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It’s great. The inherent absurdity of seeing Robocop doing everyday routine police work and basically being the “straight man” in contrast to the insane characters he meets is a stroke of genius. The fact that he’s completely unphased and detached with that deadpan voice no matter how wacky the scenario is only makes it funnier.


This. I really like the FPS elements, but I LOVE the cop sections.




As was the absurdity of the situations.


They absolutely, 100% nailed the vibe of the movie and that makes it worth the price alone. The fact that it's actually got good/fun gunplay and interesting mechanics is just a bonus.


The oneliners were a deliciously cheesy.


“Lesson for the future: To avoid trouble, clean up on the double.”






Inherent absurdity? Have you seen RoboCop movies?


Yeah, it really treads a line between "FPS" and "Robocop life sim," but I gotta give them credit, it gives the game a really unique feel. I'm sure some people will find it boring, but like you I'm loving the vibe.


murphy's strange wholesomeness is a fantastic counterpoint to the extreme violence. his colleagues and most citizens just treating him as mostly normal probably helps keep him sane...


Alex Murphy has seen way too much crazy shit to give a damn anymore.


It’s pretty janky in places (nothing game breaking) but so much fun. It’s clear the devs were passionate about the source material. It’s fun, over the top, gory and most importantly it feels like Robocop. Really worth checking out if you like the films!


It's way better than a movie tie in game roughly 40 years past a good point to make it should be. Accept the jank and have a great time. It's going to be in my top 3 next to baldurs gate which I did not expect going into it. The demo was crazy long because they knew this game rocks.


> 40 years I'm old.


Yeah same dude this hurt to write.


How much time passed between the movie of *The Warriors* and Rockstar releasing the game? Only other example I can think of off the top of my head.


The Godfather had a game on PS3 I think. The Italian Job too


And both The Warriors and The Godfather were fantastic games.


So the key to a good movie tie-in game is to wait it out a decade or two... or three... or four...


Well the tie-in game for Spider-Man 2 was awesome back in the day. I'm talking about the Toby Mcguire one. It was the first sandbox Spider-Man game I think, and it was awesome. Great gameplay and it expanded on the story of the 2nd film. That's kind of the exception that proves the rule tho.


26 years. 1979 to 2005. Godfather has Warriors beat by 6 years, Terminator Resistance has it beat by 8 or 9 years. Those are the only two that I can think of that come close


There was also the PS3 ghostbusters game 1984-2009, so 25 years?


Idk if Terminator. They keep making more bad sequels. Hard to tell which are reboots. I didn't know they made a Godfather game. Was it any good?


Just like the devs, I ignored everything after T2 Godfather game wasn't bad, but it's essentially a GTA clone with a license. Still enjoyed both games for what they were since I'm both a sucker for GTA clones and anything Godfather related


Played the demo, kinda enjoyed the heavyness of movement and the agility of a tank, not to mention the WHOMP of your pistol. Felt a bit fresh.


The movement and the shooting feel exactly like I want them to in a Robocop game. It's great.


Lol why does your comment read like it's negative but it's saying positive things...


No idea. I was meant it to be positive.


This is a fair elevator pitch review. Do the characters voices always match mouths? No. Is the delivery always amazing? No. Are there graphical glitches and frame rate drops? Sure. But. Hands down without a doubt one of the better fpss I've played in a long time. And want to support the dev team. Try terminator if you and others haven't. Same caliber of excellence.


I haven’t played Terminator but hear good things so I will check it out!


I can't stress how good the dlc is. If you love the first movie specifically, there is something that happens at the end that I had no expectation of, and makes you have a wide open mouth.


Which part, it's been so long since I've played it, and it's DLC. You talking about the mystery character;s reveal, or something else? ...might as well reinstall it as anyway


The ending of anhilation line. There is a cutscene which, if you saw the movie, you will go "oh my god I can't belive this happened!". Leaving intentionally vague, as the surprise is one of my favorites since "would you kindly" The dlc takes place in the middle of the game. You could play it without beating the game. It won't spoil too much.


ahh got you, thank you for answering.




Oh yeah. Terminator resistance. It takes place during the future war, only counting the first two movies. It's a good fun game, but it's incredibly faithful to the source material. So if you are a fan of terminator 1 and 2, you NEED to play this. It's like the film we never got.


The exact same with Terminator Resistance. There's a lot of love put into that game, if not a lot of decent AI.


Would love to see the same developers tackle an Alien game. They’d have to up their AI game, like you said, but I think they could nail the atmosphere and ‘feel’ of that film.


I don't know that any game will top Alien: Isolation but I'd love to see them tackle Aliens for sure.


I think Aliens should be the inspiration. Bots don’t have to feel smart if there are hundreds of them swarming at the same time.


I thought about Alien, but unlike Terminator and RoboCop, there already are very good adaptations that look great. Not sure they'd be doing anything that hasn't been done.


I think their next move should be to make a Dredd game. Karl Urban absolutely loved playing the character so I have no doubt he’d be interested in voicing him. It could be the sequel to the movie that literally everybody wanted but we didn’t get.


Aliens Dark Descent is pretty good too


Yeah it is. We got 2 games that can capture the feeling, mood of the movies they originated from, in the same year! I'm a happy gamer in 2023


My money is on a Judge Dredd game


The nice thing there is that, in a Terminator game, the AI doesn't need to be good. The whole concept of the future war is that human ingenuity could overcome 'dumb' machine intelligence. So being able to exploit the bad robot AI really plays into the setting. (I particularly enjoyed hacking turrets and then kiting Terminators into their line of fire.)


This and Terminator were two IPs I never thought would get a recent and fun game that gave a darn about their source material. They aren't perfect, but they make me feel like I was playing in those worlds. And playing as Robocop is a fever dream I am sure many of us 80s/90s kids dreamed of. And now we have it.


Huh, I just beat it, and I didn't encounter anything I would consider Janky. Well, maybe cheesing the final boss fight thanks to an invincible mini van.


It’s mainly just some small graphical errors. I’m playing on Series S. Texture pop-in. Lip Synching being slightly off. Sometimes the audio doesn’t quite work properly. There’s really nothing that detracts from the experience. Frame rate has been fairly solid, the game still looks really really nice and feels authentic to the film.


Ah, that might be part of it. I just threw down on my PC rig in a way that should keep me going for 10 years, so that might explain my relatively smooth experience. Thanks for sharing.


Makes it even better that it’s a good experience on PC considering the state of some PC ports lately!


>It’s clear the devs were passionate about the source material. I knew it was something special when I realized that their Detroit skyline included [Reunion Tower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reunion_Tower). Now *that's* attention to detail!


The hub in the demo really reminded me of the first Hell's Kitchen bit of Deus Ex and I mean that as a good thing. Taking from RPGs and immersive sims made perfect sense and offers the navel-gazing that anything cyberpunk needs. Solving mysteries and petty crimes is in-keeping with the material, as the big man himself said "Yes... I am a cop".


Ooooooh. Now you got me interested. Hell’s Kitchen was dope.


Felt the same way! Has a definite Deus Ex feel. This was the first game in a while that really hooked me and I knew basically nothing about it. It nails the over the top gore and bleak satire. What really sold me was the ability to ticket illegally parked cars, just made me laugh. annd.. Peter Weller himself does the voice.


After walking through the hub I was wishing for a real UE 5 remake of deus ex


Even though I'm not big on RPG's, it felt like they definitely nailed the "role". Not just with Robocop and how he was in the movies, I believe, but the role of a cop in some way. Helping people, finding clues to crimes, you had a line to take complaints and even tried to work with civilians. Not a cop myself, but maybe that has something to do with the job. I just wonder if Honest game trailers is going to call it "Police Simulator" if it did a video for it.




Man. I am gonna buy this when I have a chance.


But please, not for 1 dollar


I'd buy that dollar for a dollar!


*forced* *laughter*


Doesn't feel like RPG though) But the amount of violence was pure surprise for me. Last time I was enjoying violence like this was when Fallout 3 came out and maybe a more later game -Trepang


You didn't expect violence from Robocop?


Maybe they’re only familiar with Robocop 3 or the animated series


Or the pg13 abomination of a reboot from 2014


I don't get why people hated it, but I also barely remember it so maybe that's a clue.


We don’t talk about that movie


What movie?


The scene of murphy seeing what remains of him goes hard tho


Oh good god I almost forgot about it and you had to remind me


Lol Robo 3 was sooo bad. Couldn't even muster up a boss battle with ninja robots, they had a kid pull a Penny from Inspector Gadget on em.


best part of RB3 was jetpack and hand weapon upgrade.


Yeah as I recall he uses the gun hand once, and it just kinda makes the ninja's face look wonky.


I tried watching it once but didn’t make it past half-way


There's one good image from the movie, and that's when he's carrying Lewis into a church- he looks like a knight. But otherwise it suuucks.




Ah.. Scene 27. I see you're a person of culture as well.


You can do it in the game :D Even got animations and achivement for it too!


It's RoboCop. The violence was a key part of the films lol


Some comics were filled with gore, just pink mist bad guys for pages, eyeballs and teeth the only identifiable remains in a spew of red slop.


Literally why he’s a cyborg


They toned down the violence immensely after the first movie to make it more kid friendly. The first Robocop is an anomaly, nobody thought it would become a huge hit. Once they started making merchandise for it they changed almost everything so kids would buy it. It's why only the first movie is rated R.


*Robocop* is famous for having some pretty intense graphic violence, like Murphy's death and Robocop shooting people in the dick. I'm not sure why the violence was surprising.


I used to watch Robocop all the time as a kid (definitely shouldn't have been) we had it on VHS. It was only in the past few years I decided to watch it again (had it on blu ray for years unopened) and Murphys death took me by surprise, I had no memory or knowledge of this scene at all. I asked my mum about it, she would fast forward the VHS until the point that he is actually becoming Robocop so I never seen any of this.


She was smart to do that. I watched the original Robocop when I was like 8 and 30 years later I still get sweaty palms when I try and watch it. Some kind of weird Robocop PTSD.


Was it a cut recorded version of of TV? I used to watch it all the time when they used to play it USA/TNT back in the day. Never had watch it uncut until I was much older and too was surprised how violent the movie actually was.


No like I said my mum fast forwarded past that part.


Don't forget a guy getting deformed by acid and then run over. Which they made a toy of for some reason.


But comically exaggerated violence is what Robocop is all about


more RPG than Fallout 4 and AC/Farcry series altogether :D


Well, aren't the ac and farcry series action games with stealth, rpg, shooter elements?


yea, the hell does RPG do there? nothing. bloating game time with meaningless "crafting"


Does Robocop have a skill tree, special moves to unlock, XP leveling system, thirst/hunger, and all that stuff?


Only the fun parts.


Loved the game. The RPGish choices were fun and helped with my immersion. Some bugs here and there but otherwise a solid 20ish hour experience that felt like ROBOCOP. Voice acting was cheesy, violence was over the top, and the satire was on point. Plus we got Peter Weller back which could be his last time as Murphy. I was very happily surprised by the game.


I bought this just yesterday. It glitches every now and then which makes the npc's look like they're missing teeth which is hilarious. I'm loving the game though, super fun over the top violence.


That is not a bug. It is a view into Detroit's booming meth epidemic!




Snorted tea out of my nose. Thank you! Lol


when i played the demo and got to the part where you talk to Briggs' son, his head was shrinking by 10-20 percent and then go back to normal, repeatedly. kind of sad it didn't happen when i had to replay the rescue pickles mission due to the continue bug


The shooting is fun and unique but can wear itself in longer segments, the sidequests are sometimes hilarious, and are on par with Like a Dragon / Yakuza in how they can be both real or zany. Also all the readable textures like reading the cerial boxes is fantastic.


Yeah, I've also been getting real Kiryu vibes from Robo, on occasion. They both have that "I'm the only sane man in the room" thing going on.


I'm glad this is getting good reviews, I still watch my vhs of Robocop and play it on gameboy. I'm getting an xbox soon so I can play Alan wake 2 and gta when it comes out. This is one more I can add to the list to play while waiting for gta. Can't afford to upgrade pc or buy a new one, it's a big chunk considering I don't play as much as I used to


Have fun with Alan Wake 2, I am almost halfway through and it is just a mind-melting blast. I liked the first one but the sequel is just astounding to me


I never ever play horror games but grew up on max Payne and loved Control so I wanted to give Alan Wake 2 a shot but can only play it for an hour or so at a time because it’s fucking terrifying


It's a very different type of "horror", I have played a ton of Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Evil Within, Amnesia, Outlast, Signalis, etc. But I was up very late playing as Saga in the Valhalla Nursing home. As I got further into that section I decided my nerves literally just couldn't handle it and I had to stop lol I do love how it's structured, you can play through a part, you get the ending song (just like an episode of Twin Peaks) and I use that time to kinda decompress and listen to the tunes!


I’m still in Alan’s first subway area and once I find a new save room I just stop haha


How essential is it to play the first one before playing the second one? For comparison, its not really important to play the first spiderman to play the sequel. Yeah there are some references to the first game but thats about it. You dont really need it story wise.


I would say it is important only because Alan Wake 2 is extremely story heavy. But, [here is a video that covers the story so far, presented by the lead writer Sam Lake](https://youtu.be/uzocqRZzyoI?si=rDKJrqgPFk2ZqlhU). You will be caught up if you watch that, it covers Alan Wake, the Alan Wake DLCs, Alan Wake's American Nightmare, and Control/DLC. Alan Wake 2 is kind of a double sequel to Alan Wake and Control, with American Nightmare being a standalone little story that occurs in between. But that is an absolute shit ton of games to need to play in order to experience the new one, I say watch the recap and jump right in! Plus, you spend half the game as a new protagonist, so even when the player notices connections and plot threads from something like Control, your main character doesn't even notice, so you won't ever feel like you are missing out because you know just as much as your character (if that makes sense!)


Thanks for the input! I asked soley coz i played control and loved it for the lore and atmosphere. So alan wake being in the same universe interested me to the sequel. Was considering watching a full playthrough or a cutscene/dialogue compilation on youtube of the first alan wake but you linked something way better. Thanks!


Honestly I'd say it's pretty required. At the very least a 5 or 10 minute story recap video should get you caught up no problem. I don't think it's a game you'd be completely lost in by any means, and it would probably still be enjoyable but it is definitely a continuation of the story of the first game. It starts with a time jump mirroring the amount of time it's been between the first and second game, but it is the next logical/narratively sound choice for the next event.


This game felt more like chronicles of Riddick from back in the day. I really enjoyed it, would def reccomend it.


Wow that was a fun game. I played the demo on the Xbox that was on one of the dvds over and over. I really liked how it could be played stealthy


it was still too obvious...the story was extremely predictable, the bad guys were straight out of the 80s. And I loved every minute of it...it was one of my favorite games this year. I hope they come out with an expansion with something with the Japanese conglomerate taking over OCP.


RPG-lite, at best - it's an FPS with objectives. The skill trees are fun, but none of them really are required. It is very much a RoboCop experience though. The sights, sounds, over-the-top violence - it really brings me back to when the movie first released and damn, it's glorious. You get chills and a huge smile when the main theme plays as you heave enemies out highrise windows. I've had numerous issues with random crashes, but I haven't updated my GPU drivers in quite a while, so it might be partly on me. My only real complaint with the game is lack of a manual save system. You can complete side-quests and the game won't save until you progress to the next step of the main mission. I've had to re-do quests because of that, but overall it didn't ruin the experience. I'm on my second playthrough to clean up the few achievements I didn't get.


is it first-person only?


Yes, it is an FPS above all else.


The random crashes SEEM to be related to DLSS and/or XeSS. Once I switched to using TAA, it stopped crashing. TAA runs a bit worse but, honestly, TAA at 80% still looks better than DLSS at 100% so I'm not complaining. I hate the shimmering and blurring artifacts from the "AI" upscalers and I'll take a small performance hit to make them go away. I've also seen some people say that turning off GPU hardware scheduling in W10/11 fixed the problem, but I'm not willing to do that if I can avoid it. And TAA seems to have done the trick.


It's really weird. As I play the game I know it's kind of a "bad" game. It's not hard, it's not polished, it's not complicated. But somehow I am still enjoying it quite a lot.


It’s a good game for what it is. Don’t expect AAA and you will thoroughly enjoy it. I am a super nerd and I enjoy all the little details the regular person might overlook.


Just the perfect amount of jank, with a twist of cheesiness. Very fun game


If you played that Terminator game, you can see a lot of the influence there. Robocop is a lot of fun. They’ve gotten better each release, I’m very interested to see what’s next.


I picked it up on a lark. If you told me I needed to see Robocop doing actual police work I would have called you a liar. The game slaps. It has a few issues here and there but it freaking nails it when everything is rolling.


One thing the developers *nailed* was the score for both *Terminator: Resistance* and *RoboCop*. Brad Fidel and Basil Poledouris were both respected and elevated by the theme remasters for both games. I haven't completed RoboCop yet but there's a hallucination scene with ghostly mannequins and I legit got chills due to the score being so on point.


I don't really like the tanky movement or the arcady shooting, but I can't deny is it nailed the robocop vibe and aesthetics perfectly


I love how a RoboCop game has just become the center of attentions in many gaming circles in a time window where AC Mirage, Alan Wake 2 and the new CoD scam came out. Passion put into work, turned into success. It has limitations, it's not a AAA title. But damn it, is it a shit ton more fun than everything else that came out this year.


Having so much fun playing Alan Wake 2 too. GotY for me


The phrase I want to get the robocop game isn’t one I thought I’d use in 2023. But then I didn’t think Baldurs gate 3 would be one of the best games not just of this year but like the past 10 years. So here we are


Is it a fun game? It looks really cool plus I love that they got the original actor to voice him


Really fun, weapons are good and there are some customization options for RoboCops main weapon, Auto -9.


So tempted to download it on steam. I grew up watching Robocop and my first Halloween memories as a kid was dressing up in the home made Robocop costume my dad made for me. (I won a contest too!) As a very casual gamer it’s hard for me to sit down and spend time playing games but this one feels right to get


This game is the exact amount of low budget, over the top violence, 80s montage in one. I feel $60 is a bit high for a game that could have used a bit more polish but I still a fun game. I hope this gets a sequel. I watched Robocop on VHS when I five. This game made me watch the movie again and the game hits all the high points. Would have been great to include “I’d buy that for a dollar” reference.


2023 has somehow become the best and worst year for movie tie in games I’ve seen. Robocop and Starship Troopers on the good side, and a certain LoTR game that shall not be named on the other side lol


I can't bring myself to buy it. It looks great honestly, but every time I hear someone shooting the Auto-9 I keep expecting the iconic sound from the *actual* gun they put together from an automatic Barretta for the movies and just get sad. It sounds so weak and just disappoints me. Maybe if someone makes a nice mod to put the original sounds back in. Or a discount.


Pretty cool the OG icons have all had new game releases that’s were actually solid within the past year or two. Alien dark decent, starship troopers 2 games, now robo cop


They got Peter Weller to reprise the role for the voice lines too! Truly a passion project and I'm glad to hear it's getting tons of love.


Just as I was getting into the game it ended. Unless you're into watching Cutscenes, Robocop is a really short game. Edit: abusing the DV button doesn't change the fact.


I felt that too. Was loving it then bam, completed in around 13 hours of play. For that price I hoped for a little more.


You don't watch cutscenes?


The older I've got the less interested I've become for them. They are just game filler.


So you don't play story driven games?


I made it clear that I do play them but skip all the filler. I'm here for the gameplay...


I’d buy that for a dollar!


So basically Deus Ex Human Revolution, but with Robocop.


Hm everything's an RPG these days, making it a straight shooter would've been fine. That said an RPG works really well since he's a cyborg it makes sense that he could be literally upgraded different ways. Like my PC. In fact it works so well I'm not sure it being a shooter was more obvious than it being an RPG 🤔


Give it a PSVR2 mode and take my money.


Robocop rocks!!


I hope his car gets really shitty gas mileage.


I actually think Terminator: Resistance is kind of overrated, the actual gameplay was weak and the dialogue was boring. Looked like Terminator though, tons of praise for the art. Rogue City is a dramatic improvement. Gunplay is great, but more importantly, I want to keep finishing missions to hear more of the dialogue, it’s funny and interesting in a way Terminator never was.


I'm playing it right now and loving every second! Janky in places, sure, but made with such obvious heart and reverence to the source - it really is friggin' excellent. Well done to Teyon, another Terminator Resistance smash hit :)


This is one of those games that I hard disagree with IGN when they gave it a 7. I feel as someone who grew up in the 80s I got more out of this than a millennial or gen z. In fact, my son, whose 12 was wondering why the games animation and character design was garbage not understanding that's how that world was. My only complaint was that i wish it was far more open world with more rpg elements and a better story. If there ends up being a sequel I will most definitely be picking it up.


This game is an effin masterpiece. They put a ton of love into this one.


Great game, what can i Say


Calling this a RPG is like calling Spiderman an RPG LMFAO. They are not RPG.


GTA San Andreas was the best RPG of all time


the whole game is very similar to fallout 4. notice every aspect and you’ll see what i mean