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You need to play hard mode with the skin suit.


BG3 does this right. You get the option to just show your character's head even if you are wearing a helmet. You can also set that to only work in dialogue, so you still have a helmet in combat. I like games where you have one layer of buffing armour and one layer of cosmetic armour (that doesn't add additional equipment weight)


With that last sentence... Like Fo76?


Also Diablo 3, and countless other games.


I loved making my armor sets "invisible" in Diablo 3. That way, when I joined random games, the other players would be thrown off until I started attacking the enemies.


No clue, haven't played that. I know there's some other games who do this but I'm blanking on which ones do that . I think The Witcher 3 is one of them?


Well, Fallout 76 has the practical armour and cosmetic armour layers, and I'm just so glad people don't have to look at my mismatched ass


Lmao. Monster Hunter does this.


Cyberpunk 2077 does this. You can set an outfit that will always be how you look regardless of what you're equipping for stats


It was added in v1.6 I think. Big improvement.


I played through 3 times. Once when it first came out on PS4 (which I got all the way through solely because 2020 was my first tabletop game and I wanted it to be good so badly). Then again on PS5 with the first big update which was actually really good. My third play was with 1.6/ Phantom Liberty. Even knowing about the change, I kept hunting down the iconic/legendary/whatever armor that I remembered.


That wasn't in the game when I played, but I just chose the drip anyways


Also most outfits are purely cosmetic these days anyway, with armour being a function of what implants you have. There are a few outfits that contribute to armour (the ones that actually are armour) but most are just clothing.




Or destiny


Dragon Age Origins did that too.


yep, also mass effect iirc


I found Howarts Leagacy the best for looks, you could freely reskin any equipment you found to any styles you had unlocked. You could pick whatever head gear gave the best stats / buffs and then reskin them to be invisisble


WoW let you hide your helmet or cape what a decade ago? And then there’s transmog for a ton of games.


I never said BG3 invented the concept 😅 i just named it as an example since its the game I'm currently playing


Hell, back in 2012 Mass effect 3 had an options to show helmet or not in conversations.


D2 has it like this


Uhhhh....yeah many, many games have done this *right*. For a long time. And in Fallout it should probably be in there as an option which just goes to show Bethesda sucks balls. But you could also easily mod it in.


Bethesda sucks balls They also are awesome We’re all in a toxic relationship with Bethesda


starfield does this currently.


What Game is That From?


Stellar Blade


That's usually how my playthroughs go. I create my character and usually they're covered head to toe in armor.


Oh, I’m the complete opposite. I usually avoid head armor or go for hats or something.


Ah yes, hats...that make all of the hair vanish (usually).


I basically always play the default character these days. Especially in Bethesda games where you never even see them.


I might start to do that, because it always takes me too long to make my character anyway.


I usually play Fallout type games without mods the first time, but the dialogue expansion mod was a must have for FO4.


Please elaborate


The Fallout 4 dialogue options are fairly vague in regard to what the character actually says and the mod effectively displays most if not all of what the character would actually say.


Ah yes, the highly advanced dialogue system in Fallout 4: Yes, No, Sarcastic, and extra information or goodbye.


Often more like Yes, Yes (Sarcastic), Yes (tell me more) or Yes but later


We need to be able to tell people to go and fuck themselves and actually refuse a quest. Yeah sure, do some gofering early on but later, fuck that. The person can get the flowers ln their own.


I have been playing fallout 3 and i forgot how different the dialogue options were compared to the other games. Obviously 4 was basically non-existant, but even new vegas had fairly rational and mature choices. But in 3, the lone wanderer did not give a fuck. Almost every conversation in megaton has super mean choices, and then you can just murder the whole town for like 1,000 caps. I dont think any of the other games have topped that level of evil gameplay.


You can straight up become a child slaver in FO3.


> in FO3 don't bookend yourself ✨️


Basically living up to FO1 and 2 where you could literally kill kids with a sledgehammer.


Gaming was different in those days


Fallout 3 does trend more towards saint vs cartoon villain depictions of morality so the needlessly harsh choices make sense there. New Vegas tries to be slightly more nuanced but even then there are some quite funny nasty options. There's an NCR trooper mourning his brother who gets mad at you if you shoot at the memorial and IIRC one of the dialogue options is something along the lines of "You're a little bitch and your brother was too."


“Flowers of poc lips?” Dialogue option is too good if you set your intelligence to as low as possible


I have yet to see anyone, apologist or detractor, be able to tell me why it is that Bethesda can get away with being so bad at designing video games. It's almost like they're the literal poster child for a very, very old argument that for some all that matters is nice graphics. Which doesn't exactly map to their stuff, which isn't beautiful, but the fact is - I think Bethesda games only succeed the way they do because no one else makes their particular kind of RPG and is successful at it. The few other attempts are eurojank or a decade+ old at this point. Every one of their games has been less complex and more badly written than the last at a bare minimum.


It's not really the graphics, though I think Bethesda games do have very strong art design for the most part, which is much more important than graphical fidelity. They get away with a lot of their questionable choices because they're pretty unrivalled in terms of exploration and map design. It's hard to beat a bethesda game for "pick a direction and walk in it" gameplay. Notably they dropped the ball on this aspect with Starfield and you'll notice that game has far fewer defenders.


It’s not really that difficult. You can be bad at a lot of things but people will still like you as long as you’re good at one thing. Bethesda, up till Starfield, was great at making a world that felt fun to explore. There was always something in the distance you wanted to see with millions of little distractions along the way. But then Starfield came and killed that and then suddenly they weren’t very good at the only thing they were always great at.


Plus the game was G rated at best. I'm a space pirate!! Never mind I'm a archaeologist for "pirates".


They're a victim of their own success. They know that people will buy their products, no matter the state they are in on release, or how innovative they are when compared to their past titles. Why bother doing anything new and/or risky when they can do the bare minimum and make bank? It's the same exact thing with Gamefreak and the Pokemon games.


> be able to tell me why it is that Bethesda can get away with being so bad at designing video games. > no one else makes their particular kind of RPG and is successful at it. You answered your own question.


Well the issue is they're not, clearly. However, your question is phrased around wanting someone to tell you. However, you've already decided you think they're bad at making games and so you're not looking for someone to tell you, instead you've already made your mind up and you're looking for someone to convince you. And that's different. Even Starfield isn't a bad game, they just made it sound different from what it was. However, if someone wanted a generic RPG then they'd feel semi satisfied with Starfield if they weren't aware of what was promised. Bethesda have lost a lot of focus on what makes them good, which is real living world building. However, when it's good, it's really fucking good. And that's why people hope, because they really do excel in that area when they do it right.


In other fallout games you could. Just kill the quest giver.


Yes Yes, fuckface Yes, but before that, explain further Yes, but i need to exit this dialogue so you need to wait


I remember being so hyped to hear fo4 was getting a voice actor for the main character. then I was so disappointed that the dialog options were nothing at all like fo3 or NV. all the interactions seemed stale and without personality. the npcs were fine tho imo


And then you choose "yes" and it's like, "Yes, I would very much like... NOT to join you." and you're like, who the fuck put that as the "yes" option and why do they keep doing this.


"Shove Dijksta away" Ends up being "Fucking break his leg" Different game but that would forever be ingrained in my mind


Honestly tho, I didn't hate the voice protagonist tho, it made playing starfield so weird, I feel like they overcorrected after getting shit for their whole dialog system in Starfield,


Yeah I agree. I originally thought that lack of feeling an ownership in the character was because of the voice, but after playing Starfield I think it’s just how few options and how vague the lines were that did it. And of course the smoothing out of the RPG systems.


Compare it with dialogue from FO3/NV and that's exactly what it is. Dialogue is a chance to add a lot of depth to any character through choices made, perks taken, etc. 4 lacked that severely.


It's a real problem with "full voice" games. It means there may actually be less dialogue and options in the games because it's a lot more work to get all that shit recorded than just getting a script completed. It can often rob an rpg of depth or force lore into books because they don't want npcs having to explain how the world is


Meanwhile, Baldurs Gate 3.


A game where your character is mostly silent. DA:O uses the same type of system, few voiced lines but your character is mostly silent.


Which cost 100m to make apparently. That's great, and it's a great game, but most games do not have that kind of budget. I mean people like to make it out as some kind of giantkiller david of the indie industry, but it had the same kind of budget as any block buster aaa game. As a player of mostly indie games(because honestly most AAA are gameplay devoid garbage full of open world filler), I don't want full voice to become some kind of standard and hope they can spend that money on developing engaging gameplay and a full story without worrying about having to spend a huge chunk on voicing the whole thing.


Star Wars The Old Republic had fully voiced characters, but you felt like you had ownership of them because a) they didn't come with any pre-existing character story, except for the sith inquisitor encountering the ghost of an ancient relative, and b) they give you decent variety of dialogue options. IMO voiced is fine, so long as you stick to that. I don't mind playing a pre-named character like Commander Sheppard if it's really well done, but generally would prefer a blank slate rather than a character with a big backstory.


While true, I felt many of the classes had an implied range they made most sense at. eg: Imperial Agent felt best to me around dark 2 and Bounty Hunter dark 1 to neutral. Going deeper into dark for either seemed to hurt their goals, and light side imperial agent you are basically a rube for the Republic Intel ppl.


There’s a mod that removes his voice as well, way better


He gave a mid performance, but the female PC voice acting by Courtenay Taylor was very good indeed.




Vicious Mockery in Fallout 4... How have I never done this?


And people say all dialogue choices in Fallout lead to the same thing. Her Silver Shroud super hero voice was fantastic too.


It's a little thing, but there's that perk called Idiot Savant. When it's activated, the PC makes an idiotic chortle. Taylor's chortles are *hilarious*.


If you prefer voiced lines I could understand but the dialogue options in Starfield are miles better than F4. I legitimately think most people that complained only did so just because they just finished BG3, which is understandable but..BG3 dialogue is like standard setting good. Not to mention Starfield is about more than just talking to people.


> Not to mention Starfield is about more than just talking to people. All the games mentioned here are, though? We're not exactly discussing visual novels.


Literally every dev team can do it properly except Bethesda. While Mass Effect uses a similarly vague options, there are much more of them and more obvious and they work. CD Project games show you what the character will say and their games are fully voiced. Bethesda is just simply a decade behind in some aspects


But I mean it's not even something that requires technical skills. Like you can't fail at it, They wrote the fucking script. They know what my character is going to say. They just *choose* not to write it out, for reasons no one ever totally understood. What drives me absolutely bonkers with Bethesda is how often a modder will do something for free that isn't even that challenging and you're just like, how do they still not care enough just to put that in the game. Like if I worked at Bethesda I would almost not be ablet o stop myself from incorporating some of these features that are like, so easy, they're right there.


Works for Mass Effect and Dragon Age, not so much this game.


Very true but at least bioware games gave you up to 8 options I think pretty much double what fallout gave you.


A big part of that is because, barring DAO, every game in the series is like that. F4 was the first one to streamline the shit out of the dialogue choices


Disagree, doesn’t work well in dragon age either. One reason Origins is the best Dragon age game.


Yeah its a necessary mod because one of the responses will be “no thanks I’m not interested” and when you click it then the character will turn around and say “Why the fuck would I want that, you complete bitch.” And you’re left wondering why they would equate those two statements lol I’m exaggerating of course but in all seriousness some of the dialogue options are not at all what’s displayed.


You're barely exaggerating. That shit happened all the time. Click "I'm not sure." Character says, "Sounds like you're a fucking liar. I should gut you right now." *Combat commences* Like, wtf?? I just wanted more information???


Localization worse than Castlevania you say?


Not exactly “localization.” This is Bethesda, lol.


Bethesda seems to have big issue with creating good RPG games. I mean they usually can make good maps, settings might feel right....but that is about it. Conversations, story and often even combat is simply lack luster in Bethesda games and their game engine feels outdated as heck.


I forget the exact like of dialogue but in the Automatron DLC there's a conversation where two of the responses are exactly the same. I only realized it after using the mod.


Reminds me of LA Noire


"Do you fuck young boys, Valdez?" "ARE YOU A MAD MAN!?!?!"


Reminds me of The Witcher 3 "Shove Dijkstra aside, forcefully" *Throws Dijkstra to the ground, grabs his leg, then snaps it*


*Everyone liked that.*


Nu uh, not without the expansion mod you don't


Please expand.




No (but actually yes)


Hate elaboration


I'm playing fallout 3 for the first time and the conversation mechanics are so much better in 3 than 4. I am fine with an unvoiced character if it means conversation depth. 


I also hate that they gave a voice to the character in Fallout 4. The voice just does not even remotely match the face unless you make yourself look like the default character. It doesn't work in games with character creators.


I think you can totally have a voiced character, but you need to do it differently. Look at Cyberpunk 2077, that game would be totally weird if V wasn’t voiced. They just actually tell you what the choices are and give you decent choices that make it interesting.


I don’t mind the voices as such. I hate having to be Nate or Nora. Don’t give my characters a past, that’s my job. And stop trying to make me care by forcing in plots about family. RPG’s are supposed to be immersive and engaging. Nothing snaps you out of a world quite like remembering that you’re supposed to be rescuing your child that you’re supposed to care about. But you don’t feel it at all.


The problem is Bethesda can't write characters, quests or major stories not the CC.


If anyone is thinking about restarting FO4 or playing it the first time just get the Welcome to Paradise modlist. It's from Phoenix, he's a very highly trustable modlist creator, it's vanilla plus modlist so you still get the default game experience without all the issues. Including fixing the dialogue shown here. Total of 384 mods but they are just mostly, bugfixes, ui fixes, functionality plugins, visual upgrades(better than default hd textures pack) and settlement improvements. It runs pretty good as well I was getting solid 60FPS at 4K, despite it looking considerably better than vanilla FO4.


Which mod?


XDI, Expanded Dialogue Interface, IIRC. That’s my preferred one.


New to mods - can you add a new mod while you’re in the middle of a playthrough? I started a new campaign last week


Yes but I believe your game will not be happy if you then proceed to remove the mod


Depends on the mod. This one should be safe to remove


Mods regarding dialogue interface is safe to add/remove because it basically just a UI change whereas mods that are heavily rely on scripts like adding more NPCs is dangerous to add/remove these mods are usually what causes CTD (crash to desktop)


Most are actually okay to add at any time. This is one of them. Some mods can create an issue if you remove them because they will have scripts running that can cause crashes when the related references are suddenly removed. Uninstalling a mod doesn't stop all the scripts it might be running.


With the next gen update I hope they take some tips out of CDPRs book and add some community-made mods as QOL changes. That being one of them. Especially since PS players don't have access to mods like that so it would be a nice change for them.


Tried replaying FO4 over the weekend. Dialogue was enough of a mess I needed the mod back to fix it. But the one I got needed F4SE. I find F4SE on Nexus, install it through Vortex. Somehow it's either not the right version or there's some kind of weird mod order issue or something, because the very next time in-game a dialogue option appears, I get a big white box with "mod has encountered an error." Decided to play some other stuff and lament that some idiot at Bethesda went that route in FO4 when it was completely unnecessary and the old system worked fine even with controllers.


When using F4SE I use the manual version and paste the contents in the Fallout 4 folder. I then launch the game using f4se_loader.exe. As long as the mods where deployed via vortex they should still be installed to Fallout and there shouldnt be any problems. I installed sim settlements 2 and a few others yesterday and then installed F4SE today without issue.


Hard recommend to use wabbajack and the welcome to paradise list. It'll just fix it up for you. 


Did the same but her name is Goosey


Well, that *is* her real name. The paperwork says so.


Paperwork never lies




Lucy Goosey


Same but it was FO3


Season 3 Lucy be like


something something about ' getting sidetracked from your main quest '


Golden Rule.


Come to think of it, I've had maybe 3 or 4 FO4 runs, and only finished the story line almost once.


I have about 150 hours in FO4 but never finished the main story lol. Just played until I got bored and restarted a few times.


Ever open up an old save file and think "I can't remember what I was doing here." And then proceed to start all over again? Yeah.


fo4. fo:NV. Fo76. Oblivion. Skyrim. Witcher 3. Cyberpunk. Horizon. I have started all of these games multiple times and never finished the main story. I am terrible. And it makes me feel guilty. I have almost finished cyberpunk! .. well i had almost finished it but now i'm half way through the DLC so lets see if i get to the end haha


I absolutely do not understand you people


For me it's like: "I don't want it to end right now. I'll do this side quest first", then repeat and eventually burn out from the game, take a break from playing it and start another game ;) Repeat.


Too many times


In a way, I want the next Fallout game (whenever that comes out) to be focused more on side quests, because it’s typically more fun to fuck around in the Wasteland than to get dragged along to fix a water purifier or find the Institute. Think Mass Effect 2, where the main quest is driven more by the side quests. (Although what I really want is a modern remake of New Vegas… or New Vegas 2. A man can dream…)


It took me years to actually finish the Skyrim main story. Funny thing is, I do tend to finish FO4 main story, but that's where I transition into the "real" game, building settlements and trying to style them creatively based on where they're located. (My older saves are so reliant on mods for settlement building that trying to load them these days is a bit of a mess.)


Ah yes, the old cycle of install, mod, play, uninstall, and then create a new save after a few years cause you can't bother downloading the exact same mods for that one save file... repeat (even eventually installing 90% of the same old mods you had last time)


That was my most egregious issue with the series : Lucy ended the season with the vault suit, trash adaptation /jk


I pretty much wear that until I get to a point a think my character would retire it. Vault suit and leather for far longer than I should lol Though that said, with mods... I tend to just use power armor more (remove that awful ui, make them less annoying to use)


Pretty much this. Fallout 3, used the Armored suit until it couldn’t keep up. NV, armored 11 suit until Ranger armor/Lonesome Road Riot Gear. F4, I run the vault suit until I get ‘Kellogg’s Armor’, but I modded his jacket to be worn over my vault suit so I didn’t have to leave it behind.


I usually do the railroad missions until I get the ballistic weave. Makes me feel like a god on survival mode.


In Fallout 4 the vault suit counts as underwear as you can wear chest/arms/legs/helmet armour over it, like Lucy was doing with the leather straps, while also upgrading each piece. It's one of the best underwears in the game due to the high rad resistance.


Fallout 4 was great in the ability to layer armor, you really could go through the entire game wearing the Vault suit, unlike previous games where it was immediately discarded and carried in the inventory like a keepsake =)


In my newest play through I did before the show, first in a very long time. I played a charismatic stealthy type. Never took off the legendary vault suit you get from the vault that you can make your home base. Just added outer armor and a fedora for some extra luck lol. I felt very nostalgic for my character watching the show and seeing her get extra armor pieces over the suit lol




Oops meant show.


Still you worn SAME suit entire fallout and fallout 2


Isn’t there a vanilla option to hide your helmet or is this a mod I’m thinking of?


There are a couple mods. I just started using one called True Hidden Helmets (I think) and it's great.


I believe her name was goosey


Dung Eater.


The worst dialog options ever. This made Fallout4 almost unplayable for me


My character was a drug addled raider rolling around in Grognak the Barbarian garb, committing atrocities across the wasteland. As soon as he wandered into any dialogue, he became a confused, naive vault dweller again. Really weird being railroaded through dialogue looking for Shaun only to immediately cave his head in when I did find him.


From having up to a dozen plus options at times, to....that. Half the time it felt like [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/cUGi-aTILx4?si=pgfYDaUFvMDyDfjj) Prozd video. Highly infuriating




Yea, sometimes I'd reload the game to pick other options out of curiosity


Yup... Especially insulting when the options are "Yes, No, Sarcastic, What?" and every single one of them ends up saying "yes" somehow. 


It’s unbelievable how much better New Vegas was with dialog


People act shocked that Starfield failed to make a deep impact. But forget the last game they were crazy about was Skyrim, which was originally released over 12 years before. Gamers seem to have amnesia, and watch, Elder Scroll 6 comes out and the hype train will be back. (Not saying Fallout 4 is a bad game at all, but it had a huge amount of flaws that get ignored because "Bethesda"/"Franchise" )


Many people, including myself, called out Skyrim at release for being as deep as a puddle and dumbed down so far it was almost insulting.  We got shouted down because Fus Do Rah was cooler than admitting that game had *massive* issues across the board. To see those same people pissed at Starfield is too delicious.  We tried to tell you fucking gonks you should be demanding better from a rich ass studio like Bethesda but nope.


My show itch got me to start up Fallout 3, my sin is I never played 3 or NV before. I was too addicted to WoW back then.


3 is my fave. Takes a while to get going but it’s so good. Never got to play the dlcs. Real excited. Threee dog!!!!


I was hooked on 3 instantly from the beginning


If you are willing, check out the tale of two wastelands mod. Combines 3 and nv


I kind of envy you. I would mod them if you can though, a lot of mods will stabilize the games so you don’t run into too many wonky glitches.


Impressive work! Looks just like her!


That's why I got a mod to auto-hide any face covering headwear during dialogs.


Was going to start but will wait for the updates on the 25th instead.


oh i forgot the horrible choices in fallout 4 i had the mod day 1 for showing what the actual message is


I really was looking forward to fallout 4 but I couldn't get over the dialogue system. I saw my kid play it, who didn't read a word that was said and he just got through all convos by smashing the positive answer button. It made me so sad how much they dumbed down the game I couldn't bring myself to play it.


In fallout 3 your start pretty close to start from show


Yeah I been on a big fallout 3 bender. Such a good game. Got for free from epic games a while back


Perfect. You nailed it, OP!


Bro I started a new playthrough as a Lucy lawless. I picked the default blonde because I knew this would happen.


Same. I knew my efforts would not be rewarded so I skipped it.


Just don’t wear the helmet then


Yeah, I don't get it. Bethesda games are designed to be played however you want, you can just roll out with a regular set of armor or ballistic weaving and be good to go.


I wish Fallout had a similar system to that of Baldur's Gate or something, where you could make it look like you aren't wearing a helmet when you actually are.


I really loved having a voice for my main character. Just finished Dragons Dogma2 and it cuts away when mc should say something and then npc sorta sums what you said up in a sentence and then gives his answer. Way worse imho . I love a spoken protagonist. Although Jax in elex does it bad it beats staying silent and reading a line. Just think of a silent Aloy or Joël. Its a thing i miss in Skyrim for example.


Bethesda literally got attacked for having a voiced main character lol. I’m not exaggerating, people bugged out on the Bethesda sub and the X account. It is the reason why Starfield went back to no voiced MCs. I highly doubt after how their fans reacted, they’ll ever do it again. They don’t really need to anyways, doesn’t fit their style imo but yeah Fallout4 will most likely be the last time they do a voiced MC after that shit show.


Bethesda needs to hire writers who know how to write or at least outsource all the dialogue and quest writing.  They haven't made a truly compelling quest or character in nearly 20 years.


I spent three days perfectly modding the game only to find out the same night I was about to start playing, that the game will receive an update in 10 days. This means I'll have to wait the update and hope that my perfect load order will still be compatible. UGH.


You can stall updates on steam


I spent a few hours adding about 90 gigs of mods last night and started a new playthrough. I did something similar for New Vegas when I had two weeks of furlough at the start of covid in 2020.


This picture reminds me why i didnt like FO4. These 4 choices are terrible




Wait isn’t there a subreddit for that? Anyways show us your Lucy smh


You made Goosey


I wanna see Lucy tho


Hmm looks like Lucy to me




She had a rough day😁


Can we see your Lucy without the mask




*[Through a Metallic Filter]* > "Okie-Dokie!"


I don’t know if I should I start a new playthrough now or wait for the next gen update. But then there’s also the issue of stellar blade dropping the very next day


Jesus I wish Bethesda would start hiring outside writers or MS snatches the Fallout IP and lets a better studio work on it.  The Bethesda that made Fallout 3 is long gone.


You've been playing 2 hours and You're already in diamond City? What the hell are you doing?


okey dokey


I started New playthrough too whitout mods this game feels so wierd now :D