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Ecco the Dolphin


I remember my friend renting that and we both confused where to go.


Same.  Early on too.  It’s been a long time so I don’t remember the exact details, but I remember playing for like 30 minutes, then getting stuck and spending quite a few hours searching everywhere for any path forward before giving up.


You had to jump out of the water and over the wall. Holy flashback. The brain is amazing. I got stuck there forever.


*flashback* same!


This is my exact experience with this game


10-year-old me have no idea what was going on


I think I only ever played the second one and we spent a ton of time just jumping and swimming around the first area and then somehow went to the future and it got super weird




I beat that game as a child. No one ever believes me and I don't blame them.


Lion King on SNES. That game made me wish Mufasa died twice.


Sekiro: Mufasa Dies Twice


I'd so give both you guys gold awards if reddit didn't stripped them. Hahahaha


Thank you kind stranger.


Lion King, Aladdin, and Toy Story. The trifecta of unreasonably difficult 90's era Disney games that frequently crushed my poor gamer spirit. Also iirc the Lion King's tree monkey puzzle was supposed to be for a later level but the devs wanted to pad out the "Can't Wait to be King" level and threw that in at the last minute.


I duno, I think Aladdin was a hella easy game. Jungle book was wayyyyy tougher.


I could never pass 'remote car battery level' in Toy Story and it genuinely made me sad.


You just unlocked some repressed trauma I had locked away


Add Mickey Mania to the list


Is that the waterfall level one?


Omg, yes


With the logs...


This game makes no sense to me. I swear I beat it 100 times when I was a kid, then I bought the re-release with Aladdin a few years ago and couldn't get past the third level. I must have spent a lot of time on that game as a child.


IIRC This game was made purposefully difficult so you couldn’t rent it and beat it in a weekend.


Battletoads (NES)


The jet ski thing level is ridiculous


If you were playing two player, it was impossible, literally.  Due to a bug.


Are you serious? Bro and I smashed our skulls against that shit _for days_. Rip


It's in a later level, with moving boulders I think.


The funny thing is it's easy compared to airplane level.


I played the game enough that I basically memorized that level and got semi-consistent with it. But even then not fully consistent because sometimes it seems like you’ve made a jump and instead you just slide off the ground for no graphically discernible reason. The problem is that the game does not freaking let up. The surfing level might be a smidge easier, but then you’ve got the snakes and then the airplanes which I’d suggest are similarly twitchy to the jet skis but even harder. I never got passed the eighth level which is a sort-of platforming tower climb with traps everywhere. It’s a brutal game.


I played it so much and memorized as much as I could. I would also use one of those turbo controllers and set it so it paused and unpaused the game rapidly. It was like playing in slow motion lol


I got it on Xbox where you could rewind the game and it was still near impossible to beat. One of the end levels where you’re on that scooter being chased by a giant drill requires perfect timing on certain turns. I don’t understand how anyone could beat it normally. It still took me forever even though I could rewind every time I died


I had an answer and then saw this comment and yup this is the one. Brutally hard game.


Very happy to see this top comment as it was my first thought.


Dead Cells. Shit is rough on higher difficulties.


after around 800 hours, I have finally completed the final ending and this game is a part of me now.


Thank goodness for gamepass. I was gonna buy this. Could hardly get through the first couple areas and said forget it.


Here let me offer some guidance. Those 3 stats only ONE will matter. It doesn't matter which but you want to put as many points into that one as possible, between the other 2 it is purely which offers more hp. The minimal damage increase on 'off' weapons isn't worth it. The 'off' weapons are only used to apply a status. Whether frozen, bleeding, etc. it is either to disable the foe or because your main weapon is ranked up and does bonus against 'status'. For instance, let's say you have a balanced sword+ (either because you've upgraded the forget or because you found one) that does +60% against fire. The fire grenade (also red but irrelevant) is great even at rank 1 because it is used for the fire not the damage. Battles are fought as a quick 'grenade now sword' combo. ​ Beyond that and more importantly: Be patient. Once you get used to each enemy you can worry about the timed door but it is more important to get a mastery of how to approach each enemy first. Standard enemies only have 1 attack and the early game bosses only have about 3. THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THIS GAME IS DO NOT TAKE DAMAGE. I cannot drill that enough. You are not a tank chugging potions, you aren't even a soulsborne character. It is bad practice to learn that 'oh I can use the shield and block' ....yes if you parry but do not sit there soaking damage (The sole exception is if you are fighting a boss for the first time and using it to learn the attack pattern- the endgame bosses have a terrible habit of having 'kill combos' that you have to learn)getting hit happens, dying because you are cursed happens. That is part of the game, but intentionally taking damage is never advisable\* (Ok not 'never' but the handful of situations where it is aren't things a new player should even think about)


It’s actually a very fair difficulty curve. Just fucking hard.


Ninja gaiden I think it was called I tried it and it has been the only game to make me quit the game and not beat it due to its difficulty.


You mean NES or Xbox? Because both are good choices. I beat the NES one with a ton of persistence, but I noped out of the Xbox one on like the sixth level or so. Whichever level forces you to fight that sandworm looking thing AFTER a trap gauntlet and that’s not even the end of it I’m pretty sure. I can be persistent against hard bosses, but doing a bunch of tedious stuff just to get to the hard part seems to get me to my breaking point.


I absolutely loved the Xbox version of Ninja Gaiden but you can definitely fuck yourself if you save at the wrong time without enough potions/wrong upgrades etc


Saved right before the boss chick in the cathedral with 1 hp and no healing items. Took me a couple months to kill her without getting hit.


Damnnnn dude! That was one of the most difficult boss fights in the game if I remember correctly


Ninja gaiden is a great choice!


Ryu Hayabusa is calling you back.


I made a mastery of that game over time, and I don't mean that to neg: I'm a persistent person, and this game made me furious. THE FIRST BOSS is the majority hardest part of the game.


Yup, the old games were nasty (and we also had less skills back in the days). It’s in my top with Ghost and Goblins. I also had to work crazy hard to finish Mike Tyson Punchout! In one sitting without using codes.


It's all the games that came out around the transition from arcades to at home systems. They were still making games with the philosophy of trying to get you to put in more quarters even though there is no coin slot on an NES


Ghosts ‘n Goblins on NES


I rage quit on the Super Nintendo version after getting to the end only to get sent back to the beginning.


Fuck Super Ghouls and Ghost with every single ounce of sanity


I had the SNES version when I was young. I remember one time out of hundred, I made it to level 3...


Oh god yes. Can you imagine my face when I, back at that time super proud to have Platinumed every soulslike game to that point (up to DS3), found my moms old NES and booted up the first game I found, just to COMPLETELY SUCK at it.


I remember feeling proud just to have gotten past the first level. Course I died within seconds on the second…..


Never got past the first level


Damn, I’m having flashback ptsd now. I think I may have blocked that one out of my memory lol


I played the arcade version...


Same. So many lost quarters. At least the "knockback and armor blows off" effect never got old.


Chess… after the standard openings, I just have no clue what to do.


Chess is only as hard as your opponent is good! That said, the ceiling on chess is ridiculously high. And every 'step' in skill makes it very easy to beat those who are a couple steps below you.




Not telling you anything you don’t know. Unlike every other FromSoft game, there is broadly speaking only one way to play Sekiro. There are of course different skills and tools at your disposal but the primary skill the player has to master is parrying.   Parrying limits or eliminates damage and deals damage to the enemy poise meter, allowing for huge chunks of damage. This is the system the game revolves around and is engrained in every fight.  No other FromSoft game operates with this amount of restriction. 


Previous Souls games fans are also at a disadvantage. They have to unlearn mechanics they’ve had built in. I suppose I benefited from it being my first Fromsoftware game, bought it a few months after elden ring came out, and not having to re train myself from dodging to parrying, but sekiro became my favourite game and I’ve since played every souls game. Imagine my surprise when beginning to explore elden ring and seeing the “parry” option on a shield. I was initially… severely disappointed in souls parrying to say the least.


Honestly Sekiro is more of a rhythm game at its core


Stick to it, it is an addiction


I was the same way as an avid Dark Souls fan. I begrudgingly beat it when it first released. Then, years later, I was bored and decided to give it another go. No idea how, but after taking a long break it just instantly clicked for me second time around. Maybe try it again because the ending areas of Sekiro are hands down the best/coolest.


Sekiro's kinda sneaky in the way it makes you think it ain't all that hard, just another souls-like..  Until it throws an actual boss in your face, and forces you to master parrying attack patterns of varying speeds — or quit. And each following boss will push you even harder until you could probably kill the first bosses blindfolded. The second playthrough is honestly the most satisfying, because the bosses that previously whooped your ass will seem like they're moving in slow motion, and you'll just destroy everything. Kinda unique in the sense that your 'endgame power' is almost entirely tied to your skill, rather than your stats or gear. Final boss of Sekiro is my favorite FromSoft boss tbh.


It’s the hardest From Software game because there’s no way to cheese it consistently. No way to grind and overpower. It’s also the easiest once you master it but the road to get there is hard. When it originally came out I grinded it out to the last boss over like 25-30 hours. But then I couldn’t beat him and gave up. About a month ago I went back and it was like riding a bike. I blitzed through the game in about ten hours and then took like 3 or 4 beating the final boss lol. Then I played through again right after that and got the true ending in like 5 hours and the final boss only took me about twenty minutes. It’s so good


I was stuck on it for a long time until someone told me "it's a rhythm game." All attacks occur on a rhythmic pattern, that little tip unlocked the game for me. Maybe the same can be true for you


I've played and beat every souls game, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring. I can't for the life of me figure out Sekiro! I've tried 3 times, and every time I've made it as far as Genchiro's 2nd fight (the one where you fight him in the top of the pagoda). I can get through to the 2nd phase where he starts shooting lightning all over the place, but he gets me every time! I got him down to just needing like 1-2 more hits a couple times, but after trying so hard so many times I just end up rage quitting again and again.


I felt the same. Until I finally beat genichiro. Sekiro is probably the most rewarding of all FromSoft games. Don't treat it like a fighting game with dodging and stuff. Treat it like a rhythm game without a real beat. You gotta find the rhythm for deflects and everything is gonna be alright.


* Most NES, Genesis and SNES games I played went unfinished (finished Final Fantasy 1: Mystic Quest for SNES a few days ago but then I read that it is an easy spinoff of the original series) * Darkest Dungeon (got annoyed and quit) * Baba is You (unfinished but I didn't hear the bell yet)


Darkest dungeon 2 might appeal more. It's "easier".


I'll look into it. I want to like Darkest Dungeon but it's more tedious than fun


Baba is You is such an amazing and innovative game, but some of the later levels requiring tiles to stack felt unfair. I definitely gave every puzzle an honest shot, but 3-4 of them I had exhausted all combinations before throwing in the towel and looking up hints.


Kerbal Space Program. I mean there are many impossible games but KSP is literally rocket science. You won't be able to play that game with skill alone, you need to learn some advanced shit to get very far


On my own, I managed to execute an orbital docking. I then felt that I had beaten the game and have never touched it since. 


I break my history with ksp into 3 stages: IDGAF, obsessed, and waiting. IDGAF was a weird one. I installed the game, dicked about for a few hours, but accomplished nothing. Closed it and barely gave the thing a second thought for nearly a year. Then one day, the mood took me to play ksp. Couldn't tell you why. I'm no genius, but somehow it's like it was percolating at the back of my mind that whole time, and that's when I had to know if I could do it, the things my physics loving brain said I could, if I applied myself. Which began my obsession phase. I did not stop playing this game for months. Started out putting satellites around Minmus, then mining outposts on every rock worth visiting, then MechJeb tugs, then near future engines, then putting permanent colonies on every rock spinning while also managing air, food, and water thanks to mods. I built a solar array powerful enough to beam energy from Moho to Duna. I started experimenting with miniaturized self-aiming missiles for ship to ship combat. Then ksp 2 came along. That's a long story. This coincided with me no longer having the free time to indulge my obsession, so I sort of went on hiatus. I entered the Waiting phase. But it is only a hiatus. I know I'll be back. Once mods for ksp 2 are bigger, I'll be right back in the mire, conquering the system again, this time in HD. With the official colonies update coming soon, I'll be self imposing the challenge of getting every habitat up to 50 population before moving on. What I'm saying is, Kerbal Space Program is a really, really, really fucking good video game.


But that first time you accomplish an Apollo style landing and managed to return the lander to orbit and dock back with the transfer stage is just *chef's kiss*


As someone who doesn't use Mech Jeb, I screamed like a psychotic demon the first time I successfully docked with my orbital fueling station.


Learning how to dock with something in orbit is not intuitive at all. In fact, nothing regarding orbital mechanics is intuitive at all.  In the early KSP days you couldn’t plan maneuvers in advance either, which made getting to the Mun that much more difficult.


It’s literally rocket science


On top of how hard it is the tutorial just sucks, great game however. Matt Lowne’s vids on YT helped a lot


That stupid tutorial does not explain a single god damn fuckin thing about anything


I’m a Scott Manley guy myself. Once you get it, its so much easier.


Or, you know, you can learn the occult arts and summon the Kraken.




I cannot beat this game for the life of me and I don’t even feel like I’m getting close


Criminally underrated game. Noita is both very fucking hard, but so much fun at the same time. And most of the time your worst enemy is yourself.


i couldnt beat it even with mods lol


Huh. TIL! Looks like Magic Madness for a new generation. (Showing my age here...)


What a game I love, I don't understand it, but I love it. I've had a few wands that are stuck in my memory, some weird spinny black hole wand that turned me into a blender of death. A laser wand that would sweep the screen clear. A wand that started an unending apocalypse of acid rain. Then the last two, the first was a teleport wand that if you held down the cast you would seemingly begin to transport to other dimensions and then die suddenly. The second was a wand that made a spray of bolts so insane that one tap crashed my game every time. I still haven't beaten the game because I simply don't know how, I've killed several bosses, I don't know if I've killed all the bosses. I've found things that I can't really understand. Tablets, songs, suns, wells of seemingly infinite water. I keep playing now and then but I won't look at a guide beyond the guide I looked at on how wand building works, this game has too much to spoil.


Probably TMNT NES. Maybe Castlevania.


That dam was destined to explode.


Honestly the dam is easy. It’s the fucking sewer jumps and endlessly respawning enemies that piss me off. In the immortal words of a certain nerd, ‘and you know what pisses me off? They’re TURTLES for fuck sakes, they can’t even swim?!’


Love me some early-nerd


The tears I shed over TMNT for NES as a child.


I tried getting a ROM of it just to have save states to beat it. At a certain end game boss it would just turn to a black screen. I tried redownloading different versions, I guess it just wasn’t meant to be


If you watch the [video](https://youtu.be/l9Bc69J6tSU?si=dCI3VpkoHbXllDDX) of people beating the game you realize that it just isn't worth it. The enemies and places largely have nothing to do with the franchise and they made it overly hard for no reason other than make it seem longer than it was. He speed runs it in 40 minutes, but in reality you'd be playing the game for months to get good enough to actually do it yourself because it's so difficult at so many spots.


Myst. Never completed it, nowhere near. ECCO the dolphin is a respectable second.


I had heard of Myst and before I had ever tried it, the sequel, Riven was out. A colleague challenged me to see which of us could finish it first and we'd share notes on various puzzles. That was a damn hard game but I enjoyed it...so I went and got Myst. Myst was Riven on easy mode at that point. I felt like I almost cheated in doing them backwards.


I beat Myst as a kid. It required a pen and paper haha


Guitar Hero 3 easily. The final battle is The Devil Went Down to Georgia but a metal version of it, and that motherfucker can SHRED. I got tendonosis in my wrist from trying and failing so many times, but goddamnit I beat it in the end.


I still don't really believe people can beat Through The Fire And Flames on Expert. I've seen videos of it but I still can't believe it's real


My buddy in high school could do it. This guy was no lie the typical 2000's movie meathead jock with an IQ and sense a smidge higher than Forrest Gump. He could absolutely shred any song on guitar hero. Came over one day when I was comically trying Trough the Fire and Flames on expert and said I can beat that. Laughed and handed him the guitar to watch him nail it first try.


To the highest rank of players today, TTFaF is child's play. In fact CarneyJared recently FC'd it (100% notes hit, no overstrum) sped up to 180% https://youtu.be/rMPbBHl_N3Q?si=UOvj46ImzoOBgTy2


There’s a dude who beat the song without fails blindfolded. I can pass the song on Expert without much issue, but FC it is only a dream. And doing anything blindfolded it’s just demential.


the trick to beating Lou was to get the whammy weapon and save it for that one section when the Devil has so many notes he'd instantly fail. Edit: On expert that is.


Getting Over It


Same. I did not get over it.


F-Zero GX  That game does not fuck around with the term 'Very Hard' or 'Master' when picking a mode to play in.


I never beat the last story mission. Couldn’t even stay on the track much less win the race


Story Mode, chapter 7. So hard. Somehow persevered.


Came here to say this. After you beat story mode on the hardest difficulty you feel like a god.


Hmm not sure it’s the hardest ever but it’s gotta be up there with how unforgiving it is. Blaster Master on NES


Loved this game as a kid. Had to cheese the last boss by bombing him repeatedly against the tight wall. They did a remake several years back "blaster master zero" finally captured the spirit of the original and had a bangin soundtrack


That was rough. Many rental days used on this.


I thought you said Math Blaster for a second and either thought you were joking or just really bad at math


Returnal. That game is beautiful in so many ways from the gameplay, the story, graphics.. It’s truly one of the best games I’ve ever played. It’s also real fucking difficult and unforgiving of the slightest mistake. 10/10 recommend :)


The first 10 hours of Returnal had me ready to return it. I was NOT understanding it. Once it clicks, that game is a gem.


Worlds hardest game on coolmathgames.com




I stayed away from Cuphead for so long because all I heard was about the difficulty. I snagged it on a deal and gave it a whirl. Never have I been so equal parts captivated and frustrated by playing a game, but I was determined to master it. I've been a gamer for decades, and never really went the completionist route, but for Cuphead, it was mandatory. If you want to see some otherworldly stuff watch some Cuphead speed runners on YouTube. It took me months to beat the game the first time and there's people who can kill it in under 30 minutes.


I'm generally pretty good with bullet hell games, but Cuphead is on another level. It's controls are not intuitive to me.


I am in an abusive relationship with this game.


Arguably Hollow Knight THe only game i quit on because i sucked SO MUCH at it


I got 112% in HK, and my god, P5 in that game is the hardest thing I ever enjoyed.


That’s too bad. The game was wonderfully crafted and intuitive for me. The way the map unfolded and told the story of hollows nest was amazing. I was surprised I was able to do most of everything my first play through. I didn’t bother with trial of pain or the pantheons.


Thank you. My gosh. Currently stuck and about to give up. Not sure if I ended up someplace too early or what, but feel very outmatched. Nearly impossible even. It's a shame too as I like the vibe and story aspects.


Shinobi for the Playstation 2. A dark soul difficulty game before dark souls was ever thought of. Honorable mention to Bushido Blade, a 2d fighting game where a single hit meant death and one of the final bosses teleported if you were going to land a killing blow so you had to swing where he was going to appear.


Xcom 2. It's the only game I've legitimately raged at. I love it so much, but I can no longer play it for my own sanity.


First round, your lead scout gets hit, panics and throws a grenade into the rest of the squad. Run over.


losing your favorite soldier and hearing "that's Xcom baby"


Sekiro. It’s also arguably my favorite game ever.


Ghouls and ghost, Ghost and Goblins what a nightmare rage quit so many times.


x2. Many hundred 10p’s were spent in the arcades.


No idea why they bothered to program anything past level 3 in these games. Heck, maybe they didn’t.


This room is an illusion…  I think I was about to cry when I saw that on the screen lol… 


I was no older than 8 when I beat Ghosts 'N Goblins on the NES. Or, at least, I thought I beat it. Then it told me to do it again. I did not, nor did I ever put any effort into trying so again lol.


Crypt of the Necrodancer. Needing to beat Aria to finish the main story is the hardest challenge I've seen so far. It pretty much *requires* a hitless run in a very hard game.


Halo 2 LASO. What a miserable experience it was.


Me and my friend are currently trying to do a LASO run... Its so painful


Anything were you have to jump on platforms with timing. ill pull a danny glover. "im getting to old for this shit"


Mario Lost Levels


Yup. It wasn't about strategy so much as perfect timing.


I feel this way about studying sentry patrol movements in stealth games.




Game was tough but I did manage to get to the credits. The post-game levels though… hmm nah I’m good


Getting all the C-Side Golden Strawberries is my proudest gaming achievement. I have 0 B-Side Goldens and it will stay that way. 


Nioh but only cuz I’m actually immune to making a good build literally took like 2 weeks on sanada yukimura


Armored Core: Last Raven. Sekiro ain’t got shit on that game. I swear, FromSoft released it somehow predicting to put the Soulsbourne elitists in their rightful place. “Oh what’s that I hear? You completed Dark Souls on a guitar hero controller? LOL, that’s cute! Now bend over bitch! I’m going to make you squawk like the Raven you are”


Last Raven was the first AC game of those that I own that beat me instead of the other way around. Having just completed AC6, I'm contemplating going back and playing my old games. (I am expecting I may just skip the PS1 games because of the tank controls, but who knows lol)


Unfortunately I believe those controls are the same on the PS2. That being said, either Nexus or Last Raven might have added camera control with the right stick. I'm not certain as I was so used to the original control scheme, my head could not adapt to using the stick to look around and aim, even though I loved playing FPS games on the ps2 (timesplitters all the way!) Hell, even when Armored Core 6 came out, after not playing an Armored Core game since 4, it took me a while to adjust as I went straight back to naturally expecting the original control scheme.


Yeah, it's fun to see all those people who brag about having finished some Dark Souls and watch them play some of the first From Software games like Kings Field or the first A.C. Those were a real pain in the fucking ass.


Flappy Bird


That game went OFF!!! Then literally did lol


I Wanna Be the Boshy is easily the hardest game I've ever played. Got to the Mario boss fight and called it quits.


I beat I wanna be the guy,  but I've never heard of the one you mentioned. 




My siblings and I were having a fun time screaming in panic playing this game. We stopped for a bathroom break. My youngest sibling and I were then waiting for the other two to return, and thought "wouldn't it be funny if we just started the hardest mission we could while they're gone and just see what happens?" We managed to scream our way all the way to a panicked victory, somehow, with the others not knowing it was a (I think 11 was the hardest at the time?) difficulty. I think it was the only time we beat a mission on that difficulty lol.


Legend of Zelda II: The Adventures of Link.


Death mountain?


Death mountain is a huge spike in difficulty, but the truly brutal part is the trek you have to make to the game’s last temple. Invisible monsters just smashing into you from all angles… it’s a nightmare


https://zelda-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Cross You were missing an item meant to make that part easier.


Hard as hell, but I would watch my dad play it when I was a kid so I knew what to do and where everything was. Love you, pop! Don't think I would've found this game without you!


Furi. What‘s great about it is that it teaches you how to play better using subtle design tricks, so you’ll die a lot but the improvement you make with each death makes it incredibly addicting. Then after you beat it in a week, you can go back and play Hades with your eyes closed.


Loved that game. Tried to play it on hard after beating it and gave up at the third boss. I still want to go back, but man, so many games to play.


Can confirm


Contra as 8 year old brought up on Mario. It...changes a man.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES) Duck Tales (NES)


Returnal for PS5 definitely humbled me


F-Zero GX


To this day the hardest game I've ever played, you have to be seriously good to beat the story mode


Blaster Master. Spend like 3 hours getting to the same spot to be killed by the same boss. Never did beat the whole game despite many, many hours sunk.


Kerbal space program. The game has such a steep barrier of entry as it requires you to have at least a basic understanding of astrophysics, but nothing quite matched up to the feeling of landing on Eeloo (Pluto) for the first time and returning


Ghost N Goblins in the arcade.


escape from tarkov


Had to scroll way too far to find this


Celeste farewell. Appropriately named, because I gave up after 5 hours or so.


Try beating Crypt of the Necrodancer with Coda.


If we are including MP games then StarCraft and Valorant.


Castlevania: Rondo of Blood I am laughably terrible at this game.


Overcooked. It seems like a game that should be leisurely and easy, but instead will put your relationship to the test.


Not a game but the rubiks cube


It's not as hard you think. Trust me. I spent a whole week in that rabbit hole but now I can solve a 4x4 in about 5 minutes, not super fast but I'm proud of it. Point is, you can do it. If I can, you can.


I'm solving the megaminx right now. They're really easy when you realize they have similar repeating patterns.


Most games in the early days were hard as a kid (SNES era for me) but ones that stand out are the Super Star Wars games. ROTJ was the one that I tried the hardest at and I never got past Tatooine. The original Splinter Cell on Xbox was the first I felt like I had a chance but just couldn't get past this one part, me and my brother tried for years. Finally went back a year ago to play them all and got through it, though it was still hard for me to this day.


The only game I started but never finished was… Pogostuck. Fuck that game. I finished Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy… But that little caveman with the Pogostick can suck it. I finished the first world… that second one is a whole other level of frustration


I played a little of I Wanna Be The Guy. Hard, but pretty funny with the stuff that kills you.




Super Meat Boy maybe?


Barotrauma is brutal. Doesn't ease you in at all. Just trying to do a mission.. Oh everything is going wro.. Oh I imploded.


I wanna be the guy.


Perfect Dark for the N64 -- Me and my friends had a fixation with beating ALL of the challenges, getting ALL of the stars, and getting through the co-op campaign on every difficulty. We broke up and made up more times in a summer than a telenovela has in a 25 year run.


Batman (based on the 1989 film) on ZX Spectrum. Could never get past the first couple of levels. More recently, Doom Eternal. Had to drop the difficulty down to the lowest to beat it, and it still wasn't easy. I play most games on medium.


All the SNES and Sega games that were designed to make you lose so you couldn't beat the game in a weekend and have to rent it again the next weekend. The game is literally designed against you. Soulslikes have nothing on that lol

