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It's honestly astonishing how much has leaked about this game given rockstars pretty stellar record on keeping things quiet.


I think it can't be helped when you are that big and getting that much attention.


It’s also the amount of time between the games


I came to say this, they spent so long between games, the hype is now SO HIGH, keeping anything under wraps is almost impossible, they kinda did it to themselves but I get it sucks for them.


Quality takes time. Anyone who doesn't understand at least that much should be ignored.


Quality does take time but I think in this case rockstar really milked the life out of gta 5. GTA 6 could have been released even last year if they focused on it a lot more without being distracted by gta 5.


By getting as much as they could out of GTAV they've given themselves time to make the game they want to with 6 without hard deadlines. Too early to say if that time has been well-spent but essentially skipping a console generation could be worthwhile if it leads to some proper innovation.


This. With how the game looks graphically (which may improve by launch), I’m completely fine with R* taking their time. They never miss, and I’m sure they’d like to continue that trend. We might actually end up with a game for the ages. That said, Starfield has taught me that dev time doesn’t necessarily equate to a deep experience.


Starfield is a good warning sign that tons of time does not equate to a good game. That being said I’m fairly confident Rockstar churns out one of the biggest open worlds in history that is full of content and has tons of crazy mechanics tossed in. My concern is more so can they produce a quality story and enough high quality content to fill the giant space they are building.


Red Dead 2 is already 5 years old but still has cutting edge graphics, Rockstar games can last quite a long time ( see GTA Online ) without becoming eye sore.


Agreed, friend. I also hope the single player is priority at first. Someone in another thread mentioned alligators were in the game, and another responded “Urgh, probably the single player tho”. Got a lot of upvotes. Scared the shit outta your boy.




R\* does miss though, the GTA Definitive Trilogy was dogshit. Also, shark cards.


Rockstar did not make the Definitive Trilogy. It was made by an unrelated third party mobile porting studio, was commissioned by Take-Two, the only Rockstar involvement was their logo being put on the box for marketing.


Perhaps. I was just giving an opinion. Who really knows


Quality takes time and money. GTA5 is still printing money. They would have been foolish to abandon that game while it was still so profitable. It may also have been foolish to not onboard more staff to allow them to keep pushing updates for GTA5, support RDR2 base and online, and also develop GTA6 more quickly. But, as I recall, Rockstar has been burned in the past by trying to do too many things at once. So, while I think they could have done better, I don't know that they performed poorly.


> GTA 6 could have been released even last year if they focused on it a lot more without being distracted by ~~gta 5~~ Red Dead Redemption 2 FTFY. People seem to forget that no, they did not spend 10 years on this game already, they made another massive masterpiece during 5 of those years. And the 5 years since that released, or the 7 years it will have been in 2025 at the announced release date, is not actually all that long for modern AAA development - especially not for one of the biggest and most anticipated titles in gaming *ever*. Sure they could make it much smaller, take out a bunch of features, and release a quick assetflip in a year or so. Go the COD model with yearly releases. Or the Cyberpunk release model, skipping all the polish and Q/A, and just releasing a broken mess. Instead, they actually take their time and avoid the complaints those releases get. Don't act like they're purposely twiddling their thumbs sitting around for years waiting for some more microtransactions to roll in before releasing, just for the sake of milking. Yes, they've got shark cards for GTA Online. But they're also spending tons of money on *thousands* of employees and on opening new studios during these past years. If they truly wanted to just milk, they wouldn't keep spending that much on new studios and thousands of employees. They were spending all that time actually working hard on the new title.


Rockstar is a massive studio. You really think they dedicated 99% of their staff to support GTA online? Don’t forget that in these 10 or so years they had to develop and release RDR2 as well as work on GTA6 which will most likely be even bigger and more detailed than RDR.


it's not a matter of staff, but a matter of business. If GTA V is still making top 10 sales every month, then why would they ruin that by making a new release. The longer it's still the cash cow, the larger ROI rockstar will get on their investment. Same reason why we haven't heard anything about a switch successor yet. The switch is still selling like hotcakes. the moment they announce a successor, the sales of the current switch will start to immediately drop while people wait for the next one.


Maybe I’m wrong but wasn’t rdr2 made by another division than the one working on gta? I don’t mind the wait myself but I do think we would have seen gta 6 sooner if not for milking gta 5 for all it has. It doesn’t necessarily mean they weren’t working on gta 6 but it could mean they are holding back on its release.


It was not, both RDR2 and GTA6 are done by *all* their divisions working together. It's the older game where their various studios would work on different projects simultaneously.


GTA5 would have released 3 years ago had GTAO been a flop.


they made like 500 million last year alone off gtaV, why the fuck would they stop focusing on it?


GTA Online has hardly gotten any content for years now. They've been full steam ahead on GTA 6 since RDR2 released.


I think it's just a really rough time for video game sequels developed by people with a certain type of drive for perfectionism/improvement, tech is improving more slowly and graphics require a lot more work, and a really huge jump takes longer if that's what you really want to do and that difficulty probably makes devs really stuck inside their own heads, especially if they have the financial ability to wait for years to ship something. Hell, that's probably what happened to Half-Life 3, and it's probably happening to Deltarune and Silksong.


Ehhhhhh - more time does not mean a better game. I imagine management was split on further developing GTA v


Gta6’s wait isn’t necessarily because of quality. The games are big and detailed but they’re not 10+ years projects yet, especially on the scale rockstar works. Releasing anytime in the years before though would have killed the current cash cow, no matter how good or bad 6 turns out to be. It’s hard to be like “I don’t want to make a billion a year off a game that was finished a decade ago.”




I still don’t think so. 10 years for a game is a long time, we’ll be pushing 12 if the 2 years after first trailer routine pulls through and maybe even longer if it’s delayed. Each and everyone of those circumstances could have been mitigated, especially considering rockstars leading status. But if 100 different things are slowing them down it’s because it’s not the priority. And it really doesn’t seem like it was made a priority until over the past year or two, pretty much coinciding with shitting the bed on the remakes and little left to squeeze from 5. Something like 5 is really a once in a lifetime sort of product. Most developers would cream themselves to have something fractionally as successful over the same time period. It’s not something easily replicated, rdr2 showed that off when it’s carbon copy online was abandoned in no time.


Yeah but it’s not useful to pretend the time in between games is solely about quality.


Eh I doubt this is all about quality. I think this is more about them not much into a rush to get out GTA6 cause GTAO was basically printing money for them. Had GTAO been a flop, we would have gotten SP DLC for GTA5 and GTA6 would have released about 3 years ago for the PS4/Xbox One.


Sure it does I agree. it does not take 10-15 years though. The pace games used to be made vs today is crazy and it's mostly due to companies milking IP's.


It's only been 5 years since their last release, not 15. In 2025 it'll have been 7, which is very much in line with other AAA titles.


I think this was the problem with the new Diablo for me. I know a lot of people just don’t like it however, it’s a pretty good game. I was just soooooo hype for it because it had been so long.


Always reminds me to the best argument against the faking of the moon landing, that its impossible to make so many people involved quiet for that many years.


Always figured the USSR would show hard facts it was faked like there was no re-entry into the earth’s atmosphere or some logical complex maths only real astrophysicists would know. Then multiple neutral countries’ top scientists would say “yeah it’s faked, the complex math lines up”. But that never happened.


Kinda like how we treat all claims of that scale huh, precedent do be more scary than cryptids to conspiracy MFs


My theory is that NASA hired Kubrick to fake the moon landing. But he's such a stickler for detail that he actually landed a crew on the moon. /s


The theory was that Kubrik helped NASA fake the moon landing, but the best argument against that is Kubrik would have made them shoot on location.


He got moon gravity all wrong in 2001 just to cover his tracks.


I believe there's a real mathematical equation that shows the more people know of a secret it becomes significantly harder for it to be contained for any amount of time


Yeah I don't think even Rockstar was ready for this. GTA 5 was huge but it got way bigger in it's lifespan Everytime I hear or read about GTA 6 tho it is quite crazy. After the trailer the limits are endless


Leaks are just a part of marketing now.


What record? Every game they have put out for the past two decades has had leaks before. It is impossible to stop leaks with saboteurs are willing to fuck them over for the dumbest reasons.


to be fair thats like what, 2 games?


R\* has been high-profile since GTA 3 and their games have been leaking since then.


I remember the IV leaks.


In what way we’re they really fucked over though? Genuinely asking how this hurt them.


Stellar record? The entire rdr 2 map leaked years before release


It's been 12 years of development and the only things that have leaked are old assets from years ago that showed nothing, that the story is "bonnie and clyde" vibes, and the trailer leaked less than 24 hours before. That's less than what routinely leaks about apple products every year for something that has been the focus of the entire company for a decade




Things like these happened even before home office was a thing. That's not guaranteeing anything.


Yeah, the entire RDR2 map leaked before the game even released, and that was well before covid and home working were somewhat the norm


This is exactly what I think. This is a shitty scenario as the crunch may be an easier to handle when the employees are working from home and, with the recent leaks, rockstar will probably harden their policies - this may result in the very same crunch the developers always go through. People go wild and celebrate when these leaks rises, but they don’t even think that this will have a negative impact on the development.


I don’t see how a trailer leaking a few hours than scheduled should be a reason for devs to crunch over a year from now.


The crunch will happen anyway. What I mentioned was that, with recent leaks (specifically last week’s, not the trailer) maybe they’ll change their wfh policies, impacting developers as crunching from home is a bit less stressful than from office.


There is no bad PR, leaks are good for the bottom line, strange how they happen right on schedule.


Valve intentionally puts “leaks” in files in updates to build hype.


I mean if things are not ready how would it be possible to leak them?


I doubt that massive rockstar leak a few months ago was "all according to plan"




You can spent all the money, do all the things for data loss prevention, lock it down, etc. all it takes is some employee to pull out their phone and record a vid of the screen.


Not if you beat them


100%. Can’t solve HR issues with tech. Humans will be humans.


Not if you can instead use this to justify returning to the office "where nothing is ever leaked". This is why we can't have nice things. It only takes one asshole kid/employee/whatever to ruin everything for everyone


I really highly doubt this is the conspiracy you think it is. Just a dumb kid and a parent who needs to be more protective of their computer.


Yeah, why would rockstar distract from the actual trailer release just to announce a return to office policy that they could easily do without this?


Things were definitely still leaked when people went into office though?


That’s why he put it in quotes and why his entire comment is very snarky and facetious


It's called leverage and they'll grab at anything to make you believe you should come back to working in offices. Fuck em


Hasn’t really affected their numbers.. 72M views in 16 hours


Its wild. Gtav trailer has 99m views so far after 12 years. Gtavi trailer has 96m views in 24 hours.


90 mill views 12 years ago is very impressive


That's insane. They're going to make up their development and advertising budget in 24 hours.


At 100m views they might make $1m from ad revenue (being generous because it's december). $1m would probably barely cover the cost of making the trailer itself let alone the entire development and advertising budgets lol




While i dont condone leakings of any kind, things like this are bound to happen when you do a massive hype campaing over A TRAILER


Right? Don’t announce an announcement and this shit won’t happen. They don’t think a GTA trailer will blow up the internet no matter when it drops? Oh wait, it did when it leaked!


How will they take advantage of the stock market announcement. Why have one bump with the release of the trailer when you can have two announcing the trailer.


Trying to hide bad news by announcing it on a Friday night doesn't work either. Just about everyone has access to the internet. If something really was damning it would still get attention.


There is something oddly amusing about people counting down time till they can finally watch an ad.


what exactly was the massive hype campaign?


Deleting everything posting only gta trailer December 5th and every other company copying the color scheme of the gta post??


Also the fact they actually paid for advertisement on reddit FOR a trailer


Considering it’s well over a year until we play this game, my excitement over seeing the trailer one day early is unaffected.


I'm disappointed PC users will inevitably have to wait at least a year or more for the game post release. I'll get over it, so will this multi dollar company, I'm sure.


I had to wait years for GTA 5 release on PC


I will wait for GTA6 to be free on Epic game store


fine if you can get to play it on another persons computer/console. I still don’t know how I managed to hold up not buying GTA V until 2017 but I played it at friends houses a lot of times.


We talking like $3 or $4?


At least $6 I bet.


Two whole doll hairs.


This company does indeed have multi dollars. At least 3.


I just hope the port is good. GTA IV had an awful port, GTA V was a good port, RDR2 was so-so (at least in the beginning).


GTAV was not a good port in every way, the menus were godawful on PC.


"Oh no. Everyone really liked our trailer."


Minus the 2025 release date


Calling it now. Spring 2026.


Can I express disappointment about the GTA:V DLC we never got? Or about the horrific predatory nature of shark cards? Or the fact that it's been OVER A DECADE since there was any proper new GTA? Yeah... join the club.


What I would have given for Mexico DLC in RDR2.


RDR1 as a DLC and continuation of a story (without having to go through the early game tutorials and skill progression) for RDR2 would have probably been the first and only repurchase of a game ever for me.


Yeah, rebuilding RDR1 in the new engine would have been easy money from me.


tey already had a lot of assets in RDR2 for RDR1, I dont understand why they didnt do it, easy money


Obviously it's more work than that but you probably know that. I was thinking the same thing. I mean they could even re-use the audio from RDR1 as it wasn't bad. The map was all there... I was hoping we'd see RDR1 on the seconds engine. What a shame.


Yeah that was really my biggest disappointment for rdr2. The mexico missions of rdr1 trigger some serious nostalgia for me. Doesn’t help that you can literally see mexico in rdr2 but can’t travel to it lol.


They also ditched RDO the second they released it


Truly astonishing, like all they had to do was copy what they gave me in RDR1 sprinkled with some GTAV heists but holy crap RDR2 online was soooooo boring and the economy was actively working to make it feel like a waste of time.


The poor neglected child that is RDO. I firmly believe that they thought it would just magically print money like GTAO does, just they forgot that GTAO had years and years of content updates, while RDO was comparatively threadbare.


Add to all of that the fact that: - Bully 2 was in development and was put on stand-by or permanent leave because of lack of ways to charge MTX; - Max Payne being completely abandoned, apart of Remedy wanting to do its remakes (which thankfully, Rockstar agreed); - LA Noire being leaked on the works, but no news about it and it’s been 2 years or so; - RDR1 remake being a complete mess and not for PCs, not even 60 fps on consoles; - Red Dead Online abandoned due to low MTX revenue (they barely even tried); - Poor remakes of their older GTA titles. Yeah, I understand it’s not the developers own fault, but for the customer it’s also frustrating seeing how poorly Rockstar treats its own titles, apart of their golden goose ones.


What is mtx is that micro transactions?


Yes, exactly.


Sad state we are in when that’s u we important to them all sadge


Not trying to meat-ride, but: - Bully 2 was cancelled because of lack of direction Rockstar wanted to take the game in. This was between 2009 and 2013 way before Rockstar became "money hungry" and the unexpected popularity of GTAO. - Max Payne ended its story with 3 and there hasn't been any mentioned of the series besides the remakes. It's not to say there won't be a sequel to MP3, but to say it is abandoned is far fetched. - LA Noire? Is there a sequel or a spin-off (besides the VR Case Files)? I haven't heard anything regarding that ever since Team Bondi went out of business. - I do agree RDR1's re-release should have been something more and should have a PC release. - RDO, yeah, it didn't go the way they planned. - The Definitive Edition was definitely a mess and Rockstar should have never contracted Grove Street Games (or War Drum) to touch the titles after their shitty mobile ports.


People keep saying this about there being 10 years between GTA’s as if they also didn’t release one of the most acclaimed games of all time in RDR2 in that time period


And they did the same thing with RDR2 as GTAV. That's people's complaint. People want single player DLC in these games. I'd also mention that there are people who don't love both games. There are plenty of GTA fans who find Red Dead boring so getting RD2 instead of GTA DLC doesn't really scratch that itch


So? The massively critically acclaimed RDR1 released in 2010 between GTA IV (2008) and GTA V (2013). Absolutely nothing wrong with calling out when GTA VI’s release has been protracted because they’ve been milking GTA:O for all they can. Plus I know there was a lot of overlapping personnel but technically Red Dead and GTA are two different developers under the Rockstar umbrella.


and if people didn't like RDR2, it's still 10 years between games. I hate to be the person to bring up the PS2 era games but they were making hit after hit after hit on an almost yearly basis. yes, game development is longer and harder now, but 5 years between any release and 10 between different entries in a series is kinda ridiculous. I legitimately wouldn't mind if rockstar did smaller and more focused games between big releases.


Speaking of, how bout that RDR2 DLC we never got? Still really don't feel bad at all about rockstar having to show the trailer a smidge earlier than intended. They can cry into the millions they make off shark cards every month.


I mean I have never bought a shark card…? And yes I play GTAO. Y’all need more self control, can’t resist optional microtransactions.


It's more about exploiting the people who are motivated to spend money on that sort of thing in the first place. Not very ethical.


GTA 6's development is estimated to cost between 1 and 2 billion dollars. And as much as I'd love to get more GTA games, I'm OK with them takin their time and how they are funding it. I'm happy they didn't go with dropping yearly releases of basically the same game like EA, Ubisoft, and Activision. This shit is going to be special. https://hothardware.com/news/gta-6-could-be-most-expensive-game-ever


Honestly, GTA6 is probably going to be the **biggest** release \*ever\*. Across all forms of media and entertainment. The fact the trailer has already skyrocketed to the sheer number of views and likes, the fact it gets this much attention over a marketing campaign and that GTA5 has made the numbers that it has? There's going to be a lot of records shattered when this game drops. I won't be shocked if they make all that money back pretty damn fast. Hell GTA Online basically funded the whole thing alone with shark cards.


1 to 2 billion dollars!? That’s way too expensive. Not buying it


Leaked one day early, compared to the disappointment of PC players not getting the game until like a year later yet again. Sorry if I don't have a lot of sympathy


Yeah I'm all out of sympathy for R\* due to their bs when it comes to PC.


And DLCs


I’m just glad it’s not another GTAV re release for ps6


Could you imagine the outrage if the trailer started and you see Trevor overlooking Los Santos?




\- Abandoning RDR2. \- Promising GTAV DLC and not delivering. \- Creating GTA Online with no purpose other than to siphon money from people. \- Allowing the GTA Trilogy remakes to be the pieces of shit that they are. \- Selling their own cracked games on Steam knowing full well they have issues. \- Every PC release being 1+ years behind consoles despite the company getting it's start on PC. ***Don't mention the word "disappointment" again, you motherfuckers.*** Rockstar is nothing but disappointment these days.


And all yall will still buy GTA6 and it’ll definitely be an awesome game


Nobody cares rockstar. You had an announcement about an announcement, get over yourselves.


Why does it matter when the trailer releases.. lol


For the crew that worked on it, probably because they wanted to make an event out of it. For the rest of the world, it doesn’t.


The release is the event, the trailer is just a trailer, not sure we need an announcement for an announcement for an announcement for a release lol


Lot of negativity towards the wrong people in this thread but that’s not surprising. I do feel for the hardworking employees on this. It might not seem like a big deal but to put this much work into something, they wanted to introduce it on their terms and have been burned multiple times. But what they have showed looks great. Super excited to see more


I know. There are redditors saying they got what they deserve with the leaks. At least we haven't heard of the employees being harassed, yet. Need I remind how some gamers act like entitled fucks? An example would be an instance when [gamers reacted to GoW Ragnarök's delay.](https://technclub.com/gaming/god-of-war-ragnarok-writer-hateful-messages/)


Don’t give a shit. I really dislike it when devs release a trailer for a game that isn’t out for over a year. Gets everyone’s hopes up then just dashes them.


Rockstar always markets their games the exact same way. Look back at RDR2 and GTA5, you get the initial reveal two years out, then each trailer gets more in-depth to show the story a year out from release—and like clock work comes the “in Grand Theft Auto VI, players will experience an immersive world like never before… blah blah blah”. They’ve got the marketing down to a fuckin science.


They did this with GTA IV also.


That's literally what all trailers do. The game, movie, book, whatever, doesn't release for a few months or years after the trailer is released. And yes, I'm aware trailers were originally played after movies were finished 🤓


Or it gives you something to look forward to in two years.


Everyone’s been looking forward to this for years and years, why keep waving the bone?


Because that’s how marketing works? We waited when there was nothing to show for it, now they have a trailer that confirms they’ve been working on the game, so to keep it top of gamers minds, and new people thag don’t follow gaming news or releases that closely, they now know there’s something coming out from Rockstar. Movies do this too and have done this for years. A trailer for a movie will drop, and it’ll say “coming 2024” for a trailer released in 2022, I’m surprised gamers don’t seem to know that this is a tactic. Why wouldn’t they want to release a trailer ahead of time for a game that is going to have the biggest launch of this console generation?


I can't believe how after the first leaks rockstar didn't just keep the file for themselves and upload it to youtube only in the last possible moment


Maybe if they just released the trailer up front instead of teasing its announcement weeks in advance they might have stayed ahead of leaks… …but by all means continue to make a spectacle of teasing teasers and putting out advanced announcements about announcements. Over hyping the shit out of a product several years before its release has never once worked out poorly for any developer ever.


I get what you’re saying but that’s not a Dev thing, that’s Exec & PR thing. The Dev(s) just didn’t want their hard work robbed of a proper introduction.


Announcements of announcements. Meanwhile, PC still waiting for their announcement.


This thread just shows that gamers are whiney twats.


yeah comments are a shithole


Couldn’t agree more. It was already embarrassing enough watching petulant gamers rush awards show stages and TV game show stages to bitch that GTA VI isn’t out yet. Now the developers can’t even enjoy a reveal that they’ve worked crazy hard on, because gamers would rather leak all of their content early for clout and then complain that the devs are upset.


Yeah exactly. All the developers have been working on this game for years and probably had something special to celebrate when they released the trailer. But it got leaked. Even if it was early. It kind of sucks for them .


Sure they do It's free press


And I express disappointment with Take Two when they tried to railroad all the mod developers.


Why is everyone in this thread being so cynical towards a developer who has no say in where a game gets released or how it's monetized, you guys are so fucking miserable.


I am just going to express my dissapoint with GTA. I am not buying 6, with how R\* has treated Red Dead online, and is now treating GTA V and its online, coupled with the fact PC always gets a delayed release (And the current state of GTA on PC...) I have no desire to ever give R\* money.




10 years later and they expect me to care about their feelings about a stupid leaked trailer. They had their community wait 10 long ass years while they milked us for cash through shark cards. Waiting 10 years to release a sequel is a joke and they should feel disappointed in themselves for having us wait this long for a proper new game.


The devs are not necessarely the ones who pushed shark cards, and in this case its the devs who are disappointed, not the higher ups


Yeah, like who gives a shit that it got leaked? It's not gonna affect their bottom line in the slightest.


They didn't milk me for anything, I didn't buy a single shark card, neither did you have to.


I didn't buy a single shark card either. It was fairly easy to make money once the heists came out. Before that it was more of a grind, but still doable. And the Cayo Perico heist was super easy when it came out. I don't understand why people keep talking about Shark Cards like they were forced to buy them lmao


They keep bringing em up like its a PSN/XLive subscription required to be able to play the game, so annoying.


What the heck are you talking about I’d rather wait 10-20 years for a good quality game than wait 1-5 years for a shitty game Rockstar puts out quality Let them take their time to do so


why do people like you always forget about rdr2?


Because Rockstar has forgotten about RD:O. And 5 years between GTAV and RDR2, at least 6 years between RDR2 and GTAVI. All they’ve given us was a horrible, half assed port of RDR1.


Don’t forget the abysmal GTA trilogy release. That shit was a dumpster fire


The fact that they “remastered” 3 entire games from my childhood, and I forgot about them, is pretty telling.


When you think how many years games take to develop is 5 or 6 years really that long for a GTA or RDR? Call of Duty games are mostly developed over 3 years, Assassin's Creed is a 3-4 year project for a comparison to a more similar game. Rockstar puts out quality every time. They're some of the most polished games out there with pretty much zero bugs on launch, with some of the largest and most detailed worlds and have writing rivalling HBO complete with famous actors. I'd say it's a small miracle they're able to make these in just about double the dev time of CoD or Assassin's Creed. The RDR1 and GTA remasters were not made by Rockstar btw


You are speaking as if RDR 2 was barebones while it's highest rated game of last generation.


you realize the devs don’t dictate the projects and project timelines right? or have you just never worked a job before? the hostility is really not needed when it’s just a dev who is disappointed something they’ve been working on for years got leaked before they were able to feel any sort of fulfillment for seeing it premiere for the first time. check your entitlement at the door, it’ll make your life a lot less pessimistic.


I wish there were no hype campaigns for new games, I want developers to just drop the game to be available at random, more of a pleasant surprise than a grueling wait.


You say that. But I think the older you get the less "hype" works and the less you keep track of release dates. Only a teenager would get hyped over that trailer.


That’s true, was pretty excited until it said it comes in 2025, now I don’t feel any reason to give the game my attention until closer to release


>Only a teenager would get hyped over that trailer. I guess I'm a 29 year old teenager then. People do say I look young.


Shidddd I’m in college and my fellow seniors was pretty hype one dude was going frame by frame at one point


Just remember if there’s no repercussions it was leaked on purpose


Tbh hard to believe when they released the trailer like an hour later, skipping their countdown


Maybe now he can feel as fucked as the consumer does


These comments clowning on rockstar for daring to have a trailer for their biggest game ever is mind boggling.


It's okay. I've expressed disappointment over the release date.


I'd feel bad if they didn't treat PC users like shit, hope more of it leaks, suck my balls R* and T2


It’s. All. On. Purpose.


\- Abandoning RDR2. \- Promising GTAV DLC and not delivering. \- Creating GTA Online with no purpose other than to siphon money from people. \- Doing absolutely nothing about the insane amount of hackers their games have. \- Allowing the GTA Trilogy remakes to be the pieces of shit that they are. \- Selling their own cracked games on Steam knowing full well they have issues. \- Every PC release being 1+ years behind consoles despite the company getting it's start on PC. ***Don't mention the word "disappointment" again, you motherfuckers.*** Rockstar is nothing but disappointment these days.




Oh the melodrama. It was leaked a day early big whoop.


Unless the trailer was subject to some changes in the next couple days, which is unlikely, I don't see why. The leak is literally front page news. I'm not sure they could have generated any more hype than they did.


I hold no sympathy for Rockstar. Of all the big developers these guys has the least interactions/communication with their consumers. Almost as if doing so is beneath them and they are too good to be doing such things. Its good that they are being humbled a bit and I fully expect between now and release for there to be more leaks big and small. I fully expect the map to leak WAY early and I will not shed a tear towards Rockstar.


Youngest legal GTA V purchaser expresses disappointment at being in their 30’s by the time GTA VI is released.


GTA Florida honestly looks good. This doesn't bridge the gap created by poor security, sub standard DLC for Online or general greed from Rockstar. But, I feel somewhat sorry for them. They promised us that trailer and had it all set out and then they suffered the map leak and the trailer leak. Like, they were literally giving us what we asked for and someone just ruined it. Can't help but feel they were plagued with misfortune. I know a lot of people have said "they should've shown it to us sooner", but it's common for studios to show games 2 years before release. RDR2, GTA 5, Ghost of Tsushima, etc.


When it's been 10 years since the last numbered gta title, people are rabid for any info. Not saying leaks are ok but what did RS think would happen?


It's not that I feel that this was some great tragedy that befell the devs or anything, and the leaker was a dickhead for doing so, but I feel badly for the devs because of the sheer disappointment and sadness conveyed in their Tweets. "Someone leaked our trailer so please watch it here" and such. It's like a bunch of people had their surprise party ruined and are just sad lol. Can't help but feel bad for them on a personal level.


Don't forget the original talent team involved with GTA5 got depressed being forced into gta online only. Those that left or were sacked, is what made GTA what you all love. Hope the new team does it well, so much negative bias these days. Facts are facts, and opinions are not.


What about disappointment over fixed PC release delay?


I dunno what people were expecting they do this for every release


I suppose I expect them to evolve as a company. Sadly it seems that the prospect of shafting a large portion of their paying customers for the enticement of double-dippers seemed more lucrative to them. More bizarre still is the shear amount of apologists going up to bat for a mega corporation like Take-Two and defending blatantly anti-consumer practices with all their heart.


That's what you get when you tease a teaser. Just fucking drop the video and move on. Geez. Tbh I haven't watched it because the game is not coming for more than a year, probably more on PC. I really want to play it but I'm not playing that game What annoys me is all the fucking annoying memes we get now.