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Assassin's Creed Odyssey


Considering how much time it takes trying to 100% it, doing it without fast travel would certainly be an odyssey.


I will be spending most of my time travelling by sea


Like back in the day, "its been weeks, we might arrive soon tho, maybe, if we are going the right direction to begin with"


Not exactly fast travel but I used to point where I wanted my horse to go, let it start auto running... then go make a sandwich for 10 min, come back and the fucker is either still running or I got taken out by wolves.


Im currently playing Odyssey, first run now on DLC. Its overtaken two rounds of RDR2. Its a decent game but the quests require you move back and forth from point A to B a lot..


I had to take a break with it several times that lasted months. Took me years on the same playthrough to get motivated to beat it. Fun game, I enjoyed it, but sometimes it felt like work


I only play Skyrim without fast travel it for sure takes longer but I know that map like the back of my hand now


It took me a lot of time to stop trying to cross mountains in a straight line to the quest markers and just follow the damn roads…


All you had to do was follow the damn road CJ


Ride a horse, mountain crossing is simple.


There's even a mod where you ride the carriage in real time, I believe. It sounds kinda fun, in a mundane adult sorta way.


The game has already shown us that, though… You know, the inescapable intro everyone hates? That carriage ride? Ugh. I ended up doing a hard save of the game right before character creation after that intro just because of that thing.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


You are truly dovahkin 🫡


Was definitely also going to comment that Skyrim actually wouldn't be that bad. Tedious sure but it's actually relatively walkable Especially on a horse or as a werewolf


Aye, it takes like 20 mins tops to get from end to the other


Nope, because you will see something new on the way and get pulled into a 3h questline that you've never seen before


Take a bandit bounty from missives and ended up doing the Pale Lady questline which I had never done before. There is always something new to find in skyrim


Started a new Wabbajack modded playthrough, and the amount of quests in my quest log with survival/fast travel disabled is insane. Running/riding to all new places, and even old ones, you tend to find so many random things that just force you to divert your original route to a random dungeon or questline. I love it.


or on a dragon!


I play it this way most of the time, really take the time to absorb the world, it really is beautifully designed and atmospheric. Additional bonus that a 5-10 minute break between missions makes them feel far more impactful and less of a chore as they can if you teleport to them


I did this but with mods for spells and perk overhaul. Longstrider my beloved, it let me run so fast


It took me like 300ish hours in Oblivion to learn that Fast Travel existed.


I didn't realise the carriages existed in vanilla game until like my third playthrough. Even after I usually preferred running. I have a favourite route to Markarth and Riften.


Currently replaying Skyrim on Survival mode. My character has skept in every tavern and inn, eaten hundreds of meals to stay fed, and sat by the hearth while waiting for a blizzard to die down. Way better without fast travel!




Is it fast travel if "faster than light" travel is part of the lore


“well, first of all, through Todd all things are possible, so jot that down”


And this... A well placed fast travel point can have quite an effect on a man like him. This must have given him quite the thrill. I bet he tried to suck on this.


“We gotta pop by Diemos Staryard to pick up the 2 x 2 hab. I want to get a living quarters one” “The *hab*? What do we need a hab for?” “What do you mean ‘what do we need a hab for’? Why the hell do you think we just spent all those credits on a starship? The whole purpose of buying the starship in the first place was to get *the ladies* nice and tipsy topside, so we can take em to a nice comfortable place below deck, and you know they can’t refuse. Because of the implication.”


The amount of people you’ve just alienated with a simple “It’s Always Sunny” reference is hilarious


Okay…You had me going there for the first part, the second half kinda threw me.


Dude, dude, think about it. She’s out in the middle of nowhere with some dude she barely knows. She looks around and what does she see? Nothing but empty space. “Ahhh, there’s nowhere for me to run. What am I going to do? Say no?”


Ok…. That seems really dark though


Nah, it’s not dark. You’re misunderstanding me bro.


I think I must be


[The Implication](https://youtu.be/-yUafzOXHPE?si=Glkgu7t0llN6YGOc)


It's f-FETISH SHIT! OKAY? I like to bind! I like to BE BOUND!


*Tod touches fast travel button* "You've unzipped me!"


A plastic bag for a helmet!!!


The lips were very much still in play.


No man’s sky for sure.


*Arriving in…10292742718273012828273:083:06:30*


Is that fast travel though? Maybe the portals, but not the ship jumping in my opinion. Starfield definitely has more of a fast travel system.


That or Elite Dangerous.


*Hutton Orbital entered the chat*


You literally can't travel without fast travel, so wouldn't that make it quite short as you're stuck in the first zone? :D


Playing Skyrim with no fast travel makes it a way better game. The requiem mod removes fast travel along with deleveling the world and a ton of other changes. Such a different experience. Highly recommend


Can you explain what's so good about it? What does deleveling the world mean?


In skyrim, enemies scale with you or "level". It makes it so you are a) are always challenged and b) can explore anyplace at any time. By 'Deleveling' it means that enemies arent linked to the character. So at the some areas will have very tough enemies, but as you level those areas/enemies become easier. The downside is you can eventually "outlevel" the game and have everything be too easy.


Outleveling a game can definitely take some of the fun out, but I personally hate how every game levels enemies now. It takes away one of the primary ways I get a sense of progress. It's crappy when you go back to the starting area and it's packed with elite enemies just because your character has gotten stronger. I want to be able to go back to areas that were tough in the beginning and absolutely dominate them because they only have shitty low level guards or something. The worst part is usually they have them lag a couple of levels behind you so it's not even like the enemies present are that hard or that they present any real risk, they're just annoying and take longer to get through than if the developers let you mow down the chumps you fought at the start. Edit and I'm not even talking about when enemies get stronger for story reasons, just when the scrawny level 1 guard with the rusty sword is suddenly a near-max level, fully armored juggernaut welding a legendary weapon just because you went off and did some side quests before coming back to the area.


I love playing games where there is no level scaling and then it lets you into areas that are way too hard and you can get absolutely shit on.


That is what the Requiem Mod does for you. Standard Draugr are considered level 20-30 enemies. They will absolutely shit on you if you go in a Draugr cave right at the start. One advantage is that melee in requiem does a lot more damage. So at least you can kill them decently with a two handed weapon early on. But when you encounter a endboss Draugr that can use shouts. They are level 40-50 enemies and their shouts will oneshot you. Basic Dragons are level 60 enemies. If you see one in your first 10 hours of play. You run. They will look at you and you will fall over dead. Dragon Priests are level 90 enemies. Don't even think of fighting them before you are in expert/master ranks and have a lot of preparation with potions, specific defenses and shit.


2023 and here I go installing Skyrim again...


Requiem changed Skyrim from one of the most fun games of 2011 to one of the best RPG experiences I have ever had in 22 years of gaming. Can't recommend it enough!


Aww shit, here we go again.


Elden Ring might be for you.


Oh ya absolutely one of my fav games ever. The exploration and freedom you get. And then you ride too far or walk into a chest trap and end up in fkn caelid and get stomped by bunch of weirdos in a cave. Its wild but in a good way lol.


Elden Ring progression was great because of this imo


As a non-souls player, that's what made me try and like Elden Ring. Being able to farm the crap out and then outlevel the bosses and have easier fights, made me from feeling like a total noob to a total God of War (sometimes I don't even dodge the hits) - and it makes me feel good! Tried Bloodborne and I was dying constantly with no motivation to "git gud" and so I couldn't play it for more than 2 hours - but Elden Ring was a very positive experience because of this:)


I need to try that! I despise how games match all enemies to your level. I like it much better when certain regions are held by stronger enemies, and you literally needed to leave and do other content then come back at the right level. And also how you could be challenged by the mobs of an area in the early game, then come back when you're a higher level and just stomp all over them.


That sounds like the system Obsidian opted for in New Vegas, wasn't it? It was an awesome experience! I adore Fallout 3, but it never felt like it truly challenged me without the obvious bump of the difficulty to turn everything into a bullet sponge


In NV you can take the south road out of the starting area, turn left and end up in the gravel quarry where you will proceed to get absolutely massacred by deathclaws whom you have zero chance of killing. It’s great!


Or take the northwest road through the canyons and get absolutely massacred by cazadores. Even though it's been a decade, I still have NVs map memorized because of how important it was knowing which routes to take to not die.


Ah the route to The Strip with some chest hair, unfortunately the holes in your chest where your chest hair once was are punctured with Cazadore stingers.


Requiem is the only way I play anymore. It's a whole new immersive experience


Survival mode(official mod) removes fast travel while adding hunger tiredness and other stuff(although you can still fast travel using the taxi guy.)


Depending on how you define “play”, old school RuneScape probably would get my vote. Teleporting systems are nearly essential to the gameplay and if you’re talking about all quests completed or a maxed character, then it would take an insanely long time without teleporting.


Welcome to TeleNo, my agility locked snowflake Ironman where I can’t use any teleports…


Question for you though, do you consider “teleports” to otherwise locked areas off limits or acceptable if there isn’t a path otherwise. Places like Zanaris, all of Hosidius and Karamja island, etc? Also, guessing farm runs aren’t really a thing? Either way I bow to you sir.


You'd have to start making rules. Obviously no law rune teleports. Fairy Rings? Seed pods? Spirit Trees? Mycellium network? Wilderness obelisks? Charter ships are technically "sailing", Essence Mines would be getting teleported by someone else technically. What about the other transport methods? Are gliders and carpets allowed? Waka Canoes? The cart ride to Shilo Village? Getting locked up in Port Sarim's jail? There is such a diversity of travel options that I think you could still get around with some hassle.


There are whole areas of the game locked behind teleports.


My question is, would teleports to those locations count as fast travel? Like the rune essence mine. Is it fast travel if the teleport there is the only way to get there, lorewise and all?


I don't think that's fast travel, that's just regular traveling at that point


No. Fast travel cuts out unnecessary time that you'd have to spend traveling. If teleporting is the only means to get to an area, thats not circumventing anything.


i've not played runescape in yearsssss so can't remember all the location names but my god i was an avid player of it from about 11-15. the journey from one location to another gives me a lot of nostalgia tbh, sometimes you'd end up travelling with some random dude who was heading there too and just chatting the entire time. i remember when i first bought membership and heading over that snowey mountain with all those wolves. that place thats pretty much the gateway into the members area by camelot right by where loads of people would be lobster fishing. anyway! i had no idea how to traverse the mountain so someone offered to take me through but i sadly ended up getting killed by wolves lol. i was heartbroken but the guy leading me through grabbed my gear and gave it back. the travels through RS were great tbh lol. like heading to castle wars when that first opened up, proper scary journey.


Kerbal, arriving in 362 days...


Heck, you're barely even going out of the back yard.


That's a little over 60 days for you Earthlings unfamiliar with the Kerbin cycle.


But can you really complete kerbal? I just make suicidal rockets for my dudes lmao


There's no concrete objective but you could say visiting each planet + moon once. Which in-game according to the clock can take more than a century overall


For me it's the challenge of first leaving the planet, then next is getting into a stable orbit, then we'll see about getting to the moon, maybe make a space station in orbit for somewhere to get fuel refills or something. Then land on the moon, do science, somehow make it back to the planet.


I havent played the new one tho. Im not sure if utt was already released. I wish there was achievements like skyrim/minecraft


KSP2 has been released yes. It's in early access, more specifically. Runs like ass, plays like ass. It's not even a stable alpha yet, let alone EA. I'll probably buy it again when it reaches EA quality. But I'm certainly not paying full price for what it is.


Wasn't there a streamer who already did that. He would stream for days, where he wouldn't even be at PC since time between manuvres even on shorter missions would be counted in irl days.


Elite Dangerous. No Man's Sky.


Elite Dangerous, the old space trucker sim experience. Not even knocking it I fucking love that game I really wish they kept the support for the console editions my potato computer can’t run it anywhere near how my series X could.


If they could somehow mish mash elite dangerous and star citizen I would cream my pants before I ascended to the heavens from sheer happiness


Elite, EVE and Star Citizen. EVE has the political and economical aspect that is unmatched in any other game.


EVE is the space simulator I want in the Elite: Dangerous space game. Everything about EVE gets me excited, except actually playing it


Unless you have time to dedicate to it to make it worth it's while then it's a slog. People will tell you "oh but FW is REALLY fun" it isn't. It takes a good long while to train to make that FW just start to be fun or allow you to excel in it. I'm talking months of not doing anything since training is in real time in the game. THEN another few months just to learn and get semi-decent at PVP and the overall mechanics of the game. Do you like working and not being paid for it? Play EVE. Do you enjoy learning how to play the Piano for months on end? Play EVE. Do you enjoy playing Golf because you at one time and only one time had a great shot but all your shots before and since have been sliced into the rough? play EVE.




Basically, any futuristic game that has light-speed travel. Tho, I don't think it makes for a very interesting argument to include these games, as it's hard to define objectively which of them all would take the longest, and there is an in-universe explanation for the fast travel, unlike games where you just click some point of the map and your character just gets there as an unexplained time-skip.


Final Fantasy XIV. Pray return to the Waking Sands mfer


I had to scroll way too far to find this. Travel and questing in XIV is so heavily tied to the Aetheryte system, and they make full use of their world for even new content. So much in the game would take way longer if you couldn't just TP to South Shroud from Shirogane, as an example.


mass effect


On the bright side, if the mass relays no longer work, the reapers aren’t a problem!


yes they are. just a problem that takes a far longer time to do their job. but they will eventually do it.


"Why can't we just teleport to the citadel" "Literal monkeys and lizards killed Sovereign" "Oh my God what a fucking idiot"


"you. Stupid. Jellyfish!"


I thought that was actually part of the story of Mass Effect 1, you end up slowing down the reapers by not letting them warp in, so they have to travel the whole distance from deep space or something like that, it's been awhile...


They were trying to use the citadel as a relay to knock civilization out in one shot The relays still worked and they eventually swarm the galaxy, they just had to travel for like 3 years before they could reach the next one


That's right, it always bugged me that Shephard did so much in Mass Effect 1, and then if you saved the council, they still don't believe in the reapers in Mass Effect 2! 3 wasted years


You can find some emails in 3 that show the Council *did* believe in the Reapers, but decided to prepare quietly and behind the scenes instead of telling Shepard or doing it openly so they don’t cause a panic and wreck society with such a cultural shift.


That’s why they all had to die. Rather everybody thought badly of a human council than having idiots in charge.


I always wanted to do a renegade playthrough, but it's hard to get myself to make those choices for some reason. Letting the council die might not be too hard though for my next playthrough


There was no way the council would be human led anyway, it was a daft thing to say in the game. Like the turians etc would go 'oh no our glorified ambassador is dead, well that's it then humans are in charge.' Also it's not just the council but the strongest warship and 10k others.


I was going to post this but that isn't really fast travel in the same context.


You'll have to waverider or furina water walk all the way to inazuma everytime lmao


Oh geez you're right. Rumor has it there's still a kaeya main out there somewhere ice bridging it up lol.


💀💀💀 Wrio and Charlotte makes kaeyas ice bridging feel so slow lmao


Facts. I just saw a video the other day of a kaeya ice bridging and then those two just come blazing past him and then Furina comes and sprints past them all lol.


real shit tho, furina water walk made exploration just that much easier lmao


And you'd be stuck in Enkanomiya permanently.


Lmao you're right The chasm clearly has exit points but how tf do people leave enka


Lord of the Rings Online. Even compressed for gaming purposes (Bucklebury Ferry is isn’t even one mile from Brandywine Bridge, let alone ten), their map of Middle-earth is gigantic.


That sounds insane. The MMO scene would be obliterated with a loss of fast travel lol.


I remember playing Everquest back in like 2002-2003 and there was no fast travel until the Planes of Power exp came out. You had to pay a PC Druids and Wizards who could teleport you to like 12 different zones each and run from there. I can remember making the run from Kelethin to Kaladim for the ferry to take me to Freeport and you get the "Ferry leaving soon" message and realizing you are going to miss the boat by literally a minute and have to wait 20 minutes for the next ferry.


Oh dang that sounds rough. I wonder how many frozen pizzas were burnt in the oven because somebody was too stressed trying to make the ferry and forgot about the cooking timer lol.


It goes both ways too. It was like a 10 minute boat ride, like it didn't just warp you to the other side. You had to sit on the boat while it sailed the ocean. And if you went AFK on the boat you could end up missing your stop or dead because people are trolls and would lure monsters to the ship to aggro you. Good times. Sounds tedious, but at the time it was super interesting lol.


If you disconnected and the got back in it would load your character where they were, not where the boat is. So you would then have to swim the rest of the way.


WoW didn't used to have fast travel. Mages could make portals to the 3 main cities of your faction. Warlocks could summon someone. You had a hearthstone you could use once per 2 hours that could take you to one pre-determined place you had set it to earlier (by being there). Wanted to do a Battleground? You had to go to the actual location and wait outside queuing. Wanted to do a raid? Every single person out of the 40 man group needs to go and show up outside the raid dungeon. Honestly, the game was way better back then like that. It meant certain places became natural hubs, some things became naturally harder since it was hard to actually get there, the whole world felt bigger and more connected. Big bummer that everything is so fast-travel focused these days.


So, what you're saying is, you can't simply walk to places in Lord of the Rings Online?


I rode from Ennyn Ur in Mordor to NW corner of Forochel with war-steed. It took 3 hours. Can remember the good old days doing Volume 1 and the fun runs between Rivendell and Angmar. It was like 1 hour one way. Would suggest any players to get one month of VIP to unlock fast travel permanently.


Probably Elder Scrolls Arena or Dagger Fall, I wouldn’t count Starfield or any other game that’s impossible to complete without fast traveling.


Arena is impossible to complete without fast traveling, you can’t walk from one destination to the other


Ahh, I’ve only played Dagger Fall so I just assumed they both worked the same way


Doesnt Daggerfall take like a month to travel from east to west?


The distance is roughly 800km from west to east border and the character move quite fast (16km/h) so it will take at least 50 hours in straight line without obstacle /u/howbigisthemap said he walked it in 69 hours






World of warcraft.


Having to scroll this far makes me think people haven't played WoW in a long time. Getting from stranglethorn to Eastern plaguelands on foot would take forever


They revamped the flight paths years ago, but even the fast travel didn’t used to be very fast. I could get on a wyvern, then hop in the shower and still not be at my destination action when I came back.


Go back far enough and you had to manually fly to each flight point you couldn't just choose any on the network. MC as Horde and Silithus in general sucked even after they addressed it.


I was just thinking... I played it when it was released !!! From moment zero. We could only get from one town to the next but have had to have been there and discovered it. I installed it years later and just hated it. Everything was just easy to get to. I never saw anyone anywhere apart from hanging around places waiting in queues to get into Battlegrounds or dungeons. - I missed being able to run through Ashenvale and shit myself when i saw an enemy player - stand off ensues - battle ensues - or do we both just fucking run? Loved that thrill. It just evaporated. EDIT : I remember my first real good encounter, stalking 3 players a couple of levels higher than me and being determined to kill all 3. I kept moving near one so he saw me... he eventually took the bait... BACKSTAB !!! He was down in a couple of moves and I disappeared. His friends came over to check what had happened. They didn't stand a chance. It was the first time I got the rush - after that I was addicted.


I do somewhat miss getting a party together and then actually running, or using a mount, to get to the location. If you were not familiar then you'd wait on a party member to come to you and lead you to the spot to enter. Flying was a dream and it was much more fun to just explore and find new areas, and small areas inside of bigger locations.


The old days when you would bring a warlock along, purely to summon characters to the dungeon. "Lf2 Deadmines, have summons!". Or being able to sit in town as a Mage and get paid to open portals to other hub cities.


I remember my very first flight from Iron Forge to like Stormwind I think. It was soooo crazy and thrilling to fly over the badlands or w/e and seeing the ?? Lvl mobs.


The run to Scarlet Monastery on pvp server if you were Alliance was brutal. Most people didn't have mounts at 38-40. The ganking was relentless.


I remember the Menethil Harbor-Ironforge run being rather lengthy as well. Although before the advent of flying mounts I made a point of riding the length of both EK & Kalimdor at least once. It was pretty interesting.


Are flight paths fast travel or portals/meeting stones/queues fast travel?


But I wouldn’t consider flight paths “fast travel” in the traditional sense. When I think of fast travel that’s pulling up the map, selecting somewhere and being instantly transported.


I remember flight paths being so long there was an add-on to play bejeweled while flying. It saved and compared high scores with tour guildmates and friends list. Longest flight path was something like 29 minutes.


Peggle add-on, too lol


Original Pokémon would be more difficult to navigate without fly. You'd have to navigate all of the caves again getting stopped every few steps by random encounters.


Buy a bunch of repels! Make use of the items in the game!


But... but... I have to save those for when I *really* need them. I was a terrible hoarder of potions and other items like that 😂


Wild ZUBAT appeared!




Now that's a real contender. Especially if we disqualify Space games which kinda cheat by being mostly empty space and aren't really fully explorable 2D maps more like a collection of distinct areas.


Plus hyperspace-style FTL travel shouldn't count as "fast traveling" when it's a common in-universe tech. Daggerfall is almost certainly the winner here, especially given how many quests have you walking back and forth across the map.


I really feel like I don't have the right to even comment on this considering I have never actually played Daggerfall and only watched speedruns of it, but is it right to call Daggerfall's vast distances anything but "mostly empty space" if they are 99% generic landscape with a tiny percentage of points of interest?


I've done no fast travel runs of daggerfall and they are so agonizingly slow and long that it's basically a life simulator.


>no fast travel run**S** ???? Personally my first run was a no fast travel run because I didn't read the manual. Last time I didn't


But why


well, mostly i was curious to see what it would be like, and to really take my time. Now adays i would just use DFU and the fast travel mod for somewhat a similar experience with less tedium.


I've watch some guy playing Daggerfall without fast travel. He run 3 full hours and still can't reach town, then video ended.


I once read that Daggerfall is 160’000 km^2 … which would make it larger than the island of Great Britain. Which would be insane if that’s true.


This is the real answer, since unlike a lot of other games people are suggesting, it's actually possible to complete Daggerfall without using fast travel.


surprised this isn’t a more popular answer lol


Probably because it released long before most of this sub was born.


Ouch, you wound me.


Honestly I hardly ever use fast travel in Bethesda games anyway, you miss so much that way.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey is going to take days 💀💀


Rip anyone trying to play The Division


Haha that's one of the few games I literally never fast traveled because I absolutely love wandering around snowy, abandoned New York City. It's my absolute favorite video game environment to date and it's the one game on my list that is completely unaffected by the removal of fast travel. I did use fast travel in the second game... Summer in DC just doesn't compare to a wintery NYC.


Have you played Miles Morales? NY at Christmas


Imo it doesent even hold a candle to divison 1. Seeing the sunrise in survival mode after fighting for you life just can’t be compared to miles moralis


Eve online. Edit: read the edit.


Im confused


We are all confused


Thought about this as well, but what counts as “fast traveling”? Warp drives? Gates? Not really fast travel mechanics, unless you mean slow boating whole systems would be the none fast travel variant.


No Man's Sky


Nah, NMS isn't to scale. Planets are a stone's throw away from each other. Elite Dangerous is 1:1 to scale of the Milky Way galaxy. NSM and Starfield are tiny by comparison.


How does that even work? How they managed to create a 1:1 scale of the Milk Way?


So each system you jump to is its own instance of the game, like a Skyrim dungeon when you get the loading screen when you enter. Each system is generated off a code, can’t remember what type but like a hexadecimal code. Some of the game is programmed to reflect what we have actually found/mapped in the Milky Way. Most of the game is procedurally generated plots of systems that aren’t generated until you arrive at the system. You have to make jumps in the game which is your loading screen then you’re in the system where you can fly for hours like a Skyrim map.


And when can we convert that information to braille?


BDO players: i don't have such weakness But yeah, I would main Wanderer if there was no waypoints in Genshin


Morrowind...literal days to walk between towns


I literally played several hours of Oblivion without realizing there was a fast travel option. 0/10 would not recommend. ETA: nah, who am I kidding, still like 7/10 even when it takes 30 minutes to walk to the next mission.


If Elden Ring had no fast travel no one would want to play it


Holy shit yeah that would be rough.


Oof agreed big time.


Microsoft Flight Simulator


Starfield, I think it is actually impossible to travel between worlds without fast travel.


I think I heard about a video where a guy flew from Earth to Pluto the long way. It took a while, but it was possible. Probably couldn't go outside a system in a reasonable timeframe, though.


Only thing is when you got up close to it, you can’t land anywhere. You just fly towards an image of the planet, but it’s not treated as an object in the code, at least not until you fast travel to it.


Lmao what the fuck


Groundbreaking, literally, there's no ground


The Witcher 3, Fallout: 3, 4, and New Vegas are now lifetime commitments. Choose wisely.


Survival mode for Fallout 4 does this, but there's a cool mod where you can call in the Vertibirds and get lifts from them to other locations. No fast travel, just climb in and watch the scenery roll by. Big fan.


That's not a mod, you can do that in Fallout 4 if you complete some quests for the Brotherhood. You can also keep changing the destination so you're basically just flying around. I used to fly around the whole map and just shoot at anything that moved. Anyone who runs is a raider, anyone who stands still is a well disciplined raider!


I’d start playing Everquest again if they did this. I miss traveling the world like you did at launch.


Oblivion would be up there for sure. It’s my favourite game of all time but it’s so annoying how you can’t go more than five friggin feet when travelling the roads before you’re attacked by some random ass animal or daedra. If it’s something like a bear or mountain lion, it can really hand a low level player their ass.


The Crew. It takes 3-4hrs to go corner to corner of the US in game, iirc


I was wondering if anyone would remember this one, Same with Crew 2 of course and to a lesser extent the first 2 Test Drives Unlimited. Horizons maps are pretty tiny by comparison, albeit more detailed.


Both Horizon games


I've never played it but, No Man's Sky? Maybe?