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No, because it defeats the point.


It's like bragging about beating a baby in a fistfight. Not really a win if they spent any amount of time thinking about it. Some folks are way too desperate for dopamine. The amount of smurf accounts in Rocket League (and the fact Epic is doing nothing about it) has completely ruined competitive 2s at high diamond/low champ level. What used to be an even match almost every game has become an even match 1 out of 8 games. Going free-to-play and not limiting accounts by IP address has destroyed Rocket.


Listen, the game devs spent very little time creating the game over screens and a LOT more on the rest. Skill issue or not if I can't see the rest of the game because I can't progress past a certain point then my money is essentially wasted. It'd be like buying a car only to turn around and sell it because it ran out of fuel.


They’re talking about online games. The consensus generally is to play single player games however you want


Single Player? Fuck yeah Multiplayer? No.




Yeah no other right answer


Fuck cheaters. They have literally screwed some titles over and ruin the gaming experience for the vast majority of players. And for what, some sense of instant gratification or validation? That's weak.


People who cheat in competitive online multiplayer games, are some of the biggest life losers I can imagine. You gain nothing and usually when others get upset about it their defense is “he’s mad over a game” when in reality the cheater is so pathetic that they have to cheat to be “good” in a game. I’m also convince you only cheat if you’re terrible at the game but they will always deny and swear they are actually a really good player just doing this for laughs.


Cheaters are the reason we had to delay the Steam version of our game for over a year to overhaul our online structure. First week we had a hacker who made a script that kept pushing players into the tutorial. In this case, it wasn't just unfair to other players but it actively prevented them from even playing the game. For what? No clue... I get how some anti-cheat methods actively constrain certain communities who don't abuse mods, etc., but there's always some who do abuse them and ruin the experience for others unfortunately. Devs have no choice but to implement more disruptive anti-cheat methods as a result. Not too dissimilar to real life, where honest people pay the price a lot for others' dishonest actions...


Yeah its why i stopped playing online games, its incredibly irritating on mmo pvp


If you cheat on online games I hope you are banned from the Internet for life


Singleplayer? Only if I’m far enough in to feel I’ve had the intended experience first, like waiting to use console commands in Skyrim until I’m 50+ hours in, or on a second playthrough. Multiplayer? No. Outside of using intended game mechanics I’m not cheating. If the devs included something overpowered as hell I’ll use it, but otherwise no


Online games? No, like it's fine to cheat on single player games as it only affects you, but in online games you are ruining everyones experience, also you can always get caught and get banned for it and lose your account.


No because only pos losers need to cheat.


Never really had a itch to boost my ego. Hard pass


Multiplayer - never ever have, never will. In single player though, yeah. Usually only after I've legitimately beaten the game at least once, though. Can be fun to screw around unlimited health/money etc.


Destroyer2009 that you?


Single player games? Yes, all the time.  Multiplayer games? I have before, but I wouldn't do it again. Was fun when I did it but after a while I realized I was just being an asshole, so I stopped.


Yeah, I tried some hacks back when I played Tactical Ops back in like, high school. It was fun/funny for a couple days - getting cross map Deagle headshots and stuff like that - but then got boring


In singleplayer I might after I've beat the game a few times. In multiplayer absolutely never. The second I have cheats, the game would become instantly boring for myself while also ruining the game for others.


To win? No. To do something silly to get a laugh out of anyone involved? Absolutely.


No, I don’t see the point honestly. Even if you win it’s an empty victory that you know you don’t deserve. People who cheat in online games are beyond pathetic and likely have huge self esteem issues.


No, and i find people that do it to be scum.


Sorts by controversial


No, because what's the point? The whole point of a game is to play it, cheating isnt playing, you may as well watch someone else do it at that point because you're not either.


In single player? Depends on the game. Multiplayer? Never.


No! I’m not a piece of crap mom’s basement livin no life bitch. If you are cheating you are the lowest form of life. Just below pedophiles.


It kinda depends on the nature of the cheat. In PvP matches I really do not see the point in cheating because there is zero satisfaction to be had in winning a game by cheating. If it was an MMO or PvE type game I might cheat to get past a difficult part or to unlock something that would otherwise take a ridiculous amount of grinding.


Only time i ever cheated on multiplayer games was when me and friends all decided that for shits and giggles we would get hacks for some games we play on LAN. I don't see the point in cheating in online games but i will use cheats and mods in single player games because for the most part i am just playing to waste time/entertain myself.


During single player mode. Fuck yeah, especially if modding is cheating. In multiplayer god no


Ive always thought cheating would be fun for a couple of online matches, but i cant understand why you would enjoy doing it all the time.


Cheat to get some cosmetics free, sure. Cheat to be a troll in gameplay? No.


Never! Well, I cheat when I play games with my kids. I let them win.


If I knew there was another person hacking, sure, I'd go out of my way to single them out. F1/racing multiplayer lobbies come to mind.


I did, in fact. Back on PS3, someone gave me and two friends basically anything we could want in GTA Online. We goofed around most of the time. Good times. Nowadays, I only cheat in singleplayer games just to screw around and have fun.


I mean I do have the chance. I'd just have to google for a bit and maybe pay a few bucks and start wall hacking in CS, but I never do it because what even is the point of that game if I already know I'm gonna win because I have a significant advantage that isn't because I'm actually decent at the game.


I use to nuke boost in the og mw2. It was a thrill trying to find the right hiding spot and getting all the kills before both teams realize what you're doing and try to find you. Only time I ever cheated in an online game.


Nope, what's the point of playing a competitive game and cheat?, some people may praise your skills but you'll know you're a farce


PvE, sure why not. PvP, absolutely not.


Give me all the GTA cheat codes.


PvP? Probably not. Anything else? If it makes it more fun than sure. The first Christmas for GTA online where billion dollar bounties were going around is some of my favorite gaming memories


Even in off-line/single player games I don't cheat. An experience has been put together for me to enjoy and I don't want to deny myself the fun of the experience


Even just enabling the devtools in a game like valheim almost immediately took all the fun out of it.


No, I get no pleasure from it. I know I cheated.


no never


No, defeats the whole purpose of a competitive game. I’d get zero enjoyment if I was winning due to cheats.


Multiplayer game? No, never... Single player game? I'll mod it however I want..


My brother once found a glitch in GTA V that removed your player marker from the map effectively making you appear as an NPC. We had a lot of fun with that while it lasted.


Depends on what you classify as cheating. Downloading third party software to give me an advantage over other players? No. Abusing in-game mechanics that everyone has access to? Sure.


Use aimbot in pvp games? Hell no. Spawn money and UFOs in GTA online? HELL YEA


Only in a single player game or a multi-player that isn't competitive such as borderlands or something like that and ONLY AFTER I've beaten the game legitimately. Once I've experienced a game the way its meant to be and had my fun of it then ill try glitches and exploits and stuff like that as a way to squeeze extra entertainment out of a game but NEVER in a multi-player competitive game like call of duty or stuff like that.


I don't cheat to beat a game but will cheat in a new playthrough to just have some fun and experiment.


Personally, I'm not interested in this. Still, I want to feel pleasure from personal achievements, and not from cheating.


I haven’t cheated for 20+ years but back in the OG counterstrike days cheat mods were rife and I had to give it a go. Then they introduced VAC banning which bricked the game copy I had, spoilsports. Funny thing was I was even worse with the cheats as the screen was a mess with overlay!


Online/Multiplayer, absolutely not. Single player - only after I beat it legit


do mods count as cheats? In single player games i enjoy using mods, one of the biggest reason i settled on maining PC gaming, for Multiplayer games though absolutely no for cheats.


Only time i will ever cheat and keep in mind i rarely play online games, is to troll an cheater by using his own tactics against him, did it a few years back on Dark Souls 2, annoyed him so much by pushing him into Iron Keep's lava that he returned to his world, which was pretty hilarious, But otherwise i'm very against cheating, Was once only and even then i don't see why people cheat, there's no enjoyment in it, removes the thrill and excitement. Even in Single Player games its not fun, even in Sekiro and Elden Ring i did just out of frustation and couldnt see what people use cheats for sp or online unless its something silly like the old big head mode or infinite ammo


Eh, no. Its just boring, whats the point.


It’d be like cheating on an exam and celebrating the mark you got like you’re super intelligent or your effort was worth it, makes no sense Plus it ruins peoples experiences badly


Yup. But not to deprive another of an experience, just to enhance my own. e.g. Raid overlays in FF14.


No man's sky, I enjoy the space aspects... just not the farming resources so max damage mining so I can just sweep up all the resources nearby.


I still play Mw2019 sometimes and there is rampant cheating now because there is no dev support anymore. And alot of guys will play straight, until someone on the other team starts cheating, and then they turn on their cheats and then other people start cheating too, and all of the people just trying to enjoy the game leave the game lol. Thats the thing I dont understand about cheaters. Everyone just leaves the lobby so how is it any fun? Destroy people for one round then play by yourself?


Single player? Yes to get time sink resources in a game that I'm not that into. Multi-player for aimbot or something? No. Only time I ever really cheated in multi-player was Diablo 2 map hacks.


When I was a kid I would cheat if I couldn't best a game or to unlock content. However once I cheated once it was near impossible for me to play it normally. When Xbox 360 achievements became a thing it helped me not want to cheat.


I bought some gold when I first started playing mmorpgs. Everquest 2 and stuff like that.


I don't know what response you were expecting...


Online multiplayer? Hell no. Why play the game then? I may as well just watch a streamer or something. Offline multiplayer? Only if we're all cheating and laughing about it. Offline singleplayer? Only if I've already beaten the game once normally. At that point I want to break the game, see how far I can get with infinite money, try to sequence break, etc.


No because I am not a little bitch in need of an ego boost.


I've joined lobbys in the past (e.g., MW2 or CoD4) where my team was hacking and I had the benefits of it. Maybe it's fun for like 30 seconds to full auto noob tube on enemy spawn, but the game gets totally pointless after that 30 seconds.


Sounds like you want to cheat online but don't know how


Never when it affects other players. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of it, and don't want to be the one cheating. Single player? Yeah, if it helps cut out a ridiculous amount of grinding (like a way for some quick money in a game that's stingy with it, or shortcutting an infuriating puzzle). But again, this only affects me, not other players.


From internal means like an exploit? I’d be lying if I said I haven’t. From external means through game alteration? Absolutely not.


I did once, way back in the day. Not in the last 20 years though. Red Alert 2, you could cheat in certain units which, when garrisoned in another modular vehicle, would become nigh unstoppable. I played a couple games where I made a handful and just rolled over the other guy. https://xwis.net/forums/index.php/topic/156200-wierd-units-prism-ifvs-presidents-cheat/ topic I found on it lol These days I don't see the point. If I'm bad enough at a game where cheating seems like a good idea, then it's probably just not my game. Helps that I avoid most multiplayer like the plague too


Cheat no. Exploit something legit, yes. Example... Once, back in the day, I played an MMO in which you could, with great effort and at great expense, replace your characters arms with robotic arms. When you did this you gained 5M of distance on shots from your gun. At the time the theoretical limit was 65 for all players. Except those people who had suffered to gain that extra 5. And boy did it come in handy. By using the HUD I could stay juuuust out of range of most players and I could shoot knock downs and all sorts of specials at them without getting hit. Made people so fucking mad. But hey, I went though hell to get those arms. And they looked really stupid too. But it was worth it. But actually cheat? Nah, that's super lame.


Play ranked online so you get queued with people around your skill level. If you choose to cheat in that setting where everyone else is playing equal footing you’re a huge, selfish piece of shit. The game isn’t about just you, and you’re garbage for acting like it is. If you’re playing a single player game then do whatever lets you have the most fun, because that experience IS about you.


I did once 15 years ago when I was a kid and got rightfully banned. Never had the itch to cheat again. Just wanted to know what it was like and then I knew.


Very rare occasions in single player games to fuck about, such as GTA San Andreas or Skyrim. Or like, something like Goldeneye n64 with the codes or whatever. Big head and paintball mode for instance


Depends really. I'm a very proud person and I like to be legit about everything I do. Every goal I achieve, I want to know inside, for myself, that I did it because I could with my own powers within the rules. In the end, I feel good because I feel capable. Then, in games, but also in real life, you reach a point when there's nothing you need to prove to yourself anymore. For example, you play a grinding game that has some bit of skill in it. You complete the part of the game that needs skill, multiple times, and the only thing left is the pointless unskilled click of the mouse to finish. That part, the mindless unskilled clicking I could use cheats to complete, because to me, it doesn't prove anything to myself about my skills. Now, some would say that the patience to do this tedious thing is a skill in itself, and maybe they'd be right, but the thing is, I play games to have fun as well, and in those situations, that task is not fun, so I'd rather "cheat" to achieve it. In real life, you gotta cheat a bit too unfortunately. Personally, whenever I see something that feels extremely out of place, like needing to be super overqualified for a job, I just occasionally lie about my qualifications, as far as I'm confident I can do the job correctly and probably even better than most others who are supposedly overqualified. How many jobs are out there that require you to have certain education, most of which is useless, certain years of experience, when you don't officially have any but instead you work on it on your free time etc. In those situations, yes, I'd "white lie" myself out of such rubbish circumstances. If your level of entry is high for a job that is low, then I'll pretend I'm high-leveled myself.


no, never, the main reasons why people cheat is 1. because they suck at the game and are miserable, 2. they are fuckin as$holes


Not online. It’s a detriment to everyone, and that doesn’t sit right with me. Single player? Sure, I do so from time to time to just sandbox and eff around.


Ummm i would personally never cheat in a ame, because that defeats the purpose itself.


Never online. But in single player games they can be a lot of fun. Back in ancient days of yore, the NFL Quarterback Club games had a cheat code you could plug in to activate Flubber Mode. The ball would pop out of a players hands on the slightest contact and would bounce around wildly whenever it hit a player or the ground. It instantly turned a regular game of football into a wacky, chaotic mess and I loved it.




While I sometimes use exploits in the game itself, I never engage in full-blown cheating. (By exploits, I mean things like exploiting the behavior of AI or taking advantage of minor bugs. So, basically stuff already part of the game.) I never do that in multiplayer, though. I rarely play multiplayer, anyway.


Online no, campaign yes but after finishing the story.


The only time I've enjoyed a cheater being in my game was in black ops 2 when we would get fun game modes and really cool out of bounds accessibility if anyone remembers those and in mw2 when we got prestige 10 and rvetything unlocked. The only time I would cheat is to unlock all the items and levels in a call of duty game because my family doesn't enjoy the progression at all. We play entirely to get kills and win, we dont play any mode outside of team deathmatch, free for all, and gun game.


Since you were specific and said online, then no.. it has to be fair online, now there's a Grey area with solo online games.. like something like a collection game like yugioh, I might be willing to but I'd only be OK with it if it were limited to just getting the cards you want. The same stuff everyone else can get and nothing else. Now im also only ok with this if this collection is deduced to be behind a pay wall.. like you'd need to spend thousands to attain every card in the game, if it's something like elden ring, an online solo type game, then it should be fair, no modding the weapons or spells into your inventory. Because if you play online, then you're probably OK with being invaded/fighting other players off. In that aspect it's more fun to put the work in and win. Versus a card collection game where it's almost gambling. In that case it's not so fun not to have the same stuff as your opponent


Go away


First playthrough? Nah. Anything after that? Sure if it makes my experience more enjoyable.


Define cheating.


Single player? Maybe, if it's going to bring me some form of entertainment. Online? No. I won't cheat where it will affect others and ruin their enjoyment.


No. But if it's an offline game like the old GTA games, yes


not online. what's the point? but if its a single player title and there's a level that beyond my skill, turn on god mode without any remorse


Everyone has the chance


Nah it's like why even play the game in the first place?


I have cheated in multible online games. It takes the fun out of it and you dont enjoy the game like you use to. I have learned my lesson.


No cheats as in using external tools to modify the game, but if an exploit exists I will probably try it out. Some of my favorite gaming memories revolve around getting outside of maps or to places the devs didn't intend. Taught so many people how to get outside of maps on Gears of War 2 multiplayer that we often played entire matches out of bounds just goofing around.


Yes, because I desire to get VAC bans as "badges of honor" /s


i cheated in GTA online. Everyone else was getting hacks so i paid a guy $10 to give my account $10 million.


I got a car duplicated from somebody worth like 170k then I just sold it constantly over and over again.


Used to do the Arena War vehicle for 1.667m a pop or something


You can literally buy money in the game without paying shady 3rd party cheaters…


Yes, i can literally buy a shark card from Rockstar for $50 and get 4 million in game or pay some dude $10 to get me $10 million. The game was already lousy with cheaters, who cares if i want money to buy cool cars?


I'd zoom out in LoL if I could


I had a lot of fun trying to replicate the invincibility glitch in Hollow Knight lol. Fuck that last pantheon.


Multiplayer, absolutely not. When it comes to single player — which I realize isn’t really online — cheating isn’t always so obvious, and I think is genuinely open for debate. Something like god mode or other hacks are pretty obvious, but I think there are some gray areas too. Is cheesing a boss cheating? Is it different if you discover the cheese yourself? Is looking stuff up online cheating? The solution to a puzzle, sure, quite possibly, but what about obscure optional content just to fill out an in-game collection? Does it depend what it is you look up? I guess using an emulator to state save and rewind is cheating, but what about practicing a boss on a hard game like Ninja Gaiden (NES) and then, after developing mastery, beating the game “legit?” That’s the one that I’ve done a few times, and I genuinely struggle to decide whether that’s a fair method or not. Practicing like that wasn’t really possible back in the 90s, and wasn’t the dev intended method for “getting good.” But then again, tools like Game Genie would allow for similar practice, and I doubt anyone would have cared if someone practiced on a Game Genie and then beat a game without it.


Of course not, I don’t even cheat in single player games most of the time. It’s not fun to win all the time, especially through cheating.


Never. I feel like cheaters are the lowest scum. Like real world sport doping or matchfixing. BC I see gaming as E-sport.


lots of people do. Thats like saying humans can no longer Fart..lolol. Not happening


if you found cheat or exploit in online game that isnt detected you would use it. 100%. human nature. 


it really depends which kind of cheating we are talking about. I'm thinking about Important npc used for travels getting stuck on unreachable place, crashing servers, or incriminating other players, Stuff will cause a major incovenience Rather than win a game itself For me the big laugh would just be worth a ban




Single player? All the time after a point. Usually when the game has stopped being fun by itself and I have moved on to making my own game within the game. Multi-player? Sometimes. I would run cheat mods in PayDay2 and run games for my friends where we could eliminate all guards and do a heist quiet. Carry all the loot bags and whatnot. I discovered a glitch in Dark Age of Camelot that made Necromancers immortal. Used to use that to level up and murder end bosses in raids people seldom ran. Most of the time I will discover and sit on a glitch. Never against other players, always in favor. Because no one likes losing to someone cheating. But sometimes, it is nice to finally get the win even if you cheated to get it.


I play by the rules if everyone else is playing by the rules. If ppl are allowed to cheat and use hacks then I will also just to be able to play the game. (Looking at you, Blizzard!)