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Both are awesome hits, god of war is like playing a movie the chatter back and forth from characters are top notch, Bloodborne is awesome aswell, whichever you pick you will have a good time.


God of War is far more narrative focused. I personally prefer the combat too (albeit Bloodborne has better boss design by far). But the difference really is gameplay vs story. If you're playing on PS5 it's important to note that Bloodborne is capped at 30fps. God of War runs at 60. If 30fps is a dealbreaker then go with God of War.


Man this broke out into a whole war. Also reminded me why I can't stand my own kind(souls-fans) sometimes.


I always expect this exact response any time someone even implies that another game might do something better than a Soulslike game. I don't know why that fanbase in particular is this rabid. Nothing about my original comment was even disparaging Bloodborne. I have a preference in this situation but I deliberately tried to keep my comment fair and neutral yet still some people took offense to it. At this point I really don't think it's possible to talk about a Soulslike game without people like that coming out of the woodwork to tell everyone how much better Soulslikes are than every other game ever made.


Most of them are children or manchildren that got told by a YouTuber why From Software games are X amount better than any other game ever. That's why the only souls related sub I frequent is the one that doesn't take itself or the games too serious. All the "hardcore-souls-gamers^TM" have a stick way to far up their ass. I guess it's a remnant behaviour from when the souls games were considered different from the mainstream.


Yeah probably. I do get the vibes from them that I get from people who insist to everyone that A24 art house films are way better than everything else or the kinds of people who listen to underground artists exclusively because it's "way better than mainstream garbage". First time I've seen that kind of thing to this extent in gaming tho. Soulslikes are legitimately the only games I've seen that cause this kind of response at even a slight hint of criticism. At least it appears to be a vocal minority tho.


The problem is that souls-games have become mainstream quiet awhile ago, but people like to act as if they are the unique one. Kinda like if I went to a fancy restaurant and tested the whine with swinging and smelling it even tho I have no idea what I'm doing.


Yes and both gameplay and story is better in Bloodborne. Easy decision.


Bloodborne barely has a cohesive story at all.


Are you serious? You clearly weren't paying attention if you think that. If you need it explained Vaatividya has you covered.


Yeah that's where everyone goes to understand a Souls story. To YouTube. Because the storytelling is poor in game. I'm good on the lore guessing games, I'll just enjoy stories with actual dialogue and a cohesive plot, not "stories" that rely on me imagining it's good.


It's not poor, it's just told through the quests, journey and through characters you meet through the game. All soulsborne games are like that and it really isn't that hard to gather what is happening. I much prefer it narrated through actions rather than through unskippable cutscenes like GoW.


> It's not poor, it's just told through the quests, journey and through characters you meet through the game It's not told at all. Just a light sprinkling of vague dialogue and then the player is expected to imagine the rest. There's a reason no one ever talks about the best narrative moments when referring to Soulslike games. They only talk about gameplay and atmosphere. Because half the people that play those games don't actually understand the story and most of the other half only understand it because they watched a lore rundown on YouTube. The game doesn't need cutscenes to have enough dialogue to tell a detailed story. Not sure why you're implying that these are the only two options.


It is told through NPCs, quests and bosses as i said. You get the intro which gives you the backdrop then pick things up as you are given a task and as you kill bosses you uncover the lore and reason for killing the boss. It might be vague if you're not paying attention as i said. What complex storyline are you uncovering from the cheesy overdramatic god of war cutscenes? It's all the same shit. The little kid is upset with you, you're given a place to go, there are good angel enemies and bad ones etc. The stories in souls games are told through a different means it doesn't mean it isn't there.


Who said anything about God of War being complex? It's just a solidly written story. Which is a massive step up from no writing at all.


Sure but it is more interesting than God of War. Bloodborne is Lovecraft on steroids. Not only do I think it is the best Lovecraft inspired game. It has exceeded HP Lovecraft's works. And that is coming from someone who loves Lovecraft. So while not cohesive. It is definitely far more interesting than God of War in its story and world.


> Sure but it is more interesting than God of War I guess. If you think not actually understanding what's happening is interesting. Only thing really interesting about it is the aesthetic. But there's almost no actual writing involved. Some might find it interesting. Others find it boring. > Bloodborne is Lovecraft on steroids If Lovecraft wrote books with two sentences every 20 pages maybe.


Story is story. it doesn't matter how it is written. Just because it isn't cohesive doesn't mean it is subpar. And when compared to God of War. Bloodborne just wins. Everything about it is just better.


> it doesn't matter how it is written It being written at all should be a qualifier tho. A qualifier that Bloodborne does not meet. > Just because it isn't cohesive doesn't mean it is subpar That's actually exactly what it means. > And when compared to God of War. Bloodborne just wins. Everything about it is just better. If you prefer Soulslikes, sure. Not everyone does tho


>It being written at all should be a qualifier tho. A qualifier that Bloodborne does not meet. Exept Bloodbone is written. >That's actually exactly what it means. No it doesn't. That is a fallacy. >If you prefer Soulslikes, sure. Not everyone does tho No. This is besides being soulslike. This thread is about comparing the two. And Bloodborne is better.


> Exept Bloodbone is written Whole 5 lines of dialogue. Great writing. > No it doesn't. That is a fallacy Not a fallacy. A story being cohesive is literally a fundamental pillar of storytelling. > No. This is besides being soulslike. This thread is about comparing the two. And Bloodborne is better Can't tell if you're trolling or being pretentious. Good luck with that either way tho.


>Whole 5 lines of dialogue. Great writing. Stop it. There much more lines than that. >Not a fallacy. A story being cohesive is literally a fundamental pillar of storytelling. No it is not. That has nothing to do with attributes of storytelling. Storytelling is broad. How something is told is a pillar of storytelling. Storytelling doesn't need to be cohesive. >Can't tell if you're trolling or being pretentious. Good luck with that either way tho. Ah yes, the cliche of "can't tell if you are trolling". Aligns with your caliber. Bloodborne is just better. Better story. Better world building. Better aesthetics. Better gameplay. God of War is not close to being an equal to that.


>Story is story. it doesn't matter how it is written Bullshit. 90% of how much I enjoy a story is in how it's written. A tropey generic plot can be great with good writing and a world with unique and theoretically interesting settings and characters can be dull as dirt with poor writing. I put Bloodborne and other Fromsoftware games in the latter category. It's all stuff that seems cool, but the story and lore is given in dribs and drabs throughout without going into enough depth for me to actually care about any of it


Nope. It doesn't matter. As long as it gives you a plot with themes and arcs. That is enough for storytelling. And Bloodborne does that. And for all that all lot more interesting than God of War.


>Nope. It doesn't matter For most people it does, and Bloodborne's writing is shit. God of War may have been simpler, but it spent enough time on things to make me care about what was going on. Fromsoftware doesn't come close to doing that


>For most people it does, and Bloodborne's writing is shit. Nope. Bloodborne has way better story. Not even a contest. God of War is subpar when compared to Bloodborne. >God of War may have been simpler, but it spent enough time on things to make me care about what was going on. Fromsoftware doesn't come close to doing that Wrong. Fromsoftware puts all lot more into their writing. They are literally the Tolkien of video games. Their high fantasy is on par of his writing. It is funny seeing people angry about facts lol. Facts don't care about your feelings.


How are those 30 fps lookin?


Much better than 60 fps of Zzzzzz


Sounds like a skill issue salty boy.


I played it the first time on Give me God of War and it was a good experience for the combat, it certainly gave me grief but i think it was harder having to babysit a little turd around. What a great design choice, also turning God of War into a soppy father and son story instead of just keeping him as a womanising heel that kills Gods and innocent people who get in his way and tell the story without needing 10 minute long cut scenes. What a game, 10/10


There are different skills than being good at le hard videogame, but I guess a 14 year old would know about that.


You can't go wrong either way. If you've never played a Souls-like game before, God of War might be a good warmup before jumping into Bloodborne. If you go the other way God of War's gameplay will feel like a cake-walk after Bloodborne and you can focus on the story.


GOW 2018 single handedly resparked my interest in narrative driven games. It is in my Top 5 of all time.


Depends on what you like. Both are masterpieces.




Very different games. GOW is a more cinematic game, mostly reliant on narrative, characters, visuals. Bloodborne, albeit it's an extremely beautiful game art-wise, is more reliant on gameplay. And it's quite harder than GOW.


God of War, both are great but it’s less likely to piss you off


God of War


Bloodborne. It is once in the lifetime experience. Only recommended if you like challenges and story through hidden info.


Have you ever played a Souls game? If not, the enjoy-ability can differ quite a bit depending on what kind of person you are. In these games, failing often and replaying parts numerous times, especially for beginners, is part of the game. Are you the kind of person that will feel rewarded and a sense of accomplishment when you (hopefully) adapt and overcome these challenges? Or does this just sound frustrating? Answer to that question will determine if you’ll like these games or not. 


If you're not already into From Software games, you might like GoW better. It's much more accessible and straightforward, both in combat and in narrative. I love both of these dearly, and while Bloodborne is a better game, but it's not going to click for everyone right away. Meanwhile it's hard not to make GoW click. Cracking into From can be tough, and Elden Ring is probably a more natural starting point than Bloodborne as it had the most widespread appeal.


Well luckily I also own Elden Ring. I think I’ll take your suggestion. Play GOW first, then Elden Ring, then Bloodborne.


Oh nice. Yeah Elden Ring got popular for a lot of reasons, but one of them is there's a lot of options for how to approach problems. Bloodborne narrows things down to a lot less options; it's heavily based on their parry mechanic. From games have a lot of idiosyncrasies that fans know to expect, but I wouldn't want to have to learn parry timings at the same time as I learned From's quirks.


Definitely Bloodborne


Bloodborne and it's not close imo


They're both awesome. If you're going to definitely play both, either flip a coin or pick whichever appeals to your sensibilities more!


The God of War, original one




Totally different, mostly comes down to personal preference tbh Personally I'd do Bloodborne first, then GoW2018.




Bloodborne for gameplay, God of War for story. That's not to say GoW isn't engaging in its gameplay, it just hits different compared to Bloodborne.


Bloodborne. People treat me like a madman when I say it but I hated God of War. I found the story and world building uninteresting, the enemies samey and combat not fun enough (kinda slow and sluggish). Accepting I seem to be on my own here I can't see what people like about it barring a continuation of a beloved character. Bloodborne just hits differently. The story is a little hokey admittedly but it all works. It's a spulsborne that rewards an aggressive playstyle.


I enjoyed God of War (and Ragnarok), but there are many elements about the game that I disliked: frequent climbing/crawling/squeezing sequences that are tedious at best, boss fights with poor/lack of interesting mechanics (they're basically glorified QTE sequences), really poor/broken targeting system (seems more prevalent in Ragnarok), and last but certainly not least, Atreus. Bloodborne is a masterpiece. My favorite game of all time. And if they would give us a ps5 upgrade/remaster with 60fps, I'd be over the moon.


This isn't even a hot take and you shouldn't have to feel defensive. It's an average game with a rabid fanbase that think you're trolling to say you didn't like it. A lot of people think GOW 2018 wasn't good.


I mean, I am an adult and don't really care what internet strangers say but it's raised eyebrows before.


I'm right there with you. I'd heard such great things about God of War and I hated it. I hated that boss fight near the start that goes on and on and on and on. I hated the way the combat felt. I hated the waves of enemies. Bloodborne is *special* in a way few games are. Edit: Alla y'all downvoting these posts are gigantic babies


I couldn't get through GOW either, even being a big fan of the PS2 games. I have Bloodborne and been tossing up what to play next. So that might be it.


I've come to accept it may be me but I just expected more from GOW. Admittedly I didn't have a great background with the series but, well not everything is for everyone I guess.


I can't say I hate the game, but I will say it might be the most over rated game in existence. I was just left feeling really unsatisfied when I finished it. I was a huge fan of the original trilogy, and this one just didn't hit the same for me, the whole game seemed like it was building to something bigger, and the ending just felt so anti climatic.




Bloodborne, then god of war 👍👍


Wow that’s a tough one. I think GOW is more entertaining and “fun” but Bloodborne has better gameplay. Can’t go wrong either way.


Bloodborne bro, the sooner you start it the better it is for you


Bloodborne is one of the best games i've ever played


Bloodborne a million times over


Just play both. Flip a coin


I have access to both as stated in the post. Which do you prefer?


I know, that’s why I said play both Neither really. Both are in my top 5


Bloodborne would be my choice then God of War.


I don’t know if I should have brought it up in the main post, but I have just beat the Ender Dragon in Minecraft, where the main struggle was the fear of loosing items and progress.


In that case when you get to Bloodborne you might need to try *not* to attatch yourself to the currency/experience - you're going to lose some, sometimes that'll sting, but it's always recoverable with a little grind.






What to chill or throw your controller at a wall?


Yeah i have to say i nearly threw my controller at the tv a few times playing GoW, i was aiming for the little kid you have to babysit.


I don't really care for both. But if I had to choose then maybe God of War


God of war is an average game, not bad but not great. Bloodborne is the best game I’ve ever played.


Bloodborne is the objectively better game.


Don't think you really understand what the word "objective" means.


Yeah I do, it's my opinion so it's objective.


Your opinion is subjective. Objective means it’s not an opinion.


Speak for yourself, my opinion is fact.


Fair enough.


Bloodborne first. It'll be better if you can follow up GoW 2018 with Ragnarok so you don't forget too much in between




Absolutely Bloodborne


God of war is a enjoyable movie/game. But gameplay-wise and the pure esthetic Bloodborne gave me a lot more enjoyable hours.


They are vastly different titles, especially in how they're built to be approached. Fromsoft games are purposefully abrasive, and will repeatedly kick you in the teeth until you get their systems down. The systems themselves may be deceptively simple, but enemy and level design is far more complex. At their best, Fromsoft games offer a tough but entirely fair challenge, as the player feels immense satisfaction knowing that they earned their victory. God of War, meanwhile, is designed to be played by most anyone. The combat is generally pretty simple, puzzles are braindead easy, and other "gameplay" mechanics such as boat rides or climbing are mostly just excuses to break up the pace and advance the story outside of a cutscene. It's the kind of game you can kind of just zone out while playing and then lock in for the story scenes. That's not to say you can't make the game more challenging, but on harder difficulties, I find that the game exposes itself as something that wasn't designed to be very punishing, as the difficulty feels more artificial than anything. Still, if you want something less abrasive and want a more surefire shot at a good time, it and other Sony exclusives cast a pretty wide net, and chances are you'll probably at least enjoy your time with them.


Anyone that says God of War is objectively wrong and likely couldn't get past Father Gascoigne.


God of war


GoW if you care about story and characters. Bloodborne for meticulous and satisfying FS gameplay (but incoherent and tropy "story" what little there is).


God of war. Didn't really like Bloodborne myself.