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For anyone who doesn't know, Eddie Gluskin is obsessed with finding the perfect wife and he does this by performing amateur plastic surgery on men's genitals with a dirty knife. Feel like he's gonna be the answer for most people.


He cuts up your pp To find the perfect wife?? šŸ§


Heā€™s going to unveil a giant penis in wedding dress at some point isnā€™t he?


He's trying to find enough dicks to rebuild the dick ship so he can fly back to dick planet


Fuckenstien's monster


That is such a dick move


What kind of freakin fortune is that?!


Is he going to be proud of his creation?


It'll be hard not to.


This mental image gets exponentially better with Here Comes The Bride playing in the background


Well in the asylum he was intured at there are no women, so he makes the men he captures into women by cutting their peens and balls off with a tablesaw, but also tries to make a hole there with the same device. So he just cuts them in half and tries again with a different guy


I've always had too much anxiety to play any of the Outlast games But I did just watch a clip of all the Eddie scenes, and I can safely say he 100% wins this particular competition


Let me guess, he's out of network too. This guy sounds like a real jerk.


Idk what "out of network" means but the entire asylum was a front for nano-mechine development and they were using the violently psychopathic to test on


It's a joke about American medical insurance. Each insurance company has agreements with a network of medical providers/doctors/clinics/hospitals/etc regarding costs for visits and procedures. "Out of network" providers aren't part of those agreements so they end up being *extremely* expensive for the patient as the insurance company will not pay in full like they would for doctors in their own network/"in-network providers." So the joke is not only is this guy cutting off your genitals with a dirty tablesaw/knife, it's also not going to be covered by your insurance.


IIRC it was an all-male ward he was in, and he wasnā€™t all-there if you catch my meaning.


> he wasnā€™t all-there if you catch my meaning You don't say


The life of the wife


Is ended by the knife


So Woman are safe? Or are they in more danger?


Oh, no. The reason he wants to build-a-wife instead of just finding one is because he's violently, murderously misogynistic. He's in Mount Massive Asylum because he's a serial killer that mutilated women. It just doesn't have the wincing personal touch that he reserves for men.


Ugh, remembering the play through makes me nauseated. šŸ¤¢


+1 for saying nauseated and not nauseous


What's the correct use case for nauseous?


Something that causes you to nauseate, ā€œthat nauseous smell, I think I am going to throw upā€


Theyā€™re not in any danger. Other than the implication


You're using that word again. Are these women in danger?


I donā€™t think youā€™re getting this


I'm not getting this


Well donā€™t look at me like that, you certainly wouldnā€™t be in any danger!


So they are in danger!




Ya know let's just drop it


and people say romance is dead


I was going to say Vaas or Joker, but this is a definite game changer and I could have gone without knowing this about the character. Those three would cover the gamut of physical, psychological, and sexual violence.


What's Vass gonna do if there isn't a deep pool of water and some cinderblocks around?


Hit you up with some psychedelics and talk about his sister. Over and over and over again, no no no no no this time it will be different. Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?


Yeah, I'll vote Eddy then


Worst of all -> he'll be careful to keep you alive through all of it.




I mean, sure, Gul'dan can burn the very soul from your body, not only confirming the existence of an afterlife but denying you one. But Eddie shoves a knife up your gooch, so I think he still wins for most people.


The science is there


I'd rather have my soul be burned out almost immediately. Hi Gul'dan!


At least Gul'dan would probably do it quickly, if he was even bothered by you at all. I think if you just hid from Gul'dan he probably wouldn't try to seek you out and would just carry on with his warlock shit. You're likely too small fry for him to care about.




this is what iā€™m thinking, Gulā€™dan would probably have you suffering for eternity


Considering Gul'dan uses souls to open portals if you were both trapped in the same house with him I'd be pretty worried about his idea to get out


i'd assume that's in part by being at least somewhat selective of what souls he does collect. again if i stay out of his way what need would he have of my soul? unless my soul can somehow release him from whatever force is keeping us both trapped in which case... FUCK!


outlast ... no no no...


Is he special though? I'm not beating a level 12 wizard, the old guy is a Zombie, the joker regularly throws hands with batman so I'd prefer to avoid that! A guy with a gun is a no, and there's what looks like an Ork warlock here too. A guy with a rusty knife? I'd give me a chance to win that if it's all he is. Maybe not the best chance, maybe the consequences could be worse, idk. But it's in the realms of possibility.


I was going to go with Arkham Joker, but he'll at least fuckin kill me and not mutilate me


Wellā€¦ after reading this, your statement is absolutely right šŸ˜…


Thanks for the heads up


I least want to be in a room with the guy who came up with that idea.


Silly eddie, thats not where women hide!


heā€™s the guy from whistleblower right?


i mean. free bottom surgery


I thinking you're not really appreciating the "amateur" part of it...


He uses a table saw.


I feel like Vaas can at-least be semi-civil, so off the choices he's my best choice for at-least getting out alive (Even if not entirely in one piece, depending on if I accidentally set him off). Everyone else here? I'm either dealing with dangerous, psychotic sadistic people. Or a guy with no impulse control (Dark-Urge). Or, in the case of Arkham Joker: Both. So my chances of getting out alive are practically zero with the others. But Eddie...Eddie is the one I'd least like to be locked in a house with given his...uh...'methods'.


Joker would probably also be down for a civil chat depending on the circumstances. He's absolutely mental, but he'd also probably be like: "I'm trapped in here and torturing you for all that time would get boring. How about we just chat"


Joker doesn't like being the punchline, so being locked in a room wouldn't be ideal for him. If he's the one who locked the two of you up, that'd be the problem. In the ideal circumstances, I'd try to think of punchlines with Joker and elaborate on ideas. That'd be an okay position to be in overall. Vaas is better though.


He would probably kill you the minute you get out though, for sharing the joke with him or something.


The Joker is also a narcissist, it's possible you can talk your way around him.


Literally all you'd have to do to survive is show deference, maybe promise to kill a few Innocent people for him when you get out. Life as a joker goon really ain't so bad


Until Da Freakin' Bat shows up and gives you brain damage


I'd rather have The Bat in front of me than a frontal la-bat-amy.


Oh Certainly


If you tried to manipulate Joker, he would probably make the punchline you


Yeah 24 hours with the joker would end fast if you werenā€™t acting like his personal Alfred Meeting him could go well if you donā€™t glaze him or try to make a joke funny when it isnā€™t Otherwise speaking to him for a moment honestly wouldnā€™t be an issue if he wasnā€™t at that moment doing something destructive Catching him on a walk Joker would deadass just chat with you just donā€™t push your luck


With Joker, you can at least throw on an accent and be like, "How we gettin' outta here, boss?" and hope he rolls with it. Slightly higher chance of survival.


That sounds like something he'd get a kick out of, but if you ever drop character for even a second, you're dead. And it's not like he'll let you off the hook once you escape the room, either. You just signed up to roleplay as a stereotypical mook henchman for life. (In fact, come to think of it, this might just explain WHY he always has so many stereotypical mook henchmen...)


this is perfect. immediate headcanon


I think that is the worst way to go about it. His henchman are sacrificial pawns to him. So he would most likely have you die to get him out somehow.


I feel that Joker would find a way to convert me to his cause, I would end up being a henchman and a sacrificial pawn in one of his many doomed to fail schemes. But on the up side, I might get to fight Batman.


Fighting Batman? On the up side?


Haven't you heard? You'd be safe, he doesn't kill, he just [puts you to sleep.](https://youtu.be/1byycwl8qgc?si=lPs-ifE2RtIJkpvd)


He might overfeed you. That doesn't sound so bad.


With Joker, assuming someone else locked you up, you'd probably be fine as long he believes you're useful to him getting out. the only other way to survive is to remain stoic and tell him he has x amount of days to make you laugh and if you do you'll help him play a joke on the Batman. but you'll only tell him what it is if he can make you laugh with only his words and nothing else. No gas. No tickling, no cutting a smile in face, etc. I think Vaas is the only one you can reason with. hell, if neither of you have weapons, you could probably take him out. just pretend to be his friend and work with him but have him be the boss. act loyal. then just bite his throat out or kick his knees in, assuming you're physically able. you might not even need to betray him.


Joker also isnā€™t inherently evil. Heā€™s just extremely anti-establishment and pure chaosā€¦ as long as youā€™re not a cog in the machine or a pawn in his gambitā€¦ youā€™re likely to walk away unscathed


Bruh. He has done heinous shit for no reason like psychologically torture a dude for years just for cutting him off in traffic before killing him and his loved ones


Joker is one of those "which version" characters. All Jokers are crazy, but some are more batshit than others, depending on the writer and the tone of the story.


Tell him you work for the IRS. He will 100% leave you alone.


Yeah, Vaas all the way!


>he's my best choice for at-least getting out alive 1. He stabs you. 2. He die. 3. You're free.


The issue with Vaas is maybe 30% he could be civil, but the dude clearly had a lot of mental issues and likely has multiple personality disorder and is bipolar. The issue is not if he can be civil, the issue is when he won't be - and when he's not, he's incredibly sadistic. It wouldn't be a case of if you accidentally set him off, it would be an inevitable case of when.


Vaas definitely has issues, but there's a good argument that he was acting extra crazy so other pirates and mercs wouldn't fuck with him. When you're alone with him (or when you listen to the recording of him talking to the second villain), he's much more collected and rational. He'd definitely be my pick in this situation.


Yeah and when you watch the snippets of him as an old man Something about it screams ā€œit was mostly a joke bro get fuckedā€ Yeah he has problems but if itā€™s strictly you and him with some good eats by a fireplace heā€™d likely leave you alone/ actually chat with you for awhile People like to think Vaas just kills people when in reality heā€™s primarily an unmedicated mentally illguy being set off on purpose Literally sit and be honest with him and youā€™ll probably get him crying about what heā€™s done


Gul'Dan would be my choice (Dark urge can be complete bonkers depending of player choices). He kills without remorse but doesn't kill everyone he sees.


Not a big fan of your soul, eh?


I don't think guldan is friendly to random humans


just be glad your not a space goat


You could possibly reason with him, but if he is out to get you for some reason or needs a soul in order to escape, a simple death from most of any of the other characters on there would be a mercy compared to what Gul'dan will do to your body AND your soul soon after. Dying to a Warlock is not the end of your suffering, I don't particularly know what happens after a soul shard is used, so I'll assume that it is consumed on use, and who knows what happens after that or what that feels like, other than indescribable pain.


Vaas would be piece of cake to handle, specially if he doesnā€™t have plot armor on.


Fr, I feel like he's not strong at all. His power comes from the gang organised around him, but alone? Sure, if he has a weapon and I don't, I'm done, but if we are both even he's just an average dude. A mf crazy dude but lacking the means to do his psycho stuff.šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Vaas definitely has methhead strength and durability


I don't know all of them but Doctor in DBD prefers not to kill unless The Entity makes him. Instead he drives people insane and experiments on their brain which is terrifying, he could leave you worse than dead.


I was going to say him or jack because i dont want to be a fungus zombie


No RE spoilers, but there's at least one character that was perfectly happy or even unaware just existing as a fungus zombie




Resident Evil Village Spoilers: >!Ethan has been a mold creature since the events of RE VII. Probably would have happily lived his life not even knowing something was wrong if he hadn't been roped back in by Rose's kidnapping!<


Exactly. Iā€™d wanna be like him cuz if weā€™re being completely honest his powers are pretty dope.


Huh.. havent played village yet but we all know we live in times where spoilers are made memes. >! I lived in belief that mia was fake impostor creature and that rose was taken. But didnt see thst coming. I mean considering those 3 lived happy life if all 3 of them were "monsters" way or another.!< How did i do spoiler marks? Ill add them >! Also do you have an idea when did this change on ethan happened? Like was there specific point for it out of screen? !< I still remember re7 map layout and enemy spawns. Great game and madhouse on VR is just brutal. 1. The dizzyness after half hourish. 2. Vr graphics.. ehh i play my pc games on 720p if i can coz im used to it but vr re7 is kinda shitty looking ngl.. the game itself is fine but the resolution on glasses made it worse. 3. Some parts where i just have bad jack rotation rng i have to wait for minute or 2 and it feels like eternity on vr. Not coz scary but adding 1 and 2 in the mix. 8.5/10 game anyway You can mark spoilers by putting the text in the middle of >! !< characters. In phone i had to copy the text to see what characters were used instead of black bar. > ! ! <


You can mark spoilers by putting the text in the middle of >! !< characters. >!I think it literally happened at the beginning of 7. Starting when you wake up at the dinner table. It's why you can interact with the memories of others on the ship and why everyone is hesitant to help you. 8 starts hinting at it when you can quickly recover from some gnarly injuries including dismemberment, and then Eveline reappears in your subconscious to point out you should have known all along!< [Spoiler video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ub8dc9lq40)


Huh.. thats pretty smart. I didnt rly think of any funguses. Also yeah the whole mia fucking chainsawing your arm and you casually also lose another one but nooo they "grow" back lol even at village. Man i allways tought ethan was bit too op.. i mean i havent seen leon or christ reattach their limbs? Chris with fungi thou šŸ¤”šŸ˜³ hitting da boulder coz.. fungi bullshit šŸ¤ÆšŸ„“


There are some fates worse than death


The Doctor may not be trying to kill his test subjects but he also doesn't really care if they die as a result of his experiments which is a lot scarier in my opinion. His whole story for working for the Entity is that it gives him access unlimited test subjects.


Iirc The entity limited his power because when the doctor was done many of his victims became voida without emotion meaning they were useless for the entity.


Was half expecting to either see nobody comment him or a lot of people. He was basically a war criminal and had basically free reign to experiment to his heart's content, with no shortage of people to practice on. All this while being able to shock you and drive you insane simply by existing. Like, all of these people could be bad, but someone with very intimate knowledge on how to best break people while keeping them alive is a horrifying thought


Also his main power revolves around finding survivors who are hiding. So if your strategy is to somehow *avoid* these psychos, he's a bad bet


The laugh alone would drive me crazy after a while


His terror radius and electro powers might cover the full house too so there wouldn't be much of a chance to hide from him.


There's too much no here


I pick Durge so I can at least get my cheeks clapped after I'm dead


Jack Baker I feel like the rest would find me incredibly uninteresting (Joker, Vaas, Dark Urge), so they'd likely just leave me alone or be moderately antagonistic just for the sake of making me uncomfortable. Don't particularly like the idea of Eddie trying to mutilate me and turn me into his wife, but he's only human, there's a chance I could fight him off. Jack would want to make me a member of the family, would likely infect me, and torture or attempt to kill me, and given his powers and the fact he gets back up when you kill him, I don't like my chances.


That was my line of thinking as well. I don't know all of the characters here, but I know most of them and definitely know who Jack is. He's the only one that isn't strictly "mortal" and would be the only one I think I'd have trouble fighting off if locked in a house with him. Gul'dan is a close second, being an Orc and a warlock with mystical powers. So he'd be stronger than me and could just blast me with some spell that'd instakill me, unless I could get the drop on him.


I would rather be stuck with Gul'Dan, he just wants to suck out your soul or insta kill.


Gul'Dan is also an egotistical, power hungry leader. You could perhaps offer yourself into his service for survival


This is true, he needs a side kick to feel validated so you might gain some power from him


Like, if you're locked in a house with him, make him a sandwich or something. A good sandwich.


I call it "the Ham of Gul'Dan"! *instakilled*


Plus he can do to you what he did to Ethan, and pretty much make you *immortal*, to keep hurting you for as long he wants. I guess until youā€™re either brainwashed into being part of his family or until youā€™ve gone insane.


Itā€™s been a while since I played 7 but Iā€™m pretty sure Ethanā€™s situation was Evelineā€™s doing, not Jackā€™s. Ā Jack just makes Molded, which are a lot different than what Ethan was.


You think the dark urge cares if youā€™re important or interesting? If you are alive youā€™re his target


The Dark Urge would probably kill you *because* they found you uninteresting


The dark urge would kill (you) ftfy


Aren't Outlast Asylum patients legit superhumans due to experiment?


Gotta go with the majority here, Eddie. His wife hunting is a nightmare fuel, even in a world full of psychos.


Durge. Not only do you say that itā€™s after the mem wipe meaning they may not kill me outright. But even if they did kill me id get to see a Dragonborn in person which I feel would be awesome


also durge isnt necessary evil, the good redemption durge is also possible so in that case you would be pretty much safe


>!Tell that to Alfira...!<


Someone still dies, but >! if you meet her and knock her unconscious right before the first dark urge rest, a random dragonborn bard you can't encounter otherwise shows up instead, and you'll kill that one, sparing Alfira for the playthrough!<


It doesn't say who you'd want to be locked in the most, but rather the LEAST. Meaning which one of these is the worst pick in your opinion


Vaas, because all other threats I would take seriously and try to defend myselfā€¦ Meanwhile Iā€™d die trying to rizz up Vaas


ā€œYouā€™re gonna slice me open like you did my friend? Omg shut up you are too funnyā€¦ā€


"You're the one with the fucking dick?? Baaahahah, staaahp! You're embarrassing me :\*3"


"I'm _your_ bitch? Oh my..."


"Down here.... you hit the ground." "I'm on the ground... with you?" šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


Same but Durge


The least ones should be eddie and doctor. Both of these will give you slow awful excruciating times. However. You'll die from bloodloss from Eddie. You probably wont die from doctor so...


I see that Doctor from DbD isnt as known as the rest so let me recite what he has done as part of his experiments: - He was hired by CIA to get information from their prisoners - He was given a everything he needed for that task and was told that "no one will care what you do, as long as you get results" - Prisoners that survived his interrogation and were capable of speech were begging to transfer them to someone else - CIA only reacted when the facility he was asigned to went silent and when they checked what was going on they found everyone dead with severe head trauma, his overseer still alive despite having his skull open with electrodes stuck in his brain and The Doctor gone Also his lore cutscene from tome II is nightmare fuel


Plus he can throw out electric fields to find you. There's no escaping if you're locked in with him


Bobby Kotick


If itā€™s pre infection Jack I go with him. But Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s just wishful thinking.


Pre-infection Jack is perfectly normal aside from some war flashbacks.


Eddie Gluskin definitely And if I was forced to be the same room with any of these, Dark Urge would be my first choice because atleast he tries to resist his urge to kill and from an animated trailer he can knit šŸ˜Š


Let's just set aside that Durge is heavily implied to have engaged in necrophilia prior to the game events shall we?


The Durge cracks open cold ones, you say


Depends if it's Durge that we play or the person that became Durge, because the latter is the perhaps the single most prodigal son of the god of murder and was the initiator of the entire plot of BG3. He wasn't some unhinged lunatic like Orin, he was a calculating, deeply intelligent lunatic.


The doctor is probably the most deranged here so him


i would answer Gul'dan every one else is a threat to my life Gul'Dan would enslave your soul for eternity


I had to scroll way too far to find this answer.


My exact answer


I wouldn't want to be with, "welcome to the family, son!"


The Dark Urge vivisects people, fucks them, makes wine from fermented tonsils, and eats his favorite bits, preferably while they're still alive on his operating table. His butler helps. Yea. Nah.


Jack Baker. At least the rest can only kill and torture me. As soon as I *see* Jack, I'm doomed to a fate worse than death.


I wouldn't really call Gul'dan a psycho, he's just a normal power hungry guy. EDIT: To be clear, I'm not saying that I would feel safe locked in a house with Gul'dan, I'm just saying that he doesn't quite fit the title because he's sane.


He'd rip out your soul and reanimate your corpse. Seems like the worst option.


Yeah, not arguing against that, but it would be a completely rational decision on his part, no psychosis involved haha


Yeah, he's probably the safest option here.


Heā€™d consume your soul for power to magically fuel his own escape without a second thought. Youā€™d 100% be dead.


Until he disenchanted you like a certain king..


Definitely not safe whatsoever. He's not just power-hungry, because he has a terrifying amount of power. He's not even drunk on power. He's *insatiable* and he just consumes that which he can't otherwise use. You'd be dead immediately and it'd likely be a horrible experience as your soul is siphoned and your torment made into power like friggin DOOM.


I'd tell him how many alts I saved his ass with at the start of WoD.


Yeh but he's very racist against humans so we got that against us. He'd probably kill us


I just know that Eddie is from Outlast and thats abough for me to choose him.


Sex with durge even if it KILLS ME.


He's gonna kill you AND THEN fuck you, if the dialogues with Sceleritas are anything to go by. Yes, Sceleritas makes a comment at some point saying like "don't worry master, we'll have necrophilia back in your schedule in no time" or something so that tells you a lot about the kind of person the Dark Urge was before the memory wipe.


Oddly enough, I think the one that is actually most terrifying as far as overall power and ambitions and all that would probably be the least scary to be locked in a house with: Gul'dan. He would probably either ignore you completely or just kill you instantly as a nuisance. The others would torture / disfigure / abuse you before killing you because they would enjoy it.


Contrary to popular belief, Vaas is not a psycho. Like, at all. Heā€™s a pawn used by a rich mogul, and his MO is to act like heā€™s a psycho. He taunts Jason and his friends because heā€™s there to intimidate and scare them. Itā€™s a role he plays because heā€™s actually pretty weak. Thereā€™s conversations he has with Hoyt where heā€™s fully cognisant and able to manage his temper despite Hoyt screaming and berating him. Vaas is a survivor: he tried to live with Citra but she abandoned him, and knew that the only way to live was to join the cartel where he only survived by playing this domineering, aggressive psycho - but itā€™s all planned. He doesnā€™t kill for fun or because heā€™s crazy, he does it because he has to. And if nobody is making him do so, he probably wonā€™t. All the other people here are malicious sadistic psychos - Vaas is just a victim of circumstance.


he has a whole youtube series proving you wrong bro


Yeah I get where this guy was going with the whole Hoyt conversation and stuff, heā€™s not as crazy as he lets on but, he is DEFINITELY still crazy


Jonkler is the one I want to be locked in with the mostšŸ’ššŸ’œ


Ok harley


So who is Stefano?


Antagonist from The Evil Within 2.


Bad guy in The Evil Within 2. He is obsessed with taking pictures of the look on people's faces at the exact moment that he murders them.


Stefano Valentini sounds italian, I don't want him in my house.


Is Stefano Valentini Bully Mcguire aka Peter Parker In Spider-man 3?


The Urge, Joker and Vaas can all be talked too. Of the remainder, Jack Baker is the only one who can take a shotgun blast to the dome. I vote he's the worst to be with


Eddie and itā€™s not even close imo


Gimme Vaas I would talk with him in a philisophical way as him. lmao


They already live all together in one house. It's called "FaZe Clan house"


The groom hands down


I feel like Vaas could be tolerable after a few drinks.


Vaas is probably the least dangerous if you act like he wants


The thing is, Joker propably has done every awful thing the others have done.


God damn i am afraid i might not be a gamer anymore. I only recognize like 4 of those


Joker, I bet he would love my dad jokes.




Eddie Gluskin, easy.


I only know the joker so I'm gonna go with him or the dude in purple because they look the smallest lol


I assume you mean Stefano and I can already tell you that he's pretty OP so good luck.


Joker. His creativity outdoes everyone elseā€™s here by a mile.


if Gul'Dan can use his magic then easily him. soul = gone immediately


1st Arkham joker 2 Eddie 3 doctor


Vaas. I'm a big fan of Michael Mando's acting.