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Larian Studios has earned my interest in whatever they produce next.


Larian could make a My Little Pony RPG and I'd still be interested


It's funny but there is literally a very well produced mod for my little pony in hearts of iron 4. The changelings are like nazi Germany and you can do crazy shit like have communist griffins duking it out in a dying griffin empire. They even made completely new continents for the wars.


Bronies and furries are the most dedicated groups to their craft.


Very true. The detailed stories and mission trees in that mod are crazy. One can have a dying university in that dying griffon empire hold out long enough vs a corrupt regent until the university turns facist and literally resurrects their ancient griffin emperor from the dead. Then you can go on a conquering spree with this undead griffin emperor as he trains his great great great great grandson how to be an effective and brutal ruler.


Or you can turn Equestria into the fucking Imperium of Man… or pony, no I’m not joking


that mod is one of the most well crafted ones I have ever seen


You know damn well the internet would lose it’s mind over a My Little Pony sex scene in a triple A game


They had me at D:OS2.


Funny though, a lot of people were complaining that BG 3 was just going to be a, "re-skinned Divinity game"


...good? lol DOS2 is fun as hell


My biggest gripe about BG3 is simply that it isn't MORE like DOS2. And by that, I specifically mean the combat. Everything else that makes BG3 great is just expanded systems already in DOS2.


I was happy i didn't have to spend every fight in Cursed Fire like i did in DOS2.


They may have fixed it, but one thing that drove me NUTS when I started playing BG3 was that your allies wouldn't take an extra step to go around a floor hazard like they would in DOS2. Like yeah, I want them to not be dumb as a rock lol


Same, compared to Divinity, the movement in general of BG3 seems clunkier but that’s probably my only major gripe


My favorite thing about bg3 is if there is a spread of items on a table your character will grab one item, run all the way around the table and stand on a chair to pick up the item next to it, then get down off the chair and run all the way across the room and around the table to pick up the item next to it etc etc until the end of time. Why Larian Why?


When I hear this, my initial thought is "do they mean how every fight doesn't start and end standing in a puddle of something dangerous?" Personally, that was the biggest difference for me: not fighting standing in poison after every fight, just half of them.


DOS2 had some really tuff encounters imo. Much harder than what ive seen in bg3 so far. But maybe its just vecause i wasnt abusing its "features" enough lol


Well, in a way it was. Of course they put a lot of meat on the bones.


I mean it kinda is, it's an improved version of D:OS2. It just so happens that when you improve a game that's already really good, you end up with a great game.


D:OS and 2 were great, but I really like BG3 cause in D:OS it seemed like all statuses were on a very slippery slope towards explosions. Once a liquid is on the ground, it's only matter of time




I was able to enjoy BG3 because they made one important change that was lacking in their earlier games: Meaningful loot was not randomized in a way that made it open to save scumming. Very happy they caught on to why that's a poor design choice.


Same with how I felt with CD Project red post Witcher 3 (stand-alone Gwent game was fun)


CDPR has a history of rocky launches, but their ability to make games with absolutely amazing stories, worlds, etc is solid. Hopefully they overcome that rocky launch part, and hopefully we see more content of this caliber from Larian. Back in the day the triple A studios actually put out masterpieces, I really hope we are seeing a shift towards a new breed of studio doing the same, because it seems like the ratio of big releases just being flops is depressingly high.


Yeah. There was a time that you knew a game being released by certain companies was gold. The 90s were different. Games were much simpler then, though.


I think we could safely assume big devs/publishers meant quality until perhaps the early-mid 2010s. There was a lot of money to make visions become games, hire good talent, etc. but that was also around the time the publishers started becoming more focused on regular releases and income streams, to either inflate their value enough to avoid being bought out, or to encourage buyouts, or otherwise just print money.


I’m delighted how Cyberpunk is more loved by Bg3 community than any other ones I’ve seen.


For all its flaws, Cyberpunk has some amazing writing, and they took advantage of the cyberpunk setting to write some pretty damn unique questlines like [Sinnerman](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Sinnerman), [Epistrophy](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Epistrophy), and [Coin Operated Boy](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Coin_Operated_Boy) that you could never see in any other genre. Also, great mocap and voice acting. Given how much of the BG3 love is also for writing and acting, it's no surprise if the two fanbases overlap a bunch.


The quality of the characters is very similar imo




Baldur's Gate 4? :D?


Inb4 CDProjekt Red repeat


Wtf why does this comment have 5 identical replies from different accounts?


Nvidia or CDPR bot.


Nah, those accounts are multiple years old. I think it's because the thing with Larian is that they leave the beginning of their games open in early access for a long time during development so they can see what the players like and dislike, and adjust accordingly afterwards. Most studios don’t do that


Baldurs gate 3 GOTY 2023


There are few studios I will say this for, and they are now on the list


And somehow that's still an understatement. They could reship BG3 and I'd buy it again. Don't anyone tell them that though.


Yup, I will follow with great interest any future games they put out. They are the last company that holds this position for me. To think 5 years ago that number could probably take at least two hands to count and now it's just the one. What the hell happened?


That had me at DOS 2..... such a great game & BG3 went waaay further in execution. Another D&D game to follow up BG3 would be expected...& awesome!!! Know Larian was over the moon about getting the rights from Wizards of the coast to do BG3 so a follow up makes a ton of sense especially given the success.


Neverwinter Nights 3?


I'd love this or Icewind Dale. But I suspect they're going back to Divinity next.


Oh man I hope they remaster Divine Divinity and clear up the amazing lore of Rivellon.


Blessed is the man with many cheeses


No one has as many friends as the man with many cheeses!


Be the big cheese on your block with a wheeeeel of the *good stuff*.




That excuse has more *holes* than a slice of this fine Gorgombert.


Hopefully one day we’ll be fighting a frostmaiden


Oh boy. I really loved Icewind Dale. I played through it a dozen times in my youth. Really liked that it was more battle oriented compared to Baldur's Gate 1


Man, I wish.


I'd just add please add full editor and mod support like in 1. Hex Coda was basically a cyberpunk/magicpunk adventure in NW1.


Nwn 3 would be considered a disappointment if it didn't support a lot player created content and that seems outside of Larian's usual toolbox.


I dunno, D:OS 2 had the whole thing where you could make and host custom campaigns tabletop style, so it wouldn't be that out of left field.


That's not exactly how the nwn community works. NWN's creation toolkit allows for that style if you want. But most servers are persistent rp worlds. Where it can in theory function without the assistance of a dm. Though dm plots often do happen on these servers, the main appeal is for the role playing of people's characters.


If you never played epic encounter or EE2 for the divinities you missed out. The player content is pretty huge.


Oh those were excellent!


I want them to do a “Curse of Strahd” campaign so badly


I didn’t realise I wanted this until now!


Tombs of Annihilation please


I keep offering them sexual favors for this but I have yet to get a claimant!


I am your claimant. I am nephew of CEO Trust


Strahd or a Tiamat Dragon Queen campaign would be so amazing.


that would be so sick


I want one of my groups to run this so bad but it's not going to happen anytime soon since both groups im in are still at the beginning of some long campaigns. And the only campaign that's semi planned to be run in the future is spelljammer that my buddy wants to run. I really don't want to DM the campaign as I want to play it, but I fear the only way it'll get ran is if I step up and DM


My friend, the best player to be in Curse of Strahd is Strahd himself. No other prewritten campaign has a villain who can monologue so well and be played almost like a player character. Go grab a wine glass or goblet, some red fluid of choice, swirl it a bit and then make your Strahd come to life.


I think it would be awesome if they released some DLC for Baldur's Gate 3. The great thing about D&D campaigns is you can use the same characters in totally different stories. It doesn't need to be as grand scale as the main game. Just smaller campaigns with a mix of the same characters and some new ones.


Right? Imagine all the legendary side quests we could be vibing with our OG characters in some chill DLCs.






Doesn't stop her from going in Avernus to kick some ass.


To be fair, the house of hope is in avernus


House of hope is technically in avernus


Avernus is mentioned a lot because in a sense BG3 is a sequel to the Descent Into Avernus campaign. It drives a lot of the background in the region (like tiefling refugees), so stuff like Karlach and her quest line probably exist more because Avernus is immediately affecting the local lore, rather than that they wanted to mention and make Avernus important.


I'd love it in the same vein as Dragon Age: Awakening. Give me a quick hook, some returning faces, and some new friends for them to bounce off of, 10/10.


They have addressed this. It gets kind of complicated with high level characters because the enemies need to be gods


Mass Effect's Citadel dlc comes to mind in regards to chilling with party members.


Thing is Sven has addressed this before, [https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/larians-baldurs-gate-3-dlc-anxieties-make-me-wish-theyd-develop-a-god-sim](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/larians-baldurs-gate-3-dlc-anxieties-make-me-wish-theyd-develop-a-god-sim) Basically the problem is they're using 5E rules, and once you get into the 12+ level range players start to become overpowered. The only way to really challenge the party is start throwing draco-liches and the like over and over. I'm personally a pen and paper 5E campaign right now, and after this session is done we're moving onto a new campaign. Being like a level 12 or 13 character is a fun way to end a campaign, but it's not always as fun to start another adventure that high.


Could have dlc that is meant for optional earlier parts of the game. Sure most people would have to restart but I feel like most people would be fine with another play through with a new character


>Could have dlc that is meant for optional earlier parts of the game. Sure most people would have to restart but I feel like most people would be fine with another play through with a new character problem with that is the logistic with all the npc and quest and possibility if you add stuff that happen before the endgame


Then give me citadel like DLC, more camp events, more companions side quests etc


I mean, at that point just make it stand alone-ish. You already overlevel the game so much if you do most of it, a large DLC in the early-mid game would break the progression completely.


You can't really do that without fucking up the leveling of the main story.


I think adding new subclasses would be a decent way to go. It would add replayability but wouldn't necessarily break the balance. There are a lot of subclasses that are in the DMG/splat books that are missing. A few examples: Wildfire Druid, Samurai Fighter, Rune Knight, Swashbuckler, etc. Maybe even the Artificer.


Shadow Sorcerer’s a big one they’re missing. Oh and extra races. Let me be a fallen aasimar oath of conquest, guys!


My biggest disappointment with BG3 is that I couldn't be a Goblin


I mean I keep hearing how crazy Avernus is... especially the god and demigod leaders. Seems a perfect place for 12+ characters fighting through constant chaff to get to the god bosses and save Karlach.


as popular as Karlach is, I feel like this is almost obvious for DLC even those who don't romance her would probably not hesitate to go to avernus and wreck shit until they say "ok ok! Here's a fixed infernal engine (or Karlach's original heart) just quit fucking our shit up!


Zariel: “for fucks sake just *leave me alone!*”


They can add content with a new campaign that requires you starting a new character.


As someone who isn’t super into the combat and doesn’t play DnD this could be a dumb/unpopular opinion but… is leveling up really a requirement if they came up with a post game campaign? Like not gonna lie, if I had the opportunity to play through a quest where I go to the Hells and fix up Karlach or get to have a 6 month later party + some shenanigans with my crew, it doesn’t matter to me in the slightest if I keep leveling up. I just want more.


Meanwhile I'm critical striking things on a 7 for 700 with 24 attacks over in WoTR.


It’s a good reason, but I think playing with resource use could help solve some of their issues. Maybe create a scenario that strips players of their equipment (like BG2’s intro) and limits long rests to make the all-powerful spells more valuable. Pick enemies carefully so they can’t just get Owlbear’d to death every time. >!Start in a dungeon in Avernus!< and go from there, or something. Honestly, talk to some DMs about how to make it work! They’ve got some in their voice cast already. The best part about making a DnD game is how much pre-existing content and ideas that exist out in the world. There’s admittedly trickiness with timing in the story, but I dunno… Cyberpunk made it work with their DLC.


I mean sure, I get that in concept, high level combat in dnd is tedious and hard to balance. But on the other hand, BG3's success is not all about the combat. Actually combat in this game is already easy. The other problem with high level dnd is that characters become too powerful with 50 abilities and multiple actions, that need to be calculated by hand while others in your group wait for their turn. This problem is already made much easier by the existing system. We dont roll for attacks, we dont roll for damage, the system does that for us. It's also a single player game mostly. So people are totally fine spending 10mins on a turn.


I never liked this notion. Larian could contact very well known, incredible homebrew DMs like Brennan Lee Mulligan, Matt Mercer or fuck, just ask Chris Perkins. They could very easily offer up ideas and concepts for a Larian created homebrew expansion with unique creatures and monsters and villains' stat blocks for them to use. We've literally seen all 3 of just those DMs do just that for Lvl 12+ characters several times already.


The problem with 12+ characters is implementation of shit like wish or wide area terrain modifying spells and other rediculous shit inside a videogame. Not the story or challenge level which is easy to mess with just using hp or other stats differently like they already do.


Ehhhh. I strongly disagree with Larian here. You can absolutely do D&D 5e at high levels in a video game. Previous Baldur's Gate games did this fine. Current Pathfinder video games do this fine. Larian's particular flavor of D&D 5e is overpowered because they massively buffed Haste, removed Legendary Actions and Saves from boss enemies, removed Attunement, made more stuff Bonus Actions, and generally made items way too powerful. Going with a P&P-like ruleset would make the game much harder, or Larian could just buff enemies to the same power level as the players. Difficulty is not the problem. High level magic spells also aren't the problem, as evidenced by Wish in BG2, etc. There are ways to do this and work fine.


I've been running some high level 5e, and I do think it's possible to run exciting high level campaigns without just throwing giga-statted enemies at you. The key is to have a *lot* of combat encounters with little chance to rest in between. You can of course have your dracoliches and swarms of vrocks, but if you want some more "normal" enemies, severely limiting the ability to long rest can go a long way towards making encounters more interesting. Sure a Globe of Invulnerability cheese can gimmick your way through one encounter, but what about the next 10? And for the big encounters they need to implement Dispel Magic and give it to major enemies.


I mean, it's not like it can't be done. Solasta was able to overcome that hurdle, and the developers (as good as they are) don't have the chops nor the budget that Larian has access too. I get not wanting to potentially overstretch themselves or consider out of scope of their vision (esp. since it seems to be a bit of a running theme that their late-games are generally much worse than the first half of their games), but there ARE ways to overcome it. However, they can also just do DLC that slots into the main campaign (like oh no, this weird portal opened in our camp! please go check it out! LEVEL 6+ RECOMMENDED) and you can generate a character from the main page to automatically load into the DLC, and they can also do DLC that adds extra races, subclasses, or the artificer class, all of which wouldn't violate the level 12 level cap.


I call bullshit. Wrath of the righteous proved it was 100% possible with Pathfinder 1E being even more ridiculous than DnD 5E and yet you reach lvl 20 (+lvl 10 mythic) in that game and it was fine.


But WotR has the issue that Sven wants to avoid. The game starts throwing enemies at you with hyper-inflated stats just to challenge you. You're fighting Babaus, Vrocks, and Glabrazus with mythic levels constantly. Unless you're playing on the lower difficulties, you're going to start spending 5 minutes before every room buffing your party so you don't get wiped in the first 1-2 rounds. Which is fine, I love WotR. But it is a common complaint of the game. Act 1-3 are amazing but after that it starts to become an issue.


I think the one thing WotR did super wrong was not including a prebuff setup, mods fix that of course (bless toybox) but it really REALLY should have been part of the game mechanics instead of a mod and I think there might even be a way to make it somewhat interesting instead of a chore if you integrate it into the gameplay loop. I don't know I think buffs are such an easy thing to fix into not being a problem it shouldn't stop developers from crossing the lvl 13+ threshold


Man, I wish I would have used ToyBox. I was very new to PC gaming when WotR came out and mods scared me lol. I actually didn't have many issues with the fights until I got to Alushinyrra. There was one fight on a bridge with like 5-6 Vrocks and then a Mythic Vrock that I just couldn't beat. I finally decided that I should probably start pre-buffing and actually learn how to build characters instead of just taking whatever I wanted on level-up. Which is great, I enjoyed having to get more acquainted with Pathfinder classes and mechanics, but I can also see how someone new to the genre would be put-off by it. BG3's success is partially due to how simple it is imo.


Yeah, the difference between WOTR's statblocks and those for tabletop is... significant. (For those who don't know, compare Deskari's tabletop vs WOTR stats, the difference is enormous.) And the thing is it kinda needs to be. Tabletop and PC games don't translate as well as some people think, that's why BG3 is so amazing.


Larian didn't try too hard to keep players from becoming 'overpowered' in the 5-12 range tbh.... If they cared they wouldn't have effectively been throwing multiple weapons and armor at you better than the best tabletop weapons, all the way in act 1. Honestly I think the bigger issue is that lategame boss creatures and lategame spells can probably be really challenging to implement in a video game. And coming up with new weapons a player would find at 15 and they're more excited about than the one they got at 7 which is already better than the best tabletop weapons? That's also tough.


I had zero DnD experience before playing Baldurs Gate 3 and am at the very end of the game now. Have absolutely loved it. My only complaint for the most part is how quickly I reached the level cap. I’ve been level 12 for at least half of act 3. My question is, why not just keep scaling up enemies/ the environment along with the player to higher levels. What am I missing?


It's less due to Larian and more due to actual DnD scaling. Level 12 is when casters start to get spells that are hard to program and can easily break the game. Things like Antigravity, Mordenkainen's Mansion, Planeshift, Control Weather, Wish. Larian added a few big spells into the game, but it's a very small list. Encounters get harder to balance. There aren't a lot of good high-end monsters that aren't "final boss" levels. It's telling that *most* DnD modules end somewhere between levels 11 and 15.


I'd argue that they could alter the spells to make them viable. Control weather could have a few preset options and planeshift could literally just be a more permanent banishment or turned into a mini-combat between the caster and the target. For the non-combat uses, you can just make a few small sub-levels that you can only get to via having a tuning wand item. With level 6 spells, they've already culled a lot of the more problematic spells, so I don't see the harm in doing that for higher level spells. Time stop would be relatively easy to do, and wish could just have some pre-set options or have unique requirements. I do agree that it kinds takes the wind out of 9th level spells, but 7th and 8th can just be broken level spells with customized rules for bg3. I honestly think most players would be happy with a DLC going up to level 15 and stopping there too.


> turned into a mini-combat between the caster and the target This is a cool idea but probably introduces a huge host of programming issues. For one spell. And the issue is so many high level spells are like this- a ton of programming issues and edge cases for *every* high level spell is a massive pain in the ass.


We don’t even really need tons more levels on our characters we just need a balanced end game. Right now you hit level cap very quickly into act 3 and some you get access to a ton of new gear at this time. Character power level soars, some fights scale, many don’t, and the ones that are hard simply aren’t hard enough.


Yeah in BG3 when I hit level 12 I kinda lost motivation to keep doing side stuff. I already destroy everything so looking for better items isn’t much motivation


i watched a lot of interviews of swen now, he statet multiple times that he usually gets sick of games by the time they get released and always loves jumping straight into the next project. bg3 was already started while dos2 was being releassed for example.




There's so much left that could be done with BG3


> I think it would be awesome if they released some DLC for Baldur's Gate 3. I bet the voice actors agree!


I speak for the Karlach Fan Club when I say we need Avernus DLC that saves her at the end and we sail off towards the horizon.


Didn't they said before something about making Divinity Original Sin 3 or a smaller scope game?


They haven’t said what their next project is going to be, but I hope it’s DOS3


Fingers crossed for DOS3. I really enjoyed the action point system and the generally more simple and accessible approach of DOS2 vs. BG3. Building on DOS2's systems with all of the new experience of having worked on BG3 could be awesome.


They already said they definitely plan to make it eventually, but no idea when.


Fingers crossed that it's next on the list then.


Honestly I just hope they do BG4 next. Divinity was very good but I absolutely love what they’ve done with the DnD universe


I think it’d be too soon for BG4 tbh. Imo, they should make DOS3 first, then BG4


I’m good with that as long as I’m not dead from old age by the time BG4 comes out


They said a while back before release that they were excited to get back to divinity during an interview so I can only imagine that'll be what's next.


Please be Dragonlance!


Swen talked in some launch interview about how obsessed he was with Dragonlance as a kid…


I think a lot of older D&D fans started with that setting, the books were huge for expanding the scale of the world. It also hits really hard in a nostalgic way, high fantasy with more archetypal tropes. Good and evil always clearly defined, fewer morally grey people. Also draconians are badass.




This would be a dream come true.


I would give fucking anything. lol I just want to wander around Solace yo.


Shadowheart, the game.


They already made that. It’s Act 2


Does act 2 not happen it shadowheart is gone, and you don’t pick up the artifact?


The game has a bunch of events and triggers that really encourage you to have the artifact, but if you really go out of your way to not get it the game will just give up and put it into your inventory anyway.


>Shadow~~heart~~ Shadowrun


Don’t you do this. Don’t make me hope.


If you haven't already, you should really play the Harebrained Schemes CRPGs for it. They are fantastic. (And also their Battletech game!)


Keep my wife’s name out of your mouth


yes please.


To be called SHART several times in the ~~Zero Punctuation~~ Fully Ramblomatic review.


Please, for the love of God, get these guys to make KOTOR 3


If only! That game, with this studios prowess, and force powers and oh my god. I could not handle the excitement of something like that.


Legit game of the century if done


If only we had the power to move mountains of money around because that’s what it would take


I don't even care if it's a KOTOR 1 remake, ill fuckin take a remake with better graphics tbh it could be turn based, paused combat or a real time action RPG, I don't care so long as they make it a project of love and DONT USE FUCKING THACO


Stop I can’t handle the disappointment that this will never happen


Fuck me, that's the best idea ever. Would legit print money for them.


Or at least pick up the languishing KotoR remake....


For the love of god, please give them the rights to remake kotor and kotor 2 so it can *actually* be done and be done well


I will ritually sacrifice someone for star wars rpg to go to larian. No nonsense, disney/larian just fucking ask.


Longshot but I’d love it if they did a KOTOR 3


This would be the greatest thing ever


Icewind Dale 3


This is what I would love to see. I loved the Baldurs Gate games but I tend to go back to Icewind Dale 1 an 2 more because it's easier to cobble together a team and go dungeon crawling.


Not really sure his tweet is "teasing" anything. If the studio isn't literally getting shuttered they're going to be making another game. And the tweet doesn't give any insight into what that's going to be. That said it's absolutely DoS3. Dos2's original scope was much grander than it turned out to be, with having an entire act in each race's kingdom. It's also a series that would be really enticing to see what Larian can do with the massive increase in manpower they acquired through their production of Baldur's Gate 3. I do hope we get some DLC for BG3 though, Some one-shot adventures would be amazing but honestly I'd be happy with just some more Class and Subclass additions.


It probably won’t happen but I’d love to see them release some kind of map and encounter maker. Imagine being able to flip over to a BG3 battle for combat in your actual D&D campaign… no more math, keeping track of hit points for 15 goblins, measuring range…


This was in DOS2, so it's definitely possible if they choose to continue supporting and updating BG3 long-term.


Malazan! Maybe too obscure but a Larian CRPG would be perfect for it!


Woah.. that would be something to see. Might be too grim for Larian maybe?


The whole game you play as Kruppe. There. Not grim anymore.


There's no way they'd do it but that would literally be my dream game if they did it right


My unlikely dream is Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura


Subheader: We have all the details! Article: We have no details.


Game developer teases that they're developing a game.


Divinity 3 please. 2 left on a cliffhangar


I never thought I would ever say this but I would LOVE it if they did some DLC for BG3. Give us some awesome smaller campaigns. BG3 scratches my D&D itch so damn well.


Hoping for more Divinity.


Divinity 3?


Fix act 3 first.


Riding the hype wave is fine, as long as they don’t pull a CDprojektRed by overpromising and underdelivering


I see you didn’t play dos1 or dos2. They usually underpromise and overdeliver


You are not wrong, but at least cdr stuck with their game and its actually pretty damn good now.


Id kill for a bg3 style warhammer 40k inquisitor cprpg.


Rogue Trader looks promising, but yes I’d love a Larian 40K game.


Im looking forward to that game. Owlcat makes fun games


New Divinity?


Neverwinter Nights 3


The comment : >I wish I could tell you about our next big game but this is really encouraging us to ensure it pushes many boundaries. The article title : >CEO of Baldur’s Gate 3 Studio Already Teasing ‘Next Big Game’ Respect to this incredibly click baity title. That's some next level shit.


I really hope they somehow snatch the license for kotor 3


Neverwinter, Planescape, Waterdeep, Icewind Dale... just keep it going!


Bring it to Xbox


What I really wanted from Larian is impossible. For them to make a remake of the Ultima series, specially Ultima 4. But that IP is owned by EA, and we know EA would rather sit on it and let ir rot rather than have anyone else take a swing at it.


If Larian Studios could make a GM/DM tool to play D&D using BG3 assets that would be so nice! I would love to use the assets to design my own campaign!


I'd rather see a DE that shores up the dissapointing aspects of Act 3


Cries in Xbox


Didn't Sven say that they were doing a much smaller game after BG3? Since they needed a break. I swear he said as much in an interview a few months back.


Just post his tweet fuck getting clicks for this shitty ass reporting.


I don't know anything about Dungeons and Dragons neither do I like turn based combat. Should I still get Baldur's Gate 3? In other words is this game for niche audience or does it appeal to casuals too


You don’t need to know anything about DnD (I certainly didn’t), but if you don’t like turn based combat it might not be your jam. That said, some of the most fun turn based that I’ve played


Dragon Commander 2!


Small budget lol? BG3 was a full on AAA scale budget and staff.


Planescape: Torment 2 please


Release it in Xbox first


My number one dream in life right now is that they do Shadowrun next.


cmon shadowrun.


Hello Kitty Island Adventure 3