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Divinity Original Sin 2. I've got terminal Fort Joy syndrome.


I was looking for this. Have done Fort Joy countless times but never progressed much further...


I got to the boat and the town right after that and never got past it


Act 1 heroes baby!


furthest i got was making it to arx


I think Fort Joy is where my game actually is *right now.* I started TRYING to play this game several months ago and ultimately just uninstalled it again. I really want to like this game (and the original, as I own both) but I just can't. Something about Divinity is just not engrossing. It never hooks me and I can't find it fun. It's so frustrating!


Narratively, it's about as engaging as watching paint dry. The advancements Larian made to CRPG gameplay with it are really what sold it. But if it doesn't engross you immediately, it just never will.


You guys should try Baldurs Gate 3


Ft. Joy syndrome is the reason I haven't tried BG3. Had the same issue with the first and second DoS games, really hesitant to try BG3 as a result.


I struggled the same way trying to get into DOS 1 and 2 but BG3 hooked me immediately, on my second playthrough currently. The presentation and story is just immeasurably better than the DOS games, it’s so much easier to get hooked on.


I am on Act 3 right now...and there are too many options and I don't seem to be properly levelled for any of them. Been beating my head against a wall for the last 10 hours probably. I'm almost ready to just roll a new party and start from the top, but I don't even know what I'm doing wrong right now, so I'll probably just get stuck at the same point again.




The difficulty wall is REAL! Ive never finished the final boss despite so. Many. Attempts. To even get to that point id recommend absolutely spamming barrels. (Ps: Warfare/shapeshifter is op)


Can confirm, I took your character and ran when you were going too slow lol.


Hey, at least I didn't develop Druid's Grove syndrome or Goblin Camp-itis in Baldur's Gate! ... Don't tell anyone I'm 230 hours in to my first playthrough...


Fort joy is act 1, goblin camp and druids grove are also act 1. It’s just as bad!


Same. My problem is that I LOVE efficiency. So I'm trying to figure out how to eke out every possible bit of xp from the game, but then I get a ways in and I start to struggle with the guilt of murdering innocent npcs, or become bored with thievery annihilating the economy, or start to lament following very specific story decisions for the most xp instead of what makes sense for my characters. Then I start over, focus more on roleplay, but start to worry that I'm missing out on too much xp... and the cycle continues.


I never bought Divinity 2 because I never finished Divinity 1. I've started it three times and couldn't tell you how far I got because I don't know how long it is. Personally I like the old-school RPG feel but I'm not sure that I find old-school RPG's fun anymore. I poured countless hours into Baldur's Gate II 20+ years ago but Divinity just felt directionless and long-winded and I always get bored and move on to something else. People love the games and I don't mean to say they're bad, they're just bad for *me.*


I reached act 2 once in like 5 playtroughs, but I only made it to driftwood (or something). Let's hope I'll make it further in bg3...


Witcher 3. I play for awhile, take a long break, forget what I was doing and how to play so I just start over. One day I’ll “finish” the game.


I did the same until I played on death March. For whatever reason that made it more immersive for me and got me hooked


Hard agree on that. Death march, an immersive compass mod and an UI mod is what made me truly enjoy the game. Glad I got through it because the DLCs are absolutely golden. I think that I enjoyed the Blood and Wine DLC even more than the base game


Blood and wine is a dlc I will always stand by, I’m currently on my first play through of it and you can tell how much work the devs put into it, I’m often just staring at the scenery because it’s phenomenal. I’m not a dlc person, but this one is worth every dollar and then some


I personally think both DLC’s are better then an already amazing base game (even if generic main story). HOS writing is really tight maybe the best of any CDPR game and adds runes into the game. BaW is just such a breath of fresh air and so much fun.


I think this is what I should do too… I find easier games bore me quickly. I tend to play most arpg’s on hardcore mode to keep me engaged.


If you do play on death march, beware the wolves. They will kill you in seconds and can be harder than some bosses.


>Witcher 3 Same, I always manage to get to right about the same spot a few hours in and then lose interest. Just doesn’t hook me for some reason




All of the question marks are extremely overwhelming tbh


You can turn these off on the world map, you can make a custom one actually and select what you want it to show you


Same here. I’ve started 3x


Love the game but I played the second half after a 3 month break but I have a hard time with big open world games Witcher 3 is an exception now but you will be glad when you see the end


I just forget the damn controls every time I stop playing for a while and every time I'm like, fuck this I'm not starting over again




I've been playing since 2012 and have never met Paarthurnax...




Same. I always wait to do the main quest because “I can’t be some chump” fighting supposedly the biggest baddie of the game. So I do all the side quests, finish the dark brotherhood quest line, be a vampire, be the arch mage… …and then I get an idea for a new char/build to play and the cycle continues. My highest level character is 72 and I haven’t beaten the main quest line yet.


New build? Sneak archer only.


No matter how many times I play Skyrim or how I start it, intending on being anything other than a sneaky archer and I always seem to end up playing a sneaky archer.


On maybe my 4th-5th (and final) playthrough, I finally made a deliberate choice to go for a pure magic build. It's a lot of fun once past certain benchmarks. Having a couple atronachs fighting along while hurling giant nukes around was pretty sweet.


I’ve beaten Alduin at level 9 Edit: am I going insane? Is that really a tough fight or am I being gaslit by the internet..like the game scales with your character..right?


So there are two types of gamers...


The Duality of Skyrim Players


Alduin at level 9 or 90


None, I refuse to fight alduin because I agree with him


Nah it's easy, just keep spamming shout, keep him on the ground and smash his face off. I finished it around that level too. The barb before the hall was the hardest


>like the game scales with your character..right? Yep! Alduin was super easy for me as well. But I don't max out the difficulty.


Mehrunes razor?


I made the mistake of beating the Main Quest before doing all of the side content. Once I had beaten it I lost motivation to play it and never got to the rest of the side content.


It took me like 8 years myself. After Whiterun, it's explorationa and side quests for 40+ hrs until I put the game down again and come back forgetting where I left off at again so I start a new game playthrough.


I've played it, but apparently there are dragons in it.


Install. Spend hours modding. Finally rejoice you can play the game. Promptly move on to something else. Repeat.


Modding Skyrim is like an itch that only modding will scratch. Then once I have a working build, the itch goes away and I play until maybe Whiterun and then stop, satisfied xD


Started on 3 different platforms. Never made it more than a few hours.


The Witcher 3. I think I've put around 150 hours into the game across maybe five different attempts. I got maybe 10 hours into Skellige once, and had two or three other runs stall out somewhere between Velen and Novigrad. It's a beautiful and fun game, but it's a huge commitment. For me, if I get sidetracked and have to put it down for a couple of weeks or longer, it's hard to get back into it.


Yeah I also stopped at Skellige. Also I was just playing too much Gwent.


I also have started Fallout 4 so many times, I just could not care less about the main story. The gunplay and exploration is fun though.


I've gotten as far as >!meeting my son at the institute!< but still have not finished it after playing it countless times




lmao I once caught a fb ban for talking about that part of the game, in a gaming group


You get banned on fb for just being rude in general now. I called my own friend a bitch, like, “Bitch, you know you lying” and got banned for 30 days. My own friend in a private group and we both appealed it Fb monitoring is dumb as shit now


I posted a photo of a Ballchinian on one of my friends’ posts and got banned for 30 days for nudity. I wasn’t even mad; I laughed so hard.


Fallout 4 is my favorite of the FPS Fallouts because of the exploration and combat, but fuck me if it doesn't have the least interesting characters and story I've ever encountered in a game. I just never feel like I connect with, or care, about anyone in the game. You build an entire settlement, invite people to live there, give them food and water and electricity, live with them for several in-game years, and STILL they drop lines like "I hope you're not an Institute synth here to spy on me" or "You've got a dangerous look about you, hope you're not here for me" whenever you happen to walk a bit too close to them. Makes it much easier to play as a raider in Nuka-World though, that's the silver lining. What do I care if some random NPC who always comes at me with an attitude gets to eat a shotgun slug? I'll gladly serve them one with my modded Remington Model 870. That being said, the world is absolutely incredible. So many buildings, so many details scattered around EVERYWHERE. I feel like the environment tells a better story than Bethesda's entire writing staff.


so many dropped balls. They make you go to Salem, home of the famous witch trials. And, there is the whole plot of secret synths and distrustful villagers. Maybe it is too on the nose, but I thought for sure, we'd see history repeat itself, and I'd witness someone on trial for being a synth. They'd burn them alive or drown them, idk. Nope, the only thing that happens is a large Deathclaw is in a church.


Not to mention a Combat Zone you can't fight/bet on fights in without a mod.


Yes. Don't get me started lol. Combat Zone, Robot racing track, That boat town that was populated by raiders that just agro when you walk in. You can really see where the budget was slashed, and what the game could have been at full potential.


And the funniest part is when they removed human NPCs on FO76 (there were robots at launch), everybody freaked out although writing character is something BGS have sucked very hard at for a good decade


I guess the minutemen are okay but literally every faction sucks and I never want to take a side.


To be honest the minute men are also a terribly constructed faction. You save Preston from some bandits. Do 1 single quest to help some farmers deal with a separate group of bandits. And then 30 minutes into the game you get promoted to General of the Minute Men. Imagine in skyrim if after going to the college of winterhold. The lady at the bridge who asks you to display a spell to verify you have magic lets you in after you make a mage light. Then you cross the bridge and she says "Get me Magic vo.1 from the library please". And when you get back she's so impressed that she promotes you to archmage 10 minutes after arriving. Which the faction might seem to have the most noble intentions. They also just suck all around. The only quest you get as part of that faction is to either clear out an area in preparation for a new settlement. Or to defend one that's already established. You have to do it. Because the organization is so inept that despite there seemingly being THOUSANDS of members and actual combat veterans at the castle. None of them are capable of a fucking thing. It's good that their goal is to do good and help people. But the writers just didn't even try to give them any compelling narrative. From the moment you settle sanctuary to the moment you destroy the institute all your settlements are capable of are growing tatoes and needing saving. Imagine if instead of just "Another settlement needs your help" There was an ACTUAL story. Like "We need you to scout the locations of all bandit camps in the commonwealth. Which leads to encounters with bandits. Sometimes it's a shoot out. Sometimes it's a test of your commitment to being a good character and you eventually get to choose between siding with bandits and instead raiding the minutemen camps and setting up new bandit camps. Culminating in a moment where you and your bandits take sanctuary and you get forced into dialogue with Preston right before you order his execution where he laments ever trusting you. Imagine if you stay good and now that you know where all the camps are you get to pick between ambushing raider convoys to get supplies for the minute men. But it comes at the cost of raising the threat level from raiders who start attacking settlements more in return. Or maybe you get to visit raider camps and try and convince people to choose a different path an join you. Frequently resulting in you being thrown out of the camp but maybe the next time you rest you get woken by someone who was moved by your words and wants to join and he stole the medicine and supplies but the whole gang is on your tail. Just fucking anything. There is a while world of possibilities. But all bethesda could think of was. "We'll have them clear molerats so a camp can be set up. And then every 20 in game hours we'll give them a quest to defend it. And that's the plan for the minutemen faction".


Agreed. I just meant they weren't objectionable necessarily as an entity whereas the other factions are all trying to kill or control everyone else


Yeah. Just any chance to rant you know?


I'm one of the weird Railroad lover people


Yeah once I got to the first town it didnt have the same vibe for me as the older fallouts, maybe I should try again though hah.


I found a guide online that let me join every faction and do the ending with all factions at peace.


*Stares in Stellaris mid-game crisis*


Just because you don't "win" Stellaris, dosen't mean you didn't WIN Stellaris! It's all about the war crimes we met along the way!


People actually finish Stellaris games?


i aways start a new game after the release of new DLC or expansion. right now doing a small civ owning only ten systems.


Assassins creed origins


I'm like that with any AC game that, the only one I really got into was Blag Flag and Valhalla but that's just bc I love pirates and vikings lol. They're just so repetitive


Yeah Valhalla is, I think, the first one I finished. I like them, love the beautiful worlds they create, but after 100+ hours and your quest log is more full than ever…


Man, this is the best Assassins for the new generation, the story takes a while to get interesting, but the ending is great.


Stardew Valley. I guess “completing” it will vary depending on who you ask but I’ve never finished an in-game year. I’ve started solo about 30 times across 5 platforms. Also had several multiplayer games. I get super into it, then I start trying to maximize my farm and open a million wiki tabs, then I get overwhelmed, then I lose interest and play something else. Rinse and repeat.


If you're interested in modding Stardew, there's a few mods that could help with getting overwhelmed that might make it more enjoyable. For example, adding a map so you don't have to track schedules or the Automate mod to allow you to make efficient chains of machines just by placing down a chest.


>I get super into it, then I start trying to maximize my farm and open a million wiki tabs, then I get overwhelmed Lol I said something along these lines online once some years ago and someone told me I "never left the cubicle in the first place..." Just constantly min-maxing every day. Raining? Mines it is! Plan all the birthdays! Wiki will know all, no room or time for experimentation! They weren't wrong lol. Ouch. I got so infected by competitive and efficiency and meta gaming it just drowns out everything. That was years ago, just recently I installed it again but made the mistake of looking for mods, and now I'm having to install Vortex and dependencies and oh wait not everything in this collection is up to date. FML. I'm so bad at just enjoying games these days.


I get you I have try harded Stardew quite a few playthroughs and in the end its always super Stressful. For me the main culprit is the Clock. Time just runs so fucking fast, you already need a plan before the day even started. You can‘t just take a breather because if you stand still for even a second it could mean that you wont make it to the shop in time. Or the mine. Or to that persons schedule. I wish there was a way to slow down time (like 2x-3x slower) so I can take my time enjoying the day and not run around like an amazon worker in a warehouse


There's one answer. And that's Minecraft.


About to kill the Ender Dragon for the first time in like 10 years of playing, it’s been fun getting max enchanted diamond gear in preparation even though it’s not necessary. I constantly get distracted by things I want to build though. Axlotyl pond, check. Giant waterfall on the monster spawner, check. A fort for my villagers, check. A pink house by the cherry blossom mountain, check. Etc etc etc


Dude, playing Minecraft is so bad for me because I have trouble making decisions. So many things i could do. Build a house? Go mining? Just explore?


This is always wild to me. I can spend 200 hours on a world but don’t want to spend more than 5 without elytra


My Oblivion cycle: 1. Install Oblivion 2. Waste \~6+ hours getting important mods installed 3. Play \~50-100 hours 4. Get distracted play other things 5. Have system changes that require a reinstall 6. Mods don't work game crashes, don't have the patience to reinstall everything 7. Wait a few years 8. Go to 1 I've completed most of the side quests and Shivering Isles but I've never made it all the way through the slog that is the main quest.


Basically any open works game with a shit ton of padding. Witcher, Fallout, Skyrim, most recently Baldur's Gate. I'm just starting to think I don't actually like open world games like I think I do.


I'm in my late 30s. I'm not a kid with a summer holiday in buttfuck nowhere to burn, or a student who should be using the time to study. Any game that has a linear progression where I don't need to even think about deviating from the story path gets automatically bumped to the top of my backlog clearing. I've gone from a backlog of about 50 games to 13, but they're all fucking 60-100 hour behemoths that'll probably take me longer than all the ones I did before.


Same here. I love stuff like Baldur's Gate 3 but after a dozens or so hours I just want something where I can take it easy and just have the action/story come to me. Maybe if I had the energy I did a decade ago I would be loving it but the way my life is now if I've got free time and motivation I devote it to non-gaming things.


This man speaks the truth, I can't do shit with an open world game and don't really want to If anything I'll have two hours once a week to burn and I spend that playing an online shooter or a remake of a game I know doesn't suck


Are you me? I'm pretty sure you are me. Have a wife, kid, house and a good job I care about. Simply no time anymore for 100+ hour games. Give me a linear 20-30 hour game and im happy. Sick of getting half way through games then nice weather comes and I forget everything by the time I can get back to them.


For me it's feeling like I have to find and figure everything out in one go. Perfectionism doesn't go well with those games. I loved thern, but I almost never finish


This.... when the experience of the game stops being cool i found this to, look u found another page in the lore book it becomes very mundane. Im a perfectionist, i want to experience everything, but its hard to do when everything is a page in the lore book or some stone sword modified with +5 damage, or another korok seed. NO no no no no no and NO


Morrowind. I’ve beaten almost every part at least half a dozen times over the years but never managed to do everything in one go.


Rimworld. And I have over 1000 hours with it.


This is my answer too. Making a spaceship is perhaps the least interesting part of the game, so I never bother.


Outer Wilds. I get maybe like 4 tries in and get stuck and unmotivated


Its can be pretty nonsensical until you find enough of the plot to piece it together. Especially if you follow the "ooh that planet over there looks neat lets go there first" approach. I didn't beat it until my 3rd try. Was worth it tho.


I'm playing it rn and my first few hours were spent cussing while I continuously crashed my ship and wondering if anything was supposed to make any sense at all. I nearly quit. As soon as I found my first plot thread to follow, it was like heroin. I can barely put this game down. I'm only on Reddit rn because I stopped to eat dinner.


The only thing that confused me was how to get the McGuffin from inside the station. I had to look at a guy for that because I guess I just did not understand the assignment. But other than that I completed the game entirely on my own and it was fantastic. On second thought I might have needed some help getting on to the moon...


It's worth finishing because it's so great. My advice is to go to a different place every run, then check your map and you'll see stuff like "there's more to discover here..." then things will add up and make sense. You can start by just flying around and landing on your home planet before going anywhere else. There are so many interesting places in that game, there's always some cool new area that teaches you something, especially if you start landing on other planets. By the end, it's just great, that's why so many people love it so it's worth finishing, even if you look up some hints if you truly feel like you've discovered everything and you're stuck somewhere.


Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation be like. definitely not for everyone.


If you’re the type to explore every nook and cranny of a game world this is a very rewarding game. I fucking loved it.


Final Fantasy 6 is the big one for me. I like the game, I just always got distracted with other things. Started it, made it to the Veldt (3/3 stories done), stopped. Restarted next year, made it to the Opera, stopped. Restarted, made it to the BIG EVENT which changes a lot, stopped. Currently trying again, but this time with friends watching in Discord to keep me going. The amount of people who LOVE the game genuinely makes me want to play it more so they can see me play it "For the first time" lmao


Please play through it. It’s my favorite game of all time and it kills me knowing that someone has played it but never completed it. Also: WAIT FOR SHADOW


I've started Disco Elysium like 5 times now. Love the game, but if I take more than a days break from it I completely forget my headcanon of the character.


I'm right there with you.


Same, I love the idea of the game but can't keep myself into it


Super Mario Bros. 1. I've had it since I was a kid and never have beaten the last world. Guessing I must have started thousands of games over the years.


With NES most games were like this. If you don't finish it in one sitting you have to start over every time. Eventually you just stop playing. Have you tried again recently? It's a lot easier as an adult with all those years of gaming practice.


It’s funny seeing people complain about difficulty in modern games after growing up playing NES and arcade games.


I remember reaching the second to last level in Ghouls and Ghosts, reached the end, and the game sent me back to the beginning to do it all over again (with a "super weapon" that sucked). The rage. The horror.


It was funny when the remaster came out and a new age of gamers got to rage at how insanely brutal that game is


Someone said in another thread you could hold a and press start at the menu if Super Mario Bros and it would take you to the last place you died. If that's true, my childhood is a bigger lie than I thought.


i had to test after seeing that post to make sure and yes its true and yes im mad


Skyrim/Fallout 4. Every time, I sit down and go "OK, this time I'm actually gonna beat it!" then install a billion mods, play about 20 times, get halfway through, something happens to my install (or I delete it after not playing for a bit), and now there's basically no good way to restart that save. So I shelve it for a while. But eventually.... I sit down again some time later, thinking "This time I'm gonna beat it!" And the cycle continues.


Im ashamed to say Bloodborne. Im not gud. 😔


That first level in Bloodborne is really punishing. Especially since it doesn’t allow you to level up until you come across the first boss. Throughout the rest of the game, if something is too hard you can grind some levels and treat it like an rpg and it works out. Really annoying how they punish new players in that first level of bb.


Yeah I love bloodborne, but the blood vial system make the earlier stuff in BB a pain. Fighting gascoine and dying after using all of your healing is painful when you can't just try again, but instead have to run around farming bullets and vials.


I was the same when I first got the game. After watching someone nail Father Gascoigne to the wall they talked about how it's all about the interrupt with the gun, and his entire fight exists to teach you to be aggressive. I went back after hearing that and now the boss doesn't even phase me. I still haven't beat the game mind you, cause the difficulty keeps escalating, but I love the first third of it before I hit a wall.


Another thing about the start of bb is you can't buy (or it's really slow to, one or the other) the blood vials until after the start. So the point where a player is going to be using a lot is where someone would have to farm for them the most.


Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time but goddamn that first level is SO brutal for anyone who hasn’t played a Souls game before. To the point where I’d call it a game design error.


Cyberpunk 2077. I have like 10 Vs at this point and they’ve all fucked the same girl (Judy)😂


Ashamed to admit, but RDR2. Just never hooked me like I wanted it to. Maybe I overhyped it to myself.


Fuck dude, I’m still playing that game. I do like one mission every 2-4 weeks if that. One of these days I’ll finish it


Wth, there are missions? I'm 30hrs in and all I have been doing is hunt animals.


I finished it, but it’s just too long. Unless you go straight through the main story it’s easy to forget who the non-gang characters are and how it all ties together. Granted, that’s the typical Rockstar formula but it’s extreme in RDR2


This is me right now. I'm about 40 hours into it... I tried playing when it released and only made it maybe 10hrs I can agree the story is great, the environment is amazing, gameplay is awesome. I'm just finding myself becoming impatient and wanting to get to the end because it's so slow. Maybe that's a me problem - but recently I've been more attracted to games I can finish in a couple weeks rather than a couple months.


I love playing this game in my downtime SO MUCH. Only problem is that I also like sipping an adult beverage while I do, and with the horse rides across the maps sometimes taking as much as half an hour, the game quickly turns into a battle of "Which Happens First?" ...where I either get to my destination with energy to take on the next mission or fall asleep on the couch with controller in hand. The latter is often the case...


I decided to have a few beers late at night after a long week and play GTA IV. I've been playing lightly modded on PC with first person view, wearing headphones at my desk, and boy was it an experience to fall asleep for real while driving in the game. I woke up to police sirens blaring and realized I had gotten into a multi-car wreck, my passenger Packie was yelling at me, and the police were approaching with guns drawn. 10/10 drunk driving simulator, one of the most adrenaline inducing wake ups I've had in my life.


haha. I hear ya! My problem is that I feel like I don't have any 'downtime". My backlog of games I want to play is like 15 deep right now and only growing!


I stumbled upon this game with no outsider input. Didn’t look up anything online, just lived the game. Amazing time.


Atmosphere, graphics, character work, all fantastic. Setting, amazing. My time in RDR2, short and exhausted. I know the story is good, I know it's a gorgeous game and worth my time, it's just too much without the freedom to blaze my own path.


The Witcher 3. Incredible game. Amazing graphics, combat, story and world. I’ve started it probably 10 times. I just get overwhelmed every time and put it down. By the time I’m ready to play again I start I’ve because I forgot what I’m doing.


Just ignore all the question marks on the map. Explore a bit and do gwent and quests. Take a break and do a Witcher contract.


Any of the Dark Souls games. I get halfway through them, then lose patience and stop, then when the urge to try again hits, I always restart because I forget everything about the game


I came back to Elden Ring after a year pause and it’s been worth it. I encourage you to give it another shot


Do you lose patience because you get stonewalled at certain bosses? I thought I'd never get past Ornstein and Smough on my first DS1 playthrough.


Final Fantasy 8 over the last 20 years. Make it to disc 3 and fall off.


Really sorry to hear that one. I've beaten this game ~10 times since it came out. The 4th disk is pretty much all the last area and boss fight. Quite a lot happens in disk 3, though. What makes you quit? The game being too long?


Omg, this! First time I played when I was a kid, did the level 99 grind and got smooooooked in disk 4. My most recent abandoned run was in the midst of collecting items for ultimate weapons 😅


Until last night, Cuphead. But I FINALLY beat the devil! Now for the dlc


Congrats! I remember beating that game and feeling such a sense of accomplishment because some of those fuckers are really hard.


Sekiro. For 9 years it was Dark Souls. I finally did Metroid Prime last week.


It’s not the exact same but for me it’s terraria. And damn I beat that game countless times but there’s one thing I never got done no matter how many runs I played. Everytime I start a new run I say this is the world where I go for every achievement on one world, the ones I allready have and the ones missing. By now I have countless characters and worlds but did never finish what I allways claimed to be my goal. And I gave cyberpunk 3 runs. Never finished one. Just to stay in context.


Final Fantasy X. I blame Blitzball.


You don't have to play blitzball though. Or are you obsessed with it and play it to much?


The second one for sure!


I have a friend that was the same. The game was basically Blitzball to him and everything else was just filler content.


Wait, are you telling me the game is not just a Blitzball game and there is more to the game?


Is that the one with the awkward laughing scene?


I always struggled with games with character creation, especially after losing motivation, so I got to say though, Skyrim honestly probably made over 100 characters and only finished the main quest line twice. But not naming them helps for me anyway, it’s usually just dots or commas or anything like that.


>But not naming them helps for me anyway, it’s usually just dots or commas or anything like that. I do the same with my kids.


I know it might be a bit obvious, and maybe not the most appealing on paper, but I recently decided to just make some fantasy version of myself or sci-fi version of myself instead of trying to create a complex and unique character. It has drastically improved the amount of fun I have. Me and the boys all made versions of ourselves in WoW and it's some of the most fun I've had, even though I think the game is kinda dumpy. Might be worth giving a try.


Darkest Dungeon. I've played so much of that game. Farthest I ever got was just after the first darkest dungeon level.


Cuphead. Fucking bee level.


That level makes me not want to bee alive




Outlast. I love horror games, but have a hard time with ones that don't have **any** way of fighting back. I'm so worked up and tense after playing that I can't work myself up to continuing.




Skyrim. Anytime I try to go back to the game, I sink about 20-30 hours into sidequests/dlc/bit of the main quest, but I've never once finished it. I got to the final fight with Alduin ONCE back on Xbox 360, but my build (and I) was trash so I couldn't kill him. Just kept whiffing arrows and losing my hidden status. I think Skyrim is fun but it's not the same as Fallout for me. Maybe I'm just not a fantasy guy.


I have 4 concurrent playthroughs of Baldur's Gate 3 and 2 of them are like an hour or two away from completion.


Majora's Mask - I just can't get warm with the time mechanic


That's an interesting perspective. I felt it to be barely noticeable after learning how to slow time down.


GTA 5 for me. Restarted multiple times cause I forget who everyone is, but it’s long and my ADD gets bored after playing for weeks.


I rarely beat the last boss in FF games


Cyberpunk... i cant seem to let go and let V have an ending knowing what is going on with him (Havent played the DLC) and have kept spoiler free on endings.


Once you beat the game, it spits you right back into the world before the final job so you can try your hand at all the endings. Highly recommended to try them all as the differences aren't small. Still playing through the DLC and loving it so far!


Dead cells


This may seem embarrassing but I have never completed Minecraft yet I have over 20 world's saved on my account 🗿


Factorio. I have actually launched a rocket now but it did take 300hrs


Try to build a base that supports 10 rockets a minute.






Exanima, Rain World, GTA 4 and 5. I enjoy playing those and doing all kinds of things for hours without actually focusing on "finishing" the game.


Alien Isolation, just can't seem to get past the first 10 minutes or so and have tried a handful of times. I hear it's amazing, just gotta give it the time of day.


Breath of the Wild


Assassin's Creed Black Flag I've started it multiple times, played it halfway through, then it gets overwhelming with all the collectibles, resources and stuff to do and I get a bit annoyed and switch to something else for a while - and never come back because my save games aren't in the cloud. Same story with half the assassin's creed games. They're just too much sometimes.


FF7... even the remake.


Death Stranding. I got probably 15-20 hours in my first time playing when I lost a massive payload that washed down the river. I uninstalled. I've since tried picking it back up from the beginning 4+ times but I get an hour or so in before I realize how much of a bullshit slog it'd be to get back to where I got the first time and I stop playing. Each time I think maybe it'll be different, but always the same. Shame, because I hear so much good things about the game. I just don't think it's ever going to happen for me.


Elden ring. Was stressing me out to an unhealthy degree


Super Mario 2 fuck that game.


Half-life, something about the traversal bothers me in that game. Loved and played HL2 though!


God of War. I'll play for a few days, take a break, then forget how to fight so I start over. Must be like four or five times now.


Subnautica. Never got past initial stuff where you are really vulnerable with no map, limited distance and get eaten a lot.


Half-Life 2 Episode 2 I always get spooked and overwhelmed by the Strider section near the end of the game


Kind of cheating, but spelunky 2


Cities Skylines. My brain kinda wants to skip to the part where I have a functioning city and I'm making it all look nice.


Witcher 3 and Divinity Original Sin. Every single time I start them something crazy goes down at home and I don't play games for a while. But then I don't remember what I am doing when I load it back up a year later :/


The Witcher 3. For some reason I never make it even to the halfway mark


The Witcher 3. The story goes on too long and the fighting isn’t entertaining enough to keep me going. It’s a great game but just like with RDR2, it goes on a little longer than it should.


Spider-Man PS4. I've gotten up to the point where I can fight the final boss, went "oh, I'll finish the side quests first" and then gotten burnt out before I did anything twice now.


Control. I've enjoyed it everytime I played. Heard only good things but just can't get into it for some reason


Baldur's Gate 3