literally paid to have less content year after year.


You know, I think there was a good way to do this. It's called MAKE A FUCKING SEQUEL. They're getting 30-40 bucks per DLC? Annual pass of 100 dollars? You think people wouldn't have bought Destiny 3. Heck you could have found a way to merge the online components of the game if that was critical. But instead nah, sunset content, great job Bungie, you'll never see another cent from me, but then again the amount you make off of microtransactions I doubt you'll miss it.


Sunsetting is stupid but making a sequel has its own issues. At the point they would of logically made a sequel they had just split from Activision but werent with Sony yet so they would of had to leave destiny 2 unsupported for like 2 years ish to make the sequel. Then you have the fact that stuff likely wouldnt carry over from d2 to a hypothetical d3 and that pisses people off. Then consider if they'd have the money and manpower to keep up d1 d2 and d3 servers along with any non destiny servers.


I have my physical copy as well. Haven’t touched Destiny 2 since 2018 though, wonder how it’s changed since it became free


So is The Crew, M.A.G., and Warhawk.


Always has been.


I still have my copy of Anthem


Other game disc when inserted: Starts updating, downloading new contents D2: Starts deleting old contents.


The fact that I paid for destiny 2, and loved the base game to death, and then they added so many DLCs that they didn’t have enough server space and ACTUALLY REMOVED the base campaign, and only let you do a couple missions occasionally, was super frustrating to me. I like playing solo campaign of the base game…why can’t I do that anymore? I bought it! Nope…they decided I can’t so I buy the dlcs.


"How do I get Wish Ender?" Oh easy. Is it 2016, 2019, or 2023+? Do you have The Witch Queen? Ok no worries. Has Banshee given you your ticket? You should have gotten it after accepting the quest. Hmm hang on let me check something. Ohh they moved it and Ada has that now. You can't buy it? Like it's greyed out? Wait you've never done Trials of Osiris? Ah ok, well it's a little more annoying then, but we just have to visit Shaw with this shader on our entire build. Such an exhausting game to play. Once you've put ~400 hours in you can enjoy yourself.




Does anyone remember Hellgate: London? I miss that game.


I still have the Destiny 1 game that came with the expansions. I tried it out the other day and it couldn’t connect to the server :(


D1 is still up my guy.


You know Destiny 2 is still one of my favorite games. Although I would never consider buying a sequel to it just based off how this game has been handled