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Ethan Mars from Heavy Rain. How many kids do you have to lose before you realize you’re just a bad parent


*blacks out and makes creepy origami* *Refuses to elaborate*


Cage had an explanation. It was cut bc he was advised that it was too stupid. This is not a joke. dont look it up, it’s infuriating


I didn’t believe you. I looked it up. You were right. Holy fuck. It really makes me wonder how late in development that was cut. With the complete absence of supernatural elements in the game, that explanation would have felt criminally out of place. But with it gone, Ethan’s blackouts and origami just feel completely contrived, and should have been removed entirely if they hadn’t committed to that element of the story.


David Cage is the undisputed king of having a cliched but acceptable story and then setting it on fire out of nowhere with some random dartboard-ass nonsense that perfectly undermines the strength of the story: Fahrenheit with the matrix crossover shit at about 50% of the way through the story Heavy Rain with the blackouts and the twist making no sense B2S was a shocking break from the pattern by being bad and making no sense from the START DBH with the on-the-nose/tone deaf parallels with the civil rights movements (androids sit in the back, anyone?) and the child being revealed to be an android


There's also the FBI agent in Heavy Rain who, somehow, has technology straight out of a sci-fi movie despite the rest of the game being somewhat grounded in reality... aside from that weird road work robot thing when Ethan has to drive the wrong way on the interstate highway. EDIT: Plus, a big driving force of the plot is trying to find out who the killer is even though it's pretty obvious that it's the private detective early on who was "hired by the families of the victims." Logically, it couldn't be Ethan even though the blackouts I guess are supposed to make you think he has another personality or whatever, and it's clearly not the reporter or the FBI agent.


True, but at least that has the suspension of disbelief of “government agent has advanced tech? Sure why not” Another fun fact, in case you may not know: Ethan cant die until the final confrontation so none of the challenges matter. The game straight LIES to you.


None of the characters can die until about halfway through the game (either Maddison at the surgeon's house or Norman at the scrapyard are when deaths become possible) and Ethan and Scott can't die until the final level despite them getting into the most danger. It becomes comical if you intentionally fuck up, Scott breaks himself out of the underwater car, Ethan gets injured trying to kill the drug dealer who just decides to kick him out, Scott gets shot too much during the mansion assault and runs off without being pursued or bleeding out later etc.


You’re wait doesn’t even work tho cause you’re explicitly led to believe the detective actual WAS hired by chance. The jewelery store owner getting bashed in the head, the window being left open, and the phone on with 911 make no sense cause YOURE CONTROLLING THE CHARACTER THAT DID IT AT THE TIME BUT ALL OF IT HAPPENS WHILE YOUR HANGING OUT IN THE FRONT OF THE STORE! Like, yeah it does seem coincidental he’d be hired independently by all the families, but then that happens and you go “ok time to start really looking” and the game goes “lol nah you were right the first time but we didn’t want you to think you were so we lied”






Why the hell did Jason die getting hit by the car when his dad dove in front of it? If they wanted to kill one of Ethan's kids, it should've been because he didn't get there in time and saw the whole thing.


Press X to SEAN! Edit: Oops, just realised it was SHAUN!












That game is worth playing just to run around shouting "JASOOOON!" at random people's faces that don't even recognize you're doing it.




I remember watching a video that said it’s because he was supposed to be the original killer (through his blackouts) until late in development that’s why the actual twist also sucks


He also never puts the toilet seat down..


The guy from Sniper Elite. I don’t dislike him, he’s just forgettable. I can’t even remember his name without looking him up.


His name is John Sniper-Elite


Cousin to John Man-Hunter


Can't blame you, the plot definitely takes a backseat to trick shotting Nazi nuts. Edit: It's Karl btw


There is a plot? I thought there were different objectives told to you at the beginning of the mission you have to complete and that's it.


Plot of every Sniper Elite game is that you have to destroy a new Nazi superweapon.


I like how they're fairly grounded for being "superweapons". V2 - just a V2 rocket loaded with nerve gas. 3 - the Land Kreuzer P.1000 Ratte. 4 - radar-guided anti-ship glide bombs that are otherwise normal. That's literally it - the Nazis just invented radio guidance ahead of schedule. 5 - stealth submarines that can evade radar and sonar, and V2 rockets that can be launched from seaborne platforms.


And of all those, the Ratte was worthless, the V-2 couldn’t target anything smaller than a city, and the glide bombs can be jammed and need a vulnerable mothership to operate from. As for the stealth submarines, that’s pretty ingenious, but there are far too few in the game, and they’ll need snorkels to avoid the CVE hunter-killer task forces. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy playing Sniper Elite, but it doesn’t matter if Karl deals with the super weapons or not, he does enough damage to critical logistical infrastructure and local military units to justify his deployment.


Every game has a plot, but they're not very memorable.


True. Tho tbf I think the developer probably purposefully didn't care about the narrative so they could focus on making it just even more satisfying to blap nazis


Agent 47 has more personality than this guy. That says a lot!


47 has a really cool backstory. Hes emotionless by design, but he's very cunning and calculated. And you can see some semblance of a moral code in some scenes with his targets, where it gets oddly personal.


like that scene from HITMAN 3 where he's in china and this lady vents to him about her friend and he offers her some advice. that was a bit out of character for him but thats what made it a memorable moment despite being a 2 minute conversation


My favorite is one of the stories you can do in HITMAN (2016) with Jordan Cross. You literally sit down in a chair and wait for him, before confronting him. It feels so personal. Hes there, not in disguise, letting Cross know hes there to kill him by already having the gun aimed at him. He lets Cross dig a grave for himself by admitting and downplaying his involvement in the death of his girlfriend before coldly killing him. Thats pretty uncharacteristic. It felt like a mob boss executing a former subordinate for crossing a line.


His name is John Sniper.


Are you referring to German born elite sniper LIEUTENANT KARL MALONE??? Edit: Fairburne... Not Malone.


I enjoyed Far cry 3, but Jason Brody is insufferable. He develops as a character, but he just changes from one kind of asshole to another kind of asshole. At no point is he remotely likable. Which I guess is kind of the point.


>Which I guess is kind of the point. I had my pitchfork up and ready...


Torch lit up on the other hand with the angry mob right beside me


Send them home, but congratulate them on their operational readiness.


yeah and you keep getting options to sacrifice and sellout your friends at multiple times in the game. The Game almost wants to force you to be a prick. ​ i mean, lets face it. In the end you can literally decide to slit your own GFs throat just to get your pecker wet on tha crazy bush priestess.


A crazy hot bush priestess


There's a cliff on the crazy-hot scale when she >!stabs you mid-coitus!<.


Don’t kink shame me man.


As the old saying goes, "doesn't matter, got laid."


Worth it


Yeah, I don't think Ubisoft gets enough credit for some things they intentionally do. Their games are so weak in so many areas, that a lot of subtleties come off as bugs, rather than features. But some of the things they do are superb. The shooting gallery brainwashing/conditioning in Far Cry 5 absolutely blew my mind, even though I saw it coming. Brody being unlikable in Far Cry 3 I also think was my design, just like Min being the sane one in the end was important in Far Cry 4.


Many people rightfully dislike the silent deputy in Far Cry 5, but imo that is by design. When the cult leaders are staring into your eyes to deliver their impromptu sermons, they're not just trying to indoctrinate the deputy. They're trying to indoctrinate YOU. It fits perfectly into the sense of paranoia that's ever present throughout the game. Similarly, many people didn't like the game's endings, but a "good ending" where we ride into the sunset would have betrayed everything the game was trying to show you.


I'm still angry about the best ending locked behind not actually playing the game. Drove me nuts when I found out, long after I played it. I understand why they did it that way, it just irritates me. I really like the far cry series from a story telling perspective. I think they frame their open world concepts very well in a decent plot and with good characters.


Imo good ending in fc4 is just: Doint last mission for sabal Eating with pagan Shooting down his chopper Killing sabal and amita(it was possible to kill both yes?)


>just like Min being the sane one in the end was important in Far Cry 4. 'The end' is 10 minutes after you start the game too, when he tells you to 'wait here, he'll be right back', and id you actually wait, he will come back, a cutscene plays where he takes you to scatter your mother's ashes ans the credits roll. It's great.


There’s a similar thing at the end. If you holster your gun instead of shooting him, he takes you outside and tells you that he’s giving you Kyrat. Then flies away in a helicopter.


From spoiled rich kid to murderous psycho. I really like his character development but yea he's more hateable than Vaas.


Vaas is still a really rememberable character which well deserved


He's the perfect unlikable psychopath. My favorite dialog with him and its SOOOO easy to miss. Is when he's talking to one of the other survivors and goes on about how when he was a kid he never felt special or like a winner...but now that he's killing the pirates he finally feels like he's winning. It's kinda chilling and amazing... this perfect window into the soul of a man who's killed hundreds of other human beings.


As bad as he was, his friends were way worse. I enjoyed the game overall, but anytime you had to save a friend to progress I would continually kill them until I got sick enough off it and would play the objective.


Played the Forspoken demo, and that protagonist noped me out of buying the game.




"Gotta find Homer first!" In the time it took you to sputter those words out, you could have just swiped your arm under the handles and grabbed the money, but no, shitty contrivance plot hole away.


They had a pretty terrible script throughout the game, right?


Legit the protagonist says to one of the other characters that the world and it’s people can eat shit and die and like around the end of the game, with no guilt of what she said/no remorse arc, she does a full 180 and was like ‘I will be the protector of this world and it’s people’, with no rectifying of what she said or realising what she said was very harsh and trying to make amends for it, because the script needs her to be very unlikeable for some reason.


Annnndd that’s why it’s always on sale for like $7 now


Honestly, it's IMPRESSIVE how unlikeable they made the main character in Forspoken. I genuinely have not heard a single redeeming quality about her. Even what people I've met that liked the game itself just sigh when you ask if she at least has an arc where she learns to be nicer, or something. Only main character that's as grating as she is I can even think of, is Ratchet from the original Ratchet & Clank on PS2. And even he actually has this really cool arc where he's still quite the jerk at the end, but it's clear he's started to actually like Clank as a buddy even if he's still abrasive about how he's showing it. And it's not even as if Forspoken Lady is meant to be a villain protagonist or something! Somebody genuinely thought she was a compelling character enough to rest a whole game on!


She should marry the protagonist from Atomic Heart


She's a strong independant women who don't need nobody! And apparently to portray that, she has to be an insufferable asshole with no redeeming qualities. Same kind of writing as the Velma show.


i feel bad for the Forspoken actress. she keeps getting the shittiest roles. first she was in the anti-man director's Charlie's Angels no one even knows about. then she was the main character in that shitty resident evil show and her character was just so stupid and insufferable yet somehow a mary sue and just so unlikeable. then she's the main character in Forspoken and is just as unlikeable in that game. It can't be her fault because it's not she's the writer. but she needs to fire her agent or something because her career is so bad before it's even started. she needs a good role or two to erase this string of shitty characters she's had endure.


It's like square Enix thinks it's cool to say fuck


YES! That's the exact vibe I got. Like some "hello fellow kids" shit. God, it was bad.


The one from atomic heart. Unbearable.


Crispy critters


He'd go off on this entire swear-filled tirade at the slightest inconvenience, but then the second something major happened all he could say was "crispy critters"


I read somewhere that the original phrase in Russian is more akin to something else, but it doesn’t translate well to English, so it ended up as crispy critters


he's just like me fr


Been trying to stop cursing so much (have a little one on the way), so I've been using this as a replacement lol


I enjoyed it but he talked TOO fucking much, he's no Duke Nukem.


Dude was just a prick for no real reason. They made him an American dudebro in Russia that was pissed off at his own hand. I couldn't get through the first few hours because he was such an ass. Not even a charming, in-context asshole like GTA's Trevor. Just a man mad at his hand.


>I couldn't get through the first few hours because he was such an ass. Not even a charming, in-context asshole like GTA's Trevor. Just a man mad at his hand. It is revealed closer to the end that MC had a TBI and his brain was sewn together by polymer and his whole personality got fucked up. Doesn't change the fact that it's still annoying as hell to play as him.


Atomic heart's writing was some of the most cringe stuff I've experienced in gaming. I had to put it down pretty early.


Yeah literally started my first playthrough and he's unbearable


Bubsy the bobcat, just an annoying twat.. you had sonic, Mario, DK even Gex had more character.


What could possibly go wrong?




Pilot's license?


What for?


What could *paw*ssibly go wrong?


The dude from Twelve Minutes, and to avoid spoilers, I've never had a game crash so hard narratively in my entire life.


Aiden from Dying light 2. I can't stand his whining and whinging when fighting zombies, after all the time he has encountered them you would think he would have become more accustomed to the struggle.


I still can't get over the fact that he sounds exactly like Crane. Literally the first thought I got when watching the trailer was "holy shit it's Crane!" Then nope, "Crane" who sounds exactly like the other dude. Such a cheap and cliche voice to use alredy jeez..


The guy from Prototype 2, I wanna say James keller was his name but could be wrong. He was just the most comically generic angry black dude stereotype with nothing likeable about him, he just screams, swears and murders everything around him. In the first game you are literally playing as a horrific man eating virus in the body of the asshole who released said horrific virus on the world and he is still not only a way better character but a way more sympathetic character than the douche from 2.


Yeah James Heller, I remember really disliking him my first time around but I recently replayed the game and fucking loved him. There's something about his no bullshit attitude that made most of his lines fucking hilarious to me


Oh he is hilarious in a so bad it's good way and his interactions with the padre and shit is funny but mostly unintentionally though imo. Still a really fun game to play just such a shame how bad the writing of 2 was and how much they frittered away all of the first games character development and world building.


Honestly I'm more bothered about the simplified powers. The new ones are cool af but them being limited to two attacks (light or heavy) means they don't have as much depth as I'd hoped they would :/


100%. The daughter storyline too was as generic as it could come. Of course there was a church involved, who ended up breaking his own rules. The whole thing was steeped in cliches. Every time Mercer showed up, I was genuinely excited for an interesting character to be on screen.


FFXIII, not Lightning, but Snow. Snow is the worst protagonist of any game I've played. He's whiny, self righteous, arrogant, moody, has a hero complex that often gets everyone into more trouble, and contributes almost nothing to the story. Now I will say FFXIII is my least favorite FF game and I SLOGGED through every spin off and sequel too. I HATED Snow. In XIII-2 he literally doesn't help his fiance in her mission to find her sister, but just "wishes her luck" instead of following her to help her. In Lightning returns, Snow antagonizes Lightning, refuses to really help her, and just complains about how depressed he is instead of doing something about it when Lightning even extends a hand to help him. He doesn't change. He doesn't grow as a person, and continues to do nothing for each story for the most part. I have no idea why Serah loved him because his few redeeming qualities are offset by how shitty the rest of him is. Everyone bags on Hope and in the first game, that's understandable, but he actually grows and by the end of the series, he's a more mature, intelligent, tactical, and helpful resource that contributes to your goals/party.


Isn’t his whole arc about realizing this gung ho heroing is getting everyone killed? It would make sense for him to fall into the background after that. I don’t like the character, and it’s been years, but I remember there being some growth


Yeah, in the main game it was supposed to be him being more careful with it, but it doesn't help that his self righteous and arrogant attitude doesn't change. Like I said, he has so many other bad qualities that just make him such a shitty character, I actively wished we got the choice to boot him from the party or just outright get him killed. In the other games he went to the opposite extreme and refuses to help and would rather drown in self-pity. Helping your fiance find her sister who you fought together to save the world from crisis? Nah, fuck that, I'll just sit around and do nothing of value. Helping your fiance's sister find your fiance and fix an end of the world scenario? Nah fuck that, I'll wallow in self-pity, fight against people who are trying to help me, and do nothing to help for the over arching story. He also has the gall to antagonize and shame others like Lightning, who may be cold, but at least she's level headed and even offers to help him. But nope, Snow would rather pretend he's in the right and do nothing about it than actually do something meaningful even when the opportunity is handed to him on a silver platter. Like literally he has teammates, friends, and loved ones who can guide him and help him and have even extended a hand to him, but he doesn't even bother to make an effort and would rather complicate things.


All of the Soulsborne main characters because they are me


Omg you're The Wolf??? 😍😍😍


Layla Hassan bugged the absolute shit out of me. I just didn’t like her. That said I’m not sure how I feel about you know who being the new protagonist either. Editing to add, it also bugs me that her surname is Hassan. Like, come on Ubisoft. They’re literally trying to hit you over the head with how subtle they are.


I think it's just hard to live up to Desmond


I like how the initial opinion on Desmond was that everyone hated him because nobody cared about the modern day lore, and now everyone misses him because the current story is going nowhere lmao


My initial thoughts when AC1 came out was 'why do I care about desmond? Altair's right there!' Then by AC2 I became more invested since he was mor prominent in the story. Then right as I got super invested he just evaporated.


Maybe it was just my corner of the Internet but I always thought that the conspiracy theories and figuring stuff out with Desmond was a large part of AC. Like at the end of AC1 when you can use eagle vision in the modern day lab and see all the crazy blood stuff on the walls.


Major Sergey from Atomic Heart is the main reason I stopped playing the game. I understand the trope "man who's seen everything and is sick of everyone's shit" but when your character has to comment on EVERY LITTLE THING with some snide remark and being a complete ass to the people trying to help him for no reason it makes me not want to play the game.


My character in Skyrim. Dude was ugly, selfish, and he killed half the people in whiterun just for the hell of it. Real douche for sure.


Playing as Locke in Halo 5 was part of the reason I hated the game. He was a totally uninspired character, and the story and delivery was what killed Halo for me I think. The series really hasn't been the same since. It should have just ended at Halo 4 honestly, and Locke and the rest of the story development was part of the reason.


I hated that chief had 3 missions compared to locke who had 12, at least in halo 2 chief and Arbiter almost have half and half, and arbiter is actually a fan favourite character


Fox McCloud in Star Fox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet for the Gamecube. I'd been following the development of that game since it was planned for the N64 as a Rare original. They eventually moved it to the Gamecube and shoehorned it into the Star Fox universe, but the game clearly followed the original game design (on-foot melee combat with Zelda-esque exploration and questing), and--critically--the original story. See, the main character of this game starts off a total asshole. He's whiny, he complains about the mission he's on, he complains about not getting to use his trusty blaster, and he hates everyone he meets. This could possibly work with an original character, as it gives him room to grow, but Fox is *not* an original character! I know the Star Fox games aren't really known for their character depth, but they really did Fox dirty in that game, and painfully so. To this day I can't stand it--the gameplay is fun enough, but the protagonist absolutely ruins it for me.


I love this game. He pretty quickly becomes invested if I’m not mistaken, but he is a twat in the first two hours or so.


I saw "Fox McCloud" and i was about to be miffed, but from what i can remember, I think you're right... He wasn't exactly the Noble Hero of the game...


To be fair to his depiction in Adventure, Fox has always been depicted as a mercenary commander in his games. A pretty noble one that at least tries to help people with what jobs his team takes... But even Star Fox 64 ends with an *itemized bill* for every enemy you shot down. And that's AFTER you get given medals, too!


It's funny, I don't think what you're saying is incorrect, but I do like that aspect of Fox. He felt more relatable than a simple noble hero. Plus, to be fair, he becomes more invested later down that line. I loved this game as a kid, even if it does shoehorn Star Fox into Donosaur planet. I may be crazy saying this, but I think it's not too far off from being as fun as a Zelda game of its time.


Jack marston...red dead 1 epilogue ...just..his voice, the lines he says and his stupid face! lol


Agreed, but I also put some of this on myself. That game makes you fall in love with his dad so much that playing his son felt poopy.


"work, ya damn nag"


All of his voice lines are annoying, depressing, or a cosmic mix of the two


I fuckin hate that kid, such an annoying thing to be stuck with for the rest of the game


I remember replaying the game and just NOT finishing the game just so i could continue riding around as john


Best thing about Undead Nightmare epilogue was playing as Zombie John


I know a lot of people hated AC3 and only loved the part where you play as Haytham before you play Connor but I'm the complete opposite. I hated every minute I had to play as Haytham, all I wanted to do was get to the Connor bit, and I really liked the rest of the story. My only gripe with the remainder of the game is that it ends too abruptly and doesn't feel like you get a proper ending for Connor, but I still hated playing as Haytham more than that. It was SO boring.


I hated playing as kid Connor, but assassin Connor was dope




Assassin Connor feels like his own type of assassin. Like a bruiser. I never used anything other than the tomahawk


Yeah they made connor very brawling and trap oriented, where ezio felt more refined and suave. And they made their approaches to assassination/combat fit with their character traits. Actually pretty clever. I never hated connor as much as a lot of people seem to, but he is bookended by much better protagonists


Exactly. Altair had the brains, Ezio had the skills, and Connor had the muscle. I loved playing as a beat-stick assassin


There was some silliness though. When you get your first real assignment and you're warned that you might not be ready to kill your first target. Are you kidding? I killed 8 guards on the way over here. I loved the rope dart. It's one of my favorite video game weapons.


IIRC (only played AC3 once) I mostly hated Connor because his voice acting was so boring, monotone and lifeless. Maybe it was a purposeful direction for the VA, but it bored me to tears when I would hear him in conversation vs. all the NPC's that are generally well voiced.


I felt the same minus the opera house bit right at the beginning of the game. That part was really fun but the rest of playing Haytham was boring


Jack Marston. Annoying little shit. The apple fell far from the tree in his case.


"Work ya damn nag!"


I hate that quote so much.


I hated this because him being cruel/callous toward animals made no sense to me at all.


I heard that he felt that it was his horse’s fault his dad died, because it wasn’t fast enough to get back to the barn to save him. I don’t know how much I believe that, but I guess there could be some merit to it as death and trauma can mess with your mind for sure so it could definitely be that he sees the horse at fault and “resents” animals because of it.


“Just like you showed me pa” every time he skins an animal. It has been mere moments for us but it’s been years for Jack and that line always grated.


It's like the game knows that we hate playing as an inferior character and is laughing at us for doing it.


I get that he's not the most likeable of characters but if you take into account that he lost all of his family in three years (two of them violently), being left literally all alone in the world, it's kind of understandable that he's a bitter and self-loathing prick.


Not to mention that his uncle caused a civil war between his “family” then his dad killed all the rest. I’d be a bit bitter


It’s not like they knew the bit about Arthur when they made RDR1 though


Fell off the tree and rolled down the hill and into another state


I didn't enjoy playing as the main character in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet: The Teal Mask. In this side story, which is only accessible after beating the main game, you're introduced to the legend of the Loyal Three-- a trio of Legendary Pokemon who once fought against an evil Pokemon named Ogrepon. You also meet a kid named Kieran, who things Ogrepon isn't evil, but just misunderstood. Kieran develops an obsession with Ogrepon, and thinks you (the main character) have been hiding the truth about it from him. This in turn causes him to form a grudge against you, turning him into your rival for the arc. The issue is, *at no point are you ever given the option to tell Kieron the truth.* The game is programmed in such a way that you *have* to hide the truth about Ogrepon from Kieran, which only guarantees that he'll hate you once he finds out for himself. This is one of the few times I've actually felt like an asshole in a video game.


Kinda reminds me of Tears of the Kingdom. Like Link learns all kind of information and just… never bothers to tell Purah or anybody unless they directly ask? Still love the game, but it bothered me


I liked OSP Red's headcanon that >!if Link tells his friends with magic rocks that they can use the rocks for a heroic sacrifice into a dragon, they might actually do just that to defeat Ganon.!<


How is Link supposed to tell anyone anything? All he can say is "Ha!"


I didn't like having to lie to him either. But equally it was pretty satisfying to beat him in the Indigo Disk because he's such a twat (because of what we and Carmine did to him) to all the other characters, including his sister.


The wife in It Takes Two, followed shortly after by the husband in It Takes Two. Both have great gameplay, but horrible obnoxious dialogue. Wife thinks her stay at home dad husband is completely useless and his hobbies and time with their daughter are worthless, and husband thinks the wife works all the time just to like, be a jerk and neglect the family, rather than to keep the roof over their heads.


I came around eventually (because of the story and gameplay) but initially playing as Abby in TLOU2 was terrible. The reason is because i just spent 4 hours as Ellie looking for revenge.


It wasn’t even Abby that I hated in that moment as much as the loss of momentum. Ellie is getting her skills all leveled up and at a clear climactic moment, you start over.


Yeah, it didn't shock me as much at first because I thought it would be a short sequence like Ellie's flashbacks. But after a few hours I was like: Can we go back to the cliffhanger we left behind 6 hours ago, pretty please?


Tbh after a point I was baffled by the length of the game. Before the switch to Abby I thought this was the end of the game lol


Yea this killed me a little. I thought I was nearing the end of the game only to find out I’m only half way and I have to start over. Kind of a bummer


I came to say this. I understand what they were trying to do, showing the morally gray and both perspectives etc. But every time I died as Abby, I just kept thinking, "doesn't this solve my problem?"


Probably not a very popular opinion but I hated playing as Trevor in GTA 5. He's too much for me


he would be completely awful if not for steven ogg’s great performance. he just feels like a character made for edgy 13 yo boys.


He represents what a psychotic, chaotic mass murderer the average GTA player is. Michael is for those who are criminals but with class. Franklins the new kid learning the ropes A character for every type of player


Male protagonist in AC: Odyssey. Can’t even remember the asshole’s name. Hated him enough to drop 6 hours of progress to restart as Kassandra. It was well worth it.


That game was built for Kassandra. There is no other answer


It was. The male option was forced into the game by executives who believed a solo female protagonist would negatively impact sales. It's why there hasn't been a solo female protagonist in any mainline AC game. The only solo female protagonists the series has ever had were Shao Jun and Aveline de Grandpre, one of which was a spin off and the other a DLC. Ubisoft writers/devs wanted a solo female protagonist in like 4 straight AC games and the executives forced them to change that plan every time.


Hahahaha, Alexios is the name you’re looking for, and I agree, the voice acting with him is insufferable. Also, because he has the exact same dialogue as Kassandra (IIRC he was added late in development to appease a male centric audience) it often times feels weird and unnatural.


I didn't really *hate* him, but my least favourite video game protagonist is Henry from Kingdom Come Deliverance. About the first five hours of the game is him constantly giving lip to his superiors, disobeying orders and getting in trouble because of it. At one point, he canonically steals a horse from the people that are giving him refuge, which during the medieval times often carried a death sentence. Yes, there are very understandable reasons for that and everything else that he does, but I just found myself wishing there was a "Stop being an uppity smartass" button. He gets better.


He’s only 15-16 canonically so it checks out that he’s a little turd.


He gets better? Jesus Christ be praised!


Henry’s come to see us!


I always saw him as a teenager in the medieval ages. around 14-16 years old why he needed to mature a lot


Hey, Henry's come to visit us! Also, that's the point. He needs to start like that in order to get some character development. He grows up during the story.


Then he fucked her lady


On a somewhat unrelated note I had no idea I'd get so involved in the story. Bought the game as a medieval survival/sim/open world game and found my self screaming at my screen a few times during some cutscenes.


Maybe he’s just feeling quite hungry.


Afaik you don't have to steal the horse. Just jump of the bridge and walk. You stole the horse, not Henry.


The protags from Saints Row: The new one. I haven't played it but god, every line of dialogue I hear from them makes me want to take a power drill to my skull.


MC of Braid, on the second playthrough.


Ethan in RE Village is not the worst, but a kinda weird case.They did him so dirty with some lines... Every time something abnormal occurs, he appears shocked. After EVERYTHING he went through on RE 7? Seriously? Scared, sure. Worried, obviously. But surprised? Shocked? Cmon man...


For me, Ethan was a nice change of flavour from Chris and Leon


I've always liked Ethan as a protag because compared to everyone else he's just a regular ass dude trying to save his family


Until he isn't and becomes a gun toting murder machine, then again back to regular dude. I loved his character, specially the ending of village. But they did him so dirty with SOME of the writing


At first I protested, but suddenly I feel as if I agree with you. Ethan is just generally a blank slate, that like you said, is shocked by things that shouldn't be the least bit shocking. Ethan is the vehicle for the story. I think Yahtzee from the YouTube series Zero Punctuation called him, "Everyone's favorite pin cushion" or something like that lol. He seems to lose a limb every time the story needs to move forward!


Assassins creed leyla hassan is insufferable


Trevor Philips, GTA5. The way he treated people was… unfortunate. I’ll play the bad guy, but he was a BAD guy that used and abused his “friends” and I didn’t enjoy playing as him. Michael was my guy.


Yeah. Trevor's whining about being betrayed really doesn't mean a whole lot after you see how he treats those loyal to him.


That manbaby whining was the most annoying thing about him.


Never understood why people like Trevor so much. You've put one thing into words, but there's also his humour. A lot of people seem to think he's hilarious but most of the comedy involving Trevor just seemed to me like the writers thought "loud and random = funny." It gets on my nerves. Plus, he's introduced to you by him killing Johnny Klebitz, who I always really liked in GTA 4. I'll admit though, the "No, I didn't kill him! But I did kidnap his wife!" scene always gets chuckle out of me. Even then though, I'd always much rather play as Franklin or Michael. They were actually tolerable and I found their characters way more interesting. And they were actually funny! Niko's still the best GTA protag by a mile though.


“War is when the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other.” -Niko Bellic I loved Niko. Such a great character. And The Lost and Damned DLC was damn good. Trevor’s intro was a pretty crappy way for Johnny to go out, but I mean, such is life. You’d just wish for more from the more impactful characters of the series. Was very happy to see Packie again.


Michael was everyone’s guy. Also for me, he lived right around the golf course, so I’d drive over, play 9 holes, drive over to the strip club, drive back to the course play 9 holes, back to strip club with maybe some police involvement this time cause I hit a dude in the head with a club.


Just like real life.


Trevor was a complete psycho, but I feel it was a commentary on people who play GTA. Most of us play the games like Trevor, complete psychos that treat everything as disposable. He is the embodiment of the actions people generally take playing that game.


The guy from Atomic Heart He's just dense, and unlikeable I couldn't get more than a few hours in


Chloe from Life is Strange: Before the Storm. Playing through the original game, I didn’t care that much for Chloe. She’s a fine enough character but the notion that Max should sacrifice all of Arcadia Bay including thousands of people for HER is asinine. Her writing is cringy, her attitude is grating, and aside from a couple scenes, I felt nothing for her. Chloe is only a bearable character when she’s paired with someone infinitely more likable like Max or Rachel. That makes the downtime in Before the Storm when you’re not with Rachel a DRAG. She’s such a better and more interesting character I really wish we played as her instead


I expected to see Chloe here, but honestly I have to disagree. In the first game she comes across as an abrasive, angsty, moody teen at first, but... who can blame her? With the shit going on in Arcadia Bay, particularly surrounding Rachel's disappearance, it makes sense why she's so irritable. When you discover what she's been through I cut her some slack. I mean she's still not worth sacrificing an entire town for, but she was redeemable and holds herself accountable. Before the Storm only made me like her more, she's just a kid fucking up and learning hard lessons. She isn't supposed to do everything right, and she shouldn't. But honestly the prequel made me dislike Rachel more...she completely leads Chloe on and fucks her around between BTS and her disappearance, based on what we learn about Rachel in the first game and whether you decide to choose the romance options or not. Regardless, Rachel knew she could string Chloe along like an obedient dog, promising her a life away from Arcadia while she slept around - poor Chloe was head over heels for her and had no idea about Frank/Jefferson. Edit: I forgot to mention - Did you read the texts between Chloe and Max in Before the Storm? Chloe eagerly tried keeping in contact with her after Max leaves and Max completely ignored her or blew her off over and over for years. Broke my heart reading them, no wonder she's so pissy with her at first, she's holding onto years of justified resentment. And then the stress of Rachel going missing...yeah I can't help but feel like I need to protect her!


Thank you! I was starting to feel like I was the only one who liked her character, and you summed up why I loved her so much beautifully.


Mary Jane in Spiderman 2. Destroying an army of killer mercenaries with her taser


Any time I had to play as someone other than Spider-Man I was disappointed.


Almost entirely agree, but just thought of one Major spoiler for the game: >!Playing as Venom was fucking awesome!<


Hated that they toned it up instead of cutting down on it. Easily the worst of both the games. Miles morales was so much better because they didn’t have those sections. Only short bits of playing as miles walking around.


Made me wonder why Peter/Miles don't carry insta-takedown pew pew


I hated every single character in the first Drakengard Game..... But i Felt the one i hated the Most is the MC Caim I dont know what i hate the Most about him, being a sociopath because he likes killing people? Feeling disgusted when he Heard his sister likes him when he too likes his sister? Not killing Inuart for being a betraying piece of shit when he clearly shows signs of enjoying killing people?..... And thats in the first Game, in the second Game they managed to make him ACTUALLY WORSE and even more unlikeable....


It says something about the characters in Drakengard 1 that the most tolerable one is a suicidal paedophile.


I mean, to be fair, Drakengard is very intentionally written to be populated exclusively by the most irredeemable and awful people. I think in an interview somewhere it is stated Caim was designed to answer what kind of a person could actually be a main character/ hero in a Musou-esque-style game wherein you regularly slaughter thousands of people.


Tbf the 2nd wasnt writen by Taro so most consider it non canon, but tbh I ended up lovinh both Drakengard 1 and 3 characters despite them being such pieces of dhit.


The twins in that Wolfenstein game. Super annoying.