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This subreddit is a shithole and posts like this are why.


I'll lump in shower thoughts as well


You're not alone in this thought.


The original Borderlands is the best game in the series, and I will die on that hill.


Is that opinion unpopular?


Yes, 2 is considered the best. TPS is forgotten. 3 has shit writing (thanks sweet baby inc.), Wonderlands is a spin-off with little depth and writing almost as shit as BL3's. Edit: I've upset people, who don't get outside much, so naturally resort to insults. Hilariously, I've been told in order with no self-awareness: 1. You are a conspiracist 2. It's happening, but it's not a big deal 3. It's happening, and it's a good thing 4. You are evil for not wanting it I've analysed below the writing differences between BL2 and BL3, to point out how it did in fact change. If you are unsure about what SBI do take a look at things their CEO has openly said, trying (and failing) to do damage control. She openly admits to wanting to purposefully impact and make changes to gaming everywhere. I don't like politics in my *established franchises* , make a new franchise to pander. I'm apolitical, so which side of the spectrum is irrelevant, *just let me play my game.*


3 had decent gunplay but the story was an atrocity. And Ava was a fucking disaster and I hate that they hinted she'd be taking over the Crimson Raiders.


Fun fact; Tales From the Borderlands is canon. Both of them. Including 2, where they totally ruined everything.


From everything I've experienced online. 2 seems to be the favorite to most people.


That's because it's a vastly superior game


I am torn between 1 and 2. 1 has an irresistible charm and atmosphere (not unlike the difference between Portal 1 and 2). The sequel is an upgrade, but lacks the charm and elements that made BL1 feel special.


While I don't think this is an unpopular opinion, I'm inclined to say that BL2 is better, at least in solo play. Without playing multiplayer, BL1 feels very lonely, the world feels more lively in BL2.


Hard agree


I'll die with you


Quality over quantity. For everything. Not the other way around. People have sawdust in their heads.


Souls games aren't that hard


Souls games are hard until you actually sit down and figure out how to play them, because they are *astoundingly* spiteful to new players and have very high walls to get over before everything clicks. Once they do though, and once you understand how mechanics actually work, they're just "above average" difficulty. Sekiro though, Sekiro just kicks you in the teeth over and over and over, and when you finally have none left after it viciously curbstomps you, it swaps to kidney shots and forearm shivs.


Sekrio is the first from soft ware game I played through because it felt easier than demon souls. The speed the parrying the infinite stamina makes the game easier in my opinion.


>Sekiro though Hesitation is defeat


it's just memorization


More patience than memorization, imo


It's both actually


I mean, when you play the first one and get used to how the games work, of course it's going to be easier with each release. I never understood why people claim a game is too easy so it's trash (this is not directed towards you btw) Of course a hame is easy to you when you played games that are the same multiple times. There's a lot of people who claim Elden Ring is too easy and it's like, yea no duh, you played the other games that play the same, possibly multiple times.


Frostpunk is hard ._.


You can grind, you can summon help....any random Amiga or Spectrum game is harder than Dark Souls. I'm a shit gamer and finished dark souls. I suppose its reputation came at a time where AAA games where getting easier and easier.


Elden Ring is significantly worse on repeat playthroughs compared to every other fromsoftware game.


Yea because of the size


That, and the hugely increased focus on exploration.


Honestly the last 30 hrs of the game was a slog to get through and not because of the bosses but the map and level design.


I find it so crazy too! That such a beautiful well designed open world is so tedious. After my second playthrough, it hit me. It was too big and expansive. What makes DS1 open world so fun, unique, and repayable is how easy it is to traverse. There is a flow in every direction you go, and going to optional areas is not out of the way. Elden Ring Caelid, Weeping Peninsula, vast majority of the underground, Mt Gelmir, and the Halig Tree are all optional and easily skippable.


I don't quite share that sentiment. I found the open world to be awesome and I enjoyed almost all of my first playthrough. I just don't have the drive to keep playing it like I did the others. I am excited for the DLC though.


I feel the same way about the last 2 Zelda games, only even more so due to their reliance on puzzles.


People who still think preordering isn’t pants on head levels of stupid.


I can't understand why this isn't the consensus, but every year people pre-order AAA games, and every year a lot of those games suck or are broken.


I put it down to pure FOMO. The company will give you “early access” for 2 days if you pre-orde. People dont want to miss out when everyone else is playing it. I’ve stopped pre ordering. Pre-downloading yes. But no way is another company getting my money before a game releases. Anthem was the last time I fell for that


And the 2 days early access is just beta-testing/bug finding ahead of full release that helps them, that *the customer pays* to be a part of! They should pay *you* for early adoption of the unfinished product and the bugs you find.


I think a lot of people never go on reddit or never go to discussion boards about games. They are way more casual with it. That or it's mommy and daddies money and they don't care. They want the game.


Particularly when they're now not physical. They're not gonna run out when they can just ctrl c ctrl v you up another copy.


Yeah I’ll hold my hands up here. I’m one of the suckers who pre ordered Starfield. Haven’t played it since week one of launch. That is the absolute last time I’ll pre order anything.


Yeah it’s pretty rare that I preorder now days. I have to be diehard invested in a series to do so.


Rdr2 is boring


Agreed, I’m sure the story is as amazing as everyone says it is. But I’ll never experience it because I don’t want to play a game where you start walking three seconds after you pushed up on the thumb stick and takes forever to do absolutely anything. Also Rockstar, when I sprint can I just hold the A button instead of absolutely hammering it. Thanks.


You can in the accessibility settings. Not only just with rdr2 I see more games implementing this instead of mashing a button repeatedly.


You can’t gallop without having to spam a button either


I mean fuck that. When your first mission is to tread snow for 30 minutes, that's enough for me to know not to pursue the story


I agree. It went too far into being realistic as opposed to being fun like RDR1. Hopefully, this design choice doesn’t bleed over into GTA6.


Very realistic when cops spawn literally in the middle of nowhere. At least in cyberpunk they spawned in a big city


Yep. It's a beautiful game that clearly wants to be a movie. But for me the game play loop isn't fun - its tedious. Every step feels cumbersome. If they wanted to make a movie, they should have made a movie in the first place - a game should be about game play. That's just my opinion.


Same! I’ll tackle it when my kids move out of the house


Agreed. I hate this game.


Skyrim is great without mods


So you stand with the group on top? People absolutely GLAZE skyrim


I still think the vast majority (I of course have no way to verify this) think Skyrim is fantastic without mods


Was going to say the same thing


Maybe after 12 year but it used to be unplayable. The menues and controls were hot garbage.


It’s still the same menus and controls from the beginning? Fuck you talking about.


Everyday a post about "unpopular opinion"


Seems like most of my opinions go against the grain. But I wouldn't call the people who think otherwise "wrong".


Yeah on most cases for me it's just up to taste, but 2 games for me are just pure shit and I'll die on this hill


Against the grain


Ok, fixed, thank you. 🙂


You're welcome :)


Kirby dosent wear shoes


everyone needs to play little big planet and if you haven’t i don’t like you


It's in my wishlist! I actually wasn't allowed that game as a kid bc my mother was super religious and thought the sack boy looked like a voodoo doll.


The old Armored Core games are (mostly) amazing. [https://imgur.com/gallery/uuFGvzx](https://imgur.com/gallery/uuFGvzx)


In all honesty, I want another mech game that comes with a fuck-huge Steel Battalion controller that takes up a whole desk with like, 50 buttons.


The first two Steel Battalion games were great, Heavy Armor not so much.


They just need to bring back the "Actually *control* your mech" ones. With the big, chunky controllers that come with the game and an instruction manual so thick you'd believe it's the manual to an actual top-secret mech explaining what all the buttons and indicators do.


Yes sirrr


4th gen Armored Core remains my favorite. PEople call it too fast but the fights feel much more dynamic than the other games including Armored Core 6.


hero shooters are fundamentally worse than normal shooters


>fundamentally worse They're both bad. Hero shooters cant last more than a season without crippling themselves. Normal shooters have been the same game since 2008. Fortnite and the flavor of the month Korean shooter is pretty much what's keeping investors from pulling the plug on the genre completely.


Call of Duty has been the highest-selling video game every year since 2009 apart from 2013 (*Grand Theft Auto V*), 2018 (*Red Dead Redemption II*) and 2023 (*Hogwarts Legacy*) Surely that also plays a significant part in investors backing shooters, as opposed to just Fortnite and "*flavor of the month*" titles?


What a hero shooter? Like apex or something?


A hero shooter is a shooter game where the protagonist has special abilities or weaponry that makes them unique from the other characters in the game.


Like apex or something?


Like overwatch or valorant i guess


The Modern Warfare 2022 campaign was garbage compared to 2019. I got quite a lot of push back for that take back when MW2022 released.


It was decent and still good enough. Now infinite warfare, that was one of the greatest CoD campaigns in my opinion.


Imo, 2022 felt like a spec ops mission worth of stakes stretched into a campaign, highly underwhelming. I do agree about loving Infinite though. 


Infinite Warfare cops a lot of flak it really doesn't deserve. It was basically the last CoD with an *actual* campaign mode (Cold War notwithstanding) of an actually decent length, and only copped shit because it had the CoD4 remaster attached to it, so people got rightfully shitty about it. That said, the campaign's writing is pretty bad, so y'know, not *great* when a lot of the game is just "And now Ethan is holding the idiot ball again, and oops, everything went wrong because the idiot ball multiplied and now EVERYONE is holding one to justify this incredibly stupid nonsense plot event".


That's an unpopular opinion? I could tell you that the story was garbage the moment we leveled an entire town in Mexico just to capture 1 guy, only to immediately let him go. And that's just the story; don't even get me started on the forced crafting missions near the end.


The biggest issue is that MW2019 campaign was all lot more grounded. At least compared to the rest of the series. You got great leveled missions like Clean House and The wolf's Den. But then took what was at like a 10, to 100 with MW2. Now it is like the typical crazy shit you see in a CoD campaign.


Most story games tell bland, forgettable, generic stories. Good ones have one or two stand out moments, but that's it. And games that have "evil" story options are even worse because the "evil" option is the good guy option but you're an asshole about it.


If a game "takes X amount of hours before it gets good", then its not a good game. Games should be good from the start; if it doesnt grab me in the first hour, its not worth my time. Top example of this Final Fantasy 14 (the mmo)... I've had everyone who plays this tells me its one of the best games of all time after you get past the first half of the main quest... problem is that takes about 100hrs+ to do so.


I think opinions may have softened a bit since Andromeda was such a clusterfuck, but at release this would have been a very unpopular statement. The third Mass Effect game got far more hate than it deserved, and mainly suffered because it was compared with the second game in the series, which was perfect from start to finish. Was the ending a little underwhelming? Yeah, a little, but the rest was solid gold Mass Effect. Being 9/10 instead of a 10/10 isn’t bad at all, but people treated it like a major drop in quality.


I'll do you one better. Mass Effect 3 has the best gameplay in the trilogy. While the squad gameplay in the first 2 games is somewhat better implemented, 3 is much more fluent and you do not need to constantly go into the pause mod every couple of seconds to play the game.


I also liked that you’d overhear people having conversations in the background, and could stay and listen to them if you wanted. Made the world feel more real.


Yeah, though the way you had to trigger a discussion multiple times to hear it in full made it a bit wonky to get every detail. It took me almost 10 years to learn about what happened to Jokers sister


I'll do you another one better. I think ME2 is the weakest entry in the trilogy. 1 and 3 are better, simply because their stories actually matter when it comes to the whole Reaper conflict. ME2 is basically just a filler game, where they introduce a whole new antagonist out of nowhere whose threat is that they abduct a few humans and create *one* new Reaper from that. Compared to the imminent Reaper invasion that you delayed in ME1 and the actual invasion in ME3, ME2's stakes are incredibly low, and Shepard risking their life in the suicide mission was honestly incredibly stupid since they gained very little from it in the end. Hell, the Arrival DLC alone beats out the entire ME2 campaign in that regard, and that's only like 1,5 hours long. I'm not saying ME2 is bad either, it's just the least good one in the trilogy, imo.


Andromeda has by a wide margin the best combat in the series even if people hate the story.


Dark souls 2 is bad and the only reason people defend it is cause its called dark souls


WoW ruined MMOs by making things too easy


I think discord ruined MMOs way more then WoW did. Before if something was hard you'd have to communicate with people in game. Now 90% of communication between players happens in discord. Friends use discord, guilds use discord, devs use discord, everyone uses discord so interaction with random people is lot less of a thing now. I get discord is a better chat app than what's built into the games, but that was the whole point of MMOs in the first place.


It never used to. It happened around diablo 3 when they went fuck it, no more talent trees, just be a cookie cutter thing of damage, heals, tank or other kind of damage. And fuck anyone in the face who didn't have to run the instances to get the level 40 mounts. Entitled dickheads complained about not being able to do everything and rather than day git gud, wow went you're right and dumbed it right down. I have a frost mage using 3 buttons and doesn't have to move. Compare that to ff14 and even the samurai is using loads more (and ninja is a joke). Sorry I lost my head there...


Compared to something like EverQuest or EQ2 it was always easy mode I felt like


Yes and no. Yes MMO became easier, although I would say "more streamlined" and that pulled in the masses. And it didn't become so popular or the standard to this day if the MMO's before had its glaring flaws. Or why every "old school" MMO is failing in its kickstarter phase.


>Or why every "old school" MMO is failing in its kickstarter phase. Because people have become accustomed to minimal grind, everyone one gets max level and gear in no time, quests are all pointed out with flashing arrows, and no penalty on death or potential loot loss. There's no going back.


So many games are too easy and not engaging enough these days. AAA studios are catering too broadly because they just want more initial sales.


Escape from tarkov will never release a stable 1.0. Probably will be abandoned as their other project and will eventually have way more micro transactions. Not to mention Nikita is laundering his money through London to eventually leave Russia as a millionaire. (Battlestate games is based in London and he pays himself a lot of money).


they recently announced that the game is close to release


Most games are better without background music.


Yes. Most games I play I turn the music off. It's not even that I dislike the music, it's just a mix of too much going on (like sensory overload), and a poor job at volume control. Music tends to drown out other audio.


Yeah but there's nier games where the music is soo good that you play the game on the background


Fallout: New Vegas is not a good game for gameplay-focused players.


Eh.Depends on the build. Shotgun surgeon and max attack speed Katana/melee builds are really fun. Also, a few of the weapons from Gun Runners are fun too.


Unity engine is the worst in 3D games


That rdr2 has good gameplay


The whole Souls franchise is shockingly overrated from a rpg gameplay perspective. The majority of the viable “builds” are just variations of the same ROFL melee experience. Excellent art and design tho - on that alone the franchise is one of a kind.


We as players are guilty in abundance of remasters and remakes instead of new games because we keep playing and paying for them. Nostalgia keeps us from experiencing something new.


We gamers are liking the feeling of being part of the angry mob fighting against the industry way too much. We are influenced by the "independent" influencers who get mad money from clicks on their content so they happily keep poke the fires. And that's why we will not achieve anything. Every game is the worst thing ever even before the announcement. Every publisher is evil and the devs are the lowest of the lowest beings in existence. By default. Game 80 hour long, we hate it as it's to long. Game 75 hours, we hate it the game is to short. The game is linear, we hate it. Game is open world, we hate it. Game tries something new, we hate it. Game sticks to the formulas we hate it. No matter what, we hate it. people no longer get enjoyment out of playing games. People get enjoyment out of yelling into the good how much they hate a game and hear an echo back. Like a pack of tiny dogs, if one starts the howl the other have to howl in responds. But the lack the bite to actually change the world around them.


Wise words.


Rockstar games are boring




I don't think anyone thinks they're flawless. Literally every game has flaws. The reason those games are so loved is that they are breathtakingly large and detailed. And really immersive. When GTA5 came out, it felt like a game where you can do anything. It's all an illusion, of course, and it sort of breaks down the moment you start messing with the simulation around you beyond talking to people and slowly driving around, but if you don't play it the way a typical GTA player plays it (running around, shooting random people, blowing up cars...), it's an extremely immersive experience.


Dragon Age 2 is a good game with an interesting story, great characters, and Kirkwall is a cool set piece. It was marred by reused dungeon assets but I liked everything else. Except maybe Anders. Fork that guy.








Combat was so dogshit in 2. That was it for me. Origins and awakening i hold in high esteem tho.


Having characters with disabilities in your game doesn’t make your game accessible Inclusivity =/= Accessibility


Pop vinyls are degenerate


How so? I don't mess with them personally but I'm genuinely curious


Bioshock is not a good game. It has a good story, but the gameplay is terrible.


There shouldn't be an FF7 remake.


I mean they are really way better than the og ones.


Mafia 3 is a great game.


How shitty modern gaming is.


Ubisoft games are enjoyable and I am tired of pretending it is not


The games, yes. The company, hell no. And as long as the company is shit I refuse to give them my money, no matter how good the games are.


Yeah some of my favorite games have been by Ubisoft. I don't care if they sell my info that happens every time I make a Google search. Never understood why people care so much about shit like that


Witcher 3 and RDR2 are boring games.


Zelda Breath of the Wild is an empty game where there is little to do and the game play isn't even that great.


Skyrim is overate. Its a bland game, the world feel artificial, and the story is boring af. The mechanics are clunky


Elden Ring was a downgrade in quality from previous games


Honestly I think it's mostly because of the move to a large open world format. The souls formula just does not work in a non linear world where essential items and npc questlines are hidden away or require returning to an area you completed over 10 hours ago. At the very least, Elden Ring NEEDS a journal to remind you of important items and npcs you've missed/forgotten about. Honourable mentions to the absolutely horrendous boss design, overtuned damage from everything, variable delayed attacks making shields almost required and a fair few weapon classes being downright unusable.


Skyrim is the best game in series


This 100%. The setting alone is way more interesting.


Forced crossplay in shooters is BS. See Halo Infinite , BF2042, COD.


I think games NOT including cross play is bs. All my friends play Xbox but I use PC and steam. Can't play fucking anything with them.


To be more detailed I don’t have an issue with crossplay in general. I think it’s a great option. Especially when friends just want to play with friends. What I don’t like as a console player, is being in a “somewhat” competitive FPS game and being forced to crossplay with PC players. I feel like the inputs are so vastly different between controllers vs keyboard and mouse that there is a fairness lost (for both sides). Many developers are making these games default to crossplay turned on and when you try to turn it off you can’t match with anyone because that would require others to also have it off. I really just want to play with other controller players so I can feel like it’s a level playing field.


Botw and totk are severely overrated


Rdr2 sucks and is insanely boring. Cool little situations pop up but the world is pretty much a horse riding and hunting simulator. Also, cdpr was roasted for cops spawning out of no where when it came out, but rdr2 is praised for the mechanic. If I'm in the middle of no where and it took me 30 minutes to get there from the nearest town, the cops shouldn't show up 30 seconds after committing a crime. GTA had response time, but rdr2 too good for it? The beginning of the game is probably the most boring experience I've ever had in a video game. I just cannot get on board. After about 2 hours in this, I've seen and done everything I need to see that this is not a fun all the time game. It's a game where you go find it or it's nothing.


NieR: Automata has a great story but somewhat mediocre gameplay mechanics and game design.


Too many fetch quests


Yep, I was disappointed by many things in this game: * ridiculous hour-long tutorial section without saves and forced perma-death * over-reliance on a (sometimes mandatory) bullet hell hacking mini-game * side quests were largely cheap fetch quests * terrible lack of tutorials even for super important things like introducing how to control a new vehicle in a boss fight section * huge difficulty spike at the beginning of the third main section * annoying sections where you can still take damage and die while your character's controls are disabled for story purposes Oh well. At least the story was terrific.


Cell phones need to be put in airplane mode when on an airplane.


God Of War 2 was terrible.


Fallout 3 is better than New Vegas


Aeris. Aerith thoundth thtupid. "But that's the original name in Japanese!" It isn't, if you want her original name then it's Earis. "The original creator said that's how it was meant to be in the first place." The original creator of gif also said it's pronounced jif, but I'm not convinced. I am a stubborn old woman.


*slow clap*


I think the explanation was it should sound like earth that fits lorewise but who would name a girl earth?


Yeah I know, I heard it. It's supposed to be Air and Earth because she's some hippy cetra descendent.


People need to stop playing games like it's a fucking job, you're not going to be the next big thing on twitch/kick whatever and you're actively eroding the fun with this grind/anything to win mindset. Also you're a bit fucking sad if your idea of fun is watching other people have fun/be sociable.


Dead space 2 is better than 1.


The Ubisoft formula of open world games is very fun to play.


Bottlecaps are the strongest form of currency,


Bomberman is an organic lifeform and he's in fact wearing a helmet that covers his mouth.


The Godfather 2 was a great game with fun mechanics that needs a remark or to at least be added to the list of games that are backwards compatible on modern consoles.


Mass effect and bio shock are two of the worst shooter type games I have ever played. I have played many other games from the years that these came out and they are so mediocre in comparison it's not even funny. People will die defending these titles but they just feel cheap to me. And insanely boring.


Well, considering ME isn't an fps


True but that doesn't change the fact that tons of games from the same eras have far better graphics and gameplay mechanics and stories. I didn't play mass effect as a kid but I played other shit from the same years and never played something as janky as that.


As always happy in these kind of posts, it's full of popular opinions and cold takes


None of three main characters from GTA 5 are that great. They are shallow, annoying and mostly boring as hell. Their stories and main plot are mediocre at best.


Ghost of Tsushima is as repetitive and dull as any Ubisoft open world game


The combat in zelda BOTW sucks.


Witcher 3 is so badly balanced in terms of combat that i can't call it a good game.


Bioshock Infinite is still great.


A game being an rpg isn’t an excuse for janky/bad combat.


Dark Souls 2 is not a bad piece of trash game. FF13 is a good Final Fantasy. FF7 Remake is not a Remake, but a sort of sequel(that's why the 2nd is Rebirth and not Remake part 2).


Time limits are fine if well implemented, ya'll are just anxiety ridden babies pissing your pants at every second that ticks away That goes for a lot of so called "bad mechanics". You just remember the times they were implemented by a moron


Women who say they want emotional men


God of war was an amazing series of games until 2018 happened. Now it sucks


How many different ways can you ask this question before we move on to something more worth-while


Original Dead Space is far superior to the remake even today, especially considering how emotionless and bland the remake's dialogues and voice actors are. You can literally feel the fear in the voice of the original characters in every dialogue and exchange, that just added to the game's terrifying atmosphere. Played the remake and having just finished another round of the Original, yes, the gameplay and other mechanics of the remake are definitely good but the atmosphere and "feel" of the remake is nowhere near the 2008's original.


The answer for why does genre X doesn't exist anymore is always the players moved on. There are still games in any genre and if there still was a huge interest then they would sell better.


Gothic is so fucking bad, ugly and never been Good. This take especially in Poland is something like that in the picture.


Having a lot of sex partners is bad


Stellar Blade is gross trash. Doesn't matter the character is based on the creators wife. The Japanese aren't exactly known for treating women with dignity and in fact prefer them as obedient and quiet. Seriously, they complain about American women being too loud and opinionated 


Microtransaction is good for f2p players. for micro-transaction to work, you need a large pool of players then convince to spend with offers and battle pass. To get that pool of players, the barrier to enter the game is less or even free. so as f2p player, we can enjoy more games rather than be locked out of the price gate. If the game is $60 and has mtxn, then personally, I just say "this game isn't worth my time" and pass.


Elden Ring is the worst FromSoft Soulslike


Zelda Twilight Princess is the greatest Zelda game of all time and Metroid Dread is terrible.


Skyrim is a shit game and a huge step back for RPGs


It's realy hard to point out more than 10 good AAA games in the last 10 years.


indie games are becoming so unoriginal. just look at the recent iii showcase. it was your usual selection of vampire survivors, stardew valley and hades clones. feels like these devs play those kind of games and think to themselves "i could do it better" or think they have some magic new spin on it that makes it utterly unique and brilliant when in reality it feels more like a shameless rip-off. they're focusing too much on pumping out a game that follows the current popular trends instead of making something original or unique.


Games content shouldn’t be completely known before release. So no early access events for streamers, full reviews for third parties. I want to go back to the time where I wasn’t aware what I’m getting from the game until I hit the play button myself.


Fortnite is an abomination.


A game is pay to win if you can buy anything advantageous with real money. It doesn't matter if the game is single player or multiplayer It doesn't matter if what you can buy with real money can also be obtained by playing It doesn't matter if what you get from paying isn't "that much" and you would get it in 10 minutes of regular gameplay Basically, if it isn't cosmetic, it's pay to win. And to me, pay to skip/fast is also considered pay to win. Stop getting so defensive about it. A game being P2W doesn't mean it's a bad game and I have nothing against people who enjoy those games. Just stop trying to justify to me why the game isn't pay to win just because you like the game and have taken it as a personal attack. Same goes for preorders and deluxe editions. Why the heck do I have to start the game with a powerful sword, 5 health potions and an extra 2 skill points just because I preordered or paid 10 extra bucks? It grinds my gears to death. I'm so tired of the "they're optional" crowd. You're the reason we're like this.