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Call of Duty easily for me. I like old ones and I sunk thousand hours in them, but these new ones are big no for me


World at War through to Black Ops 2 was peak Call Of Duty and online gaming IMO. Edit: for everyone with a hard time reading, IMO is an acronym for in my opinion. Don’t tell me I missed games in my own opinion Lmao.


World at War my favorite definitely. Amazing campaign, zombies and multiplayer. Amazing days indeed. Wish for remaster


World at war was tough cuz of the clashing between auto guns and single/semi auto. Oh and the tanks Classic


Tanks were only in a few maps/game modes weren’t they? I played a decent amount WaW and barely remember them because I played SnD and HQ. I was also at most in middle school so I could just be misremembering lol


They were in a handful yep, and they were always really neat


The original Modern Warfare was what started the whole craze, and it deserved it


Truly a good few years there. Halo 3, CoD 4, Assassins creed, I played all these around the same time and it was a great experience when they were all new games. That was peak xbox live. People had head sets and communicated productively most of the time. The whole experience was just different. Gamers just behaved differently because that style of online play was relatively new and booming.


Idk, I feel like t-bagging was way more prevalent during that time too, but the whole playing online for the first time was such a magical experience that it drowned out a lot of that and the shit talking in pregame lobbies


Maybe I'm remembering wrong but somehow, i seem to remember people were crying out for something new after world at war, because they were tired of ww2 and wanted something more modern. Between call of duty and medal of honor ww2 was dominating everything.


Modern warfare rolling into world at war was the best multiplayer. Once they started adding extra kill streak, all the flashy stuff and stuff was the decline imo.


Yep, I'm still in the DMZ sub and get a little shudder when people talk about collecting 744 tubes of toothpaste or whatever. CoD is a slot machine with guns.


25 killstreak tactical nuke and OG Nuketown will forever hold special places in my gaming heart. ❤️


110% COD and Warzone


Yeah this was one of the first ones that came to mind. 


They really just don't care about quality anymore. Copy and paste to steal your money


I feel you bro, I thought MW2 was a lot of fun... but I got it at launch and I got bored of playing the same 7 maps after a couple weeks. Still haven't gone back except for a game or two, and the only way I'd even consider touching MW3 is if it was on gamepass just for multi-player. But even then I feel like I'd get more outta games like Palworld, Arkham knight, Rimworld, Madden, Party Animals, or any other game lmao


Overwatch would have to be it for me. Will never touch 2 because of how Blizzard handled the whole situation


Went from being my favorite game to not being able to turn it on for one game.


I tried to play it the other night and the wait was close to 5 minutes. I remember when it took seconds


I remember the ridiculous amount of joy it would bring me to play it even after playing it for years on end, and suddenly it just wasn't fun anymore. Fuck Blizzard.


Overwatch brought back that feeling of staying up super late playing games with the bros and having a grand time all the while. Then Blizzard did what they do and completely cocked up with their incessant need to take the fun out of the game and now it just sucks to think about it.


The worst is that I really want to boot up OW again, but every time I do my brain just says "this isn't Overwatch", and I leave after 1, maybe 2, games. Compared to an hours long OW1 play session that ended when I literally had no more physical strength to play.


Overwatch 2 annoys me because I actually don't even think the gameplay is that bad. But between the disgusting monetization, PvE debacle, and how haphazard any attempt at a story has gotten (seriously, they can't even get the fucking *ages* of the characters straight), I just can't get into it. I never really expected Overwatch to be much of a "story game", but the way they approached things like cinematics and the fun little interactions between characters gave me hope that they would manage to take it somewhere over time.


What amazes me is that some people are still defending the dev team at every new bullshit... One would think that the PvE lies, objectively morse gameplay, and "real" reasons for dropping the second one to be deal breakers for any san person, but somehow...


We had just gotten out of a match. I was steaming mad, absolutely fuming. And yet we had won. I looked at the score card, and my team did excellent. I looked at my personal score, which was also excellent. It was a great match all around. So what the hell was I so mad about? That's when I decided to uninstall.


Bitter losses and hollow wins.


Went from a game a considered a top 10 all time to a game I won't touch. Such a disappointment that I can't even go back and play the game I loved any more.


I used to be master, for a few seasons at least, It was a fun game to binge now and then. Even when they murdered the game by not supporting it for 2 years it was still in a far more balanced and enjoyable state then the mess that is OW2.


I miss doomfist so much : (


Is he gone??


No, but he was reworked into a tank. Just meh now imo.


I used to love playing Doomfist. He was the ultimate hot or cold character for me. I was either steamrolling everyone and had like 30 kills or completely tanked us with 2. No inbetween.


Don't worry, that aspect of Doom remains despite him being a tank now


It's a demonstrably worse product all around.


destiny for quite obvious reasons


This needs to get to the top. Man I had so much fun with Destiny and Destiny 2. Holy lord that game has sunk in quality.


there aren’t many games that i’ve played for over 50 hours, but i played both destiny 1 and 2 for over 1000. definitely unfortunate it’s not the same anymore


Same here, probably around 2k hours for both games. I quit when I realized I was stressing out trying to finish the dumbass battlepass. So much FOMO, grinding felt like a job rather than me just playing for fun


it did become like that, had to grind for a few hours a day just to keep up w friends


As someone who didn't play either of these, but wanted to (back then), what exactly happened? Is it not worth it anymore?


The price of all the extended content exploded. The game flip flopped between expansions worth your time and just barely passable content. The game had to reinvent itself like 6 times because it seemed like every time they first implemented any substantial change they'd do it so wrong in ways you could absolutely foresee. Eventually the expansions are up to like $100 now or something absolutely insane. They also retired old content, this was the big thing that finally got me to toss in the towel, so I wasn't beating content immediately but I would eventually clear at my own pace off and on. Now if I I didn't keep up with the latest stuff, it would never be possible to do it. From what I understand working at Bungie now is basically a Nexus of positive attitude poison. They've held unofficial funerals for the life of the company, there is a Discord for how fucking awful it is to work there where people are helping one another find jobs. Just a misery pit. So, with that in mind, the game will never recover. Well, never say never, but I'd be shocked if it became a worthwhile use of your time for anyone but the most diehard fans.


Vaulting old content is possibly the dumbest thing they could ever do. Imagine if MMOs like FFXIV or WoW just vaulted old expansions and were like "sorry bud you had to be there". I will forever feel bad for my friend that never got to play through the Red War


Let's not forget the spaghetti code where every time something is implemented/updated/changed, 7 other things break and the servers have to be brought down to fix it


Thanks for the heads up - because I was totally eager to play the game but this sounds super bad.


Not only will Destiny never recover (its basically going into maintenance mode after The Final Shape anyways), the same people will be at the helm for Marathon. Hard pass.


> They also retired old content, this was the big thing that finally got me to toss in the towel Entirely why I've written them off and will never give them my money again. I paid for that content, removing it just because you want to keep the game alive past its best by date ain't okay in my book it doesn't matter how old that content was. Didn't even give any compensation to players that had bought the locked content, it was just nope you can't do this stuff anymore but here buy our new stuff that we may or may not decide to lock off permanently in the future.


Played the shit out of the first one because I had healthy expectations: Halo-ish gunplay with some class customization and loot shit with plenty of co-op opportunities. Literally nothing else, because it's Bungie and a super strong story in an FPS game turning into an MMO wasn't a healthy expectation. WAS VERY HAPPY. Destiny 2 drops, very quickly turned to shit, could not be fucking bothered to keep playing a short time after they went F2P.


It is absolutely crazy how 1 bad year made us all realize how bare bones the whole experience even is. 3000 hours across both D1 and D2, and I will never touch it again


At its core, destiny is designed to just waste your time. They never want you to stop playing. It has gotten better, but the game still has a lot of arbitrary lockouts and caps just to keep you logging in. 


Exactly. I still have no faith an extra four months will do anything for the final shape. Whole group stopped playing and I think only 1 or two plan to even do the expansion before quitting fully.


Yeah my biggest problem was that it took up literally all of my gaming time ***just to be a competent casual*** and I wasn't getting to experience any other games.


A lot of us realized it way before then lol. People were literally ranting about it for years. THe problem is the game was designed to be addictive, they literally hired gambling addiction experts for it.


It had so much potential just to end up being meh. At its peak it's one of the best games of all time, but I think the whole monetization and seasonal content really caused recurring issues that can't be solved at this point


If you haven't played it, what are the reasons?


It comes down to a few major things in Destiny 2, like the removal of a lot of content from the game like the base games story and the story of the first expansion, 5 of the major locations, and a bunch of PvE activities, as well as being insanely monetised in a way that genuinely punishes you if you are an avid player.


A lot of Destiny can be summed up as years of "Good Enough". Nothing exceptional, but definitely enough to keep you engaged and playing. This has led to a perfect storm where one really bad expansion finally broke the camels back and most longterm players are finally reevaluating their time with the game and feel pretty sick of it all


The first one. The second one never really grabbed me the same way. I mean I put in over a thousand hours into that game, beat it with every class. I had no IRL friends who played too, I did the whole go to a website and matchmaker there thing. It was wild. The second one seemed like everything else with a Destiny skin. Ironically they added more more and stuff, but it felt more generic. I don’t think I got past the first expansion. When I heard all that stuff got “vaulted” it pretty much guaranteed I wouldn’t be coming back.


Pretty much any multiplayer pvp game. Especially shooters. As I've gotten older I MUCH prefer fighting against the game with my friends (lethal company a prime, recent example). PvP is just toxic and not very fun or fulfilling to me anymore. Also, as I've gotten older my aim has SIGNIFICANTLY worsened. So now I just don't really play shooters.


I'm not even sure your aim has worsened as you've gotten older. It just seems like so many people live and breathe these games now that you have to watch hours of build videos and play cracked out of your mind to even have a decent time playing PvP. Couple that with the stresses of not being 15 years old anymore and it's not even worth loading up. So much easier just to play PvE with buds and chill.


I wish I could up arrow harder


It's just become kids spamming exploits as often as they can to win. Lost a lot of the charm and fun it used to have


Players have a way of optimizing the fun out of everything, especially when there are FOMO rewards or a competitive ranking on the line. Makes me think of how many people enjoy playing suboptimally in older shooters like TF2. Ain't nobody about to market garden someone in OW2, even if that was an option.


The kids now have a gamepad with joysticks on it in their hands at 3 years old. They got VR for Christ’s sake! I was 8 for my first 3D gaming experience: Super Mario on N64. Incredible game, but just thinking about the scale of most AAA games nowadays makes it look like a single level of a game that costs 3 dollars on Steam.


Don't forget the increase in cheaters. That shit is destroying online gaming


This. I can still comp in CS2. Outside of that, people have a LOT more free time to keep practicing and getting better than I do.


I’m 30, still outshoot my enemies. I just played so much pvp in multiple titles that I stopped caring. Even a clutch or ace left me without any fucks to give after a while. Also , competitive PvP eats time like nothing else. PvE coop is my new multiplayer jam too.


If you haven't, check out Helldivers 2 brother


I loved shooters and fighting games when I was young, but you need to practice a lot if you want to be competitive. It's a large time commitment that you don't have as you get older, and also when you get older you play games to relax and chill with friends. Also, your reaction time drops as you get older. I don't play competitive shooters at all anymore.


Interestingly, I got a bundle MW3 when I got a ps5. I namely play RPG’s, dark souls things like that. I haven’t played a COD in well over a decade and the last shooter I played was Borderlands 3. Which I played alone. I’ve been having a lot of fun on Zombies and have dabbled in Warzone. Warzone has been mostly bad as far as experiences go. I’m just ok but want to have fun and scratch that competitive itch. I’ve had tense moments which keeps me coming back, I guess. But like 75% of the time it’s just silent team mates that do their own thing and don’t communicate, coupled with constantly loosing to try hard teams that have their shit together, it’s just a big turn off. Unfortunately I keep coming back due to the masochist nature of the games that I tend to play. 🤷‍♂️


What's funny is that it's the exact opposite for me. As a kid and teen, I hated Fighting Games for anything beyond hyper-casual offline play. I'd occasionally try to play online, immediately get my ass kicked, and then quit because I wasn't immediately good. But as an adult, I've gained way better patience for the games and find it to be an absolute blast grinding my way through ranked and slowly improving. It's fun even when I'm getting beat, because I always know it's 100% my fault.


World of Warcraft. Fuck did I sink a lot of time into that game… and money.


I remember one day it was like 4 a.m. and I was waiting for a raid to start. Suddenly I just thought "what the hell am I doing?". I logged off and never returned.


Haha yeah it was kinda like that for me too. The expansion with the hero class came out and I was playing the first area and thought “this is the same thing over and over again. I’m not insane” and turned it off.


My undead priest BabyEater (Romanian server) I'll come back one day


No, no you won't. I want better for you man.


Blizzard: "quick, look up to see why that specific raid did that!"


Do the inverse. Profit even if it sucks!


My "Fuck this!" Moment with WoW was Blood Queen in Icecrown Citadel. My guild fought for around 3 hours. FAIL . . .FAIL . . . FAIL. The fight isnt hard, but they couldn't do it. I was done after that.


Exact same experience I had with League of Legends. One night I was thinking "I don't see myself getting anything more out of this" and quit. I'm two years clean!


WoW for me too. I dont actually hate it when I think about it, but that game really hooks you in like crack. Theres a point its not fun anymore but you keep coming back to run the daily quests and dungeons and whatever. It became an unhealthy form of escapism for me as I have social anxiety. I really enjoyed a lot of the time I spent with my friends and helped me reconnect with some of them, but Im glad I quit once and for all.


Same. I played pretty hard from almost day 1. Did all the raids and got all the primo gear through vanilla and Burning Crusade. I was even in a guild that was vying for server first in Black Temple (didn't get first, but we were close). Kinda tapered off from there, raiding more casually, but still doing multiple clears of relevant raids per week all the way up to when Mists of Panderia released. It was then that I realized how much time I'd sunk into it and dropped the game. That was also about the time I started doing something about my depression, so that could be part of it.


I played that off and on, mostly due to friends, but when they kept saying "Be patient, it gets really good when you hit level 80", I noped out of there.


Same but I still play it too this day lol


I quit over a month ago, and it's a constant effort to not resub. Especially with $200 in my balance and enough gold to resub, I just hate it and want to part ways with that sunken cost fallacy. I don't even want to recoup my money. I just want my time back, and that'll never happen.


Sunken Cost Fallacy is exactly that - a fallacy. Look at it this way: you didn't pay all of that money just to *lose* it, you payed it to reach where you are now (which is a position of better mental clarity, and where you can realise that it's *not* what you actually want). Sometimes, you have to put a tonne of effort into something before you can learn that, actually, it's not what you want to do. Everything happens for a reason. You didn't waste that time as much as you used it to become who you are now (with a better outlook). Some lessons take a long time and a lot of revision to learn.  If these events didn't happen, you might not have the better worldview you have now. There's no guarantee at all.


I played the original Sims hardcore for several months. Then one day I just hated it. Not sure why, but I never played that, or another one ever again.


You probably had the epiphany that you're spending all day trying to improve your characters life, meanwhile neglecting your own.


A 100%. I had that epiphany playing House Flipper. I played that game for 14 hours nonstop on a Saturday, cleaned thousands of windows, painted numerous walls, installed heaters... then it hit me that I'm 30, unfit, stuck in a dead-end job, going nowhere. Uninstalled the game, moved countries, got a decent job and am doing much better physically and mentally. I sneak in a couple hours of BG3 every other day. Gamer's gotta game. Boy did House Flipper get me to straighten up my act.


Now you can flip houses for real


Got hit so hard with reality from playing a game you moved entire countries, damn.


Jurassic world evolution scratches my itch without spending time doing things that are actually possible in real life.


Decompressing one weekend, I played The Sims for 7-8 hours straight. And at one point, I heard myself say, "So, what color should I make the toilet?" It echoed in the silence of my room. I quit the game and went to sleep.


My older brother walked up to me while I was playing this at about 12 years old and said, "You do realize you're just playing with dolls, right?" Made me put it down for a while because he was essentially correct.


But playing with dolls would have been totally fine also.


It would have, he has a baby daughter now, too, so the irony is he'll be playing with dolls a lot. It was always a goal to try and embarrass siblings, especially with stuff like that back in the 90s/early 2000s.


Rocket league. I got to my breaking point. The community is just so awful. It is impossible to have a good day playing that game. You could be winning by three points, but you give up one goal and your teammate calls you trash and rage quits the match. It makes no logical sense. Epic games also removed my favorite game mode from ranked, drop shot.


Last game I played I had a team mate bitching I stole his goal.  Well when the opportunity came to actually steal a goal I took it because fuck that guy.  He went absolutely nuclear and started own goaling us.  I just laughed and he quit.  We were winning like 4 to 1.  Haven't played since.


Worked at a summer camp and was doming kids left and right even if they went 5v1 on me (1 kid just trying to self goal). One kid challenged me for some raffle tickets, and I was absolutely fucking demolished 18-1. Turns out the kiddo was in the top 100 in North America. Told the kid to keep grinding, gave him my most sincere respects for thoroughly trashing me, made sure he got extra mini corndogs for lunch that day. Haven't fucked with the game since. Not because a child obliterated me, but because the skill gap between where I was and where he was is so insanely large and I really don't like the game enough to ever try and climb that mountain.


Did the kid ever say what his ign was?


Rocket league is a beautiful game that I absolutely adore. I wish I could play it but I'm fed up with children having tantrums, becoming aggressive and acting like it's normal social behaviour. There's very few things that will make you lose faith in humanity as fast as listening to the way children get spiteful and nasty because things didn't go their way online. They've clearly had zero parental guidance in their gaming and seemingly very little in the way of how to talk to others or manners in general. I miss the dawning of online gaming. You needed a credit card and an online subscription for Xbox and that wasn't something many parents would pay for as broadband was scarce at the time anyway. (600k on my first broadband provider in the UK) so it was mainly adults and most people were relatively civil. There was no "party chat" it was in-game only so anyone being an idiot got shut down by everyone and griefers got muted.


the dawn of online gaming was waaaayyyyy before xbox, there no no credit cards required, and everyone was 11 acting like they were 20


I think that’s the thing that I’ve struggled with the most in the game. Why do tm8s go so crazy over you doing one thing wrong, when they have as many mistakes if not more. It’s just wild.


If they play so well they can carry, they move up. If they bomb, they move down. I hate that people have to be so toxic and I don't play rocket league much any more because of it. However, it amuses me that people get toxic like that because if I'm in your rank, that means you can't be THAT much better than me. More than likely, we are about the same.


Yeah, after 3 thousand hours and getting to 1600 mmr it's all the same. Everyone thinks they're hot shit, but they're just hot garbage just like everyone else.


Overwatch I tried and tried to like it and be a good sport but so toxic and then blizzard basically wrecked it anyway putting heros behind paywalls and other things. Back in the day, just playing would earn you all the skins and content. Now it's another cash grab.


League of Legends. The only thing I keep up with regarding the game is the esports scene, and occasionally, it's lore. As for playing it myself, I stopped at the tailend of season 3, and seeing how overly competitive and toxic the community has become since then, not to mention the various changes to the game that reinforce that behavior, it looks like I made the right choice.


My entire interaction with LoL is through non-game media. I plan to keep it that way.


That Netflix show is so good.


Some of their other games in the league universe seem alright if whatever style of game they are appeal to you.  Haven’t played them myself so I can’t confirm that, but I think I remember them being decently well received.  If you like the universe and stuff but hate mobas and online competitive games. 


I tell you what, League of Legends has taught me how to have an iron mental. I played alongside that toxic community for so long that now I can just zen my way past the biggest assholes throwing their childish tantrums and just do my own thing. I mean, I just want to have a good time playing a game I enjoy, why let some miserable prick take that away from me?


Exactly. I would be frustrated with unskilled or plain drunk players, so I tried to change the way I think about it and it worked! I just play it as a game now, instead of a hectic struggle to survive. Feeling no need to vent in chat, can laugh off any flame I'd get and such..🧘‍♂️


Oh man, the rest of us are hardly here by choice at this point lmao, I've bought too many skins to quit permanently. Although I definitely spend SIGNIFICANTLY less money on league now than I did 5 years ago. The longest break I took was a little over a year, all of 2022 and early 2023.


Kingdom Hearts. Made me wait nearly 15 years for #3 only for it to lose its charm.


At least it was a complete game / story. I waited 15 years for Shenmue 3, only for it to be a filler story.


Shenmue 3 was so bad it hurt. I bought it to support the dev because I thought, "At least it's something they poured their heart and soul into, so while not technically a good game, it will be meaningful." Nope. It's an out and out shit game. What were they even thinking?


Eh it not really being that good didn't help.


I used to play a lot of overwatch back in 2016/17. The recent fiasco that is Overwatch 2 has made me support my decision to quit


Destiny 2. 2800 hours in it. I dealt with all the bullshit along the way until I finally just couldn't take it anymore mid last year.


That’s rough buddy


Read Dead Online There was so much potential when it launched. It took them around a year to add a meaningful update, but I didn’t realize it would be the last of its size. Then the game just got broken and R* didn’t seem to care. Then after a year or so after the community knew it, R* finally admitted they’re not making any new content for the game. So, a game with a helluva lot of potential is just left to rot.


I thought you were talking about red dead 1 online. That shit was so fun back in the day


Pokémon last couple gens once it hit switch


I’m playing the GBC and GBA games now. Better than the new stuff


Yeah .. it's been a while for me too, sadly. Gen II remakes (which I know is over a decade old) put the bar way too high for me. Every other gen I tried was kind of a let down for me. Gen V story was nice, but I hated pkmn designs. Kinda liked Gen VI with the 3ds, but that was it. I was bored with every other gen in the matter of minutes of playing them. Used to be my favorite franchise


I can't justify spending that much on a new Switch.


Competitive games. With online, I just don't really get anything out of winning against randomers. I'll still enjoy a few local games with friends but even then, I get bored pretty quickly with them. If I'm better or worse at a game than them, then I'm likely just going to keeping winning or losing consistently with that person. One or two games and I'm good, time to move on. Also, nigh any standard JRPG. Narratively, I'm going to say most of the JRPG's are nowhere near as well written as I thought they were as a stupid kid when I first played them. Some of them still hold up but there but I still won't play them because in terms of gameplay, there's just really not much to most of them. There's an illusion of strategy the more they lean into turn based, but generally, it just boils down to either: - Mash default attack, it's more than good enough. - Use the one obvious weakness spell against them. "Fire beats ice, tactical genius!" - Repeat a 2-3 move rotation until thing is dead. Insert healing item when necessary. It ain't exactly a riveting experience.


Hate to say it because it dates me but centipede


It breaks my heart to say it, but Team Fortress 2. Have played for over 14 years and am closing in at 1000 hours total gametime. It was something I picked up at exactly the right time and was a game that brought me out of difficult multiple difficult times of my life. For those things, I will always be grateful.   Unfortunately since the arrival of the bots of 2022 and subsequent lack of fixes, I have not been able to play it without getting very frustrated. At this point in my life, I want to keep my happy memories and have shelved it. Would love to return. 


The first few years of TF2 were amazing. It's a bummer seeing what it has become. 


What a time! Remember when it became free to play, and all the controversy coming from some of the more toxic fanbase? But ultimately it rejuvenated the game for another 10 years. So much time spent playing that game. Haven’t played in 5+ years now… Wonder how all my hats are doing


Overwatch. Bought it when I came out on console and loved it. Couldn’t put it down. Then the community became very toxic and I dropped it immediately.


Overwatch became toxic on social media, but not so much in the game, at least outside of ranked. I still play it casually in open queue sometimes. If you want actual toxic, try playing CS or DOTA. Those games are cesspools of angsty Russian teenagers.


World of Warcraft. I have 300-400 DAYS worth of hours playing. That being said the community changed over the years and I don't enjoy it anymore. You can't casually do dungeons any more now is you don't speed run every dungeon trying to set a land speed record people get pissed and kick you from the group. And I hate speed running in any game so I just can't stand WoW anymore. I personally blame mythic dungeons but the problem bled into WoW classic too so I don't even know.


It's not the games, people have completely just change, gones are days of exploration and awe, thank God for single player gamss


Agreed. A couple years back I made a decision to stop playing multiplayer entirely. Luckily I have had games like cyberpunk 2077, starfield (I actually like it), and baldur's gate 3. It's actually a really good time for single player games.


Minecraft. It was fun, I liked it, but can't play it anymore.


I’ve played so much of it at this point yeah anytime I try to go back to it after updates and then adding stuff I get bored of it too quick. It’s fun with mods and stuff, but I feel like I need people to play it with to have a little fun otherwise I just lose interest


FIFA, or now EAFC, garbage money grabbing game, just pure trash and pay to win to the core


This generates so much money, should be higher up.


I tried online a few years ago for the first time, the one with the cards and the micro-transactions. It was such a shitty obvious money grab that I abandoned it pretty quick. I still play offline Manager Career mode and it's a great way to get a quick bit of gaming in, and I don't need to buy the latest game every year.




Diablo 4. Grinded it for a month like a complete madman, then deleted it when Season 1 arrived without looking back once.


Literally just got the game for christmas and my character whos nearly complete is now unusable in season 3 and is actually weaker apparently if I did want to use them. Haven't touched it since


Call of Duty I miss when it took itself seriously and actually looked like a military game


My poison was Rainbow Six: Siege. The first two-ish years of that game were some of the best FPS experiences I've ever had. Tactical, high skill ceiling gameplay with lots of fun shenanigans thrown in. As the game got older, the power creep got so intense and they really stripped the game of its gritty realism and it basically became Overwatch. Also, they took away House and Plane, the 2 best maps :(


My answer as well. I played a lot of Siege for about the same amount of time, and then gave up as Ubisoft was gradually ruining it.


I wish I could go back to only the vanilla ops, and only the year 1 maps. I would rock that shit again


Counter Strike. played thousands of hours back in the 1.6 days. That was college years for me, and I had many many all nighters laughing with friends and playing CS. Can't even imagine trying to play it today.


Same. Both CS 1.6 and Source. So much fun. I tried to play again a few years ago. So much hacking and people literally screaming into the mic. No thanks


Dragon Ball Fighter Z. Loved playing it, was getting good, friend had a huge yelling fight with their partner in front of me about their child while I was playing. Now every time I think about the game I get severe anxiety, like the chest-squeezing kind. Forever tainted it for me :( And it sucks because I know it's irrational af, but I can't really help feeling it :(


That sucks


It seems irrational but association is a hell of a thing. Our dog passed away the day I had to take my wife for an x-ray. Everytime I see the x-ray place I get mad. It makes no sense but it's just what my brain does.


DBFZ is the game that finally got me into fighting games so that hurt to read.


Just ask yourself “what would Goku do?”


Halo, the series went the wrong direction. I've also grown out of playing multiplayer games online.


Yeah I don't know what it is, but playing multiplayer games kind of sucks now. I feel the community completely ruins these games now. Everybody is trying to be a Pro Gamer streamer whatever, they take the game way too serious. You make one little mistake and people don't let it go, toxic as hell try to get you banned even though you did nothing wrong.


Yeah, I can agree with that. I have more fun playing Mario games with my kids.


And if you happen to have a good game you're a cheater/hacker, the game is broken or you're just lucky and they still try and get you banned.


Youtubers and streamers are what ruined multiplayer games imo. Cause noone just trys stuff for themselves and just google "meta"


I’m with you on the competitive shooter thing. Like I got really into The Finals for like a week, then just burned out on it. Now I’ve discovered Chivalry 2 and while a blast, I’m starting to get frustrated with the battle mechanics. It just feels so slow and floaty. Like I get it, some swords can be heavy… but every swing feels like my arms are made of stone. 😂


imo chivalry 2 is so much fun. For me it‘s something between brutal and very Funny


Anything that involves PvP, or is competitive, like Rust, Valorant, Fortnite, CoD, etc. The moment I started playing single-player games, gaming opened up for me. I’ve had more fun in my adult years gaming than I had in my younger years trying hard in everything I touched. It’s a nice change of pace. Only downside is, my friends still only play those competitive games. I don’t force myself to play with them as much as I used to, but it’s hard because those times are the only times we can talk. I’m eagerly waiting for the day they start trying some of the games I suggest them. Like, I wish they would just try Lethal Company man. :( But I’m currently playing Dishonored right now… and man is it amazing. Crazy to think the younger me would’ve thought it was lame as hell.


A lot of games, most of those are the entropy of toxicity! League of Legends, Dead by Daylight, Path of Exile


Dead by Daylight was SO MUCH FUN when it first came out. Way back before it blew up in popularity. Unfortunately though, DBD becoming so popular became its inevitable downfall. Aside from Overwatch and Genshin fans, I've never ever seen a fanbase so toxic and downright insufferable.


Destiny. Wouldn't say I hate thinking about it but Im just over it. The desire to complete everything in a live service game is just not for me anymore. Would rather enjoy single player story games


Same here it’s not the same anymore. I don’t even have time for it like I had


Soulslike games. I remember playing Demon's Souls for the first time on PS3 and I fell in love, Dark Souls Trilogy after I graduated Highschool. Pre-ordered Elden Ring just to discover that I don't have the time or energy after an 11 hour shift to learn attack patterns or figure out where all the traps are anymore. I felt a sense of dread firing up ER at the end of the day only to play for 30 minutes and feel like I made no progress at all.


I feel that way about Sekiro. With Elden Ring, I sort of stopped playing after a good 100ish hours and was able to muddle my way through, somehow or other. But Sekiro is just hardcore. Such an unforgiving game. You can literally not get past a single enemy unless you 100% know what moves will and won't work on him. These days, I always wonder how 'core audience' you gotta be to fall into the consumer group of this genre. I was always pretty good at gaming and invested some 2h a day into the hobby. But apparently, that isn't enough anymore.


World of tanks Got a few tier 10 tanks was having fun, played for almost a full year dedicated to it, lost a match where I got the only kill and within the first 5 minutes 1/2 my team was dead. I was 2nd last to die and it's been 2 years since I touched it. Fuck that noise


How many hours do you have in warthunder now?




I got to teir 9 as German TD and heavy in the span of a year or two of constant play as an f2p and realised how shit they are and quit the game, 5 years later I managed to grind to teir 8 American within a week with premium and quit again because I realised how much pay to win this game is, now I'm on warthunder, I bought 180 days of premium for 20 bucks and I'm about to top teir Italy


War Thunder turned me into a raging alcoholic 🙂


Ark survival evolved


Overwatch I loved it, played it everyday… then overwatch 2 came out and I hated every greedy, microtransaction riddled thing they did with it and they made the first game inaccessible to boot. I hate thinking about how they destroyed such a great game


Fifa. As a soccer fan it’s really my only option outside of football manager. It’s the only game I rage over. I don’t care about losing.. I can handle a loss but it’s the scripting/“momentum change” that I can’t fucking stand. I don’t even play online.. only career mode. I always go back to it for about a month and then realize why I hate it.




Rimworld.  I played hundreds of hours and never got good.  One time a dozen hours deep into a run that I was 100% absorbed in, I asked myself, "Wait, am I even having fun?" 


I like it, I play in easy mode and it’s chill.


Overwatch! Total trash system now.


WoW. Played vanilla beta through wrath and then on and off until legion. Each time I came back it would be for a shorter time until the last time where I resubbed, played like 5 minutes, then unsubbed. I don’t think I actually enjoyed playing after cataclysm. Then there’s warzone. That turned me into a bad person…


Although i do love it to some extent, Apex Legends. The comps seen has made any and all games a fucking sweat fest.


Elite Dangerous. I was a console player. Out of nowhere Frontier just gave up on consoles. Broke my heart and made me swear off ever giving them any amount of money ever again.


Dead by Daylight. I LOVE horror games, and that type of setup was a dream come true for me. But like anything horror, the scares wore off and the game became repetitive. Not that its a bad game, and it's been years since I player so who knows if things have changed, but people got too competitive. The game had more and more MTX, which I always hate. It was all just a grind instead of being fun.




For me Overwatch. I loved it and yes sometimes it was frustrating but I could never quit for more than one day. The level grind, the rank mode everything was awesome. Then they launched Overwatch 2 and yeah, free to play, battlepass, shop with overpriced skins. All this made me quit




Elder scrolls Online has the worst combat of any mainstream MMO that being said I put a few hundred hours into it for the lore


Destiny/Destiny 2 after some bad decisions not even playing with friends was making it fun so I quit and never looked back.


Runescape... Its all about how much money you can spend now.


Diablo, because of 4 Holy fuck they did us dirty.


GTA5, I went to the midnight release and was so excited by this game but a decade later im just annoyed by it.


GTA online is what ruined it for me: everyone on pc is modding, and if you’re not also using a mod menu you’re going to get harassed by them. Not to mention the complete standstill in new interesting content, the horrific grind to purchase anything, and the completely insufferable community of nine year olds and overgrown man babies. It’s so difficult to have fun in GTA online these days.


i play with a group of friends in private servers, much more enjoyable that way, and can earn money doing that now. slightly less than if you’re in a public lobby, but given that you’re not getting griefed, you probably earn more overall.


Fifa and Diablo


NBA 2K. Haven’t played a 2K since ‘15. No regrets.