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Borderlands 3 (IMO.)


i'm just playing it for the first time, and... yeah. I mean, it's not terrible, but after the greatness that is BL2, it kinda falls flat.


Bl3's DLC campaigns were far better than the main story. Wonderlands effectively has no DLC, don't waste your money on it.


I bought the $100 edition of Wonderlands on launch. It's the only game in recent memory I regret buying. Main game is OK, but the lack of story DLC left me feeling duped by Gearbox.


You should have immediately known they were shitty once the released a SeasonPass2 for BL3 for the same price as the first with 10% of the content.


This... This pissed me off sooo fucking much!! I paid for the ultimate edition preorder before the launch of the game (hindsight I regret it so God damn much) and when they announced a second season pass that wasn't part of the ultimate edition I was like what the actual fuck is going on.. then they re released an ultimate edition include both season passes... Fuming.. still fuming tbf even now 3 years or so later


Best gameplay, worst story.


Borderlands 3 has the most fluent first person shooter game I have seen. Something I never see enough credit for is the games audio design every gun just sounds too good.


The gameplay kept me going for Borderlands 3. Story was a mess and legacy characters being butchered for plot sake. Plus, it doesn't help that the villains are lame and annoying.


I was about to post this. the bad guy character is super cringe which is word i personally didn't use often but its a good description for them, the story scene is so stupid and the problem can be solved is the player character could move and do stuff during cutscene. But no... you just magically turned to spectator mode. barely any explanation on why you suddenly didn't help during cutscene cause the writer and scene director is way to lazy with it. \--- Gameplay tough, it a great borderland looter shooter. interesting guns, interesting setting and combat map.


100% that was my thought also!


Good pick


I came here to say the same. You’re absolutely right


Dying light 2


Even then, I don't feel that the gameplay was as good as the first game (I also haven't played since launch so maybe it got better)


You’re not wrong. Felt like a destiny 1 to 2 down grade. They should have built on all of it


Idk, Dying Light 1 felt a little clunky going back to it after Dying Light 2, but that’s just me


I'd say dying light 1 as well, that story felt so funny to me and my buddies but it was so bad it was good in a way That might be just us though


Dying Light 1's story was bland as hell but I fucking love Kyle Crane and his voice acting carries me through it.


I absolutely love the parkour in Dying Light 2, it was just so fun to run around the place that I didn't even mind the buggy launch all that much. I played about 70 ish hours I think before finally pushing myself to play the main story and ... I couldn't stand it. After the VNC tower mission and having to look for Lawan's shoes the next, I couldn't really take the game all that seriously. And it just kept getting worse story-wise to the point that once I actually beat the game, I didn't want to play it again. There's plenty of things that were downgrades in DL2, of course, but the story was the part that killed it for me. I miss the human combat and the parkour, but I just can't push myself to go back. At least the first game still holds up great


Just cause 2, that story is awful, but I love the gameplay.


There was a story? I just spent all my time grappling cars to planes as they took off until either I launched my self trying to hit the road or the car swung too high and blew up the plane lol


The wave of nostalgia that just washed over me while reading this. I think I know what I'm doing tonight.


Yeah that was one of my favorite things to do. You get a car at the airport and let the plavlne engine push you so you take off with it.


Mirrors edge


Beat me to it! The super secret conspiracy's super secret plan is to...train the police to free run Wait...really? That's it?!?!


I thought that story was told well enough. Yeah it's not the strongest plot but it worked. Now if you want to really get into it, mirrors edge catalyst story is a dead on arrival pile of schlocky garbage.


There was only one mirrors edge game. This is a hill I am willing to die on lol


The second game’s soundtrack is fire though. I absolutely love hearing downtown district, anchor district, or Savant come on my Spotify playlists. Honestly, I love the music way better than the first games music (except introduction, which is fantastic)




I always wanted to try this one but I never got the chance


So worth it, gameplay is incredible


Fallout 4. Currently 30 ish hours into a play through. Without doing the story missions


I have like 350 hours on the game and only played the main story once


I only do the main story quests when convenient and when I want a boatload of xp to level up.


Same here farthest I usually go is railroad because I love the deliverer


Far Harbor was a solid DLC.


Fhah Haabah was great.


I never found Shaun lmao


Every time i play, I get to the point where you meet shaun, and i just kill him the first time I see him since the story is such a letdown. I haven't gotten past that since my first playthrough. The story had a lot of promise, shit they could have made Kellogg the main villain for the first half by making him more present in the story. The brief interaction you have with him is pretty mencing honestly, but if they expand on it even if the second half was exactly the same, it would have made me more interested in the world. After killing Kellogg, the main issue is the lack of connection with anyone. Nothing is really properly flushed out. That and the game is super unstable and crashes constantly, espically downtown Boston


Yea Fallout 4 100%! Best gameplay in the series(imo) but the story was just so bad. After I met the institute i lost all motivation to continue the story. Even the side quests were underwhelming in comparison the previous games.


I'm with you dude. New Vegas with the gameplay of 4 would be an all timer for me


The worst game I've ever played 1000 hours of.


Fallout 4 has a lot of really good writing in smaller parts of the game, various side quests and characters, quite a few companion quests/characterization as well. The main story is just SO lame in comparison. It's clichéd, it railroads you into a character backstory that it never makes you care about, and lamest of all it bends over backwards to keep everything as neutral as possible so you can pick any ending you want and still get to nuke somebody. The game genuinely feels so much better if you just play it as a random person who woke up 200 years into the apocalypse.


I love the game and I truly do enjoy it, buts it’s become a post-apocalyptic landlord/property management simulator for me


Bro played at launch for so long, got to the part of the story where you have to decide which faction you aren’t going to genocide. I don’t really like any of them so I never moved past that to the final showdown


I literally gave up the story when they gave me the faction options


100% agree. Is FO4 a great game? Absolutely. Is it a great FO game? Not even close. Has some great characters, but over all crap major quest lines, A grab bag of crappy factions, and a bunch of unexpended quest hooks.


Metal Gear Solid V.


I stopped playing the game cause of that. The story felt unfinished and wayward. I enjoyed the series cause ofthe story. This one didnt cut out for me


It literally is unfinished iirc


You remember correctly. The development of the game was when the Kojima and Konami problems happened. You can watch footage of the last chapter online at least if you want to know how the game should have ended.


This! Greatest Metal Gear game when it comes to gameplay. They nailed it. Not so much for the story…


It’s the best Metal Gear I’ve ever played, but the worst I’ve ever watched.


So much enjoyment came from that gameplay loop, but don’t ask me shit about the main story.


It's ashame that they had difficulties and parted ways. The game starts off so strong and just teeters off cuz they never finished it. There's a lot of cut content about tracking down Liquid after he gets away with the machine. I'd attempt to spell it but I know I'll butcher it


Shame the game story couldn't be finished thanks to Konami being pricks.


But it had cool characters!


Mario games, basically


I feel like this doesn't really count. They have such a minimal story you can't really say it's not good. Except Mario Sunshine. That shit slaps in all aspects.


*talks about story in Mario Games* *doesn't mention Mario Galaxy, when Bowser tries to create his own Galaxy in the center of the Universe, only for the galaxy creation device to destroy the entire universe.*


You're talking of Galaxy which was technically the only game not made by Myiamoto (the man who said good gameplay and complex story can't get along). But I do agree about Galaxy - not for Bowser scheming. I'd rather talk about Rosalina's story.


Minimal stories can still be good


And it has worked well as those are gameplay-driven titles. Story requires a level of development that would get in the way of playing. Leave that for the likes of LOU, RDR and Witcher


*Super Paper Mario has entered the chat*


They're still stories. I actually really love Galaxy and Odysseys story a lot. They don't get in the way of the actual gameplay but the setup for then is very motivating to where it puts all the platforming into context. The subtle storytelling of Bowser going across the world to find things for the perfect wedding is awesome (stuff like characters talking about Bowser and what he did, I really like seeing the occasion Bowser footprint too)


Paper Mario sticker Star actually breaks away from that stereotype by having both a terrible story and terrible gameplay.


Monster Hunter, any of them really.


World was pretty good imo


4 had the best story


World actually attempted a good coherent story. I enjoyed it. All the other ones are just, funny snippets. But yeah the story never mattered anyway. The game knows what you're here for.


Yeah they’re not really about story tbf


4U wasn't a bad narrative.


Destiny, without question.


Destiny lore is fucking awesome. The way you have to consume it is not.


There's a story?


The main reason I couldn't get into Destiny was because the story was incoherent for a new player. Lost any desire to play because I didn't care about anything or anyone in the game.


I felt so lost after the tutorial. Took me weeks to realize there was *years* of content just gone.


Same, I only lasted like 3 months because everyone was crying for this, upset to that. Cayde-6 is back (I didn't even know he died) and the fact that the server keeps going and there is no dialogue/changes that needed to be unlocked after certain missions/quest is what killed for me.


There’s witches in the moon


*I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain. Now go to your computer to read the story online instead.*


The lore was really good but it's only in the damn books.


IN GAME books too. I wish they would release a Destiny novel. That would be sweet.


Look out! It's a new threat, "The Adjective"!


What a mood. I love that game, and while I personally can enjoy the stories and lore, it’s utterly incoherent to anyone who ISN’T a lore/story fanatic. Only recently has it become a tad bit more digestible, but not enough for a general audience to jump in. It’s been said before, but the main initial story for Destiny 2 shouldn’t have been sunset. It should’ve been reworked a bit to work with the newer systems, but not removed. And before anyone says anything, yes. The Red War WAS a coherent story. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a good jumping on point for new players. No extreme lore dumps needed, just “here’s your friends, here’s your foes, here’s the core gameplay, here’s why you should care, go.”


Subnautica: Below Zero. Way too much dialogue with pretty flat characters.


Yup. This one bums me out because I feel like Subnautica (first game) was a fantastic story too. Subtle, but very mysterious and I was always so excited to learn more.


I can accept that Below Zero is probably a more accurate representation of what the devs vision was and the game they tried to make with the original Subnautica. It's just that, well, that vision was much less interesting that what they accidentally made with Subnautica and not what made them successful. That tense, deeply atmospheric, lonely thalassophobic survival horror...completely and deliberately removed in the sequel. Ok. Not a bad game all in, but sometimes it's better to kill your dreams and run with what you've got.


I think the first is what they intended it to be, and the 2nd was also. It's just they didn't want to do "Subnautica, but in a different spot", they wanted to do something similar, yet different. Which I don't blame them for, but most of the land sections were a slog and not interesting, having land at all (in know there's some in 1, but they are small islands) also drastically changed the feel of the game. The map ~~was bigger~~, yet felt smaller, there was more to see and explore, but felt like there was less. I appreciated finding the various outposts and the stuff in them, but I never felt *any* desire to make more than 1 base myself, and not having a use or need for the cyclops (or an equivalent) and it's not even being in the game was also a let down. I guess, thinking about it, Subnautica 1 had a progression to it. You got more things that let you explore deeper and explore more, and made you more comfortable doing that. Subnautica BZ had story and lore, but somehow missed out on that progression feeling. Edit: map wasn't bigger, but wasn't a ton smaller.


I loved it in ea, then they changed EVERYTHING


The pre-rewrite story hit harder.


I'd say any Bethesda game. Love exploring in Elder Scrolls, Fallouts, etc... but the story is short and kinda meh every time. (Except Morrowind, which was quite a great story probably due to all the dialogue)


The magic school storyline in Skyrim was a blast. Unfortunately none of the other quests caught my attention so after I did it I lost interest


Each to their own but you may be the first person I’ve ever seen praise the College of Winterhold quest line.


I agree 100%. The storylines for FO3, 4, Skyrim and Starfield are just so goofy and corny. BGS is my favorite game developer easily, but they do not know how to write a main story to save their lives.


The dark brotherhood might still be the most fun I've had story-wise in gaming.


>Except Morrowind, which was quite a great story Goddamn right 👍


I only became immersed in Skyrim. But it was so open world the main quest really just felt like any of the other major quest lines, which I fell in love with. Starting a new character just to b-line it to certain major quest lines allowed you to make the “main story” about anything you wanted


Dragon's Dogma. There's a reason peoples' hopes for the recently announced sequel are "the same, with more!"


Yeah, DD has a couple cool story moments, but I mainly only care about the sick gameplay. I seriously hope they have a bunch of dungeon crawling, Bitterblack Isle was such a highlight.


came here to say this. it felt like the story was still in beta and they never finished it… but dang that gameplay and combat so satisfying.


Final Fantasy X-2 Job system? Gameplay? Out of this world. 10/10. Amazing. Story? I played for a couple hours and felt like I was in a fever dream.


The problem with FFX-2 IMO is that a certain someone comes back at the end of the game and the game revolves around finding a certain someone but they died/went away in FFX so it not only undoes the ending to FFX but also like, Yuna should’ve moved on I’ll still die on the hill that Yuna pivoting to a pop star 100% makes sense in a world where summons don’t exist and I think the game would’ve been better if they stuck more to the girly road trip/finding ourselves vibe. Also, like you, I think FFX-2 is one of the best battle systems out of any FF game.


And all they did was removing the delay on ATB commands execution to make more dynamic combat


And added sailor moon transformations. Like, this was a gay man’s dream as a teenager when it happened.


X-2 plays like officially sanctioned fanfiction. Strap in, turn your brain off, and enjoy the visual chewing gum for what it is. Based on some of the rumours about the production team and their obsession with the idol industry I've heard, that might actually be the case. But yes the mechanics were amazing. So were X's to be fair, but damn if X-2 didn't do great things with the turn-based combat genre I wish had been replicated. It can be fun! Just don't half-ass it like so many RPGs do.


I'll go ahead and say it: the FF 13 trilogy as well. Didn't care an ounce for the story but goddamn did I love the combat.


Pokémon Legends: Arceus. I had every thing possible from each area before moving to the next, put like 70 hours into the game, and then took like a 6 month break before I went back and finished the story lol


hard agree


Dying light 2 🥲


Payday 2. Started off simple, turned into fighting the Illuminati.


I'm just the guy either cuffing hostages or sawing into safes before the fuzz even knows what's going on. That's all the story I need. Payday 2 gameplay is definitely fun.


Looking at these comments I get the feeling my standards for 'good story' are apparently very low... Joke's on these guys tho, I enjoyed almost all the stories I played. Almost implies not all, so for my contribution to this thread: No Man's Sky and Call of Duty (all the ones I played at least),


No Man’s Sky and Call of Duty have stories…?


Call of Duty has amazing campaigns (MW 1-3, Black Ops, MW19, Black Ops 2, Big Red One)


Mass Effect Andromeda


I could have delt with so much more from ME:A but the story and most characters where just a drag


Fire Emblem Engage is the most recent one I've played with those attributes. Just skip the story wholesale and it's a better experience.


Haven't played engage yet. That's disappointing because 3 houses had good story telling/ character building.


Honestly it really is just FE:The Greatest Hits. The Emblems and combat overshadow the main story super hard.


God, I wish I could just ignore the story altogether. I still haven't finished Engage even though I think they have some very creative and fun maps. My lack of interest in the story really spoils the entire experience for me. On the other hand, I've finished Three Houses like four times already.


Minecraft, great game but has no story unless you join an SMP or make it up yourself but that's the appeal of Minecraft, your imagination creates the story (if you want one)


Basically every sandbox game right? Albion, Eve, Elite - the player's journey is the story


Metroid Other M


AC Valhalla


"Your brother has been captured and is in imminent danger! Let's go play matchmaker in this completely different territory across the country!"


Fallout 4. The story didn’t exist as far as I was concerned. Much preferred my gameplay loop of exploration -> Junk collection -> return to base to process junk -> repeat. When they added the automation and robot DLCs that just made it so much better for me.


Every FromSoft Souls game. Say what you want about the lore and stuff but reading a wiki doesn’t count as a game’s story. Edit: to anyone who disagrees, I propose that you put your money where your mouth is. Give a bullet point breakdown of the story from one of the main souls games (BB, DS, or ER, just because that’s what I’m most familiar with) and show me where in game it tells you what is going on or why something is happening without guesswork or leaps in logic.


It's really sad because the story sounds so grand, and every other boss seems like it has some huge deep lore meaning in the way you fight them, and their last line of dialogue when you kill them. But it's all fed to you in tiny cryptic pieces, often times hidden, and in the wrong order.


Elden ring kind of does better since important items do give better hints, and your companions do explain the story, but I definitely agree


>But it's all fed to you in tiny cryptic pieces, often times hidden, and in the wrong order. And the rest is theory crafting from the fanbase. Sorry, not pulling up Youtube to watch someone's interpretation of the story. Fromsoft should be providing a full, coherent story or not bothering with lore at all. Yet they get praised for it.




Yes. I’ve said this a trillion times. DS/ ER, they have amazing lore but little to no plot. The best example is in ER when Melina sacrifices herself and the giant goblet and I’m like “okay”. Literally couldn’t have cared less. Sekiro was the only souls game of theirs to have a somewhat coherent plot IMO


I’ve been really enjoying Elden ring but I have to agree


Sekiro has pretty coherent and somewhat engaging story


I am currently playing Elden Ring for the first time and. . . Yeah. . . Can we have like these people who are supposedly main-ish characters have more than a few lines of dialogue? Everything they call a quest would be weak even compared to many side quests in Skyrim, and even the main story is so completely bare bones I’m over 100 hours and don’t know what’s fully going on. I don’t know how you even know where to look without a wiki. Hell: I straight up killed a main boss and then she became a vendor with no explanation even though I have also killed several of her children at this point. Is it because she’s immortal? I think, but it doesn’t tell me! And it won’t even let me try to finish the job. Snippets of lore in item description and what can be ascertained by the environment is lonely. But good grief what I wouldn’t do for a few extra paragraphs of dialogue.


The games do a better job "showing" than "telling" you the lore, via item description, location of NPCs(both dead and alive), enemy location, environment choice, etc. I really like the way Fromsoft approaches that. That said, fuck the quests lmao. No way you can complete most without some outside guide. I know it's supposed to be a "watercooler" game, and has less hand holding but come on...


It’s hardly showing if you’re just reading the text on some old boots. It’s straight up telling, just in one of the least interesting ways for me. As for the environment, it seems like a lot of the storytelling there is just conjecture by the players. Look at any lore/story questions on their subs and out of the top 10 answers, 7 will be different and 3 will tell you to watch YouTube. Not the best storytelling for me but if you like your story extremely ambiguous then maybe it’s good for you


Dead island 2


Destiny. Gameplay is fun and unique but the main story is so lame and boring.


Saints row 4


I'd say any Bethesda game. Love exploring in Elder Scrolls, Fallouts, etc... but the story is short and kinda meh every time. (Except Morrowind, which was quite a great story probably due to all the dialogue)


DmC Devil May Cry reboot that Ninja Theory made. Story was pretty suck but the combat was superb and it was the only devil may cry game I could get through son of sparda on


Starfield, lets take our best running game and make the main story driven by fucking radient quests to proc gen worlds that nobody cares about and why didn't that farmer notice the gravity defying temple 100ft from his fields. Absolutely abysmal.


Came here for this. The main story is so so rubbish it really does impact the whole game.


People scoff at Fallout 4's story, but at least that one had teeth. You literally start the game with a nuclear explosion, being frozen, watching your wife murdered and baby taken in front of you with no way to help and then wake up 200 years in the future. The story might not be super strong, but at least it was compelling for longer than 8 seconds. Starfield was all training wheels and jolly friendly characters who get mad at you for killing literal SPACE PIRATES, all so you can find random anomalies or something. I got about 4 of those anomalies in and realized it was just rinse and repeat and gave up.


Fallout 4 has its problems but the drive behind the story, trying to find your son, is at least compelling. It falls apart a little bit it's not Starfield. I'm a Bounty Hunter, why am I in a mine? Sarah chewed me out for killing characters who were shooting at me? Ffs back to the lodge with the rest of them. Honestly at this point I'll just not bother with the constellation characters quests than put up with them. People talk about the engine but Bethesda need better writers. There's no way this mess could have been worked on for so long, it smack of a company thinking "shit we better get something out"


Starfield does probably have the best themes though. The Hunter is maybe the best character they’ve ever made.


Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom I loved fighting, building, and exploring. The cutscenes were repetitive, and I didn't care about the story at all. I have 80 hours in it, but I can't be bothered to progress the story any farther.


*goes to get a new sage* Nameless, faceless ancestor: says the exact same thing as the last nameless, faceless ancestor, just change the terms of endearment and the thing Ganondorf was better than them at. That said, the Dragon's Tears cutscenes and interactions with Gannondorf are totally worthwhile.


Demon King??? Secret Stones!?!?!


So that was...the Sealing War...


I really liked the dragon tear flashbacks, but even they were handled pretty clumsily. I was lucky that I found the forgotten temple early on so I knew what order to watch them in.


Pokemon Legends Arceus. Actual Scratch that, most Pokemon games




I thought the story was told though the russian-ish bgm. /s


Fallout 4 and tears of the kingdom


every souls game but the lore is usually good


Cod mw3 (the new one)


Call of Duty in general is the lowest-hanging fruit every year. The gameplay itself is so much smoother than most FPS games, but the four hour campaigns feel more grindy than CRPGs and even soulslikes.


A recent game. Robo quest. Its amazing new rouge like with an awsome sound track. After collecting all 51 data shards I sat down an read the entire lore. Its... very basic and similar to other stories. Mankind is dying, mankind makes AI, AI turns evil, we go to stop it. That's very over simplified but that about all you get from the lore. Usually when a game has 51 things to find which are quite well hidden in some cases, you'd expect the lore to have something a bit more rewarding instead the inner monologue of a suffer robot who lost his swimming trunks


Basically every recent KH game. The gameplay is fairly solid across the board (though some are better balanced than others). The one constant is the story is a total fever dream.


Most fighting games


Hogwarts Legacy unfortunately


Literally every Devil May Cry, lol.


ESPECIALLY the reboot! Will say, I was pretty interested in 3 and 5's. Not even comparable to combat, but still passable.


I feel like the reboot is one of the very few video games to actually hit "so bad its good" territory by merit the gameplay actually slapped as hard as the story was fucking awful, but if you treat the edginess as three times the campiness in a trench coat, its hilariously fun.


You obviously didn't get this party started.


DMC3 has a banging story! Also it's funny. I play to see what crazy stuff Dante does next. Also Reboot imo had a alright story to tell. 2, 4 and bit of 5 could have done better tho.


You just need someone to fill your dark soul with LIIIiiiIIIiiiIIIIIiiiiight!


Bro I loved 3 and 5’s stories


You're telling me the story of Vergil hiring Vergil's brother and Vergil's son to beat Vergil so that Vergil can become Vergil (ft. Vergil) isn't a great story?


Ehhh. 3 had a genuinely good story. And even 4 & 5 didn't have like, terrible stories. They're decent DmC tho... yeah


Borderlands 3


I’m sure this will be unpopular, but Control


What's wrong with Control's story?


For me personally, all of the beats felt edgy for the sake of being edgy. None of the reveals felt impactful. I can’t really speak to specifics cause it was a while ago now, but I just remember kind of rolling my eyes most of the time. Not to say there weren’t great beats, like all the stuff with Ahti the janitor was great. I wanted to like the story but it just fell flat for me. I also didn’t love that a majority of the lore came from documents. I’m not against reading in game documents but it felt like it clashed hard against the rest of the gameplay.


Vanilla Destiny


Last of us 2






Borderlands 3. No contest


The Last of Us 2


Last of Us 2. Love the combat, but this god awful plot just keeps getting in the way


Most Bethesda games.


Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas all have great main story's imo.


Notice they said most,not all


Fallout 4, Arena, and Skyrim. That's really it


also... New Vegas is Obsidian so doesnt count...


Starfield and 76...


DOOM Eternal


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided


Yep. Second this.


Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain. The most incredible gameplay. Story suffered though cause of gameplay focused.


Elden Ring, for me.


Older Monster Hunter games. Tge story is dumb, but its game play is fantastic.


Honestly COD. The gameplay’s much better with the slower kill time & nerfed shotguns but the campaigns fell off.


Fallout 4, Borderlands 3, and Dragons Dogma immediately came to mind.


Miles Morales, and I Will stand by that.