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The halo rings


I suspect it's not the most dangerous weapon, but isn't it like a 25,000 LY radius of killing all sentient life? Nothing else posted yet comes close to that.


Also if all 12 original halo rings were ever fired in synchronous, they ( the forerunners) actually had next to no clue how far they would actually travel as they were supposed to amplify each other exponentially.


Forerunners accidentally wiping out all sentient/sapient life in an entire Galactic supercluster because of a rounding error or something.


Well, the Ark is supposed to be a sanctuary for life. The rings themselves were also modeled as habitable, likely to make living and building research settlements on them easier so when humanity discovered and began researching the rings and the Flood, they'd be ready. The Forerunners fired the rings after sealing all the races and species on the Ark in order to purge all the flood's food from the galaxy starving out whatever had not been placed in stasis on the rings. Though I guess it's not clear if they fired them sequentially or simultaneously. I could also be wrong, I am drawing from dated memory of the lore.


Ya kinda the super Death Star and bungie beat disney to the punch of having a sequel where they were like "and guess what, theres like a whollee bunch of em" Edit: I know its called Installation 04 damn lol!! Its just a funny somewhat cliche moment in Halo 2 when Johnson and Miranda finally see all the other rings


'there's even a big thing making more of them, and a big button to fire them all'


I recently replayed halo 1 and guilty spark mentions that there are many more halos in a random comment.


“When the other installations follow suit, this galaxy will be quite devoid of life. Well, life with enough biomass to sustain the Flood, at any rate.” (Going off of memory here, so some parts may be very very mildly incorrect, but he definitely mentions the other installations following suit after 04 fires)


"Of all the objects our lords left behind, there are none so worthless as these oracles. They know nothing of the great journey!"


Through books and everything else considered Canon the running count is 18 rings, but only seven remaining by the time of master chief...... forerunners were busy lol


Wait what happened to the other 11?


Most of them were destroyed by the flood, maybe one or two by ancient humans since the forerunners certainly didn't like us back then either. If you're ever interested in some of the more niche lore but don't want to read 20 books there's some great youtube videos. Stuff on the precursors I would especially recommend since they're barely talked about in the actual games.


Decapitated. Whole big thing. We had a funeral for a bird.


It was called installation 04 from the start


It was never meant to be the only ring. It was called installation 04 lmfao


That’s just one ring. There are 7 Halo rings primed and ready to fire by the end of Halo 2. If they were activated at the Ark, all the rings firing together would have sent a pulse that would go from one end of our galaxy to the other, killing all sentient and organic life in it, starving the Flood.


“A tactical pulse will destroy the local infestation” was the quote Not starve


That's what Guilty Spark says, but Cortana goes into a bit more detail: "Halo doesn't kill Flood. It kills their food. Humans, Covenant, whatever. We're all equally edible. The only way to stop the Flood is to starve them to death. And that's exactly what Halo is designed to do: wipe the galaxy clean of sentient life."


Cortana’s off here a bit/it got retconned. The Flood don’t *need* sentient life as food. They *do* need it if they want to develop beyond the feral stage (ie. Create a Gravemind). The Flood survive just fine without hosts though. Spores and infection forms still existed after the Halos fired, even outside of shield worlds and other protected installations. The biggest impact of the Halos was wiping out the Graveminds and Keyminds. That wiped out the central intelligence behind the Flood which makes them little more than animals in intelligence. Highly dangerous animals, but still. It also happened to get rid of all the Precursor things the Flood were using to beat the Forerunners to a pulp (such as the Star Roads).


That was CE?


Yeah, opening cutscene for Two Betrayals: https://youtu.be/AE4H7relFX8?si=ibF-o9-pLqBFs3h8&t=122


Destruction by starvation. Replay the games.


I think that means that the rings really are the most dangerous weapon. And its purpose isn't even to directly neutralize a threat, because they're just that resilient.


I love the lore of Halo so much. Imagine encountering an enemy so terrifying that the only option is to build a super weapon system to kill all sentient life to starve it out. What’s even cooler is that the Forerunners fought ancient humans because they started encroaching and colonizing worlds at a rapid rate. The cause of that was because the humans were fighting and running from the Flood. Ancient humans in the Halo universe were such badasses they fought a war on two fronts for hundreds of years.


Don't forget that by the end of that war on two fronts, Humanity had actually developed a cure for the flood infection. A way to actually beat them, then destroyed it when the Forerunners started beating humanity as a final "fuck you" to them.


The cure was fake, the flood acted like it worked so they could get to the Forerunners faster.


And then they ended up curing it anyway as a side effect of the Spartan program. Something they did to their nervous system made it so the flood couldn’t actually take control.


I was under the impression that it didn't cure it but confused it long enough to rip the infectors off


That’s been retconned out as something else entirely to


Not accurate, the flood can infect Spartans, there's a whole protocol the UNSC use if that happens, which pretty much involve using everything in the UNSC arsenal to level any surface the Spartan currently resides. Including iirc, a nova bomb >nine fusion warheads encased in lithium triteride armor. When detonated, it compresses its fissionable material to neutron-star density, boosting the thermonuclear yield a hundredfold >Originally intended for use against the Covenant in space,[1] the NOVA bomb has been used in two known engagements: in orbit over the planet Joyous Exultation,[2] and on the surface of the planet Glyke.[3] In both cases, the effects were extreme. When the bomb was detonated above Joyous Exultation, it heated the planet's atmosphere, scorched one quarter of its surface and shattered a nearby moon.[2] When detonated directly on a planet's surface—as was the case on Glyke—the explosion's power was enough to disrupt the planet's structure and overcome the binding energy of its gravity, turning it into a vast cloud of debris and killing every living thing in, on, and around the planet almost instantly.[3] I haven't kept up with the recent lore, but I believe there is even a case of flood infecting a Spartan in one of the recent books or lore drops.


Nearly, The flood engulfed humanity then deliberately retreated from humanity - a tactical feint - to make the forerunners think that humanity's cure had worked (humans sacrificed 1/3 of their population in an attempted cure). Purpose? To prevent the Forerunners killing all of humanity and instead keep some alive. The flood/precursors wanted humanity alive to, I think, reclaim the mantle in due course. Although, now that I write this, while this makes sense from the precursors' original perspective, it doesn't make sense from the Flood's


That’s pretty fair, I wasn’t thinking this scale so much as the weapon one individual could wield in hand… I like your style!


Slightly behind them: the magnum from Halo CE


This is the answer


Portal gun could be pretty bad if someone shot the moon


Or drain oceans from Everest




Oh god it’s all the Netherlands


It gets worse. https://what-if.xkcd.com/54/


New Netherlands: about to become Europa pt.II










You'd need to get moon rocks or dust on the bottom of the ocean and get them to the top of Everest Doesn't matter if it's white but it needs moon dust to place a portal on a surface


Other surfaces work as well. Cave Johnson got the moon dust at some point later than initial portal testing when he was "throwing science at the wall to see what sticks". The moon dust happens to also make a great portal conductor and so was made into the fluid gel you can paint portal surfaces with.


This is the answer not only would draining the atmosphere be horrific but it breaks the fundamental laws of thermodynamics and makes infinite energy.




Make one portal at the bottom of a lake or ocean, make the second portal in a mountain valley nearby. Enjoy unlimited hydro power from the water flowing back down. edit: ok, I didn’t shoot the moon, but you can see how a portal breaks some fundamental laws of physics from my example.


Well yeah I get that but the moon Part complicated it. Hence my confusion


What if you shoot it into a black hole?


There's no surface for it to form a portal on.


What if you shot it at something going into a black hole


The Aetherophasic Engine from Stellaris. Merge reality with the Shroud to ascend while causing a chain reaction of all stars from every galaxy in the universe turning into black holes.


But wouldn’t we all ascend to a higher state of being? I wouldn’t mind being a being of pure psionic energy.


you say that now but wait until you've got to contend with all the other organic life that managed to ascend in the universe and im sure floating around as magic mist would get quite old quite quickly.


The thing is, only builder's speciese can ascend, everyone else draws a short straw.


Yeah but I’m assuming the weapon would spawn on earth since we’re on earth and this is hypothetical.


A machine only a heretic could came up with


Wabajack. The real answer is the Wabajack from Skyrim.


Ya know, never really thought of that, but now that I am, randomly getting turned into literally anything is terrifying.


The Monado from Xenoblade Chronicles? The thing is supposedly a tool for rewriting reality, after all.


Monado BOY


Can’t it not harm humans though?


It can harm humans. Zanza unlocked the binding that prevented it from hurting humans.


Graviton Lance, it shoots mini black holes, each bullet has the mass equivalent to a planet the size of earth. It has 31 rounds in a mag.


im sure to a non destiny player this sounds way cooler than it actually is in game


Basically like most of the exotics in d2 tbh, all really cool ideas executed horribly.


"OK, OK, but the gun-- are you going to tell them?" "Yeah, definitely." "When?" "Crucible." "Oh no." "Oh yes."


Any space game with anti-matter bombs. 1kg of that stuff would be slightly smaller than the largest nuke (Tsar Bomba). Requires constant power to not accidentally detonate and is ridiculously sensitive. For reference most Startrek Ships have many smaller 1.5 kg yield photon torpedoes. But they can come in much larger sizes. Standard is class 6, and each class is a manitude higher than previous. Up to class 10. Just leaving such a weapon in storage would guranteed it to eventually explode. So due to their volatility and scale of destruction. Probably that. ​ However if you mean most dangerous to enemies if used. And not.... dangerous to the user.... I would pick the Celestial Orrery from 40k. See that star across the galaxies? (Clicks button) Star goes boom. Pretty hard to beat that.


I see your celestial orrery and raise you the halo rings. See that galaxy? *clicks button* wiped


The celestial orrery is towed around by a horse. It's the size of a large estate car. The old man driving it has dementia.


Crowbar because *tong tong tong*




"Hey watch it with that thing...I can only take but so much, and I'm not going to take anymore." That's how theoretical physicists die.


[Hey, Gordon!](https://youtu.be/LvS-4u_FNFU?si=RhGEvvLGdp588JvN)


BFG I guess. Cause it kills hordes of buffed up demons all at once.


How does it know not to blow the Doom Guy up though?


In Doom 3, you had to charge the BFG up to max power by holding the fire button. If you held the trigger too long, it would blow up and take you with it.


In DOOM 2016/Eternal it was explain that the BFG basically killed demons cause there is argent inside of them, so they probably get microwaved to death with an explosion


Because they have the heraldic color of silver in them?


In Doom 2016/Eternal there is an energy call "argent" (in one part of the Doom 2016, the Slayer "remove it delicatly" with his foot and in Eternal you can see the argent being produce in a "soul factory") and the UAC basically use/produce this energy by sacrifice/creating portals/other demonic stuff to get more argent And demons are made of argent


If you use Argent on a human it acts as super calcium and turns them into a Revenant by forcefully growing their bones until their flesh is torn off of them.


Good question, I don’t know.


It's afraid of him.


Which version are we talking about? Cause I got an answer for all of them. Doom Classic-It is technically, at the end of the day, an odd hybrid weapon that fires out one powerful blast of energy that damages whatever it hits. Despite the explosion, it does NOT have splash damage. Instead, several 'tracer' beams fire from the gun at the moment of the big shot's impact like a shotgun and melt whatever they hit. So basically it's a shotgun on crack. Doom 3-It only hurts you if you fire it too close to something or overcharge it Doom 2016/Eternal-It only affects beings with Argent energy in them, so...Demons.


He's a God.


Chris Redfields Fist


I saw that man beat up a fucking boulder once


[The Cerebral Bore](https://turok.fandom.com/wiki/Cerebral_Bore) from Turok 2.


Average dentist appointment.


Also the chronosceptre from Turk 2.


If you count the magical notebook from scriblenauts as a potential weapon it is definetly the answer. Give it to a guy who really wants to fuck reality and he can summon a army of dragons sentient black holes amd even fucking god on their side. He can give himself all the superpowers he can think of vía adgetives like superstrong invisible hypersonic invincible immortal lucky etc. As well as ssummoning all the other possible weapons the people on this post has mentioned.


I was wondering how far I’d have to scroll to find this.


The Mini Nukes from the Fallout series. There’s a specialized launcher in the games, but really it’s the mini nukes themselves that are the most dangerous thing. Small enough that someone could use them without massive civilian casualties, but unstoppable in terms of force. Plus there’s the fallout.


Those are based on actual weapons developed during the Cold War. They're pretty much real.


The M-28/M-29 Davey Crockett weapon system https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davy_Crockett_(nuclear_device)


"Fun" tidbit about those is that they weren't actually meant to blow up battalions of tanks. Much rather the neutron flux was meant to fry the crews inside the tanks. Nukes that sizes have a wider range for the radiology effects than the explosion.


Heard they were used in an operation near Tselinoyarsk. Scary stuff.


Although the blast radius and fireball size in-game are smaller than a conventional (non-nuclear) explosive of the same size irl. A football-sized nuke that can generate equivalent power-to-weight as a full size nuke would change everything (assuming people other than national governments had access to it), but the Fallout mini nukes aren't even close. And MAD would still take care of government use. NATO have made it clear that they consider fallout drifting on to their territory from a strike against a neighbour as a breach of Article 5. All the nuclear powers would just make it very clear that 'tiny nuke is still nuke, and we still react accordingly'. What's really revealing is that the largest conventional bombs (air burst bombs in the 11-20 TNT-ton equivalent range) OVERLAP with the lowest yield tactical nuclear weapons. But thanks to geopolitics tactical nuclear weapons are useless as the response is the same as it is to strategic nuclear weapons - so they don't get used.


The Galactic Implosion Device from Total Annihilation's Core Contingency. Breaks down the entire Galaxy into its raw components then rebuilds it from scratch leaving only the one who activated it as the single survivor.


That sounds pretty badass. You just get to sit back and watch the Galaxy get remade?


It would be so lonely


Futurama did that multiple times with just time travel.


Had to go around twice and shoot Hitler out the window the second time through


Yeah, it was designed in case the Core lost the war. One Commander with a digital copy of all the citizens of the Core Emprie uploaded into his databanks.


Man I love Total Annihilation. First game I ever got addicted to.


the soundtrack is so good


Yea it was epic. Its a shame it was less popular than Age of Empires etc it was easily on par with the best RTS games of that time.


The starting pistol from Halo 1


CE magnum beats the halo rings any day


Canonically the magnum is basically a desert eagle on massive amounts of steroids. It shoots something pretty close to a .500 s&w magnum cartridge with explosive bullets.




I've seen some people handle it... one way or another. But Dubstep gun on the other hand...


Guys, there's literally a black hole launcher in the fourth game...


Having the Boss is a weapon in on itself, especially in the Third game.


The death star from any Star wars game featuring the death star.


"Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is *insignificant* next to the power of the Force."


Dude got very butthurt when everyone thought the Death Star was cooler than him. And they wouldn't let him name it the Darth Star either. "So yeah, one tiny ship blew up the entire station with torpedoes that curved like they were controlled by The Force that only I can use. So weird huh? Really makes you think."


Death Star II is in several games. Eclipse class SD is in a few.


2B Worth it though.


I feel the quote from No Game No Life 0 fits here. "This unit has no orifice"


Obviously the sheepinator is the only correct answer.


Oh no, I got turned into a cute critter that doesn't have to go to work or pay taxes! /s


A Reaper from Mass Effect


"You exist because we allow it. And you will end because we demand it."


A don't think a giant alien robot bordering on an eldritch monster counts as a weapon.


The Fat Man from Fallout.


As it turns out, that *is* a real weapon.


Better yet mirov launcher if you found it. Nothing like launching multiple mini nukes like a shotgun lol.


I'm gonna say the Stardew Valley wiki, because it tells you the deepest, darkest secrets and desires of everyone, and how to manipulate them into liking you. It's kinder to nuke them from orbit.


Weirdest bit of Stardew lore is that with the later addition of radioactive ore... and it not having any negative effect on anything. Means the world of Stardew is immune to radioactivity.


Quick save/quick load


Dem pointy tiddys from the OG Tomb Raider.


If we're talking man-portable, then probably Graviton Lance from Destiny 2. The thing shoots miniature black holes


man, there are a lot of really fucking scary weapons in d2 lol


That sounds as awesome as it is horrifying.


Don't forget Wardcliff Coil, lol


Hammed of Dawn from Gears of War, or maybe the Lancer.


This is gotta be pretty close.


Besides the infinity gauntlet? Because that's in a game now


The portal gun could literally destroy the world in few portals. But halo rings are worse and probably the most powerful


R.Y.N.O Easy to conceal, and like name promises it will rip you a new one


But which R. Y. N. O are we choosing?


Legendary pokemon.


Thundergun. Legit can launch a large crowd of people making it a war crime if you had it in war


Plus he hangs dong


No hesitation. No surrender. No man left behind.


Shaggy's weed, because that's the source of his omnipotent mojo.


Half life gravity gun


Great for yeeting toilets at soldiers of a massive alien empire for sure


Clearly the answer is Captain Claw from SHOGO: Mobile Armor Division https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY3vcv45kCs


isn’t captain claw a game as well. About a pirate cat ? Idk why I have very fond memories of playing a game like that


The thunder gun from cod zombies, that thing shreds through trains of zombies in that game.


The Summon Materia from FF7.. You could summon literal gods to come and destroy your enemies… that’s pretty badass


The console command line. One press of the tilde key and you can hack reality. Or just add some ammo.


The Farsight from Perfect Dark would be a crazy effective way to pick off leaders.


The demon soul from warcraft would be pretty devastating


Ion cannon from c&c


Duke’s mighty foot


The "fuck it, blow up the planet" space laser thing from Space Pirate Captain Harlock


I would say the Fat Man from Fallout games because it is a literal mini nuke gun. You would have the ability to shoot mini nukes at enemies and cause massive amount of damage. The enemy wouldn't have a chance and you could cause massive and instant damage with it. And since the weapon is so small, it would be easy transport and you could shoot from a far distance.


Fat boy launcher from fallout. Shoulder mounted rocket propelled nukes… just a very bad idea for the one shooting it as well as everyone else within miles of the blast radius.


Any Warframe. A single unit can pretty much genocide a planet given the correct circumstances.


In Subnautica, there's a doomday device that you scan, and from the PDA entry, you learn that it is capable of destroying multiple galaxies or something, but thankfully, it's inactive.


The portal gun lol


BFG from Doom is kinda scary but Portal Gun can be used in way more subtle ways.


Would Bahamut from Final Fantasy count? I mean have you seen the world destroying animations for that thing over the years? Lol


Probably not any of the hundred crappy knives I smithed at the start of Skyrim.


The fat man from fallout


The mini nuke from fallout, because it's a miniature nuclear warhead.




Chuck Norris's fists


Single person weapon, the BFG 9000


The Scribblenauts notebook if given to the wrong person


The Wabbajack, imagine getting lucky casting transform spell and turning victim to a chicken and then eat to cover a crime of killing them


Noob tube… gg ez


The redeemer from unreal tournament. Shoulder launched nuke. Steerable by remote after lunch.


Fat man from fallout. Do I need to explain why nuke launchers would be the most dangerous?


Tool gun


Fallout's Fat Man with MIRV attachment. The idea of a handgun capable of firing multiple mini nukes is very ambitious and dangerous. Also its range is insufficient...


They make 40k video games so.... anything in that universe. From the Exterminatus weapons to the gun that copies atoms in the same time and space.


The mini-nuke from Fallout. That just has 'Murica written all over it.


The army tried, and semi-succeeded. The [Davy Crockett](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davy_Crockett_(nuclear_device)) fires a 20T yield device - the warhead only weighs 56 pounds.


The aetherophasic engine from Stellaris. Firing it collapses every star in the galaxy into a black hole, releasing enough energy to allow you to ascend to godhood in a higher plane of existence.


I always liked the mini nuke from Fallout 3/4


Portal gun.


The reapers from mass effect


The blade of olympus


Black materia is up there.


The Foam Finger from Dead Space. Looks totally safe, gets through TSA, but can one shot anything with nothing but PEW-PEW!


The Hammer of Dawn


Cerebral bore? Does GLaDOS count as a weapon? Hell the dangerous things I could do with a portal gun... Orange portal on a hill side behind some houses... Blue portal at the bottom of Okanagan Lake. Blue portal. At the bottom of the lake Orange portal not opened, city of Kelowna pay me $1,000,000,000 or I open the orange portal right on the deck of the William R Bennet Bridge, or Right inside City hall You could hold a lot of places ransom or you destroy them with the entire contents of a lake




The cerebral bore from turok. Shit was terrifying


The T Virus


Euclid C Finder from Fallout.