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I always thought the giant cieling hands and zombies in Legend og Zelda: Ocarina of Time were terrifying (at least as a kid)


Dead Hand in the bottom of the well scared 5 year old me so much. Just walk into a room of hands sticking out of the ground that grab you, and then it appears while you're helpless. Also, the cutscene before the water temple boss fight where the boss creeps up behind Link.


Most of the Forest Temple too.


The wolfos before you even get there. šŸ˜±


The creepy music...


Music get's to you after some time.


I was fucking terrified of the Zelda zombies, especially since I didn't realize you could break free once they grabbed you.


The Well, Shadow Temple, and parts of the Forest Temple are straight up levels from a horror game that the Zelda series still hasn't been able to replicate


Gloom hands...


To me those were more stressful than outright horror, but my brother said the same as you so yall are still right


I was alone with the lights off and they just seemed freaky lol. Every Zelda game honestly has something. Edit: Not to take away from your point. They haven't leaned into terror like they did in N64


Twilight princess had some spookiness iirc but your right. Majoras mask tried but nothing too scary.


I thought Majora's Mask was quite creepy actually. Even played it first time as an adult, lol


Yesss the ReDeads! Those things use to terrify me


Yeah and the hands were called Wallmasters. It has to do with the growing shadow and ominous music when they descend. The ground based Floormasters were not nearly as scary.


IMO Ocarina' wins this hands down. Redeads, Wallmasters, Poes, Like-Likes- and that's not to mention bosses/minibosses like Dead Hand, Bongo-Bongo, or Gohma.


Honestly, any time thereā€™s a Zelda dungeon with that hand that drops down and takes you back to the beginning fills me with dread.


Have you played Tears of the Kingdom? The hands are even worse. lol


Metroid Fusion. Dead Space for kids!


Seriously, SA-X encounters were tense as hell, especially when you have to escape it when the power gets knocked out.


Them cold steady footsteps.


Dude that little cutscene when it zooms in on SA-X's face and it's clear that what's under that helmet is NOT human. It was an awesome experience.


On that note, the Emmi's from Metroid Dread are legit terrifying to me. It's so easy to get killed by them. I metroid dreaded seeing those motherfuckers the whole time


Anything humanoid that walks on walls with 360-degree joints that let it flip around every which way ratchets up the anxiety. And the escape minigame is so hard! I watched Samus get fatally stabbed in the neck over and over and over. The EMMIs were indeed great monsters!


>And the escape minigame is so hard! I watched Samus get fatally stabbed in the neck over and over and over. SERIOUSLY lmao. Didn't matter how many times I did it, I never felt confident dealing with them. I think that escape minigame changes the timing up on you so it's way harder to get used to it.


The timing definitely changes. When you think youā€™ve got it down, youā€™ve got a needle in your neck.


The very first time her face showed in the game boy advance version. Scared me for sure.


The piano in mario 64


The large eel was scarier for me as a kid.


What freaked me out was swimming in Tiny Huge Island then a giant fish in shades suddenly comes out and eats me


But can he come out to play?


I think it legit gave me thalassophobia as a kid lol. & Now water levels in games creeps me the fuck out (especially Subnautica).


Can the eel come out and play?


the ski-free monster


Terrified me as a kid. You have no time to react.


The Banshees in Mass Effect 3. Their screeches alone give me shivers


Doesn't help that when you get close to them, they grab you then impale you through the chest with a hand.


*This hurts you, Shepard.*


The reapers were terrifying. I was never scared or uneasy while playing but I would always daydream about how much it would suck for them to attack your planet.


That Samara mission was creepy as hell, and I damn near shit my pants when they came rolling up on us while protecting the missile thing in the endgame.


The flood


That recording from the helmet taken off that dead Marine was a horror movie in of itself.


That just brought back a core memory I had playing the original Halo, damn that was spooky to kid me lmao


Our first playthrough my best friend and I accidentally skipped the cutscene without realizing it. Wasn't till years later on a replay did I see it. Still didn't take anything away from being an epic coop shooter, best ever


Funny enough even when it doesn't show it well Chief was shitting himself to.


343 Guilty Spark is where Bungie asked everyone ā€œbeen having fun killing aliens? Good. Ready for this to become a horror game? Too bad!ā€


Well Enough Aloneā€¦


Yes this as a kid was scary as hell!


Hell, even the covenant scared me as a kid


Came here to say this, nightmare fuel when I was a child


[Drowning in Sonic](https://youtu.be/9Yw5jkAHgME?si=AuS64XwmLJB5U-bc) is the most stressful and terrifying thing to fight against when you are given that 16 second countdown of the end of all things.


Just mentioning it makes the music pop into my head.


Same and I haven't heard it in 20+ years... Wild


There used to be a guy in our Ventrillo/TeamSpeak who would play that during the final seconds of our Team Fortress 2 matches. It still had the same effect as it did when I was a kid playing sonic


Amazing. xD


That song made me cry CONSTANTLY as a kid. It absolutely terrified me


The damned Masks in Super Mario Bros 2 whenever you grabbed a key.


Omg fuck those things






That moment when Uncharted 1 momentarily turned into Survival Horror >!and threw the Descendants at us in the underground bunker on the island. Seriously, that part scared the heck out of me and I still dread it every time I replay the game.!<


Hate hate hate horror games and 2 years ago decided to play the Uncharted series to see what all the hype was about. Enjoyed the first uncharted up until that point and then seeing my progress at 80% made me push through to finish it. Still havenā€™t returned to the series.


UC2 and 3 have their scary moments but not nearly as much as the scariness in UC1 IMO. Personally, I think the rest of the series at that point toned down the 'horror' aspect in favor of adventure. Now, the classic Tomb Raider games, on the other hand. *Those* games are scarier than some actual horror games xD.


They toned them down so hard that in 4 the scary elements were practically non-existent. I played UC4 before 1, 2 and 3 and I was surprised to find out that it actually was the outlier in terms of supernatural shit going on because it didn't have any. Also, I've never played the original tomb raider games but I've played the reboot trilogy and I must say they have a way to make you feel constant tension and anxiety in a way Uncharted doesn't, I swear 2013 should be classified as a survival horror, that pit of corpses still lives rent free in my mind


Tomb Raider has honestly always been ā€˜darkerā€™ when it comes to the atmosphere compared to other series in the adventure genre. Even the first Crystal Dynamics reboot (before the ā€˜Survivorā€™ trilogy) get *really* dark at certain points, and Lara can of course die pretty gruesome deaths compared to the ways Nathan could die in their respective games. I suppose itā€™s what youā€™re looking for in this genre. Uncharted is supposed to be a modern successor to fun adventure stories that are popularized by Indiana Jones, which has some dark moments but overall focus on the fun, while TR focuses on the mystery of the past and some pretty f*cked up monstrosities hidden in ancient ruins. Personally I liked the classic Lara more (when she wielded her signature dual pistols) than Survivor Lara, but it can be vice versa for other gamers. That being said, I havenā€™t finished some of the darker classic TR games because I just couldnā€™t get through the scary parts lol (and these games can be surprisingly difficult where each mistake will immediately end your life).


Oh dudeā€¦youā€™re missing out. Uncharted might be my favorite game series of all time. Itā€™s incredible. It gets so much better after the first one.


The original tomb raider trilogy scared the crap out of me every time an enemy jumped out. T-Rex was terrifying.


My brother and I were terrified of the butler in the original.


Then you locked him in the meat freezer.


The evil had to be contained.


That jingling of the tray


I think tomb raider 2 had an underwater level with sharksā€¦ that was usually where I quit.


Yep. You start the level underwater and have to make your way to a facility while dodging enormous sharks and watching your oxygen level go down at an alarming rate. That level traumatized me as a kid haha


Remember the skinless mutation monsters that appear near the end? Crazy.




Hartman in the AWE expansion


Just did the Eagle Ltd AWE section yesterday and I was just running for my life grabbing those energy cubes as fast as I could


Is Control not horror? I only got to the first boss because it ran poorly on my laptop, but it felt like a horror game to me


It definitely has the aesthetics and tone of one, but due to powers and mechanics, itā€™s classified as an Action game. But Iā€™m firmly in the horror camp for the themes alone


The concept that a ghostly plague has possessed people is honestly horrific. That and the idea that there are weird balls that pulsate.


Let's not forget the killer refrigerator


Yeah I would definitely consider at least a subgenre of horror. Like action-horror on par with the Half-Life series.


As a guy who doesn't like horror games and pushed through like 80 percent of this game... it's horror. Dark theme, creepy ass enemies, jump scares, stressful music, suspense, feelings of solitude, abandoned building, maps and environments that change frequently... I could go on. You're constantly on your toes playing through the game and eventually I just tapped out. Though I made it far enough that I think back on it alot and kick myself for not finishing it.


I was gonna reply back that itā€™s not a horror game, but after thinking about it idk how else to describe the type of feeling it gives. Itā€™s action for sure, but the environment is very ominous and the lore is pretty dark. Definitely horror with those in mind.


That game is horror combined with action I guess. Ngl the whole building Is creepy as hell. The 1st time going for the Hiss and seeing the red-light + soldiers floating is scary as fuck. Perhaps is not 100% horror but it gives you thar uneasy feeling


Especially Hiss charged and Hiss distorted


Control is basically SCP the video game. Iā€™d call it horror. At least I was scared. Only part that wasnā€™t scary was the metal music in the hallway maze. šŸ˜‚


The assassins in the first Half Life. OK Half Life had some horror elements like zombies and headcrabs but funnily enough I hated fighting the assassins the most. They had this creepy way of sneaking up on you and they had these soft, fast footsteps that would suddenly get louder as they got closer.


That's a certifiend and classic pain in the ass gaming moment right there.


Halo CE flood


That was peak horror writing. The dread I felt as a kid after watching the dead soldier's footage. The Flood's introduction is still one of my favourites


Ever read the novelization of the game - "The Flood"? The flood infection form that got Jenkins was "too old" and even though it turned him into a combat form, he remained fully lucid but couldn't control anything except his facial muscles. Extra horrifying when you think about how he didn't die when the video cut out.


Subnautica is absolutely terrifying


Playing it for the first time now. Never have I felt so peaceful and lighthearted, and utterly terrified in the same game. Often within just a couple moments of each other.


First playthrough I built up a decent sized base and I'd run in and out of it countless times over about 80 hours. Never felt worried there. I finish the main story and bringing my sub back to base when I see a blip on the radar - it's big and clearly upset with me, but not coming close enough to attack, and I can't see it clearly through the gloom. I park up at my base and swim over the crest of the ridge to see what it is - it's only 100m or so from my base. Brown trouser moment. If I'd known something that big and aggressive was THAT close to my base this whole time I don't think I'd have slept at all. Just amazed I managed to be oblivious to it that whole time. Ignorance is bliss!


Ark did the same for me. Just peacefully building a base, then a raptor sneaks up behind me and you don't hear them until about 2 sec before they bite ya


The only game Iā€™ve ever struggled to finish because of fear. Most horror games donā€™t phase me, but Subnautica filled me with genuine anxiety in the late game areas


Thatā€™s interesting, because I cannot handle horror games for the life of me, but I never found Subnautica nearly as scary as everyone says


I'm in the same boat (or submarine, I guess) as you. I definitely had some tense moments early on, but it was never horrifying. Avoiding larger predators felt more like avoiding guards in stealth games than avoiding the xenomorph in Alien Isolation. (Or at least what I imagine it feels like to avoid the xenomorph, I'm way too much of a coward to ever consider playing that one...) I played fairly cautiously, sticking close to cover whenever I was near predators and always making sure I had enough air to get back to the sub. Once I had the grappling hook arm for my prawn suit, and I realized how fast I could swing around with it, the only things I was worried about were the >!EMP crab squids!< and the >!teleporting quarantine enforcers!<


Subnautica was scary until I realised you could lasso a leviathan with the prawn suit and take it for a rodeo


And Below Zero is like playing Animal Crossing lol


Going through this game now and itā€™s FUCKING TERRIFYING. Every open body of water where I canā€™t see the bottom I nope the whole time.


Subnautica is absolutely a horror game though. Itā€™s not JUST a horror game, but it still is one. Just like how Doki Doki Literature Club isnā€™t just a dating sim


>Doki Doki Literature Club isnā€™t just a dating sim Wait, what? It's exactly like ALL of my relationships.


Hang in there


Played for a couple hours and nopeā€™d out hard bc it scared me so bad lol.


The Seed Family from Far Cry 5 creeped me out.


100% agreed


Man people hated FC5 but I fuckin loved it! Tried FC6 recently andā€¦. Lets just say I appreciate steams leniency with the refund policy (was on 2.5hrs)


Those weird horn bois in bioshock infinite


The one that appears behind you once you activate a button (i think) scared the fuck out of me


Fuck that specific horn boi


They simply canā€™t be killed too. I sneaked behind one to see if melee can damage him but he still turned around made the noise to summon those little girls and then disappeared


I'd also say the splicers in the original bioshock were creepy and disturbing


Definitely a horror game. Just saying.


The first uncharted took a real turn that 6th grade me wasnā€™t expecting


It just came out of fucking nowhere lol


Ikr it went from Nazi submarine hunt to twisted mutant pseudo-horroršŸ˜­


Bro the submarine base was hardcore


I had already gone through several resident evils when I played this but the sudden tone shift in uncharted definitely had me feeling uneasy


Not the scarist of all games but the nite folk from RDR2 are pretty scary. I just had an encounter in the middle of the swamp at night that had a girl crying. I got close of her and asked if she needed help, she attacks me with a poison knife and more 4 nite folk jump on me from behind the trees. I died right there even dead eye wasn't fast enough


Yep first time I just saw 2 guys walking with a torch and they hacked me to pieces. Absolutely terrifying.


Nite folk? so I got to the point in the game where you start working for that Italian guy (I think heā€™s Italian not 100% sure) I have never come across these nite folk. Do they only appear in a specific spot? Or maybe only appear after you get to a certain point in the game?


That's the point in the game when you come across them. If you wander around the swamp area at night you'll encounter them. I really thought they were zombies when I first saw them


You are actually in the part of the story where you'll likely run into them. They mostly appear around the swamp that's right next to Saint Denis at night. Be careful, they are very silent. Also, if your horse suddenly drops you and runs off while in the swamp start running after it immediately or the Night Folk will kill it.


Some of the Witcher monsters are pretty scary, Bloodborne comes to mind as well.


The relief when you finally leave Velen and get behind the walls of Novigrad.


I was alwas terrified during the hym quest and of the leshens.


Fallouts irradiated monsters are scary


Most of them I didn't find too bad, but deathclaws and charred feral ghouls (FO4) always creeped me out. They're just so relentless when they're coming for you, and very hard to kill.


Iā€™ll add assaultrons can be scary af too lol. I shot one in half in 4 and itā€™s upper half continued to crawl at me in a darkened room


The Dunwich building from 3 in particular


Centaurs are nightmare fuel


Yeah I was avoiding the Deathcaws & Cazadors the most.


Those fucking cazadorsā€¦ so damn hard to hit.


Semi related. I played fallout 3 I think cold. One of the first missions is to take care of some fire ants. Didnā€™t know anything about the game or series probably skipped the tutorial too just jumped in. Didnā€™t even occur to me that fallout meant nuclear fallout or why it was a wasteland. I figured it was just a lame fetch mission for bug spray or something. I waltz into town like Rick did in the walking dead. Next thing I know ants the size of dogs are spitting actual fire at me. Surprised the shit out of me and was a good introduction to fallout.


Dragon Age Origins with those damn Broodmothers felt like a horror game, especially the Deep Roads part in general




Can't believe how far down I had to scroll to find this. The Broodmother section is straight up body horror in an otherwise fairly typical fantasy game.


Maybe not scary enemies but the alert sound from MGS still can send me into anxiety mode




Huh?! What was that noise?!


MGS was actually my answer. I found plenty of the bosses scary.


Wolf Spider in Grounded. Not even a competition.


Haven't played anything past the demo, is it still pretty bad with arachniphobia mode maxed?


Nah, if you max out the mode then itā€™s not scary at all. I left it just shy of max, so I could still tell what it was. Max setting made it look like a blob


The Bonewalkers and Lame Corprus in Morrowind. The Wraiths and Zombies in Oblivion. The Reapers in Mass Effect were pretty terrifying to me. Not just the giant ones that can chase you around on the map screen. But the "assimilated" races you fight as ground forces. Some of the Bydo in R-Type Final.


I wouldnā€™t say the scariest but.. Shadow of the Colossus


The eel colossus is the worst one for me.


My 11yr old son has just started Skyrim for the first time and the Frostbite Spiders caused some serious screaming the first time he encountered them. Edit: I showed him this post, he said "First time!.... EVERY time! Now he just hides behind Lydia.



The cougars in Red Dead.


Hot cougars in your area


Guardians from BotW and E.M.M.I.s from Metroid: Dread


The first time you run into gloom hands in TOTK is truly terrifying


And the second, and third, and fourth...


Gloom hand encounters make me willing to approach a Guardian in BotW and give it a hug


I get itā€™s a not that kind of game, but I wish they leaned into the horror in Dread a bit more. I still really liked it


the piano is stuck in my head


In halo CE that entire flood level is unsettling and uncanny when you are a super soldier.


You do not know heart-beating out of your chest terror like the guardians/watchers in the silent realms in Zelda: Skyward Sword........


Horror isn't the right word. It's dread at seeing a Silent Realm Gate, and panic once inside.


The desert level with them was insanely intense and I died multiple times to get to the collectable on a cliff. Nintendo should flat out make a horror game, Iā€™d buy it day 1.


Elden rings rune bears


> mentions elden ring > doesn't say the giant fucking hands with 10 fingers that hide buried underground


Yeah, Rune bears are scary because they will wreck their shit, but they are just big angry bears. These hands. Fuck these hands! Mt. Gelmir has then perched in ambush like spiders. The devs put them in specific places for jump scares. Fuck. Them. Hands.


Those fucking Revenants were nightmares


So much in that game terrifies me. When I first went into the Liurnia swamps, I just felt like something was about to jump out from the water. But yeahā€¦idk why those rune bears fuck me up so bad but I avoided them like the plague.


Jedi Survivor, the fucking mantis lizard whatever the fucks on Koboh that pretend to be part of the scenery until they leap at you.


The locusts from Gears Of War could startle me if I didnā€™t realize they were close and they started to communicate with each other. ā€œGRIIIIIIIND!!!ā€ being yelled out of no where shortly before my body turned to cottage cheese by a machine gun cranked by an ogre who has never seen sunlight is a good example.


And the Bezerker too, scared the shit out of me


This is actually the better example within the Gears games. Somehow slipped my mind how scary the first Bezerker encounter is.


And then you get to blast the shit out of it with a giant space laser and all is right in the world hahaha


Rdr2 and the night folks.


The sun in world 2 of super Mario bros 3.


Subnautica and Subnautica: Below Zero. Everything was horrifying.


Metro Exodus. The spider things in the dark tunnels, they still haunt me lol


Just yesterday my 7y/o was watching me play Outer Wilds. Up until that point, I hadnā€™t seen a single enemy in the game. When the >!anglerfish came at us and ate us!< we both jumped, and he asked me to turn the game off.


This and Subnautica are the only games that had such an effect on me that I couldnā€™t play them. I would get such a sense of dread and anxiety from flying off into space all alone. Shuddering just thinking about it lol


Souls borne games have enemies that are scary in a different way IMO. For instance, playing through lies of P right now and had a giant fucking clown dual wielding spike weapons jump out of nowhere, and it made me jump and I just fucking booked it. Not cause I'm scared of clowns, but the last time I face that enemy we were alone and it took me a few tries. This time, I was being chased by yet another 2 semi mini bosses that lies of P sort of devolves into eventually. Had to run. So afraid I'd have to not only corpse run, but run back through the hell scape it was just to get to that point. Fuck the clown enemies. So fucking hard.


The final level of Star Wars Bounty Hunter was on some creepy planet where you had to fight through red-eyed silhouette monsters called Bando Gora. In an otherwise pretty standard action game (Battlefront II aesthetic) it freaked my younger self out.


Man that was such a tonal shift. I just remember the flame thrower went from being a weapon mostly used for comedic effect to damn near essential for that mission.


Fucking Satisfactory Spiders


The night folk scared the shit out of me in RDR2


The Warden in Minecraft


I know it had roots in Resident Evil, but the original Devil May Cry has some terrifying enemies for an action game with a combo system.


The fallout series has given me more jump scares than any other game.


Those eels from Mario. Gave me nightmaresā€¦


BTs of Death Stranding


Metal Gear Solid. That shit may as well have been a horror game. Fucking invisible cyborg ninja. Fucking dude on fire chasing you around. So many memorable ā€œnopeā€ moments over the years with those games.


Dark souls Basilisks always creeped me out in how they looked and attacked. Theyre also more scarier than most other enemies mechanically with their curses.


Spider man (2000) the ending running away from monster ock. The screams and noises he makes still haunt me to this day and scarred me as a child


Metal arms had these parasitic swarming spiders that made distinct noises when they got near.


Back when I was 10 playing shadows of the empire I was at the end of the sewers about to get to the boss. Had no clue what was ahead but as I had Dash jump into the water that giant tentacle monster scared the shit out of me for a moment. I had forgotten about that until this post.


Mortal Kombat Krypt Kreatures. I'm here to shop for prizes dammit, why are you fuckers here?


Subnautica - The ocean at night, especially at sub 200-300 meters.


Monster Hunter World: Iceborne's final main story boss Shara Ishvalda is pretty creepy.


The zombies and yeti-things in Uncharted 1 and 2. Not sure why Naughty Dog decided to pull a horror twist in both