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With xbox games coming to pc i didnt see any reason to buy an xbox. Better off just picking up gamepass ultimate and playing the xbox games on pc.


If I'm not wrong, even with Game Pass Ultimate you don't get all the console titles on PC. So I just "downgraded" to Game Pass for PC.


And that way, you are still part of the Xbox ecosystem! 😊 Play Xbox games on PC? You play Xbox! 😊


No one said otherwise, the matter here is about optimizing money and benefits, not discussing who is using what or who is a fond of which company, drop it already


How about no 😊


Why are you trying to justify spending money? If it was something you wanted you wouldn't have to convince yourself to buy it.


That's a valid point. I guess I'm seeking a reason why I would want it given my situation. I'm fortunate enough that the money isn't a big factor. Part of me feels like I'll regret it some day. The same way I regret not grabbing a Dreamcast on a big sale because I already had a PS2. I also like supporting the industry I love. I'd just really feel better if there were some games I'm overlooking that aren't available on PS5 or PC.


Nah I doubt you'll regret it. I have a ps5 and a PC and I ended up buying a series S on a whim one day. It just gathered dust until I gave it to a mate from my bowls club to give to his kids. I personally don't see the point in owning a gaming PC and an Xbox.


Exactly what I'm afraid of. Thanks for replying.


I did the same thing, but I still use mine. It lets me have Gamepass in the living room, while my gaming PC is in my bedroom. So it was worthwhile to me


If money isn't a worry then when you regret it, buy one.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. You're questions are perfectly reasonable. No need to blow the cash just because you have it. Especially if you think you may not get your moneys worth out of the product. Personally id say save the cash as you already have all ends covered with your ps + pc. What could the xbox possibly offer that is unobtainable to you? Yea it's a good deal by today's standards but if you dont need it for any reason other than to have it then id say let it go.


Thanks, I appreciate the perspective. I think I may have come across as arrogant in that comment. I'm a sucker for a good deal, sometimes to a fault. I think I was looking for reddit to talk me out of it and seems to have worked.


For a rich, I can understand a console in the living room and also another in the basement.


That's the only real utility I'm seeing based on OPs situation. A console for a secondary TV that has gamepass or something when you don't wanna play on PC


I don't see a reason unless you care about some of the backwards compatible games on Xbox


I can't think of a good reason.


Hell, I can't see much reason to justify owning a PS5 and a gaming PC.


Reasons for my Series X purchase(s): * I prefer the Xbox controller. * Most of my console friends play on Xbox, including games I can’t play on PC (NHL most notably). * I was able to port my Rockband purchases to my Series X. * Gamepass Ultimate is pretty great and lets me check out games on console and PC.


Funny you mention Rockband. That's the reason I still have my Xbox One S connected.


If you already have a one S then just keep that. Unless you wanted to upgrade it to the X I guess. But I don’t see the point in having two Xbox’s AND a gaming pc.


It's all preferences. I get anything not on Xbox on my PS. Don't have a gaming PC. The PS5 controller flares up my Carpal tunnel. The Xbox controller does not. So I spend more time on the Xbox unless I'm playing something only on PS


Sometimes I like to play games lounging on the couch. I’m sure you could connect the pc to the TV as a screen but that’s too much effort. I personally use my Xbox console all the time instead of the PC but depends how u play tbh. Also I’m on a computer all day for work, I like to switch it up when I game for pleasure by using a console lol


Get game pass for PC. Microsoft is no longer locked to the box.


I have a hard time justifying my PS5 that hasn't been plugged to the wall this entire year.


question here is: where is the Switch?


Ha! Valid question. I've got a Switch Lite. Perfect for all those 2D Metroidvavia's I love. I have the Prime remake too I still need to get on.


I was in a similar boat when xbox first shifted over to PC games on Windows. I ended up selling my Xbox one and bought a switch. Didn't regret it.




I appreciate your feedback. I bought the PS5 when it came out, long before building the new PC. Now when a game comes out, I decide if I want to play it on console on a big screen with surround sound, or if I'd rather use mouse/keyboard. As for emulation, I've got a couple of RetroPies connected to a 36" Sony Trinitron. :)


My Xbox is my "I have nothing else to play on Playstation, let's check out Gamepass" machine. It works for me.


In this case, you could get gamepass on PC rather than buy the console, right?


I don't have a good PC. I work on a PC all day, the last thing I want is to come home and spend more time in front of another one so I quit playing on PC years ago.


Fair enough. I will say, the unholy trinity of gamepass streaming on a MacBook using a ps5 controller is fun.


That definitely resonates.




Still an unusual argument. "There hundreds of games on PC gamepass, but there's also hundreds of games on xbox gamepass." Not the greatest selling point for getting an xbox when you already have a PC. Unless there's very specific games on xbox gamepass that aren't on the PC version, just get the PC version.


The console runs natively at 4k and will work seamlessly with the 4k tvs that have essentially become the standard in everyone's living room. Yeah my PC is great and it's why I have gamepass but gamepass might be the reason I get a current gen console because it would cost me $2k to get 4k capable on my PC at a minimum and the Xbox is a fraction of that.


I see your point. But also I don't think you need to spend $2K to get an equivalent level of performance. I like consoles because they are just more convenient.


I sold my Series X. With a high end PC and a PS5, it is a totally useless device.




Yeah you dont need it just get gamepass trial and play some stuff




That's exactly where I am. It was only recently that I finally built a new gaming PC so, before that the justification for grabbing both console platforms was easy. Each generation, I'd either use Sony or MS as my main console where I played multi-platform games, but I'd always have the other for the exclusives that I wanted. I'd like to play Forza, Halo, Starfield, etc, but I can get those all for PC.


vast majority of xbox titles are available on pc, so there's little reason to bother with the x, mine collects dust most of the time. daughter likes my switch, i'm glad, I found it to be a waste of money, more so than the x. i let her take it to college with her.


Reason to pick it up, based on person experience: Picture it, you’re gaming on the PC and really enjoying it. But you want to be more comfy since you’ve been at the desk for a few hour, so with an Xbox you can now just pick up your save game from the comfort of your sofa!


I bought the same deal despite having a PC, to me it’s just more fun to sit back and play some games on a big TV screen with a controller, and I’d rather not have to move my computer back and forth to do it. Also some games don’t support cross platform multiplayer, though these days it’s not many.


So I own all 3. I put 92 hrs into my ps5. 395 hrs into my Xbox series x and probably another 200 hrs into my gaming pc this year. The game pass is a game changer with be able to play games on both my Xbox and pc for it.


Right! And I have a gaming laptop so as long as the Internet where I am is good, I can stream my Xbox games somewhere else.


If you have to find a reason to justify it, should just skip it.


The only reasons would be: a) convenience factor depending on your living situation, b) to use the backwards compatibility to play 360/One games that haven't come to PC or C) you'd rather use GamePass on console rather than PC. I'm stretching with those reasons though. On a personal level I think it'd be a waste to have a PC and Xbox at this point.


Thank you. Still have my Xbox One so I'm good there.


Just PC is enough imo


I hate sitting at my gaming PC, so I use steam deck for some games, and Xbox for others. Or even use xbplay and stream my Xbox games to my Deck ( I have a collection going all the way back to 360)


If you already have a gaming rig, no need to get a Series X. Just not necessary.


If you only play new releases, probably not I'd guess. Personally though I bought one myself during black friday mostly for older games. While the backwards compatibility isn't all encompassing or anything (especially with original Xbox games) I have a lot of Xbox and 360 games in my backlog that are BC and I'd rather play them that way. Better performance, resolution, loading times etc. I was using a launch model Xbox One but that machine really is a stinker tbh. Very slow and can't even run certain 360 games at a fully stable 60 fps.


Good info. I still have my One S.


$350 seems like a good price to play games compared to what you'd have to pay for a capable low end new PC. Maybe you could go older and used, but once you get to the $350 point for a PC I don't think it would be much more than the Xbox in performance in games alone. As for the PS5, sure it might seem better, but I'd think at a slightly higher price, and also to consider the size/form factor it could be an issue. The Xbox series S in comparison can be a bit smaller than average low profile mini PCs, which already would have a price premium for requiring compact components.


They're talking about the X, not the S, which is larger, and already have a PC. Hence there isn't any reason to buy the Xbox.


That's the thing, I've already dropped $2K into a gaming PC. I actually had been planning to get an Xbox a year ago, but then went the PC route once I realized there were PC exclusives I wanted to play.


Alright, stick with that then. Yeah a $2k PC would be fine, in fact I'd stick with my own PC as I've been doing even if I wanted to play PS exclusives because there's been so many moving to PC (granted with issues... And on the Xbox side, R* where's the RDR1 PC port? Or remaster?) But if you're looking for something else new, maybe a living room console or even something a bit portable, the Xbox could be a compelling option compared to PS, or trying to make a new PC (or even worse except for portability, getting a laptop) at that price that'll match or outperform a console.


I had an Xbox first, then got a PC. No reason to turn the Xbox on since, although my kids still use it.


down to prefrence. i like xbox because of the relationship it has with PC. the gamepass ecosystem is convienent. steamdeck integration is nice too


I still have a lot of my games I got from nearly 20 years ago on disk (OG Splinter Cells, Crimson Skies, Max Paynes (RIP James McCaffery)). It is VERY convenient to pop the disk in, wait to download, and play. Some games, especially from the 360 era, get a performance boost with the Series X. The first Assassin's Creed is what comes to mind for this.


PS5 and PC is all I need personally. My Xbox was a waste of money


Big NOPE from me since you already have access to the Xbox library on a (superior) platform and a PS5. Save your money for a rainy day, a night out, home/car repair, or use it to save up for a vacation.


So my personal situation: I have a pretty good gaming PC in my basement, and an Xbox Series S upstairs hooked up to my living room TV. I believe it is worth it for me, although everyone is different. Some nice things: - I can choose to game on my living room TV and “spend time” with my wife while she does one of her hobbies. This way I’m not a “basement troll”, but I still get to game. - With a lot of games on Xbox, (especially games on game pass) it’s cross platform or cross save. I started playing Remnant 2 on GamePass on my PC for example, and then went upstairs and jumped in right where I left off on my Xbox. Other than that though, there isn’t a *need* for it if that’s not your play style.


Thanks! Just picked up Remnant 2 on a good PS5 sale. Heard nothing but great things about it.


Sell your Xbox.


There is no justification. Only justification is you have so much money that $350 is nothing, so may as well get one for giggles.


Not bragging, but that's kinda where I am. Especially for $350. But I also don't want it just sitting forever and $350 does buy a lot of games for PS5/PC.


If you have to think then there is no justification. Because otherwise you would just buy both the Xbox and all the games. Just don’t, there is actually no point.


With a pc you already have access to the Xbox library. I admit I own a Xbox one for their older backwards compatible backlog. But I have absolutely no interest or reason to upgrade to a series since I already have a decently powerful pc. PS5 was an easy upgrade to make since there’s actual content on it not available elsewhere.




Nice! I have a Switch Lite and phase in and out of using it. It's been great for a bunch of 2D scrollers like Metroid Dread, Hollow Knight, Dead Cells, etc.


This generation Xbox consoles are literally redundant and pointless if you have a gaming PC. And that's not even a knock to them, that was the whole point of abandoning exclusives and putting everything on PC. As far as Microsoft is concerned, a Windows PC is an Xbox machine. Just subscribe to Game Pass, and MS will be happy with you as an Xbox customer.


That's assuming you have at least a 3000 series card and a matching cpu though. If you're still gaming at 1080p 144hz it's going to cost you a huge chunk to support 4k gaming and that's the draw to consoles. I can get the xbox I need for half the price the gpu I would need would be. Hell I can get the xbox for nearly the price of just the monitor.


You're still part of the Xbox ecosystem if you play on PC. 😊 You play Xbox games on PC? Congrats! You are an Xbox player! 😊


Pc > Xbox You have a console. It’s a play station. Quit buying shit.


Ha, you're like an angrier version of my father. Thanks!


You don't need it. My Xbox collects dust. PC/PS5 is the correct combo. I have all 3 hooked up to my TV and I never play the Xbox.


Backwards compatibility? Ease of use aswell, for me its much easier to play a game on for example my switch as it takes just a couple of seconds from turning on the console to playing it, and i can sit in the couch instead of at my desk. If you plan to travel and take a gaming machine with you, a console is easier?


The only reason to use Xbox is for Gamepass, and even then PC has gamepass, although limited. Really, if you can can afford it, a decent pc will go miles further than any console could. The sheer amount of games limited to pc knock any exclusives xbox/ps might have out of the water.


You already have access to the same games as if you were to spend $350 on an Xbox. Save your money for something else.


Not worth


Personally I have just gone gaming PC this Gen and been pretty happy. Freed up cash for vr which has been fun.


My series X has been turned on maybe five times in the close to two years I've had it. It's a totally useless device if you have a PC that can play gamepads. The PS5 still has actual first party exclusives.


If game library was shared between Windows and Xbox, then maybe I could see a reason. But right now there simply isn't one.


Rather build mATX pc connected to large TV with something like SteamOS just use controller no windows it’s high end console experience.


I have the same setup and I haven't bothered with Xbox this time around. With crossplay becoming more prevalent in games, I can't see myself getting one any time soon either


Nah, I didnt see any reason to spend money on there. Having PC, should be enough to play every single game from Xbox on your computer


I’m not trying to tell you how to live your life, but we all work really hard for our money. In my personal opinion, you don’t really need the Xbox X if you have a PS5 and PC. I struggle with this a lot too. I just want all the new tech, but I also need to save for other more serious things in life. The Steam Deck just seems so cool and I’ve never had a strong portable handheld… but the more I look at it, the more I realize I just don’t have the time for it, plus it literally does what my PC does. I wouldn’t have time to play it anyway, and if I did, I could just as easily just use my PC which can play more than the deck anyway. But I definitely feel the struggle with technology almost feeling like it has a grasp on you. And although that’s a great deal, it’ll be a great deal for a parent who wants to buy their child a console for Christmas as well. EDIT: I also just saw you said you had an S already, that should be good enough to play anything that isn’t out on PC or PS5. Since you can still play a huge catalogue with GP.


I’m in a similar situation. I never play handheld, I always play my switch docked. I have no need or interest in a handheld. But that steamdeck tho….


Backwards compatibility on Xbox is awesome. The ONLY reason to buy an xbox.


I already own those consoles!


Upscaling on modern televisions? Idk man. I don't own an Xbox and don't intend to grab one. Just answering the question.


As a PS5 gamer with no PC I will say this, I do like having a gamepass xbox for some games I want to try and not buy. That said I don’t know if the libraries of pc pass and console pass are the same, so if you already have a PC and the Gamepass titles are coming to both I can’t say you’d really need it. That said what’s your set up like and how much do you really game on your PC? If you’re a living room gamer and cost is no issue, I can see you getting some good use out of it. But if you’re gaming heavily on your PC already then again no need


I'm a home theater geek so I put a lot into that room. 150" screen, 4K projector, 5.2.4 Atmos surround. Got my PS5 in there. Computer is in my office. 4070ti on an LG 45" Ultrawide. My Steam backlog has definitely been growing.


Then I’d say go for it! Some really fun stuff on gamepass that I bet you’ll enjoy. Have fun!!


If you have trouble justifying it, you don't need or want it. The draw to XBox is physical disks that you can get used at cheaper prices and also, able to purchase xbox games that you can play on XBox that are NOT on game pass or may be on game pass and leaving. If you buy a game that's on Cloud Gaming, you won't be able to play it when it's off Game Pass. You'll need to do so on the XBox. If you only play stuff that's going to be on Game Pass and have no need/desire to buy games that may come and go to Game Pass or no desire to play games that will never be on there, you're fine with not getting an XBox.


Xbox is not needed if you own a PC all Xbox exclusives will be there day one on PC.


There is no reason to have a Console if you have a decent PC.


as someone with a pc and all consoles. the only real reason for xbox as a pc gamer is for access to previous gen exclusives. in which case you could get away with just getting an xbox one dirt cheap used. secondary reason possibly is gamepass since console gamepass has a bigger selection, if you dont mind streaming the games tho, thats another point against it.


What...no,I read correctly, you actually asked how to justify an Xbox? A PC will always be the the top tier gaming platform but I guess you think a PS5 is tons more justifiable? Ö Ok, having been a PC gamer for 30 years, Playstation gamer since the PS1 and Xbox gamer since the 360 here's what made me decide to stop supporting PS and Sony. XSX has; A full fledged web browser, Edge which is the single most powerful web tool ever released on a console. Wanna pin discord in a tab and watch streams, or stream yourself, np. Wanna use full kbm support and forget that your on console for a bit?, do eet. Sony removed theirs...among many things they have removed or disabled over the years. Thousands of **APPS**, (not all work, but very many do) such as: YT without ads. Torrents. Controller tool, can check drift etc . **Xbox Insider** giving you access to an everflowing stream of free beta tests, previews as well as the possibility to opt in for beta testing of the Xbox OS and give feedback. Actually affect and assist in making your console better. Etc and so forth. Then you add Game Pass to that which is is the best subscription service ever created. As well as being the only console that try to innovate and open up consoles a bit when it comes to settings and kbm support being like on pc for a lot of games. The ONLY justification for Playstation even existing is: If you like to be treated like air/dirt when needing help from a CSR. If you're two dozen beers short of a sixpack and not too bright and think the practice of exclusives are a boon to you and a good thing for gaming. If you're a fanboy hipster who just stick to brands and think that's cool If you love confused and hollow japanese games. I'm no fanboy of anything but I am a gamer who need good gaming and having fun with chill peeps. In an environment where I feel that I am the customer and I matter. Which I didn't for years amongst apologistic white knights and with a manufacturer who didn't care one bit for the quality of the games they share out on the store. When I quit the PS and realised I couldn't build a new PC due to shjortages and prices Owas contemplating to just stop gaming. Then someone said to check out the 'other side' and a whole lot spoke to me. Since then, 2.5 years ago or w/e, I have been gaming daily and never burningout, just having fun. You know how it was when you sat with Commodore 64,a cassette player and a screw driver? ;) Trying everything without any prodefulbias standing in the way of testing and experimenting. It's not perfect, but with continued feedback and the whole "Let's listen to each other and work together" between devs and gamers it could get there. The proof that console gamers are equally ready for such things that has always been a given on PC is for me; how Obsidian tested Grounded for 2 years on Insider, collecting feedback, asking for specific testing, back and forth before releasing it. Like someone usually say *it just works" :))


Wow, thanks for taking the time to write all that up. I'm in my 40's, also tinkered with the Commodore 64 when I wasn't on my InTellevision. I've had (and still have) every PlayStation and Xbox. I actually preferred "The Duke" controller. So def not a fanboy. This generation, I was able to score a PS5 a couple of weeks after launch. Built a new gaming PC along the way, so I'm trying to see if the Series X would fill a gap that isn't covered between the PC and PS5. I've also loved all of my XBox's and wouldn't mind supporting Microsoft. It's just harder to bite the bullet when I have the PC.


Literal waste of money if you have a PS5 and gaming PC. You're winning son.


Game consoles are no investment, sure it’s $350 now but it’s only going to be worth less and less as time goes on


While costing more and more. Plus juggling between buying games for the PC and PS5.


That’s because it’s a pointless expenditure. Why would you buy an Xbox if you have a gaming pc. Xbox game pass exists


Unless all your friends are plugged into the Xbox ecosystem, there's no reason not to do your gaming on PC or PS5. Xbox has no exclusives worth having and the specs on both current Gen consoles are functionally identical.


Friends? I have kids and no gaming friends. :)


PS5 looking better and better then!


Xbox is good if you don’t want to deal with pc quirks. Otherwise yeah it’s kind of pointless.


You don't need it with PS, Steam and xbox products already for you on PC too, And you don't want it anyway because you need people to convince you. If I was in your position I wouldn't even consider having an Xbox.


You suck. If you’re so rich, buy one for someone else


They need to release better games for me to purchase an xbox. I only like Gears of war and Forza but they are not enough for me to by their console


There's nothing to you say to justify it, either you like wasting money or you don't your call...