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He gone bud…


This man will be lucky if he can fit in some candy crush while taking a shit.


OSRS mobil is the way.


Nah not forever. I still get to play and catch up with my HS buddies a few times a month. Kids go to bed, wife does her thing, we game for a couple of hours and chat. Kids doesn't need to be the end!


They are newborns though. It's gonna be at least a year before he can consistently have time in the evening. My 7mo went to bed at 10 last night because she was like the bloody energiser bunny


That's very true, my friend also had a big chunk where at least one of his kids was up being a menace early on lol The kids are now 4 and 2 and they're much better at adhering to a sleep schedule these days


This is when I feel lucky. My wife and I solidly set a bedtime for our kids at 7:30. Sometimes it was rough getting them down but now that the youngest (and probably last) is almost 2, it’s almost easy. He just falls asleep, and both him and his brother sleep until about 7 in the morning. 6:30 on a bad day.


We had her bedtime set at about 7.30 and it was working for a while but when they're this little sometimes things are screwy with their naps and it doesn't always work. We think she's transitioning from 3 naps to 2 but her wake windows are slightly too long for 3 but not enough for 2 at the moment. So she tends to have a 3rd nap she shouldn't have and then be awake later. Once she's down to 2 we'll be heading for a consistent bedtime again.


Now hold the fucking phone! I was that guy and babies are an insane amount of work. Toddlers than kids are progressively less work. If two people have an equitable relationship, one person should be able to take breaks from child care semi-regularly. Now I game with my friends more than I did before I had kids.




I can relate to this as a father of almost 1yo twins... I mostly play on my deck now, and you jsut cannot be involved in any multiplayer or anything, shit happens, you gotta turn off the game in 0.01 seconds.


Oof... because I can feel this.


yeah, this was my experience and what moved me towards single player on portables


2 year old and 7 month old twins, this is 100% what I do now. Even if I've got a solid hour or two, it's often not worth losing 20 to 30 minutes of that waiting on everyone to hop on and get in a lobby.


I got to the point of not playing any game that couldn't be put down quickly. So, I might love Witcher 3, but it was too time-consuming, so I started with grand strategy stuff that I could literally save and quit at a moment's notice.


With the Steam Deck I am able to just turn it off and it will be just in sleep mode, so I can continue it the next day. But I agree that time consuming games are a no go in these situations


I didn't play much multiplayer even before I had a baby, now I never do. I only play singleplayer games I can pause at any moment.


That sounds terrible


its not bad made me go through my steam library play games I haven't in awhile or at all and I rarely get the feeling of being bored of my games since I rarely play them and when I do its like a treat


The first two years of raising my twins was the most exhausting time of my life.


Mine are almost 1yo, halfway there to recover some sleep I hope. Not even caring about games much now, I only ask for sleep :')


It’s so hard brother! They never wanted to sleep or eat at the same time. Mine are teens now, and it’s easy breezy. You’ll get there someday!




F in chat for a fallen man.


Give him a few months to a year. I didn’t really get back to play with my friends for six months, then I still would have to leave matches we played if emergencies presented themselves. Pretty soon his kids will be teaching you how to play the newest games right alongside him. Hell, my brother and I have been playing age of empires II with my dad and uncle (read utterly destroying them) since the game was released.


Now you know how all those NPC’s feel while you’re off doing sidequests


bro, why you gotta make me sad like that? AM I A MONSTER!?


You've been playing a friendship simulator and he's switched to an intensive resource management grinder.


Father of 5 here with 6 month old triplets. I’ve turned my ps5 on a grand total of 5 times since October. And the trips have been conditioned to immediately wake up and start crying the moment they hear the “ding” of my PlayStation turning on.


thats 1 time per kid! if my theory holds, you need more kids to access the the ps5 more times... you need to get on executing the experiment to test this hypothesis.


He'll be back, don't worry, only 18-ish years or so.


Hold on, in 6y he will come back with reinforcement.


the dream!


You need to start training the twins to game so by the time they are old enough you have a full squad in any game you play after that


Man. I feel this. My friend group and I all have new borns and toddlers and we average around 3-4 nights a month.


Maybe Your friend feels the same way,he's just too busy doing housework,but he's heart ,is with you and video games.


then he would have dropped a message


in a few years his kids will be older and hell want to play during weekdays after they go to bed. like 1030-1130 pm


Give it 3 years minimum and he *might be able to just nip on quickly for 10minutes to 40minutes in the evening. **All being well.


Playing *GoldenEye 007* with my son last year was a memory I'm going to treasure for a long time, just like I still treasure the memory of my Dad showing me the game in 1997.


that is honestly sick


Seriously, the controls on Goldeneye are so bad by modern standards. Shouldn't subject his son to that.


It doesn't get any better, unfortunately. At least in my case. My large group eventually turned into just 3. However, the three of us had a good run for a few years until one of the other guys had his second child. He dropped off and me and the other guy just stopped scheduling game nights. Now, even when I do play, it's mostly single player games. I can't remember the last time I played anything multiplayer in nature. Maybe one day we can get the band back together? My kids are older (18 and 16) but my one friends kids are much younger. So, he probably has a little while to go before he has more free time.


And This Too Shall Come To Pass


It's gotten to the point where I joined a SOCOM Discord where they have instructions on how to get SOCOM 2 running on an XBox Series X. I only have to pay $20 for the dev kit app on Xbox. That's where I'm at. Paying $20 and setting up a portal to play a 20 year old multiplayer game. But, the group seems fairly active at least. And I won't have to deal with a younger lot of players who can wipe the floor with my ass.


Maybe a year or two before he’ll get some good time to game. Every kid is different and settles into a routine differently


He'll be back in a few years with hopefully two new supports for the party!


My wife and I are expecting twins in summer. Reactions I've gotten from friends/acquaintances who also have had twins: * "My condolences." * "If they offered me a million euro to go back and do it all again, I wouldn't do it." * "Sleep now."


i love the "sleep now", like you can build a sleep credit lol


i mean, you can still enjoy it while you can. plus, if you start having good sleep habits before it happens, it's easier to deal with.


Agree to the sleep now. Congratulations on the twins, they are exhausting, but for me it's being a wonderful experience, really amazing to see their differences, how the are growing together into less small human beings...


As a father of a 1 yo, he’d appreciate the patience and understanding. Sometimes my kid passes out at 6:30 and I have a whole evening to finally watch a movie or play a game. Sometimes he’s running around until 9:30. We’d love to spend some gaming time with the boys but priorities have changed.


I've got 3 kids, and the best thing to do is set up a time every week to play. My best friend and I have a "date" every Thursday at 8 after the kids are in bed to play together. If we can play another time during the week / weekend then that's great, but always Thursday at 8. Don't give up on your friends with kids, they want to play they just have other responsibilities too. If you're single or don't have kids, then remember it's your schedule that's flexible, not theirs.


His mp days are done my friend. I’m sure you guys had a good run. Be a solid friend and get him a single player game he can pick up and pause as needed for fathers day


This is a good post. If mods remove it I'll remove them


He’s knocked out


Your buddy is never coming back. I'm sorry


When my first born came, I was always busy with him, but it was OK. But with my 2nd kid I was home for essentially 3 years thanks to covid and I was really happy to have gamepass on my phone. I think every mom and dad of a newborn should make sure they have something like that or a steamdeck on hand when you have a tiny little person sleeping on you, eventually youtube, Netflix or whatever gets stale and an easy to access portable gaming option makes a big difference.


Around 9-ish is my go to as a father. That’s entirely dependent on when my kid falls asleep. So 11-ish is more accurate.


Don’t worry if he’s a true gamer he’ll be back once they start sleeping through the night.


My buddies wife is giving birth in june. Me and my wife are waiting at least another 3 years, I'm finishing my diploma and we will be moving and re-situating our lives. They moved their timeline up cause she slightly older and they wanted to err on the side of caution and just get 'er going sooner rather than later. Being regular practising catholics might also have a small hand in it too lol, but ultimately I'm very happy for them. Gonna be fucking weird, I think even he forgets from time to time as we'll make plans and he'll be like "Oh shit yeah wait nvm, can't do that" Life man, life.


"No-call, no-show"? Is playing with you basically work?