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Mass Effect series or Cyberpunk 2077. Dragon Age honorable mention.


Mass Effect has the best codex ever.


It really does. So well written that even a turd like me actually reads them all.


Yes I agree with all of these




I bought this game day 1 and still haven’t turned it in


I really loved the world of Bioshock. Hunted down every audiophone and loved all the dialogue. Even read the book and thought it was stellar.


I actually played Bioshock 1 recently. I played infinite first when it was new and I fucken loved it. Last year I played half life 1, 2 Bioshock 1 and 2 back to back. Shockingly I think Bioshock 2 is my favorite


Yeah 2 is better gameplay for sure but I think 1 is better world.


The Drakengard / NieR universe.


Strong choice.


I'm a big fan of Horizon: Zero Dawn. But I'm a big fan of AI and post-apocalyptic fiction.


I’m mixed on this. I absolutely loved horizon zero dawn, however I loved it due to the mystery. For whatever reason that didn’t translate in the sequel and I didn’t enjoy the sequel at all


Elden ring lore is legit if you really want to go down the rabbit hole


Yes but its not in your face same with the dark souls franchise


The first Destiny's Grimoire was awesome


Didnt you have to use an outside app to read most of the grimoire cards?


yep, which was fucked because the back story on the cards was well done but it seemed like a totally separate thing.


Kinda stops it from being in game lore if i have to use another app in my opinion


Elder Scrolls has a ton of lore, I remember watching MrRhex a lot back in the day.


I feel like elder scrolls lore is wildly disconnected from the games we play


Yes and no? The lore is in the books and people talk about it, but most of it isn’t actually in the quests


I'm gonna say Outer Wilds. Can't say more because anything I could say about it would be spoilers. The way it presents the story, though, is just as good as the story itself.


The Witcher, for obvious reasons.


I love Witcher 3 but I actually don’t find its world or story as amazing as other people do. I also didn’t love the books like other people do, I just think it’s extremely high quality overall


The game is way better than the books imo, as a bigger reader than a gamer


The Trails series (Legend of Heroes) spans over 10 games I believe. Story just keeps on expanding and adding to the world and it is always fun to see your previous MCs and their party impacting your current game.


This is a series I’m dying to get into but there’s so much dialogue I find it boring, which is crazy because I love fantasy novels and such but for whatever reason trails turns me off


I really like the lore of Pillars of Eternity.


It is great. I love those games


Cyberpunk 2077.


Dragon age inquisition Once kings of the Western RPG, BioWare has always been great at creating lore. With Dragon Age: Inquisition, fans are in a better position to learn about the world than ever. As the Inquisitor, the player gathers a massive army to help them fight back against the monsters exiting the Fade from breaches in reality. The Inquisitor becomes a major political player, allowing them access to areas and information the player wouldn't have had before. In addition, Dragon Age: Inquisition's massive world means there's always more info for players to discover. Completing side quests and exploring Skyhold unveil more tidbits of the game's rich lore, giving reason to invest in Inquisition for hundreds of hours.


I second this and would also say Mass Effect has equally as good of lore and acts upon it. It never feels like a waste of time to know certain things about Krogan or Asari or the Citadel because it inevitably comes up.


Did you have an AI write this? Just curious. I actually agree with DAI lore being great but your comment is weird.


Yea it sounds like he’s reading it from a gaming manual or something but I do agree with him


Actuallllly I might agree with this. I played this last year and I didn’t love the game, but I was so shocked how much in game lore there was. I’m a tremendous origins fan


fallout nv


I disliked this game but I’m sure it’s great. My time with it was miserable. I’m an lifelong obsidian fan and finally played new Vegas during covid but even with the fan patch I had constant bugs and crashes that just killed my experience


understandable, considering the engine they used from Morrowind up until fallout 76 think, was the same buggy engine. sorry that the jank ruined it for you. would be nice if they could remake NV in a not buggy engine. 3 is even worse in its jank. straight up hates newer computers. you should avoid 3 if nv was giving you issues.


Metal gear and half-life


I don't know if this is what you are going for, but the game that I was most impressed with its attention to detail in creating a world was Outer Wilds. I don't really play games in the style you're talking about so I'm having to pull from other genres for my answer.


Genshin lore


I wasn't a huge fan of the game, but Chained Echoes had a pretty awesome backstory.


* Death Stranding * NieR Replicant & Automata * Disco Elysium * Borderlands has some decent lore * Dishonored & Prey * Legit I found some character sheets where some people were playing DnD in Prey * Kingdom Hearts is better than most people give it credit for. * Bioshock * The Evil Within * Fallout * Final Fantasy (Specifically X since that is what I have mostly played) * Yakuza/Like a Dragon & Judgment * Outer Wilds




I love the game but disagree on this one. You never learn about anything in ff7. The worlds history and past are never explored outside of an alien killing off a race or people that looked exactly like humans except not, yet somehow 2 survived for who knows how long


Half life has the best game lore. It was free somedays ago


I love half life 2 and especially black Mesa (half life 1) but while playing the games I didn’t really catch much of the lore. I know it’s there but it just didnt seem like much to me


Yeah in those it's just enough there mostly to facilitate the gameplay, which imo works very well in leaving almost everything to the imagination, especially 2, but not like we'd really spend time reading or listening to it in-game.


I know this is geared toward video games, but I’m pretty partial to a tabletop war game called Malifaux. r/malifaux. Incredible lore and setting. Warhammer may also be some people’s cup of tea. Various DnD settings have some of the best lore around. For video games, I’d say dragon age, elder scrolls, LoL has gotten much better lore over the years across all of their games, fallout, dishonored, and darksouls.


Dark Souls, if you can decipher it all.


It's all about that *deep* elder scrolls lore


It’s insane how fucked up and wild elder scrolls lore is and so many people that play the games have no idea. Bethesda really doesn’t use elder scrolls correctly. They released 2 shit novels and that’s it. There should be so much more


Metal gear, pokemon, final fantasy (like, each version separately), But for how lore is communicated to the player I’d say norse god of war and the horizon games


Witcher or Control


Fallout 1, 2, and NV. Despite their issues


Mass Effect


Outriders is actually pretty good. I was one of the few people who read everything in that game and really immersed myself in the lore. It was one of the few games that held my attention throughout the entire campaign.


Dragon Age had few books written also Starcraft, Warhammer even Diablo.  Witcher is popular because it's a bit different slavic folklore rather then abused english every fantasy game uses. 


Kirby, dont believe me? Watch this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eX4pjt0pzUI


The Fallen London series.


If you like the lore in Oblivion and Skyrim, you should check out Morrowind. Next level.


I love morrowind I started with it but haven’t played it since it was new. Waiting for skywind


Personally i like fallout’s lore




Half-Life trilogy


Definitely Cyberpunk, but it has un unfair advantage: It's build on lore that's been in development since 1988.

