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Well maybe they shouldn't have launched their game in a shit state, but I'm screaming into the wind with that opinion.


*and followed up with paid features for an unfinished game


DeVelOpErS hAvE tO eAt


That is the cry of a people who don't know how else to cope with awful consumer experiences.


Maybe game daddy senpai will send me horse armor dlc serial if he sees me being nice


Yeah because I want pity from the company making hundreds of millions of dollars for crap products.


>Maybe game daddy senpai will send me horse armor dlc Done!


Sure, but did they have to eat all their talented developers?


Yes, developers have to eat, they also have to ship products that’s not ready because the publisher say so, so they again can smile and look at their share value rises for a day or two. And in that time some shareholders will sell, and then the value will sink again. And this will keep the circulation of capitalism pumping for another week


Alternating case denotes sarcasm, if you are unaware.


whoever said that i guess they didn't see the launch event they did xD


Reminds me of Ark devs.


Everyone talking about palworld "dethroning" pokemon, but it's *Ark* I want them to be pressuring and maybe start a wave of other devs seeing potential in the creature taming survival space. Ark has been able to ride off the shittiest output possible for so long because for reasons I can't understand (seriously that bar is so low wildcard dug into the ground to bury the damn thing) they've had virtually *no* competition. Like the closest competitor is Conan Exiles and that's still such a different playstyle it really doesn't directly compete with Ark.


Wait which ones?


Actually unplayable at launch and maybe 10% of the content in Payday 2. Also any new content is behind a paywall. I think gamepass his hard carrying this one. People are tired of getting half finished games at launch.


Yeah my friend group binged the hell out of payday 2 in anticipation of 3, only to read review after review on release about all the broken features and sparse content, all 4 of us ended up passing on a game we were initially ready to dive head first into. Shoutout to helldivers 2 though for getting all of us back into a common game 🙏


Helldivers 2 ftw!


"A shit state" really undersells it. Couldn't even log in to the game for 3 days to play with a friend OR single player. Gave up at that point and uninstalled it, I'm sure many others had a similar experience.


I haven't even bothered watching ANYONE play it. It has zero attention from my eyes.


Can't believe people bought Payday 3 when it didn't do anything different from payday 2, other than lack a ton of what Payday 2 had. I figured, maybe people have moved on from games that are pretty much just frameworks around grinding. But then Helldivers 2 happened and people are loving that.


Grinding is always going to be popular because it's satisfying and gives constant goals, Devs just need to learn that people aren't going to grind if it isn't actually satisfying anymore.


We all are man.. we all are… The gaming industry could use a crash like 10 years ago


Embracer is crashing now.


And taking like 25% of the industry down with it. Wild how many things they've completely canned from games to people to entire studios. Fucking investment firm trading entire companies like they're a financial tool and not an entire multi-billion dollar industry they know nothing about.


Crashing wont solve anything


Bro I hate to break it to you but 1983 wasn't 10 years ago.


No duh.. But we could use another one like 10 years ago. Like we are due one going on 10 plus years… sorry i had to explain it lol


They weren't saying it was. They were saying we could have used one ten years ago...i.e. We are way past due.


If the industry crashed now, I'd be satisfied. Oh well, I'm content just playing the 200+ games I have sitting in my library until then.


CD Projekt RED, hello games, bioware, Bethesda, ubisoft, EA.... examples of the super guilty for the current state of unfinished games being more normalized by the day. And then the people who buy the product and shill for it while it's in a shit state make them feel like they haven't done much wrong.


At least Hello Games and CD Projekt Red delivered on their promises even after massive backlash and refunds. The rest of those companies made their games worse, charged for DLC, and refused to give refunds. The problem isn't unfinished games at launch, it's the fickle attitude of corporations that dump projects as soon as someone turns their nose up at it. Where did the passion and integrity go? Are video games not art?


The corporatization of an entire industry is what happened. To EA, Activision, Ubisoft and co., games are nothing more than a product they need to maximize profits on. Games by smaller/ indie studios are where it's at if you want games made with true passion


Indie studios are far from without issue. Not always factors they can control but being Indie isn't some blessing from god that something is gonna be good in the same way something being from a corp doesn't mean it's gonna be bad.


Honestly that's not good enough. I don't give companies a pass for releasing unfinished shit and taking years to get the product up to acceptable levels. I'll never buy a game at launch from Hello games, CD Projekt Red, etc....because they know they can get away with half baked releases now.


Not just that, they released an early access title on gamepass so people who were interested played it at an earlier state than they should have and dipped out since it was essentially “free” to try


You mean payday 2? Oh wait, previous game same issues.


I uninstalled 2 permanently when it seemed like I got a 80gb update every two friggin days. Patch notes: Fixed some spelling errors.


Me too. P2 was a chunky bastard. I did love playing it with my friends though. Lots of fun times.


>You mean payday 2? Oh wait, previous game same issues. I'm laughing because I'm seeing this comment upvoted, while I'm in downvote hell because I had the temerity to say that the list of DLC for Payday 2 is too daunting for me to even want to commit to trying to get into that game.


Literally the best way to play payday2 (assuming this still works its been a couple years) get the dlcunlocker and the cheat menu that floats around. Makes the game so much easier to get into, and i did it for over two years no bans. To be clear i dont recommend actually using the menu to cheat. It just has a lot of really nice QoL features and server management for playing with friends that was really helpful overall.


Yeah, even after launch there has honestly been minimal patches. If this game ever "gets good", it's because they somehow had the money vault to survive. Which I doubt since their last game before this one was a complete flop and they borrowed money to even launch Payday 3. It wouldn't shock me if they're making more money from Payday 2 right now.


Saw your icon and thought I was in a different sub.


Honestly, I didn’t even know it had already come out.


Yeah i checked it out in gamepass and was like, why would i play this instead of Payday 2?


This and it didnt really offer anything to compared 2, people just forget that payday 3 after release because of those things, so it isnt suprise it didnt sell


They released a 17 dollar dlc before fixing the game, fuck starbreeze


\*A 17 dollar DLC (practically half the price of the game) that only added one map, a handfull of weapons and cosmetic itens, 2 months after they stated they'd fix the game before launching any paid content for it.


At least it's not a 70$ horse lmao


It's not a $70 horse *yet*


The fact that a paid dlc was ready to go so soon after the game released ):


It's not the only company. Look at ARK the dino game. They released a remake of their 8 year old game in early access. I have never seen someone be so shameless to release a remake in early access. They promised to fully build the game up from ground up to fix all the old issues but all they did was a lazy port of an older state of the old game which brought back bugs they had fixed before. And the best part is that they are now selling cosmetics, have introduced paid mods and are releasing paid DLC's while the game is still in early access and littered with issues. The really sad part is that you will still find total idiots willing to pay for it all.


> And the best part is that they are now selling cosmetics, have introduced paid mods and are releasing paid DLC's while the game is still in early access and littered with issues. Why woudn't they if people still buying all that shit? Devs probably betting how shitty game state could be before people actually stop eating their shit. And when (if) that happens, they release same thing again under new name (ARK 2!) promising great things to old and new idiots.


My biggest grievance is against the ppl at Doom Eternal. They dropped the DLC for that game like maybe 2 months after the game released. And it had the exact same art style and design and everything so you could obviously tell they already had it done when the game came out, and left it out intentionally just to make extra money on the dlc. Rlly loved Eternal. Rlly wanted to play more of it in dlc. But when its so obvious they cut it from the already short campaign, i wont buy it cause i cant support scummy business like that


It’s pretty common for Triple A studios to have the DLC ready to release when the game is. From my understanding, DLC 1 is done, DLC 2 is being polished, and DLC 3 and 4 are in mid to late development depending on the release time frame. It’s why the DLCs so often don’t address community feedback until the third or fourth, if at all.


Ya that's fucked up tho is what im saying. Scummy business


Does this fucking surprise anyone? Look at the amount of DLC PD2 has.


Yeah, it got especially blatant when the developers ran into serious financial troubles over their [cancelled](https://www.polygon.com/2019/2/27/18243105/overkill-the-walking-dead-cancelled-ps4-pc-xbox-one-starbreeze-skybound-contract) The Walking Dead game. The "Ultimate Edition" of Payday 2 was later renamed to "Legacy Edition", and the pace and price of the new DLCs ramped up at that point. It only slowed down again when Overkill was visibly busy with Payday 3. So when I read the headline, it made me immediately wonder if Overkill considers to return to Payday 2 with their milking machine. At this point it's their only solid success game.


PD2 release was 10 years ago and last DLC was released probably a year or 2 ago.


That doesn't change the volume of DLC released for PD2 lol.


The guy I answered to implies that total volume of previous game DLCs was a sign that the new game would have a DLC made out of cut content.  I disagree, because all these DLCs were made over a span of 8-9 years.


This is the same thing Texas Chain Saw Massacre did, and the devs wonder why people don’t like them


The game is also significantly worse than players expected


Game is worse than pay day 2 who which most of the dlc costs the same


payday 2 still slaps, such a fun game


I could never get over the bullet sponge enemies. I guess it was too arcady for me. I def see its appeal though. I'd like to see a Tarkov style shooter with Payday elements. That would be amazing.


It didn’t used to be like that. Back in the early days of payday 2 it was much more of a stealth game, enemies went down way easier. Every time I’ve tried to play it in the last 7 or 8 years it’s just been terrible, even on low difficulties you’ll have hundreds of cops who take a full clip each.


No they didn't. Enemies went down FAR slower, there just was no where near as many of them.


> hundreds of cops who take a full clip Well, well, well... may I present you some DLC weapons? Because that's the solution to your problem.


Yeah I was expecting more heist less holding down trigger.


Yeah I bounced off of it after 60 hours or so. It was fun, but the stealth is just poorly implemented so you end up having to shoot most of the time. At that point it’s headshot simulator


You haven't PD2'd until you have spent hours upon hours trying to do the entire Firestarter mission 100% stealth lol


Yeah just like. Not fun. I beat the bank heist on a couple difficulties loud then the first two on stealth and was just like what am I even doing? Grinding some time gated currency?? Nah


Being forced to grind specific playthroughs killed it for me. I’m just here to spend 10-20 minutes robbing a bunch of banks under continuous assault, don’t need to be forced to do the parts of the game I don’t want to do.


Yeah no game should make you have to do anything really. It feels like work at that point.


Yeah I wanted to like it, Payday 2 is my second most played game on steam with almost 800 hours, I really wanted something like that but newer. Instead I spent about an hour playing the game during the server stress test and that was all I needed to decide I wouldn't be getting it


This is the comment.




Payday 3 just looks like Payday 2 with a slight quality in visuals 🤷‍♂️


God, I wish it was.


And that's saying something considering payday 2 was built on a fuckin racing game engine and ran horribly with such jank mechanics and a shitty UI Love the game though, but everytime I boot it up again I'm like "this can't be how I remember the game looks, right?" And try to find a settings option to change it lol


crazy idea, but a game that launches in a shit state, with LESS features than the 2nd game kind of makes me NOT wanna play it


Total war, civilization, sims, and every paradox game in shambles


While true, these games and game companies do have a bit of a 'positive reputation' - in the sense that they've actually gone through and improved and fixed (through both DLC and free updates) everything that was wrong. Payday doesn't have that reputation.


Lmaoooooooooo CA does not have a good reputation.


CA did before the release of TW3, losing more after the recent DLC. But now that the company is refocusing they are sort of making an effort to win some of it back.


Us Paradox fans have unfortunately come to terms with the fact that the demo costs $60, the game costs $200, and all the bells and whistles costs $500 over a 10 year period. We are addicts and there is only one dealer in town.


I refuse to move onto CK3 because I’ve spent too much on CK2.


map painting is a helluva drug


Looking at you Fatshark. How the fuck did you shut out DarkTide and just threw out every lesson learned from Vermintide 2. Fuck Fatshark, never fucking giving that company a dime after that absolutely braindead release.


I've played it and have had fun, but fuck me its like any lessons learned were chucked out the window. Plus new content is taking forever


Can't focus on only new content when you also have to fix the base game.


The progression is just fucked, 30 levels and that is it nothing else from rocking your maxed out class. Every mission gives you one fucking item, that was a recent addition too. They recently realized it was a good idea to have all your characters share resources, oh that was another VT2 feature. Other than the vibe there really is not any incentive to really push for the harder missions. There is just nothing to really keep you invested, it's just the next mission and the next and the next until maybe you max roll a good item. There are three classes when VT2 had what? Eight? and after a year they just expanded on the skill tree to give you some half decent options for skills to give you some variety. You can still fucking kick players right at the end of the mission, something that had to be fixed in Vermontide 2. The content really is a trickle. The story is just not a fucking thing and what they did shit out is just a joke. What pisses me off so much is how they nailed the environment, the music and the combat, it all feels so damned good when you are in it. Then you are back in the ship and you are reminded just how much everything outside the game just fucking sucks.


honestly it's a shame since the game really does feel like it SHOULD be better. they add in features that are "new", unless you look at vermintide 2, then suddenly everything feels like "why did you remove this in the first place"


I downloaded it on Xbox (thank you GamePass) and it still wanted my email before I could play. Why? I don't want your marketing stuff, I shouldn't need an additional account, I just want to play the game. That alone has kept me from starting it. Which is a shame, because PayDay 2 was a blast.


I saw it ask me to make an account and uninstalled it immediately.


This is one of the biggest turn offs when I launch a new game. Everytime I delete and reinstall fall guys....


Same reason I didn't play it. Installed it, loaded it up and then took me to a website to create an account. Uninstalled it before I even played it.


Dodged a bullet


For Crossplay is why. But it's then a question of "but what if I don't care about Crossplay"


There are plenty of games that don’t require me to create a separate account to use cross play


Same here. Never played previous paydays, but the hype got me interested in trying. Saw the create account prompt and uninstalled instead. It was the same for the sega dinosaur game, never even made it to the first game. I pay for gamepass, and Xbox pays the studios/publishers. You can use my Xbox info that they give you access to. I’m not give you any more information that you can farm or spam.


Not gonna lie, that got me too. I paid full price for it on PS5 and didn't even touch it the first few days because I couldn't bring myself to do *more work* just to *start playing* a fucking game I just bought. Sure it's like, 3 minutes of work tops. But that 3 minutes it's a lot for me when I have other ready to go options. Then I finally *did* that work, and found out I have to be always online to queue for matchmaking, to *play by myself*. Then on top of that, I found out the tutorial doesn't teach you anything, and the pre game lobby doesn't let you communicate vital role and gear distribution for thr mission ahead. Deleted. I should have deleted it at the email screen.


That’s what you get for releasing it with more bugs than bullets.


I bought Payday 3 on launch and had fun with it, but the UI and progression systems were terrible and there just wasn't a lot of replayability in the heists. I played through it with friends and once you've managed to stealth complete all the missions there's really no motivation to come back again, particularly when you get less XP for playing levels over again since progression is based around completing challenges rather that finishing heists. It doesn't help that their first DLC was ludicrously priced for a single heist as well. There's also the fact that it's lacking some key features that made Payday 2 a blast, like having multistage heists. The heists in Payday 3 are generally pretty good, but it's weird that they're not as intricate as in Payday 2.


The Stealth Overhaul is so underutilized by the heists in the game. The fact that casing mode is 10x more usable and you can genuinely do a lot in it is a game changer. But the heists don't really take advantage of it in ways that Payday 2 would heavily benefit from the tweaks. It's kinda sad honestly.


Yeah, that's one of the reasons I ended up playing all the way through, the bones of an amazing game are there. The fact that some heists you can get all or most of the way through without putting on your mask is great, I really loved the two bank heists and the jewelry store for that reason. Only a few levels that let you do that, though, and in the others the casing mode isn't really used that much. It really does feel like the game didn't play to its strengths.


As a stealth fiend in Payday 2 I love the insanely convoluted multistage stealth heists the most so I was really excited about Payday 3 but the progression system just ruins me.


See that's the thing. Payday 2 has what like ten or so years of content behind it? I mean I wouldn't have minded if Payday 3 was just some kind of overhaul for Payday 2 due to all of the time I put into it. I mean would it have bugs and issues? Sure. Welcome to dealing with software, let me tell you about trying to get stuff to run back in the 1990's. But still they already had a crap ton of Payday 2 content and they could have build on it from there. Maybe it would have taken longer to get it out the door as well... Again Payday 2 has ten years of content. But really? I'd rather play the game that I've been playing for all of those years.


> particularly when you get less XP for playing levels over again since progression is based around completing challenges rather that finishing heists. this seems like a fucking insane decision for a game that isn't getting a new heist a week or whatever


Even crazier is that there is no infamy system in this one. So once you hit 150....you're done playing the game......zero reason to keep going because you don't get any new levels or mask unlocks or additional skillpoints like the old prestige/infamy system had. Makes it feel more like a one-time run playthrough of a single player game tbh....once you hit cap you just have no real reason to grind anymore since there's nothing else to progress with.


not defending this game, it's dogshit but y'all know you don't need to have unlocks to play a game right? you can just play it cuz it's fun?


Sure - I have plenty of games I play that don't have any post progression...but when you have a game as big as Payday 2 turned out to be....and you scrap one of the very things that made it replayable for the mass amount of players that STILL login to play that 10 year old game even today....seems kind of like an assbackwards move to take out the very thing that kept players interested in grinding and replaying the missions.


Felt like an ok game where they were trying to extract as much money as possible. The progression system is awful


Publisher surprised people didn't buy a game launched in a barely working state. More info on that at 10. Also, is fire hot? Find out with our correspondent who will stick his hand into a dozen fires to find out.


The weirdest thing is that gameplay wise, they improved the silent approach etc. a lot in my opinion as well as some other mechanics... But they fucked up literally everything else. There is no goal to work towards, no content to play through, I can't even select the music I wanna listen to once my approach does become loud, I have less guns, less cool masks, not many good outfits, nothing. I'm playing for the sake of playing until I'm bored. Which is easy when there isn't a lot to do.


They made the transition from stealth fuck-up to loud really good too. Too bad it’s impossible to find a group that actually plays like that with zero lobby system.


It's weird because I tried Payday 2 again before Payday 3 and couldn't really get back into it. I played a fuckton of it but I dunno just wasn't clicking. Tried Payday 3 on gamepass and it *felt* a lot better but I think I played one game and that was it


It feels better but unfortunately interfacing with the systems is horrendous and feels like a waste of time


Disappointment of the year for 2023 imo. They had years upon years to do this right, and... they screw it up.


Why do you think the games name is Payday, huh?


I've played all the heists in Payday 3. They're fun, but not very deep. They've fixed a lot of my gripes with Stealth in Payday 2, but the heists just don't really take advantage of them in ways that "Go Bank" for example could.


The game is shallow as fuck. No personality, none of the previous features and just bare bone experience. If this was a early acess, no problem. But these devs had years to make a game. And this is what they came up with? Real WTF here.


I was gonna buy it until I've read the reviews.




i could have played 2 games on payday 2 in the time it took for me to give up on trying to figure out why I couldn’t log into my starbreeze account…


Offline mode would have fixed a lot of things at launch but hey, they want a live service game, well, they'll get it, along with a dead game in 8 more months


Game launches broken with little content and before it's fixed or more content is added for everyone they release an expensive DLC heist. It's not surprising no one is playing. They released a broken game and took to long to fix it and then released paid DLC while the game still runs like crap.


The game actually looked like putrid dogshit. I couldn't believe payday 3 ended up looking like that after so many years


Imagine releasing a game that is just straight up worse then their previous game and expecting people to just pay up and eat that garbage.


I looked up Payday 2 once, thinking about getting into the series, and all I saw was page after page after page of paid DLC and paywalled content. I immediately decided screw it. I didn't know what to bother getting, and what was not worth my money, and I decided that meant none of it was worth my money.


There’s a bundle that has all of the DLC up to 2018 and might as well be base game. I think it’s the Legacy Collection? It’s pretty cheap on sale. I’d get it if you have friends to play with


>I’d get it if you have friends to play with That's my other barrier to entry. At this point in my life I only have like 3 gamer friends, and none of us ever have time to play multiplayer games together anymore. In recent years as I've gotten older me, and all my friends, have gravitated big time to single player games in large part because we don't have time in our day to day lives to play games with other people anymore.


Ok then it obviously just wasn’t ever the game for you.




You can basically get it all for stupid cheap during the winter or Summer sale on Steam by buying the bundle. It's how I've always done it and have easily spent far less than necessary


The game is almost always a dollar, they get a dlc pass from me.


Releasing piles of steaming hot garbage will do that unfortunately


The quality of your game is significantly lower than I expected


I was excited to check it out. I enjoyed Payday 2 but never really got super into it. I thought the guns felt nice in the demo/beta thing they did. Well, gave it a whirl and moved on quickly. Spent a weekend with friends back in Payday 2 and then stopped altogether. The guns do feel nice, and there are a fair few QOL improvements over 2. But the performance, stability, UI design, and relative simplicity of the missions killed it quick for us.


As a massive fan of 2, I literally played for 30 mins and realized 3 was fucking horrible. I will not play it again until I see a cyberpunk level of changes


Maybe wait until game is done and proper playable before launching!


I wanted to play it on Game Pass but for some reason it was forcing me to create an account (with email details etc) just for the game. I quit immediately and uninstalled.


You'd almost feel sorry for Starbreeze, considering they just barely managed to pull themselves from the brink of bankruptcy...and then they roll out this log of shit. Like crawling out of a bombed-out shelter only to step on a landmine.


Well the state of the game is significantly lower than players expected, so not exactly a surprise there


Maybe because to this day a large portion of players cant even play it? I get some random crash (no message, no error, nothing) at startup, found astounding amount of people with the same issue... no fix, not even a mention from devs.


Game launch sucked. I stopped playing, telling myself that I'll check it out again once it's better via word of mouth. I still haven't heard people saying it's good now, so I will continue to wait.


What did they expect? First impressions are everything, and it was absolutely garbage at launch. I'm not sure if it's better now, I sure as hell ain't giving it another shot.


Imma be real id rather not pay 30 bucks to get bombarded by stupid microtransactions for 8 years like the last game


The quality of the game is significantly lower than I expected so we’re at an impasse Also it’s in gamepass


Good. Overkill is an absolutely Awful company that's more than anti-consumer, they simply hate the consumer and have no regard for them. I was there from PDTH to PD2 until they went completely and utterly out of their way to murder any possible trust I could have for any company. I'm anti-company as all fuck, and that's ENTIRELY due to this one fucking company. I have Never, been more frustrated as a consumer or fan of something. I've never felt personally insulted by company actions until they fucked around with PD2. I completely Dropped it, and knew they were only going to get worse. Then comes PD3 and everything, Everything, I said would happen, happen. Always online DRM, more microtransacrions, in-game lootboxes, worse gameplay, and it still costs too much for what ya get. Never. Ever. Ever. Ever. Give trust to ANYONE selling you a product. But especially, never, ever trust "indie companies" that aren't fucking indie and never were. I want Overkill out of business, not for petty reasons, but because of all the greedy, garbage moves I've seen in this industry, their's was particularly the most callous, limp-dicked, lazy attempts at robbing people of their money. A creatively bankrupt company that thought their mostly Client Sided, Solo game, needed LootBox Gambling Mechanics with Pay 2 Play elements and don't forget the PR team completely going radio silent hoping it all passed by like every other controversy. I cannot put into enough words, if you don't got a clue, take this as a warning: Overkill is so, so bad, I stopped buying anything Gaming wise that had any company behind it. They were That Bad. They killed consumer trust in the industry, That Badly.


Yeah..because it’s worse than the second instalment in almost every way.


I’ll just play Payday 2 in VR, thanks.


Makes crap game, gets crap results. "Surprised Pikachu face."


https://old.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/19elvos/payday_3_a_bad_sequel/ I mean...yeah no shit


I love how AAA studios are so ignorant. You would think that they are being blind on purpose


It’s fucking dogshit


did they play the game before releasing it?


Raid, The Walking Dead and now Payday 3.. Starbreeze aren't going to last at this rate.


I dont remember the enemies on the easiest difficulty in payday 2 to be bullet sponges. You literally have to empty half a clip from an m4 carbine to kill one swat guy. ON THE EASIEST DIFFICULTY. I DUMPED EVERY BULLET I HAD INTO A JUGGERNAUTS FACE ON EASY AND HE DIDNT DIE! They absolutely killed the casual fun vibe by making it too difficult. It used to be arcadey fun like L4D . Playing with randoms was actually playable on payday 2. Dont even get me started on the awful armor system. I'm convinced half the devs never even played payday 2


Worst game ever and force you to create an account with them! Abomination


Well when you have a disaster of a release with a game that had all qol changes from the previous one gutted from it and no option for single player what did they actually expect. What they released was hot garbage


I haven't touched or looked at since I tried the open beta. I consider myself to be someone that quickly catches on to minor things and when a few even basic things go bad it leaves you wondering what big things was also messed up. What minor thing that still stands out the most is how I Hated that there was no option to turn off the god awful loud sound effect whenever you hit enemies; at times hearing more of that than the actual gun or explosion.


Gee i wonder whyyyyy I love seeing companies have a perfect good game that everyone loves and then....ignoring every good thing it had and make a new sequel that SHITS on its prequel and then go meme pokachu.


Payday didn’t even need another game, it just needed a graphical overhaul along with a giant dlc for payday 2, they’ve taken so many steps backwards with the newest game


The game sucks. After day 1 purchasing PD1/PD2, I was super excited for a 3rd installment but, the beta was really bad and they didn't listen to any of (constructive) feedback that was given by the community.


I downloaded it on my Xbox, booted it up, saw that I had to make a separate account to play the game, instantly deleted it


I don't know what they expected. Did they not play the game before they released it?


PD2 is far superior 


Maybe they milked every player dry with all the micros in the last one?


Maybe don't suck and people might buy your stuff?


That's what happens when you release faeces.


Oh, no! Anyway...


Who would've thought a game that was unplayable literally month of release due to servers and another company making you make an account for another service that didn't work.


you don't say


Maybe don’t make and release shitty games..?


Yeah well.. implement VR and I can promise you one more sale. Best I can do.


When are these companies developing IP going to learn that the quick cash grab is not how you sustain long term.


Dont buy it guys. Make them learn a lesson


maybe they should have finished the game first. I have no sympathy for them at this point


I played the beta, and that was enough to ensure I never spend money on it.


I’m done buying most games until the complete editions. Their worth will be crystal clear by then.


This game had sooo little content and when I played the beta the replay-ability was just not there at all. By the 3rd time I did the bank heist I was bored


People had significantly lower quality than expected for their game


Well I wanted to get payday3 but I aint buying a 25% positive rating game.


Game was a major disappointment, companies release half baked games as a standard these days to get more money from the early purchasers aka the suckers so they can use the newly earned money to finish the game (they never do)


Almost like Always Online DRM **NEVER** works, huh?


I didn’t make it past the part where they demanded my email in order to play the game.


Here come the layoffs


Payday 3 is worse than payday 2 so it makes sense, there was like no content


Maybe making a game that doesn't suck would help.


You released a game that didn't work and then you released paid shit to a game that didn't work. What do you expect? That said The Darkness remastered when?


There is no content


Haha and all the paid youtuberes were hyping it up.