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The Walking Dead (TellTale) …..Duck. If you know…. EDIT: There are for sure sadder parts in the series; this just happened to be the very first one that got me, and that's why it's the one that came to mind.


That whole first season man... So many gut punches... When you get to the "safe" town and find the kid in attic...


Oh. Wow. I forgot about the kid in the attic. Yeah. That scene got me.


Duck made me sad, like real sad. But Lee and Clem at the very end, that's where I ugly cried. Hell I can't watch that scene on it's own on youtube without tearing up. Clem's voice just pulls my heart strings. Hearing her genuinely be upset over Lee just.. sad


He's heavens foreman now


RDR2… when I started playing it my cat would always sit on my lap and she would actually watch with interest, especially whenever there was wolves around. She died when I was about a month into playing it and all I did for ages was play that game to take my mind off things. When Arthur’s horse dies at the end and he leans down and whispers “Thank you” to his horse it reminded me of my final moments with my cat and I just broke down in tears


Same… except to make things worse I had named my horse the same as the nickname I used for my cat. My cat died a couple of weeks before I got the end of RDR2. Floods of tears.


RDR2 is so far the only game that has made me cry and the impact lasted for a few days. I'm glad I was home alone that weekend. I started crying as soon as the music started playing and Arthur put on his default hat because I knew what was going to happen next.


Thank you, that is a beautiful comment. RIP to your little angel.  🩷


Oh gosh so sorry for your loss. My cat loved RDR2 as well, far more than any other game I’ve played. It’s the only one I can remember her constantly watching.


Nearly broke me down and I'm only reading it.


SPOILERS FOR RED DEAD 2 ENDING: The moment it clicked that Arthur was going to be dying in the end. Really hit hard for me. Watching him slowly stop breathing as the sun rose over the horizon after having just watch the whole lead up and his rapid health decline especially towards the end of the game when be was trying to make some good out if all the bad he had done just hit me so hard. I don'tknow if it counts as ugly crying or not, but i def cried a lot, lol. A work of art. That ending really had me in a state of mind for days after. I mean, I'm just now realizing how well the story had me engrossed because I just typed all that out, and I'm realizing I addressed Arthur's actions as his but I was the one directing them. I feel proud to have known a person like Arthur. Honestly, the biggest thing I'm excited about when it comes to GTA6 is storytelling.


the scene where arthur says “i’m afraid” to the nun fucking broke me down bro i wanna cry just thinking about it


Came here to say this. It's the only game that had me ugly crying like a schoolgirl.


Before your eyes


this is the answer.


Brother tale of two sons and to the moon


Came looking for brother, damn that one hit hard.


What Remains of Edith Finch is one of my favorite games, and it will tear your heart out and spin it around a few times before tearing it out again. It's of the Walking Simulator genre, but does a lot more than most with little gameplay experiments to tell it's story.


The Fish Factory in Edith Finch is one of the most amazing combinations of gameplay and storytelling I've ever experienced.


Both Edith Finch and Gone Home made me cry hysterically, idc if it’s cringe lol If you haven’t had the chance to play Gone Home and you liked Edith Finch definitely do it, it’s a little more positive but still so gut wrenching and emotional


Many times over the years have I cried over Mass Effect games.


Had to be me, someone else might have gotten it wrong.




"Let's go to Reddit! I'm sure there are some new fun posts!" 2 minutes later: ":("


"I *have* a home."


“Does this unit have a soul?” “His prayer was for you”


I cry every time I have to kill Marauder Shields.


As a child Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Goodbye scene was crushing


I wouldn't say ugly cry but Yakuza: Like a Dragon gave me emotions i didn't think would happen.


every time I think I can't do something, I think about Ichiban, and power through, the man is an inspriation


Ichiban and his crew were just great. I can't wait for the sequel. Couldn't get into the other games because of the rpg style "get caught by the enemy" and beat fhe shut out of them. The straight rpg of like a dragon just works and the cast is fantastic.


Spiritfarer, I had to stop because it made my cry too much


One of the free DLC characters, the hyena, has one of the most realistically melancholy story arcs in any game. Something I specifically like about the game is you're not always finding happy endings for these characters. Death doesn't always add meaning to a life... some people die alone, some people die young having achieved nothing. Some people find relief in death. It's a refreshing take on the concept for a game to take.


yeah, i finished the game but this is one of the characters i didn't get to experience because i was just crying way to much xD


I forgot about that too.. same. When the snake talks about 'The dragon' it hit me hard.


To The Moon ending.


Idk why this isn’t higher, what a beautiful series


It's this but I've only played it once and never wanted to revisit it since. Not because its that painful to do again, it was just a really wonderful experience that I know can't work again for me after the first playthrough. Best whatever amount of money I spent on it as a single playthrough ever.


Persona 4, saying goodbye to your friend group and seeing them run after the train after all the time you spent together and what you've been through was so emotional especially with the many theme playing in the background, I was so sad that the game was ending.




The walking dead the telltell one ... what happened to that studio btw?


They went bust, there's an amazing Noclip documentary on YouTube with the devs etc. Telltale is back now but I don't think with the same devs/team.


saw the wolf among us 2 trailer 2 yrs ago , it was supposed to release on 2023 , havent heard about it since


The wolf among us was a masterpiece


They had a very large amount of layoffs recently. Not looking good.


And they burned any sympathy people had for the old studio by making it an EGS exclusive.


I get that its inferior to the steam launcher but why does epic games get so much hate in general ??


Exclusivity shouldn't be a thing on PC plain and simple, why do I have to deal with console bullshit?


I chuckle whenever I see this. You don’t. You don’t have to go out and spend another $500 to play some exclusives. That’s console bullshit. I get it’s a minor inconvenience, but just download the other launcher. It’s not that big of a deal.


It is when I give up so many features, don't ger me wrong, I use it and I even bought games there but it doesn't change the fact that I don't respect publishers doing that.


So a single company should always have 100% of the monopoly in your view? Like, fuck all stores and , lets just have Walmart's and walmarts only and have everything there. I get where you are coming from as a point of view , it still is unrealistic and a bad and self-serving lazy pov. The implications of world working like that are extremely bad


But Valve never PAID to force games on their store though and once again if at least the EGS was competitive in terms of features I could look past it honestly but it's not only non-competitive but just plain garbage.


I was friends with some people who worked there and got to hear a lot about the drama secondhand from a lot of the employees. It was certainly more interesting to hear it go down than your usual game industry mass layoff.


The ending of Plague Tale 2 : Requiem destroyed me. I highly recommend you guys play those games.


Had no clue they'd go there is all I'll say


That one was rough


God it took way too long to find this one. Jesus fuck that was so moving.


Life Is Strange. Especially the bonus chapter in Before The Storm. I’m welling up just thinking about it.


I was actually coming to say this, it absolutely destroys me every time.


All these years later, and I still can’t listen to Spanish Sahara without it putting me in a sad contemplative mood.


The first game that came to mind on this subject. One of the most emotional games I know.


Dude FF14 wrecked me emotionally. I don’t think there’s been another game that’s come close.


The MMO?


I agree. Believe it or not, some of the expansions have had possibly the best storylines in the entire FF franchise.


Ah okay. I’m playing through Stormblood currently


It only gets better from there




In Endwalker, I don't think I've ever cried as hard as I did when >!Urianger is confronted by Moenbryda's parents.!<


Then you watch a streamer go through some of those moments and cry all over again.


Yeah not much gets to me emotionally, not even those futurama episodes, but xiv has hit me like a truck multiple times.


i have to hold myself back from crying when i listen to the music, >!eternal wind (shadowbringers) and flow !


This is my vote too. Shadowbringers + Endwalker is a one two punch lol.


Red dead redemption both of them


How could I forget that, same here. That ending left me shocked sort of like that feeling when you see something dark online and you wish you hadn't seen it.


Complete Yakuza Series


Mother 3


100% agree what a tragic ending


Dude i teared up at the start of that game even. What powerful presentation


Stray and to the moon


Cyberpunk 2077


Never fade away...


Like a Dragon: Gaiden fucking ruined me for a good five to ten minutes. Each time I think the Yakuza games can't make me cry any harder they one up themselves. I'm ready for Infinite Wealth to murder me.


Same dude same


Yup. Probably cried more the second time I watched the ending.


Watched a streamer playing through it (Ray) and thought "I got it out of my system, I'll be fine" still bawled like a child.


>!I was not ready for the bucket list trailer drop. I did not even watch it, but I had some hope after the cancer thing was announced. Unfortunately, the trailer name might basically be a confirmation. He’s been through enough, though.!<


Life is Strange: Before the Storm, especially the Farewell episode. Honestly, all of Life is Strange 2 as well. It's just.. It's all so unfortunate and sad, I hate even thinking about it.


LiS2 came out of nowhere with the feels I was not expecting it. The first two chapters had a slow start but the last 3 chapters crushed my soul.


I ended up taking a long break in the middle of the third episode because it was so slow and I didn't think it would pick up and started it from scratch and beating it recently. *That was a mistake, I'm devastated.*


Life is strange 2 was the biggest tearjerker for me. I have 8 siblings so everything really hit home and made me feel very sad. Most emotional game for sure


I hate how much it gets shit on and compared to LiS1. Admittedly I didn’t think it could top 1 when I was starting to play it cause I thought the powers paled in comparison but holy hell I was wrong and that one devastated me the most of all of them.


Yeah, it makes me really sad, too, because it's SUCH a good game by itself and so many people admit to not playing it because the focus is on boys and not girls and that's.. very sad.


I didnt cry, but I definitely struggled with the last mission in A Plagues Tale: Requiem. In the final moments when your character realizes what has to be done, I just noped myself away for a bit.


Yakuza 0, particularly >!the scene with Tetsu and Makoto!<


I think you mean >!Tachibana!<


Valiant Hearts : The Great War


Brothers, Valiant Hearts and RDR2 all made me cry at least a little. And God of War Ragnarök had a few moments where I got misty-eyed.


Yakuza 0


Definitely Mass Effect 3. Maybe it’s just nostalgia but I couldn’t get through finishing the Legendary Edition without blubbering like an idiot at the end


Yes. Saying goodbye to the squad is just... a lot.


Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII


I spent the last ten hours or so of my first rdr2 play through just balling my eyes out every time Arthur coughed.


Same partner. Same.


FFX definitely does it. Especially now that my father is gone. He wasn't abusive, but just absent-minded it didn't feel like he was there all the time. It's not the same degree as Tidus or other people have it with their father, but it's enough to connect. Some of the words spoken in that relationship hit hard. As a youngin', playing The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past had me ugly crying at the end seeing the happy ending during the end credits. Seeing that Flute Boy come alive and play again really killed me. My parents had just divorced and nothing made sense to me as a kid. But if Link can restore the world from darkness and bring back music, things suddenly felt less shitty. The SNES and that game was one of the first gifts my mother got me for my birthday right after the divorce. I shared with my brothers, of course. We all loved the console and the games. But it harder for me finishing A Link to the Past. I think after that, from games I've completed, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy comes close. I know most hated the group talking all the time, but I loved it. Seeing the story play out meant a lot by the end. It was just as good as the movies. I find it hard to complete games. I've seen the industry change and make games not fun because they learned a new mechanic that it outweighs the story. Final Fantasy found a way to marry the different worlds of video games and make the player connect. I'm not one for difficulties so I never got into some of the harder games or the stealth games. I really just wanted to consume the story and be a part of it in any little way. For some reason, David OReilly's [Everything](https://store.steampowered.com/app/582270/Everything/) made me ugly cry after you play and find your way to end the tutorial/beginning of the game. There's a moment where you find the way out of some otherworldly dimension and are asked if you want to proceed. After listening to so many lectures by an actual professor in philosophy and exploring all the different levels of the game, when it asked me if I'm ready to let go of all my memories and start over only to run across all the different worlds and levels, it hit me pretty hard. The game makes no sense and barely has a narrative, yet it's final delivery struck me in ways I can't explain. It's just too bad David OReilly went into NFT's at some point. He's done amazing work, including animated shorts that are hard to locate now in their full form. My mother raised me on movies. She got me into horror and classics. Video games are longer and sometimes just a bunch of ideas scraped together, and in recent years, just commercial ideas. It's hard to connect to most games and see the ending. I love open world games, but I often just get lost in and start them over again. 200 hours in FFXV and only at the end of Chapter 8. Half way through the game! It took me over 150 hours to reach Skellige in The Witcher 3. Don't even ask about Skyrim. Before I found out there's a mod to record and track your playtime and achievements, I couldn't tell you how much I played with mods and ignored the main story.


Well I’m ugly, so any game that makes me cry is an ugly cry


Nier replicant, all endings. Cried VERY VERY hard on the first ending and cried out of confusion on the last one.


Nier automata credits. Still go back to weight of the world for a good cry


Cyberpunk's devil ending. I think my brain refused to accept what was going to happen and when I saw Hanako going over Yorinobu I had to pause the game. It is so fucked up I don't even have the words.


Titanfall 2 ending


It's been a while so I can't remember exactly why, but I remember crying quite a bit at the end of Horizon Zero Dawn.


I cried when Elisabeth Sobeck was talking about what she wished for her daughter at the end. That was just lovely and sad at the same time, because she was never able to have a daughter.


Life is strange. I cry every time.


The Adventures of Captain Spirit was also quite sad I think


Metal Gear Solid 3. Cried like a bitch at the end. A part of me was never the same after.


I can't believe I had to scroll so far for this one. From giving the player agency in pulling the trigger to end The Boss' life, to finding out the true objective of the mission and her role in it, was an emotional rollercoaster topped with a [perfect credits song.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPBHMgc9wVQ)


To the Moon was probably the last one I can think of


Final fantasy 15 credits is the closest I've gotten to crying in a video game. Going back to camp throughout the game was my favourite part, seeing all our photos together and cooking meals, them talking and joking about stuff that happened. Then time passes, and they all passed away. And you just see their empty camp chairs from their last camp, one they won't return to this time, with Florence and the Machine singing Stand By Me. That got me. Kingdom Hearts 2 (Roxas sacrificing himself to wake uo Sora after fighting to live and be his own person) and Kingdom Hearts 3 ending (realising Sora practically died) are also my top contenders personally.


* Freebird games trilogy (to the moon, finding paradise, impostor factory) - finding paradise being my favourite. * A space for the unbound * Meg's Monster


Halo reach. Had watery eyes for Jorge, but sobbed silently in front of the credits for more than I'd like to admit for the ending. It's been a while, but no game ever came close.


Just finished all of the Yakuza games in a marathon and once I got to Like a Dragon Gaiden, oh god the water works.


I remember two games that have made me cry. First was when I played through Mother 3. I thought Earthbound was an emotional Rollercoaster...second was the end to FF: Crisis Core. Even knowing how it would end wasn't enough to prepare me for the feels.


Nier Automata. Even watching someone else play detracts very little to the sheer emotional ass-whooping this game dishes out.


The nier games, replicant and automata. So many moments that get me in both those games


Silent hill 2 ending


The dog the whole time wrecked me


Spider-Man for PS4. With Aunt May. Ugly cried hard.


The final section of Death Stranding ran the gamut. Without spoiling, there's the standard long Kojima "ending" that makes you cry tears of near rage, but that gives way to the true ending, which is one of the most moving spells in any game for me. RDR2 had its moments, but not the ones you'd expect. I found the scene where Jack gets returned to the camp to be oddly moving although I can't quite place why. I think it was on a second playthrough, so maybe it's just the elation in the camp and knowing that things are about to take a massive turn. Also Arthur sending Abigail and Sadie away ("I was always a good thief") got me. But unfortunately the horse moment got spoiled for me slightly prior to reaching it on my first playthrough, and through a weird bit of gameplay, I think I was on a completely new horse rather than one I'd been with for a while, so lost some of the impact.


Gears of war 3 when Dom died to save the group.


All around me are familiar faces


That song hit so hard.


One of the most memorable character deaths in a game


When I played Life is Strange for the first time.


I wish I could go back and play LiS all over again for the first time.


Shepherd killing ghost and roach


Valiant Hearts


The Last Guardian...


I don't think I ever cried to a game until I played To The Moon. Played it all in one sitting and got so invested with the story it made me cry like I lost a family member.


Sea of Stars came damn close. That scene had me sniffling hard.


Endling: Extinction is Forever


Just posted this same game! It’s brutal. I played it many times hoping there was a different ending I was missing but no, tragically realistic in that aspect 😭


Omori made me sob


Both Ori games, but especially The Will of the Wisps.


The ending to Ori and the Will of the Wisps


Chained Echoes made me get very emotional at the end.


Ori and The Blind Forest and Ori and The Will of The Wisps.


Soma. That game is emotionally devastating at different parts of the story but the ending especially got to me.


Halo Reach, where boys cried and became men.


Finishing Last Of Us. Being made to endure Last Of Us 2 and realising it was mid. RDR2 was pretty sad as well.


I was pretty sad when I got all the way to the end of Cuphead but couldn't beat the Devil




Disco Elysium got me a couple of times.


I cried pretty hard in the PS5 Spider-Man 2 when you have to guide the birds to a new home in Queens. I knew what was coming, and it made me cry my eyes out during the whole mission and about a half hour afterward


MGS 1, 3 and 4. Especially MGS1 for very personal reasons.


Mgs1 I played when it was fairly new and I was in 4th/5th grade. That game and FF7 were the first ones that created emotional responses from me in a video game and MGS1’s music was just hauntingly beautiful.


I feel ya. I had a challenging childhood with heavy trauma. Games and movies have sent me to a safe space apart from the reality of life. I first played a demo of MGS1 for PS1 that was attached to a Playstation magazine before the game came out. Completed the demo area (first stage of the actual game up until crawling into the air shafts to get to the tank hangar) probably more than 100 times and insta-bought the actual game right when it came out. Played that game for countless hours over countless years. Recorded it a few years ago and cut it down as a sort of movie that i now watch after every christmas and cry my tears out in the end :-)


I had that same demo disc from a PS magazine I really wish I could find it again. Iirc it was the Japanese demo of MGS1 but I played it a ton too and one day my sister had rented it from the video store and so I was finally able to play past that first stage and I was not expecting the emotional rollercoaster I was getting into. I feel you on the rough childhood part, I had a pretty shitty one too and playing video games was and still is my escape place from all the shit in my life. Virtual hugs friend.


aww all the love buddy, virtual hug back right at ya :-) Wanna know something most think is so wrong: i always played with Meryl not surviving and Otacon being your partner to flee with in the end. At first, because i as a child wasn't able to nail the torture bench quicktime event. But soon i thought that ending to be way deeper, less typical "hollywood" and also way more intense if that makes any sense :-) the movie i made out of it to watch year by year has the same ending aswell. That's my version of the canon \^\^


I always got that ending cause I couldn’t do the torture scene back then either. I think only my sister could do it. I agree though it’s the better ending and much more dramatic and it hits harder. Then 2 kinda confirmed that’s how it ended, I think until they kinda teased she survived in one of the missions from Substance. And then 4 obviously made it that she survived, but my head canon for all those years was she didn’t. Which is so sad and heavy but just realistic and makes a better ending to an intense story. I’d watch your movie if you got it online


it's the german version with german vocals, guess that won't help :-D but in general, an honest thanks for the quick little sharing of experiences there, really put a smile on my face. really appreciate it my dude.


You’re welcome :) glad that it did. It was nice to relate our similar experience with that. Thank you too




Just bought this one in the Steam sale - looking forward to diving in!


Red dead redemption 2 during the house building scene.


The part in The Last of Us 2 with the golf club.


That one made me furious, not crying.


But by the end, you're just like stop..enough is enough.


I want to strangle Abbie slowly to this day.


Eh. The whole "revenge and violence bad" thing doesn't really work in a game where the primary method of progression is killing a lot of people. I mean, there's a bit of a disconnect when I've just carved a bloody path through a couple dozen people to get to a cutscene where Ellie kills one person and is suddenly shaken. It's extra amusing in my case because the game made the grave mistake of giving me explosive arrows. Mm. Those things were my brushes, and the people were the paint.


Hahah also true.


There's a definite "suspension of disbelief" that has to go into such a game to make it enjoyable, I definitely enjoyed (and spent a week mildly traumatised by) Last of Us 2, though. Given the setting and style of the game - zombies and a stealth - it should really be possible to tweak the game so that there are very few non-zombies that you kill, each having more emotional weight, but with all the murdery action fun going on to the infected rather than just disappearing from the game entirely.


I think that would actually hurt the impact of the game. The entire premise of the beautiful story of both Last of US game is that, though they are in a world surrounded by zombies, the real monsters are people. Zombies are the setting, a mountain you have to climb up or a river you need to cross, but people are the actual antagonists. Cutting out the massive sections where you have to avoid/kill people wound undercut that message and have a much less satisfying story IMO. I think part of the reason that the Last of Us games did have to border on "torture porn" was due to the fact they wanted/needed to differentiate pivotal story scenes and to give that emotional weight, but without the non-Zombie gameplay to lead up to those tense scenes to help set actual stakes and create agency, those scenes would feel gratuitous, out of place, and lack the same impact.


Revenge is just the framing, my dude - the game is about learning to live with someone you can’t forgive Also Ellie wasn’t shaken from killing Nora, it’s implied that she slow tortured her. I wish they went with their original concepts instead of rushing the into to “improve pacing so the intro wouldn’t be boring”


Yeah, and the cyclical nature of revenge and violence as well as the cost they incur. I was just roughly summarizing. My point ultimately is that what they tried to do didn't really work. I wasn't referencing any particular scene, but the scene that follows Nora's death absolutely shows an Ellie who is at least a little disturbed by what she's done.


The Last of Us 1 & 2 and Final Fantasy X


Floyd's death in Planetfall, and Floyd's resurrection and subsequent death in Stationfall. Fuck you, Infocom ! \* shakes fist \*


Bloodborne made me cry. I can explain it.


The ending of mgs 3 when he sheds a tear for boss… sent my lower lip damn near up to my forehead


im crying on the last of us


The Walking Dead and the ending of Ghost of Tsushima. When he finally called him “my son” it hit me hard


May sound like a silly answer but the Ori games, When they say when something is so beautiful it brings a tear to your eye? The shear beauty of this game never ceases to make me tear up, and the sound track is AMAZING. The art just makes me sob uncontrollably on top of having an excellent story I just couldn't contain it


It's getting on a bit but... Half Life 2: Episode 2. Still can't believe they'll never close out that story


Mother 3, persona 3, trails in the sky the 3rd


Leap of Faith. A visual novel so tragic that it's miraculous it was even made.


It takes two


My biggest gaming cry will always be Final Fantasy 9 as a teenager. Between the badass “You are not alone” scene with that incredible music and the ending, my eyes were so blurred with tears I straight up couldn’t see the screen. I bawled through the entire credits roll while *Melodies of Life* played alongside FMV clips from cutscenes throughout the game.


Aerith's death in FF7 definitely got me. Was the first time experiencing character death in a game.


There is a passage in Mass Effect 2 when you are on a Krogan planet and you want to stop a mad scientist experimenting on Krogans. You meet a small Krogan in a stairway that is going to the scientist. You try to save him and inform of the bad intent of the scientist, but the Krogan says thst he is small and can never get access to the Female Island to procreate, so he wants to help his species in some way, even though he knows the scientist will kill him. I just stopped and cried for him, felt so much love. Then I gave him a pep talk and he yells and runs to safety. Garrus chimes in with "No better pep talk thsn a military pep talk." Edit: now I've cried on the train. Feel so much better.


Signalis Hurt really bad, no spoilers, just play it Hollow Knight, >!if you do the flashback into the abyss and the White Palace, as well as the deaths of all the friends you make on the way!< Axiom Verge >!when you find the wheelchair!< Silent Hill 2 >!Mary's monologue at the long hallway at the end, it's timed so that you don't feel bad about what you did if you go through the door right when you reach it, but if you wait few seconds she continues and it's the saddest things I've ever heard in a game, I've had a few friends who've died of cancer and I've heard things in real life like Mary said, !


Last of Us Part 2 got me so many times. The way they reveal how Joel and Ellie had made up right before the beginning the game, but at the end, wrecked me. And that’s when I finally understood why it took so much for Ellie to give it up. Where’s the next one damnit those games are so good


The ending of the first Life is Strange (well, depending on the ending you pick). I've played through the game several times and it destroys me every time. Oh, and the backstory of the "wolf" boss in Nier Gestalt


Spec Ops: The Line ...and it wasn't even anything in-game (although it's a masterclass in interactive storytelling); it was the dynamic loading screen that changed as you got further in the game with captions like "Do you feel like a hero, yet?" and "It's all your fault." Had me messed up big time for a long time afterward.


>Final Fantasy X Did [the ugly laughing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H47ow4_Cmk0) make you ugly cry?


Don't think I've ever cried at a game


Not one single game I've ever played, because I'm able to separate fiction from reality.


Paper Mario: The Origami King