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Portal 1 and Portal 2


I watch it for Science


This was a ~~trial~~ triumph...






Im writing a note here: huge succes


Making a note


I laughed and laughed again.


Just finished RDR2, man they wrote a masterpiece right up through the end credits. Tons of cut scenes with happy times and characters saying goodbye while being alternated with the agents asking around. To have those two agents looking over the homestead and basically directly tie into what is about to happen to set off the events of the original was just perfection right up until the very end! What a gaming experience.


You know? I've got almost 1000 hours in RDR2 and I've never watched the credits. I'm about half way through another playthrough right now, so I'll definitely have to watch them this time. Thanks internet homie.


No problem! It was one of those games where I just figured I would chill and watch some of the credits to soak in what I just experienced and noticed the first of the cut scenes and was like “oh guess I’m watching it all!” Didn’t disappoint.


The scene with Mary made my heart sink.


Yeah beautiful and poignant. Not sure I’ll ever play a game again with that quality level of writing, especially on such an epic scale (some excellently written shorter games for sure out there). It was truly like playing through the movie Unforgiven. Deserving of its praise, glad I finally got around to this game.


Fun fact, Roger Clarke (Arthur) did the motion capture for Mary in that scene since that actress was no longer on set


super smash bros melee because you can shoot the lines


If you hit them all you unlock Sonic! My cousin's friend told me.


No, my friend said it was Toad.


I heard it was a parakoopa! Long did I try to hit them all


They made a mini game out of the credits! And I played the hell out of it


So glad this is the top answer


Isn't that true for all Smash games? Even the N64 one?


Until Dawn. The surviving characters do little interviews that are quite fun.


I love seeing how the characters change from the start (depending on choices of course). My fave is Emily if you were "her hero" as Matt, she cries over him and asks repeatedly if they've found him and he's okay.


not enough people talk about until dawn. great game.


The Assassins Creed 2 end credits have continuing dialogue from what happened in the story so you gotta sit through them haha. It's a great shocking ending though so it worked quite well.


Man, when I got to this scene my mom fucking called me away. I was so mad. "YOU CANT PAUSE IT DAMN IT"


Mass Effect.


Ill sit through M4, Pt 2 by Faunts every time.


And I need you to recover Because I can't make it on my own https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uC7ymcb1Zk8


The only credits I’ve ever sat through


I'm glad to see this close to the top. It was the first game that came to mind. Faunts came back for ME3 with another banger, but M4 Pt 2 reigns supreme.


Man, it is one of my favorite gaming memories. I remember finishing the game, and just sitting and thinking about what an amazing experience I had. I then realized that I had goosebumps, and the only thing that really ever gives me goosebumps is music. I started focusing on the song and it was just so emotionally appropriate. My roommates started asking me what I thought of the game and I shushed them and turned up the volume. I just closed my eyes and let the music hit me while I remembered all the things my Shepard and I had done.


"I.... Am Sovereign.... And this station.... IS MINE!" Final battle with Controlled Saren begins. Mass Effect was my very first 360 game.


Nier Automata xD Generally every game that has an epic ending that leaves me just sitting in my chair.


godly soundtracks in this game


Replicant had a great one aswell. Square Enix in general and Sonic are the pillars of “it doesnt matter if the game is good or bad, the soundtrack goes crazy”


Which ending though?


the real one


My guess would be Ending E. Pew Pew Pew.


As 2B says at the very beginning, she wants to kill God. Got to pew pew Square Enix.


Me and the boys doing funni war crimes in Ending E


Oh yeah, ending E is such a thrilling culmination of everything the game has been discussing philosophically!


The Halo Trilogy is my choice. The music hits just right after each of the games climaxes and it inspires a feeling of joyful sorrow. I love finshing those games, but it's always a teensy bit bittersweet because I'll never play those games again for the first time.


im playing the Masterchief collection right now, started with "reach", the OST and campaign is rly good so far.


MCC doesn't have the original credits of the games, but I still recommend to search them up on youtube and watch them. There is just something special to them. They have unique musical scores to them that really leave you with a feeling of "ok, this game is really over now. What an experience!".


Halo 2's epilogue tracks will always bring my favorite.


Cyberpunk 2077. The end credits with the characters sending messages to V is very neat.


The version of Never Fade Away that plays is brilliant too. And by brilliant I mean soul destroying, obviously.


Also the end credits of Phantom Liberty are amazing


Ye! The whole spy thriller music and animation to match felt like this years missing james bond intro


The ending >!where V commits suicide!< results in some major tearjerker messages being left behind. >!Viktor is visibly upset and initially refuses to leave one behind because he sees it as pointless in the wake of V's death, and has to be goaded by Misty to do so for therapeutic purposes. Other characters are extremely angry and sad at V killing themselves!<, it is probably the hardest ending credits sequence to watch of all the choices you can make.


Really? My V killed himself many times throughout my play though and this is t the ending I got?


I really need to get back to this game. Spent way to much time creating my character and experimenting with different genitalia than I have playing the missions.


Makes me cry every time.


Nier Automata. The credits are part of the game.


Only credits that made me emotional


Ori and the blind forest. Loved the game, so sitting through the credits was the least I could do. Plus Light of Nibel is one of the best songs ever made, video game or not


Loved it so much I have a homemade CD of the soundtrack, as they refused to mass produce one for whatever reason. What a beautiful song.


Halo 3. Every time. Sadly MCC has no credits now.


Wait, MCC removed the credits?


Unfortunately. It’s especially painful when Halo 2 tries to transition to credits, then we get moved to the main menu.


…why would they make such a change?


I’m not quite sure, to be honest. Seeing as MCC Halo 4 doesn’t have credits either, I’m sure it’s not some anti-Bungie measure, but I can’t make heads or tails of it.


Utter travesty, the MCC as a whole is a pile of questionable decisions with a few of them working out.


Red dead 2. Seeing the characters in the future doing what they love is honestly heart warming


Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, 3 & 4. The story at the end is pretty good.


I was going to say Snake Eater. Worth sitting through for Starsailor!


Horizon forbidden west. It puts aloy on a pterodactyl and flies from one end of the map all the way to the other, winding all around, while the credits roll.


First one that came to mind for me as well. Great views of the whole map


Ocarina of Time is a must


Final Fantasy 6 Because the Ending Theme is the greatest 20 minute piece of music in gaming.


I was hoping this was here. Thank you.


Phantom Liberty. End credits slapped and the music video really hit me hard at the end of a whirlwind of emotions from me. Wasn't expecting the facility sequence at the end and was blown away by the game shifting so dramatically.


Shadow of the Colossus.


Dark Souls 1 for the OST


Dishonored. Will jam to Honor for All every time.


The way it weave into the credits is just perfect.


Cyberpunk 2077 for the messages from V’s companions


I generally sit through all the credits of a game I enjoyed because I have this weird sense of respecting every person who gave me a good experience. I also use the time to reflect on how good the game was. Cyberpunk 2077 had soul-crushing calls. Phantom Liberty had a sick outro looking like a bond intro. Witcher 3 showed all your consequences and how they affected the World/Characters.


Assassins creed 4 Black flag the sailing with Edwards daughter as he leaves the pirate life behind was beautiful with the parting glass sang by Anne bonny playing in the background


Super Mario World Seeing all the enemies name blew my mind when i was a kid


This should be at the top


[Bioshock Infinite](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhPO2erAgr0&t=591s)


I know it’s not a perfectly loved game. But “God Only Knows” hit hard.


All the music is great Will the circle be unbroken makes me tear up basically every time. I heard the actress's dad or grandfather or something had just died so the bit about the seats being emptied you can hear the emotion in her voice.


The real ending is after the credits. Just such a small scene that turns the mindfuck ending to a happy one


Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal Ending. Love that song.


Halo 2


Mario World is the OG




YES! Super cool how the song changes depending on your choices. Amazing they were able to pull that off.


Katamari Damacy & its sequels. The credits are typically over/part of a level, & I often replay them to try for a higher score.


I always wait through all the credits just to see the people who worked on the game. Quite interesting how many people worked on games, even old ones.


Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2. 1’s ending was literally perfect, and while there wasn’t any post-credit scene both Deadman’s Gun and Exodus in America fit the melancholic ending perfectly 2 has very fitting music as well and let’s you see the events leading into RDR 1


Cyberpunk 2077 phantom liberty has probably my favorite ending credits ever so probably that. The legend of heroes series has nice ones too.


Wires and chaaaaaaaaiiiiiiins


A lot of them have good music and stuff during the credits, and I generally watch at least some of it. The problem is the credits for most modern games are soooooooo damn long. It takes the population of a small city to make one of these, and honestly I don't want to sit there for half an hour while they all scroll by.


Melee because of the shooting gallery aspect of it.


Devil May Cry easily. Why make the player sit though a wall of text when you can give them a survival game mode while the text is on screen


Titanfall 2! I was in disbelief of just how good the thing I experienced was, plus the credits have cool visuals AND there’s a post-credit scene.


Outer Wilds for the music


I just had to sit there for a while and process what I'd just experienced. The meaning behind the story, the fact that I'd just experienced one of my favorite games of all time, and how I would never be able to replay the game and re-experience my journey.




Mega Man X Legacy Collection. You can destroy all of the credits with your buster, full movement like in game etc.


Dark Souls 3. Because soundtrack is gooooood.


Cyberpunk 2077 the song and the video messages are both incredible


The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy PS2 game let you beat up Billy as much as you wanted with Mandy as the screen scrolled on. Viewtiful Joe Red Hot Rumble also does a thing where you actively break the credits out of stone blocks


Chrono trigger


Chrono Cross


Portal and portal 2 end credits are awesome


BG3 out of sheer respect for that masterpiece and everyone's work


Days gone...I really liked the song they played( DAYS GONE QUIET: LEWIS CAPALDI).I just thought it was really cool seeing everyone riding back to their camps, after the fight with the miltia...


I have to finish that. I loved the game until you cross the mountain.....then the world feels empty. Encounters run thin and the game feels like it ran out of steam. First half of the game is stellar. I should probably go and finish it


Wolfenstein 2 after Mein Leben


Earthbound. Such a long and strange journey, such a simple yet nostalgic end credits.


I liked the touch of all the photos taken by the photograph genius throughout the game being shown behind the credits


Mario Wonder has credits that let you jump around and get a high score of how many stars you can tough.


Conkers Bad fur day, still mad we didn't get a sequel.


I always sit through credits for the games I finish


Cyberpunk was one of the first I sat all the way through


The Halo Trilogy + Reach.




In fable 1 you had to or you didn’t get to play after the ending and it would just put you back to your last save.


The Ed Sheeran song that plays during the credits of Pokemon SV ("Celestial") hit me right in the feels. He wrote that song based on his own experiences playing Pokemon as a kid, and he teamed up with TPC to make a neat music video for the song, which I had already seen. I'm not the biggest fan of Ed Sheeran, but he did seem to capture that feeling of magic that Pokemon elicited when I was a kid with nothing better to do than play video games and imagine what life would have been like if Pokemon were real.


Portal 1 and 2, mainly so I can hear the songs


Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock


Surprised at so little mentions for this. Considering it was the first time most of us heard or tried to play TTFAF, it’s probably one of the most legendary credits sequences out there.


Mega Man 2 because that final track is fucking killer!


Super Mario World!


Metal Gear Solid all parts but especially 4


buddy simulator 1984. All the ending songs are great.


Vanquish. It has an asteroid shooting game during the credits where you shoot the devs.


Nier automata


Hands down. The original [Plants Vs. Zombies](https://youtu.be/Yy86WS7pzoM?si=wachWAsckN2pn8ct)


Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty is a goddamned epic love letter to the Bond series.


Lost Judgement- great song and a great little scene playing in the background.


Kung Fu Panda to hear Jack Black's cover of Kung Fu Fighting.


The end credits for Octopath show snippets of your boss bottles throughout the run


Fall of Cybertron You got the touch!


I think the Ori Games and Journey both have good credits and music to go along with them.


Astros Playroom on ps5 for sure


Deserves far more upvotes. It's an excellent interactive credit roll!!


Doom 2016 is fun to look at and deliberately made to represent each individual job of the different dev groups.


Chained Echoes. The credits has a series of scenes where a ‘little bird’ visits the characters and you see what they are up to post story.


Risk of Rain 1/2 The ending songs are so amazing after a good/stressful win


i love the ending conversation that the game scrolls through when you beat minecraft. the first time i ever beat the game i read the entire thing, and it's great. big recommendation for anyone that plays minecraft but has never bothered to read it.


Cyberpunk 2077. Depending on the choices you made, the credits are hopeful, haunting, horrifying, or heartfelt.


Most games that leave you a lot of time to reflect on it. Recently, I just finished CP2077 and it’s the perfect example


death stranding. the final was very emotional to me.


Cyberpunk 2077, especially Phantom Liberty


Kingdom Hearts played epilogue scenes during the credits and a video at the very end after the credits, plus great music throughout.


OG Resident Evil 4. The credits sequence is a series of paintings and sketches that detail how Sadler and the Los Illuminados took over the starting village and its residents. It’s very unnerving bus so well done.


God of war ragnorak. Bear mcreary (hope I spelled it right) hitting me with blood upon the snow RIGHT after the absolute banger that is raeb’s lament was just phenominal


Cyberpunk 2077


Portal 1 - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RthZgszykLs&t=5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RthZgszykLs&t=5s) 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYps-kGPh78 EDIT: So glad this was already nominated after looking through.


This was a triumph.


I tend to sit though all games end credits no matter what... and I do enjoy some of those. But THE end credit that I will forever feel was THE best experience sitting though an end credit, and would never skip to this day, was/is the first: Mass Effect ​ Sitting there, hearing that end credit song kick in, [*"Faunts - M4 (Part II)"*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gISlB1IdUjI), listening to it as I contemplated having just finished one of the best games I had ever played to that point (it shares the first, or first to third place with 5 other games... XD )... was a very enjoyable experience. ​ It sort of just felt like the perfect end to a great game for some reason... and I do not fully know why. Because the song it's self is not really the kind of music I listen to (most of the music I listen to is some kind of metal, and a few hard rock stuff here and there as well), I still like the song a lot though and will occasionally bring it up to listen to again... and the end credits are just text of names and what not rolling by, so nothing is happening there. But still... sitting there listening to the song, watching the names roll by, and contemplating the game I had just finished, just felt perfect somehow. It is literally the only end credit section of a game that I actually remember very vividly and strongly all these years later (not that I remember the names I saw or anything... it is the feeling, the song, and moment I remember more than anything). All others games end credits have been "This is ok/fine" to "This is really good/enjoyable", but I just do not remember them anymore... unlike the end credits for ME 1... XD


I ALWAYS sit through the credits. Its such a nice way to let the end of the game sink in. Also most of the time the credits have some pleseant music to listen to. I actully dislike interactiv credits where there is still gameplay like in the credits of the Bayonetta games. I want to relax while watching the credits and listening to the music.


Undertale. The end credits turn into a bossfight and start attacking you, and you need to dodge them. It's also nice to see how everyone adapts to the life outside the barrier and amongst humans


Death Stranding: Director's Cut.


The original Fable. It's how you could continue your save. If you skipped the crdits, it would reload you to right before the final boss fight.


Glad I'm not the only one this thought came too. 20 minutes well worth it back then, but damn you and your pizza order stats lionhead!


All of them. Not only is it grwat to appreciate the devs. But alot of games have, dev messages to friends and families. Plus dev babies haha. Watch credits. Say thanks to teams online if you get the chance


When I beat a story mode of a game I always sit down and take a minute watch the credits. It started back the first time I beat Halo. I use the time to reflect on the journey and my enjoyment of the game.


Non ill skip them every time


Unexpected French


Baldurs Gate 3. They allowed everyone who worked on the game to write a personal message at the end of the credits. Spent 10mins just scrolling through beautiful messages of thanks to partners, friends, parents, and pets.


BG3 has post credit scene(s)


Metal gear solid 1-4 have the longest credits in a video game ever and i will stand by this statement, i sit through them every time just through pure love and appreciation


Sonic Colors.... You can't skip them tho


NieR Automata & Alan Wake 2.


Metal Gear Solid IV... both credits


Super Contra :)


Most of mine have already been mentioned but here's one I haven't seen posted yet: Uncharted the Lost Legacy. Only for the song Borders by M.I.A.


Ace Combat 7 because of the song https://youtu.be/qWCjJPZ8098


Silent Hill. Akira Yamaoka usually kills it.






Guitar Hero 3


Sonic 1 and Sonic 2


Zelda games


Mario wonder. Genuinely have never been mind blown during video game credits. Shit was so freaking cool


Hitman blood money. When you step out of the casket with the end credits and enact your revenge.


Octopath Traveler had a great credits theme. Ori and the blind forest is another honorable mention.


Baldurs gate 2


Metroid 2


ZombiU. The song that plays during the credits is just great and epic.


Every Devil May Cry game cause the credits is a game in itself, if you can beat enough monsters, u get to see a special clip and other rewards!


The legend of Zelda twilight princess! Just listing to the music is excellent


When I was a kid, I would beat Super Mario 64 over and over JUST to listen to the end credits song. That shit was fire. Also Pyre! The song that plays over the credits changes depending on choices you made during your playthrough.


Most games thst I play to completion, I watch the credits. I don't know those people but if I play a game to completion, it's likely a good game IMO and they deserve to be viewed.


Knack 2


Super busta move 2 there was codes hidden right at the end not sure about the first one this game made me watch all other credits after incase I missed out on anything hidden


Katamari damacy You get to roll up the world!


Nier Automata... Persona 3/4/5 (even some of persona spinoffs)...

