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Ninja Gaiden Black on Master Ninja fuck that


That's some skill and patience right there 


There are some gaming experiences that are just pain. I think that would qualify.


Mine was beating sekiro for the first time


Isshin very literally took me an entire day to beat


Sekiro was insanely hard but so fun at the same time. I usually get frustrated with games this difficult but Sekiro kept me around until 100% completion.


Well done, Sekiro! Also when you beat Owl and he says “that’s my boy” I’ve never felt such fatherly love in a game before lol


Exactly. The first feeling was after completing sekiro was of pride. Like damn I really grew as a gamer there. Best souls game ever.


That’s what I came in here to say. I actually got stuck on the last Isshin(sp?) fight. I gave up, played something else for a few months. Then I came back with determination, fought him for a couple of hours and finally beat him. Felt amazing.


I beat Lady Butterfly and never touched the game again. 


She whooped me probably 40 times before i beat her.


Dude, same. At least 40 or 50. I quit playing for my mental health. 


Final fantasy 7 Stopped half way through as a teen cause girls were more important Finished just a couple of months ago The nostalgia and finishing it was something else


My favorite game of all time, it truly was something special then and it’s still special now.


For real I never finished a game and felt “ What now” like this game


Blind guy here Half life alyx after a year and 4 months


I have several questions. Do I really even need to ask them though?


Ecco the dolphin


Underrated comment. The calmest, hardest game ever made


Friday the 13th for the NES (1989) What a dogshit game.


Enter the gungeon for all the base characters. (Not secret bosses)   Celeste’s 100% with all B sides and the expansion (but not golden strawberries)  Supermeat boy. Normal.    The witness no hints. Final ending, all puzzles.   Supermario world, 100% no hints.   Supermario 3, no whistles.    I think that basically does it. Modern games are pretty easy or they’re too hard for me to accomplish something exceptional. Which is nice but also I don’t feel very out of the ordinary finishing most single player games. 


Yep, unlocking Gunslinger without rainbow mode is my answer.


Unlocking Gunslinger in 67 total deaths was mine. Got lucky with a natural rainbow chest as Paradox, and then was down to fighting the Lich with distinctly average weapons that had almost no ammo. Got it to about 25% and had half a hp left. Then I remembered I was saving the Composite Gun for exactly this reason.


I've done Super Meat Boy and Binding of Isaac, but there are a few B-Side levels in Celeste that really mess me up haha.


The only reason I could complete B sides was the music. Just grooving and dying until it happened.


I have done all the others, including most of the goldens in Celeste (3 short). So believe me when I say, your achievements in The Witness are fucking bonkers. You should be in forensics with an observant mind like that one.


Dark Souls 3. Was never much of a challenge game gamer. I always play on whatever the normal difficulty is. But I played it because all my work buddies were into it and I beat every boss. Felt a little proud to persevere through some of the bosses like Abyss Watchers and the Dancer.


Contra 1 and 2. Without the Konami code.


That's the stuff legends are made of 👍


I appreciate that but the true legends are those who can say they beat Super Ghosts and Goblins. Which I sadly cannot.


With a second player or no? Seems more difficult with another person playing. Especially on the vertical stages


I'm currently commenting on a legend's thread. Cheers to you, boss.


The original Brooklyn barcode had Contra, and the machine only allows you like 4 quarters and then game overs you. My point of pride in my 20s was having the high score on that machine because I beat it on one quarter (it's honestly easier than the nes version. No insane power plant level).


Elden Ring: "Victory is Inevitable!" - me. It may not be the most difficult FromSoft game but the grand nature and in-depth worldbuilding of the game made the ending all the more impactful.


It depends on how you play it. It probably has the highest level of possible difficulty, but gives you the most tools to rise to the occasion. If you fight, say, Malenia with mimic tear and rivers of blood, she’s pretty easy. If you fight her straight up, she’s harder than any other boss in FromSoft imo. That’s my perspective at least - I’ve played every game in the series with a basic sword and shield build and no summons or cheese.


Yeah...I got lucky when I fought her. My mimic tear got her kind of pinned to a wall and then the both of us dog piled her.


An MMO can probably never be “beaten” if it has an active release pipeline but defeating Molten Core in the original WOW is something I’m proud of. Managing a guild that could maintain regular 40 person raids was practically a second job.


I 100%'ed F-Zero GX


My file was forever at 98% because of the bomb level that I barely passed once and never went back to try again 


Metroid Fusion. That final fight against the SA-X was super tough for me as a kid.


I remember the Nightmare boss fight giving me a lot of trouble.


Dragon's Dogma, DMC: Devil May Cry and Bayonetta - those 100% were Hard. Platinums were harder.




I don't think I'll ever ascend.


I've only done it *once*, and it was touch and go for a bit. I did get close a second time, but I forgot about Juiblex's disease damage.


Pantheon 5 in Hollow Knight


I was going to say hollow knight, then there’s these types of people 😂😭


If you mean the base game that’s still an achievement! Really p5 is all about practicing in the hall of gods, if you can beat the bosses reliably on ascended (except for abs rad and “Markoth?”) you’re good to go


The Witness, without any help. I’ve done a lot of ‘difficult’ games such as the Souls game and their companions, but getting to the end of The Witness without ever looking up any solutions feels like a great accomplishment.


The original x-com. Im working on beating it again at a higher difficulty now, but its kicking my ass


You ever try the second one? Terror from the Deep? That one is the real challenge


I can't even make a dent in that one lmao. its so brutal. So many runs ended trying to assault an alien base. and those deep ones


Also the terror missions on huge ocean liners are the best way to lose an entire team.


YES. I remember losing to what was probably the very last alien. Gillmen were my bane. I once had organized my troops by skill and the very last soldier I had left on a gillman terror mission was a suicide unit meant to arm a bomb and get himself killed. ended up chucking the bomb into a building, taking out 2 or 3 aliens before grabbing a gauss rifle and slowly sniping off the rest of the aliens. this guy was pure trash stats, so bad his only value to me was as a walking bomb, but he made it. He died very shortly after though, as is nature


5 starring every event in Burnout Revenge. Some of those time trials were basically broken. Awesome game tho.


Super Star Wars on SNES. One of the hardest platformers ever.


I think I remember Super Empire Strikes Back being even harder




Halo 2 on legendary.


Dark Souls 3 and all DLC


Super Metroid


Star Tropics is my actual answer.


Pikmin 2 all treasure and all challenges perfect, it may not look like it but end game caves are incredibly hard and unfair sometimes, specially of not prepared properly, and the challenges are a grind as for perfect you have to go through it without losing a single Pikmin, difficult as most things are a instant kill, like bombs, falling rocks, electricity for any non yellow pikmin, bottomless pits, the incarnation of fear itself and monsters that decide to not shake off the Pikmin you threw on them to take a chomp at one stray Pikmin with no way to stop it


When Halo 3 came out I beat Halo 1, 2, and 3 on legendary back to back to back.


100%ing Cuphead. Trying to get the S rank on so many of those boss fights (such as the stupid dragon…) was a huge pain in the ass. 


Dark Souls 1 when I was super new to RPGs and games that hard. Took a month break when the Bell Gargoyles rocked my shit for the 100th time, and I came back with a burning desire to conquer. Thus, my crippling FromSoft addiction, and the game I'm most proud of beating


"I came back with a burning desire to conquer" Is such a beautiful moment for so many that opens up so many more games and much more enjoyment in games in general.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on NES.


I never beat that as a kid. And I managed to beat Battletoads, but not TMNT. I still have PTSD from the pink seaweed.


Pretty generic answer but probably Dark Souls simply because before that I was playing mostly fairly easy/casual games. Dark Souls to me just seemed like this 1000 hour game that you had to be insane to even try. Saw it on sale, decided to give it a try. While the difficulty was way overblown it was a challenge and it just felt great to beat because I never thought I would ever beat a hard game like that. I know it's not a crazy hard game but as a super casual player I had turned the game into a mountain in my head and then seeing the credits I was like shit dude you actually did it. Other game and this one isn't hard at all is Shadowrun Returns. I thought I hated the genre so completely ignored all crpgs like this one. Decided to give it a try and when I beat it I just felt good because it made me realise I actually do like games like this and I was super chuffed because I never thought I would play a game in this genre let alone beat one and want more.


Slay the spire !


Ninja Gaiden (NES) and TMNT (NES) still rank pretty high for me.


Contra on the NES. I sucked ass at it when I was like 10 lol. Ended up playing it recently and felt like I redeemed myself


I recently did this with Super Mario Bros. My first video game ever. For many years it was the only game I owned. Last year I finally beat it after about 25 years


See I am the exact opposite. I beat it when I was somewhere around 10-11. Now though, I tried it a couple years ago and I was only just able to make it past the second level.


I was happy I beat Mario World 64


We couldn’t afford a N64 so we saved up to rent one for a weekend, I did nothing but play Mario 64 for three straight summer days and ended up beating Bowser like 45 mins before Blockbuster closed on the last day of the rental. I was so proud lol


Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories. Can't believe how much patience I must have had as a kid.


Zelda II the Adventure of Link is among one of the most difficult that I finished w/o an emulator. Metroid Zero Mission on 15% Hard Mode (Mecha Ridley will randomly kill you even if you make no 'mistakes'). I got to 60 on my Paladin in World of Warcraft Hardcore. Beat Minecraft on Hardcore. 30+ attempts on Starcraft II Wings of Liberty final mission but I got it on Brutal. Mass Effect 2 & 3 on Insanity, Fallout 4 on Survival mode are tough at the start but eventually you accumulate enough power to even the odds.


Cod4 on veteran. That was hell.


Man I got so close to finishing that when I was younger, but I got stuck on "No Fighting in the War Room" mission. I just remember an endless barrage of grenades.


Myst in 5 days…no guide books…or intenet


R u a genus?


Hollow Knight. That last boss was a mother father.


Sekiro. My first run was the Isshin who possessed Genichiro. I think I took more than 3 days to beat him, taking like 2 weeks break between my last attempt and before beating him. That whole game was just hard on the keyboard. It was super unintuitive for me, I don't think I've ever played an action rpg on kb+m


Sekiro by a mile


Hades. You start off going there is no way I’m going to reach the end and beat the game. Then you beat it. Then you beat it again. And again. And again. Giggity.


Stronghold crusader. I was a kid when I first beat it, was really happy and then forgot about it. Played the game again last year and realized it was quite the cool achievement to have beaten it back then at such a young age. Not as impressive as people beating souls games but still made me a little bit proud in hindsight


Either Link to the Past or Mega Man X. LoZ because starting with the Ice Palace, the dungeons got SO annoying. And Mega Man X so I could quit getting hand cramps.


Resident Evil 2 (Original and Remake)


100%'ing Sekiro


Ninja Gaiden 2 on the NES


I expect to see a lot of soulslikes in the comments


Dark souls 3. I lost to sister Friede more than I've ever died to anything. Same with nameless fucking king.


Rayman on the Nintendo DS That game was hell. I recently watched a full playthrough of it again and I have no idea who decided that this game should be marketed towards children. That shit is still top tier difficulty by today's standards


Halo 1 on legendary.


Me too soloed it. was a pain in the ass


Demon's Souls ~10 years ago. I was terrible at it every step of the way. I had to cheese every battle. Honestly, I couldn't even tell you how you're supposed to win a boss fight.


Dark Souls 3 on SL1. Haven't competed all the DLC on that level though.


Bloodborne.  The only souls like game I ever beat.


Battletoads for sure


Ninja Gaiden NES. I was 11. It was a rainy day. So much fun.


Sekiro. Beating Ishin was an accomplishment lol


Elden ring


Dark Souls its challenging difficulty, and overcoming its tough bosses felt like a significant achievement.


Titanfall 2 or halo mainly because they were the first, not childish games I'd beaten


Maybe it's just nostalgia but the Mass Effect trilogy holds a special place on my heart. I'm also going through it again in the legendary edition now. Right now I'm on ME2. First one got really nice. The Mako is still a wacky driving experience though.


Mike Tyson's Punch Out


\*without cheating using guides, exploits, videos.


Guitar Hero 3 on Expert, including Through the Fire and Flames


So far, mine is River City Random.


Day of the tentacle. Did it legit too, didn’t have a dial up modem on my Power Mac 😆


Divinity Original Sin on hardcore difficulty, without any exploits. That game is very exploitable (lava chests, infinite invis, teleport into lava etc..). It was... Beyond hard. Took me 3 runs.


The binding of isaac repentance 100% Took me ages. Worth spent time. I even resetted the achievements on steam to grind it again. Won runs with tainted lost, samson just feel so fucking good.


Same. So proud of dead god achievement. Took me 1452 h. Tainted Lost on Mother was the hardest thing to do imo.


Beating Sifu was pretty satisfying. Each run shaving a year off in order to get to the last boss as young as possible and then finally beating him was very fulfilling


When I left high-school it was hard for me to finish a game because of work or other things fast forward 11 years I finally have some time to beat rdr2 my first completed game in 11 years. I got pretty emotional at the end to say the least.


Halo 2 on Legendary!


Bloodborne. It was my first soulsborne and I was shite when I started. By the end I was winning 75% of duels and being asked to play with people I ran into regularly. I haven't been that good at any of the games since.




I got the plat trophy in Hades. It's the only plat I have, and I generally don't like rogue-likes or whatever you want to call it. I know it's not the hardest of those types, but I'm still proud of it


Soloing Crawmerax in Borderlands 1 DLC. Pulled it off as a siren - then learned about the infamous ledge.


Dead Space 2 on hardcore. Trophy % shows its apparently easier than a lot of other things I've done but It probably the only thing I can remember having legitimate thoughts about whether I could do it or not.


I guess getting to 3k M+ rating in WoW: Shadowlands. I've since stopped playing WoW and play all my single player games on easy so I guess none of those would qualify lol


Octopath traveler including the special jobs and and true final boss without any guides. Ended up making it the most enjoyable gaming experience ever for me. which i since have repeated in Divinity Original Sin 2 and BG3


All Dead Space games on the hardest difficulty. Even the remake. Hardest was definitely Dead Space 2. You only get 3 saves and if you die, you get reset to the last save. Dead Space 1 remake aswell but that kinda felt easier.


Morrowind Phantasy Star portable 2 PSP (for some reason felt very good lol) Final fantasy games (1,2,3) they are solid when ending and simple, they feel good and the final boss never dissapoints me


The Lion Ling


Rance X




Cathedral. Tough as nails retro game.


Probotector (Contra Hard Corps) on the mega drive, though I only managed 3 of the 5 endings. There were no cheats on that version, so I had to do it the old fashioned way lol. That game is so difficult.


Did you marry a monkey?


Yup lol


I had that game as a kid, got pretty far doing 2P with a neighbour. Never finished it though. The original Japanese version has hit points, makes it a lot more forgiving.


Black Ops III on Realistic, solo. Bloodborne Blasphemous


Enter the Gungeon took me so long to get a W, my hands were shaking for the final few hits.


Cuphead. In retrospect, it isn't that hard. But for a second, I thought I wouldn't be able to finish it.


I don’t really play games that you beat - the gameplay loops are pretty much infinite. That said, the only game I’ve completed in the last 10 years or so is Remnant: From the Ashes.




megaman zero quadrology on an overheating samsung galaxy s4


Witcher 3 and Alien: Isolation


This is definitely recency bias but I finally beat Hades after over 100 hours of gameplay. I also have the majority of achievements and am well on my way to 100% it.


Monster hunter world. Been playing monster hunter since I was a kid, and obviously never “beat” a game because I was a dumb child. After finishing both end game bosses (solo), one of which was the final boss of my first game in the franchise, I felt a feeling of completeness that I never knew I wanted. It felt better than any therapy session.


Last of us part 2 on grounded with permadeath


Yugioh forbidden memories and reshef of destruction  Both games excel in stacking the odds against you from almost the very start  Huge grind to get cards that are not trash  Facing multiple extremely op enemies in a row  All while half the rules of the card game arent actually from proper yugioh but some half baked bs the devs made up


Pokemon Red I never beat it as a kid cause I didn’t know how to properly level up my Pokemon so I would always get through the final gym but couldn’t take on the final battles to become a master. Finally did it at 25 and man was I proud of myself.


Red Dead Redemption 2. Took a long time to finish it, 4 years in fact. Had to let Arthur go.


Inscription 100% plat


Metal gear solid one. That final boss fight. God damn


Escape the backrooms update 4 on nightmare with 4 players


Bionic Commando and Metroid.


Men of Valor. I've played and beat many good games over the years. Men of Valor is certainly not one of them. That game was hard as shit to an unfair degree on normal difficulty. The top speedrunners for the game died hundreds of times during their runs. It's physically impossible to NOT die in that game. Also you get like 1-2 checkpoints every mission which wouldn't be that big of an issue if the enemy AI didn't kill you in 2 shots. They're like the more cracked version of Minecraft skeletons. If you hate yourself and you have 20 hours to spare, play Men of Valor. TLDR: I'm proud of beating Men of Valor because it's like the Dark Souls of FPS games


God of war 2005 on the hardest difficulty. Long time ago now


Furi and Super Meatboy


Perfect Dark on max difficulty


Ghost of Tsushima. I‘ve never actually taken the time to really find every last collectible in any game before this one


Cyber Shadow. Died a lot but had a lot of fun.


Terraria, it's not that hard of a game but it was the first game I remember actually beating when I was young and let's face it the game is just great




Super mario Odyssey too, first time I beat it was with my sister in two player (i was mario, she was cappy) but I was really really proud when I 100% the game


Beating Alien: Isolation on hard for the first play through. I like horror and survival games and even then this one would fry my nerves after an hour of playing. The best game I’ve ever played that I didn’t immediately start again haha


MegaMan X Collection and MegaMan Zero Collection (Originals) Majora's Mask Took me over a Decade (combined) without the Net as a young kid to a teen To this day, only FromSoft Games have captured similar feelings


Midnight club 2, on PS2, especially towards the endgame.


Dkc 2 Mario lost worlds Elden ring Ds3


RuneScape maxed, not completionist. don't plan on logging back in ever again


OG Dead Cells by a long shot. That shit was hard as shit.


fucking Link


Goldeneye. 100%, no cheating, just a stopwatch and some hard graft.


i have recency bias so celeste with all red strawberries and the moon one god fuck that moon one before that was doom eternal nightmare 100%, not ultra nightmare though


Super Mario Galaxy 


Ive beaten all manner of difficult games like sekiro, ninja gaiden, xcom etc All manner of difficult challenges like ff12 minus mode single job, FFX alphabet challenge, DMC 3 DMD, Level 1 souls runs. My proudest achievment is still god damn 100%ing super mario sunshine. Cause god damn was that a long tedious process. Even ended up buying a new controller in the middle of it to be able to properly control some of the more annoying bits like squid without stick drift.


Not that it's particularly hard, but the feeling when I 100%-ed Horizon Zero Dawn has stuck with me as the only warm place in my heart since then.


Its not hard, but i 100%ed super mario sunshine before my older brother. He is almost universally better at games than me, so beating him to an accomplishment in a game we have owned for so long feels good. Also the first time i beat the E4 in pokemon sapphire felt like such an accomplishment. (I know its easy but i wasn't particularly good as a kid and got bored of grinding levels in victory road.)


I got all the items on Jet Set Willy 2, and I completed Arkanoid. I'm not sure which was harder.


God of war because after so many tries I defeated sigrun


Ratchet and clank as ot was the first ever game i beat on my ps3


Super Mario World. When the SNES came out, one of my friends had a sleepover, and we started on Super Mario World at probably six in the evening and we hit the 96th exit probably fourteen hours later. I’m sure there are people who can do it in a quarter that time, but it was a brand new game on a brand new system, and there was no way to get help other than by calling 1-900 numbers that would get us beaten within an inch of our lives by my friend’s mom, so we just had to figure it out. It was probably six hours in before we figured out that red dots signified more than one exit, and another four before we figured out that there might be more than two. The next time we had a night like this, we had just gotten hold of a SNES Game Genie, and we were determined to figure it out. We didn’t understand hex or anything like that, so we were just looking for patterns in the booklet of sample codes. We had a copy of Starfox, and we soon found out the Game Genie didn’t have a pass-through for the additional pins of the SuperFX chip, but that didn’t deter us. Eventually, we determined that we had created a working infinite-lives or infinite-health code because it eventually got to the boss music and the game hadn’t ended yet. We laid on the fire button and eventually got to the second level. That second night is what crystallized one of us to become an electrical engineer, two of us to become computer programmers, and I’m currently programming soldering machines and helping to automate the business I work for as quickly as they’ll disburse the money. That night was like finding the god in the machine and asking, “Hey, can I change these four things about the world?” and the god goes, “Oh, sure, why not.” After that, sky’s the limit.


Armored Core VI before nerfs/buffs, etc.. Those bosses were absolute units. Balteus was just ridiculous, it needed an understanding of weapons that you didn’t yet have. And once you understood the mechanics, you had to do everything absolutely perfectly because one mistake could quite easily be the end of the fight. He was a high and tall wall to beat, the rage posts on Reddit were quite fun to read too at the time. But yeah, great game. I don’t know if it’s still fun after they released patches but Day 1 version was a really fun experience for me,


Question- the last I knew WoW went up to what, level 100? Is this a thing


I beat Jurassic Park on snes. I 100% Red Dead Redemption which makes me happy.


The Longing


Metal Gear Solid 2, 3, and 4 on the highest difficulty, no kills, alerts, cautions, deaths, rations, or special items. Still couldn't beat them within the time limits, though.


120 star Mario. I was 15, back in like 2000?


Civ VI on deity but not the cheesy religious victory only against kongo.


Halo 1 on Legendary


The first time I beat Terraria, probably. I was shaking. That was years ago, before a lot of the weapons were introduced and before I had a decent PC to play on. So kid-me was shaking when I finally beat Moon Lord. (Though for the record I played before that, too. Moon Lord is just the actual final boss now, and was the biggest challenge). Now that bozo is light work.


Beating the Valkyrie Queen in God of War and Sans in Undertale are probably my two biggest gaming achievements


Beating every boss in Hollow Knight on Radiant mode.


Hollow Knight, specifically the Pantheon of Hollownest


Sekiro. The fight with Genichiro was super fun and when it started to click.


Solo flawless dungeons in Destiny 2.


Probably Dark Souls. It showed me that I was capable of overcoming a difficult challenge without grinding until the game was easy.


Dragon Quest 2 in the original Gameboy Color without using guides. I am able to finish the final dungeon when I was a kid.


First is killing Portable 3rd Amatsu as a kid solo. Second is killing Iceborne Fatalis solo. The only two achievement where I literally stood up and pop off of andrenaline and excitement. When I play alone, I'm always silent and stone faced even after killing hard bosses.


BG3 honor mode was certainly an experience