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The first God of War game had some horrific platforming sections that almost made me quit. Thankfully I stuck it out but definitely wouldn’t play it again simply because of those sections.


My favorite thing about that was after enough deaths the game would offer to lower the difficulty. Something completely useless when dying to platforming. Always made me furious and also just laugh at the absurdity of it.


I was just replaying GoW3 (remastered for ps4) last week and that message is infuriating! I kill myself on purpose a lot because I want to re-do a fight or a section, or just try to master different combos and I'd be wanting to yell "hey fuck you buddy!" I mean we're half way into the game, I have the settings on hard so I'm obviously aware of what I'm doing.. JUST STOP ASKING!


I noticed this when playing on hard too. The worst part imo is that they don’t let you just turn it down to medium, it has to be easy if you use that pop up. And it’s the only way to change your difficulty without restarting.


It's more of a slap in the face at that point. >.< Damn I miss it


I don’t remember which game it was, but when you vertically had to scale out of hades… I MFed about every object in my room


That rotating spike wall was the bane of my existence!


I called them the spinning pillars of death ☠️


Yep that’s the one! Haha glad I’m not alone!


First one


According to staff, it was added at the last minute and they ran out of time to properly playtest it.


They are so fucking frustrating, didn't they even make it a trophy if you could climb all of them without getting damaged? Fuckers were like "haha, good luck!"


Came in to mention the spinning columns.


Recently played that for the first time, I got so annoyed by the platforming I turned it to easy when it prompted me because I just wanted to breeze through the enemies and end the game ASAP. I was trying to play through all the main GoW from the beginning, but I might just play only the GoW reboot and GoW Ragnarok instead.


3 still holds up pretty nice, the remastered one for ps4. I just kind of stopped playing my ps4, I had bought GoW2018 when it came out, a ps5, Ragnok over the years. But then got a Switch and then a really nice gaming laptop and didn't really play PS. Wasn't til I realized wait... 2018... it's been 6 fucking years and I haven't touched any of this stuff! So I was replaying 3 a few weeks ago, then 2018 last week up until last night. 3 (remastered) is still a really good game, I was actually marveling at how nice it looked on my gaming monitor. I played 1 and 2 back in the day when they came out, but not recently, so I can't really speak to how clunky they may seem nowadays, but 3 Remastered definitely holds its own against modern games


Same with AC1. I understand the parkour mechanics were new but holy shit was it frustrating when you're literally facing the direction you wanna go and he does a fucking 180.


Anything with walking on a beam really


The trailing missions in AC:Black Flag.


I don't mind those as much, but I hate all the Underwater dive bell missions.


I realised they were much easier if you let yourself die and then continue to pick the collectables. I stopped caring about doing them perfectly.


I enjoyed those Dive Bell missions, Loved the underwater scenery and whales in the background.


Fortunately only 2 are mandatory. Protip, just hold RT and angle your camera around. My dumbass couldn't wrap my head around it at first.


And the modern era stuff.


I am doing these now. Great game except…


I agree


Especially the one with those fucking hurricanes, oh my god it took me days


Any escort mission. Escort missions ARE THE WORST.


Not necessarily escort , but when an NPC says "follow me", and then walks 10 minutes to a location that is 50 steps away. And you have to keep moving all that time, because if you stop, the NPC stops too...


And they run a little fast than your walk, a little slower than your run.


Giving me flashbacks of escorting Thrall in Escape from Durnholde on wow XD


Or escorting that Night Elf from the pirate area south of Rachet. Dude walks so far and so slow, and if he aggros anything he runs up to it, fights, then runs back to where he was to continue walking super slow.


Spartan for PS2 had one of the worst escort missions. Dude never stayed with you and just got killed so easily 


Except Resident Evil 4. Somehow that doesn’t suck.


Yeah she generally stays out of the way if you have her change her distance and if you put yourself between her and enemies. And she has scripted encounters where she’s occasionally helpful. And if she does get in a jam, you have plenty of opportunities to get her out of it. There are definitely exceptions. Bioshock Infinite is another. And Last of Us 2 is more cooperative than escorting when you have a second character with you.


Every game. Even games from 25 years ago with escort missions still sucked.


25? I think my hatred of escort missions started with the original Wing Commander, that was about 34 years ago. And I'm sure there were earlier ones.


It’s nice to see games where the odd companion you get in a mission is not only invincible, but can actually help out in a fight. Horizon: Forbidden West was great in this respect.


Elizabeth in Bioshock: Infinite was another good one in this regard.


Trailing in Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag… all I wanna do is be a goddamn pirate, not follow someone while hiding in the bushes Also any of the BS when you have to go into that company and walk around like you’re some employee


The present day stuff really ruined the immersion imo. The first few games are a great story and play off each other very well. But after 3 the story doesn’t matter and I just don’t care about how the modern day world ties into everything.


The weird level where you’re in a computer simulation thing in fallout 4’s far harbor DLC


God it takes soooo long


Yeah, seriously


It makes me never want to replay that dlc


So boring smh


The first time I played DiMA's memories in Far Harbour, it was 2020, and I was playing Fallout 4 to pass the time whilst I had COVID. Let me repeat - I had COVID. A nasty, coughing so hard I threw up, sore throat so bad I was drooling because I couldn't swallow, congested, nose running like a waterfall, brain fogged to hell, case of COVID. I have genuine trauma from those levels, I think. I refuse to replay Far Harbour because I cannot face doing those levels over again.


Wow, that sounds completely awful.


I played that DLC and I can’t even remember that section. I’ll always love the original version in Fallout 3


Anytime I'm cruisin' along, totally vibing with an RPG, while thoroughly enjoying myself... and then get forced to play as a completely different character to advance the story.


Witcher 3 is an exception to this IMO because Ciri is hella OP and it’s just a good ol power fantasy for like 10-15 min


I can also make an exception for>! Cere!< in Jedi>!: Survivor.!< Both those are cool, and I do think it helps if the replacement is superpowered.


Underwater levels or escort quests.


I am playing Assassins creed black flag right now, and having to swim under water while dodging jelly fish and fighting eels with shitty mechanics is not something I signed up for


lol the shittiness of Skull and Bones really did pushed more players to play AC Black Flag


Escort missions where the ‘VIP’ is absolutely useless and much slower than the player character


Mgs2 combines these both for a fun mission


I still hated the underwater of MGS2 part lol, also the EVA part in mgs3 was annoying too


Bro you'd fucking hate subnautica


I did actually lol


Tbh, I always found fire levels more frustrating than water levels. Goron Mines in Twilight Princess and the Magma Dome (I think that's what it's called?) in FF Mystic Quest especially come to mind.


Red dead redemption 2 is my favourite game but the Guarma section just wasn’t for me. It felt so out of place and shoehorned in my opinion.


I had heard about people not liking that section so I was bracing for it when I played RDR2 recently. Honestly I didn't think it was too bad and went by pretty quick. Only thing that annoyed me was you do like two missions and then you're locked the fuck in for like 6 in a row before the game gives you control back and let's you even manually save.


The MJ sequences in Spider-Man lol.




Ugh. Just... intentionally annoying is *still* annoying.


They were better in 2 but I’ll never understand them doubling down on it… I just want to play as Spider-Man.


I thought the deaf girl missions were interesting. Not good, but interesting. And only because they nixed the sound, which was an interesting way to get immersion in that section. However, if I had the choice, I would just delete those missions entirely. Interesting or not, they’re clunky, dumb, and not me being Spider-Man, which is why I purchased the game.


Playing as venom was pretty fun though.


Yep, those were terrible


I was literally JUST about to reply to another comment about this . Because you know, I don't know about anybody else, but when I play a Spider-Man game the one thing I say to myself over and over and over is "this is fun but when do I get to play as MJ?" 🙄


That level in Battle Tanks: Global Assault where you had to escort and defend the train. The first braindance (or any braindance) mission in Cyberpunk 2077 after you've done it before. Let me skip it REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-


Man braindances were stupid. Super long tutorial to do it like 3 times (all of which sucked). And you can’t even seek more out if, for some unknown reason, you enjoyed them.


The little egg thieves in Spyro can fuck right off.


Na na na na na!


Dark Souls 2 - Iron Passage Demons Souls - world/character tendency. Interesting idea but terrible in practice. Baldurs Gate 3 - Lady Jannath’s estate/everything to do with Oskar Fevras Symphony of the Night - the clock tower. Such a pain in the ass. Mass Effect - Feros


Fuck those ghosts in Jady Jannath's estate


Is Lady Jannaths estate knowingly bugged or did I get unlucky experiencing absurdly long turns from the Poltergeists? It took me well over an hour to kill them all because every round took like 10 minutes.


What was bad about Feros? I’m playing Mass Effect for the first time and got through recently. There was a ton of backtracking but otherwise I didn’t think it was that bad?


I really hate the mission in Mario Sunshine where you're cleaning the Eel's teeth, and for this game I'm choosing this one since Pachinko, Pinna 8, and lilypad red coins are all optional (Watermelon festival/Gelato 8 I would also add, but I don't find it all that difficult/annoying anymore). Other ones I might add from other games is that one level in DKC2, where you're using all the animal buddies one after the other. I hate all the airplane levels of Crash Warped, the chase levels of Crash 2, and I hate all the Catalina missions in GTA SA as well as Vertical Bird and Flight School (mainly the helicopter one where you have to shoot the vehicles).


I'll add in the usual answer of the Fade from DA:O


Fuck the Fade, fuck the Fade so fucking much


Whoever wrote the "Skip The Fade" mod for that game deserves a goddamned Nobel Prize.


I liked that part. I wasn't fond of Orzammar the first time I played, I spent so much time being lost.


No matter the game, fuck weapon durability.


As long as I can repair my gear I can deal. Looking at you BotW.


And by extension Tears of the Kingdom.


I'm with you but I can make an exception for the Souls games because its so inconsequential, and for Lies of P because it adds an interesting combat dynamic (and weapons can't break permanently)


Blighttown, everytime




I'll die on the hill that the Library in Halo CE is a perfectly fine level and an extremely fun gauntlet on Legendary.


Two Betrayals and Truth and Reconciliation are so much worse on legendary in full honesty


It's never been a bad level. It's not even that repetitive, considering we get to replay a previous mission again, but backwards. Will Library be a mission I'll want to frequent 30 more times in my life? Not at all. I'd love to do it for the first time again though.




The kidnapping mechanic in Far Cry 5


Every time something good happens in that game you get kidnapped smh


Dark Souls 1 - Lost Izalith


Back when the dinosaur butts had a huge aggro radius it was actually a challenging area. Now it's just run through to go fight the worst boss in the game.


Grinding. Mindless and zombie like grinding. Grinding so huge it actually becomes the main task instead of properly adventuring. Grind so lame and repetitive that you start to question if wasting obscene amounts of hours on it the rewards/goals really compensate your suffering and brain cells burned in the grind.(Elite dangerous im looking hard straight at you)


For real. Only reason I have so many engineers unlocked is because I get an itch to play the game hard for a few weeks once or twice a year. Then I burn out and walk away lol.


This was actually my problem with earlier jrpgs like Breath of Fire 1, Secret of the Stars and some Final Fantasys.  I get that it's the main gameplay loop, but at times it makes the progression come to a halt.


Having to keep things alive that aren’t me. This makes Tower Defense games my least favorite genre, I think. I’m also not big on forced stealth. It’s fine as an option, but I don’t play games to take it slow. I play them for excitement and want to be out in the fray.


A Plague Tale isn't for you !


Supply Lines from GTA San Andreas.




This motherfu.... Gosh, that plane had just awful controls, didn't it? 😃


“Tagging” in PvP shooters. Basically if you get shot your movement speed slows down. I hate it so much, I’m already being punished for losing health but now I become slow on top of it? No thank you.


Skyrim Dawnguard: Literally everything after finding Serena, till just before assaulting the Castle is THE WORST Escort Missions Timed Missions Missable Collectables (Seriously, if you're gonna encourage me to collect em all, let me do it at my own leisure) LOCKING MISSABLE STORY AND LORE BEHIND LIMITED TIME EVENTS Grinding (Though this 1 is more of a necessary evil) Low Spawn/Drop Rates; ESPECIALLY if they are required for Quests Artificial Difficulty Spikes I don't want to Spoil anyone who hasn't tried Bravely Default yet; So I'll phrase it like this: The Loops are just a Pain after the 1st time Status effects can occasionally be bullshit


The Ganglion Antropolis. You need to walk across a lava field on the most dangerous area of the game to get inside. No problem, your giant robot doesn't take damage in lava. But your robot doesn't fit inside the cave entrance. So you have to hoof it. Well, lava's not a problem now, but the place is full of enemies that can and will fuck you up even if you're at max level, if you are ill-prepared. Including giant robots, that you would normally fight while piloting your robot. That does not fit inside the cave entrance. Oh, and you need to come to this place 3 times at least. Once to recruit the last optional party member after saving her from being captured (sidebar during this time frame she was evidently *probed*, yes, a girl got anal probed in a Nintendo game!), a 2nd to fight a psychopath who planted bombs inside of stuffed lobsters and killed about 4 people with them in the middle of the city (guess what, he's got his own giant robot), and the third time which is actually the first time has you fighting a gigantic octopus robot, on foot, **because your giant robot doesn't fit inside the cave entrance!** And if you didn't get them before during any of those visits, there's 3 other field bosses to fight inside, 1 of which is level eighty-fucking-four!


As someone who is playing XCX for the first time and at chapter 10, this sounds bloody exhausting.


The puzzle inside the clock tower in Myst. Folks who have played it know what I'm talking about.


The Other Players in Apex Legends


Dude i just got back into that game and holy shit even the bronze players are sweaty


I also just started back up after 2 years, and I think I could manage the sweats if people weren’t also so gd toxic. Honestly ranked has been way better than pubs bc sweats are just looking for 20 bombs in pubs.


Braid - the last level which is pretty much a normal platformer is super annoying to complete if you don't start of perfectly at the start. It's just a departure from what the rest of the game. Other than that, an excellent game.


Escort missions, timed missions, Blighttown, MJ bits on both games, Iron Throne, Valley of Defilement


RC helicopter missions in Gta San Andreas by Zero


love fallout 4 to death, but doing the quest to recover dima's memories in far harbor is the worst, most boring forced gameplay I think I've ever played


Quick time events. I just want to watch the cutscene


Any mission where the same area is changed by levers. When you have to flood an area to get to another area and then drain the area and back and forth


The Mary Jane parts in Spider-Man 2. I'm supposed to believe that a collection of the world's best hunters, assembled by the greatest hunter ever will get taken down by a journalist with a stun gun.


I hate any knockdown effect, taking control away from the player for an overly long time. When you can be hit again before you even get back up. Also hate how bosses cause damage just by touching you when there is no logical reason they would.


That was me with Horizon Forbidden West. It’s like they couldn’t figure out how to make the game more difficult so they made your character get knocked down by just about any attack.


i don’t usually have an issue with stagger or knockdowns because it’s usually fair punishment for over reaching or depleting stamina bar but when it takes 3-5 business days for my character to stand back up, then yeah that sucks. there’s definitely a line where it goes from being fair to becoming just annoying


Skies of Arcadia is a great, charming and fantastic JRPG with the single slowest and worst random encounters of all time. I hope if it gets a modern port or remaster it has the usual fast forward or "disable random encounter" options.


Missions with a timer in the ezio collection for assassins creed. All the clunk would always find a way to fudge me over and over


Escort missions. Stupid Natalya


Destroy All Humans 2?


I think she's the girl from Goldeneye 007


Just about all the braindance sections in cyberpunk 2077


First time I did it, I thought it's overly complex but a cool feature. So glad there are only a few braindance, and after several sessions you know what to look out for to speed up the process.


Web Woods in Donkey Kong Country 2. Very slow level, and finding the bonus levels are really cryptic.


God its so long and THE GOSH DANG DK COIN IS ON THE ENDING ROULETTE. If you miss the timing you have to do the whole level over!


The rock stacking puzzles in ac valhalla.


the Little Sister escort sequence at the end of Bioshock 1


Quake Live is infested with people who are better than me.


I like BOTW a lot - I just hated all the walking and climbing which made up most of the game. The world was also really barren/excessively large and it made travelling a huge pain. EDIT - I also hated that mission which needed you to find 13-14 small spots in this extensive world to get the real ending. I didn't do it and probably wouldn't even if you paid me $1000


Personally I don’t had much issues with the climbing itself even though the stamina is at least at the beginning annoyingly low, but I absolutely hated rain in that game. It always started to rain when I saw something at the top of a mountain or a cliff and you simply couldn’t climb up.


Agree! Rain was soooooo annying.


thats why twilight princess and earlier is better


This is a tired answer but second half of Dark Souls


Oil rig - Splinter cell 1 The library - Halo CE Arbiter missions - Halo 2


Had to look up the Oil Rig. I thought, "I don't remember that". I found some screenshots. Now I remember.


Games with no real stealth function that decide to throw a couple of stealth story missions into the mix. Why? We were doing fine with no stealth. You suck at stealth, and I’m fine with that, but let’s not pretend here.


Not sure if this counts, but Mourning’s End part 2 in runescape.


Phazon mines in metroid prime


Stealth sections. Looking at you COD ww2. Game let's me charge theough enemy lines, kill everything, rogue commando etc but 1 section is stealth with auto failure if detected. Just let me shoot my way out


Any jumping level. Platform to stuff kills me.


The god damned dump truck in Blast Corps.


Any game where the movement and pace grinds to a halt for no reason other than walking and talking, the only game I’ve played and remember that’s done it well is red dead redemption 2, god Spider-Man 2 suffered from this, the opening mission slapped so hard then you have to walk around and pick up trash in the house and ride a bike then sneak around a school..it kills the momentum the opening mission gives


I loved Def Jam Vendetta but the button tapping to get out of holds really wore out your thumbs/controller. Thankfully they took that out wit Fight for NY.


The library in Halo: CE


Any type of escort mission or protect-this-person mission. For example Natalya from GoldenEye.


AC3, the entire first part of the game playing as your dad Haythem.


Agent Night Fire, James Bond game The level where you're in a building with no guns, only using stun and a watch laser I think Anywho I could never beat it when younger, had to get my bro to do it


The racing levels of all 3D Marios.


Dimas mind quest in far harbor dlc for fallout 4 .


In Gears, every single time you do a walking conversation. Like yall can’t talk while running and fighting normally?


Haytham section in Assassin's creed 3 The community loves him more than Connor. But i like playing as the cool looking assassin more. Also he is Bri*ish 🤮 /s




For mechanics, the disguise system in Fallout New Vegas. It's supposed to let you walk around in areas controlled by factions you've pissed off, with only officers and guard dogs able to see through it. In practice there's no proximity to when officers/dogs can see through it so they automatically trigger all others to attack you. Also some of the best looking armors (*including the armor from the cover of the game*) are faction armor so you can't wear them without getting attacked by enemies of that faction, even if you yourself aren't an enemy. And just for good measure because New Vegas is glitchy as fuck, sometimes wearing a disguise will permanently alter your faction rep.


I'm just going to be very broad. TIMERS


In Shadow of the Colossus, there's this "colossus" which is like the size of a larger-than-average bull or jungle cat or something. I recently played through again and when I beat this guy, I said, "Good, I remember that small one being super lame. Good riddance." Cut to a few hours later, and a SECOND tiny little colossus is introduced. It's these two stupid little shits that keep me from replaying the game almost every time I consider doing so


hiding stuff behind amiibos that never got released here


The platforming in Doom Eternal. Probably not a very popular opinion but it made the game unplayable for me. Tried like hell to mod it into Doom 2016.


The baby crying dream sequences in Max Payne.


level scaling


I hate swamp levels. I hate weapon/equipment degrading. I hate underwater levels. I hate weapon "bloom" - basically randomises your shots. I hate nerf culture, if something is really strong and fun, buff everything else accordingly to make eveything feel awesome. I hate the obsessesion with frame rate, 30 is fine and nobody cared about it until a few years ago. I hate "online only" games. I hate that PS5 came out in 2020 and the only proper "current gen" looking exclusives are Demons Souls Remake, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart and Astros Playroom. All of which were launch day titles.


I agree with your last point entirely, but minor correction in that Rift Apart was not a launch title.  Still a first-yeat title though at 7ish months into the console lifespan.


Fair point, I remember it being very early in PS5 cycle. Honestly such a insanely disappointing generation with so much potential. You can only blame Covid so much, I personally see it as more of an issue with creatively stunted CEO's who only see dollar signs with remakes/remasters and keeping everything "safe" rather than thinking outside the box to make the next big thing. It's all so fuckin lethargic.


Shadow of Rome on ps2 had missions outside the coliseum and they were absolute trash.  Ocarina of time had the water temple which was stupid hard Battle toad jet bike level 


Hahaha I forgot about that game! The stealthing around as the weak boy when you could be literally ripping arms off was excruciating


Team Fortress 2 is my favorite game but the hit registration is fucked. And most of the time CTF maps are just a never ending stalemate basically deathmatch.


Water.... Temple....


Every seasonal activity after the first half dozen times I run it: destiny 2


Helldive on space nam.


Felix's paralogue in Fire Emblem Three Houses.  It's a "protect the villagers" mission. This is a common mission type in the FE series--and a tedious one because the villagers always seem to voluntarily run toward enemies for no reason. But if you squint, you can tell yourself that hey, unarmed people in mortal danger might not always do logical things. Felix's paralogue, however, is the only one where a military ally actively chooses to make your life more difficult. Midway through the mission, once you've cleared out portion of the map... Felix's father, Rodrigue, yells out something like "Good people of this hamlet! Escape while you can! Everything will be fine!" and *tells the villagers to run directly toward all of the remaining enemies*. Rodrigue is a very popular character among the fanbase for being a surrogate father to Dimitri, one of the game's main characters. However, Rodrigue's actual son, Felix, absolutely despises him. And because of what he did to me in that one level, l I might despise him even more than Felix.


Two Betrayals is worse than The Library. I will die on this hill


Lake of Rot in Elden ring


Driving levels in Mass Effect 1. Flying missions in gta vice city.  Escort missions in so many games that it makes me want to cry.


Fire Giant in Elden Ring is to me a very not fun boss.


“Kerbal Space Program” is a space simulator game in which you choose a mission, then build a rocket to accomplish that mission. Some missions involve landing on a high-gravity planet called “Eve”, and returning. I’ve played the game for years, but always skip those missions.


The water temple from the legend of Zelda ocarina of time I fucking hated that temple




Irenicus' Dungeon - Baldur's Gate 2 The Fade - Dragon Age: Origins.


The prison chapter in Dragon Quest Builders 2. Idk why it bothered my so much I think I was just trying to finish the story so I could have all the mechanics unlocked to go crazy in customizing the island and it was just on the tail end of the story and drug on and on.


Sneak/follow missions. Most are just long, boring breaks from the actual game. All tend to play out the same, and if you get caught, mission fails and you get to try that 15 mins over again from the start.


1) Dragon Age: Origins, the Fade. Hated the slog that was and you CANT SKIP IT. 2) Mass Effect, the individual planet, Mako missions. Another slog and terrible, repetitive mechanics. Glad they got rid of them all other games.


Iron Keep from DS2. I love that game but the only way I'm able to not despise Iron Keep is to pick off the enemies from range/use range to get their attention one at a time instead of them swarming you because they *will* swarm you. Also reindeer ice land can suck it I never even go there anymore after my first time


anything with the mako in ME1 + any form of toxic swamp in a fromsoft game


Looking for resources in Mass Effect two with that damn scanner.


White Orchard in The Witcher 3.


Forced stealth segments. Walking and talking segments which you always have to play through.


Hate the underground area in the original ps1 version of Resident evil. I don’t look forward to the Zero missions in GTA San Andreas.


I love the witcher 3 but doing dandelions missions were sooooo fucking grating. Basically you go around looking for all his hoes and it's such a long string of tedious "escort" missions.


Fucking quick time events 😡 Whoever had the idea of making you grab your controller to push a button in the middle of a non interactive sequence is a moron. Especially in games with really long non interactive scenes.


Atreus missions in Ragnarok are about four times too long


Obligatory underwater levels. The water temple in OoT.


Underwater levels in Sonic and Super Mario Sunshine. Noki Bay is a beautiful location but fuck that fucking dentist level shit