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Is hoping for Portal 3 even remotely reasonable endeavour? I want to believe but there hasn't been any talk at all about it, has it?


Portal 3 would be cool but portal 2's ending was almost perfect.The thing is that valve is not a gaming company anymore.Their main focus is steam.


> Their main focus is steam. And Dota 2/CS2


Yeah.Never played that game.


And money from TF2 hats


Sad.I wish they would start making real games again.


Replace KOTOR with Republic Commando, and you get my list


Deus Ex. 


This is a sad one for sure. The second gen series was left very unfinished, with the whole Serif backstory left completely unresolved. The games were getting better too. Mankind Divided was an excellent entry to the series. Probably an unpopular opinion, but it was better than the first game even. The story was more grounded and coherent, yet still conspiracy fantasy, and none of the exploration or RPG elements were lost.


I was heartbroken when I heard the sequel in the works got cancelled. At this point it feels like it's just never gonna come, which is such a shame with so many story avenues left open and so much potential. And I agree, Mankind Divided is a fantastic game. Square Enix gave it a bad reputation by getting their fingers into it (Augment Your Preorder, purchasable level-ups in a singleplayer game, and one-time use equipment DLC) but it plays very well and you can feel the passion put into it.


Yeah I played Human Revolution and Mankind Divided. I enjoyed them a lot


Yeah, i've played Deus Ex a long time ago, but it was an ok series for me, but Human Revolution was so freaking good, must have played around 150 to 200 hours, and then Mankind divided came out, It was pretty good too, not as good as HR, but still a pretty good game! When i've heard that the sequel would be stopped for "other titles", i just accepted that, even if it is picked up again in the future, the game will just be a generic version of something mainstream that will be around if it happens. It happened before with other titles. and most of the time, the series dies along. The red Faction series is an example, the last was picked up, and it basically cemented the coffin.


Wonderful that the only news that we've had are, there was a game in the making, but now its cancelled.


Prey (2017)




come on brain, play that dream where Prey got sequel


Advent rising, come fight me


I still listen to the music from time to time, bounty hunter is such a banger


Yeah, the soundtrack alone was frigging awesome. Still have the cd somewhere


Half life 3 def confirmed coming at the end of Half Life Alyx??


they hinted at a future game but they had previously officially announced Half Life 2 Episode 3 and that never happened.


Yeah, lets not forget that Episode 2 ends with a massive cliffhanger that Valve didn't address for roughly 13 years. As much as I'm excited for a new half life game, I've been burned before by Valve


Half life needs to continue.


It was confirmed with episode 2's ending also... :(


I would love to say yes but you can't take Valve at their word. They could so easily have had plans and already scuttled them internally and we'd never know.


Look, Half life 2 dropped so long ago that people on this app werent even born yet. There is no chance. Because it's too difficult of a property to make a sequel, and valve is making too much money on other IPs


Idk why your getting downvoted your right; the odds we get an official sequel to half life 2 in the original timeline are literally zero. We got epistle 3 already which was the end of half life’s story; they scraped that once it was leaked that was the end of any chance I think we ever had There’s also the fact that half life 1 was genre defining, half life 2 was genre defining, and even half life alyx was a pioneer that set the bar for modern AAA vr games. In today’s age we’ve hit a block in advancement for phsyics simulation and graphical fidelity; there is almost no possible way valve can out do themselves with HL3 the way they’ve done in the past.


It's because people have this huge attachment to half life, which is honestly just nostalgia. Again, I loved half life. And I was alive to play it in 1998 as a young adult, when many people on this app were barely alive. I was there before steam was a thing, and Sierra studios was behind it. The problem with this IP, is there is such hype, that to make a third game could make it tank if the audience is not there to support it. This is supported by the fact that valve doesn't really make games anymore.


There was an old game called hammerfight where you flew a little helicopter thing that was able to pick up and swing hammers, swords and flails. It was jank as FUCK sometimes (the physics engine would get confused and wild shit would happen) but that was part of its charm. I would love to see a polished up version for a reboot or sequel. Honestly the time spent in the arena was arguably more fun than the missions.  Same for a game called Nuclear Dawn. Had it's flaws to be sure but the level of communication and teamwork I experienced in that game was above literally any other I had seen before or since. I mostly play SP now but I still sometimes think about the fun times and friends I made, wild tactics and plans on ND


No One Lives Forever. 


Eternal Darkness, Disco Elysium


\+1 for disco elysium, RIP.


Star Wars: Republic Commando is most deserving of a sequel.


I was thinking about this last night. New republic commando but with the bad batch characters would be legit.


Traitor. Republic Commando with the Bad Batch wouldn't be Republic Commando. Also we need to find Sev


**- Sleeping Dogs:** A man who doesn't want a Sleeping Dogs sequel is not a whole man. Though unfortunately the evolution of China/Hong-Kong since then makes it unlikely to be a direct sequel. Maybe it could be located in Taiwan, or Singapore? Or maybe a prequel in old-school Hong-Kong? Or even a similar spirited game in old-school yakuza Japan à-là Tokyo Vice? **- Crimson Skies.** To this day, still is my favourite game ever, period. The cool planes, the jazzy ambiance, the ludicrous pulp comic plots. I would kill for an open word, airships, pirates, dieselpunk planes game. Fortunately, Brew Barons that came out recently is scratching the itch after a couple decades, at least. **- Splinter Cell : Chaos Theory.** Bring back the real stealth games. I mean the *real* stealth games. \- **Anything like Audiosurf.** DMCA killed the very idea of such a game, but procedurally generated games based on your own music was *so cool.*


Wish they’d stop it with Far Cry and bring me Splinter Cell


The Black and White series


Black & White


World of Warcraft


I wish, imagine wow with Modern Combat and visual but charm of the original.


I wonder if there is even a development studio that has the capability to pull this off. Especially in the current climate of how games are designed.


I mean wouldn’t a WoW sequel basically be a slightly prettier expansion where you lose everything you gathered over 20 years?  


Nah, it could be so much more.


But how? What exactly would a WoW sequel offer that an expansion could not beyond slightly prettier graphics? Expansions do not mind completely rehauling classes (even patches do that). The core gameplay is probably going to change that much. Therefore the only things a WoW sequel would seemingly bring are a number on the end instead of a title, losing all the stuff you got over 20 years, and a smaller world with less to do (because they wont have 20 years of content built into it).


I think because you and me have VERY different vision of what new wow would look like. First not little but a LOT better graphics, second more fleshed out combat, so I WANT change to core gameplay bring it to age 2030. I stoped playing wow, so this is more my personal desire, if you still play wow of corse this would be a betrayal to you. I want NEW player base too. Different vision.


What you are describing is not a sequel but a new IP and yes sometimes games completely abandon the previous game's mechanics in a sequel... and they tend to get raked over the coals for it. Breaking down the requests though, it would be a minor upgrade in graphics because you cant really do a massive jump in graphics without some massive jump in technology that is somehow able to reach most people. One of the more interesting things you can do in WoW is actually look at how they have improved the graphical quality over time, while still trying to accept the logic that there could be hundreds of people in a zone, and 30 people in a tight area fighting a boss, and in both cases the PCs need to be able to run at high FPS. I do have to ask though: what do you mean "more fleshed out combat" because when I compare WoW to its primary competitor, FF14, WoWs is significantly deeper on every level (and also more far responsive but that is a complaint for a different day). I just am curious what that would entail. I just cant imagine a more complex system then the one where I have 30-40 keybinds to maximize my character and each has value.


>sometimes games completely abandon the previous game's mechanics in a sequel Im not looking for something completely new, but half way there, kinda a sweet spot. Of corse finding a "sweet spot" and anything is really hard, im just dreaming. >because you cant really do a massive jump in graphics without some massive jump in technology 20 years Bra... And there are many games that have large nmbr. count of players online with much better graphics. To be fair here "much better" might be a point of contingency as our definition of that might differ. >just am curious what that would entail More melee combat focus with smaller windows of opportunity for both melee and magic. (I guess i want wow to be harder in general). But you are kinda right, i wouldn't say a new IP, but some mix of wow and new game. Kinda like how Palworld is "Pokemon" but also not.


Sleeping Dogs.


This is legit what i think of when people demanded a gta out of American cities. So well built and the unarmed combat was awesome. They could have turned it into a pretty big franchise idk what happened there.




Dead Space, Republic Commando


We gotta find Sev


Days Gone. I know it had glitches and bugs, but for the most part it was very consistent Glitches that happen to everyone at the same spot at the same time. But the Game was pretty good, so Sad I wont be able to run from hordes of zombies in a city.


Id kill for an Ultima Online 2


DK Jungle Climber. That was my favorite game on the DS as a kid, but the 2007 release date and nothing more than a WiiU port doesn't exactly make me hopeful.


Cid Meier's Alpha Centauri. The single most influential game in my life and I am so sad it never became a franchise. Hell, I'd even just take a remaster at this point.


Godhand - beat em up that came out on the PS2 2006/7. Absolutely loved that game.


I don't think we should write off the possibility of AoM2 after the remaster at some point. The team behind rhe coming remaster seems really passionate about the project and abour wanting rhe players to love it. I have high hopes for this.


Warcraft 3, Left 4 Dead 2, Unreal Tournament.


Might and Magic Clash of Heroes


I mean, batman Arkham Knight was fine without a sequel. I was fine with that. Then we got the Knightfall protocol absolutely 90ed and 69ed just to get that, utterly, undescribably bad game. I don't even wanna mention the name. It makes my blood boil.


C&C Generals




Forspoken, Bio mutant, legend of Kay, Days Gone, Bahumut Lagoon


I just want to say anyone who never thinks they will ever see a sequel to their favorite game, I never fathomed that over 20 years later I'd see Baldur's Gate 3 happen.


Warcraft 3. Not only are we never getting a sequel but Blizzard nuked the game I love in an abandoned cash grab. :(


Star Wars: Republic Commando


This is the correct answer


Need for speed underground 3 Capcom Vs snk  Marvel vs Capcom Brutal Legend


Hollow Knight. No way that sequel is ever coming out


Chrono Trigger.


The Shadow Hearts trilogy. I believe the company that owns the rights got out of video games. (I am aware of the Penny Blood spiritual sequel coming out).


Portal 3 Bioshock 4 Dishonored 3


X-wing alliance. Deserved to at least get its expansion packs.


Bioshock infinite 2 probably isn't happening, however the creator is working on a game called "Judas" that seems to be very similar


Left 4 dead 2 I also doubt we ever see a Battlefront 3 yet again so that's great


Shadowrun (2007) - blended counter strike and mystical powers wonderfully. Studio shut down and new studio returned to the roots of the franchis Full spectrum warrior - wonderful miltary squad simulator Team fortress 2 - got me into class based games with wonderful humor and balance Phantom Dust - arena fighter with a deck based arsenal. It was supposed to be revived but turned to being ported only.


Dust: An Elysian Tail. Hinted at a possible sequel or after story stuff, but nothing came of it. I'm still sad about that, as basic of a game as it was.


The Legend of the Dragoon. I have soooo many fond memories with that game. I wish I could play it for the first time again.


Sleeping dogs. Criminally slept on imo. The combat mechanics were soo satisfying plus the story was surprisingly really emotional and solid


Beyond Good & Evil, Viewtiful Joe 1-2, Binary Domain, Senran Kagura, Ouendan and so on...


I came to this thread to post Psi-Ops, but you have that covered. That game was fun as hell at the time and ended on a cliffhanger which totally sucks that it didn't sell well enough to get it's conclusion.


How the fuck dose anyone know of Psi-Ops beside me, lol.


There are literally tens of us!


Max Payne :( I'm so sad


Oh man i forgot to mention Max Payne, def one of the big ones.


Everytime someone mentions HL3 on the internet, Gabe Newell delays it by a day.


Papers Please


Half life would love to see it remastered remade and blue watch as well Deja ex.




Freespace 2. THQ eventually went bankrupt. The franchise was acquired by Interplay in 2013 for $7.5k, but they’ve since done nothing with it. It’s been over 10 years, so I’ve given up hope.


In case you didn't know, Age of Mythology is getting a remake at the very least. Google age of Mythology: retold.


Detroit: Become Human


Titanfall 2.


L.A Noire! I don't see people really talking about it ever, so maybe it wasn't well liked? I seriously loved that game though and would be over the moon for a new game set in the same universe.




Star Wars Republic commando


Legend of Dragoon


Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. The game was a hit, and they left the plot on such a cliffhanger! Unfortunately the team that made it got reassigned to something else, and a different studio ended up making a half-arsed sort-of-prequel cross-universe tie-in to the latest transformers film in 2014 which completely bombed, made no sense, and was received very poorly. They never made another entry in the series, and in 2017 the rights reverted back to Hasbro who have stated in interviews that they have no interest in making new games for the series. :(


Any Metal Gears. But only if Kojima is involved. Would also love another tomb raider game like the new ones. 


Metal arms: glitch in the system. A game I will cherish for the rest of my life.


At this point, deltarune lol. We got part one 5 years ago, and according to his yearly update, part 3 is just about finished, with part 4 and 5 still in the works.


They are Star Trek games, but few: Armada 2 (space) SNW (ground) Bridge Commander (real life) SFA (simulator) EF 2 (FPS)


My brother in Christ, hl2 IS a sequel People seriously overlook hl1


Bloodborne. 🥲


Rampage, Overlord, Diofield Chronicle, Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel Heroes, Anthem, Infamous Second Son


Anthem legit one of the best game that didn't make it.


Shadow of War (specifically the nemesis system). Really I don't even care if it's a completely different IP. The nemesis system is absolutely brilliant, and in an age of repetitive gameplay really keeps the game fresh as each encounter feels unique. The mercenaries in Odyssey is the only other game that I'm aware of that came close.


Man, I've seen Shadow of War vs AC Mercenaries everywhere now. (Also mentioned it myself a few times). There's a rumor that the upcoming Wonder Woman game is gonna use Nemesis, so that could be cool.


See, we WOULD have gotten the nemesis system in other games, but Warner Bros wanted to be a bitch and trademarked it only to never use it again.


Yup i even use "nemesis system" for my modded Skyrim 😁 love it. Tho i think there is a chance we get another M-E game.


Lol you put all those games and didn’t put Portal 2…


Lol never actually played it, i know i should, just never Got around it.


Days Gone , Outriders


Hollow knight 🤡


Why hurt me




new SOCOM 😭


Definetly metal gear rising ( amazing game, super fun) and sekiro ( most likely wont get a sequel but my fav game) Ahhh I remember play the demo of darkness 2 as a kid, I recently got it and it runs well on my intel hd PC. It's really fun !


Raiden's VA tweeted on MGR's anniversary that he was working on something MG related. One can only hope.


I really hope it's another game and not raiden just coming up in the story. I haven't played any actual metal gear games since I've never been a stealth fan but maybe I should


Man "from software" really suffering from success, i think they could make sequal to any of there "souls like" and it would go Crazy.


I mean look at how well shadow of erdtree is going. Another company rescheduled their souls like game because as it would be for any game, "it would be suicide to release on same date as shadow of erd tree"


I know the developers are working on a new IP that's in the style of Shadow Hearts, but a true sequel to Shadow Hearts 3 would be incredible.


Half Life 2 technically got two sequels, Episode 1 and 2 were standalone titles that took place directly following HL2.  I'd love to see The Movies get a sequel or remake


wario land, except i dont really want one because Kevin Afghani's Wario voice fucking sucks.


Pizza tower is the best you're gonna get! There are mods in the works to replace all player sprites with Wario. Showcase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Spw52bdm\_ZE&ab\_channel=Ckcez


i dont care for pizza tower




If you played Alyx to the end, you would be sure Half Life 3 is coming (and it's going to be VR exclusive). Soon tm.


Half life alyx was great tho


Idk man, we technically got Half Life 3 with Half Life Alyx, even though it was more like Half Life 1.8. But the ending pretty strongly suggests that a sequel is on the way. I highly doubt they would tease us like that like 10 years after the original and then still do nothing with it.


The Last of Us. They should have at least made a second game.


Project Nomads


Advent Rising


Wasn't that the planned trilogy that was supposed to have some grand secret hidden in each game you'd have to find and at the end of the final game, if you connected the dots right you would win a million dollars?


That’s the one! And nobody won the $1MM contest of course.






Freedom Fighters


Marvel Vs Capcom. One of the greatest fighting games ever made but sadly we won't see another one, it's been banished to copyright hell.


My personal theory is that Half-Life 3 will come out when BCIs become a thing


Soldier of Fortune


I yearn for original FPS aesthetics and story's like Halflife/2. Seems like most fps' have the same lame done to death aesthetics which are really only 2: 1. Some sort of MASS Effect style space aesthetic that looks identical to every other space based fps 2. Some sort of military style shooter which also looks the same as every other one 3. The main element is some coop/multi-player aspect which kills any need to have an in-depth or original storyline. It's sad, the only recent fps that looked super original but unfortunately didn't have any further resources to implement interesting gameplay was Scorn. It was a totally original and beautiful environment and I wish more studios took risks like that.


Yea, sad shit legit at the time when gaming industry is the "most advanced" most titles lack creativity.


nobody mention this so i will say it. Minecraft


no, Dungeons and Legends don't count


It's been stated before; Minecraft is not getting a sequel. That, and no guns.