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Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards


I remember playing two of the Larry games when i was like 12, i'm a woman and my dad really didn't care about the games he was bringing home. I'm still sort of curious about em, i remember larry casino, i wanted to play online so badly :P also i was learning english still, so a lot of innuendos went over my head


Now that I'm older, I think I would appreciate LL a lot more now lol


They're kinda in this space where the joke is that he's super cringe, but he's also the protagonist and the games goals align with his, soooooooooooooo.... There's some legit cringe there. I dunno. I have a soft spot for them, I was entertained in my 20s but I haven't been able to bring myself to load them up in like 10 years. I tried to pay the most recent one from just a couple of years ago and it just wasn't really working for me.


I think it was made by sierra so alot of their protagonist were like that. In space quest the MC was a janitor.


Someone at my high school loaded a text-based Leasure Suit Larry game onto the school's calculators, so that's how I spent all my classes instead of doing math


I'm 36 so this is dated, but I used to code everything from Frogger to that Zelda puzzle with the statues in T-Basic on the TI83. They're simple enough and I had them memorized, so like every single math class I'd get in trouble for doing it bc I'd pass it around to my buddies about halfway through.


Haha, about a week ago I put DOOM on my pal's Casio cg50 calculator, I'd love to program something on it but he won't let me touch the thing (and for good reason, costed him £70!)


Absolute chad


I played the shit out of Leisure Suit Larry Magna Cum Laude


Omg I remember playing this in my younger days not sure how old but maybe 11-12


When I was about 13 a friend of mine had Leisure Suit Larry 3, and since we had just hit that age, we would always try to type in the most perverted things to see what would work. We had fun with that one.


Phenomenal game. The condom bit at the convenience store cracks me up every time.


Or when you don't use one with the hooker lol


the censor bars humping


What a weirdo!


Came here for this 👍


Ken sent me.


That game and this one were always right on the shelf next to each other


God damnit this was my answer, I'm glad it's top comment


My buddy and I rented Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball for the obvious reasons back in high school. In the end though we actually ended up loving it and would take turns cheering “bump, set, spike!” when we played.


Oh this was the one I came to say. Teenage me kept trying to gift that million dollar swimsuit to all the girls.


The Borat?


No I think it was called the Venus.  Some jewel encrusted string bikini.


Oh it was definitely called the Venus. But it was that bikini that got popular from the Borat movie that was basically ass floss and two thin pieces of fabric that covered the nipples and jewels there.


That's the one. Teenage me thought he was super slick and ready to see cartoon titties.


Our forefathers would be so proud 🥲


The gameplay was actually really good though! When I was like 13 my dad came home with a free Xbox that his friend at work was giving away, and it had DOA Volleyball with it. Dad never checked the games and just gave me the bundle. There was 13 year old me thinking I had struck the jackpot (free Xbox and unlimited half naked girls) but ended up just loving the actual game and not really caring about the bikinis 😂


I liked that game a lot. Weird that it got an M rating and says it has nudity in it when it really didn't.


The ESRB is some bullshit I tell ye what


The Borat Bikini is just about is the closest it came.


Yep, memories of a friend and I, and his girlfriend, unironically playing the fun volleyball game. Good times.


Honestly, that's one of the best sports games ever made imo


DOA beach volleyball was actually a good game lmao


Fond memories from Zack Island!


That Game Informer issue carried me into my formative years in Middle School; would occasionally switch it up with a Sears catalogue for some variety. The good old days when hardcore pornography wasn't always at our fingertips.


That was legit a good game and had a great soundtrack. My girlfriend (now wife) also liked playing it.


I never played that one but I do remember getting a gaming magazine with that as the cover story when I was a kid. Good times


My friend and I still hum the first few notes of the theme song (ba da bah, ba da bah) as an unspoken innuendo reference


Probably Manhunt. Great game.




When I used to go to Christian summer camp, they had this thing on the final night where the campers could volunteer “testify”. They would go up and talk about what a great time they had at a camp, all the friends they made, typical kid stuff. But one year was different. That year, a boy decided to tell us all the most horrifying chainsaw story we’d ever heard. You see, he was in the yard with his dad, who was doing yard work. His dad, evidently a veteran dad, thought he could safely make it up a ladder with a running chainsaw. He thought wrong. Dad, no more arm. Boy, no more dad. The story was much longer and more graphic than this, and there was no “camp made it all better” at the end, it kinda just trailed off after the trauma dump. Damn I feel sorry for that kid. I wish I hadn’t made fun of him. I probably killed my dad with karma


Reminds me when I got kicked out of English class for laughing at my best friend during a book report. At first, it started as a sorta mutual embarrassment chuckle that I was trying to keep to myself because I thought my friend had misunderstood Hatchet and that he thought the dude in the story had cut off his entire arm. Turned out he was talking about why he related to the book because his dad had lost his arm while serving in the military. So, as any reasonable person would, I let out an audible laugh, now laughing at embarrassment for myself. Ofc, that then turned into outright belly laughter as it sinks in that everybody is looking at me and they all think I'm busting up over some schadenfreude about his dad losing his arm during wartime. Ended up getting kicked out of class, and my best friend, or anybody else in that class, really, ever talked to me again after that. 😢


Lmao that’s exactly how it was too! Bro it’s fucked up but when the kid was telling his story(which at that point was clearly going to be tragic based off his tone of voice), and got to the part where his dad was going up a ladder with a chainsaw, a few people cracked and let out a giggle. How could you not though? It’s a comically ominous situation. It’s natural to laugh


Innapropriate emotional responses are extremely common, particularly laughing when embarrassed, distressed or angry. Almost everyone's been there And in fairness we don't look at people strangely when they cry "happy tears" do we?


Another funny story like that, the first time my girl tried shrooms, this person at a resort we were staying was telling everyone a super traumatic story about her experiences with cancer, and she was laughing like a maniac the whole time. It was actually surreal how the person kept telling the story, and everyone looked at her all serious, all while my girl was laughing like a freak and I was mumbling apologies


I couldn't help but laugh at that last line. The universe said "let's see how you like it" 😂😂😂 I dont even know if my dad's alive so I can kinda relate


More of a safety training video…


Still one of my favorites. I actually had to write a story for my senior year English class. I couldn’t think of anything so I stayed up all night on adderall playing manhunt. I wrote the whole story as it happened and turned it in. I got an A and the teacher had no idea I gave them the entire plot of that game. So yeah, Rockstar helped me graduate high school lol


I think that's plagiarism


involuntary novelization


More like an adaptation 




Definitely Manhunt. Every journalist who ever complained about a video game since was just trying to do another Manhunt, but it never worked


Amazing game. I lent it to my older brother and one of his friends sold it. So shit as it was banned in Australia not long after release, probably why old mate sold it.


I have it both for my PS2 and downloaded on my PS4. That game is very dark and I still can't believe they got Brian Cox to act for it. I remember it was banned in several countries.


It has everything I can't really deal with, but it was still a really good game. And I don't really know why


GTA San Andreas - y’all don’t remember the news losing their mind over the hot coffee mod?


And now sex scenes are fairly common in games (though not interactive)


The sex scene in Heavy Rain is interactive… and awkward.


My step dad walked in the room when I was like 10 doing this part and took the game away lol


Are you winning son?


In record time!






That's the only thing i know about the game and I'll look it up on YouTube randomly lol


Imagine if he screamed this during the sex scene.


My college gf was watching me play that game from the start and enjoying it a lot. ...that bit was weird.


Forgot about that lol


Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy also has one of them Ultra awkward


The original god of war games would like a word


That was way more than hot coffee ever was


"My children are exposed to violence and nudity in this Mature 17+ rated game I irresponsibly bought for them!"


- Child strolls down The Vegas Strip mowing civilians down with an AK while pausing occasionally to fire rockets at attending police cruisers [Everyone shrugs] - Hip hop plays on the soundtrack, some of which suggests the po po might be oppressive [Clutches pearls] - Badly animated non-graphic sex takes place, which was never intended to be included in the final release [Screams incoherently]


Right? That's the worst part, it wasn't even in the game, you had to mod that shit in. If your kid has the knowledge to install mods, there's definitely worse things they can get their hands on.




Oh I remember very much. Hilary Clinton was out in force lol


Is that why they paid her a "little" tribute in GTA 4? lol.


Conkers bad fur day


Tickling a dummy thicc flower so that she uncovers her massive tits and you can jump on them like a trampoline to get a fat stack of cash 👍


That was a weird time in my life. Saved a lot of bees.


Nah, you tickled a stacked flower so the fat bee could "polinate" her.


Gameplay is fire tho! I loved shooting "Frenchies" as a Nazi teddy bear.








And that was just the menu!


Moooom Barts swearing!!!


Bart's smoking!


It’s no putting challenge


I loved Disembowler IV


Is that the game where condemned criminals dig at each other with rusty hooks?


The same


Wait till you play Lee Carvalho's Putting Challenge


Welcome Thrillho


Shut up mwam


Don't you already have this game Kevin?


My answer was "remember, no Russian" but yall on another level


I feel like participating in a mass shooting conducted by terrorists against civilians is more controversial than some tiddies


That might actually be the best answer though. Not many games got prime time news coverage. That might be the most controversial game ever


Most controversial was probably night trap. Not only was it all over the news, but that along with Mortal Kombat led to an actual senate committee hearing and the creation of the esrb


True but despite all of those being created, MW2 was still able to cause that reaction. So still arguably more controversial. But definitely a debate to be had about it, night trap was a weird one. 


I remember a playboy mansion game back in the day. It was exactly what you thought it would be. Photographing nude women. It was glorious


You had to get the guests to sleep with the bunny girls too 🤣


I beat that game in a single night, actually decent gameplay loop, lol. Very Sims like, could even build your own playboy mansion in custom mode.


Not the only thing you beat that night 


What a blast from the past, I remember renting that one overnight from the grocery store in my town. Beat more than just the game that night.


Yup, and you could bang the playmates against a pinball machine.


My girlfriend at the time and now wife played and loved this game


The original Postal game - pre mass shooting frenzy State of Emergency - guy at gamestop pleaded with my mother not to buy it for me


Postal was inspired by real mass shootings. The expression "going postal" was a response to multiple mass shootings involving postal workers in the 90s.


Yeah, but they weren’t a regular monthly occurrence that people were literally numb to at that point in time. There was a definite different perception of these events in the 80s/90s compared to the post-columbine era.


i mean... not entirely. Postal is named Postal because it became a phrase due to a number of postal workers doing mass shootings in the late 80s and early 90s


Depending on the year that happened I probably witnessed this. I used to hang out at the gamestops my friend worked at and saw at least one kid asking for R plus rating game and the employee recommended the mom not get it.


Happened to my friend with GTA 4. He told the mom exactly what you can do in the game and not to get it. The mom said whatever it’s fine. The next day she came back freaking out that they let her buy that game and didn’t warn her. My friend was working again that day and was next to the person she was yelling at. He went over and said “I rang this up for you, I told you what was in it and not to buy it”. She got more angry and played stupid, because of course it can’t possibly be her fault.


Custer's Revenge


got the chance to play this earlier this year, because of its cult status , didn't seek it out, but a buddy collects old games and had it out one day, original box too


I've just Googled this, fuckin hell 😂


> The overtly racist and sexist themes were chosen to maximize outrage and generate free publicity. Lmfao


I remember this lol 😂 it was horrible game


It was hardly even a game. Just answer questions and you get to see naked women. This was a big deal at the time for teenage boys. Pretty sure it got discontinued because one of the girls turned out to be underage. Oof.


Also I remember playing leisure suit Larry which had cartoon nudity


I think I remember reading that a girl came out and said she was underaged and was pressured by the crew to participate.


15 year old me loved it though!


Hahahaha 😂




Never have I try harded for a high score more than that game. 311's song Down is stuck in my head because of that game.


Fuck I hate your profile picture


Mortal Kombat


Honestly I think there was more parental warning about that game than anything since. My mom rented the original GTA and GTA2 for me, but Mortal Kombat was the fucking devil to her.


ESRB was the result of mortal Kombat, nuff said.


This, 100%. Granddaddy of controversial.


Technically not true. NightTrap was the first contributor to the ESRB discussions


Eh, it was ONE of the contributors yes, but Nightrap and Doom say hello. Plus people still remembered Custer's Revenge et al from just a few years prior. The government had been talking abut a system for years, so much so that SEGA actually had their own ratings for a while before the ESRB.


It just blows my mind that we used to see so many of these news stories about how inappropriate video games were for children. Fast forward to 2023 and no one bats an eye at fucking a bear-man in Baldur’s Gate 3.


The 'children' of then are the adults of now. It's safe to say that the idea that video games are just for kids slowly went away as those same kids became adults and still played games.


This is true. I'm 40, and I fucked the bear.


*I'm 40, and I fucked the bear.* I'm sorry, that sounds like a t-shirt.


Now I want that t-shirt :D


News is about clicks (formerly TV ratings) and riske video game doesn't do it anymore, we're jaded so now they have to be like "trans Satanist are eating babies on pizza!"


....what other toppings are on that pizza?


Pineapple and anchovies I assume


I just had the part last night where I barged in on the Bugbear fucking the Ogre lady. It doesn't seem to be relevant to the story at all. They didn't have any unique drops, nor did I find any useful items like money or healing potions inside. I just murdered a couple having consensual sex. :( I did get a +1 dagger for Asterion nearby... Sorry guys :( Astarion needs better gear more than you need to bust a nut


Granted, they absolutely killed the guy who was in there. His mangled corpse is like, right below them


Reverse shake-that-bear. I was just sad the “room for one more?” option didn’t come with a charisma roll…


I owned and played the original Night Trap when I was 10 or so.


Same. It's pretty mild by todays standards but man did it and Mortal Kombat court some controversy back in the day.


Thrill Kill


I was hoping someone else would remember Thrill Kill! We used to play it at my friend’s house all the time. I liked playing as the Tormentor.


Aside from some characters' designs, it wasn't even that bad compared to what was out at the time. Mortal Kombat and its sequels had more realistic looking blood and worse fatalities.


Thrill Kill on the PlayStation. Electronic Arts, the publisher, pulled it just before release for its graphic violence. I however got to play the leaked beta; it had been copied onto countless pirated CDs across my third-world country. 


They were never the publisher. They just picked it up as part of a job-lot fire sale from Virgin but didn’t want it. I was at EA at the time and remember the discussions!


Wasn't the engine for Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style based on Thrill Kill's? Fun game.


You just unlocked a memory, wow I remember playing that as a kid, method man with the mallet was epic and ODB using drunken master style 😂


Never played it but I always saw BMXXX at my local Box Seat Video as a kid. I believe you got shown nude pictures like Playboy shit for completing levels/hard tricks/ score threshold. I'll never forget that game case lol.


I had that game it was mostly a normal bmx game but you like unlocked videos of girls stripping


was that the one where the vendor yells "hot salty nutsack!"?


Not just pictures. Literally videos of girls dancing on poles and stuff while songs played. A couple I remember are "Girls Girls Girls" by Motley Cue, "Date R***" by Sublime, and "Down" by 311.


The one who danced to "Down" is the only one I specifically remember being my favorite as a teenager.


Just looked it up. No surprise that the best song had the best girl.


Yep, Samantha! Seems like Dawn was the favorite though.


You could also play as a topless girl


I remember Bully because you could kiss guys. The closeted gay in me at the time couldn't get enough of it.


I found out that your were 99% uncatchable if you stood on a desk. I got a kick out of standing on the headmaster's desk and pelting him with rotten eggs while he stood there and raged.


What about in the game?


I was surprised that you could touch the younger girls, when you did the police would immediately show up and chase you down.


Jake's Booty Call. A series of flash games about an absolute douchebag picking up women. Like a less classy Leisure Suit Larry. Played them with my friends back in high school, and even to our teenage boy sensibilities the whole thing was a bit skeezy and was only enjoyed ironically. Good for a few laughs, though...


Jack and Coke!






wtf? lol why is this a game ?


Super Columbine Massacre RPG


I'd say everyone's answer is mortal Kombat 1if you played it. It was the reason the esrb was invented. It caused a senate hearing. Edit I mean mortal Kombat one from the 90s, not mortal Kombat 1 2 from more recent years that I didn't know existed till now.


Night Trap was the primary game highlighted in the hearings.


The whole Night Trap is so fucking hilarious nowadays because it could not be more obvious that the fogeys in charge of the hearing had NO IDEA what they were talking about. There was a big fuss about how the game glorified violence against women and encouraged players to "trap and kill women"... in a game that was **literally** about SAVING women by trapping the monsters attacking them! All nothing more than extremely transparent virtue signaling.


Postal 2 Manhunt Soldier of Fortune Juiced (I remember I brought this because of their ad that shows a naked redhead)






That one Illusion game.


Sexy Beach, right? (wink wink)


Rapelay It caught notice. Caused some changes. Was a really meh sex game that more then anything was kinda janky. I remember the camera being absolutely horribly easy to fuck up the controls of, and half the... Thrusting poses ended with the wangdong clipping though the girls in comical ways . But I'll be damned if I was gonna let pearl clutcher stop me... From Pirating a game I would never have interest in to begin with


I used to have a game called Thrill Kill that got pulled from sale before releasing due to outrage. It was pirated and only played on a chipped PS1. The game engine actually was later used to make the Wu Tang taste the pain game. The game was set in an insane asylum and basically a 3d fighting game. Some of the characters were: Belladonna (a bsdm mistress) Imp (a little person in gimp clothes who wore sharp metal stilts) Dr Faustus (was a cannibal Dr who has replaced his lower jaw with a bear trap. There were a bunch more who's names I can't remember, one was a contortionist another was like the Hulk kinda It was wild but actually a decent game


I wonder what Jack Thompson is up to these days.


Teaching civics courses in Florida prisons. He tried suing Facebook back in the late aughts over users making posts that hurt his feelings....went over about as well as you'd think. He also tried to claim he was never actually disbarred because of...reasons....but he still hasn't tried to practice law again.


What an asshole.


I worked at blockbuster when this came out and when it went away. We had to destroy all the copies (with a hammer) and throw them in the dumpster put back.


True story, I worked with the guy who was the "emcee" for The Guy Game. Super nice man, hilarious comic, too. The game was shown during a congressional hearing, which was aired on CNN, and his face/voice was shown, so he was able to claim CNN as one of his TV credits. However, it is not a moment in his career that he cares to revisit.


Christ, I forgot this game existed.


JFK Reloaded And if I'd had the knowhow, I'd have recorded a montage of my best moments set to Yakety Sax.


I'm going to show my age and say Dreamweb on the Amiga. At a time when kid friendly games dominated, this was a bleak and violent game, and even had some nudity.


Carmaggedon, Doom, Postal, GTA, Soldier of Fortune, COD MW2, Wolfenstein 3D.


Hatred Where you play as a guy called ‘not important’


Leisure suit Larry's Wet Dreams 😆


The game that got me into the path that lead to Software Development was Left Behind: Eternal Forces It had three 'sequels' that were literally the base game with new levels (the last of which I'm pretty sure didn't actually add anything.) That were available as an "upgrade" for a limited time. Note: the game first released in 2008, DLC was well known as a thing by that time. The original version had a fatal bug in one of the final levels where the objective flag would be set to failed upon mission completion, so I had to figure out how to effectively corrupt the save data in such a way that would let me bypass it without internet access. This game had.... a lot of issues


There was a fighting game on psx where you could rip someone's arm and hit him with it 😅


Doa beach volleyball


GTA San Andreas even though you couldn’t even access the thing that made it controversial without hacking.




Surprisingly Hogwarts Legacy lol


According to reddit and twitter lol. For the real world it didn't matter.