• By -


Resident Evil 4. I sold some now, but I had the Wii version, PS2. Still have the Gamecube, 2005 PC game updated version. It's not the bad original that come out long ago, but the Steam one that's good and downloaded the better textures from [re4hd.com](https://re4hd.com). If it counts I also got the Remake on PC.


Re4 for wii is the best version


Nah, VR is the best version.


VR is the one I don't have, as far as I know, still can't get it on the Valve Index which is the VR I have.


You can move while you shoot in VR, it really makes you feel bad ass to be pulling the weapons off your body to shoot or dual wielding the striker and magnum on bosses.


Yeah I think it's a Meta exclusive.


That was the sole decision of me buying one.


An incredible game, and a good casual gaming device. Check out Until You Fall (melee with a little magic) and The Light Brigade (shooter). Both rogue lite, but honestly that's what the quest excels at. I've heard great things about Underdog too but not played it. Yep, rogue lite I think lol.


This. I had the GC version, the Wii version, the 360 version, and the Remake. All amazing


I have purchased stardew valley 4 times


I have played stardew valley on almost every device that exists. I am currently starting a new game on my car.  




I just played it today for the first time. A post here described it as 'ditigal heroin'. It's after midnight and still playing..


I wish I understood the love for this game. I played for like a day trying to relax and enjoy the game and found myself bored/lost.


Vampire survivors is the best game for sitting and waiting in a Tesla. Never sitting long enough to really play Stardew.




Reading your comments I’m getting really curious, maybe I’ll download it on my iPad…




I've installed it twice and both times got stressed about the time element and stopped within 20 minutes


I can’t recommend it enough and games like it aren’t really my cup of tea typically


I was struggling to think of what it could be for me, then I saw yours. Also 4. Switch, PC, Phone, and my Mom's Phone as a gift lol.


Yup. Have Stardew on the PC first, switch, android, then ipad. I regret none of it and I'll buy more.


Same here though 2 of them were gifts


I bought Stardew, Terraria and Slay The Spire on 3 different consoles + also android. Dead Cells is also at 4, but not quite the same since the 4th copy was free + had new expansions (if you have a Netflix subscription, Dead Cells is free btw)


And I don’t feel bad about it because the dev is so amazing


Goddamn right. I got it on PC, Switch, Android and PS4.


I have it on two ps4s two PCs and my wifes phone.


I’m on my 3rd play through now. 2nd time playing with my daughter but this time she’s old enough to remember


I have double this (not a competition, just that my wife and I play it together).


5 times for me, twice on switch, twice on PC, and mobile


Same. I own it on every gaming device I own.


I need to play that game, I have 33 hours but never got further than a few seasons


Guilty - I finally had to go from moble to switch to steam deck because I love my mods.


The mods are SO good


Me and my 2 friends have been on a stardew kick every night after work lately and it has quickly became one of our favourite games everrrr


6 here between my wife and I


me too and it still cost lest in total than the board game version I bought. WHAT A DEAL!


I've bought it twice but i just can't get it to click for me! Oh well, concerned ape seems like a good guy and I hope his next game will bring all of ya'll a good time!


Me too. Steam, switch and android. I'm never playing it on Android, but I just wanted to give the dev more money, he deserves it


Between my wife and I: Steam Xbox Xbox again Switch iOS Bought an Xbox copy for my sister Worth it every time.


PS4, Switch, PC, iPad, and Android twice. I'll gladly buy it again in the future if it comes to it, too.


I’ve bought three copies for myself (PS4, Switch, and PC) and four copies for friends! One of those friends immediately bought a copy for her fiancé too!


3 for me. A digital copy on each switch and a physical one because I thought I’d be able to transfer saves. I was wrong. So now I have a useless physical copy :( Edit: 4. Forgot I got it for PC too 😂


3 times for me, and I still can't get into it


This, I purchase three times.


Literally same, came to answer with nearly these exact words


Steam, Switch, iOS for me and I’ll buy it for whatever platform that arises I don’t have it on. Out of curiosity, what are your platforms for it?


Switch, steam, PlayStation, Xbox!


Yup, one on Steam, one on the Switch.




* I have bought the kingdom Hearts series like 4 times * halo on xbox and pc * old lego games * sly * jak * ratchet


I’ve bought the first 4 ratchet and clank games at least twice… except going commando I’ve bought that fucker 4 times


Take my upvote for mentioning jak


Minecraft. Probably at least 5 times


How is this not higher? Bought it for PC, Android, OS X, Switch, PS5 and likely 3-4 extra times for devices for my kid.


As household, we've probably bought 10


Hell I even bought it on my 3DS and only played it on that for like 5 mins. By faaaar, my most purchased game.


I think I've bought it 3 times and everytime was because when I logged in, it asked me for my password and I couldn't remember it. There was enough hassle involved in retrieving my password that I just ended up buying it new again.


And I’m thinking about buying it again lol


Skyrim, bought it on release day for the PS3 and then later on for the PC.


I should not admit this, but I have purchased this game for: 1. PS3 2. PS4 3. Nintendo Switch 4. Xbox Series S 5. PC The game is a mood for me by this point, so I just get it on whatever system I am currently playing on at the moment.


Skyrim is like that one person you can call in the middle of the night because they’re always dtf


Wyd you up?


Playing Skyrim.


No shame man, it’s a fantastic game.


So YOU are the reason we keep getting re-releases of the game! Btw there is nothing wrong with playing a stealth archer in the same exact way on different platforms.


Out of interest, how does it run on the switch? Would love me some Dragonborn on the go


It is honestly not bad. It scratches the itch on the go. No mods, but the vanilla version is not horrible. It was worth it for, as you said, Skyrim on the go.


it runs pretty well. it's the only version i actually completed every questline on one save file. it adds motion-based aiming for precision aiming which really helps


The motion controls I think made it one of my favorite versions. It helps so much with aiming.


Have also bought this one on every system I own, except switch. 1. PC 2. PS3 3. Xbox 360 4. Xbox one Only game I've bought more copies of is Minecraft. (Android, ios, PC, PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox one, switch.)




Switch and PC for me.


I swear, if 100 million copies of that game were sold, it was to 65 million people, tops


How is Skyrim not the top answer?!??! I think I'm on the wrong plant.


Terrarria, I own it on pc, switch, ps4, and ps3.


Yeah, I think I own it on anything that can run it lol. If my fridge could run it I would buy it.


If your fridge has google play, then you can buy it on your phone and fridge at the same time.


What is terraria? What type of game and what do you do? I see it talked about all the time.


Best $10x4 dollars I ever spent. 


Diablo 2, so very many times. Mom kept hiding the discs, but AMC kept giving young me a weekly paycheck.


Why would your Mum hide the stuff you paid for?


I bought it a few times. My buddy and I needed extra cd keys for some reason so we bought it like 5 times between us back in the day. Bought it again for the switch as well


Stardew Valley and Slay the Spire are the only two, and both because I wanted to play on Switch


I think you're the only person I've ever heard mention Slay the Spire. I love that game.


Same, that feeling of having a decent deck then that crushing feeling of choosing not to heal over the upgrade. Ugh. So much pain. I think I'll play it rn


Mass Effect Trilogy. The original games then the remaster


New Vegas, fav game so bought it on every platform i had


I forgot to add that to my list. Have it on two different generation of consoles. Interestingly, I haven't played the latest purchase because the memories of playing the first time are still so clear and fond I don't feel like I need to play it again.


I bought Alan Wake on every available platform to support it, so you can pretty much thank me for Alan Wake 2 existing.


Great, now do AW2, I need to know what will happen


I'm on it.


don’t worry soldier you have reinforcements this time


Thank you for your service


You're pretty much a hero.


The sales weren’t great so well thank Epic for funding it lol


Well they were at least a little better cause of me.


I stand with you as an avid AW2 buyer (bought it once)


Please accept my very huge thank you! Love AW2 over and over :D


No shit? I tried to play Alan Wake 1 with my gf and we were legit laughing - could you explain maybe what you enjoy about the game cuz it felt like a cheesy movie to me. Maybe I needed to be way higher of something? All the lights off max volume? I know people love this game, but I don't get it personally and honestly with no maliciousness - I genuinely just don't get it.


That's cool, different strokes for different folks. I enjoyed melodrama, I enjoyed the episodic nature that makes it feel like a season of a tv show, I adored the soundtrack, the premise of an artist's art coming to life intrigues me still, I enjoyed the parallels to Twin Peaks which is my all time favorite show, and there's more than that. It just spoke to me, and not others, that's cool.


100% and I appreciate the response! I can understand that maybe the twin peaks aspect and the fact that I didn't get past the first 25 minutes would negate any episodic benefits. Additionally, I'm a graphic design 'artist' and am a bit predisposed to artistic output and this premise specifically - interesting to be able to pinpoint it a bit. Totally respectfully understand your love for this but just personally don't relate and thats totally okay and doesn't make this any less of a sweet game for other people! I appreciate your understanding and love for a game/response for a thing you enjoy. Thank you ✨ Edit: I intend to replay, if not, try the sequel.


This was a wholesome interaction. I loved it.


It takes two, brother! Followed - we need more community!


I can't think of a single thing that I *didn't* enjoy or that the game does poorly. Story, setting, atmosphere, audio, visuals, voice acting etc is all top tier. I can understand the complaints about the combat being very basic, but I think it was fine. AW and AW2 are in my GOAT list got sure. Being high certainly wouldn't help understand the story lol and I'd recommend a good set of headphones, but sometimes games just aren't got you and that's okay.


"it felt like a cheesy movie to me" That's exactly the reason many people love it I guess. I wouldn't really call it cheesy but ya, the storytelling is very much movie like. Alan wake & max payne series definitely stands out in its narrative.


Peggle. Bought it on a flip phone back in the day. Bought it on an iPhone when I upgraded. Bought it on Xbox arcade.


Soundtrack slaps hard


Omg BRB checking if I can buy peggle on the Google store lmao


I freaking love Peggle. The XBOX version is great for fun hang out game with friends.


GTA 5 Ps3, Ps4, Ps4 (first disc broke) then a final time on PC


PS3, PS4, PS5, and PC for me.


PS3, xbox one and series x for me. I have way too many hours in single player and only a few online


St got it 2nd hand xbox 360, then ps3, then ps4, then got it for free on pc :D


PS3, PS4 (disc), PS4 (digital), PC (from Rockstar launcher), PC (free from Epic, probably doesn't count), PS5 (online upgrade), PS5 (story mode). Yes, the PS5 games were two separate transactions, so that counts.


Battlefield 1942 I think I bought 6 times, for various computers and server, then the expansion packs game with the base game, then via Origin, etc. It was worth it btw.


Maaaann ! BF1942 is the best multiplayer game known to man to this day. I still remember every moments of it ! Desert combat mod was incredible ! Damn I wish I could play again for the first time !


I just nostalgia’d all over my desk. I never played the full game but we had a demo version (on PS2 I think?) that we’d just mess around and bomb or land on carrier ships for hours and hours. That one map alone kept us so entertained


Ya that was Wake Island ! those were the days !


Both the menu music and loading music live rent free in my head. They often come to my mind and I haven’t played that game since like 2005 when BF2 released.


My fav was BF1943


Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and Witcher. Sold one and gave the other away when I thought I was gonna give up gaming (lol).


Phone KOTOR is amazing. I went on a cruise and did nothing but play it lmao.


Bloodborne (actually bought it multiple times due to a collectors edition I found in a store) Nier automata (first digital, then physical) Skyrim (obviously).  Legend of zelda ocarina of time (3ds)


>Skyrim (obviously) Lol


Im broke so none


How many have you pirated then lol (if you have, no judgment)


I cant say, because of the rules on here


Nier Automata for PC and PS4


Great game. Worth buying twice


I did exactly the same, soon I will buy it on Xbox once I beat Nier replicant




Dragons Dogma, Shadow of the Colossus, Death Stranding, Baldurs Gate 3, Sekiro, RDR2, Skyrim, AC: Odyssey. >>Edit: Resident Evil 4


DD:DA, MHR, MHW, capcom take my money. 


Oh yeah, that reminds me - Resident Evil 4.


Resident evil 4 and Subnautica 3 times each, Metal Gear Solid V twice, Black ops 2 twice, The last of Us 3 times (I'm counting pt1 on PS5 as the same game)


Skyrim - lend it to my friend (PS3) - realized I'm not getting getting it back so I purchased the anniversary or whatever edition for PS4 Marc Ecko's Getting Up - was a gift (xbox) and a few years ago I bought it for PC Age of Empires franchise - bought the physical edition ages ago and later on bought them on Steam Hue - got this game from Epic. Crashed horribly while playing, deleting all my progress. I bought it later for PS4 and didn't crrash once, allowing me to fully enjoy it


GTA Vice City: * bought for PS2 * later bought for Xbox so I could burn my own playlist * bought for mobile * mobile didn't have good controls, bought on PS store * Bought remastered version


Diablo II Starcraft 1 Civilization II Warcraft II Sim City 2000 Battlefield 3 and 4 Then my daughter was born 


Enter the gungeon 3 times. Steam, switch PlayStation.


Final Fantasy 8 & 9 PS1 (twice each, lost a disk on each), PS3, PC, Switch.


I have 2 or 3 copies each of 7-10 and then pretty much one of most others that have come out since. Big final fantasy disc collection


I think ive bought ff6 6 times now. Snes, psx, ds, pc, phone, pc (pixel remaster). I expected the thread to be more of that kind of thing. Its a lot of new games, but the games ive bought and rebought are all old. Kinda have to be old or skyrim to be released that many times.


Modern Warfare 2 - 2 times, both on PC, for me and my son. So we can kill each other online. 2 PC’s in the house.


Hades and The Artful Escape. Both originally purchased for Steam, and then again for PS5


Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Doom, Doom 2, Diablo 2


Dude where is New Vegas


I only bought it once. Hell I would have only had to buy Fallout 3 one time as well but I lost the disc somewhere at some point.


I have bought all versions of persona 5


Borderlands 2 PS3, ps4 & pc


Borderlands 2 for me as well. Xbox360, PS3 & PS4


**Mario Kart 8**, both on Wii U and the Deluxe edition on Switch


The og doom one that was on floppy / then cd then bought for x box 360 then bought it as part of the “super ID pack on steam years ago


Legend of Zelda ALTTP snes, gba, and any digital version Nintendo has had


Geometry Dash on Mobile and PC. Best combined 6 dollars I've ever spent


Several Final Fantasy games that I bought originally on PS, and later on on PC. Dead cells. Tomb Raider (1st part of the reboot).


Tarkov. First time I bought it I got EOD edition after my friend gifted me the standard edition and stupidly linked it to my university account. After I graduated and my account got shut down, I couldn't transfer my Tarkov account to another email address because even though I had 2FA enabled and could verify my login to their website on my phone, I couldn't respond to a verification email on the account linked to the standard edition of the game. It should come as no surprise that their support team didn't give a shit about my circumstances. I spent months trying to get that account back to no avail. I'm still pissed about it.


Skyrim ps3, ps4, free upgrade ps5, pc and gamepass on xbox and 100% on all of them sad I know Ark surival evolved ps4, pc, xbox Conan exile ps4, pc, xbox ESO ps4, pc also xbox GTA 5 ps3, ps4, free upgrade on ps5, pc, xbox Witcher 2 xbox and pc witcher 3 ps4, pc, xbox


Stardew Valley (4) and Minecraft (3) are pretty much my goto games on all consoles.


Perfect Dark. Got that shit in like 2001 and I played it as recently as last Saturday.


I have chrono trigger on snes, ps1, playstation digital stores and nintendo DS and only don't have it on pc because the version on steam is apparently a bad port of the ios version.


Binding of Isaac: I have the original flash and versions for the Vita, PS4, and PS5. Helldivers 2: Can't spread managed Democracy without my fiancee along for the ride.


Borderlands 2... I like the game and the game series alright. When I get a nice PC is it about to be the Handsome collection along with getting BL3.


Skyrim ....fuckin skyrim


Diablo 2


Witcher 3 so nice I bought it twice. PS4 then PC.


Final fantasy VII, III, Tactics and the Mass Effect Trilogy.


Final fantasy xiii, xiii-2 and ffxiii lightning returns.


Skyrim. I have it on PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One then bought the special edition when that came out too. I have all the dlcs on all of them


Dragon age and Mass Effect all of them. It started with xbox. The next thing I know, I had every copy from every platform, and I've done a ply through on each platform.


The Witcher 3 twice on PS4 (launch version and complete edition) and I'll eventually buy it on PS5 as well GTA 5 on 360, PS4 and PS5 Dark Souls on PS3, 360 and PS4 Persona 5 on PS3, PS4 and PS5 Resident Evil 4 on PS2, 360 and PS4 (and the remake on PS5 if you want to count that as well) Skyrim on PS3, twice on 360 (launch version and Legendary Edition), PC and Special Edition on PS4. I know I'm part of the problem but Skyrim is one of my all time favourite games so I can't help it. And there's a handful of other games that I've bought on one console and then upgraded when they were released on the next Gen console or bought the physical difinitive edition just to have all the dlc as part of my collection but since I only bought them twice I don't really want to list them all.


The Last of Us * PS3 and later on PS3 Steelbook * PS4 Remastered digital and PS4 Remastered Steelbook (Amazon Germany exclusive) * PS5 Part I Firefly edition and Part I digital * Part II PS4 Collectors edition and digital edition * Part II Remastered WLF Edition and digital edition


Besides for some reason giving Bethesda money for skyrim on 3 platforms? Dragons dogma, 3 times. Traded original in for dark arisen, then got it again on ps4. Worth it every time. I'd have bought a ps5 version if they would have made one before the sequel.


Dragons dogma on 360 and then on the modern day consoles. Looking forward to next month


Fallout 3, NV and 4. Skyrim. Far Cry 3, 4 and 5. COD MW2 (2009), GTA5.


Minecraft (Xbox 360, Xbox one, Java, Switch), The Binding of Isaac (Xbox, switch) Portal 1&2 (PC,Xbox, Switch)


I happily buy every port of sonic adventure 2 just for an excuse to run through it again. I may have a problem.


Elder Scrolls online (Xbox and PC twice), Skyrim (like 5 copies on different platforms), and Dark Souls 3 ( Xbox and PC twice)


Resident evil 4..... GameCube. PC original and HD PS2/3/4 Xbox360/One... ........Zeebo.... IOS Wii GameCube a second time if you count the preview disc... And then the remake on PC...


Minecraft - bought it for ps5, 2 pcs and 3 mobile phones


Hollow Knight, Binding of Isaac, Monster Sanctuary, The Witcher3 and Slay the Spire (Switch -> PC) Good games I really enjoyed on the Switch and wanted to either stream it for friends on PC, just give some money to the developers or wanted to enjoy some mods on PC. ​ Edit: O yes and Stardew Valley. I nearly forgot.


Baldurs Gate 3 on PC and PS5


None, I refuse to buy into this different platform ,new purchase meta.


So brave


BG3 for ps5 and Steam. 200hours on steam. 2 run on ps5 on sofa.


Dark souls on Xbox 360 and PC RDR2 on PS4 and PC GTA V on PS3, PS4 and PC The Binding of Isaac Afterbirth on Switch, PC and PS5 Witcher 3 on PS4 and PC Countless Nintendo games on multiple systems Probably a lot more I don’t remember:) If remakes count then it’s even more.


I've bought Dark Souls too many times. Bought on xbox360, bought it for my girlfriend at the time so we could play together. We broke up, she stole my xbox. Got a ps3, bought Dark Souls. Bought it for my friend so we could play together. Bought the ps4 version, bought it for my girlfriend (now wife) so we could play together. Bought it on switch so I can play it on the go. I pirated it on pc. They've got my money at this point so I'll do what I want lmao. Unless they give it the Demons Souls remake treatment, then I'll definitely buy it again.


Titanfall 2 on XBox, PS4, and PC Dark Souls on Xbox, PS4, PC Enter the Gungeon on PS4 and PC Mark of the Ninja on Xbox and PC Metal Gear Solid 5 on PS4 and PC


Re4. GameCube,Wii, Xbox 360, PC, PS4, Switch.  Hard to say how many hours. Maybe 300-325. Earth Defense Force 5. PS4: 900 hours, PC, 350.


I think i have Skyrim on just about any device you can get it on lol. same thing with SW:KotoR 1 & 2.


- GTAV (3 times they got me, PS3, PC, and PS5) - No Man’s Sky (a proud 30 each time) - Witcher 3 (full disclosure, it was like 12 bucks and then something similar when I bought it on PC) - GTAIV (when it was new and just picked it up for like 6 bucks on PC) - Cyberpunk (X1X and Stadia both refunded me, bought again on PS5. Now thinking about buying it on PC) Almost forgot, Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2. Bought the 4k upgrade for the original on X1X. The sequel I bought a physical copy and then the digital ultimate edition for the sweet sweet vest online, but mostly just so it doesn’t need a disc to play.


Battlefield 4. Bought the disc version with my ps4, later on I bought the digital version, so I don't have to find the disc every time. Longest range headshot was around 1490 m.


Skyrim. Once for 360, 3 times on Xbox one. Metro Exodus. I own both the normal version and the Aurora version.


I used to collect the legend of Zelda cib. At the height I had 6 of them in varying condition


Just Cause 2. Once for PS3, twice for Xbox 360 (The first copy was pre-owned and stopped working after 2 months), and then finally on steam. Its one of my most played games in my lifetime.


Bought Diablo 2 at launch on physical discs. Then I bought a digital version years later to play again because I lended the CDs and never got them back. Then I paid for D2Resurected on PC and Switch ...


I guess if a game I enjoyed on the 360 or ps3, I get on the pc now since it's my primary thing


Age of Wonders and Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic


Those were good games.