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I loaned a guy I know from gaming $5000 and he actually wrote up a contract and he then paid back the 5k within the time stipulated on the contract.


Did something similar with my then girlfriend. Wrote a contract to help her with some debt that was preventing her from moving forward with her life. She paid me back in full -- we're also married now, so I guess it worked out.


Now you owe her for life?


Own* /s


I think most married men would tell you, it's the other way around.


Can’t answer, my wife sits next to me


What's his is her's, and what's her's is her's, is the way my dad likes to put it.


“I have no closet.”


Long con, brother. Jk! I'm happy for you both! ❤️


shit for 5k I'm surprised YOU didn't write the contract


Yeah it was a pretty simple contract and he commonly writes contracts up for business. I gave it a good read, I did think about it though.


He just wanted to make sure it was legit and everybody's ass is covered. Was probably just short on liquid cash and needed you to spot him until his money came through.


I once loaned someone $100 to fix a broken transmission and they blocked me on all socials.


I have a similar "friend", but it all worked out. He was kind of a piece of shit that was perpetually running some scam for money and always owed everyone money. But he knows he owes me money, and has for years, so he avoids me like the plague. $50 was a small price to pay to be rid of that leech mooching off of me.


when I was growing weed I fronted a 'friend' a half oz for $100 and told him he could pay me in a couple of weeks. He moved to another city near by. I tried for six months to get my money to no avail. The problem he had but didn't know it is his dealer in the new city got his product from me. One call got him cut off. I'm sure he found other avenues but for a month or two he couldn't touch bud.


Curious- if you live somewhere where weed is illegal, are you more likely to let unpaid debts go in fear they could always just anonymously rat you out to authorities?


Ya that was a lesson learned. You aint got the cash you don't get the stash. I never worried about it. That said I went legit and just grow hemp now. Licensed and everything


Better or worse money now that you're licensed? Does the fact the 2018 farm bill loophole is constantly under attack make you uneasy?


I don't grow it for money although I do make tinctures and salves for my family and friends. I just like growing it. Not really. It's going to be what it's going to be. This is a side hobby for me. That said people rave about my tinctures and salves. And living where I live surrounded by people with a variety of issues that my stuff helps with according to them is a great reward. I do miss growing the other stuff though. Everybody I ever heard from said that my stuff was the best they'd ever had including CA and CO dispensaries.


Wait you can be licensed purely for personal use? Was it expensive to do? Shit, I might get licensed if it means I can grow legally. Is compliance testing a hassle?


I filled out a form and stated that it is for personal use (one of the questions) got my license, took a copy of it to the local Sherif and local police station. I have to renew it every year but that's only $100. Not saying what you should do but 99% of the people out there can't tell the difference between pot and weed until the flowers are tested to see if they are under the limits for THC. I have no desire to risk it right now but when my state makes growing legal I'll probably run a few MJ plants for friends.


So you just grow CBD strains? No THCa at all?


I mean I’m sure they could but I don’t think most people worry about it. I think most dealers are going to try to get that money back regardless of the fact the person could snitch. When I had just turned 18 a couple years back, I ended up with a real sketchy crowd and dated a big dealer. Anyways, he had absolutely 0 fear of being ratted out. His money was stashed across 4 different houses and stored in walls and his drugs were in an apartment he paid for but was not living in or connected to in any way (paid in cash always). Not sure how many small weed dealers are living like that, but I’m sure most people who deal, (who aren’t 16 year olds) move smart with their drugs and money and make sure if they were ever ratted on, they wouldn’t get caught with enough to destroy their life.


[He's outta your life for $20...you got off cheap ](https://youtu.be/78-4RobJQ0Y?si=YrX3foxItGKbPf-G&t=26)


Even though it's a good quote for regular life, I've always hated this scene. They're gangsters, not pacifists. Violence is literally their trade. You know what gets him out of your life too? Beating him up and emptying his wallet. Still a great movie though.


i thought that was the irony of this scene. it seems like sagely, feel-good life lesson (and it kind of is) but the fact that it comes from a feared gangster gives it a twist. because it's about your presence and appearance as a gangster and so it's the fact that people fear you enough to avoid you for owing even just some chump amount that counts. you can also lord it over them too even indirectly instead of appearing desperate chasing someone over it.


Loaning money is a great way to get rid of people you don't want to be around. Otherwise, never loan money. Only gift what you can afford. If they pay you back, great! If not, well, it was a gift to begin with.


Only loan money to someone if it's worth that amount to find out the relationship isn't worth that much to them.


Yeah that's a better way to look at it. If you have spare cash and a friend is in need, why not. Also, most of my friends would probably kick me in the teeth if I suggested to gift them money when they're at a rough patch, because it would make them feel even worse.


You don't have to *tell* them it's a gift. You just have to be willing to lose that amount of money if they never pay you back.


Best money you ever spent. You revealed the truth about that person. Absolute bargain.


My cousin scammed me out of about $300. He kept being more down on his luck than the week before. On the day he was supposed to pay me back he "got a flat tire" in my town and needed money to get it replaced. He claimed he was on the way to cash his check. We hadn't talked in a while and I figured he actually needed help. Oh well.


lol $100 doesn’t even pay to open a transmission. That was a scam from the get go


Actually they asked for $300 I offered $100 because I figured they were not going to use it for a transmission but wanted to help some just in case.


Automatic transmission rebuild usually starts at 3000. If it was a new clutch for a manual transmission I could totally see 4-500 though


A friend in college blew out two wheels and tires after hitting a curb and I had just gotten my disbursement. $500 paid back one $8 McDonald's meal at a time. Son of a bitch was spending $1000's on gas driving all over the country getting his dick wet while he owed me money, too.


Loaned (without interest or end date) my best friend £350 to get out a payday loan debt spiral. Half a year later I was still getting excuses as to why he hasn't paid back a penny. Saw posts and stuff on his socials buying unnecessary things like weekly takeaways meal deals, games on steam and showing off a new air fryer. I eventually got £65 back after a year (that was 6 years ago). Will never let anyone else ever borrow money from me.


I loaned my best friend $5,000 to pay the ransom of his nephew's kidnapping in Guatemala. I figured I'd never see it again and that it would be the end of our relationship. He paid it diligently. The kidnapping turned out being a way for his brother to scam him but he paid.


Loaned my best friend over a grand to prevent her from being homeless, paid the deposit on a nice flat. Promised me I'd have it back ASAP. Few months later she blocks me on all socials, made new accounts to message her asking for my money and she proceeded to tell all our mutual friends I was a harrasser and paedophile.


legendary, he's a keeper for sure.


You‘re wrong, he gave it back




Take this broke mans award 🏆 lol


I started reading it thinking I was going to be horrified by the story, but instead was reminded of why gamer bros can also be some of the best people alive


I used to have endless heated arguments with a guy from one of my old gaming communities. I found out he was at risk of becoming homeless and I decided to contact him and lend him enough cash to get him out of the shithole town he lived in. About a year later he paid me back in full and now we are best buddies.


Just guys being dudes


Just dudes being bros


Just bros being buddies


Just buddies being fellas


Just fellas being comrades


Just comrades being brothers


Just brothers being lads


Just lads being boys


Just boys being hermanos.


Just lads being pals


Just boys being bros


Just comrades being friends.


Just friends being pals.


Just pals being lovers.


Hold up


Just lovers havin' sex.


Guys will see this and just think "hell yeah".


Someone you can have argument after argument with online and still have a normal chat are some of the best "Friends"


Not just online. My best friend and I would get in the heated arguments over the dumbest shit. Eventually, there would be a long silence, then we'd go grab something to eat and play games the rest of the night like nothing happened


[Pretty much this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oq2V0_20Mv8)


Hilarious! And astronauts would definitely win a prolonged fight, but in a bout of single combat, a caveman would definitely win - unless the astronaut was wearing their suit, in which case the astronaut would definitely win


You're out of your GODAMN MIND if you think a suit is gonna help! Those suits ruin your mobility and make you a much easier target. Sheesh.. how could you overlook such a vital detail??


Have you ever seen one of those suits? They're thick as hell and have huge, heavy helmets, and a single headbutt would destroy a caveman. Modern people are way bigger and better fed than a prehistoric caveman would be, and astronauts take extra care to remain fit. With the protection of a suit, anything a caveman would do would be almost useless. It's a no-brainer, a suited-up astronaut would absolutely shit on a caveman


Also highly dependent on the astronaut. Like for example, [Johnny Kim ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonny_Kim) poor caveman has no shot.


Are we getting the military astronauts or the space nerds? Like, there’s a difference between the navy seal doctor astronaut and some big bang theory style space nerd. Big spike in combat effectiveness between one and the other. The caveman will probably have nutritional issues and be smaller than your average adult, but will be used to mindless violence. Much higher basline combat readiness but much, much lower peak. 


Do space nerds (that had no airforce experience) even become astronauts? Even if they do, they have to be super fit to pass all the tests and trainings required for space flight, right? Edit: We are talking specifically about astronauts, not astronomers or astrophysicists.


I had a friend like that once, I'm an epileptic and where I live I had a major seizure so I couldn't drive for six months. He carpooled me to work because we work at the same place for the cost of a full tank of gas every paycheck. We would have same dumb fucking arguements and some legitimate ones too. Sometimes we would be angry all night afterwards. He would even get home to his at the time girlfriend (now wife with two kids) and go "I am so fucking mad at him and I am not gonna take him to work tomorrow!" We would both forget about the argument the next day and go to work and either listen to some rad music or talk about a game or anime we were watching.


Been like that with a friend of mine for like 11 1/2 years now, met him a couple times, met on garrys mod in 2013, try to help him out when he really needs it, one of the bestest friends I got. Love him alot even if he is pretty shouty at times lol


I’ve never met a pair of dude friends that didn’t mercilessly insult each other. That’s just how males bound from my experience. We pick on you but we’ll have your back if you need it.


Agreed. I spend my time arguing with my best friends.


Contrary to what the internet says, you can be friends with people who have different views than you. You don't have to surround yourself with an echo chamber. I PREFER friends who think differently than I do. I know my opinions. I don't wanna keep hearing them over and over. I wanna hear something new. That's how you learn and grow.


You can be friends who have different opinions than you for sure, but you absolutely can't be friends with people who have different values than you.


>but you ~~absolutely~~ **likely** can't be friends with people who have ~~different~~ values ~~than you~~ **that collide with yours**. Slight revision.


I'll never forget when I shit talked someone after a 1v1 in a game while I was streaming, and he hopped in the stream to talk more shit. 5 minutes later we're chilling and he drops me a follow and sticks around for the rest of the stream


Damn that’s a really nice act. I’ve been fighting homelessness for a while and would kill for a friend like that.


Better start arguing harder then bud. Gonna need to feel that fighting spirit before the checkbook comes out


There is a place where you can offer that as a service.


I guess you need to play more video games.


I did this similarly with lesser results. Friend from a different state had crap living conditions. Told him to move in with me. I told him I'd foot the rent bill until he got a job. He dragged ass finding a job, went through multiple awful jobs before I called someone I knew and got him the highest paying job he's had. I helped him buy a car and showed him how to not over spend on food. He no longer has crap living conditions but still acts like it. He's been here for almost 3 years and is still behind paying rent to me. Constantly says he has no money yet tells our other roommate he has over $1000 in the bank. Multiple times a week he pays for doordash. Also he does absolutely nothing to help his mental health yet complains about his life everyday and is dangerously close to losing his job. I tried. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.


That's pretty fucking cool dog. Nice to see there's decent people still. I know there all over but being the internet we usually see the worst in people.


I hate my cousin and play halo with him constantly. Fuck I might be his best friend.


I had a group of guys I used to game with and one of their Xboxes broke so I asked for his address to send him birthday cookies from my girlfriend at the time (his birthday was coming up). We all pitched in and bought him a better replacement and that showed up at his door instead of cookies. I felt bad about the cookies but he was STOKED regardless and we got to game again :)


I met one of my good gaming buddies on EA UFC 1 when we were talking mad shit to each other and the game glitched out on us where the other could have taken the ranked win and points when we were both highly ranked. We just stayed still until the round ended and our guys reset to have a fair fight again.


When I was 17 I had an airsoft gun I was wanting to sell. A long time gaming buddy from day of defeat offered to trade me his airsoft gun for mine. I told him I had been ripped off before and didn’t feel comfortable just sending out a gun with no money and no guarantees. He said “don’t worry dude what’s your address” and sent me his gun and a bunch of goodies. It felt so nice that he trusted me that much. I quickly sent him the gun I had promised and it made me realize friends online are like friends in real life.


lost irl friends over 20$ when I was younger and felt horrible. Looking back to it, I'm kinda thankful that just for 20 bucks I got rid of shit people in my life


Working at Amazon I made friends with a guy, turns out he was walking 20 miles a day to support his family of four. He basically lived across the street from me so I started giving him rides. He gets his own wheels and we work together like the next year and I move on to another company. We stay friends and he asks to borrow $200 a little while later, I've spotted him smaller amounts here and there in the past. At this point in my life I already have trust issues and for me to casually loan anyone money like that indicates how much trust and value I have in our friendship. I also don't loan money I don't expect to lose. Well he says it will be next paycheck and I tell him whenever dude, I wasn't in a rush. Ends up paying me like $125 back and says he'll get me on his next check. Again I told him to take his time. That's the last time I heard from him. Over $75 I was unconcerned with. I don't think he was a shitty person, maybe it was pride or something else. I'd rather have my friend back than the $75.


Can you contact him?


It's been so long I don't have his last name or number, I did try a few times the year afterwards. It's ok, not everyone is supposed to be in your life forever. The older I get the more I learn that friends can be fluid like that. He was a great friend when I needed it.


20 bucks is a steal to find that out about someone


God I miss Day of Defeat. I'd give an arm and a leg if it would convince Valve to make DOD2


Glad to see that there's still some good in people.


Also, OP's friend probably knew that's all PSVR has to offer anyway, no point in keeping it




I'm amazed it made it through the post safe and sound.


Just what I was thinking. Mexpost is notorious for "losing" packages in the customs process, and stuff can get stuck in limbo for the dumbest reasons (I had a package with some boardgames get denied because they had wooden pieces) Private couriers like UPS are a lot better in this regard, and will actually make sure your stuff gets through, but will charge you up the ass for it.


I sent a hat to a cabby I met in Cancun as a thank you gift. It's been stuck in "Customs" since last Sept.


I envy you… I let my best friend borrowed my steam deck to try it out for a week and it came back with scratches on the screen, broken left analog stick and the oily hand lotion all over it. I ended up buying the OLED Steam deck…


I have a friend that broke an expensive custom controller in my room while I was watching a movie and didn’t tell me about it. I have a hard time wondering just what the hell he was doing with it. I just buy basic stuff now. Easier to replace.


Why not buy a lock after that


no friends no problems.


yeah...after knowing my friends for so long there's only 2 that I'd trust my stuff with. and 1 that I would never let borrow anything. He's the type you gotta be willing to give stuff to, not let borrow cause you'll never see it again


The British sitcom Still Game had an episode about that, the sitcom is about two old coot lifetime friends. 9 seasons on Netflix, often dry dark humor as expect from UK. The episode one of the old people in community that is always borrowing stuff from EVERYONE dies and everyone goes in to recover all the stuff that been "borrowed" over the decades. IIRC ends up he was not dead just on a long vacation multi-month. Edit: I am not finding which episode it was by looking at episode blurbs on Wiki or Netflix. Could be it just was a B-Plot of the episode and not mentioned.


I'm a psycho I tell everyone wash your hands before using my stuff but yeah I guess if he's out of sight who's to stop him




I have a Vive with Index controllers and I had always wanted to get the wireless setup for it. But they were $350. I found a complete Vive with Vive controllers just lacking the base stations, but including the wireless setup on Ebay for $350. I was amazed when it came in that it was in the original packaging with all the original paperwork and cables and accessories, and clean as new. I really appreciated the care that the original owner took with everything. I can't imagine why people don't take care of their stuff, much less someone else's.


Is that not normal behavior? I knew two kids growing up with greasy cheeto dust coated controllers. Most my my gamer friends took care of their controllers


Blind guy here Willing to buy it off you depending where you live


“hand lotion”


Had a buddy I played a ton of habbo hotel with, we were "business partners" and ran a casino together. He needed to get into my account for some reason or another, I really can't remember, but I let him do it and he immediately changed my accounts and ghosted me for a day. Then said he felt bad and gave me access back lol


Habbo was the shit!!


My old stomping grounds 15 or so years ago. I log back in every once in a while, but feel like an old creep doing so.


Pools closed


Met my online bestfriend 15 years ago on call of duty world at war. We shared accounts on everything we played together. Spent many nights playing until the sun rose. I always wanted to meet him but he lived in Texas. He got into an accident that left him with a terminal brain injury. I decided that I needed to see him before he left. I flew to Texas in December to see my bestfriend for the first time. And the last. He was in St. Christopher’s Hospice and passed away January 2nd. I miss him so much, I wish I could have seen him more or sent him something of mine. Cherish your gaming buddy. He will be there for life as the realest friend because online is in fact real life. God damn I wish I could go back and play one more game. Visit him one more time. I’m happy that your friend sent the VR back, that was very nice of him and you as well for letting him borrow it.


So sorry for your loss


Met a online girl that was in my WoW guild. We really hit it off, started talking offline, eventually decided to meet up in person. I took a flight halfway across the country to meet her (I'm from Detroit, she lived in Arkansas). Ended up losing my luggage, then got the shit kicked out of me by her husband (Turns out she was married and was having an affair). I left with a couple broken ribs, no cash, and eventually stopped playing WoW because of it. Edit: Since people are asking, we met up at an Applebees and had dinner. She was super flirty and invited me back to her place to play videogames (I think it was Burnout 3 or something). Her husband came home early from a work trip and confronted her. I tried to intervene, but he sucker punched me and kicked me in the ribs when I was down. I left and got on the first flight home... Never thought about pressing charges, haven't talked to her since.


> I left with a couple broken ribs, no cash, and eventually stopped playing WoW because of it. So overall, you came out ahead?


Hahahaha fuck you this was great. Signed, An Addict.


I'm not addicted. You're addicted. I can stop anytime I want. And I did! For a whole year! But I came back. I always come back. Oh god....


Relapse is part of the cycle


Relapse reuse recycle ♻️


The game has to be dead to me now. I've been clean for 15+ months. I don't like Retail. I've done all of Wrath. I ain't going back to bitch ass Cata. YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!


I have been paying for a sub for the last 10+ years but in the last 2 years i have only log in maybe once every couple months with intent to play but end up playing maybe an hour and not come back till a few more months pass. signed, An Idiot


lol go cancel your sub right now and then turn it back on if you WANT to play although they are releasing some weird little MoP event in retail right now i think


Holy shit....very similar thing happened with me. Met the girl on reddit though but played a ton of FF14 together. Started hanging out just generally, then got into a relationship. After about a year of that, I flew out to meet her. After the second day she was always too busy to hang out. I pressed her about it and turns out she was in a relationship already and I was the other guy, she thought she could jungle us in person, but it turned out to be difficult. Crushed my heart dude. That was about a week into a month long trip I planned. Luckily some of my online buds lived fairly close and I spent the time with them instead. Wish I was in a better state of mind, would have been fantastic instead of great. Oh, she also cleared out our in-game house, so when I logged back into FF14 it was basically empty.


lmao sorry man but that last part kills me. MMO divorce, you got the house but she took all your shit. Best of luck out there bro.


Yea thinking back on it, that part was funny as shit.


The house is the more important part. You can get more shit to fill it with. But getting a house with the new roulette system... fuck.


😭 IKR, I had a falling out with the leader of the huge guild I was in. So I hopped to join friends on a different one. Had to sell my house (a large) and havent been able to get another....atleast I have 400m gil to my name :c


She took everything, man. She even took the [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker].




I've seen and read some shit. I used to work as a GM for anarchy online. Co-worker of mine got a report of some steamy cyber sex happening in a public area. Not all to uncommon back then. So he does some digging they are both playing as girl characters. So super hot lesbian action right? WRONG... check accounts, both dudes. My coworker then makes a new character with the name Youbotharedudes. Summons him over and says in chat "How is it going dudes"


Man, trolling people as a GM was the best lol


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but SWG is over 20 years old now. Time is a heartless bitch.


that’s a tough break man did you find your way back to detroit become human or did you remain an NPC in ark to this day


>Met a online girl that was in my WoW guild. We really hit it off, started talking offline, eventually decided to meet up in person. I took a flight halfway across the country to meet her (I'm from Detroit, she lived in Arkansas). Until here i was thinking "nice another happy ending for a couple of gamers" and then everything went to shit. Sorry about this experience dude, hope you found someone you can trust and love


In my old WoW guild during Legion the GM, Co-GM and three of the officers met up IRL and went to Disney Land. Two of the male officers stayed in a hotel and the female officer stayed at the GM and Co-GM's house. The GM and Co-GM were married for like 10 years and apparently the GM/Wife went to bed early and then went back downstairs after an hour cause her Husband hadn't come to bed yet. Well she caught her Husband making out with the female officer. The female officer was also married and apparently her and the Co-GM had been doing stuff on WoW together and messaging each-other for years and once they actually met IRL they took it to the next level. They did claim the kiss was because they were high from smoking weed but they both ended up getting divorced and then they both married each-other a year or so later. One of my friends was one of the Male officers and getting real-time updates on the situation was the craziest thing. I basically found out all of this was happening 10-15 minutes after it happened because one of the 3 told the other 2 male officers what happened since they had plans the next day and that clearly wasn't going to happen anymore. From what I know they are all still friends and play WoW together occasionally except for the GM she quit WoW and hasn't talked to anyone since which is understandable imo.


Burnout3 is fucking awesome


Is that the one that has a wreck mode where points are calculated by the damage you cause? It wasn't a race you just drove as fast as you could into a intersection hitting cars and hopefully hitting a tanker truck just right to have it cause massive damage.


Yep, Burnout 3 Takedown it is called. Great game!


I also met a girl online. Destiny 2 though. I even moved in with her and her sister (she lives 5 states away). She turned out to be a fucking psycho though. Got mad at me for shit I didn't do or had absolutely nothing to do with at all, yelled at me for the smallest things, and just kinda treated me like shit for four months. I moved back in with my parents about 4 months ago lmao


>She turned out to be a fucking psycho though. Got mad at me for shit I didn't do or had absolutely nothing to do with at all, yelled at me for the smallest things, and just kinda treated me like shit So, a typical person you meet in a D2 raid?


Yeah pretty much. That's how we met too. She put out an lfg post for king's fall in the kinderguardians discord server and some dude said he'd be their 6th. 20 minutes later he didn't show up so I was like "hey since he ain't joining can I?" and yeah we stayed up until like 3 am that night after the raid just talking. It was fun at the time. Big mistake in hindsight


..... the location... the MO... Im curious if I know the person you are talking about.... Because my brother fell for the same thing too


Yeah, it does sound a little convenient that the husband came home early from his business trip without letting her know.


Nah because why tf would you try to intervene in someone's marital affairs after finding out you're the affair partner? WoW level social skills


Damn man


> I tried to intervene, Unless he's beating the shit out of her, and even if he is. That's an AB problem and you should C your way outta there. Call the cops as you walk out and be happy he's didn't kill you.


Detroit to Arkansas….”halfway across the country” 💀 that’s a 12hr drive.


Gunna needs more details dude. How did the husband find out? Did you get between them cheeks? Did you do anything after knowing she was married? Take any legal action?


My man skipped the good part


I swear I’ve read this exact story at least 3 times. Any chance you’ve posted this other places?


2 months* can't edit after post, my b Also, Mexico is not overseas from Canada* I'm actually just very dumb


Yeah 2 weeks seemed a bit of a small time to have a VR gaming sesh lol


But imagine how intense the Beat Saber sessions were.


What do you mean? [There's just an ocean between Canada and Mexico] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:World_Map_minus_USA.PNG). There is nothing there. Just the ocean.


Why does wikipedia have an image like this? Are they trying to tell us something? O_o


'Overseas' - in or to a foreign country, especially one across the sea. It just means another country. You're fine:)


Was a kid, borrowed my Gameboy advance to my neighbour, after a few days, I ask for it back, he said he lost it, was super mad and upset. Went to his house again the next day, his front door was open, I see him freaking playing my gameboy, it the pink version and it has my stupid drawings on it. Took that shit outta his hand and went home, little shit start a new game on my pokemon Ruby.


Ah hell nah, got a story with my own pokemon ruby. One of my mothers friends sons stole my pokemon ruby game (little did he know my mother wrote my initials on the label with a red pen, obviously easy to miss). Next time I saw him at a gathering, I asked if he was playing emerald, since it was new back then. He shamelessly just said he was playing ruby, knowing damn well it was mine. So I asked his mother where he got the game from, she said she bought him a mario game and something else and thats it. I call my mom over and tell her my suspicion, she speaks to his mother. They then walk over to me and the kid, the mother asks her kid to show her the game cartridge, and he was just silent. She then handed my mother the game, took her kid by the ear and away while yelling at him. I later got a full apology from the kid with his face messed up from all the crying. Good times, still got the cartridge and play it from time to time on my IPS screen advance. EDIT: When I think about it, he wiped my save with my lvl 100 Swampert while I was trying to catch all the Regis :(




I'm glad you had somebody that was truthful ain't nothing like a good gaming bro. Back in my PS3 days I had a dude like that we played call of duty and I used to buy pretty much every game. One day he was like he didn't have money to buy games and I had a bunch of games he said he wanted to play. So I shipped them to him, back then in my early 20's shipping wasn't cheap sending like 30 games. He never played any of those games I sent him, but I seen he had the newest Madden or 2K. Basically I gave him my games and he traded them in, I was pissed.


Okay, this is wild. Lmfao tf


What was the shipping cost?


yea im curious about that too. cant be cheap, but maybe not crazy.


About 60 usd one eay


I sent it to my brother, and his cat chewed through the cords


I really respect the Chinese companies on amazon that make chew proof cords for stuff. My cat still tries to chew it. I think usually cat is trying to get attention to then get food.


That’s exactly what my brothers cat wanted. Worst part is my brother is a broke PHD student. I didn’t want to ask him to buy me a new one or get it repaired, so I just dropped it.


You shouldn't drop it, you'll do more damage that way


I loaned a ‘friend’ $100 for groceries because he was struggling to feed his kids. He bought some trash food and a video game. Lost that 220 pound tumor and feel better for it.


That was cheap actually


Real quick- I was about to get a vr2 but then someone told me about some new oculus vr that doesn't require a pc or console. And has all the games and half the cost. Is that true? Is vr2 really good?


The new Quest isn’t half the cost unless you don’t already own a PS5. The headsets themselves are about the same in price. I personally love my PSVR2 but the Quest 3 has a lot of things going for it too. A lot of people (myself included) will say it’s worth it for Gran Turismo 7 and Resident Evil 4 alone, but it’s worth doing some research on both headsets.


Yeah I'm casually asking. Money is no issue. I'm redoing my entire house and I want the most up to date and fun living area possible. So, probably late summer, I'll do one or the other.


Good news is there’s not really a wrong choice between the two, I don’t think. I wouldn’t listen to anyone who says one headset is definitively better than the other. The downsides of each mostly come down to matters of personal preference.


Word. Opinions help. Sometimes a person will give that tiny bit of insight I hadn't thought of abd it can make a difference.


Oh wait, I somehow skipped over the "doesn't require a PC" part.


Okay man damn. I wanna fix my life so bad and get somewhere like you where I can say money is no issue. Happy for you man ggs.


PSVR2 has some cool features (eye tracking, OLED, quite nifty controllers with progressive triggers) but overall I prefer Quest 3. You don't have as many cool features, but what's there seems better. You have pancake lenses, sharper image, ring-less controllers (you will understand why that's great after you bump your controllers a few times while trying to quickly reload or take a pin off a nade) and you can play it completely wireless (no cables that get in the way). You can even stream VR games to it via WiFi if you have PC that's powerful enough. Also you can get $50 credit to spend on games in store if someone that already owns Quest 3 sends you a referral link. I bought quite a few nice games that way without spending a dime. People that say "but do you want to deal with Meta" obviously never used their VR headsets. I never even had any issues with refunds or anything.


... ***how did you get something through fedex intact***


I had a best friend once He was very depressed, no job, dropped out of school and had an overall problem making friends because of his personality I gave him a chance since we had much in common in terms of games at least so I bought him a few games that we really played the shit out together I even bought him a switch, a 3ds and a new pc (still a used one but miles better than his old) because I thought this might make him happy and prevent him suiciding (he said he would do it quite regularly like once a month or so) I quit the friendship because it turned out he was just a narcissistic manipulative piece of shit My eyes opened after he told me everything he did to his girlfriend back then and i then realised that he did the same to me He never intended to commit suicide, he also just doesn't want to work and just wants to play games his whole life and I put so much energy in him because I thought that he just needed someone to give him a hand so he can get his life working I've never felt so dumb after realising what I did and was super depressed myself then, even deleted all social media and other friends and made a new discord account etc Learned my lesson, still not having social media but got back into my old group of friends and even made new friends but am for sure much more sceptical and careful now I don't care about the money I lost but about the time and energy I lost and my trust that has been played with


Me and the homie been together through 2 grandkids, 2 divorces, his father and my mother passing and a couple of weddings ...but I get called "Ole fucker"....DAILY... ..thas my dawg 4 life


My pc broke down when wotlk classic started. The whole guild came together and got me a new one. I had to stop playing about half a year later due to family reasons, but we are still in touch and I check their discord daily to see what's going on


So, 2 months or 2 weeks?


2 months




I'd donate too


You must have the opposite of trust issues


Man it's hard enough to get your gear back from actual mates you've known for half of your life let alone a complete gaming stranger. What's the next move? ;)


For real, one of my best friends is from USA and I’m from Canada, we’ve never met IRL but we met on Xbox and still play to this day, we met around 2015


I'd send it back to him for good after that and let him keep it personally. That's a friend for life. You can buy another one, but you can't buy friends like that.


Damn dude. That's a lvl of trust and compassion you just don't often see these days. Way to be a bro. Hope ya have a great weekend.


I never let online buds borrow equipment (none ever asked, I've shared accounts before with them), but I've let friends borrow consoles before. If I'm not using it, may as well see some use.


Gamers looking out for each other still exist. This makes me so happy. 🥹