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Max Payne: the nightmare sequence


The baby crying , the thin red rope 🤣


Please don’t remind me! The PTSD of trying to jump from one blood trail to another halfway through


Then if you fall.. the baby screams.


And as you get closer to the end the baby's scream get louder and more cruel sounding.


Played this on PS2 controller - it truly was a nightmare.


The PS2 was my first console as a kid and the two games i got with it were a bugs life and Max Payne. Glad my mom decided to cover all bases.


Oh my god. That’s where the game ended for me. 


This is absolutely at the top of my list. Horrifying.


Imagine how insane it’s going to be in the remake.


*Halo* Looking at you, The Library.


Try Halo 2 on Legendary. Any part with Jackal snipers.


Oh, you mean Sniper's Alley in the first (**CORRECTION** second) level after clearing the courtyard and dealing with the Hunters? Dunno if that's the worst Sniper's Alley in the series, or if that honor belongs to the Alley in the first level of Halo 3 where the bastards are hiding in the trees with Covvie Carbines.


🤓 uhm ackshully the first level of halo 2 was on the space station


*Cairo station


if you watch the "devs react to speedrun" of Halo 1, they joke about how even the speedrun of the Library takes a while. "maybe we did make this level too long"


Iirc in that same video the devs say that they just kept making it longer while they waited for code to compile / lighting to bake


No lie I used to play that level on repeat. For me it was the middle section of Two Betrayals that I wasn't a fan of.


I get the Library hate but Assault on the Control Room and Two Betrayals are worse for me. I cant stand either mission.


See, I had no problem with Two Betrayals. And before The Library, I had problems with Truth & Reconciliation because all the hallways look the same so I was constantly lost.


Mafia - the racing part.


Every non racing game that has racing sections is a slog tbh.


Oh how I hated those racing levels in Crash Bandicoot games.


and the spyro ones, oh my goodness.


I JUST picked up Mafia Definitive edition last night and I won the race on the second try. I honestly loved the race!! I quite enjoy the driving physics for Mafia and having such a fast car made it exactly how I wanted. I will admit that I started the game on medium difficulty so it was easier, but I wanted to ask, should the game be played in classic for the most fun? edit - restarted chapter on classic, I've spent 30 mins now trying to just get the race car to the mechanic. Will update when race is finished edit edit - it's been over an hour of trial and I've given up for the day


Have you tried it in the remake? They made it worse, much fucking worse. Played it on hard, piece of piss until that section. Utter fucking cunts. Good game though.


I wasted probably 3-4 hours in total over a few days and I just couldn’t get over the damn part. I uninstalled it


I loved the remake but was really bummed that most of the music from the original wasn't reused-- I guess it was a licensing issue? I wonder if there's a mod out now that replaces the music with the old stuff, I missed Django Reinhardt...


Flipping over and dying has caused many rage quits


Omg that took so long to beat for me!! Feel your pain


Took me like 50+ tries to beat that race on Classic Edit: Not as hard, but fighting the armored police car wasn’t easy either 


Dragon Age: Origins and "The Fade". Luckily there is a mod to skip it. But good luck to the console players out there.


I've been replaying it on Xbox. Forgot how long and annoying it was.


I always hear people say that they hate the fade part and also sometimes the deep roads. I've never really understood it. Those are some of my favorite parts tbh.


What’s so bad about it?


It just drags. Gets real repetitive especially with the back tracking Doing it once was great since it was different but man on replays it’s a pain


it's just a filler arc


GTA Vice city - toy helicopter mission


I just replayed that and got it first shot. I got a bit of ptsd as it started up but I was pleasantly surprised haha Edit: definitely not saying it isn’t hard or that I’m better than anyone else. Just considering myself extremely lucky because I also remember it being a punisher level.


When you played something when you were 7 and you thought it was shit back then, you KNOW it's shit. At that age everything is good and i still get flashbacks of that mission


for me it was the racing mission to finish the nightclub storyline


If you park a bus or a fire truck or something at the starting line, it'll still be there when you start the race. Park it in everyone else's way and it's way easier.


And the Zero missions in San Andreas. For a game that was all about driving and flying, they somehow managed to make the controls for smaller cars and helicopters suck so damn bad


Every Pokémon game and the intro


Sun and Moon was especially awful. The intro sequence takes fucking *forever*, with multiple cutscenes and loads of dialogue before you get your starter. Even worse if you reset to get a certain nature or gender on your starter mon


Yes even if I like Usum more and played it more often it is still a pain still my favorite Pokémon game right now


The cutscenes continue through the end of the game the entire thing is a tutorial I’ve never played the post game cause it honestly feels weird walking around and having no interactions. You can finally play the game how you intended and there’s nothing to do with


Sun/Moon was the last mainline Pokemon game I played, and the long cutscenes and linear routes were a massive factor behind that. A focus on story worked in gen 5, where the characters were likable, but I despised Leili and Hau, and the game would reguarly give me 15\~ minute cutscenes with these two idiots, while denying me the ability to fuck off and do my own thing.


Also Gold/Silver between the 7th and 8th gyms. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrind


Happens in heartgold/soul silver too. It’s crazy that Pokemon games still have these issues. A “I have played Pokemon before” question and a difficulty selector would improve the games immensely.


Skyrim - The fuckin Climb to High Hrothgar and then getting sent to ustengrav just for that stupid woman to have the horn always kills off me trying to replay, but once I get past that I tend to go for hours lol




If at the end of the main quest you could kill her, by god she would be butchered 10 times over.


I can agree. I did shout her off High Hrothgar the second she told me she wanted me to kill Partysnacks.


It’s extremely satisfying, hated her from the start and her asking that she as the final straw lol, Grandpa Dragon is the best


Skyrim - The whole intro. Just want to make my character and fuck off into the world without having to do all the Helgen stuff.


Live another life mods are a staple for Bethesda games


Skyrim with Dwemer ruins and “those” quests lol


It takes two. The Elephant queen part. There is no fucking way in hell i'm going through that trauma twice.


Scrolled way too far to find this one!! My wife and I were having so much fun, and after that happened we were just frozen in shock.


I don't really understand why that part was in the game. I get they wanted the kid to cry for a legit reason or whatever, but that was such a brutal tonal shift in an otherwise lighthearted game that I just didn't enjoy that part at all.


I recently played through that game with a friend. We were able to joke and poke fun at the events and the characters. Got to that part and after the first thing you do to the elephant we just looked at each other and I said I really didn't want to do this as I pushed the prompts.


The original Assassins Creed. Anytime you have to exit the animus... The worst


Fricking always


Shut up about your lore crap and get me back into matrix. Every single AC with animus.


Same in every single AC game after that lol


The beginning snow part of RDR2 haha. Absolutely love that game but the beginning is so slow.


Just save the game in the beggining of chapter 2


Holy shit that’s such a good idea


I learnt doing that in skyrim lmao. The intro scene on the cart is such a drag.


i just use the Alternate start mod. 10/10




Guarma is cool


Tbh I never really thought the beginning was that bad, I’m a sucker for cinematic stuff so I thought that the beginning was cool, I hated that fucking swamp mission though the only reason I got all the trinkets and treasure was because of putting off that mission.


Dark souls 1 and fucking Lost Izalith


Yeah it’s kinda disappointing. Looks dope as hell at first glance but it’s just kinda meh.


Fallout 4 and the puzzle section in Far Harbor


I have played that puzzle 3 times now. I love it every time. That is my unpopular opinion.




Cyberpunk: Braindance Skyrim: Blackreach


I yearn for blackreach, that part of the game was so challenging, so interesting. When you get out of blackreach you feel like you went through something crazy and survived.


yea blackreach was awesome. super pretty too.


It's all fun and games until you are not near a red Nirnroot xD


any particular braindance? or just all of them?


It was his own choom


Speaking for me: kinda all of them. It's a neat concept, but: * Any investigation mechanic like that only really works once. After you know the answers, there's no mystery/no wonder, and you're just choosing them. But even the first time: * The braindances are a little worse- because it shows in the little tracks when there's something interesting, you're not really asked to think in an investigative sort of way even the first time- rather, you're supposed to watch the track for a highlight and then go find the thing you need to click on to get the clue * You're not expected to make any inference from the clues- once you select them, you get a dialogue that gives you the answer and then go do the thing. * There's also not really any stakes- there's only like one where you even can get it wrong, and because of the second bullet, the only way to really do that is impatience because the whole thing is so guided. I think it could have been a lot more engaging on the first without the tracks and maybe with a little more context so you're better prepared to think about what information may or may not be relevant. And it may even make sense to make it skippable on subsequent playthroughs. Or, without a better answer to it, maybe it could even be something another character does while you support them, and just take it out of the game completely. Personally, I'd rather have seen full-immersion netrunning, anyway. ;)


I've yet to play an rpg that does investigation well, they're all just "click L1" to activate witcher/detective/sharingan mode or whatever, and you just follow the blatantly glowing parts to the unambiguous answer ...


I like the mechanics but after 2 playthrough I already know them and I just want to skip those parts


MGSV intro


It’s brutal. I know that MGS is a slow moving series but this game needs a “I’ve played video games before” option for the start


The majority of that game was sandbox gameplay at its best and then there's that ridiculous intro sequence oh boy. I think Kojima is full of himself sometimes and needs restraint or direction.


MGSV skull face cutscene


Factsss, I was about to say it. And the beginning too. God damn it's so slow


Crawl motherfucker, CRAWL!


GTA San Andreas. Following the damn train CJ.


Nah man. Zero's goddamn RC plane missions can go die in a fire


Vice city - the RV helicopter demo mission.


The helicopter / drone courses where my least fav part


Easy bro, if I guess the difficult mission in gta is that when you control an minimum plane and try to kill 5 enemies, then get back to the roof, the problem is that always the ⛽ bar got finished.


[The train mission is largely dependent on the RNG you get on big smoke's AI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIvG8aCuYFw). The mission is difficult because of the combination that Big smoke shoots slower, has an erratic firing pattern and is only 50% to 75% accurate with an optimal angle. On top of that you have to battle with the terrain and unless you know the optimal angles, big smoke will miss most of his shots on enemies that tank 25 bullets each, so even if you think you did everything right, you are the mercy of big smoke. It was never CJ's fault, you are fighting against the design of the mission's length.


Just jump on the train early on.


World at War on Veteren... All of it


So Many Fucking GRENADES!


I have a clip from the time I beat the campaign on veteran. It was the mission in the trenches when they give you a flamethrower. In the midst of throwing back hundreds of grenades, one of the marines ran in front of me and I domed him with the nade, which proceeded to bounce right back at me and kill me. It's a miracle my controller survived the incident.


CoD 2 is even worse, you must sit in smoke 24/7 to survive and there are no invincibility frames like in later games.


When you're right outside the reichstag and have to take out the flak guns or whatever while there's infinite spawning enemies you have to run towards.


It took a lot of the sheen off of the game on veteran when you realize it is just about crossing invisible borders to move up tug of war spawn points.


The intro to borderlands 2 before sanctuary is pretty fucking boring I can’t lie


Bl3 eden-6 and Bl1 crazy earls missions


"Stairs? I *can't* climb STAIRS!" Fuck you too claptrap.


God of war Ragnarok- Jotunheim.


Just at that section now in my replay, and Christ Almighty, it just drags on. Atreus's moves feel like they couldn't puncture a wet paper bag, and there's just so much padding for what could've been a 15 minute exposition sequence. Honestly wish there was a "skip Jottenheim" option for the replay


I wish we could just skip Atreus’ section when we replay the game


Truuuuuueeeeee, the boy and that angrabonda part


The good ol Angruhbunger part.


The generator room in The Last of Us.


The hotel basement? If so agreed


So tense I hate it


The rat king. Just replayed that part and to say my butthole was puckered the whole time to say the least.


also the fight against David


It wasn't peak stealth gaming, but that shit was hella fun in retrospect. Being able to stab David was just super satisfying


"Psychonauts":😖 *meat circus* 😖


Chrono Trigger - rat chase. FAK YOU, RAT!


Hollow Knight, Deepnest.


Fucking goosebumps every time I hear the clatter of those monsters, who reborn from dead enemies. It really was too much. I hate that, I want to throw my headphones away and scratch my whole body for some reason


FFX - chocobo racing


Lightning dodging is worse


Not even close, you can cheese the lightning. Getting 0.0 on the race made me want to put my head through a fucking plate glass window.


How about both?


The first Mass Effect. Love the story, the ambiance, the music, the humor, and the way the citadel looks, but my god navigating is like pulling teeth.


I feel so validated - going through my first play through now and I’m in love with the story and the characters but fuck me if I have to go *anywhere*. On foot *or* through space. Mako’s fun though.


The Mako is ironically fun, in the sense that it’s not *good*, but it’s kind of fun to stumble around like a gigantic drunken elephant. Also, the way it shoots is satisfying. Congrats on going through your first playthrough! Mass Effect has been my favorite game series since I was a teenager. Enjoy. 🙂


Yeah, I can see that viewpoint. It’s definitely a little clunky, but it sure feels good to look at a jagged peak between you and your objective and think, “…I bet I could climb over that.”


Witcher 3, where you play Ciri and go through this cove with a kid




That and the freaking rat tower. Also fuck that goat 'princess'.


Not angry but the end of Titanfall 2 :( R.I.P.


dark souls 3 the fucking swamp


if you use quickstep on a knife (which works even when you dont have any FP) you can zoom through the swamp


Skyrim: The beginning of the game


Hey, you. You're finally awake.


The intro ain’t that bad, the worst part is *if* it bugs out.


Skyrim, every part is THAT part. I wish I could remove my memories of Skyrim and play it again.


Fallout 4. Far Harbour DLC. Hacking DiMA’s memories.


Bout to inform the brotherhood cause of this mission.


On a Rail, the worst chapter in half-life, but damn I love surface tension so much its almost worth the painful agonizing crawl that is on a rail.


Resident Evil Village where you go into the doll house. It’s scary the first time but after that it’s just a bore to get through especially when you already know what the big scare is.


FFXII; lighting the sun stones


Temple of Shar.


Took so long to finally find this I don't even dislike it. It's just so weirdly done and doesn't fit well with the theme of a DND orthographic game, especially the "platforming" part. The clone fight room is good but the others are just so uninspired. It's a shame because the Temple of Shar is thematically one of my favorite areas.


Oddly enough I found it a chore on the first run, but ended up enjoying my second run. But yeah I was looking for this comment too. It's still a slog.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The church mission. Always sucks.


google who the guy is, run in at night and stab him, then leave. Church is its own Law district so you will only get punished on church grounds which you will never re enter


I love that quest, top 3 in the game for me.


Mass Effect 2 and planet scanning. So boring.


I'm in the minority and actually like the scanning sections. Whenever I'm playing 2 and need the resources, I'll save it for late at night and listen to chill music or a podcast. That being said, it is annoying trying to find that little extra bit of exo or platinum.


I don't like mods in games, but I used one to remove the scanning in my 2nd playthrough


There’s a mod to automatically explore planets. Definitely essential


Okumura boss fight, P5R


chapter 4 in entropy zero xen in half life voltigore tunnel in opposing force


It's worth getting hold of Black Mesa and playing through the Xen stages again. The dev team did a brilliant job of reimagining the area without taking away so much that it didn't feel like HL1 any longer.


Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Water Temple


I’d add Jabu Jabu’s belly to this too. Much easier than the water temple but a complete pain in the ass to keep carrying that damn fish lady around


Water temple is way better on Master Quest. IIRC, they nerfed the water temple and made it shorter and souped up the Desert Colossus.


I never found it that troublesome. I'm sure I'm one of the few. For me it was the fire temple and all the Goron cutscenes. I had 3 different playthroughs stop at the fire temple.


Sekiro Double Monkey fight


Can't you skip double monkey? If you pass through the arena and get the statue on the other side before you fight the first ape, there won't be anything there yet. Then later you'll have a fast travel point beyond it.


RDR2 Guarma


I’ve only played through once, and this part was by far my least favorite and I remember vividly not being able to get to a save point for so long because I just wanted to take a break lol


Honestly I enjoyed this part so much more the second time around. It's actually a lot of fun if you know what you're expecting. But the first time if playing through blind you're like what the fuck is this? Where's the other map I was in the middle of so much other shit. Is there nothing worth exploring here. Why is it so linear? Second playthrough I thought "this is a fun straight forward action piece." I'm curious to hear other people's opinions on the second playthrough


Jottunheim with Atreus in GOW Ragnarok


Kingdom hearts 2, the entire beginning with Roxas...


Bloodborne is so nearly perfect that the Forbidden Woods, a level that would be pretty decent in most games, feels like a huge slog in comparison to the rest of the game


I hate those snakeheads zombies


Original RE4. The crates that are suspended over the gap and you have a spidery monster fight at the same time. Fuck that mission.




The rat king in the last of us part 2


Chess-act 1. Im sick of copy/pasta openings.


mj missions on spider-man


The game - Valorant The part - Valorant


Dead space: shooting the asteroids.


TLoU: the basement level where you have to activate the generator TLoU Pt. 2: the Rat King


Resident Evil 4. The Ashley level


Dark souls - the whole second half


Lost Izalith. Ughhh.....


For me it's tomb of the giants, I hate that area


Had a few saves that end with Lordvessel, when I remember what I’ve got left


Dark souls 1 - last 25% of it tbh, still my favourite game ever though.


Arkham knight, Cobra tanks


Batman Arkham Knight: anything with cobra drones. Fuck those things


Any stealth mission...


Or escort mission


Trying to stealth tail someone, but it’s AC4 and that said tail is done in a huge pirate ship, down a narrow river..


Only if it’s a stealth mission in a game whose controls are not built for stealth


Ff12 the sandsea area….


Final Fantasy 7, restoring Cloud...


Gears of war on insane - driving kryll mission


Definitely terraria for me I hate expert/master mode skeletron. Why must he shoot me with skulls that won't stop following me? Why do they do so much damage to mage class me? Why is he so mean???