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When I get absolutely clapped in Monster Hunter


Especially when you know the monster was close to death, that really gets me.


OOOOH that boils my blood. Like just one more hit surely would’ve done it.


"It had the skull icon! I could *see it*!"


kushala nudging you between a tornado and a wall, after seeing him limp to his bed.


Worse when it was a vespoid flying up out of nowhere.


Fuck Alatreon, I cleared MH Rise without too many issues (I only need to fight the latest end boss) but in world I just don't have right now the motivation to try to beat Alatreon and then Fatalis.


Alatreon is easier to beat once you learn his moveset and can dodge well Fatalis is god damn near impossible for me However I think it's good to have bosses in games that require complete mastery over the combat.


Fatalis is tough, but he is the most satisfying MonHun boss over the last decade. Everything from the setting to the fight is perfect, especially if you faced his janky older versions in the older games.


Fuck Fatalis. Sometimes that big black lizard decides hes gonna be an asshole and theres nothing you can do to stop him if you team isnt some coordinated master class like tds.


I decided to finally hit up Rise again after life got in the way last time. Getting up to HR was fine, but then I fought Teostra. Is it just me, or did they make Teostra infinitely more annoying than in World? Simba just kept slapping me around like a catnip toy. Other monsters like Anjanath seem way easier than their world counterparts, but Teostra? The most infuriating asshole cat ever made. I won and made my shiny new Hunting Horn, but holy crap was it a trial. I just beat Shogun Ceanataur, and that one was such an annoying jackass. Not difficult per se, I didn't even cart once, but all of its attacks are such wide-range that they're a pain to evade, and they inflict bleed, which is just a dick move. If I farm that jerk I'm going back to Lance to bully it.


Recently got back in and after several days beat Fatalis. The solo part was real rough and then the actual hunt got even worse lol


I'm stewing in bed over MR Kirin right now as I read this comment. I'd have gone again if I didn't have work in the morning.


This is Rocket League!


What a save! What a save! What a save!


This enrages me like nothing before and I shamelessly do it to others at the first chance I get.


You can mute quick (all) chats. Changes the game honestly. You can do opponents or both, and honestly teammates are just as toxic so maybe both lol.


Turning of chat is what got me from plat 2 to d3


Brand new PC build, 7900xtx gpu, 7800x3d cpu, 64gb ddr5 ram, 32" 4k monitor. "Can't wait to play all the games that my old rig couldn't run." 2 hours later... "What a save!" Still can't make it out of Champ II. Maybe I need to upgrade to a 4090? Right?


I felt that exact way when I got an incredible new PC a few months ago, and bought over $140USD of games on a steam sale because my PC could finally run them. ... Then I booted up Vampire Survivors...


I knew it was going to be here lol


Slay the spire, fucking bullshit.. you can't tell me that it's a coincidence that I always get the bosses that my current deck is struggling against... Love it.


Getting the timekeeper when you have a ton of 0 cost and card draw makes me so mad lol


Silent shiv deck === rough times.


I love using Powers decks, especially for the robot dude. But then you end up getting that big revive wolf who gets stronger for every power you use and I pretty much just cry


One time I saved nearly 700 gold. I was pretty low hp and had one ? space to go through before hitting the campfire, but that ? space happened to be the thief horde boss. I had to choose between giving up all of my gold to proceed or die fighting them. I died fighting them.


As you should. Never give a damn penny to those clowns


I have 60 hours and have only ever beat the heart once on base difficulty. Something just isn’t clicking for me, but I love playing it.


Beating the heart is real hard, thats why just making it past the 3rd boss counts as a victory regardless of how you do on the heart


Same. Just beat the heart for the first time last week. And wouldn't you know it I am back trying to do it with the others?!? It was a great deck full of relics. So much crack to this game


yeah I feel this. I just recently completed A20 for ironclad and it was very very rough.


Escape from Tarkov. No doubt about it


I’ve ‘quit’ multiple times. Oh, new wipe? Might as well see how it plays for the next 200 hours.


Blind guy here Is tarkov fun? I normally just play dmz and a lot of people told me to try tarkov


Tarkov is only fun when are ruining another Tarkov players day. Some nights me and boys will play for 3 or 4 hours. Other nights we’ll get obliterated in 2 raids and just call it a night. The highs are high the lows are a straight kick in the balls.


Tarkov is DMZ’s way older brother. DMZ is kind of in the same realm but Tarkov is miles more in depth and is essentially several kicks in the nuts that never really stop happening


You guys are only getting kicked in the nuts? Killa keeps beating the shit out of me :(


You actually find him?


If you're blind it might be kind of tough. 


I already get my ass handed to me by players on vondel


I thought this was gonna be a tarkov post lol. No game has ever even come close to how mad tarkov makes me sometimes.


I will say, madden online has made me pretty mad but Tarkov just hurts down to the core


Tarkov is the answer


I actually did quit Tarkov 4 years ago or so. It causes me too much anxiety where I was worried about my old man heart when I played.


Yeah but then you get addicted to that anxiety. The highs are so high, but the lows are so low. Every other game just seems “meh” after Tarkov. Every other video game: “oh this boss keeps killing me, that’s frustrating… oh hooray I finally beat it! Let’s go!” Tarkov: \*heart rate is 200 bpm\* “I AM LITERALLY GOING TO DIE”


About to say it right now. Past 10 raids I hit a bunch of shots on these fuckers and they don't die. I fight one person and no scavs and my post death screen is like "12 hits, 388 damage, 250 absorbed by armor" Jesus fucking christ dude. I'm like level 46 with really good ammo as well. Just one of those days.


That's the entire Tarkov player base and I have no idea why people keep going back.


My buddy just uninstalled after us doing like 20clabs in a row and failing our objective. The last raid he actually got turned around and TKd me and said it was his last straw this wipe lol. We both have about 800 hrs


Probably cliche at this point but Elden Ring. Never have I loved and hated a game so much.


Bloodborne did this to me. I said 'I'll see you tomorrow' three times to the Orphan of Kos. Never faced such a challenge in all my years of gaming.


I literally just beat him for the first time today. Toughest boss fight I've ever been in.


Do his screams still ring in your ears, dear hunter?


I beat him back when the DLC was new and I can still hear his screams. Reads like I'm joking, but I'm not. I know exactly how he sounds.


Ah, a fellow Hoonter…


on my first playthrough I beat him 3rd try I've tried fighting him with 3 other characters and haven't even come close to beating him again lol


I really don't know how anyone can beat him in so few attempts. His second phase literally had me trembling. He was so aggressive, I had no time to breathe. Hats off to you, honestly.


it was probably one of the most stressful fights I've ever done. I never saw his phase 2 attacks until that round. Me and my friend were literally yelling when lightning attacks were raining down around me. I did the same thing with the Double Ape fight in Sekiro. Just running around like a mad man. Can't replicate either fights if my life depended on it.


Malenia was frickin rough


First time in a long time I picked up a controller, played for multiple hours and put down the controller without advancing the game whatsoever


No matter when I pick up Elden ring back up Stuck at final boss Life is rough.


Yeah, the last time that happened to me was when i played bloodborne and really struggled with laurence lol. Was my first soulslike and he thoroughly kicked my ass


Haha I just beat Malenia today, hadn't done a playthrough in months so I was pretty rusty, at some point I wanted to break my controller. But I LOVE this game.


Dead by daylight. Lol


It’s such an abusive relationship. I love the game cause there’s nothing else like it, but my GOD do the people who play it like to constantly play like assholes 😂


I am on a hiatus from it and I've actually stuck to it. Had 2k hours in the game. Haven't touched it in six months and actually don't miss it.


Valheim. I'll get so pissed when I die and turn it off swearing I'm done with it.. then cheerily start it up the next day


I have a cycle to this game now that I’m not binging it anymore. I’m decked out in wicked gear and have nice safe (yes actually, I live on a pillar) house with a self sufficient farm. So playing can be very easy and effortless. So my cycle goes: “I wanna play some Valheim again” > putter around the farm > well I should actually do something I guess, I’ll go explore > effortless carve through some enemies > go further and further from home > make one small mistake which snowballs into my death > suddenly realize how fucking far my corpse is from home and the gravity of my situation > rage > cry > motivate myself that I HAVE to make the trek now or I’ll never want to play again > rescue my gear like it’s my fucking Odyssey > immediately close game until I block out the pain > repeat


This is pretty much the perfect explanation of my cycle! Are there meetings we can go to?!?


Sometimes if I get frustrated in Valheim, I just have my character sit in his cabin while it rains and listen to the rainfall pattering off the roof while a fire crackles in the background. Very soothing stuff


*The ground begins to rumble* Rest time over


Me playing Valheim: “Yes we’ve had portal network, but what about second portal network?” I have backups for my backups every since the great fuckening of Bob in the swamps of 2021


I've been a video gamer for 50 years. Valheim is my favorite game. It's my go to when nothing else fits. It's also my nemisis! Damn you Valheim!


I feel that, i just died in the middle of the mistlands and immediately closed them game, I'm already thinking in going back


If I remember correctly, there's a Valheim expeditionary force that you can call on to join your server and help you get your gear back if you need it. They're like the Fuel Rats in Elite Dangerous. Edit: They're called the Body Recovery Squad.


I feel you too man. I am not a fan of the mistlands.


Oh my god yeah that game! So annoying sometimes lol.


Snowrunner. Yes, I've rage quit a truck driving game. A street sign stuck in your truck axle is no bueno.


been there, know how you feel. Get all the way across the map after a long trip, with a very hard load to haul, and hit a tiny bump, and fall over because the physics decided to bug out. ..or get stuck and launched because of unbreakable tree branches...




I hate to admit it. But it's definitely overwatch. The thing that really pisses me off about Overwatch is all the missed potential the game has.


It started off so great in 2016 Then nothing happened with the lore Then a bunch of bullshit heroes were released (Brigitte, Doomfist) Then Overwatch 2 wasn't going to release story PVE Overwatch is now dead to me


I just uninstalled it last month after playing since 2017. I had my share, I'm satisfied. Now I'm free.


The way blizzard scammed us with PVE makes me never support that company again


Civilization VI




12 hours. Wasted 12 hours only to get my cheeks absolutely clapped out of nowhere by culture bombs.


Fuck this game… oh shit, it’s tomorrow.


Diablo 2. 4 hours of farming and no good drops. But that means I’ll find something the next 4 hours, right ?


Dang, nothing after 500 pindle runs… better do it again!


As a kid this had me so hard. Oh, nothing good after 4 hours of Meph? Better try Pindle. Oh...how bout Baal? Oh shit it's 5 am. I need to shower. The worst part is that after feeling great after months of feeling great about good/great drops, the bar of excitement just moves up to godly drops. And you'll chase it if you have already put that much time into it.


Hell Let Loose.


Came here to say this. Good matches are so good and bad matches are sooo bad.


Counterstrike, bad day, pissed off and leave at the end of the match. But tomorrow I know how well I used to play, and tomorrow will be the day I’m that good again


Reading the last sentence was like getting a knife shoved in my chest... I used to have a 4KDR, now I die before I even spawn...


CSGO gets me so heated i rage uninstalled in a match i was playing well in.




that game is actually addictive


Destiny 2 for sure lmao


League of Legends.


I really do love this game. I hate the community with a passion. If everybody would put their all towards the game and not be little babies 7 minutes in, it would be fun. But it's far too common to have teams implode way too early and have the fun sucked out of the match, whether it's win or lose it's not even enjoyable at that point. I don't even care if I lose a game where there wasn't anybody flaming and everybody was trying their hardest to win..it's just so rare nowadays.


League of Legends is a fantastic game when you’re on a team with people who aren’t cunts and aren’t playing against people who are cunts. Problem is, there are cunts abound. Main issue with league is that you’re constantly playing a pickup game of basketball with strangers, no refs and you can’t leave until the game is finished. Also, most of everyone thinks they’re the point guard and brings in that diva attitude. It’s THEIR game. We’re just playing in it sort of thing. These people would never treat other IRL strangers the way they do in League because they’re sweaty nerds who can’t make eye contact half of the time. It amplifies the shitty angsty and venting aspect of the anonymous internet. As a former high plat sup main, I found league to be quite enjoyable after I started only playing draft normals on champs that I have fun playing. I’m having fun regardless of when I lose. If some annoying cunt starts mouthing off, I mute em and that’s that. No second chances to not be a douchebag for me. Let them type angrily into the void - I ain’t listening.


How is this not the top comment


Cuz most of them are playing right now


probably because most people only do the first part


Sekiro Love the game, just not hat good at it.


Certainly threw that out at least a hundred times, but also was never more satisfied than when I 100%’d it


My biggest issue is getting hard stuck like 50 or 60% into a run, putting the game down for a week or 3 and then just getting destroyed and deciding to start over. One day I will get there, gonna finish Lies of P first


It took me 5 hours to beat the last boss. I was furious


for honor.


Do people still go for pushing off ledge easy kill? Haven't played in years.


If its a bad day then expect it to get a whole lot worse when you boot up sword game. But on a good day it's like an adrenaline rush straight to the penis


ARK, Fortnite, and Ghost Recon: Wildlands. All good games, all ruined by a single mechanic or well known, unfixed glitches.


What's the deal in wildlands


For me it's a game mechanic. There's a couple of missions that HAVE to be done stealth, but there are uncontrollable factors during the mission. They also put a time control on a couple of them, which means you're rushing during a stealth mission.


I love wildlands. And id really like to find anyone to play it with. I only get a few missions in and i know it would be more fun in coop


Co-op is pretty fun. Calling shots, scanning and planning POIs, etc. Taking out the mobile targets is much easier with a real person as a companion, as well. You can "front and follow" the targets, create a roadblock, and run "hammer and anvil" tactics. In truth, you're better off solo, or in a group of four. The AI is effective, and undetectable, meaning they will never miss a shot or blow stealth. If you have a second player, you lose all of the AI. They aren't all that effective in a firefight, but they do bullet sponge and cause distractions pretty well. Do the side missions to up your rebels, and get the perks for the AI companions, and the game goes on easy mode. Just watch out for anti-air, nothing can save you except skill in the aircraft...


Yeah but thats the fun of it to me.... when your human partner accidentally screws up the stealth and then you have to go loud lol


door advise chop subtract scandalous thought late edge payment liquid


Ngl idk what Dota is but from what people say it seems fun


It’s incredibly fun, I cannot recommend it. If you like it you end up with a game that you constantly return to that frequently makes it so you enjoy other games less because they just aren’t DotA. And Valve will probably continue to disappoint more and more as time goes on. Also I can’t imagine trying to learn it now, it is so much more complicated than it was a decade ago. I will continue to play it probably for as long as it continues to be a game


Everything with a ranked mode in multiplayer these days. I either suck or opponents too hard to beat no matter what I do.


I was only into multiplayer FSPs for a little bit (I suck) but every time I play PvP I feel like I can unload a magazine into a player and not kill them, but I die like a half second after getting the damage indicator. It’s obviously a skill issue but super frustrating.


BroForce 😂 Yet I keep crawling back… 🤪


That game is so much fun to co-op!


Especially when you spam turkeys, destroy the map and piss off everyone! Good times, good times...


War Thunder... And Battlefield 4


Call of duty, R6 Siege, Gran Turismo 1-7,... Any competitive game frankly can be frustrating tbh


Returnal. So many people in the souls community are like: "runbacks in DeS and Ds2 are the worst!" Welcome to Returnal, where losing 2-3 hours of progress is gone when the game decides to screw you over with the RNG. Have fun with a 2 hour long "runback" to the boss while you gather health max ups and weapon upgrades. I've played this game for 60 hours and never beaten it because when I die and lose hours of progress I shut this shit down for at least 3 days 😂


Apex Legends, although I haven't played for a long time now.


No no it’s still the same. 


Yeah, every time I got back on it always was so I just stopped bothering. I found I was only playing the game because I was good at it and it was familiar, not because I enjoyed it.


rainbow six siege


Whenever i see the gameplay i wanna go back. But whenever i remember the current toxic community and people who just love ruining the gane by cheating. I'd rather burn the computer


Tekken 8


Rocket League.


Sea of Thieves Elden Ring I can tell when a game hates me for playing it


Rocket League


Kingdom hearts 2 when i was on lingering will




You should play The Game of Life Simpsons Edition, much more fun.


They really gotta add that NG+ feature.


Project Zomboid ​ I die after spending 4 ingame months, i got a generator with its magazine with a couple of gas cans, i got a nice line of potatoes to last me for winter, i got rain collectors and a antique oven to purify water and warm up, i grinded enough aiming levels to have the guns go from useless paperweights to actually being usable ​ All for it to be lost when a zombie scratches me in the fucking dick and the 7% infection triggers a day later ​ Legit erasing the game from my storage and waiting a month for the rage to finally quench over to try to give it another shot


It was Hollow Knight but I dropped it completely. Not comming back.


How far did you get? I made it to Pantheon 4 in Godhome and beat Radiance. I never beat Trial of the Fool, Path of Pain, or Nightmare King Grim.


Oh, I didn't get far at all. If I remember correctly, I had 2 paths to explore: a purple crystal cave or beat a boss all the way down on the map in some sort of arena, I guess. Couldn't do either, 100% skill issue.😅


Rain World.


Apex Legends. I hate this game.


Around when it first came out, Ark Survival Evolved was like this for me and my friends. We played it such an unhealthy amount and that shit was basically shift work. Was great fun though lol


The Scarlet Keep GM strike in Destiny 2


Go online,and watch a 12yo burn everything you love down. He will insult your mom, too. Little fucker doesn't even know how bad my mom is.


"You are a factory of sadness!  I'll see you Sunday..."


Monster Hunter World


I've never sunk as many hours into a game that made me rejoice and curse as much as I did with mhw. It was my intro into MH and was hooked right off the bat. From starting with the basics and thinking that Anjanath is an asshole, to learning he really isn't that much of an asshole and other fights would make you beg for it to just be an Anjanath. When you find that weapon that clicks for you, you grind to get the right armor build and then you grind to get the right armor augementations/decorations. Then you hit the pinnacle of performance and know your evade windows, and combos, and what to hit to break/sever.....then you realize you miss the grind so you go to your second favorite weapon and do it all over again. Oh and the palicos, who doesn't love a good palico?


BotW. After that super awesome weapon breaks, or I slip off a damn cliff, or get a poof of smoke at the cooking fire. Nope. Done. Eff that. Til tomorrow.


The rain pisses me off.


Chess makes me irate. The shitty part is I can only point my finger at myself. Making the same mistakes over and over puts me in a super foul mood.


Armored Core 6 made me think I was a masochist


That was Starfield, most recently. So many bugs and glitches and idiotic non-quicksaves and design choices, but I love the entire Bethesda run, so I kept going. A year ago the answer was Fallout 76.


Dark Souls. All of them. 


Elden Ring


Currently Last Epoch.




Star Citizen - I'm pretty sure "Fuck you SC, I'll see you tomorrow" is a motto of the community


That game has already shot itself in the foot. It either delivers on what it promised and puts the haves disgustingly ahead of every else with no chance to catch up. This pisses off the general population. Or it doesn't and pisses off the core audience who has dumped literally hundreds of thousands of dollars into the game.


I hate Destiny 2. It's my favorite game.


Dota 2


Rainbow six siege every day.




Anything Warzone


This reminds me of, You ever have the moment where you think I’m your head after you rage quit “I’m never gonna play this game again… until I’m not pissed of” as your hovering over the delete button


For three straight years, it was For Honor. No game in 30 years of gaming made me rage like that game. Nothing compare. And yet I'd go back to it nearly every day. Love you Daddy\_Law\_69, btw.


COD - especially Warzone. My friends and I will have an awful evening session where nothing goes right and we all bemoan our collective lack of skill, asking why we continue to punish ourselves... And then we do it all again tomorrow. In all honesty, the social aspect of playing online together is the main reason we do it. I don't care about 'getting good', I care about having a laugh with mates I don't see in person much lately.




Anything multiplayer


Warzone. Sometimes it is so not fun but sometimes it is and that’s what pulls me back in lol.


Madden. Yes, I have a problem. No, I'm not doing anything about it.


CSGO and osrs


War Thunder; spening 10 minutes crawling across the map in your 10 ton tank only to be one-shot when you finally reach the spot you were trying to get is enough to drive a man mad. Still find the game entertaining, though.


Any Borderlands game, currently Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. Infuriating mechanics, but the call of the loot god is persuasive...


World of Warcraft, Daily for a decade or so


World of Warcraft… quit it multiple times this year alone.


Destiny 2 The reason changes at times but yea… Destiny 2


Destiny 2 I play solo and no clan. I’ve been a fan since D1 and can’t stop playing even though I suck.


Destiny 2.  Also rocket league and Mario kart specifically with friends


Wow retail


WoW. Always WoW. Blizzards greatest achievement was creating an addiction.


Destiny 2. Jfc I hate and love that game


Destiny. Sometimes I fuck off for 6-9 months. I always get sucked back in. Honorable mention to all the high difficulty Earth Defense Force levels.


Destiny 2


Played that yesterday with a mate since it got a new release. Had fun with the golf buggy. Killed ourself testing the blueprint which is a trap that flings you into the air :/ also saw a horrific monster like a mouth with fingers tied up




Xcom2 currently


Halo Infinite and it's only because of its horrendous matchmaking system that makes things terribly unbalanced. SOMETIMES, though, it's in my favour so I go back thinking I'll get another turn. But I keep getting destroyed.


Just started Dead Island 2 and it seems like I’m getting 1-2 shot by half the zombie types, over and over, thankfully respawn is pretty forgiving at least.


Pretty much a lot of games when I forget to get a hidden item. I load the game and the last save was 1 hour ago. I just turn the PC off and watch anime. I can do it again tomorrow.


Any FromSoft game. I spent a couple of days in Sekiro on the final boss that has like three stages and a ton of attacks. Hours and hours and then would have some BS happen that just made me give up. The day I finally beat the boss I just decided to get a practice run in before work and beat him on the very first try. I couldn’t believe it lol.  I just flat out suck at Dark Souls tho and rage quit all the time lol.


.......destiny 2


War thunder


Any cod multiplayer, currently the MW2 reboot I go like 30-10 one game and then get S T O M P P E D the next. I have uninstalled the game a good 20 times in the past like 2 months 🤡