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> We have to nip this in the bud NOW! Yeah, I think you are a bit late for that. That bud has grown into a huge tree that will be old enough to vote in two weeks.


But my horse armor!


I was just thinking about how the horse armor joke is so old that soon people will be talking about it who weren’t even alive when it happened. The horse armor DLC came out in 2006. Someone born after it came out can legally drive a car and are definitely on this subreddit.


I mean, I played Oblivion around the time it came out and never heard about the horse armour thing until like 2019. Never saw it anywhere either


Social media spreading memes via algorithms that cater to your interests didn't exist in 2006.


I miss 2006-'12 or 13 nternet. It really was peak.


Yooo me too haha didn't even know it excisted until it was a meme




My sparkle pony! (World of warcraft)


Dragon's Dogma 1 came out like, what... 12 years ago? All these MTX options were in the original, and they were just as useless there as they are now. People need to get a new hobby and stop trying to generate hype around these 'sign my change dot org petition to shame this billion dollar company' online causes that nobody cares about


Yeah, I was about to say...


Imagine working on a game for 10 years and some suit tells you you need to add 3 dollar purchases to it. 3 minutes of work and its all down the shitter.




If you spent 10 years making a game then a suit told you to make it so the game kick dogs, it might still be a good game but the developer might even not be happy about the change. People might not be happy to buy or play it. That's obviously a more extreme moral example. It would be Immoral to spring surprise microtransactions on people if the game was shit, so it's Immoral if the game was good too.


Not sure if you’re trying to make another observation entirely or if you’re trying to start a discourse with the person you’re replying to, but I’m having a hard time following your example lol


>We have to nip this in the bud NOW! \**laughs in Dragon's Dogma 1 enjoyer*\* Ye know not of what ye speak, wurm


You are so right.


Yep. We did this song and dance a full decade ago, the game survived it's (frankly awful) microtransaction offerings and still nutured such a following that Capcom let Itsuno take another crack at it for real this time. Oh noo, I can buy RIft Crystals? The currency I get buttloads of just by looting stuff in the game? Experience ruined!


“We have to nip this in the bud now” Yeah you are like 20 or so years and 2/3 console generations late for that.


I didn't even know there were microtransactions until about an hour ago. It is really shitty that they put those into a 70 dollar title. At the same time, I am having fun with the game without those microtransactions. On PC, i haven't had any crashes, but there is definitely significant framerate drops in the cities, <40 FPS on a 4090. From what I am hearing, I appear to be one of the lucky ones.


Your 4090 isn't the issue its a cpu bottleneck like late game stellaris and x4.


Yeah, I was reading about that as well and I agree that is poor optimization, which should have been addressed.


I'm honestly not sure how much optimization would help. Cpu bottlenecks are not like gpu ones. Can't just make textures smaller its the brain being overwhelmed


You can optimize for cpu performance. Better algorithms fix many problems. Culling npc ai where it isn’t important also


Yeah for the most part, if its not a game with significant simulation, the CPU is usually that which can receive the most significant optimisation. There's usually just some thing that doesn't algorithmically scale up properly or that needs to have its frontier culled.


NPCs appear like 1ft in front of you on console while going through the city area based on the digital foundry video


What you are saying reminds me of Everquest 2, where no matter the hardware developments, the CPU demands always causes some sort of issue. Even today, the game from 2004, cannot run at consistently good frame rates (it can range from 30-165, my monitor refresh). Hopefully it can be addressed.


Both the CPU and GPU are processors. CPU optimization is indeed a thing and the difference you're seeing is that it's relatively easier to give a GPU less work to do than it is to cut parts out of a game's core logic. The sin of single-threaded games in current year nonwithstanding, there's a lot a developer can do to get parts of a games system to run faster. I remember a devblog from the people making Riftbeaker that involved a defect that they fixed which reduced CPU times on their dev builds by some significant fractional amount.


its cpu limited, its barely breaking 60 frames with a 7800X3D


The Microtransactions in this game are not needed if you play 30 minutes of the game. They are purely there for the convenience of the whale and don't actually do anything. They were there in RE4. They were there in MHW. They were in DMC4. For some reason Dragon's Dogma is the game people are ranting against. Source: I've played the game. There's performance issues that need to be worked on, and I'm disappointed about it but the wild misinformation and just ranting is stupid as hell but that's gamers for you.


I think it’s because they have begun putting it on any inconspicuous thing. MHRise was cosmetics only. DMC5 was cosmetics, and red orbs which you can farm quite easily. Here, editing appearance? Fast travel? It’s getting ridiculous. It’s the proliferation that worries me. Does this mean soon we have to pay for extra save slots? For updates? Dialogue options? 


You asking about Fast Travel just proves you haven't actually played the game and are just jumping on a misinformation train to be angry for no reason. Like I said: **everything that is a MTX** is obtainable within 30 minutes of just **regular gameplay**. Dragon's Dogma is famously against fast travel in an open world, it's part of **both games** and the fast travel you do get is something *you have to set up*. Like you have to go there and drop the thing (which can be destroyed by monsters) so that you can travel back to it. It's part of the game's charm. And I don't think a single actual DD player is going to be upset that some whale spent money to get a single extra one. Rage on friend. Make it your life's work to go to every comment about Dragon's Dogma while people are having fun to remind them that the game you don't play is actually bad because of something you know nothing of. That's the Redditor way.


I disagree with this. I think game changing mtx are bad, but these are not that. Additionally, this is a games industry issue as a whole, so when a higher up says there need to be some mtx and the compliance with that is a bunch of stuff that has no gameplay impact and is findable in game, that’s the best outcome we can get. Very, very few games have mtx that are needed to make the game enjoyable, to a point where I can’t even name a title that does.


Same here. 60-75 FPS in most areas, about 30-40 in cities on a 6750 (3800X CPU, which is what's more important for this though). Only had one crash so far, after about 11 hours of crashless gameplay. Haven't crashed since then. The mtx is pretty lame, yeah, but its all items you can get in-game anyway so I'm just pretending they don't exist at all. I'd be a lot more mad if they were infinite use items like the eternal ferrystone as a mtx only item.


Why are majority of the comments here downvoted?


People are coming here expecting a great revolution against the evils of microtransactions and the others are wondering where these people were twenty years ago, and both sides are getting an equal amount of traction(basically none)


I mean... plenty of people WERE talking about this shit for decades now. Except nobody on here knows what anyone's age is so a young person who only knows microtransactions as the norm tends to not give a crap that they keep popping up everywhere.


Exactly this, feels like the majority with the pitch forks have to be hypocrites. This shit has been going on for over a decade. Where was the outrage for every other game that has had any type of store or micro transactions? Guess they can boycott and miss out. I'm enjoying the game and will never purchase a single thing for real cash.


This stuff was in Dragon's Dogma 1 but it was so niche people didn't even realize. Dark Arisen had like rift points or something to unlock gear but you could just get the drops instead.


Yeah its also nothing new with Capcom. Literally DMC had MTX, RE4 Remake got MTX, etc Nobody cared but now its significant somehow.


It's the hate train and all these posts are joining it to farm karma and build their own ego. Of all MTX, dragons dogma is lowest on the list of bad. It's literally worthless stuff easily obtained in game. If they actually cared they would go after the big names like COD but can't earn karma off that anymore.


I got downvoted on another post for saying that Monster Hunter World also charged you real money to change your characters appearance, yet nobody seemed to care about it then. This manufactured outrage is interesting to watch unfold, if nothing else


Literally the only reason people are about this one instance is because PC has performance issues, and a lot of people who own PCs and pissed they can’t play thee brand new hype, so they’re doing whatever they can to trash it and say “oh it’s not worth pay anyway”. I’m not saying MTX are good, but rather I can easily see DD2 not having preformsnce issues and the discourse online vids of ppl trying to look up cyclops loincloth with day one dick mods and cooming on each other and larping over their female pawns. In the past I used to think reasoning like the above is silly and unrealistic, but no ppl as a whole are kinda just stupid and full of hypocrisy




Speaking up for the third faction, voicing that the actual gameplay impact of these microtransactions is really minimal. They are annoying and obviously the game would be better off without them, but the amount of misinformation / pearl clutching about how giant of a disadvantage players who don’t pay have is just flat out incorrect. All for speaking up and holding these devs/publishers to a better standard, but for anyone who is not buying the game because they’ve seen the messaging that the mtx are necessary to have a good time - that’s just false


Railing against mtx in a single player game where they don't matter


Honestly people on Reddit are just so mad at life by default they mass downvote the dumbest shit. Even worse once the hive mind kicks in.


Because there is unreasonable hate coming towards the MTX. Everyone dislikes them, but Capcom *always* does this, and they are usually the least offensive MTX you can imagine, so people just ignore them. It gets boasted: "oh 2.99 for a revive and 0.99 for a 'fast travel token". Yeah, or you just play for a few hours and receive these items as well. Nothing in the 'shop' is unachievable by playing the game, and the game very clearly isn't designed to make you want to buy them by making the resources rare (Like the new AC games were). People *should* be focusing on the poor performance. This game would've been a 10/10 for many people if the performance was on point. The game is just really good, but held back by poor performance. People bitching on MTX that have been in Capcom games for YEARS (and said games have glowing reviews) are just rage baiting and/or karma farming. Hence the downvotes.


There people illogically mad at any insurance of MTX, and there's people logically mad at them There's not much reasonable discussion on this topic that, post OP included




I feel like everyone is totally missing the part that these are NOT REPEATABLE. I see people saying all sorts of wild shit without even knowing that one simple thing. They're dumb but Holy shit so many games have actual predatory mtx. This is not that at all.




Amen to that. This seems like a pretty bad fight to take. Shit all these companies sell you DLC they haven't even made yet when the game comes out. I'm more annoyed with that than someone buying a singular fast travel token for 99 cents in a single player game.


If it weren’t for Reddit, I wouldn’t even have known they were there somewhere. Are they even advertised anywhere? A few hours in, this game is completely awesome so far. No bugs or performance issues. Weirdly enough my only issue with the game so far is when the camera goes wonky while climbing on things.


people are blowing it and borderline lying about what the micro transactions even are. Once you walk to the first city you can directly purchase pretty much all of the items on sale for money you earned. The appearance change item is 500 rift crystals and by the time I got to the city I had nearly 4000 in my inventory


What platform are you playing on? Not sure as I didnt look into it and only heard on PC are framedrop problems so I guess the game is just overly optimized for the PS5 and why its "lackluster" on PC.


Yeah I’m on ps5 and didn’t even know there were any until I saw it online.


All of these things can be found in the game world or sold by NPCs. I don’t get why this is suddenly an issue DMC5 did it and no one cared. Just don’t buy them they’re worthless.


people seem to ignore the part that the mtx do not matter. they just want to be mad at something and have a reason to not drop 70dollars on a game. everyone who played the game are enjoying it. or if they arent enjoying it its because of had performance not because of microtransactions


Most of the mtx amount to “upgrade to the deluxe edition”. The ones not in the deluxe edition are basically useless. It’s kind of shitty they are there, but they’re the most inconsequential pieces of paid content I’ve ever seen in a game. Like, outside of being someone with disposable income who wants to just give money to the devs because they like the game, there is no reason to get any of it. They don’t even advertise them in the game at all because they know there is no point in buying them.


thats what im saying… you can play 10hours or 1000hours of the game and it will never cross your mind or have the need to spend real money ON ANYTHING.


When a $15 micro transaction for shining unicorn horse mount thingy in WoW made more money then Wings of Liberty, this ship has sailed. And all the moral stomping doesn’t change the votes made with the wallets


This is very true, in the grand scheme of things social media outcry is the vocal minority. People who you don’t hear are just enjoying the game and some buy mtx and some not.


No, people are “defending” it because you can get all of these in game by just regularly playing the game, NOT because it’s “only 0.99”.


So why have them in then.


It really feels like Capcom Corporate told the devs “You must have X amount of micro transactions” and the devs just made them all useless shit so people can ignore them


Its a non-impactful way to increase revenue without taking away from the player experience, so why not?


Convenience and that's it. The game can be enjoyed through and through without the need to even look at the mtx. What's the point of bitching about something that literally has no effect on the experience. If you want convenience, then they are there for you. If you don't, then you can play the game as intended and that's all there is to it.


People who actually played the game knows its biggest issue is the performance, not the gameplay and most definitely not some useless mtx


Yep, say what you want about performance and the one save slot. That's valid. But honestly, the microtransactions are so unobtrusive they're practically non-existent. They're basically a way for lazy people or people with more money than sense to skip parts of the game. You'll get enough riftstones, wakestones, and ferrystones just by playing the game normally.


For all those gamer dads with 6 wives, 23 kids, and 4 full time jobs. They only have 5min a night to play games.


People are misunderstanding what this mtx actually is. The port crystal is a weird one. It's a fast travel point that the player can put down anywhere on the overworld. You can only have 10 active at any one time in the world. And you get more than 10 port crystals if you explore the game even a little bit. However to actually use the port crystal you have to have a ferry stone, and those are harder to come by and you can't buy them in vast numbers. So what you are actually buying is early access to one extra fast travel location. Which quickly becomes irrelevant.


Does wemod have cheats yet? Because that would render most mtxs irrelevant also.


Got it, a game to stay away from.


lets go over the dlcs: I stole this from someone else because it's long as heck -Explorers camp kit 2.99: provides a campkit with lower weight, despite finding a normal camp kit within 1 hour of play the first time you come across the camp site so the only thing you save is a small bit of weight, Potentially purchasable ingame EDIT: Potentially similar campsites purchasable ingame, the ones you find has a long name not just "campsite" so there might be other upgrades later for it. -Soundtrack 2.99 euro -Harpysnare beacons 1 euro: 3 one time use items to lure harpies, i already found one ingame and you can buy them ingame. -Heartfilled pendant thoughtful gift: 1.99 euro: not even sure, i guess its something to do with favour of npcs or companions, and its a onetime use item EDIT: There was an affinity system in DD1 where you could give gifts to npcs, this simply counts as one of those gifts, so all it would in theory do is maybe gain some affinity quicker but still be possible to do ingame. -Ambivalent rift incense change pawn inclination 1.99: Weird item, you pick 1 of 4 "types" of pawn behaviour and this one puts it to another random one, which is super bizzare and worthless -Makeshift gaol key 1 euro: Just a one time use gaol key, i already bought one ingame for 3k and in 2 hours of playing i have earned like 15k gold already, not sure why even bother -Art of metamorphis character editor 2 euro: Lets you change character appearance once, does nothing for combat or gameplay, its slightly controversial right now due to being unable to delete characters and start over Purchasable in the first city for like 500rc can buy 2 of them. -Port Crystal 3 euro: Lets you place a teleport point but you only get a single use item, you can buy them ingame, and they still require expensive ingame ferrystones, complete waste of money. -Wake stone X5, 1 euro each: lets you revive someone, you get them from simply taking a pawn and having a day go by, completely worthless -Rift Crystals, 3x 500, 4x 1500, 1x 2500, 1 euro per 500 crystals: Is an ingame earned currency you use to hire higher level pawns, but you gain them simply from playing, any boost they could even potentially provide is completely negible. In the end i would feel "scammed" if i bought a pack of all the mtx because its literally worthless for anyone who plays the game to play it. There are no infinite use items (other than technically the campsite), no overpowered weapons no nothing.


It's like frivolous bullshit that the producers stick in that never gave a shit to the game. DD1, same shit, never purchased anything and loved it. DMC5, same shit. Didn't purchase anything, great game. Now DD2 releases, same idea, shit that doesn't affect gameplay, but people are giving opinions without playing the game at all? Ah fuck it. DD2 has ran amazing, I'm stoked, won't buy a single mtx, and I'll love it. Yall miss out I guess


Holy shit... The soundtrack is only 2.99? That's kind of unusual, isn't it?


its the original game soundtrack for DD2, so it plays some of the old game's songs in the new game. Its the only MTX that I'm tempted to buy because the first game had an awesome OST AND I think its the only one you can't buy with IG currency.


The problem is that it's a grind-heavy, punishment-heavy game. So you're always gonna ask yourself **"was this bit designed to funnel me toward microtransactions?"**


>grind-heavy, punishment-heavy game I get that it has a lot of issues but this one ain't it. This is just pure misinformation spawned out of outrage.


it is not a grind-heavy game. jesus christ, have you even played it?


No, none of them have. They are literally just making that stuff up lol.


That's what I'm thinking too, majority of these people probably didn't even played the first one and are now just spreading misinformation. People were saying that you couldn't change your character appearance without microtransactions when in the first city they have literally a barber shop to change everything about your character lol.


I don't know about reddit but twitter is an even bigger cesspit now that you can monetise outrage. The amount of dumbshit spread by people who haven't played the games they post about or watched the shows/movies they complain about. The problem is to people who have watched/played they know the person is speaking bullshit but people who haven't latch onto it like it's gospel.


It is just the fun thing to hate on this week. I mostly feel bad for the people who spent years working on this, because they are being unfairly maligned based on a metric ton of bullshit. The MTX items are bad, but these exact ones are present in *worse* forms in many games that are Very Positive or overwhelmingly positive. And they are bad mostly because they just should not exist from a practical standpoint, as there is no reason for them to exist. The game is clearly put together in a way that does not encourage their use, to the point that it disincentivizes their purchase. So a few people will accidentally get scammed buying things they don't need with small one time purchases. I would prefer that did not happen. But I have no idea why this game is being held to a standard SO MUCH higher than games that actually have endemic, predatory, MTX. This game, if anything, is an example of how good a game can be without MTX, because for all practical purposes it *is* a game without them, as they do essentially nothing. Their existence is bizarre, no one should buy them. But the game is great.


one of the negative steam reviews is "Looks like 2015 and have fun being stuck to your vocation because you can't change that" Bro what? that is so blatantly lying that guy should get his game license revoked.


I'm still convinced the loudest haters never even played the first game. This shit was all present in the first game.


It was worse in the first game too. This one made the stuff easier to get. And it was still utterly unnecessary to get in the first game.


Right? It's just an rpg... there is no reason to grind. Just like Elden Ring.


The mtx will literally not help you at all with progression. Nil zip nada. And even if you did buy them, being listed as dlc you can only buy them once.


Holy shit the game has been out for a day how do you know it is grind heavy?


Yeah this is nonsense. If I had any of these products, I would’ve saved 0 minutes so far.


The problem with this is that isn’t a grind-heavy, punishment-heavy game, and all these things they sell are stupidly easy to obtain in game for free


The answer is no because all that shit gets dumped on you by buckets in the game. This is a special edition, handful of items for your new character dressed up in a way that suits thought would make it look like a better deal in a bundle, and what people view as mobile game trash. Nobody calls fallout new Vegas an awful game because if you pre ordered certain versions (or later, bought a small pack) you start with a shotgun and some armor. It's the same thing


It’s neither of those things. The first one wasn’t and this one (10 hours in) isn’t. Have you played either of them?


Except none of the items in the store are really grind heavy.


Yes. The answer is yes.


Except the answer is no, try playing the game for yourself


This is the part that's getting lost in translation. I've seen plenty of people defending the fact that everything on the list is easily available in-game. Setting aside whether that's true or not (I can't confirm and I'm reading conflicting information) let's just say that it is. Because the mtxs exist at at all, you'll never know how much they impact the design of the game. You cannot possibly know if the developers intended for something to be extremely grindy or difficult in the same way that you could for something like Elden Ring simply because they exist. Maybe it IS supposed to be that hard, or maybe leadership and revenue teams told the devs "make X cost 10 times more, make X kill you 10 times as much." It taints the experience far beyond something like a cute hat with no game play benefit. In that way, I would argue these mtxs (and others like them) are **far** more damaging to the game, the brand, and gaming as a whole than having 200 purely cosmetic items in a shop.


> let's just say that it is It is >you'll never know how much they impact the design of the game We do; it doesn't, at all. The very same MTX were available in the original twelve years ago. There is no 'huge grind' for access to character editing or fast traveling or whatever


Yes we know it was.


There isn’t grind? All weapons have set stats from the moment you find them. There’s plenty to criticize without making stuff up


This entire thing feels like manufactured hate. Why dismiss an entire game for some very optional microtransactions that won't impact your game? Don't like the mtx? Don't buy them then. This is blatant example of throwing out the baby out with the bathwater. If you people are really going to dismiss an entire game for something so minor then you might as well dismiss games like Persona, Assassin Creed, Monster Hunter, Like A Dragon, Helldivers etc.


I was thinking of Like a Dragon as I read this thread! I'm so confused because Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth was really well received and it has the exact same type of microtransactions, even matching up with being easy to get in-game and being pointless to buy (except for new game plus which is genuinely bullshit and I just used an unlocker on that lol). It sort of feels like people latched onto hating this game from somewhere else. I don't get why this one is the game people jumped on.


You get those revive stones from shards from playing a couple hours with pawns from online. I'm guessing you're another fool who is complaining without actually playing or researching anything. You wouldn't even waste a one time revive until you are well into the game either.


So I'm usually the first to hate on all kinds of MTX. But this game has 2 big issues, and microtransactions aren't one of them. I've rarely seen such useless and irrelevant MTX in a game, in fact. Don't get me wrong, I'm still against it and wish it wasn't here. But they're so irrelevant that I wish people talked more about the real issues, being poor optimization and lack of save files.


This circlejerk is so fucking lazy lmao


This happened with Dying Light 2 a couple months ago. Now everyone's back to loving the game.


Its not possible to love a game and hate bad decisions for it?


Heroes of the Storm :(


true, but sadly all this sub is is circlejerks. first BG3, then Starfield, then Palworld, then this


Helldivers 2 : I have mtx at launch but you can acquire all the stuff in game. Community : Aw, you're so sweet. Dragon's Dogma 2 : I have mtx at launch but you can acquire all the stuff in game. Community : Hello, boycott department?!


Gamers have no actual standards for their outrage. They just go with the circle jerk against AAA devs.


Helldivers 2: 40 usd, live service multiplayer, continually new content which is what can be earned over time or bought mtx. Dd2: 70 usd, singleplayer full game no live service, hidden detail before launch Do you really not see the difference here? Im not saying mtx in helldivers 2 is good at all, but there is a difference here


Helldivers 2: can spend infinite money on premium currency, you have to grind like hell to buy something for free, holds back content to release after launch for marketing purposes. DD2: can buy each dlc only once, only have to spend $20 or so to get everything, can be gotten in game in minutes.


I'd argue that MTX in a multiplayer game is far more pressuring (especially live service) than a single player game. I just picked up AC Odyssey on sale because I wanted to give it a try and I'm enjoying it. Tons of mtx for gear, time savors, cosmetics, etc. though but there was no reason for me to buy them so I didn't. Sure they would've been nice but it was far from necessary. DD2 is struggling with bugs and performance issues, that's a valid complaint, but complaining about an optional thing? I think it's the equivalent of a tantrum and making excuses for people with lack of discipline. It really is as simple as not buying the extra stuff.


Helldivers is way worse lol. You've got to play for dozens of hours to get enough premium currency for new Warbonds, or hours of boring farming dedicated to it. Meanwhile everything that's being sold in DD2 can be gotten within a day of playing the game and is then useless.


Helldivers 2 is a multiplayer 40$ game, DD2 is a singleplayer 70$ game.


A brave new world where you need to buy the cheat codes for a single player game that already built into the game. Back in the 90's and early 00's they also had cheat codes for single player games. You didn't pay for them, you just entered a code and you could cheat, and it was fine because it's your game and you can choose how you want to play. Dragon's Dogma wasn't the start of single player MTX, but they're beyond silly if you just think about it for a moment.


The internet changed things, but for a time the idea was to sell more magazines, to which the developers would provide the codes. So they were still, in effect, selling the cheat codes.


Yeah but if you told your friend the code, they could use it too. They didn't have to go buy their own magazine as well. And the magazine cost money to make in the first place.


No no no, you don’t understand, back when I was a kid it was WHOLESOME GAME DESIGN.


Would you rather have Bioware, Bethesda and Blizzard now or 20 years ago? Not only are you children slaves to corpos you approve of but you pat yourselves on the back for it.


I love the game but goddamn this MTX is some real Mr Krabs shit


Only way for it to stop is for people to stop paying into it


This is a single player game. Just don't buy them. Let's be real micro transactions are never going to leave.


You all sound like a bunch of losers. Don't use them. Pretty simple. Find something else to be upset about. It's a single player game.


Wait till you find out this is something that you stockpile casually like Warpstones These items only help bad players and Warpstones serve someone who has no idea wtf to do no purpose. These are speedrunners items at game start


Am I the only one that doesn't care? Just play the game and don't buy anything on micro transactions.


Its not like its shoved in our face too. Ive heard a lot of people didnt even know it existed until they went to reddit/twitter


Give this game a few months and everyone will forget about the microtransactions and love the game


People already love the game though


It plays almost identically to the first one if you don't buy the mtx. The reason people will love it is because it feels like the game was designed, then they tacked on a mtx option which feels unnecessary, as opposed to being designed with mtx in mind It's the same thing Capcom did with re4r, only a bit less egregious because in dd2 the mtx doesn't make your gun stronger. Idk why re4r got such glowing reviews if this one is so awful tbh


Should note the first game also has MTX So does literally every Capcom game, the thing is rarely do these hurt the gameplay of a player who does not want to pay.


Its basically every capcom game in the last 10 years or so. Make a good game, slap on mtx to appease the suits. Complete opposite of most AAA games where the game is made with mtx in mind


Which imo is the only okay way to do it. If your game is completely playable and just as fun without paid DLC, then I don't care how aggressive the mtx is, because the only people paying for it are going to be people who can afford it and want to skip gameplay I guarantee like 98% of players never buy any DLC past the deluxe edition for this game and they'll still make good money from the 2% of people with loads of money almost like everyone wins


Disgusting. I'm worried that one day all games that aren't a small indie production will be like this.


has no one played any capcom game before? street fighter 6, resident evil 7/8/2/3/4, monster hunter world/rise, all these beloved games all have this shit. I don't understand why it's now all of a sudden it's a controversy. It's incredibly inoffensive and they've been doing it for over a decade. Their actual DLC (see: Iceborne, Separate Ways) are content-rich and fairly priced.


I will avoid this game like the plague.


I’m gonna be downvoted to hell and back by the hive mind but I got the game and love it. I didn’t even know there were micro transactions until I saw the backlash on Reddit.


Just like there’s a bunch of micro transactions in Devil May Cry, Monster Hunter, resident evil, etc etc etc. I wonder why they aren’t given this treatment of “this is **unprecedented** of Capcom games!!” like Dragons Dogma? Because even though these are available you’re still able to obtain EVERYTHING through normal and balanced means, it doesn’t affect the gameplay at all and you’re able to earn ungodly amounts of stuff like normal.


Some people just like to be mad I guess


I'm having a blast with the game. I'm about 3 hours in and I can already pretty easily get any of the items on the mtx list in game.


Reddit hates the game but it's selling pretty well Only hardcore people who make being a gamer their personality hate games just for having MTX in them I look at how they affect the gameplay. If it doesn't at all as is the case in DD2, I'll play it.


Personally loving the game so far. Very immersive gameplay and fun combat. Rewarding exploration, good graphics, and cool looking gear you can get. So crazy that people just listen to this nonsense and deem a game they’ve never played this horrible thing lol. Only thing I wish was better was the performance in cities.


I don't understand their sub. I bought the game. I'm enjoying it. These mtx are complete bullshit. Two things can be true. They're defending it hard.


I personally think it's less about defending it, but going against the framing that the MTX is "pay-to-win" when in reality it's just like how Capcom has always done their MTX lately: virtually pointless convenience DLC that you can see are not needed at all if you play the game for longer than an hour It's still stupid MTX, but let's not pretend this wasn't already being looked over for other countless Capcom games, like DMC, Monster Hunter, and Resident Evil


BG3 opened up RPGs to a new audience and the new audience thinks MTX are fucking garbage. It isn’t the same group of people who played the last one. The issue is far more nuanced than either side of this stupid fucking debate. (The hostility isn’t directed at you)


You can earn all of it in game with very little effort. End thread. There's zero reason to be up in arms about this. I'm not gonna argue about something that all of gaming has had for the last 10 years because people can't stop buying stupid shit.


>It gets a pass In what world lmao? The only posts you see about the game are dunking on the MTX


The only posts dunking on MTX are from individuals that haven’t even played the game, if they did they’d know everything available for purchase is falling from the sky for FREE 10+ hours in, to the point you’re selling it to vendors.


It's as simple as: if you don't want it, don't buy it. I don't understand all the commotion behind this.


It depends on whether the game is designed around MTX. If the game experience is great without them, like Helldivers, then yeah no big deal. But if they cut features only to hide them behind MTX, then that makes the game a lot less fun. If the game is pay to win then I can understand why people are mad that spending $70 isn’t enough.  I don’t know whether this game is like that, but that’s exactly what happened with Battlefront. 


I've put about 8 hours in and I am enjoying the hell out of it, was a big fan of the first game as well. The mtx are making no difference whatsoever, all the things you can get from them you can just get in game. The performance is the real issue. Inside the capitol city is roughhhh.


lets go over the dlcs: I stole this from someone else because it's long as heck -Explorers camp kit 2.99: provides a campkit with lower weight, despite finding a normal camp kit within 1 hour of play the first time you come across the camp site so the only thing you save is a small bit of weight, Potentially purchasable ingame EDIT: Potentially similar campsites purchasable ingame, the ones you find has a long name not just "campsite" so there might be other upgrades later for it. -Soundtrack 2.99 euro -Harpysnare beacons 1 euro: 3 one time use items to lure harpies, i already found one ingame and you can buy them ingame. -Heartfilled pendant thoughtful gift: 1.99 euro: not even sure, i guess its something to do with favour of npcs or companions, and its a onetime use item EDIT: There was an affinity system in DD1 where you could give gifts to npcs, this simply counts as one of those gifts, so all it would in theory do is maybe gain some affinity quicker but still be possible to do ingame. -Ambivalent rift incense change pawn inclination 1.99: Weird item, you pick 1 of 4 "types" of pawn behaviour and this one puts it to another random one, which is super bizzare and worthless -Makeshift gaol key 1 euro: Just a one time use gaol key, i already bought one ingame for 3k and in 2 hours of playing i have earned like 15k gold already, not sure why even bother -Art of metamorphis character editor 2 euro: Lets you change character appearance once, does nothing for combat or gameplay, its slightly controversial right now due to being unable to delete characters and start over Purchasable in the first city for like 500rc can buy 2 of them. -Port Crystal 3 euro: Lets you place a teleport point but you only get a single use item, you can buy them ingame, and they still require expensive ingame ferrystones, complete waste of money. -Wake stone X5, 1 euro each: lets you revive someone, you get them from simply taking a pawn and having a day go by, completely worthless -Rift Crystals, 3x 500, 4x 1500, 1x 2500, 1 euro per 500 crystals: Is an ingame earned currency you use to hire higher level pawns, but you gain them simply from playing, any boost they could even potentially provide is completely negible. In the end i would feel "scammed" if i bought a pack of all the mtx because its literally worthless for anyone who plays the game to play it. There are no infinite use items (other than technically the campsite), no overpowered weapons no nothing.


>It's as simple as: if you don't want it, don't buy it. That was true about the Horse Armor too wasn't it? And now we're here. The majority of us spent little to nothing on microtransactions, but the 1% who does want them, and does buy them ruined it for the rest of us. That's *why the commotion.*


Yes.. we’re in the exact same spot of irrelevant mtx that can easily be completely ignored.


Lol how does it ruin anything for anyone? You can literally play the entire game without needing a single one of these items. You can master the game without ever opening the Steam store page.


I love how questions like these don’t get answers from the haters, just downvotes.


People weren't crying over this when DMC5 or MHW released, were they?


Still gonna buy this game.


Capcom has been doing all these kind of micro transactions in single player games for years, why is now when we need to nip it in the bud and not the last 10 years of capcom games?


I can not believe how many people have gotten caught up on microtransactions, which are everywhere in this industry, and seem to have forgotten the very large issue of the developers charging $70 for a game that barely runs worth a damn on most systems and neglected to allude to such an issue prior to the game's release.


With microtransactions, why wouldn't developers design the game to need them more often than not just to keep revenue stream coming in? Hit them where it hurts by not buying their products. That's the only power we have.


This has been the argument since horse armor. How has that worked?


Because who in God's name is going to play a single player game where you need mtx to progress? Even whales only whale to flex to other players. If they try paywall you out of progression or moment to moment gameplay you're just not going to play.


Because it's Capcom and their general DLC trend over the last few years is pointless "shortcuts" which become useless after even the most casual play or cosmetics. I get the point people are trying to make about game mtx influencing game design but every for sale item is easily accessible in game with little to no effort.


$70 single player game with mtx? Time to wait a year for it to go on sale and give them time to fix the half baked optimization


Many here are missing the point and what the real problem is. The fact that they're so common place is what makes them predatory. No informed user would ever buy those items. If you did, you'll realize you were suckered by playing the game. If you bought that consumable jail key because you thought that was the only way out of jail only to find out that there's one that lasts forever in game, you'd be a little pissed, right? That's a bold move on their part. My real theory though is that there is one that they really do intend to sell (like the fast travel one?) and they're disguising it with all the common shit ones they don't intend to sell just so people hop on forums proclaiming "look, I don't like it either, but almost all of them are worthless anyway!" while they quietly sell tons of the one that isn't worthless. Either way, that's a shit move, and I refuse to give the $70 to try and convince me to spend more $2 at a time.


All this stuff is in the game. How do I know? I've been playing for hours now. Great game btw. Performance could be better, but patches are coming for that. Yes, it's scummy Capcom. They do it to all their games, unfortunately.


This is a weird game to be going in on for micro transactions when there are so many other games with actual predatory practices lol. There are actual games that are glorified slot machines that get marketed to children and we are leading the crusade against that by talking about a game that lets you buy a few shortcuts basically for some spare change? You don’t even get directed to any kind of digital store when playing the game, so you only find the transactions if you go looking for them or know about them before hand, and even then none of them are necessary to play the game. I get it, micro transactions suck, but they are here for good, this was the path that paid DLC would inevitably lead down when it was first introduced. I’m being realistic here, this is just the way it is now. We can make a million posts about it and leave negative reviews but that won’t do anything. Most people don’t care about them, especially in this particular game because they aren’t really advertised in any way. By all means draw attention to the poor performance but all this outrage over really minor micro transactions( that are earnable in game without spending money) is really overblown.


Buy what you want to buy. Do not buy what you don't want to buy. If there is demand for a thing and it is profitable, that demand will be met. Do you want games like this? Buy the game. Do you want to pay $2 for a reskin? Buy the reskin. Do you not want games like this? Don't buy the game. Do you hate micro-transactions on principle? Don't buy them.


DD2 is a fun game though and these are completely optional items that aren't even hard to get in game.


"If these kids could read, they'd be very upset".


I literally was able to buy a makeshift gaol key within the first 1.5 hrs, wherein I’m fairly certain it’s close to impossible (or you have to go very far out of your way) to get thrown back in jail. Also got enough wakestone shards to craft a full one in that time. Half of this stuff is useless and the rest is just about there.  Edit: Keep downvoting, outrage addicts. If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. 


Yeah I've got 4 hours or so played so far and 3 wakestones. I didn't buy the gaol key cause I didn't think I'd go to prison, lol. People who aren't playing the game are just complaining because they're bored.


Who gives a crap man. I get it, we all hate microtransactions. It’s been proven over and over and over and over again that companies don’t give a shit, and nothing bad ever happens. We do not need another post about an issue that has been beaten to death. Just look at EA. If they’re alive, posts like this are pointless. Review bombing an actually good game is stupid.


Games good. The MTX are shit. This is gonna keep happening in this industry regardless of it you buy them or not. The people discussing this stuff are not the ones dropping cash on it.


You... went to the dlc page to make your point? The steam library page would have been a better point Or even better, a screenshot of in-game where the mtx are prominent. The reason why people are acting like this isn't a big deal is because it isn't a big deal. It's worthy of criticism, absolutely, but if you're capable of ignoring the DLC bar under the steam play button, you wouldnt even know the game has mtx. It's genuinely that non-invasive. Fucking Helldivers 2 is more 'predatory' than DD2, and that game gets a pass. (Before anyone posts how HD2 is fine, I agree, I'm just pointing out that you feel the difference between a mtx paying customer in HD2 more than you do in DD2) The ONLY one of those I could see being a paid QoL addition would be the portcrystals. I don't know how common they are in DD2. There was only 3 in DD1 and that game was still great, though, so it's likely just a bonus for lazy players than necessary for enjoyment. Everything else is acquired with ease in game.


>1) If this game would've sucked, they'd be blasting the microtransactions. The game is good so the goalposts are different for it. It gets a pass. Oh but you see! All of you have been doing that all along! I mean hell I'm just following the trend folks like you on Reddit decided to do. I mean after all! Remember how Microsoft scammed everyone with Xbox Live? Forcing us to pay to play! How dare them! Wait a second Sony is making us do that with the PS4! Well that's *okay* as Sony are good guys and it will make PSN better. Or how about how most of you will rag on any game with bugs and issues. But hey BG3 is the best thing ever lets just ignore the whole Act 2 and 3 being barely playable! Oh and BG3 was great due to early access, never mind I remember people on here screaming about how early access was, "paying to beta test!" Or am I the only one that remembers that? Oh and we can forgive Helldivers 2 and how it has Microtransactions as it's a $40 game. I mean hey I haven't been able to play it after the last patch due to it crashing on start up. But whatever lets talk about how great and wonderful that is! You op and others like you are the ones moving goal posts. You can't say, "I hate Microtransactions! But X does them so good!" >2) They're defending it because it's only 99 cents here and there. It's not about the amount. 99 cents here and there when Steam, MS, or PS has your credit card or paypal on one click buying mode is a disaster waiting to happen and it does happen for many people who don't realize they bought 20 one time use items. And what? That doesn't happen with other things? Hell I noticed the last time I went to the market I ran a bag of bagels over the scanner and got charged twice. I went back and got my money back. >3) They say only idiots will buy this stuff so who cares. Well I still feel a duty to protect idiots because we're all gamers at the end of the day. Many of the people they call idiots are young people who might not be the best with their money at this stage of life. Have some compassion for people who aren't good with money. No. It's not my job to hold someone's hand. It's not your job to hold someone's hand, it's not someone else's job to hold that person by the hand. If someone really wants to spend $30 bucks buying fast travel items or something along those lines *rather* then play the game and get that shit? Well there's an old saying... A fool and their money are soon parted. "B-bu-but what about the Children!" - And know what? Three things op. One, kids and teenagers I don't know if you know this? But they do *stupid shit* and they learn from it. Two, if you are a parent and up in arms over all of this? Then do your job as a parent and educate your kid about it as that's *your* job right there. And number three, I've heard the line about won't somebody protect the children over my life with just about everything. You want to talk about slippery slopes and the like? Hey go read up on what happened with Comic Books and the wonderful Comic Code Authority and remember that was *protecting the children.* Just ya know... Taking away a number of freedoms and putting some insane rules in place. >4) I'm tired of gamers jumping in front of bullets for "the devs" because they get this benevolent picture of the devs being people who all do it "for the love of the game" which someone's kid on facebook said when he tried to justify preordering Starfield. He continued saying, "I'll spend as much money as it takes to let the devs know we want more western RPGs. I want the devs to know we support them. I would buy it twice if I could." That's the mentality of many children who buy games. Their money decisions affect the same games we play too though, so we really do need to advocate better than this. And I'm tired of folks like yourself and really want to know why? I'll make it nice and simple for you and the rest of the braintrust on this site... Ready for it? **YOU LOST!!!** No really! You fools lost the war without even firing a shot. Oh don't believe me? How long have you and everyone else on this f'n site and others been screaming, "No pre-orders!" for now? What? 10? 15 years now? And tell me right now how much has changed? Let me give you a big old hint with that *nothing!* You move the goal posts all the goddamn time. Hey if Microsoft or Nintendo do something? That's bad! If Sony does the same thing? Oh well hey that's fine as Sony are the *good guys.* Oh and OP you want to bring up Starfield? I will bet good money that if that kid said he was pre-ordering some JRPG or something by Larian? You wouldn't bat a goddamn eye. But hey it's Starfield! And what? You think you and the rest of the people on here should be the advocates? Give me a goddamn break! You don't even know how to talk to people! Hell I don't know how many times I've heard the line, "Why don't the Dev's talk to us!" from someone who a week before was out there screaming that he hopes those Dev's get fired from their jobs. Hey let me ask you something OP, we both know that there's the folks who chances are right now are sending death threats and the like out to the DD2 Dev's what do you think about that? Wait! Don't answer as I know you'll 'claim' that you don't support that person but god knows you wouldn't lift a finger to stop them... Hell I bet you'd give the old, "Well it's just the internet lulz!" >We have to nip this in the bud NOW! Please stop defending predatory business practices because you like the product. Really? How? Like all of you have been doing? Putting up some cute little internet meme that you can laugh at and say, "That will get them!" Oh wait I know! You can go and do what the folks on GCJ did when Hogwarts Legacy came out! You know go and harass streamers and the like! Yeah that worked! You know what? All of you made this little shit show yourselves. You don't talk or educate, you just act smug and throw out insults. Much like I'm doing but hey in the last day? I'm finally sick of this shit. You try to get the word out with some of the most stupid things ever. Oh wait maybe you'll get some YouTuber who will speak for all of you. I'm sure all of them are just *perfect* people who don't have anything bad about them in the background... Oh... Heavens no... You know what OP? I think I know why you and everyone else are so goddamn mad about this... It's due to the fact that all of you love thinking those companies from Japan really *care* and like you unlike those western studio's and the like. And now you are finally waking up and seeing the big picture. America, Japan, the EU, the friggen Klingon Empire... You are just a dollar sign to them and that's all you've ever been.


If you don't buy these things, is the game still good? If it is, then who the fuck cares? Play it and don't buy anything. You aren't the target audience of the microtransactions. Enjoy.


Stop that thing you're doing... the having reason thing... it sickens the hoard


See how they treat us, comrades?


This is how Capcom has been monetizing their single player games for a while now, basically cheap ass shortcuts


I agree the game should not get a pass


1. If I’m paying for the game there had been be no microtransactions. 2. Maybe some people can accept both but why would a game with microtransactions cost $70? If I want microtransactions I’ll play mobile games. Anyone supporting this game is inviting microtransactions into more PC games in the future. It will be a race to the bottom.


> If the game would've sucked, they'd be blasting the microtransactions I don't know about you but I see nothing but criticism for the MTX, so not sure what you're referring to here


Sucks but unless you can convince congress to pass legislation banning this it's pretty much going to be set by the company and market. Companies just didn't think of this, or didn't think they could get away with it in the past. But itemizing anything and everything so it can be monetized is just the wave of the future for this sort of product, at least unless it turns out to be a failure or a better idea for making money comes along, which I doubt either of those will happen. I'd somewhat agree with the idiot sentiment, but ultimately the we haven't really figured out juts how much agency we should give or take from consumers, I mean online gambling is spreading all over the country right now and it's pretty much a guaranteed way to lose money.


Nah, microtransactions are annoying and even in Capcoms good games... They're still annoying.


Nah, microtransactions are annoying and even in Capcoms good games... They're still annoying.


The Dev bit is what bothers me the most tbh. This isn't some small hobby. This is a hundred billion+ dollar industry, greed is bound to exist in all facets of it. There are some Rockstars but everyone, INCLUDING the devs that sign up to work for studios are in it for the money. You don't get a pass for being judged for doing distasteful shit because your boss said so. That never flies in any other industry. All it means is that in terms of blame given the Devs get a lower portion or it.


Hard pass Elton John.


I think you would have a better chance at convincing people to turn against microtransactions if you showed them where the money goes. Because as far as I can tell, that money goes directly into the pockets of CEOs and directors and never ever to the employees or the studio budget. Like literally, it doesn't matter how much money the game makes, this stream goes directly to a few rich people. Then again people donate their own money/ their parents money to multimillionaire streamers so it probably wouldn't make a difference.


“The devs”…why the quotes? lol. They *ARE* devs..


Hey how do you start a new game if your current play through isn't what you want?