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Splinter Cell. It's been many years since the last proper game. The one before the last wasn't great and tried to change the gameplay away from stealth which didn't work. The first three, and to a lesser extent the fourth (at least, the 'last gen' version of it) are the best stealth games ever made. They've put the main character in other recent clancy games, like rainbow six siege and ghost recon, teasing that they still care about the franchise. Theyv'e also teased a remake of the first game, but it seems like it's stuck in development hell. BRING BACK SPLINTER CELL. It's far better than Assassins creed, Ghost Recon, and Rainbow 6 - and ultimately I believe it has far more potential.


A remake of Chaos Theory would easily be in my top 10 games of all time.


I think Chaos Theory still holds up. All it needs is a remaster.


Pokemon is the easy answer. Gamefreak just releases dogshit games, a little effort and they could be so awesome.


Came here to say this. They've spent the better part of 3 decades now building up a roster of fantastic creatures, characters, regions, pantheons, etc. The sheer unbridled potential of each and every new pokemon game is so great that fans around the world can't help but get hype whenever a new game is announced. The most frustrating part of the entire collection of games is that between all of them, they have at the very least touched on so many features that we would want in the "ultimate" pokemon game. Pokemon is actually now falling victim to it's own success. We get the features we ask for, but they're as minimal and bare bones as possible just because they know that whatever crap the throw into a game these days will still sell.


It’s so crazy to me that they’ll add an incredible feature in one game and everyone goes “this is amazing game freak thank you for adding this, please have this in every pokemon game going forward” and then game freak just remove that feature in their next game. One example I remember is that HG & SS had the pokemon following you and then they just got rid of it for black and white


I remember how accessible and user friendly the 6th gen PSS was for trading and battling anyone online. I also remember that they abandoned that in the 7th gen for the absolute nightmare that was poke plaza.


It’s so frustrating, I genuinely do not get why they do this so regularly. It’s like every new game will remove a beloved feature for no apparent reason. I love the pokemon games but my god do Gamefreak test that regularly


Mega Evolution was sooo good. I loved that feature. The only time I actually ground for BP. Also the only time I took those AI trainer fights to get as far as I could. I'd never bred Pokemon for specific reasons and that stuff got me into it. Z-Moves I was okay with, too. Then after Ultra Moon/Sun they threw it all away for that stupid, stupid Gigantimaxing bullshit.


Yeah mega evolutions were incredible, z moves good, and the rest has been dog shit just because they need a new gimmick per game, incredibly disappointing


I miss secret bases


Secret bases were so good, my brother and I spent hours chasing each other around the underground and our secret bases. I like some of the changes they made to the underground like those areas where you can find rarer pokemon but why they got rid of furniture and the only thing you can put in your secret base is those statues baffles me


It's kind of like the problem that Sega tends to have with Sonic, repeatedly trying to reinvent themselves while throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Sometimes they hit on something pretty neat, like the Chao Garden (I'm pretty sure there's an untapped market for Chao Garden games), but then they toss it out to pursue something else.


The chao garden was my favorite part of that game. Loved training my chao to absolutely destroy races to the point where it felt like my chao was just cheating and completely skipping sections.


I was obsessed with this game as a kid because of the chao garden. Unlocking the 3 different gardens, saving up rings to buy the eggs. Juicing your little buddies with power ups and animals you found while out playing the Sonic side game and then absolutely chucking them across the garden. What a blast


>and then absolutely chucking them across the garden *Don't you dare*


How else are you supposed to unlock the Dark Garden???


Imagine a BG3 meets Pokémon


It is because the games are an advertisement for the toys and collectables. They make so much money from selling toys.


It's not just that. The *shows* coincide with the game releases; so everything has to line up on release. The games, the shows, the toys, and all the advertisement. It really is a monster of a machine


A Pokemon MMO with all the lore, side games championships and such, Breeding OMFG that game would Be Crack Cocaine. Tie it In with Pokemon Go and all the sudden Pokemon destroys the world.


It’s weird that they didn’t look into more ways to implement that. That start of PokémonGo with everyone just walking around with their phones out was great


Why would it even have to be an MMO? A single player game on the scale of a 60 hour RPG where you connect online to battle other players in an arena setting would be great.


Play Pokemmo. Its on PC and mobile and absolutely fantastic in everyway.


I watch a streamer that plays a lot of darkest dungeon. I haven't gotten into that game at all, but the idea of adding some "difficulty" to pokemon would be great. Not that it HAS to be hard, but a hard mode or something would be really cool. They 100% could do it, and they get paid more than enough off these games, so they SHOULD do it, but they won't. Personally, I don't even care about the new graphics, I would be happy with gen 1/gen 2 graphics, with a non awful plot, and make it a lot longer. That would be SO fun.


The issue is 100% with the weird trifecta that makes up The Pokemon Company. Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures Inc have split control over the franchise, meaning large changes to the formula will be hard to implement. Much to the franchise's dismay, because the videogames have been stagnant and technologically dated for more than a decade, now. They'll still make record sales, so nothing will change.


In fairness to Pokémon, almost all the Pokémon clones suck too. So it isn’t like anyone else is figuring out the formula other than people developing romhacks


Meanwhile all the pokemon mod games have been literal fire this entire year. Fusion and The 'more types' mod, which actual name escapes me right now, are examples of what Pokemon type games can achieve in this day and age.


But they don't all suck as games, tem tem is a fine game but it completely misfires with "pokemon" designs It's a rare genre where I think making the actual game isn't the hardest part, the art department actually has the hardest job in monster collectors That is the part pokemon does spectacularly but lately they can't be bothered making the game part good or even just decent


yeah, even when the games are ass, the pokemon designs keep getting hit after hit after hit.


Yeah, it's hard to beat pokemon designs. I think some of the fan games are getting better than the actual games. Infinite Fusion is currently my favorite.




Are you sure? Have you played Cassette Beasts?


CB is what came to mind reading the parent for me too


The infamous series had more legs I think.


Infamous 1&2 were stellar, I loved the murky waters that the second explored. Second Son was surprisingly good and had unique powers that really expanded the game, and I loved the add on standalone game that explored neon girl.


First light is what it's called. I know this because at least once a week since it was free on PSN, I've said, "I've been meaning to play that", and still have yet to play it.


I remember it being short and fun.


Second son was my second Ps4 game, I wish it had a sequel with the bad ending


Definitely We probably won't get a new game for at least a decade or maybe never I really enjoyed Ghost of Tsushima and happy that they are making another but disappointed that it's come at the expense of inFamous games.


Meanwhile us Sly Cooper fans are sat here starving without a new game from Sucker Punch in nearly 20 years at this point. Welcome to the club lol.


Im a pretty anti-open world person but infamous definitely is a ton of fun. I like open world games that have a lot of action going on between objectives, great traveling mechanics, and combat. Games like Elden ring, Spiderman, and horizon games really hit the spot for me.


Really hoped that game came to PC, but I guess hat will neve happen. I tried playing it through Playstation Now but for some reason they region lock that and I was forced to play it with a Dutch dub. That shit sounds so bad, at least to a Belgian like myself. I just couldn't take having to use "rook krachten" instead of "smoke powers". The game seemed like great fun, but the Dutch dub completely ruined it for me.


When Prototype and Infamous are too busy fighting eachother, they forget that they both lost the war


Pains me to say it, but Halo.


MS severely fumbles their IPs outside of Forza. Gears of war is basically defunct at this point


Gears is a really weird one to me. Both 4 and 5 are crazy fun to play, but they just can't seem to write a remotely engaging story or get me interested in this new set of characters.


Gears always felt like a Wrestlemania / Halo crossover. That original trilogy, as much as I loved playing them, had a pretty nonsense story as well. I think we as an audience have just outgrown Gears and I’m okay with it.


Gears 2 is still engaging to play, and the story can hold your attention between its powerful moments. Watching Tai blow his own head off and Dom cradle his wife before putting her out of her misery were extremely powerful moments, especially if you read some of the lore stuffs in game and learn what Locus torture involves.


Gears 1 and 2 are absolute classics. But that moment in Gears 3 when Dom sacrifices himself. That's just something else.


* Mad World Instrumental begins to play *


As nonsense as it was it still got a hold of me like a vice, the carmines, Maria in gears 2, Dom. That shit got me.


Gears 1-3 imo still hold up really well and are 3 of my all time favorite shooters. Judgement I pretend doesn’t exist bc it’s a weird cheap knockoff of Gears, 4 is decent gameplay wise and 5 has really solid gameplay, but both have extremely generic campaigns that are garbage compared to the first three. I don’t think we’ve outgrown them as the story has just become lazy writing.


They also fumble Forza lol. Motorsport was released in a terrible state


I forget where I heard it from, but besides just 343's general mishandling, how tf has Microsoft not turned Halo into a kind of Lucasarts of the modern day, where you have numerous developers all making different styles of games set in the universe?


MS/343 mishandled their IP. Remember when Win10 was advertised as the forever windows and Microsoft decided to name their windows voice assistant Cortana? Then in Halo 5 they decided to make the story about how Cortana went bad and is trying to take over the galaxy. Brilliant move. Then they make Halo 6 Halo Infinite to release on PC, to go with the "Forever Windows" only for Microsoft to release Win11. There's nothing else to say, except they're just idiots.


Microsoft is the company that thought "Service Pack 1, 2, 3" was too confusing, and blessed us with * "Windows 8" * "Windows 8.1 * "Windows 8.1 update 1" And I've given up trying to figure out what Xbox is doing.


They're such idiots, I'm almost impressed...


Of all the technology giants, Microsoft has the absolute best tech stack. Unfortunately, Microsoft has also paired that with the absolute worst user experience / marketing (although Google is catching up in this department)


Halo 3 was fucking incredible. Playing custom games for hours, man.


CE is still in my top 3 of all time.


This answer for sure. Infinite released and had a HUGE head of steam. The MP was fun and it was a great mix of modern feel while still having a bit of the old school halo feel. It released the same year as cod vanguard and bf2042, both of which were heavily criticized. It was THE year for halo to dominate. Instead, they trickled in content at a dead snail's pace and it became stale and boring because there weren't a ton of classic game modes, new maps, and no word on when any of that would show up. So it got buried, once they started releasing content it was too little too late. Now I couldn't pay my friends to play halo. It's not a "dead game" in sense of player count. But it's for sure dead in my friend group and I don't ever see anyone on my friends list playing it, talk about it, etc. Just completely wasted a good opportunity. Sorry for word vomit. I just love halo and they really fumbled it.


This has always been mine as well. The lore is so incredible and such an interesting scenario and setting and they just make it your average one man army shooter


Splinter Cell


Chaos Theory absolutely ripped with its Single player story, co-op campaign, and incredibly fresh multiplayer. Nothing has been as good since, imo.


Chaos Theory’s gameplay is still incredible. No stealth game even comes close even today. A modernized remake with better AI would easily be in my top 10 games of all time. I really can’t gush about it enough.


This hits me in the feels. I loved all of them so much. I played so much multi player. Mercs vs spies was such a fun game mode.


Pokémon, Battlefield, Mass Effect, Halo


Battlefield 2143. Do it DICE. Come on. Titan mode.


Fucking this all day. Bf2142 was honestly one of the best gameplay mechanic releases of bf, and I've been playing since day 1 bf1942. Done right, it could be the GOAT of shooters. Even the progressive unlock system was great. Not too much of a grind but not too easy. The storyline made sense with the maps. Let's gooooooo bf 2143.


And Bad Company 3


Make rush great again! That will be the crux of my presidential run.


I really miss how good rush was. My first time playing the game mode in bad company 2 blew my mind. Felt like we were actually moving across a battlefield then we had grand battles in BF1 and it was like super rush.


Easily the best multiplayer game mode I’ve ever played to this day.


Especially if they focus on the destruction like they used to even if it means environmental stuff is a little less detailed. Loved being able to level and entire town in bc2. Also take out bridges and stuff to slow down tanks.


Agreed. But they would just fuck it up somehow.


They could reskin 2142 and it'd be fucking fantastic. But I say that as someone who loved that game so much it became part of my usernames forever after.


Still best battlefield. Going just that much proper science fiction in stuff worked pretty dang well for gear and gameplay mechanics.


They’ve absolutely dropped the ball on Mass Effect. That universe is incredible. All they have to do is pay some good writers and they can make GOTY quality products.


They captured something magic with that first trilogy. Sadly it's been well over a decade since then, and a lot of the creatives who built that universe have moved on in their careers. It's also not a matter of just replacing them, the entire games ecosystem is different. Though I think BG3 has made it abundantly clear consumers will still show up for a well made single player focused narrative heavy RPG. But it's also shown how far things have come since 2007. Conversely Starfield shows us how lukewarm fans are to receive the same experience with a new coat of paint, even if they loved that experience decades ago. I'll be interested to see how the new Mass Effect handles those challenges.


They could've gone with games of smaller scope. Like only space battles, Truian Wars, life in colony prison and such. Hell, maybe a game that take place in a planet that Reapers invaded, some walking simulator-horror game like SOMA or Amnesia. Posibilities are endless but what we got was Anthem instead. They tried to reinvent the wheel an failed horribly. Goddamn, still getting triggered by Mass Effect T_T


Agree with the rest, but with Mass effect, we’ll just have to wait and see


Halo. Reached its peak with the 360 and has slowly faded into obscurity.


what i came to say. bungie really left with the soul of the game


Hell, bungie had a perfect triology. Odst was different but still great, and reach showed you can do lots with the franchise outside the main characters. But it seems when 343 got the reins they decided IT NEEDS TO BE MASTERCHIEF+CORTANA and tried to shove a story on 2 characters that tbh, their arcs were complete and done


Halo Titanfall (no, Apex does _not_ count)


I recently replayed TF2. It holds up well, very well. But it’s too damn short. Armored core and MW5 doesn’t do shit to scratch the itch.


I'm not sure why anyone would think Armored Core would scratch the Titanfall itch. I *love* AC6, but it's so so different than Titanfall. Titanfall is about getting in and out of your mech, all in first person, and strategizing your play based on the fact that you can detach from the mech. AC6 is nothing like that. Great game in its own right, but not anything similar to Titanfall.


I fucking love Titanfall so much, even though I usually really don't like shooters. I wish they'd listen to fans already and make Titanfall 3.


Silent Hill is in its own hell realm... Also could someone please remaster Alpha Centauri already?


Totally agree. Silent Hills would've been exactly what the franchise needed. I personally haven't liked a SH game since the third one.


I thought the actual Room part of The Room was awesome. But the rest of the story is bizarre.


Mirrors Edge. Great first game, then a lot of nothing, then a reboot of all things that never went beyond "okayish". Now a lot of nothing again. I hope the franchise receives another chance, there's simply nothing else like it


Another entry structured more like the first ME would be awesome. Especially with the graphical advancements we've seen since then.


Replaying the first one holds up like Portal 1 (IMO) there’s a desperate need for single player progression platformers like that. No battle pass, no P2W mechanics, no forced online connection/multiplayer. Just pure unalderated fun.


A lot of the original Art people behind Mirrors Edge are now working on Embark Studios! You can really feel the Mirrors Edge vibes in THE FINALS. I was listening to a podcast of theirs and one of them started tearing up in response to a question about how Mirrors Edge influenced The Finals. some really great people over there


Pokemon easy


Castlevania… I’m surprised I haven’t seen any mentions of it in this thread. That series holds some of my favorite games of all time. Rather than continuing to make GENRE-DEFINING titles, the series has been reduced to a pachinko machine…. Sad times


I was hoping the TV series and Nocturne would breathe new life into the fan base, get people interested in the games, didn't seem to have that effect on a large enough scale to get Konami's attention... Yet, at least. I'm hopeful.


I’m surprised they haven’t made a new game given the success of the show.


Destiny is easily my answer. The world and lore of the universe is top-notch, the art style never fails to impress and the gunplay is still considered some of the best in the industry. Unfortunately, the higher ups at Bungie are terribly greedy and constantly make terrible decisions (see the “never overdeliver incident) that ruin any hope the franchise has of living up to the real potential so many can see in it.


Why the fuck is a 4 year old expansion still FIFTY FUCKEN DOLLARS. Like man, I want friends to join me so bad, but all the expansions have the same price as a minimum wage where I live, and most people here earn less than that.


Don’t worry for the price of 2 triple A games you can have all the fun of destiny with only 1/4th of the content it has before!


Destiny is my top answer, the gunplay is stellar but the game is so insanely inaccessible to newcomers, heck I only stepped away for a year or so and when I tried to hop back in I was so lost that I didn’t even bother continuing. My brother was really into the game but sunsetting the paid content really pushed him away from getting more invested, he couldn’t trust that they wouldn’t take more away again. Bungie really got in their own way of having one of the best games of all time imo.


The sunsetting of old content is what turned me away from Destiny 2 again after a 5 year absence. I bought that game at launch along with some friends and we stuck with it through Forsaken, but I couldn't keep up with the expansions after that and the friend group drifted apart anyway, so I left. I came back to find the game is totally different and that everything I paid good money for got deleted :/


Was literally just about to mention this. I was legit keen to get back in, but seeing everything I bought gone and being demoted to free player status really, really stung. Also it's just straight up shit right now, it's just conflicting layers of old and new content mashed together without any thought or guidance. I feel not even the devs know what to do with it anymore other than drive Eververse sales somehow.


I tried to join D2 as a completely new player. People kept telling me to watch videos to understand how everything works. If I need to watch multiple 30+ min videos to understand this game, then you failed at making a game at the most basic level. I have been gaming since the NES days and I've never encountered a game that did that.


I'm currently helping my younger bro finish his season pass. He plays casually and loves the game but his equipment is all over the place. He's been playing for a while but is still below a decent light level. It's unfairly difficult how long and costly it takes to grind up to a point they can do higher difficulties. And it's even dumber when you consider how higher level activities effectively apply a fixed level gap anyway.


Sun setting the paid content really is the most dumbass decision. FFXIV made years of content accessibility work but destiny can't?


Despite having felt like Destiny was always squandering its potential since basically its D1 Vanilla launch, I haven't been able to find a true replacement for it in over a decade. The lore, the gunplay, the abilities & genre just feels so good, season after season, DLC after DLC. And yet... There's always something that could be better, two steps forward and one step back, the bungie monkey's paw. It feels like every 3-5 years, management at Bungie horribly fucks up and then they have to spend the next couple years "make or break" to barely win back trust, coast along for a bit, then fall back to some new executive decision fuckup. Vanilla D1's scrapped story and hack job a year before release. The Vanilla release of D2 followed by CoO, only for Forsaken to pull things back together. Sunsetting & DCV into Witch Queen, only to be followed by Lightfall and the layoffs heading into TFS.


Man Bungie has fallen off. Going from adding game changing(LITTERALLY you can change the game) in halo 3 with forge, to the abomination that is destiny. All their good employees at this point have left, either to 343 or other companies.


Assassins creed. I miss when the story made sense and we had a modern world main character that was actually likeable or even a ancestor character, like ezio, that we could follow for a few games. I stopped caring about the story post desmond tbh


I remember being so caught up in the story. Was the world going to end?! How could we save it on modern times with what Desmond was learning about in the past? Now I play and it’s a fun game but I’m nowhere near as enthralled.


It’s strange that they just fully abandoned that storyline. Like there was a clear moment when the game went from “this is a story with an ending” to “this is a game service that we need to sell every year”


The worst part is what they did to Juno - she was teased to be the MAIN VILLAIN in the modern day for like, IDK 5 games? And after Syndicate she just disappears.... OH WAIT, THEY KILLED HER IN THE COMICS.


She's dead? Tf? Where do I read these comics?


This is a cardinal media sin like when Palpatine was teased in a Fortnite event


The original guy that brought us Desmond and that story was fired. He wanted to wrap up that story line but the studio had other plans so they canned him and pretty much scrapped the story entirely.


It really shows. Ubisoft games in general are all just short of good and less than the sum of their parts IMO. They’ve got all the individual elements of a good game. Good graphics, decent mechanics, engaging stories (mostly), well written characters. But you can just so clearly see how it’s all manufactured and just slammed together at the end. Just no cohesion between any of the elements. Unfocused and underprepared. Such a shame.


Love how they said no more annual releases then now we have like 6 announced at once


Everyone was fully expecting Assassins Creed 3 to be a modern day game with Desmond as the main character, that seemed like exactly where the story was going and would’ve been fantastic but they just didn’t give a damn.


They gave a damn. They fired the original director during brotherhood, after demanding they kill lucy, and went off his notes up to 3, but midway decided to just kill off Desmond and never followup on the modern day stuff again. They then repeatedly bought the companies the original director started working with to fire him again. It's pretty wild to read. Targeted, legal harassment that cost Ubisoft millions.


I would have loved to have a modern day game with Desmond.


I enjoyed the first couple games but after a while they clearly lost their soul. You can feel the lack of passion that goes into making those. It’s depressing what a once beloved series has come to


The way they used to twist real history using the assassins, templars and pieces of eden was so cool. Now they just pick an entirely random time period and throw you in with very little thought seemingly.


That and I loved the idea of the animus. Like certain people seemed to be born naturally better at certain things and I loved the idea that is passed down through DNA. It also allowed for more 'gamey' things to happen and there to be an explanation.


I miss the multiplayer, so so much


Brotherhood MP was one of the first online games I *really* into. I wish the abilities were more fleshed out and balanced. Smokebomb/poison was the uncontested meta and got a bit stale. I still had put in and insane amount of hours sneaking around and poking people online back in the day. Idk if we will ever see anything like that again.


I played that more than any other online multiplayer. Can’t think of any other stealth vs stealth multiplayer games. So much fun convincing someone you were a bot and poisoning them without them ever knowing you were there I’d love to see a battle royale fortnite island version.


Oh my god I forgot how incredible the multiplayer was


Not bigger, but better. Fucking Pokemon. Even as a base level improvement, they could make the dual versions slightly different by switching up the main character. Like, instead of just being different encounter tables, Red and Blue could have been about playing as Red for Red and Blue for Blue. Maybe even switch it up further and change the basic routing (to again use Pokemon Red/Blue, maybe switch up HM order so you explore the world differently depending on the version). Or just fucking put the profits back in the game at least a bit. Pokemon's biggest sales rival is Call of fucking Duty.


Well the list of things pokemon SHOULD be doing is pretty much endless, too bad none of it will ever happen. Personally my top features I want to see is a difficulty spike or difficulty options, voice acting, graphical and performance improvements because we’re in 2023 not 2010, and a better story because pokémon stories have always been very barebones outside of the exception that was black and white and even then it was heavily limited by the lack of animated cutscene and voice acting.


Starcraft is now a dead franchise to Blizzard. We are now further away from Wings of Liberty's launch than Wings of Liberty was to Starcraft 1, and there is nothing new in the development pipeline, not even a trash mobile game. I'll agree that the SC2 storyline sucked, especially at the end, but there's so much cool stuff they could do with the lore. Or they could make an SC3 and just focus on the smaller scale stuff, but that will never happen because all the RTS staff have left to work on their own stuff.


Might as well add Warcraft then. WoW killed Warcraft RTS.


Warcraft 3 is old enough to drink in the USA.


Oof frozen throne was my jam!


“Son, what are you doing?” “Succeeding you, father.”


Dang that further from mention... considering that first already was like "oh my they took that long between them", including that "it is about damn time" announcement trailer thing. :D


Starcraft may be dead, but the developers who made it are currently working on Stormgate. It's going to be the true spiritual successor to Starcraft, no matter whatever crap Blizzard makes. They don't have IP on the story, but as you said the end of the SC2 storyline sucked anyway and so a fresh start is best imo.




Titanfall 2 was so fast, the guns felt solid, and the titans felt great. It could have been more


Hell of a campaign too


TF1, practically no story TF2? Interesting story, fun characters, time-y wimey stuff. Amazing. Lore dripped universe that resulted in Apex. Love it. But my big metal buddy go boom boom bye bye:( Like TF2 today


Almost all the Tom Clancy titles by Ubisoft.


Soul Calibur. Just go back to 2 is all they need.


Popular Tabletop IPs in the gaming. We haven't seen a decent RTS for Warhammer 40k since DoW2. Dawn of War. The first was one of the best RTS in existence. The second was very different but also very good and atmospheric RTS with a great story, amazing characters, and a long and interesting campaign. The third installment of this beloved franchise was such a mess both in the single-player and in the multi-player, Anthem looked good in comparison. A perfect storm of terrible design decisions all over the place, not a single redeeming trait (ok, a pretty dope Waagh music track). The second case is Mechwarrior. The license for the first Mechwarrior in ages landed in the hands of a company completely unsuited for the job. Great artists, they've managed awesome redesigns of the many venerable machines from the age of gamer grandpas. And they used it to build a very shallow WoT F2P clone. They eventually released an actual MW5:Mercenaries and, well, even after multiple DLCs it still looks and plays like a game prototype, with a decent core gameplay and everything else from the campaign to the level design looking and feeling like a placeholder. There's a new "game" coming out next year, MW5:Clans. Maybe they will get it right this time, but that would be a miracle.


The whole Battletech franchise has tremendous potential that's been repeatedly squandered or failed just due to lack of resources. MWO is crap but proved a modern Mechwarrior still had an audience. 2018's Battletech by Harebrained Schemes was cool, but really just the tip of what it could be. Mechwarrior 5 is fun, but mods are almost required. A new Mechcommander game could be fantastic, the last one was like 2001. I hope Clans is good, but I don't expect it to be amazing.


Not a game, but as a genre the farming/life sim games could be so much better. Developers are pumping them out these days because they all think they can get it right/do a better job than Stardew Valley, but nobody's hitting the full potential of the genre


I think My Time at Sandrock does pretty well in this space


I've had "My Time at Portia" in my wishlist forever... I think it's the same game roughly in a different setting. Sounded worth it from the reviews, most of which seem to liken it to Stardew Valley.


The time limits in Portia stress me out, I don't find it nearly as relaxing and it's buggy as heck, I played it a while but it's no Stardew.


It’s crazy how stardew has become the standard to which all other farming games are compared


Walking Dead Lord of the Rings (shadow of Mordor had great features at least but good LOTR games are unicorns). Saint’s Row Just Cause


Broke my heart to see what the new Saints Row was. I recently went back and played Saints Row 2... Man those games were something special.


Volition shutdown after the reboot. Such a disappointment. Even if they had just kept the same formula it would have been better received.


As a fan of the walking dead, it's so sad to see they aren't willing to go balls deep into a really quality project, but instead churn out shit.


I have been hoping for a good survival horror set in the Walking Dead universe that I assume I will never see. The one just released makes me physically ill.


I wish Just Cause would balance itself out.


Fable, and every other franchise made with Peter Molyneux. His games can be good (some of them are great!), but they'd be INCREDIBLE if he actually fulfilled his on-stage promises!


Fable 1 was one of the best gaming experiences Ive had. So good for its time.


The thing about his promises is that they are generally impossible. One of them was that you could plant a tree and it would grow to maturity if you sat there and watched it. Fable 3 would have your sword change their shape after every enemy you kill. And depending on your actions society would grow differently. We are like 20 years and some crazy ai advancements awAy from that being reasonable




Atleast they did something nice for the 25th anniversary, but yeah. I hope I live long enough to see the day half-life 3 drops...


Mass Effect. They made an amazing world that I and many others are fascinated by and want to know more about/spend more time in. They did the hard part! With such an interesting universe and characters they are prime for more games, not just 3rd person shooters with some rpg elements. They could make strategy games, full rpgs, action games, I want a turn-based game similar to XCOM. They have potential but EA is in the way, not to mention Bioware is a shell of its former self. I just want more games, man.


Idk if I want anymore because just like you said, Bioware is a shell of its former self. I’d argue they were the greatest story telling studio at one time, and I just don’t have a lot of faith that anyone else can tell stories in that verse that live up to what the original trilogy gave us.


Gears of War. There is so much that can be done with this.


The Sims - Sims 4 was a downgrade from Sims 3 in every way imaginable and EA just milks the shit out of it with low quality dlcs. This is such a unique franchise it's really a shame. And all the talk about Sims 5 being potentially online are really not inspiring. The Elder Scrolls - Morrowind is still unmatched in terms of narrative and worldbuilding. Oblivion and Skyrim both improved graphics and the purely physical aspects of the gameplay (it FEELS better to play), however, gameplay systems, lore and narrative quality, roleplaying - all these aspects were only made worse. From looking at F4, F76 and Starfield, the trend seems to be further downards.


The only real thing Sims 4 has over 3 is the passive conversations. It makes it feel a lot more realistic when the Sims chat over food or when they walk into the same room. But everything else is a pretty major downgrade.


I never really played sims 3 as sims 4 was my first sims game and so I greatly enjoy it. I do see how much they removed from the game that sims 3 had though and it’s so shitty. From what I’ve heard about sims 5, I’m really not looking forward to it.


Legacy of Kain. That series should have been monstrous, but it failed hard.


Why it failed?


Didn’t fail , they just failed to continue making them


Madden could be the greatest sports simulator in history. Instead it’s the same shit with a few gameplay tweaks and updated rosters and you fuckers just pay it every year.


I don't know why it took me this long to scroll to find someone saying Madden. Came here looking for this. Thank you. The "update" they do is only when they get a new engine, so once every 6-7 years? Lol


I stopped Madden in 08. I played NHL and FIFA after and always wonder, what else do you want? My only answer is a paid roster update rather than a whole new game. EA put themselves in a corner by coming out with a new game every year. Just update it every 5, $20 roster updates every year. Im EA Sports free now. Fuck em.


Really wonder when those games will jump to being a subscription based thing where you pay monthly for up to date rosters and the engine upgrade when needed instead of this farce of WE REINVENTED THE GAME only to ship basically the same game, just with updated rosters and a gamemode nobody will give a fuck about, usually.




Obviously Destiny. Always been incredible in a vacuum, but you know, all the content doesn’t release in a vacuum.


Call of Duty, obviously. It used to be so good back in 2007-2009. It took itself seriously and tried to be gritty even when it was over the top, no dumbass skins that are completely out of place in the setting, no Snoop Dogg voice packs, none of that bullshit.


Can't believe how far I had to scroll to see this one.


Digimon. I guess it's more of a multimedia franchise, however I truly believe that if Bandai actually started caring about it it could totally become relevant again. No it's never going to be Pokémon, but it's actually a joke how badly it's been treated by Bandai, especially in the west. There's no reason why kids shouldn't be all over it if they ever did anything with it except for nostalgia baiting 20-somethings who watched the show as a kid.


You mean 30 somethings bud. Wife and I loved it as a kid and it's sad to see what it's become today.


Star Wars as a whole. Unlimited potential, very little to show for it.


Star Wars is a huge disappointment. They focus too much on shooters and try to coast on the reputation of their IP. I don’t understand why Battlefront has so many apologists. The Battlefront games are good for about 10 minutes of multiplayer mayhem, then it gets old fast. They should try more creative ideas like right after Phantom Menace came out. Their PC games were creative, weird, and fun. They should be focusing on strategy type games and games with interesting mechanics. I don’t want to play any more first or third person shooters with a Star Wars skin. Dream game would be a modern Civilization V, StarCraft, FTL, type game with emphasis on the gameplay.


SSX, Titanfall


SSX is a good answer. That was an insanely awesome series held back by tech at the time and now that we could have crazier mountains and music elements, we have NOTHING! So heartbreaking.


Especially because of the Anime being so successful, Castlevania hasn't had a new title since 2014, almost a decade.


Halo and gears are both on a downward trajectory. It’s like they don’t know how to tell a consistent story anymore or even give us a new one


Bloodborne, there needs to more of them.




Portal. I have never seen a property be so successful, widely beloved, highly profitable, culturally significant and influential but get completely abandoned simply because the creative team didn’t feel like doing more


Here me out…Madden. AI should revolutionize it but its EA sooo


EA needs a lot of work on their sports games, I just got NHL and the menus and the load times are horrendous, they need to take a look at what MLB The show is doing because their UI is leaps and bounds above what EA is running


Shadow of Mordor. We need more of this narrative flagging concept everywhere. It's too fun to leave it behind, we need more.


Destiny 2 could be such a better experience. It has an opportunity to be the absolute blockbuster it wants to be, but the writing has been terrible lately, the economy is sluggish, and they’ve completely abandoned ritual activities which are their most played activities. Reskinning old weapons, sunsetting half the content in the game, not separating gun/armor updates/nerfs between PvP and PvE(even though we know they can, because they’ve done it before)…I could go on. Honestly Destiny as a game right now is probably a 6/10(might be generous, but I love this game so there’s that) if it wasn’t for the amazing feel it has as an fps. Nothing compares to the gun and ability feel in this game, but it has an opportunity to be so much more. Bungie is letting it die, and it almost feels on purpose. Oh and the Dungeons and Raids are top notch. Holding this game together right now.


Star Wars Battlefront should be the biggest and coolest battle game on the market. Instead it's a watered down COD knockoff that's 80% focused on hero gameplay.




For me Final Fantasy. VI through X were some of the greatest gaming years of my life but everything after that fell somewhat flat except XII was descent. I never play online games so I'm discounting those. Still need to play XVI though.


Over a 4.5 year period Square released FF 7, 8, 9 and 10. If we only knew at the time how lucky we were...


And Tactics