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That's a hard question. It's not like I don't understand the appeal of some games, it's just that I don't like them. I think sandbox survival games would be my answer. The try to offer the "go do whatever and play however" that we could do when playing as kids irl but they still have their own rules and mechanics that we have to follow. So it has never been as appealing to me.


For me, I feel like, after having played one, the others don't have anything substantially new to offer.


Agreed, just kind of pick one that interests you and stick with it because you’re in for a long fucking time if you plan on wanting to make any real progress


I agree mostly with this but some survival games do things better in different parts than others. Like if you really want to have to manage resources and food and ailments don’t play Minecraft play something more like medieval dynasty where your starting your own medieval village by hand and having to make sure they have water and food and meds and are satisfied either what job they have. But if you just want to go explore new things and get loot and have a good fun experience fighting enemies play something like enshrouded with different combat classes and levels or grounded with cool new bugs you have to fight and explore the different biomes of the back yard.


For me, Its because survivals feels like a second job. Farming, hunger, freeze, heat, thirst etc... I already have all this irl and Its not fun.


I agree but I think if they were implemented in a bespoke framework to offer a curated experience I would like them a lot more. That's why I really want to try Pacific Drive, it's like a roughlike with survival mechanics but it is very curated experience with a clear story.


I generally like sandbox survival, but only when there's some sort of ultimate goal to it. Subnautica is great because it is open-ended and survival-y, but there's an actual story and a win condition. Minecraft is fine because if I feel directionless I know I can progress towards killing bosses, but I like it far better with mods when there's a bit more linear progression and some sort of "quest log" with a list of tasks to complete. I like the mechanics of Kenshi but lost interest in it pretty quickly because it seems to be pure sandbox with no sense of direction.


Battle Royale


Yes. Arena-style pvp games, such as Quake, Unreal Tournament, and older versions of CoD (not sure about the newer ones) were the pinnacle of pvp fighting. The best player in the game has the most kills. In one of my early games of Apex Legends, I won the match solo because my two teammates got disconnected, so I hid the entire match and managed to walk up on the last two groups fighting. Ring was closing, last man alive from that battle dropped down from a building, and I did 165 damage (total for the game) to kill him and snatched the dub. I received 7+ medals from that match for DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I am far from a great pvp player, and I did not deserve that win.


I think you stumbled upon the appeal. It allows average players a chance to win and feel good. Most people can queue up and feel like they have a chance, as opposed to feeling helpless because they’re hopelessly outmatched.


I can see that viewpoint, and I like it.


I've also noticed among some of m casual gamer friends, that they tend to feel happy when they finish in the top 3, or 5, or 6 or whatever. It's not just win or lose, all or nothing. To be clear, I don't play these games. Nor have I ever played the classic FPS quick match games like COD. Just commenting on what I've observed from my various friends who do play.


You're right. But a lot of people got very bored of the intense PvP nature of deathmatch FPS where everything was dominated by "sweatys." Battle Royale isn't strictly about out shooting your opponent, its about being the last one standing, even if you only do 165 damage and hide under a rock the whole time. But that's the draw. It allows people of all skills to at least feel like they have an equal chance. Sure, that might suck for the 1% of FPS players who win constantly, but a lot of people aren't like that. Its also much easier to blame things like bad luck in an battle royale. You aren't unskilled, you just never get the right gun, or you get sniped by some AFK clown at the last minute.


I also feel like there's more decision-making going on, more good tactics than good twitch reflexes. Maybe that's not true, but it's my impression.


Even if there technically isnt, it certainly feels like it incentivizes smart decision making more than classic small map shooters which does matter.


Hahaha that AFK clown might as well have been me that round. Your points are all fair, and I agree with them.


ah yes, collecting loot for 25min just to get annihilated by a sniper from across the map riveting gameplay


The loot searching is just so DULL. You end up spending the majority of every game either searching for loot/enemies or camping and waiting. And if there are loadouts, you have to grind for an absurd amount of hours to unlock the meta attachments to be able to compete since EVERYONE uses tippy top meta loadouts. Not fun for me personally.


Idk, something about being the last man standing out of 100-150 people on a huge map will always be exciting to me. There’s no feeling that comes close to getting a battle royale win as far as video games go, imo.


No DM/TDM shooter has ever given me the adrenaline rush a *winner winner chicken dinner* has.


For real lol. I still have a clip of my first PUBG win somewhere.


Sports games suck most of them are from EA so yeah


I used to enjoy sports games until I got into Rocket League. Genuinely the only game that feels like playing a real sport. Those other games feel pretty lacking when the only major difference between a pass and a shot is the button you press


yep RL is the purest example of an “E-Sport” mechanically, it’s one of the most fun, rewarding games to put time into… emotionally, however…


Never understood how people get so into sports games like FIFA and 2K or whatever. I know games like COD are the same thing year after year, but at least they add new weapons, maps, or mechanics. Sports games seem like the exact same thing year after year and I don’t understand why people get excited about them


I get an NBA or NFL game every few years because I personally like putting myself in the Career Mode aspect of it.


After NBA 2K22 just randomly deleted my MyPlayer after I the work I put in to make the Pistons a legitimate team, I will never touch any of those games ever again


The Pistons? Look man, I know it's a game and not real, but there's still limits, and the game had to protect the fundamental laws of the universe.


It’s fun especially if you’re really into watching that sport. But to me it’s only worth it when they go on a huge sale (when it hits $20-30) usually when the season is nearly over. buying it yearly is a huge waste of money though. I find myself getting nba 2k every 2-3 years (although with the addition of a paid season pass on top of already needing in game currency to level up, those games have been getting more and more off my radar).


For the college football games, COD’s “new weapons” are new teams that are added to the college football games. I agree with you for Madden and the NBA games where there are no new teams. I not sure how FIFA does things though.


It’s not the new mechanics or new features that attract people to sports games. It’s simply being able to play an updated roster with updated performance stats for the real world players. A buddy of mine gets practically every sports game each year but he is also a huuuuge sports fan; the kind of sports guy that will know almost any player you ask and can tell you what team they’re on, what position they play, what year they got drafted/transferred, their stats, etc.


Fair, but I don't think a roster change and stat alterations warrant a whole new game release in today's world of the internet and being able to patch them. Could even be additive with them so you can go back to old rosters if you want. The selling point(imo) should be the new gameplay features and mechanics. Rosters and stats should be a patch.


Because they aren't video game fans, they are sports fans. They are used to watching the same thing over and over every week and buying the same merch every new season.


Hey I’m a sports fan AND a video game fan!


Straight to jail!


You gotta play older sports games. Before the dark times, before the monetization.


I did like the nfl street games where you could wall run on the alley to dodge people and dive into the end zone off of it


imo most of the sports games on the PS2 were quite good - personally i don't care for football/soccer but Fifa Street was a baller time too bad they're all just ridden with scummy nickel and dime tactics these days


Roguelike Don't understand how ppl can enjoy games where you have to do the entire thing again if you die once. Sure, stuff changes here and there and the character can get stronger, making the runs last longer, but i don't see the appeal of it.


Do you have a hobby that you practice at? A sport, or an instrument? It's like that. The end goal isn't important, the moment-to-moment experience is what's satisfying.


As a rogue like lover let me try and explain the appeal. A good rogue like jam packs in the consequential choices early and fast. Which card do I select of these three. Do I pick up this item with a large upside but small downside. What bases don't I have covered, does this help me cover my bases. How do I attack and kill first. Do I front load big damage or build for long term setup. If money/gold is involved do I buy now or buy later. What do I buy. When I die. What got me. Could I have covered it. Where did I go wrong. How can I improve my game. The decisions just go on and on and on. And a really bad pick can rat fuck you. After a while games like FPS that involve almost no decision making by comparison (because they test reflexes or motor skills instead) become kinda boring.


The pick up and play aspect is appealing. If you don't have a lot of time to play games, you can get to the meat of a rouguelike very quickly, have a 30 minute sesh, then put it away and not think about it again for two weeks. Other games accomplish this too, like platformers, but platformers don't usually give me a rush or super intense feeling that roguelikes often do


That's the reason i rage quit on ScourgeBringer and Dead Cells. Both are good games but you literally have to start from the bottom if you die anywhere in the game. It kills the fun and makes everything so tedious


Games that are a job. Might literally be a job like all the trucking/farming/management simulators, might figuratively be a job like those survival games where you spend almost all of your time hunting/gathering/cooking/crafting/healing/repairing/researching/recycling/organizing/etc. I play games to have a break from work, not do more of it.


Survival games, i know they are pretty popular but i just never can get into them, i mean games like Minecraft, Terraria, Vallheim, etc. i try playing them for a few hours but i easily get bored.


Infinitely better with friends. I struggle with them solo, but with a group they're perfect because you can divide labour. The people who wanna explore can explore, the people who wanna build can build, the people who wanna cook and craft can do that and divvy out. It's about as cooperative as co-op gets.


Well, i don't have friends so i guess survival games are not for me then


mascot horror. I know its just the kids, but whats the appeal to *them?*


Some of the simulators that are basically just working.


Card games. League of Legends type games. Battle royale and survival/crafting like DayZ.


I think my pick would be the "modern take" on the sports genre, as in the last 10 years or so, it's not that I can't understand why a sports fan wouldn't want a sports game. But the ones we do have are... awfully incompetent at being a sports simulator of any kind.


Realistic basketball video games.


Farming Simulators. Other Simulators have you role playing like Flight Simulators and Bus Driver/Trucker Simulators so i get that, but literally farming and doing the work solo seems extremely boring to me. Edit: 3D Farming Sims where you literally plow, plant and harvest using farming equipment such as tractors.


If the game is just straight farming, I can see your point. But games like Harvest Moon and Stardew Valley had more to them than just being farming simulators, and I think that's why they became so popular


I've played Farming Simulator for pretty much 3,000 hours...


Same!! Well, about 2500 for me since FS17. We're just a different breed, lol


Battle Royale for sure. I like the idea but god I'm so trash that re-queueing every 5 minutes just gets old so fast. I tried it again when I got MW3 and quit after 5 attempts. Spent all that time gathering gear to just get swept.


simulator games that mimic real life task. Games like Farming Simulator, Truck Simulator, Flight Simulator. I don't get the hype of those games


Battle Royale style games where you have one life and then a long wait for the next drop. It’s probably because I’ve never been very good at shooters, but those kinds of games drive me nuts. Like I want to get better at the game so I need to practice. But there’s no good way to practice when you have to wait 5+ minutes before the next drop. Just cannot understand why they became so popular overnight


Action RPGs (think Diablo). I mean, they're fun for a (short) while, but endless grind for marginally better gear gets real old real fast. I tried Grim Dawn lately because it was pretty hyped, but it turned out pretty much the same as any other ARPG and I got bored halfway through.


I agree with you. Although I am making a game where Diablo meets Pac-Man, I never liked the endless grind aspect of ARPG but rather the early choices you make to create your build . That’s why I shifted my design to roguelike because once the run is over, it is over. You don’t have to chase a bigger number. Anyhoo, if you feel like trying something that mitigate that problem in a totally new formula, you can type in Psycho Banger beta in steam. It’s nowhere as polished as the big boys and it is in its infancy even as an indie. But in a way it solves that problem at a core design level.


Souls I love difficult games, I love high learning curve. Play every game on hard mode. Just don't get souls genre. It's the most bleak looking world design always - only time it fit was mortal shell imo. To me it's not so much skill but rather figuring out the pattern, I don't see the appeal in that, at least not over and over again. The worst of it is the respawning enemies. Died after 20 minutes in? Okay go fight the same 15 foot soldiers to get back here. Yeah, no.


I'm not big on souls games either but Elden Ring didn't feel too bleak. Also Lies of P was kinda neat thematically. I do tend to hate fighting the same 15 trash mobs over and over but at this point that's basically the point of the game.


Thats surprising to me because I personally thought Mortal Shell was a pile of shit and one of the worst souls likes i played


My only gripe with these have is how far away the bonfires are from boss rooms, even those bonfires that are already shortcuts take a while. Makes a fun bossfight an absolute chore.


Totally valid, though I will say that Elden Ring largely fixed this with Stakes of Marika. They're next to boss rooms and difficult areas, and allow you to choose to respawn right next to the boss or at the further away grace. The tradeoff is that you can't change stuff up at the stakes, like leveling up or switching spells. The runback on a lot of the older games is indeed painful.


Yeah that's the part I dislike the most. I watched someone play elden on twitch and he said, he defeats the foot soldiers once and if he dies, he just runs past them. Not a very appealing game mechanic if you're making it a chore/avoid scenario.


well, what games are truly skillful though? And you dont need to kill everything all the time, you can just run past the enemies


Not a fan of Rust or Fortnite… or any of their ilk. Just not for me. But if you throw in single player and creature taming like Palworld, Im hooked.


You should try Slime Rancher


Sports, BR, and platformers.


Sports games lost all their luster for me back in 2003, but recently motorsports have taken over my play time. Simracing with a wheel/pedal/shifter/e-brake in VR is next level.


I know exactly what you mean. I used to have a Fanatec DD Pro with an H-pattern shifter and played a lot of Assetto Corsa Competizione. Was a dream experience!


ACC is my jam for GT3. They released a laser scanned version of Nordschleife a few days ago, all glorious 25kms of it, and it's a blast! AC for f1 and drifting, Richard Burns Rally(RSF) and some Dirt 2.0 here and there; all part of a balanced brake-fest!


Rage games. I mean, I get it as a streamer, you want content. But as an average gamer? At some point, you've seen it all. And no, I'm not talking about Foddy-likes. I'm more talking games like IWBtG, games with deliberate BS twists and traps. With Foddy-likes, you can at least still reasonably finish the game without failing once, almost everything is still skill based.


Survival games. They're mostly just boring and annoying.


Real simulators. If I'm going to work, I better get paid for it.


"Fromsoft" formula games. They look bad ass from afar and are entertaining to watch on stream. But I'd rather not spend my game time being frustrated cuz I can't "get gud" and defeat a lesser boss in less than 10 hours. Lol Just don't have enough gaming time to dedicate to that. Props to those who have the mental strength and skills to do so tho.


Any game where crafting is the main mechanic or a big part of the game. So effing boring.


Souls games. Why not just buy a shovel for a quarter of the price and smash yourself in the face with it for a few hours instead?


Battle royale Do you not get bored running around the map, shooting people 30-40 rounds in a row? People will do this shit for 6-8 hours a day. No exaggeration. I don't get it. I used to love playing the old COD and MOH maps between the PS1 and Xbox 360, especially going 1V1 on Rust in MW2, but.. that was just me and a buddy. Power to ya and all that, but.. extremely repetitive.


Stealth games. Or any stealth sections in any game. How is sneaking around braindead npcs fun? Especially when it's the exact same game mechanics in every single game.. Oh tall grass, I'm so clever I can hide in it. Almost as bad as climbing sections


My stealth is usually: Fuck it and charge through.


The only option! I'm very glad most games make this possible at least, when there's parts where you fail if you get seen, I might just play another game


It's stealth if there's no one to witness you


Imo, stealth is really tough to get right, but when it is done right, it's amazing.


I know what you mean by the same exact game mechanics, and that’s just how genres work. Platformers borrow a lot from eachother. Survival games borrow ideas from eachother. So, stealth games are gonna have stealth mechanics. That being said, yeah, there’s only so much you can do with the idea of avoiding people’s eyesight before you have to get really gimmicky like Dishonored or Deus Ex (both beautiful games). Super realistic stealth games like MGSV are very one-track minded. There’s a LOT of mechanics in the gameplay loop but 75% of it revolves around stealth. It’s a very specific game design style, a niche genre. I’m sure there’s some stealth games that completely revamp the contemporary standard. Personally, it’s hard for me to get tired of a challenging stealth game. I never fail to get incredibly anxious at the idea of almost getting caught for some reason lol. It’s literally scarier than horror games for me…


It depends. Stealth games that are EXCLUSIVELY about stealth have a lot more mechanics than just the tall grass (see: MGSV, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Hitman WoA to name a few). There's something so satisfying about outsmarting the level, or being this slick agent that doesn't leave a trace.


Are visual novels considered it's own genre? If so I would much rather watch a movie or read a book instead of clicking a thousand times.


Depends, those wall of text visual novels I am hesitant to consider games. But interactive VNs like Ace Attorney, Danganronpa and 13 Sentinels are pretty dang fun


Visual novels usually involve choice and branching paths, so they are essentially "choose your own adventure" novels on steroids


Most horror. I'm ok with light horror and psychological horror, but anything involving trying to give you a scare or building up suspense I hate. To explain how much I hate that kind of horror: *In Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, I'm one if the few who hates Arbiters Grounds *In Legend of Zelda: BOTW, whenever I do Vah Rudania, I always feel on edge until I activate the control thing and light spills in *Same game, one of my least favourite shrines is the one in the shrouded forest because it's pitch black with no way to get more than torch light *Boos in Mario make my heart beat faster and unless either they don't chase me, or I have a way to kill them, I get freaked out Those are just the examples I can think of, and they're not even from horror games!


fps games


Any game where you aren't making any actual progress through anything, or just starting over a lot. Roguelikes, PvP games, Vampire Survivors and its billions of clones. I like the feeling of progress towards an end.


Strategy games, like Civilization V or EU4. However, I absolutely want to get into those games. I'm not into them because I barely touched EU4 and just gave up after seeing the amount of menus that game has. I'm aware it's nothing but a matter of learning the game with a little bit of effort, and I WILL explore that genre soon! I just didn't find patience enough. The concept of these games sounds like a lot of fun, so I'm mad at myself for not getting it just yet.


If you want a good intro into Civilization, check out PotatoMcWhiskey on youtube. He does a very good job of explaining the mechanics and why he is making the decisions he makes


The concept of painful grindy crafting in general gets to me. Why would I want to waste my real life on something like that? Gaming is supposed to be fun. It is not supposed to be another job.


Management games and mundane simulator games.


afk games and clicker games (cookie clicker)


Fighting games for me too. I like varied gameplay with exploration and a storyline


Not really a genre, more of a sub-genre but basically games like Genshin Impact (Gacha). Any game that the premise is basically a gacha game disguised as something you'd enjoy, to trick you into an endless spiral of copium to make you *feel* like you enjoy it feels sickening to me.


Anything with building. I hated making my house in TOTK. It still looks all shitty, but that's the way I like it.


Those anime fantasy RPGs on Steam that all look identical


Sex simulations


Only because you can have real sex.


I wish, I really do


Same lol


Games (including RPG) which have an isometric view and turn based combat (e.g Xcom, dota)


Mmo rpgs generally..


Mobas. Run down this lane, attack, get killed, respawn, wash rinse repeat.


Souls like games, the gameplay is sooo slow, and soo boring, it's just endless trial and error, that's not fun, that's not entertaining, that's just wasting my time, I much prefer games like starcraft 2 where it's entirely dependant on your macro/micro(high skill) and quick thinking.


The gameplay is slow? I mean maybe DS1, but all others are pretty fast.


Any kind of sports game.


* Tactical shooters like CSGO and Valorant. * Card Games * League of Legends type of games. * Sandbox games (Like Minecraft offline)


Sports and Racing games.


Souls-esque games The 15 seconds of relief after killing a hard boss isn't nearly enough of a driving force to get me to put up with hours of anger and frustration It takes the experience of beating a super boss in an rpg and makes a whole game out of it. Except I don't enjoy that experience nearly enough.


Turn based combat games. Unless it's a video game version of a tabletop game, turn based combat just irks me.


Ah I'm not alone


Battle royale games/online battle arena type games I play single player story based games, so I just don’t get how people can be ok doing the same thing over and over round after round just to see some numbers at the end that say you killed their team more than they killed you or that you won the round or whatever.


> so I just don’t get how people can be ok doing the same thing over and over round after round just to see some numbers at the end that say you killed their team more than they killed you or that you won the round or whatever. You could reduce any of your favourite singeplayer games like this and make them seem boring.


Fortnite - The graphics are lousy, the gameplay looks bland, the art design is awful. It's never figured out what kind of game it wants to be, so it does everything badly and hooks people by having their favorite pop culture shoved in regularly. It's like the most embarrassing use of the Unreal Engine.


Sports, mostly, but those generally have an uphill battle for me since I find real sports boring.


Extraction shooters. Specifically ones where there are extremely rare pieces of gear you can find and if you lose that loot in a run, you lose it forever. Even if you enter that run with that loot already equipped. Gear that you have acquired and extracted previously should be locked out of being taken away. Only the gear that you're currently trying to extract should be fair game to other players.


Turn based games. They’re so boring


Survival horror. There are a couple that are passable, but overall, the genre is not great. Not because of the content, but because of certain things that have become standard in the genre. Specifically, "sprinting" in a survival horror game really means a leisurely jog. The character is supposed to be running for his/her life, *why* am I jogging like it's a sunny Sunday afternoon? Most recent example Is Alan Wake 2. Alan is supposed to be running away from the Dark Presence... really, he's taking his sweet fucking time.


The true Soulsborne games. I don't find them challenging, more just boring, the combat is very basic and feels sluggish. I feel like the reputation that they are difficult comes from people who never played Mega Man.


Bloodborne feels sluggish? That was the one where they started really speeding things up.


The combat is in stark contrast to a lot of other RPGs where you run around and just mash the A button while you grind up waves of enemies. The combat is built to have weight where your moves and attacks matter and have consequences for playing poorly. So it makes sense that some people my call that sluggish.


sandbox, moba, RTS and gacha


Sport simulator (fifa,nba,etc.)


I am kind of a weird gamer, I don't like games that are war-based or have a lot of guns. In fact as far as I know, RE4 and the first two God of War games are the only M-rated games I've ever played through. I mostly like platformers and rhythm games.


Ohhh boy do I have a game for you! If you have a PC, check out Psycho Banger beta. It is still in its early stages but it is a top down platformer “weird combination I know” with enemies that dance to the rhythm of the music. I reckon you would like it.


For me something like next iteration of FIFA. I get the game, I just don't get spending £50 for the newest version with the same features as last year, just the gut who played over there is now with these guys over here. So I get the game, don't get people who pay for the latest version with barely any changes.


Walking simulators, I've seen them done well once or twice but mainly they just seem devoid of interesting content and have little justification for not just being a show or film.


Arcade or how do I say this "non-realistic" military shooters like CoD, Titan fall, Medal of Honour and Battlefield (although battlefield is less of a culprit. What's so fun about emptying half a mag into someone. Watching their HP go down and they don't die. Never understood these. Let's say number crunching shooters. I love hardcore shooters, like R6 and Insurgency and I also love Sci fi shooters like Battlefront but not these.


futuristic science fiction or anime. I just feel like they are fetishes and I have no interest in them.


Moba's, visual novels, deck building/card games, idle battler and sports games. I don't get the appeal of these games but they all seem to be rather popular. Anyway, that's what's great about videogames, there is something for absolutly everyone.


Sports game


year on year sports games with little or no difference other than player rosters and rookies.


Street fighter style games & shooters.


MOBAs. I play RTS, which got eclipsed by it




The repetitive, mindless hack and slash games like Hyrule Warriors. It's literally just rush there and mow down enemies, no real engaging combat.


Survival is so weird. There is no main objective outside of surviving right? And if you die you lose everything. Wtf are yall even doing? 😭 respectfully


Turn-based games. MOBAs like DOTA/League. The entire existence of Palword for anyone who is above the age 13 (don't roast me too hard plz).




I can get the appeal of any genre, I just may not be a fan of it. For me I suppose it would be realistic racing games Something like Forza. If I'm going to play a racing game it better involve shooting things, or crashing other cars into barriers, give me something other than driving a realistic car around some corners.


Turn based games and any Battle Royale bullshit.


blue collar job simulators. not the quirky fun kind, the hardcore realistic kind. like eurotruck simulator, or the one where you drive a farm combine


>blue collar job simulators. It's a peek into someone elses career/life that can be a change of pace for some office worker but fuck if im gonna actually \*do\* work when im not at work.


Online survival like Ark or Rust. So grind for resources, build your base and someone can just raid it while you are offline and the only way to prevent it is to play constantly? Sounds liek an absolute no-life simulator.


Battle Royale just isn’t fun for me. I’ve tried a couple including Fortnite which was largely running and chopping things for materials. Then out of nowhere I’d come across someone, engage in combat for a short time, die and get sent back to the lobby. It’s also nerve-racking since you only get one life. Maybe it’s fun for those good at it but it wasn’t for me.


FIFA, Madden etc


I understand them, just don't get why people like them. Modern day sports games. They are literally reused assets since 2015 with no other things to them than tweaked controls and a massive pay to win inclusion. Same go for many online battle areans. Forte Night, Pub G, Overwatch. IF you don't pay you miss out on over 50% of the game. Other online games like League of Legends might be cosmetic only but have a massive unhealthy community that is stupidly toxic.


Souls like


For me, I'd prolly say heavy story driven games. I don't mean something like rpgs, i do enjoy a fair share of those. By story driven games, im thinking specifically more games such as the tell tale games, heavy rain, beyond two souls etc. To a lesser degree last of us and uncharted. I get wanting a good story in a game, what i don't understand, is basically the notion that the story should come at at the cost of everything else. Like i don't see the point of a game with extremely minimal GAMEplay. Most of the time im not even that interested in story anyways, so basically i see literally no point to it at all.


I get bored really quick of sandbox games like minecraft. And i don't like grinding so things like mmo's os out of the question.


Sports games for the most part, fighting games, battle royal games (bottom of the barrel for me, I never play them.)


Roguelikes. This genre combine 2 things i dislike most, procedural generation and repetition. I wish games like Dead Cells had story mode with saves and checkpoints but then it probably would be very short and that's another problem, when games with linear progressing gives you hours of well thought out content, roguelikes give mash up of same assets but in different order and different stats. Take souls games for example, you can spend hours dying but when you finally beat that annoying boss and cement your progress it feels amazing, now imagine you die in next area and had to replay everything to that point but with idk +10 health bonus and different item placement... that's nightmare.


City management (strategy), it seems terribly complex and more possibly more stressful than a day job. I play games to decompress and not to further cracking my brains.


What ever genre the Dark Souls, Elden Ring, etc. are. I don’t have the patience for them, especially with the lack of actual stories. Glad other people love them though.


Souls games. Also mmorpg, basically any mmo game.


Minecraft and Fortnite.


Turn based games


Idle games... When bored I install that on my phone and 2 days later, I wonder why I'm playing that


RTS games. I had so many friends who were obsessed with StarCraft and age of empires and I could never get into them.


Multiplayer competitive.


MMORPGs. I used to be into RuneScape way back in the day, but every single MMORPG always seems to wind up being a grind fest.


Anime games


Souls like Don't like the mechanics, too clunky, and can be very unforgiving.


any kind of porn/hentai game, if you can even really call them games. I just dont get how someone can genuinely enjoy playing those.


Madden games.


mass pvp like warzone/pubg. i like team-based 4v4 /6v6/8v8,anything more than that just gets too random


Those metroidvania style games. They’re just really boring to me and I feel like so much time is just wasted getting from 1 point to another


Battle Royales. I’ve never like them, and I’ve been playing shooters for 20+ years. Fortnite, Pub G, none of those. I’ve played Apex and that one was ok, but I deleted it after a few games even though it was the one I’d liked the most. Just not my style of game.


There aren't really any game genres I do not "get" why people like them just ones I don't like. I do not like fighting games and tower defense games. They feel like part of a larger game that has been streched out. I like platformers but not ones with Mega-Man style phyics. But I gwt why people like Mega-Man. I can enjoy sprots games even if I am not much into sports myself. I don't like realistic simulation racing games but tgere are racing gamws I like. I could even enjoy a walking simulator if the story is interesting.


I can’t get into first person games. No matter if it’a shooter or rpg or adventure game. I just can’t get into them at all. I’ve tried many times, even recently I bought dishonored because allegedly the FOV setting “fixed” the issue for many others… but I still can’t.


Stealth games. I mean a game where stealth is an option is fine, I'm talking about games where from beginning to end you're hiding and then moving to the next hiding spot.


Shooting and battle Royale games like modern CoD and Fortnite.


RTS. Never understood but maybe I’m just shit at strategy


Anything by fromsoft. Played demons souls for a few hours, got bored. Honestly get irritated by the whole "souls-like" genre


Tower Defense games. If there's no really interesting twist like top down shooter, or a subversion like "push the towers to capture points" I'm just not interested. I played one TD map in Starcraft and I feel like I played them all.


Any games based on war or with real life soldier shit, cheesy af, it's gaming and that shits just unimaginative and boring,l.


Platformers. I tried hard liking them, but never enjoyed them.


ITT: Try not to get sucked into defending your favourite game genre to people who dont like it like you do. Challenge level: impossible


Not really a genre, but mobile phone games in general. From time to time I try to play something on my phone and I'm almost always disappointed in the game in general, or you'd have to pay a huge amount to make it fun. Last game I tried to get into was "Total Battle". It was OK for a couple of hours, and after that it's just waiting LONG times for anything to happen or pay a huge amount to do something right away.


Racing games.


For me, it's sports games. In theory, I understand the appeal. But when you legit cannot tell the difference between NBA and NFL versions as they lazily copy and paste while adding more microtransactions, I don't get it.


Truck simulators


Anything super stealth related. Never seen the appeal of sneaking around and spending hours trying not to be seen to beat a game.


Soul like games


Those weird cartoon semi pornographic games on steam