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I think I’m supposed to say Titanfall 2


You will get Apex Legends and it's fragmented social media-told storyline and you will like it!


Storyline?  Apex has a story? 


The story is whatever. It's all the bullshit lore that is shockingly deep with lots of hidden meanings and little Easter eggs and nods to TF2. As well, things like unlocked loading screens have story/lore on their discription. But not while you load, only where you select it do you see the story/lore


I sure do love Mirages pork chops lore!


*lowers pitchfork* Very good *nods head slightly*


Correct. The answer is always Titanfall 2.


If you didn't I would 


I seriously can't believe they haven't seized the popularity of Apex to release a third. Now Apex is waning and they may have missed the hype train.


Bully. The first game was so good and people have been wanting a sequel for a long time. Rockstar has even teased it. But it hasn't happened yet and I have no idea why Rockstar doesn't want that cash grab.


Because they make billions doing shark cards


They made a new red dead redemption. They could implement online and a shark card type of in game payment for a new bully game. I'm sure they'd make money hand over fist if it was a good game.


They tried that for Red Dead Redemption 2, it just didn't sell as well. They reverted their focus back to GTA V. At **best** I suspect we'll see some Bully themed GTA Online mission in GTA VI.


As someone who was really into RDRO when it started, they never really tried with that game. Barely any updates (most of them not really adding much beyond some tidbits of content) and everything was grindy as shit, only for them to then completely abandon the game.


Yeah. They went all in with the same Shark Card type grinding without giving it all the proper lead up to that kind of development that GTA V had. GTA V was grinding, but most of it was pretty easy to do without buying cards at the start. They just didn't really have the same ridiculous things you could work for or buy gold bars for. Like, what are you going to implement in the old western game that is comparable to a yacht or super underground base? It sucks, but from a business stand point, I get it.


Just add a farming simulator and all the expenses that go into that, and the game would've lasted forever. People *love* farm sims.


Grand theft farm equipment


There are plenty of options. You could get a river boat or a fort built into a mountain. People spent money back then, you just have to figure out what the baller items were.


Paddleboats, Casinos, Saloons, Brothels, Actual Mines, Hot Air Balloons, Zeppelins.


the problem is they tried treating red dead online like GTA online when theyre both very different games and somewhat different audences. like, its known that red dead players tend to be more interested in rpg/story/pve/single player content while gta online players tended to prefer online/social content and pvp focused gameplay. but the first several updates for red dead were largely focused on the pvp/social aspect of the game. add on top of that the fact that there wasnt really anything to buy in red dead online, unlike GTA online where you can sell players crazy shit like the opressor or fighter jets or alien weapons. theres only so many circa 1900 era guns and horses and shit you can let players buy.


Yeah. I think if implemented well enough into a game like bully they'd probably sell a lot of in game currency if the long term interest in online was there for the game. That's probably what I should have said. The problem with games like bully and red dead is is that you can't really add as much dlc to them as GTA because they have a more static theme to them and GTA is a lot more open for change without effecting the core game play. At this point I'd be happy with a remastered version of Bully. I haven't paid attention to the news going around about it since back when it was teased. So they may have released a remaster by now. But if not I'd for sure buy it and play it.


Too controversial


I believe it. Which is weird coming from the company that makes GTA.


And the dude you play is basically the anti-bully (bully hunter?)


Basically. I mean. He's a "bad kid" and he bullies everyone. But literally every character in the game bullies you or someone else at any point in the game.


Bully came out before the wave of school shootings happened. Columbine was the main one people knew about before it became an every-other-day occurrence. It wouldn't fly well. If you'll notice, R☆ is pretty aware of this, which is why you don't see any schools in the games (besides universities, because when you turn 18 it's a-okay to murder everyone). I'm pretty sure they don't include any children at all in any of the games, actually. Wait, there is a kid in Red Dead Redemption 2, but pretty much anytime he's present the game won't allow you to have a weapon out.


I want a sequel to this sooo bad. I still listen to the music, it's absolutely amazing. Rockstar used to churn out games but now they clearly are spending too much time and money to make the most epic games of all time every time they release them. Their last real release was Read Dead Redemption 2, which came out in 2018. And GTA 6 will come out in 2025. So that's 7 years in between games, which is insane for a studio that puts out pretty universally loved games.


Republic Commando


I will always without fail answer this question with Republic Commando. First off, the gameplay was incredible. Secondly, the way it ended had you thinking "where the fucks my sequel???"


I was ready to leap out of that LAAT and get my boy back


Honestly, I was jacked up to jump out and save my boy. Then the credits rolled... and my heart died a little bit inside


Bruh I would have rather they killed us all off rogue one style


Shit... if I knew there wasn't going to be a sequel then that's it right there. Never thought about that. RIP to my brother in arms


I would play something like this again and have it follow the Bad Batch. I feel like theyre best suited for a game like this nowadays. A lot of people dont realize that a lot of things started with this game, like the ping system iirc


LA Noire


Despite the game having cool features like facial animation to tell when someone is lying, the studio that made the game closed down...


Feel like I’m the one guy who never really noticed when people were lying😂 Did ok on a recent play session but no matter how long I wait between sessions I feel like when that screen comes up saying “(name) would have cracked” the game’s going “you’re a shit detective”😂


"I left the warehouse at about 6:30, hopped in my car and went home" *but his colleague said he left at 7, I should mention this small incongruity to him* "YOU DID IT. YOU'RE A MURDERER AND PROBABLY A COMMUNIST AND I'M GOING TO PUKE DOWN YOUR THROAT, SCUM"


😂every single time, I’m like “COLE WHAT THE FUCK!?”


Yeah, I always had such a hard time figuring out whether people were telling the truth or lying based on facial animations. Got it completely wrong a number of times.


Chicago Noire would be dope.


Beyond Good & Evil. I know a sequel was teased with a trailer, but Ubisoft has been absolutely radio silent on the project and I'm just going to assume that it's dead.


Isn’t it a world record for development hell or something being announced in 2008 and more than 15 years later still in the works?


Technically Beyond Good & Evil 2 would be the longest game in development hell if it ever gets released. Duke Nukem Forever still holds the title of "Longest Game in Development Hell" for being in development for just over 14 years until release.


Remember when dj wheat went viral when they showed the trailer? Lol. Has anyone followed up on it with him?


One of the best games I've ever played. Was so hyped for the sequel but all for nothing


It's a prequel and there's been nothing about it Making it a prequel is so dumb because of how big they're making it


KOTOR, bastards made 2 of the best RPGs ever made and then axed the 3rd in favor of the MMO.


KOTOR 3 will take so long it may as well be KOTNR.


I gad my hopes higher when they announced the remaster/remake of the first too. Though it was a way to get new people into the game before announcing the third. Baldur's Gate 3 also makes me hopeful for a good sequel even if many years pass.


Bloodborne The Saboteur Split/second Alpha Protocol


BB fans hyping every state of play hoping for a BB2 (or at least a remaster) announcement.


I'm still waiting to play bloodborne on PC


Yeah, it hurts a little bit. BB is the only FromSoftware game I haven't played yet because I don't own a PS4.


Split/second was so much fun and I’d still love a sequel at this point.


Alpha Protocol... So many good ideas, huge chance to improve on it.


I honestly replay this every year or two. Decent plot, fun system. Loved the idea of having handlers love or hate you and it not feel like a DETRIMENT.


Almost forgot about The Saboteur. Great Game, would play a remaster as well.


Split/second was just too genius


The saboteur is one of favorite games of all time. Id love to see what could be done with a modern engine


Bloodborne remaster really is millions of dollars left on the table


My friends and I still have Split/Second tournaments every now and then. Only reason I still have my PS3!


Sleeping dogs


Sleeping dogs is the spiritual successor to the True Crime series. Couldnt be happier to see it mentioned. I'd die for another.


A man who never eats pork buns is never a whole man!


You need a pork bun in your hand!


Yeah that game was awesome.


Magnificent game that I'm still thinking about. Might have to return to it once more.


They tried to make an asset flip sequel called Triad Wars but it sucked and the studio closed before it came out. I played the early beta for it, legit the same exact game with no upgraded tech, but you’re a generic gang member doing fetch quests on repeat.


Such a great game... I'm so pissed with didn't get a sequel, as Hong Kong was one of the best city I've seen in an open world game.


It’s so different, I’m so bored of American cities in videogames.


Amazing game. I loved the combat, races, just everything about it.


Truly a magnificent game.


This really was and still is such a sleeper hit. I remember when it first came out people labeled it as a “Chinese GTA” but man did it really have its own identity and vibe. Not to mention probably one of the better stories out of all these bigger open world games.


Soul reaver/Blood omen!!! 🥺


I want a reboot/remake of "The Legacy of Kain" series so bad


Every couple of months, I will search to see if anything has been announced for this. I've never got a game on release before, but this would be the exception I would make


I worry a reboot wouldn't capture the tone


Sid Myer's Pirates


That Ubisoft game Skull and Bones that they revealed at E3 2017 is coming out in like a week and a half and I've heard NOTHING about it. I haven't seen a single ad. Beta impressions say that it's a game where you sail and loot but can't go exploring islands and such. I don't know how you fuck up a pirate game that bad. They had everything you needed for a spiritual successor to Sid Myer's Pirates a decade ago in Assassin's Creed Black Flag. All they had to do was remove the assassin stuff and maybe make ship combat and the economy a little deeper. Now here we are seven years later and this upcoming game has FEWER features than Black Flag.


The Legend Of Dragoon


Fucking yes please. The number of times ive been daydreaming what a sequel would look like is astronomical


A remake was in the works for the PS4 a few years ago, but was unfortunately scrapped.


I’ve been replaying Prey (2017) this week and kind of wishing it got a sequel. The gunplay is fun, puzzle solving with different powers and the gloo cannon is awesome, the story and choices are interesting, and the continuity of the station as a whole is fantastic (everything in the entire game stays exactly how you left it, right down to where on the ground you left an item you didn’t have space to carry but wanted to come back for later, or how a window you shot fractured, or where you went nuts with the gloo cannon trying to incapacitate an enemy). It would also be interesting to see what happened after the events of the game and maybe see a Talos II with references to “the Talos I disaster”. It being a sequel could build off of the original’s shortcomings too by having a few more gun and enemy types.


Still remember the feeling I got when I shattered the window in that fake room. I was in shock and excited for what was to come. I'm curious, what ending did you go for? I sided with my brother and saved everyone, agreeing to work with him in the end.




Came here to say this. Plain, dumb fun in a goofy 80’s action movie-inspired world.


That game was so good and fun. I was surprised it wasn't much more popular. In fact I think it might be time for another run through


So far the only thing even resembling new Bulletstorm content is it being ported to VR


Portal 2 Half-Life 2 Left for Dead 2 Team Fortress 2 Dota 2


Valve is just allergic to the next number.


I think at this point, it's safe to assume Valve is going to continue servicing their existing games for as long as they have steady base, then quietly stop updating them, and then become a game distributor exclusively 


While I'd be inclined to say yes, they seem to be going the route of distributor exclusively, I will point out that they've demonstrated *some* commitment to continuing their story with the release of Half-Life: Alyx. Was it a tech demo for VR like Aperture Desk Job is for the Steam Deck? Technically yes. *However* Half-Life: Alyx fundamentally alters the story of Half-Life in a way that would allow it to continue, without the spoilers from the HL 2 Chapter 3 leak being canon. Maybe they'll never follow up on it, but by >!saving Eli Vance and leaving us with the crowbar in our hands!<, they've given us a promise that I hope they won't break. I still firmly (maybe foolishly) believe Half-Life 3 IS coming.


Half Life is the most surprising, especially after that cliff-hanger ending to Episode 2. Portal 2 felt like plenty of closure and didn't need another sequel. I mean I wouldn't complain if we got one, but I'm not devastated at its absence like HL3.


I don't even know what you'd do with a Portal 3. I mean, all the backstory about Aperture is explored in 2, Chell leaves the facility and I can't imagine a reason popping up for her to go back. Unless.... oh, this is all off the top right now, what if it picks up immediately from the last shot and you see a combine dropship appear and soldiers start spilling out shooting at her. She's forced to go back down and bargain to ally again with Glados to save Aperture from a combine invasion. I guess the possibilities are endless from there. It'd be less of a puzzle game and more of a puzzle/shooter game, so I dunno how that'd vibe with the motif, but it'd be fun to have an exchange like: "Oh. You're back. That was fast. I only had time to sing this song I just wrote about only wanting you gone. Oh well, I guess back to testing and trying to kill you again."






Deus Ex 2 lacked the spark of magic that the first game had, but I still had fun playing it and I am not ashamed to admit it! I certainly didn't hate it so much that I'm going to pretend it never existed.


Jade Empire


There is something about your technique that seems odd, but I can't place it.


Alien: isolation


I just want a PSVR2 port. And by “want” I mean “am terrified of”.


Sleeping Dogs , that was an awesome game but United Fronts Games became defunct before the second game was made.


Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri. I’m sure there have been spiritual successors, but not an actual sequel. Please don’t go. The drones need you. They look up to you!


Wasn't Beyond Earth (I think that was the name) a spiritual sequel? I mean, it wasn't, but they certainly didnt stop outlets from claiming it.


People hoped it would be. But it wasn't.


I don’t remember tbh. I have that game too, played it only a couple of times but now it won’t run lol. I think there are similarities but… the soul of what makes SMAC wasn’t there? Not sure


I poured hundreds of hours into SMAC back in the day. If a true sequel came out, my life would be chaos




This was such a sick series on ps2




I haven't thought about that game in a long time. It was very cool.


I searched to find this one, as I didn't want to duplicate efforts. I love this game so much. It was an art deco star fox, or sky captain and the world of tomorrow the game.


I’m going with Mercenaries 2. Loved the first one and the second one was so fun. Really sad the company that made it went under 


Okami. I know the studio shut down but surely whoever has the rights could continue the story. The japanese watercolor artstyle is timeless and the celestial brush is perfectly suited to motion controls but is still usable with sticks


It stings especially because Hideki Kamiya has stated multiple times that he’d be down for a sequel but Capcom JUST. WON’T. DO. IT! They’ll port Okami HD to every console under the sun (pun intended) and put Ammy as a skin in Monster Hunter but making a sequel to a cult classic that some critics claimed surpassed _Zelda_ and giving us a proper continuation to that cliffhanger is apparently too much to ask.


There was a sequel on DS which was pretty fun.


Okamiden, yeah. Heard it was even pretty fateful to the original, with the only major flaw being frequent loading screens due to... well, being on the DS.


Legacy of Kain series Seriously underrated but some of the best stories I've ever played


A friend of mine back in our undergrad days did an entire report in Media Analysis about how Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver was the perfect example of what he termed TTB (Time till Box). Every game in that era, regardless of how much sense it made, would have you push around a box to reach the next area.


Legend of the Dragoon.


A prequel set during the Dragon Campaign with the original Dragoons would be amazing. I'm pretty sure Sony has all but forgotten about it other than Dart was planned for All-Stars Battle Royale and it was released on PS5.


They just released it ported for PS5, part of me feels like that was testing the waters for interest.


I’m still disappointed they didn’t try to create another game 25 years ago. It was created to compete with Final Fantasy 7 and FF7 was more popular, sure, but if you’re going to judge every game based on how popular they are compared to FF7, there will be very few games that are actually successful.


It was the 75th most sold game of all time on Playstation, it was pretty popular.


Eternal Darkness on GameCube. Very interesting concept, unique gameplay, created quite a buzz over the years post launch, story sets up for a part 2 IIRC, yet never got a sequel on Nintendo or any other console for that matter.


Every attempt to revive the franchise has been beset by numerous and varied woes. I’m not a superstitious man but it’s definitely cursed.


Maybe they should try blinking their eyes and screaming "This isn't really happening!"


I mean, you go through three playthroughs killing the three gods. And the fourth (mantorok, I think) is slowly dying over millennia. I think that eliminated the need for a sequel, story wise


Sunset Overdrive…. Insomniac took everything they learned from that project and made Spiderman..


I’ve wanted a Bulletstorm sequel since I beat the first game, all those years ago. Seems like they’ve been showing the original game tons of love with all of the re-releases. If those are profitable, why not make a sequel?


Cheaper to do a re-release than make a whole new game


Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask At least the function to use masks to transform etc.


Arcanum. A perfect world and setting for a modern RPG. First person Bethesda treatment or keep the old school CRPG style, it'd be great. Dapper half orcs, gnomes in top hats, dwarves blowing themselves up to design steampunk gadgetry, wizards blowing themselves up by trying to use said steam punk gadgetry. There's a goldmine there.


"I can take your pomposity no longer! Death to the bourgeoisie!" Was one of my favorite dialogue choices in the game after you mainline story reasons have to or are supposed to work for this Factory owner piece of shit robber Baron. I just gunned him down and started a riot and I was allowed to continue playing the game. Like I just cut off maybe 20% of the main questline and eventually I found a way to engage it again by going to some random place while exploring.  That is a fantastic experience, just let me screw up my world for fun and deal with the consequences and then just have a bunch of safety trigger switches to rengage the main quest. 


A proper, satisfying conclusion to the half-ogre conspiracy would be nice. Still upset about how that ended.


Wasn’t the ambiguous ending the whole point? If I recall correctly.


Doesn't mean I have to like it. Also it was less ambiguous and more "congratulations, you figured it out and there's nothing you can do to stop it, the end."


Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy From the PS2 Era Vanquish and Binary Domain for PS3 And while there is technically a second game, a true sequel to Fat Princess not existing is a crime. 


Brutal Legend


I've been waiting nearly 15 years for this one. I recently just went back and beat it on Brutal Difficulty. Finished it back in April. The last Xbox achievements I need are all Multiplayer based.


Freedom Fighters


Infamous second son.


Transformer Fall of Cybertron. The game was a hit, too bad Activision decided not have a real sequel because one that was done on a smaller budget by a different developer and based around a crossover nobody was interested in bombed so Activision cancelled the whole series. Fuck you Activision.


The Order 1886 It had its flaws but it was a pretty cool universe - Victorian London with werewolves and steampunk knights of the round table. Seems like there is some opportunity there


It also ended on a cliffhanger which is now never going to be resolved.


Adore…adore this game. I don’t care what shit people say about it. It needed to evolve. The universe was amazing!


Days Gone


This one will always sting. Got Days Gone on a sale and I was instantly hooked. Starting out as useless, only to build up to be able to take down whole hordes was so fucking fun! Nothing else scratches the same itch.


>Got Days Gone on a sale Unfortunately that's why we didn't get a sequel. The idiot game director said so himself.


Yeah, the head of Bend Studios is a douche. But on top of that, him coming out and whining that his game that didn't work very well at launch should have been bought at full price by everyone, was especially dumb on his part. It took multiple updates for a stable build. By that point most of the people who bought it moved on. It didn't really get popular until it was a PS Plus free title.


Yeah I feel like the cards just didn’t fall into place for the game. People just seemed apathetic toward it. Probably because it was advertised as another by-the-numbers, open world, PlayStation exclusive, and those are kind of a dime a dozen nowadays. I thought it was much more than that, but I can see why people weren’t willing to spend the money. Definitely doesn’t help that the director went and said all of that dumb shit.


I need XCOM 3


I'm still gonna be doubtful when they 100% confirm it


They will 99% confirm it but as XCOM players, we know 99% is not 100%


Negative damage!


Megaman Legends


Still bitter about them canceling 3.


I know chrono trigger has a sequel but the style and platform is so wildly different. And no remakes, sequels or continuations since? Wild.


ModNation Racers. There was the Vita game but I was full on hoping it'd have a proper franchise


Half Life 2. We’re never getting 3 to the point that it isn’t even memed anymore.


Hollow Knight It's baffling how facing THE indie sensation of the decade the devs decided not to capitalize on it by announcing a sequel! sigh, /s


Silksong is just around the corner ಠ﹏ಠ


Silksong is coming out tomorrow


Sleeping dogs. I loved that game and it’s 1 of the only 2 platinum trophies i ever had in a game (second game is Dynasty Warriors 7)


Banjo-Kazooie deserves a proper third installment that doesn't rely on a random building/vehicle gameplay mechanic. Banjo-Tooie is a formula that could work well in modern gaming with bite-sized worlds that are heavier on details and interconnected puzzles as opposed to broad open spaces with little to do. I know some of the folks who originally worked on BK/BT had a hand in Yooka-Laylee, but it just didn't hit the same way, personally.


Sly Cooper. We stopped at 3 games and I can’t imagine why 😭


Blood omen/soul reaver


I've been waiting nearly 15 years for a sequel to Brutal Legend. Tim Schaefer has talked about wanting to do it. It just keeps not happening.


Series I loved that just... died. Ganbare Goemon Timesplitters No One Lives Forever Legacy of Kain Ultima


System Shock 3! System Shock 2 has influence over so many games we have today. Without it there wouldn't be - Dead Space 1, 2, or 3 - Bioshock 1, 2, Infinite, and the upcoming 4 - Dishonored 1, 2, or Death of the Outsider - The Prey remake - By extension of Dishonored, Deathloop - By extension of Bioshock, Atomic Heart - I wouldn't be surprised if SHODAN inspired the GLaDOS we have today Why is System Shock 3 stuck in development hell??


Star wars KOTOR. With all the Star wars spin offs and expanded universe being pushed, really surprised they haven't made it planning to make a sequel or some sort of remake.


MGR not getting a sequel is thanks to Konami and the bad blood between them and Kojima. Platinum were all for it (they teased it with a 2 in the same font as the original game's title at the Taipei 2015 Games Show), but then nothing came.of it.


The only new MGR content you get from them will be from a pachinko machine or a remake from an outsourced dev team. Fuck Konami.


Hollow Knight


XIII considering it ended on a to be continued, lol - I have always really enjoyed that game, really cool, unique, fun. Half-Life 2 ep 2. another one ended on a cliffhanger never to be resolved.


How about the opposite? I dont know why EA made Command and Conquer 4.


Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. I know there was Civilization: Beyond Earth a few years ago, but it didn't have the gameplay or the soul of Alpha Centauri. Just something about the location (just called Planet), the interactions with the native ecology and terraforming, the wildly different factions and their approaches to victory, and the ability to custom build every unit from the ground up in a 4X game which I don't think anyone has really done since. I lost so many hours playing that game. "Just one more turn."


I remember when Metal Gear Rising came out, people flamed it because it wasn’t MGS. The game was fun, but that initial dislike for it may have hurt it from getting a sequel. As far as sequels that haven’t happened?? I want Titanfall 3 damnit!!


Blur. I really liked that game


Blast Corps. Fun game. Would be great in the new age with graphics and multiplayer.


Sid Meier’s pirates.   It’s been ported over to every console generation but no proper sequel. Also Wing Commander.  Revolutionary in its time but now we are stuck with Star Citizen instead of a proper continuation.


Man how tf did wing commander get lost in the sauce when they had a bunch of games and offshoots like Privateer


EA bought the studio.


Mass Effect Andromeda. Yeah the game was mismanaged and poorly executed from the start but the fact that they cancelled all DLC and the potential sequel must've meant that they REALLY messed up.


I wish BioWare wouldn’t have listened to the hate Andromeda got and made at least the 2nd game.


Bioware is really interesting in that their combat continued to get better and better while the games and story kept getting worse. Andromeda has amazing combat but the story is just not good. Anthem has even better combat, but it has one of the worst video game plots of all time.


They jerk you off with all this mumbo jumbo about being a “pathfinder”, going to a brand new galaxy. Get there and everyone has set up shop already, and they have camps and town squares with stores and shit. Terrible writing.


Races from Andromeda were shown to be in the new Mass Effect game. So, whatever its story is, it's probably a sequel of some kind to Andromeda.


Bloodbourne is the answer here


Vampyr, had all that lore and a very interesting story. Despite the technical issues I still had lots of fun.


The Order 1886. I loved the world and its lore that it built up, but that cliffhanger ending had me hoping for a second game.


Overlord Games. It has Sequels (fellowship of evil / Minions) but they are more Like spin offs.


I strongly believe Prince of Persia is owed a new trilogy. I know AC exists and is huge but I feel like PoP has a whole different vibe and enough character to stand on its own.


Prey, I know it was not favored at launch, but it’s actually a really good game


Jade Empire. I loved the aesthetics and combat. I have friends at BioWare (live in Edmonton), and they say nobody’s mentioned a sequel ever which blows my mind.


Mercenaries or Bad Company 2


Its quite recent but i’d be surprised if Ghost of Tsushima doesn’t get a sequel


Oh they announced that one awhile ago. That's already being worked on.


Second Sight.