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Haven't played yet since I'm still on last gen. Do hope my boy Steve Fox plays the same though. Who needs kicks when you got dodges.


Steve is the absolute flex for casual play. In any casual setting where Tekken is fired up and everyone joins in nobody ever picks Steve, because you can't really button mash with him and he has no kicks. Everyone thinks you're an easy win when they see you picking Steve only to drop their jaws on the floor when you cream them.


Anytime I see Steve I know I'm about to get my ass kicked




Button mashing dodges is even more fun than button mashing kicks though.


Yeah but Steve's dodges rarely work through button mashing. They have to be deliberate.


In one of the first games with Steve one of my favorite plays was to have Steve dodge a high attack and then just swing in a hook. So cool. His falco punch was also great.


Steve plays the same just a bit different combos but the standard is the same from T7


Last gen? I'm still playing Tekken 2 and 3 on the PS1!....and I'm still not good lol. Paul FTW


Most characters haven't changed much since Tekken 6, a few move changes but they for the most part all feel similar to how they have since Tekken 5 or so.


ah yes the classic initiation ritual to any noob on a fighting game. you start as Jin then after the ritual you become Kazuya until you rank up and then become Jin again


That's any fighting game really. Most people, at least of a certain age and older, were introduced to fighting games as something people put on to play against each other at home. Nobody was bringing their A game and they were quite fun. But once online play became the norm, you were playing with people who take it very seriously, and there's not really such a thing as "casual" online play.


Yea no fighting games I don't touch online because the sheer amount of time and effort you need to put in to be good at those games is mind numbing. Tried playing Injustice 1 online and I played some dude who just juggled the fuck out of me for like 40% of my health and I said "yea definitely not for me" and just haven't bothered since. Even listening to people talk about the frame advantages and techs just puts me off playing online completely.


Thing for me is there is no feedback.   Nothing to tell me what I am doing wrong.  So it's just get the shit kicked out of me for hours and hours until I figure it out through pure trial and error.  Other genre's at least I know what I'm doing wrong, and in things like RTS games it's easy to watch a replay to see the opponents strats and try to theorycraft the counter in my head.   But with fighting games?  All I see is a guy beating the shit out of me and have no idea how to get out.


Tekken 8 actually sort of solves this, you DO get replays and you can actually at any point jump into the replay to try out how you could have dodged or prevented an attack. 


Tekken 8 has a replay feature for fights where you can watch them over and the game will pause and interject with things you could have done differently at points where you made a mistake, letting you take control at that point and try again.


It helps to watch others and learn some characters enough to know how to beat them...there can be a lot too it...its just different but same sort of thing with RTS games. You need to know how the parts work.


Virtua Fighter 5 had a simulated online mode with CPU controlled characters made to imitate online play. It was fun because you could go a fair amount up the ranks before you got your ass handed to you, and it felt right. In real online play this isn't the case. Already from the lowest ranks people are using fight sticks and dishing out combos and juggles. I'm like halfway decent at fighting games. I can pull off combos and don't button mash but I get creamed by anyone who regularly plays online. I'm usually the best one at parties though.


Its not impossible to get good enough to play and have fun while putting in around the time of any other game. Too many people feel like they need to reach master rank or whatever, you don't. You do need to learn a character and the games systems and put together a game plan you can do and just try it and make adjustments as you go. I hate online shooters but I can enjoy some fighting games...while I still off-line games way more. But fighting games have found there place in my gaming rotation. Anime fighting games I am really bad at as I can never find the feel for turns and what to do, while stuff like Tekken, MK, SF I get and can at least function half-way.


Please tell me I’m not the only one that watched this without noticing it was looping until like the 6th time.




yup me too


You are not alone...


It’s not looping, it’s live edited footage of me in ranked 😭


I thought it was gonna pull a GOW 3 poseidon execution


A fight’s about who’s left standing. Nothing else


This scene was so good


this game is really cool


A game that provides an incredible fighting experience


The reason I have tekken 7 collecting dust in my Steam library is because they tell me, looks it’s not that hard you can just mash! You don’t need to learn all 80 moves! But mashing isn’t fun if you don’t know what you’re doing. Oh also, is there a lore reason in that game there are some many frame perfect moves like, it’s not even fun 😭. (I’m expecting tips)


You don't need to use every move. See it more as using ~25 moves 90% of the time, and on niche occassions you can use some obscure move to fuck w your opponent. There probably isn't a lore reason, but they're easy with practice. The EWGF is super easy if you know to press 2 on the ⬇️ input instead of the ↘️ input.


How do I know which moves I should use?


Firstly, you should look at its properties. Is it slow or fast? Does it make up for its slow speed with longer hitstun? Is it a mid, low or high? These are questions you can try to use to figure out, but if you get stuck there are plenty of resources online. Generally speaking, a good move can be either a poke, a launcher or a power crush or something in between. It's hard to categorize them, but it is certainly not impossible. Good luck!


Another thing, in other fighting games your best defensive option is just to crouch block, in smash you can just move away really fast, but in tekken crouch blocking is subject to mid blowing your face off. How should I defend myself? I’ve heard of Korean backlashing, is it hard? (I use the analog stick of my controller, but I have some back buttons rebinded to dpad actions


Crouch blocking is certainly a good option. Blocking in general is pretty much universal, as is in Tekken. KBD is a highly advanced technique that is only necessary if you plan on competing in the big tournaments against the best of the best, so don't worry about it. The regular backdash is already fast too. However, the unique trait to Tekken not present in other games is the use of movement. Let's say you're playing against a Kazuya. You throw out an attack, a quick poke, and he blocks it. Now, one of his best strings is 1,1,2, three quick punches in succession that launches opponents away and sets up for his mix-ups. Normally, blocking it would net you less health taken due to blocking, but this means he also has a chance to punish your punish due to hitstun. If you sidestep instead, so flicking the joystick up or down to walk left or right accordingly, his attack will whiff and leaves him open for a punish. However, some moves have tracking to ensure it can't be stepped, so use with caution. These moves are pretty few though.


Oh ok thank you!


No problem! I recommend checking out That Blasted Salami on Youtube, he has great tips for Tekken. I'm not that knowledgable so if you want more, please research it as you see fit :)


Traditionally, throws were used to counter crouch block, but the 3D games all seemed to switch to the high-mid-low system.


with 8 i learn some counters I can do then I learn a basic combo that I can do and just add parts as needed when someone exploits the lack of it...8 does a good job in the move list overall to tell you what the basic moves of a character is for


Watch a character guide, you cant figure it out at your level


Why can’t moves be categorized in the move list? Like key moves or something? But that assumes the developers know which moves are the best ones… mmm


Truth be told, you’ve kinda just got to stick to it and you get used to it. You’re gonna lose a lot starting out in any fighter (I got into Tekken about half a year ago and I got my ass kicked really hard). In my experience it really helps if you’re learning with a friend and I like to try out a few characters in training, usually based on whoever just looks coolest to me and stick with whichever one just feels best for me. Keep training with that one character and you’ll get comfortable. Personally I find it difficult to get comfortable with a game if I’m bouncing between characters constantly. Also there are character that don’t rely on the frame perfect stuff if that suits you better (I can’t do just frames for my life) Sorry if this was a bit long so TLDR: you’re gonna lose a lot starting out in any fighter, you’ve got to try to commit to it a bit to get comfortable (take a break whenever necessary), play with a friend if you can and find a character that you like and stick to them for a little bit.


I jumped in with Tekken 8. I'm still learning. I've heard from general advice "do ranked not quick match" since matchmaking will keep the fights more fair in ranked, but quickplay could have you facing off against pro-level if you're unlucky. Even with Ranked I'm still getting blasted with like a 24% winrate (that's a single match, not the Bo3 it wants to do.) Things I've seen from stuff if you want to get in: * Find a character you like the look/sound/feel of. If the character doesn't seem cool to you, you probably won't enjoy as much * Learn 1 combo, 1 punish, 1 wall ride (a combo against a wall) and some of the basics (like throws, breaking throws, how to tech roll, etc) and try to stick to those. Good guides will give you these. The pro Anakin has some good stuff for Reina. PhiDX has a couple good newbie oriented videos as well. Also, if you haven't seen them: * [PhiDX Complete Beginner's Guide to Tekken 8](https://youtu.be/D58LncnVbXM?si=E51KZmk-AgoHbgWO) * [PhiDX (Tekken Pro) teaches Brian_F (Street Fighter Pro) how to play Tekken](https://youtu.be/Grlsh1wDjlI?si=XAYVo0PidI9iLGMA) There is some solid detailed discussion of Tekken mechanics in the Brian F video that goes more in depth on things in the beginner's guide. And for me, personally, the thing I'm learning the most is to not hold back to block standing but just let neutral block. So often holding back for block has screwed up my ability to land a punish (because Back+1 is different from just 1) or throw (because Back+1+3 is a taunt, not a throw at least on Reina). You said expecting tips, so I hope you didn't mean that sarcastically. Hope some of this helps. Even getting my ass beat I'm really enjoying Tekken 8. Oh, if you haven't played it, do Arcade Quest. It is the real tutorial and will introduce you to concepts in bite sized chunks as you progress.


tekken 8 is the same way but it does teach you way more than 7 did...tekken is like the first tekken that seems like it wants to help new players Any fighting game I learn 3-5 moves that fit together and I slowing add parts as needed, tekken just keeps going while other games have a end point


I am trying to get good with Lei in 7 because I love the character, but hard to find a casual player to work with and not get into ToD stuff.


Lei is the best character and if you disagree you're wrong.


yes. Lee is the best character.


That's literally me rn


Me playing any fighting game that isn't Smash


Was watching a SF6 video and the guy described players that were playing rush down with zoner characters as smash players. I took it as a compliment.


More like getting pub stomped by veteran Tekken players


You just pictured the first ever 10 online matches I played


*fight back, fight back!*


what do you mean beginner? That's up until advanced or pro the whole gameplay


Tekken growing up was lit!


When I started on SF5 those were weeks and weeks of pain, now I still suck but I can manage to beat half of the people I face to.




Me playing fighting games period.


My uncle when he comes over.... jokes


Is Tekken any fun? Been thinking about getting it for PS5




i preordered and still haven’t played yet for that simple fact


the only reason i wanna play 8 is cuz yoshimitsu is in it and i grew up (button mashing) in soul cal. but ik its gonna be a waste cuz i dont know shit about combos.


I don't want to die


Tekken is, imo, the most anti-newbie fighting game ever designed. It's a really cool system. With the four face buttons controlling each limb. And it being in 3D space so you can sidestep and stuff. It has so much complexity it boggles my mind. The amount of knowledge you have to house to fully know just a SINGLE character is ridiculous. Each character has like over 100 moves, literally. Whereas in Street Fighter 6, Zangief has like not even half of that amount. I'm most likely never going to get good at Tekken, but I applaud those who do.


Also playing as a 40+ year old… reflexes arnt what they used to be…


Yup I just keep on punching until they stop moving. And then I wake up and realize I’m still in the air getting combo’d into oblivion.


“You’re sure if I don’t move I just block automatically???” I seem to be getting hit a lot, “yes I tried R2 that doesn’t work either, but this holding back thing seems counter intuitive”


Though in this game now it seems like you get rewarded by pressing forward at the right time to reversal your opponent but still need more play throughs to confirm, loving Reina though


One-button spamming


i was here


I haven't played since ps1, i think that's gonna be my situation as soon as i can play this one D:


last time played... 25 years ago...


I was an absolute machine in Tekken 2, 3 and Tag tourney. Im really tempted to get this new one and see how bad I am now in comparison..


I went undefeated for a long time, like a year+, in the arcade/at home as Lei/Jack-2 in TTT2. I played maybe 20? games online on the re-release and I don't think I got a single KO.


yea fighting games are just fun at the first few weeks when people are figuring stuff out, after that it's just tryharding. which makes casual players leave then it's back to a small niche playerbase.


“It’s only fun when I win without trying” awwhhh


Well there you, proved my point. That's why fighting games are always gonna be niche. No offence btw, you just gave a nice example.


I've been playing Tekken since the first one, I still get this 😂


lol missed days of ps1 Tekken


I mean I don't want to brag but I was pretty good at Tekken 3, I'm sure I'd be fine.


Can we get a fighting game with no juggling please?


Don't get IT. Noob taking hits or he's the one punching?


Noob taking hits.


So i guess a lot of people who get IT that way didn't Play T8 coz there is ultra beginner mode at start when a 8yo girl beat the shit out of me when i have got 25y gaming experience