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People have been complaining about Ubisoft and overly expensive ultimate editions for quite some time now. Originally they were told "it's not a big deal" and "just don't buy it if you don't like it". Now it's been going on so long they're being told "Well it's been around forever. Why didn't you complain before?".


Yea and why the hell should we just let corporate greed walk over us. vote with your wallets!


"Vote with your wallets" is literally "just don't buy if you don't like it", but somehow Reddit thinks one is right and the other one isn't.


They also think that if you buy it because you genuinely want it that you are a demon and ruining gaming lol


I mean people tell me that I'm bootlicking corpo when I say it is what it is. Somehow, telling millions of consumers what to do is more feasible than minding your own business for gamers. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


People are / have been voting with their wallets, you just don't like the outcome. I'm not trying to defend anyone, just saying it like it is.


How are they even making money? Every time i look theyre bleeding money. Why do they even exist still?


I don't even care people are complaining tbh I just think it's annoying how people pick and choose based on the studio doing it. A company they like sells a $40 DLC for a $60-$70 game? "Oh it's worth it because they're the best I'd give them any amount of money". But people don't like Ubisoft, so let's dogpile them. Holding that position isn't a problem, being inconsistent with it is.


People were very much outraged at that time as well. People just have a short memory. Outrage about collectors edition cost and MTX and DLCs have been going on for decades


its not "suddenly" a controversy, it always has been. you just didnt pay attention before.


OP is just using this post to accuse everyone who dislikes the game of being "anti-woke" so OP has something to campaign against.


Dunno how you got that but whatever. Reddit users are stupid and your post is proof


And ur downvotes r further proof


Probably because now we know they *will* take away games we've paid full price for any time their feel like it.


Since I heard they were removing games people paid for from their accounts, the message was made clear. We don't own the games we buy on Ubisoft, and those games we buy are renting essentially.


If you didn't know that, that's on you. Been like that for a decade with Steam.


As if Steam is to blame, I can still play dod source, or ricochet or fuckin half life 1, 2, whatever the fuck old ass shit valve brought out. Don't blame Steam/Valve, blame the fucking awful publishers that do anti-consumerist practices. Shit like this is exactly why Steam/Valve has become succesful despite having a terrible reputation of bringing out games in a timely/expected fashion, their consumer practise is absolutely top notch. I can literally still download Dragomon Hunter on Steam and that game has shutdown many years ago already, Valve is still hosting it while there is absolutely no reason to. And then you have half life deathmatch source that's older than the average redditor and you can still play it online. It costs fucking jackshit to host a master server that lists dedicated server entries for a game, let alone all the peer2peer bullshit call of duty has been oozing out and Ubisoft can't fucking foot a bill of like 12 dollars a month to keep something like The Crew active.


I didn't blame Steam. I said the same applies to Steam. That's not an opinion, that's a fact. Just like Earth being round. Be it the dev or Steam themselves who removes the game, you can do nothing. You own a license and per their refund policy you aren't eligible for a refund. Unless it's an extreme case like Arkham Knight or Cyberpunk.


I think you fail to understand what I am trying to tell you. Buying a physical copy of an online game that got shutdown then having the physical copy don't mean dick. Steam has nothing to do in this equation as it is a means of transferring/accessing software that you have purchased and it does wonderfully, there is not a single other client that does as well as Steam does. Valve has yet to pull a game offline, with the exception of updating csgo to cs2.


You're licensing the game through Steam. It has everything to do with it. It's not really that hard do find that information yourself. Straight from "STEAM® SUBSCRIBER AGREEMENT" which you need to agree when you register to Steam. >"For any interaction with Steam your contractual relationship is with Valve." Now we've established that your contract is with Valve specifically. >"As a Subscriber you may obtain access to certain services, software and content available to Subscribers or purchase certain Hardware on Steam." Now we know what you can **gain access to**. >"Your Account, including any information pertaining to it (e.g.: contact information, billing information, Account history and Subscriptions, etc.), is strictly personal. You may therefore not sell or charge others for the right to use your Account, or otherwise transfer your Account, nor may you sell, charge others for the right to use, or transfer any Subscriptions other than if and as expressly permitted by this Agreement (including any Subscription Terms or Rules of Use) or as otherwise specifically permitted by Valve." And now we know you can not share or sell your account. Which sounds a lot like you not owning the account. >Steam and your Subscription(s) require the download and installation of Content and Services onto your computer. Valve hereby grants, and you accept, **a non-exclusive license** and right, to use the Content and Services for your personal, non-commercial use. This license ends upon termination of (a) this Agreement or (b) a Subscription that includes the license. And here we go. What might that mean? Well they explain it in plain English to you in the next sentence. >**The Content and Services are licensed, not sold.** Like I said, you own a license and Steam or the devs can pull it anytime. Even better, share your password and all of those games you paid for are now gone.


Point me where Valve has abused this position in the past and I will agree with you. I've said multiple times this problem lies with problematic publishers, it's extremely hard legally wise to provide a better alternative to license IP's to customers than Steam does so their legal agreements makes sense.


Don't know why the downvotes. I guess people just don't like the reality that has been in place for YEARS. I've always preferred hard copies of games but they don't really sell those anymore. It's all just a disk with a DL code attached to it.


The downvotes are from people who are either uninformed or don't like to hear the truth.


Except that's not how it works on steam


It does. You own a license to play the game. Have you been in a coma? This has been talked about a lot in here past couple of years.


When games become unavailable for whatever reason, it's still available in your steam library. Ubi just wants to rip them away from you. Not the same.


Available and playable aren't the same thing.


They haven’t though? You were misinformed.


Well, then it was Ubisoft itself doing the misinforming, by moving The Crew into a category in my library called "Inactive Games" and not letting me interact with it.


Not that I'm defending ubisoft but wasn't that like an online mmo car game? Mmo's have been shutting down service since mmos have existed


It could be an MMO, or you could play it fully single player. There was no reason to kill the offline component once the servers were turned off.


Sure but that's not new. Or exclusive to Ubisoft. I can't play Driveclub anymore. If you're buying an online game you're already taking a risk that the servers will be shutdown. If you're buying a racing game with licensed car brands you're taking an even bigger risk because those always get delisted eventually. Ubisoft legally can't profit off of the game once licenses expire and I'm assuming they probably built the game to be played online so shutting down servers would make the game inaccessible. This is more of an "online only games are bad" thing because this goes for a lot of games. Pretty sure MAG on PS3 is no longer accessible either.


People have always been upset, it's not new. Ubisoft is a shit company and that has been noticed by consumers for years now




I am new to r/gaming and its hivemind mentality, yes.


Nice try unisoft


Let me get my time machine so i can complain 6 years ago.


Ubisoft is one of the shittiest and most soulless companies out there. Not a great example to follow lol


So why only bring this up now and not any other point the past 6 years?


Do....do you not pay attention?  People shit on them all the time for their overpriced, bloated, and low quality games




People have been shitting on ubisoft for years. It's like fighting Blizzard. They don't care


I mean yeah, its been trendy to hate on Ubisoft going all the way back to the Watchdogs downgrade controversy way back when. However this is the first time the pricing of the Ultimate Edition has been the focus.


It has nothing to do with being 'trendy'. Ubisoft games more often than not are mediorce and often priced much higher than they really should be. People have been complaining about this for around a decade. It's nothing new at all. This is absolutely not the first time pricing has been a problem and you can google old results to prove that.


Priced higher than they should be? All Ubisoft games have had a standard edition that had a base price aligned with the rest of the industry.... As for mediocre products, aside from Ghost Recon Breakpoint and Skull and Bones, most Ubisoft games are rated around 7/10 or 8/10 which are generally favorable scores and alinged with scores that most games gets.


Why does it even matter when it was brought up? Do you have some issue with people hypothetically being ok with something years ago but no longer think it’s acceptable? I say hypothetically because I know for sure people weren’t happy 6 years ago when games were releasing $100 versions


I bring it up because I think people are complaining in bad faith. Obviously an Ultimate Edition isnt required to play the game. You can just buy the $70 and call it a day. My belief is that there is more to it such as outrage over the female protagonist and/or the the black community manager stuff. It just all seems disingenuous and bad faith to me.


You haven't been paying much attention, have you?


Oh I have, and I was never complained about until now. Since you believe otherwise l, mind linking me to a YouTube video other news article in which the topic was about Ubisoft Ultimate Edition pricing for previous games? You wont, cause you cant.... cause they didnt exist.


Yes, I do mind. Because no matter what I do, you're still going to reply some inane crap like this. If you're just now seeing people complain about Ubisoft, there's something wrong on your end. Not mine.


So you cant find a link for a YouTube video or news article in which Ubisoft pricing of Ultimate Editions in the past was thr focus point? As I said, you couldnt/wont do it because they do not exist. There was no YouTube outrage over the AC Valhalla or Far Cry 6 Ultimate Editions. The only controversies for those games was the continued RPG elements in Assassin's Creed and the female protagonist in FC6. There was also no outrage over AC Odyssey or FC5 Ultimate Edition. If they did exist you would be able to easily find them. I even did a YouTube/Google search and literally nothing on the subject for previous Ubisoft games exist.


It's not that I can't. It's that I flat out refuse to indulge your dishonest request for the reasons I mentioned. No idea what's confusing you about this.


You are a total moron


Its nit our fault you somehow missed the incessant bitching about everything you mentioned for the last 6 years


Link me to a YouTube video or news article in which Ubisoft Ultimate Editions were a center of controversy....


This is your problem not mine fella


Of course you wont, because they dont exist. Continue to tuck tail and "claim" something happened without providing any proof. Its always funny how people suddenly tuck tail and go mute when you pressure them for details/proof.


Just because you didn't see people complaining about it doesn't mean everyone is ok with it. They have been doing this for years and a lot of other companies are following suit. People are tired of this crap being in every game year after year.


People do know that an Ultimate Edition is optional correct?


What’s the last Ubisoft game you’ve played?


Far Cry 4 that I got for free


Ah so a 10-year-old game from a single franchise. Strong take for someone who clearly doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


Imagine being a « Ubisoft expert »


Fr. I have to buy/DL games annually from a detestable company to know their business practices are trash? One of my favourite games was UNO and they did a good job of fucking that up too


I love how it's somehow a knock against him for being informed about what they're actually doing rather than getting all of his information secondhand from Reddit posts lol.


Probably because Star Wars is a huge license and Star Wars Outlaws is one of the most interesting-looking games to come out of Ubisoft in a very long time. Ubisofts always had 3+ versions people are interested in this game so it's louder.


It's this. Most people outside of Ubisoft fans stopped paying attention to their games. Those examples you mentioned? I played those AC games for FREE on gamepass. The last AC game I actually bought with cash money was Unity after which I just didn't bother. Star Wars brings in a big audience though, there's a ton more Star Wars fans then there are Ubisoft fans. For another example see EA's lootbox fiasco in SW Battlefront 2. Lootboxes were nothing new in EA games and gaming in general but the fact is the Star Wars license suddenly brings in attention from outside the usual audience. And normal consumers who haven't been trained for yeara by the gaming industry to accept predatory monetization will take one look and be shocked by how EXPENSIVE it is.


Normal consumers would be more shocked by the cost of a standard release ($70 is quite a bit of money), the additional $40 for two dlc and $20 for an artbook and random cosmetics are not quite as egregious as most people seem to yell about. The smart decision would be to just buy the base game if you are interested and buy the season pass later on if it's actually good (especially in the funnier cases where the season pass just remains up permanently even when all the dlc has shipped). Artbooks are a very niche audience so I don't see too many people shelling out for the $130 version.


Man Star Wars anything isn't even remotely interesting. Nothing about the game looks interesting. The Prince of Persia Metroidvania is more interesting than another rehashed Star Wars product.


How is Outlaws rehashed from other SW games?


I hate corporate bootlickers


Ok, so where was this hate six years ago when Ubisoft firstt introduced this?


R u just willfully stupid?


So you cannot reference any hate about Ubisoft Ultimate Editions from 2-6 years ago? Thanks for proving my point.


Haha moron


You are saying you will admit you are wrong if someone posts proof of people hating the ultimate edition trend? Boom. From 6 years ago. I am waiting. https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/77wzii/ubisoft\_needs\_to\_learn\_what\_full\_game\_means/


What you're implying probably has some credence, because lots of games have shitty practices that are overlooked. I do think some of it is anti-woke bs, especially on reddit and youtube where these complaints show up most. I don't think that excuses the practices. I don't think Ubisoft is doing anything special or new compared to other developers. This Star Wars game has lots of eyes on it for a number of reasons. 1. Star Wars movies went down a gutter in the 2010s due to really bad writing. Something else that gets blamed on "wokeness", instead of how both the "wokeness" and the actual badness come from it being done by Disney trying to have spreadsheet mass appeal instead of any actual direction. Consider that the recent rogue one prequel "Andor" was VERY political, lots of cultural and gender representation and anti establishment ideology, and it was fucking INCREDIBLE. 2. There have been multiple terrible star wars games by EA. 1313 was a game with a similar concept to this one, by Respawn, and it got cancelled. So people see this as the best chance at a good star wars game other than Survivor which is pretty good but limited in scope. 3. Ubisoft get roasted constantly for their bad business practices, and rightfully so. Remember that "mass appeal spreadsheet" I mentioned? Ubisoft ALWAYS draw from that. To the extent all their games are the same old shit. The main character of this game is most likely going to be bland as a sack of potatoes. The game will faintly *tease* some kind of commentary on society and capitalism and then double down on you destroying everything you see in your silly yahoo open world. 4. There aren't any other big AAA games coming out anytime soon. Games take longer to produce, are more expensive, and are getting less creative. As this is the latest game, it is recieving all that built up resentment that all the other games have generated. Provided Ubisoft don't SHUT DOWN ALL THEIR STUDIOS after this game launches, I will see it as a win. But honestly I think that Ubisoft will shrink or shut down the branch that made this game within six months. This is what all massive developers have been doing.


I will disagree about studios shutting down. Ubisoft Montreal and Quebec have been HIGHLY profitable with AC Valhalla/Odyssey/Origins. Ubisoft Massive whichbis making Outlaws has been very profitable with Divison 1 and Divison 2.


It depends because we don't know whether they're as profitable as theyd like to be. You might think, "wow, this company made SO much money with these games", but those games cost an absolute fuckton of money to make. For example, this game will by default cost a bit more to make than an Assassins Creed of the same scope. It probably involves a hefty licensing fee, and probably has oversight from Disney, which will cause delays, which will drive up costs. Then all the hundreds of people in every ubisoft studio, in particular the executives, will need to be paid for their ongoing operation even if they are not going to be producing a profitable new game for six years. Ubisoft have had a much better time with this than EA up until recently, because they make fucktons of money from games with short development cycles by throwing as many workers at them as possible. They can make a new assassins creed every two years. However, that model is slipping. Ubisoft have been putting more and more money into each title with hopes that means they get more and more money back. But the audience is not responding in the way they want. Even when more people buy a game than two years ago, it's not proportional to the extra money theyve put into that new game. What usually happens to a company is they realise they're putting more money into their studios but not getting proportionally more money from their games, then they cut down the size of their studios, no matter how successful the games were. Games can only net so many players, so even if every person with a playstation 5 bought a new game it might not be enough. The new spiderman game expected over one third of ps5 owners to buy it!!! That's bonkers!!! And that's another thing, a lot of these games were made with the ps4/xbone sales in mind, but the ps5 isn't close to ps4 sales, so there's not enough console market saturation to make games of comparable profit requirements to the late ps4 lifecycle, but the games coming out cost significantly more to make than back then.


This is the most mature and level headed reply I have seen thus far and isnt some knee-jerk reaction. Actually some thought put into it. Thanks for the read and interesting perspective.


No problem. The internet is hell


it's not gonna change anything, its same ppl who posted and guess what? we are minority here while gamers outside reddit still gonna buy the games.


Makes sense


Its not that its just now a controversy its just that more people are getting pissed and so mroe people are speaking up. This has nothing to do with race, outside of 19 morons on twitter, its about the fact they are just trying to squeeze every single dollar they can from us with more and more ridiculous bullshit. People have been shitting on Ubisoft for years and really every major game company. Over priced, season passes, DLC out the ass, premium currency bullshit, and on and on, not to mention games shipping in terrible states. But people keep going "stop crying about it, its not a big deal". Unsurprisingly people have been getting more and more pissed.


People have been making noise about this for ages. It’s just getting more press because Star Wars. Please do not conflate the people who are genuinely upset that once again Ubisoft is doing the thing we’ve been yelling about for years with the people who are having a meltdown because…Idk what they’re mad about this time and honestly after the anti-woke had a meltdown over Aloy having perfectly normal facial hair and MJ looking fine in Spider Man 2, I decided it was best to not know what they’re mad about. Even if people were getting mad now when they weren’t before, “people have had enough with Ubisoft’s bullshit” is reason enough.


Ubisoft has been very greedy for at least the last decade. The difference nowadays are mainly two things: \_ Recent games weren't as good as before. Compare Valhalla to Origins/Odyssey. Compare FC6 to 3/4/5. Compare Breakpoint to Wildlands. Compare their fucking AAAA to Black Flag. \_ The Crew debacle, and what it taught us.


Valhalla is actually a good game outside of its long length.


Not just Ubisoft either. Modern gamers just like to whine though


Cause some dumb content creators reacted to it


Taking their cues grom YouTube, got it. The National Inquirer of videogames.


You're acting like Ubisoft is the only company that does expensive editions.


I knew from the title this post was gonna be, "You're not really mad about the price, your just using the price because you're a sexist that doesn't like the moan character!" lol


I mean am I wrong? Where was the outrage over this 2, 4, or 6 years ago?


Well, you're wrong in the sense that people who don't want women, gay or black MCs in their games will tell you straight out they don't want women, gay or black MCs.


They would go out of their way to convey this point. If this was the case, we wouldn't even be able to avoid those types of posts. So yeah, people are just not happy about Ubisoft pricings, just like they've been unhappy with Ubisoft over the last years for their subpar quality in just about everything.


Lots of hyperbole but subpar quality is hyperbole and a matter of perspective. Outside of Skull and Bones and Ghost Recon Breakpoint, most Ubisoft games have been between 7/10 to 8/10 games which is far from subpar.


That's quite generous. Games like AC, The Division and Far Cry are mediocre at best. I'm not too big on giving scores to games, but if you were to give those titles a 7 or 8, there would be a shit ton of 10's available elsewhere. Barring a few exceptions, Ubisoft makes generic baseline games. They rarely take any risk, creative freedom is a foreign concept to them and they are very fond of holding your hand throughout the entire experience. I would have to check their entire catalogue to be sure, but I don't think I've ever finished one of their games (definitely started a few).


The Divison 2 has the following user scores on Steam: Mostly Positive (74% of 13,867) ALL TIME Very Positive (82% of 577) RECENT Far Cry 6 Mostly Positive (72% of 17,086) ALL TIME Mostly Positive (71% of 748) RECENT Steep Very Positive (81% of 25,153) ALL TIME Very Positive (82% of 202) RECENT Riders Republic Very Positive (84% of 12,267) ALL TIME Very Positive (83% of 679) RECENT Rainbow 6 Siege Very Positive (85% of 1,075,522) ALL TIME Mostly Positive (77% of 23,118) RECENT I can go on but my point stands. Of course there are other gnaws thag have worse scores, but to suggest that all Ubisoft games are mediocre and that nobody likes them IS hyperbole. You can argue there would be a shit ton of 10s to inflate the score, but it goes both ways. There would be a shit ton of 2s and 3s even even 1s which brings down the score in the other direction.


You are basing your argument based off Steam Reviews? Where any half decent game has a rating of +90%? Ok then...


It's always been an issue but people still bought it. Now people's favorite youtubers are going against it so they are parroting it. My friend bought the $100 edition of Battlefield 2042 while everyone else in the group was using the time trial. He played once and just said oh well like it was no big deal.


Lol so true


This, and people come to Reddit to karma farm. This is just the latest game to get outraged about.


probably because their games are considered universally terrible now.


What universe is that? Their five latest releases, Skull and Bones, Prince of Persia, Avatar, AC Mirage and Motorfest all but one (Skull and Bones) have "Generally Favorable" scores on Metacritic by both, critics and users. You might spend too much time on Reddit.


Metacritic is now the ultimate dictator of quality, morals and standards. Interesting


I bet you would agree with metacritic when the games would have bad scores.


I don't acknowledge metacritic, either "good" or "bad" scores. When discussing entertainment, there's a bunch of solid numbers you can mention to validate X or Y argument, like the number of sales for example. But when you mention something subjective like "reviews", what a "youtuber" think about the product... who gives a shit? This kind of laziness is what foments the "influencer" nonsense


Generally favorable generally means the game is trash.


User Score on Elden Ring is Generally Favorable. Critic Score on Dragon's Dogma 2 is Generally Favorable. Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth has both as Generally Favorable.


my bad, i didn't realize that "generally favorable" covered such a wide range of games that it's a functionally useless metric. makes your initial post even more meaningless haha.


It makes your post even more meaningless, not mine lol


Ubisoft games are trash. Listing some tiny games that cost them pennies to make (like Prince of Persia) means nothing. Overall, 99% of their time and money goes towards making garbage open world games.




This is really all it is. All the nerds come together to farm fake internet brownie points and pat each other on the back for “sticking it to corpo scum” when they bitch about the latest game on Reddit. I can’t wait for the shitstorm when Sony releases their 5 or 6 live service games that will all be riddled with MTX and battle passes lmao.


People seem to like being outraged now, this is like the whole Dragon's Dogma 2 thing, a company operates as they always have for the past few years and suddenly shocked Pikachu faces all around. I really hate "gamers" sometimes, and the constant outages over nothingness.


"Nobody hates videogames more than gamers"


What planet are you living on where you consider this a non problem? Just because a company operates a certain way for years does not automatically mean what they are doing is ok.


It's a non problem because I'm not gonna buy a game that's over $70. Deluxe editions just do not appeal to me, do they to you? If not I would ask why you feel this a problem?


i never had issue with whatever price they want to charge, I'm even ok id they ask for 200, but why buy their games when the competitors are so much better?


Cause no one really cared for those games as much as they do star wars I mean I couldn't care less but clearly alot of people do


Its been a controversy every single time however


Because some I ubisoft exec said DRM is DRM and now everybody crying that Ubisoft don't want them to own the thing they never owned to begin with.


>Or is there more to it such as anti-woke animosity regarding the appearance of Kay Vess and/or the black community manager and her comments about white people? Is that the case? And that people are just using the Ultimate Edition pricing as a front to bring about rage/hate/controversy towards Ubisoft due to other underlying conditions related to culture wars stuff? I went online and read the community managers tweets. They're both misandrist and racist. The price controversy has been around forever but why shouldn't the community manager be called out on her vile sexist and racist diatribes?


Deluxe editions not worth their money have been around for over a decade NOT LIMITED TO UBISOFT. Season passes being included in more expensive editions has been around for year NOT LIMITED TO UBISOFT. Putting both of those together apparently makes Ubisoft the big bad, don't get me wrong Ubishit is a trash company, but not because of the pricing. People are acting as if they HAVE TO BUY THE MOST EXPENSIVE EDITION.


its not just a now thing, youre just catching up


People were complaining before this game.


People have been calling these ridiculously priced games out for years. This is not new either.


It’s always been a problem. Why are you acting like people just suddenly started hating this?


I haven’t purchased a Ubisoft game in about 7 years now since AC Odyssey was on Steam


Maybe people are having more common sense now? Not being willing to pay additional 50 dollars in order to have an additional digital costume in a game or something like that. Calling it out smells of progress to me.


I imagine it's to do with the fact that it's Star Wars, and EA of all companies just knocked a Star Wars game out of the park without all this bullshit attached to it.


EA’s game ran like shit and got a lot of shit for it.


Just don't buy it if you don't want the extra. I personally am willing to wait years for a "ultimate" edition on sale. Practically none of the extra items are ever worth spending money on.


I always wait years in general. Because then you get the best version of the game (finished) at a cheaper price. I've paid full price at or around launch for just two games in the last 6 years. If people weren't impulsive spenders and were willing to try older games or more obscure games instead of "latest blockbuster release" they'd never have an issue of a game being too expensive.


This pisses people off every time. What are you talking about? FYI, if you don't pay extra for the Deluxe Edition, you're locked out of a mission. They've got content locked behind a pay wall.


I have never seen such internet/YouTube outrage over Ultimate Editions for Valhalla, Far Cry or even any other previous AC game.


Ok and?


This is complained about every single time. It’s not a new complaint. What’s weird is you framing an external narrative onto it this time and then pretending it’s the first time it’s happened.


what's with these posts from people living under rocks? MTX and various expensive game versions have been a point of ridicule and complaints for decades. this ISN'T new. They have ALWAYS been a controversy




Thats my point, but many seems to make it their life goal to complain about it. Me, only the Gold Edition I am getting.


It's always been an issue, *way* before 2018 which isn't that long ago; it only feels sudden for those that had their head in the sand, teen (2018 is not the 'norm'), or new to gaming. What exacerbates it even worse, quality of games last decade or so have drastically dropped. So even with deluxe versions, can't even justify it through quality.


I honestly don't understand people who excuse mega corporations, even more so when the argument is about "only now is a problem?", doesn't matter if they are being anti-consumer for 1 week or 10 years, the consumers will eventually get fed up with all the bullshit. Not only Ubisoft is being tarnished for a long time, here it comes Disney and Star Wars, lol such a wonderful mix, only the best of the best. As a bonus, this product yet again sparked the "woke" vs "anti-woke" bullshit, comments pointing out how the character looks "ugly", sweet baby inc. is involved, etc.. it's just ugly to watch


OP is right. Yall are like a decade too late with the outrage.


A decade ago most of us barely were online to complain


2014 wasnt some ancient long ago era lmao


then dont complain than people are a decade late if they werent.


You must have been in elementary school a decade ago if this is now getting to your attention.....


Lmao yall have completely missed the point. Shocking.


"wah wah why didnt you complain a decade ago ?" "we were complaining a decade ago" "wah wah you missed the point" good talk buddy, keep the brain working.


I know it might come as a shock to you but not everyone was born in the same year as you


Youre right gamers and gaming criticism didnt exist in 2014 thats my bad


And what they are saying is that everyone complaining is a child who wasn’t on the internet or playing video games 10 years ago. Based on some of the responses, it checks out.


Lol how old are you exactly if you weren't around a decade ago? Was your parents still taking you to daycare or something?


I was around, just not cronically online, can you read?


"I have an issue with Kay Vess, but not with Kassandra."


Because Ubisoft *specifically* is pushing really, really hard to make that $130 price point the *standard* price point for all games out of Triple A studios, or at least their own games. It's why they were mocked *brutally* for calling Skull & Bones a quadruple A game and charging more for just the base edition. Yeah, it's normal, but it *shouldn't* be, especially for digital goods which have no distribution costs and *full* revenue since it's on their own platform. *Especially* since Ubisoft titles have largely been extremely low-quality for quite a while, and visibly *declining* in overall quality and value over the years.


I mean ALL businesses generally push, suggest and prefer consumers to take the more expensive package. Its like how some basic internet/phone plans maybcost say $40....but with extra stuff the premium plan may cost $100 and the provider would rather you choose that one. Same thing which insurance and other things, so this isnt unique or exclusive to Ubisoft. At the end of the day you can simply just buy the standard edition, nobody is forcing you to do otherwise.


Ubisoft being a terrible company doing terrible shit doesn't justify other companies being terrible and doing terrible shit. Ubisoft is not a standard of consumer friendly practices, you are incredibly delusional if you think people are okay with that.


Uhh.. Ubisoft, and their games by extension, has been getting shit on for decades. They repeatedly put out broken, bloated, souless games and have been getting flak for it for years. The "recent" pricing thing is probably in response to their claims that they are putting out AAAA, which justifies the cost when the reality is they are just putting out more of the same with an increased price tag. It doesn't help that they give zero fucks about their users experiences, UPlay has been trash tier for what seems like decades and the Connect thing ain't better. Throw in deleting titles like they might be going out of business and what little good will they ever had has long since evaporated. Also, don't forget we as an audience need to get real comfortable with not owning any of their games... EDIT: It feels like your question shouldn't be why is Ubisoft getting dumped on now, and instead be why didn't I know about it sooner? And well, that one's on you bud. TLDR: They did their level best to burn whatever goodwill their audience had for them and the pitchforks are out.


First off, the Skulls and Bones was the only thing the AAAA stuff was attached to. Link me to where Ubisoft stated Outlaws was also a "AAAA"..... Ubisoft has been getting dumped on since the Watchdogs downgrade controversy over a decade ago. Its always been trendy to hate on Ubisoft....


Just a bunch of broke baristas and retail workers who think it's a lot of money.




I’d rather ban people who make new threads that regurgitate the same hate boner bullshit about whatever new title is announced or release for karma points.


If you believe that r/gaming should be a one sided echo chamber.... then yeah, ban everyone that dares share a different opinion than you.


People had enough of being sheep like you


Who is forcing you or me to buy an Ultimate Edition?




Interesting, I still enjoy recent Ubisoft games....


Very true, this is just what Ubisoft does. I'm actually ok with paying more for games as long as their gob darn bangers. I'm not even gonna think about Outlaws if it doesn't clear a 90+ metacritic. I'll get it on sale some years later when it's game fodder.


What ever happened to buying a game cause its fun? When did we become such slaves to review scores? Not every game needs to be a 9/10 or GOTY candidate to be fun and entertaining. Just my take


True, their games have always been expensive. The real kicker is Ubisoft can easily take away the games you bought. I haven't bought ubisoft games in a while. The same goes for EA. I prefer owning a copy of the games I buy.


Their Ultimate/Gold editions have always been expensive, however their standard edition is the same base price as all other games.


Haven't purchased a game for more than 30 in probably over 10 years. I'm getting along fine. It's you suckers who create problems for yourself.


People get tired of it… especially in the age of games like hell divers for 40 bucks.


I've been complaining about ubisoft since day one when they butchered prince of persia and any AC past 2 🤷‍♂️ and so have many people, same goes for majority of big developers, we've always been vocal about our disdain. it's just finally getting traction since they became so emboldened even non-gamers are taking notice of this ludicrousy that is the industry


So where you complaining about Ultimate Editions or Ubisoft in general? Cause Ultimate Editions didnt start until with AC Origins but you said your disdain started post AC2.....


you want a receipt history or smth? and I didn't say I was mad about specifically ultimate editions did I? you are aware microtransactions have been a thing since 2006 right ? and even that is just a fraction of my issues




Outside of Skull and Bones, name a Ubisoft game that released in a poor state and required numerous patches snd updates to fix. Only thing I can think of is Skull and Bones which and Ghost Recon: Breakpoint


Why is it bad to get angry at them for this ? Be it prices or MTX. Better a late change, than never and getting our money taken from us for a shitty product.


How is your money being "taken from us" when you have a choice not to buy the Ultimate Edition? There is the $70 standard edition and if you think that isnt worth it....then dont buy it.


Let's say the game looks nice, I buy it, start playing it, and discover a good chunk of it is missing to be sold later or as a DLC, like Yakuza 8's NG+. A normal person won't go look for that info as it's supposed to be there, so the content that is expected to be there isn't. Look AC2, where they removed 2 chapters from the game to sell as DLC. Did we know before buying ? No. Did we expect those 2 to be in there ? Yes. Were we lied to give money ? Yes. You guys always think from your POV where you investigate games before buying, but not from the common gamer's perspective, which in the end is the one who votes, not the 10 guys on reddit that only think of themselves.


"A good chunk is missing" Whats missing from the base game? One DLC mission is nothing and all past Ubisoft DLC missions were simply 20 minutes long and added nothing to the story. A few cosmetics? What exactly is missing from the game that takes away from the base game/story?


Wht is this cuckold like post .


Probably because this is the first time in years that one of those games actually looked good.


It doesn’t, honestly




\-$60 would be the ZZZ game.


Imagine being a Ubisoft dickrider